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The text discusses the nature and significance of apostolic exhortations, specifically in the context of Pope Francis's exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium. It explains that such documents are not intended to teach new doctrine but to apply existing Church teachings to contemporary issues. The text emphasizes the pastoral authority of apostolic exhortations and the intention behind their creation, often following meetings of the Synod of Bishops. Key themes include the Church's stance on the value of human life, the importance of evangelization, and Pope Francis's personal involvement in the writing of this document.
A field experiment was carried out during the period from November 2015 to May 2016 at Horticultural farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh to investigate the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of chilli. The two factorial experiments were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Four levels of nitrogen N 0 : 0 kg N ha-1 , N 1 : 100 kg N ha-1 , N 2 : 120 kg N ha-1 , N 3 : 140 kg N ha-1 and three levels of phosphorous P 0 : 0 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 , P 1 : 30 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 , P 2 : 45 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 and P 3 : 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 were used in this experiment. Growth and yield contributing parameters significantly influenced by different doses of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. The dose of N 2 gave the highest plant height (cm) and most of the growth parameters increased with increasing nitrogen levels up to N 3. The dose of P 2 gave the highest plant height (cm) and most of the growth parameters increased with increasing phosphorus levels up to P 3 .The treatment combinationN 3 and P 3 gave the highest plant canopy(33.25 cm), fruit diameter (0.95 cm), fruit pedicel (2.87 cm), fruit length (5.60 cm), yield of fruits plant-1 (235.00 g), average fruit yield plot-1 (3.39 kg), individual fruit weight (2.52 g) and average fruit yield (12.32 tha-1). Based on the present results, it can be suggested that the combined use of 140 kg N ha-1 with 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 increased plant growth and fruit yield of chilli.
Journal of Air Transport Management, 2020
Aircraft ground handling is an essential part of an air operation and determines its punctuality and safety. Ground support equipment vehicles (GSE) are used in most of the handling tasks. This puts certain requirements on the candidates for ground handling agents, especially on their psychophysical features. This study aimed at determining a professional profile of the candidate, defining expectations and requirements for the future employee and developing a quantitative method of assessing suitability for work as a GSE operator. Since some features characterizing the employee are not measurable, and the relations between features are imprecise and often subjective, fuzzy models based on linguistic variables were used to build the assessment method. A computer implementation of the fuzzy inference system was used for the assessment of exemplary candidates for the position of fuel tanker operator. The obtained results show that the applied approach makes it possible to easily compare the candidates' suitability for work at this position. The simulation experiments also showed that the method allows for the creation of individualized training programs based on partial assessments of individual traits of candidates.
Stephanie Jamison's English translation of the Rigveda is claimed to be the best translation to date. But a closer examination reveals at least one major deliberate and motivated mistranslation calculated to sabotage the historical analysis of the Rigveda.
Conhecer: debate entre o público e o privado, 2020
Debate entre o público e o privado Lorem ipsum Populismo e ciências sociais brasileiras: desafios teóricos e metodológicos 1 1 O presente artigo elabora uma palestra ministrada pelo autor sobre o tema "O populismo nas ciências sociais brasileiras", junto com o ICS de Lisboa, com apoio Capes-Funcap, numero do processo 8881.165965/2018-01
Wer durfte mitreden, wenn es um Religion ging? Wer durfte erklären, was wahren von falschem Glauben unterscheidet und wer entschied, wie Glaube gelebt bzw. praktiziert wurde? Sehr schnell und möglichst pauschal könnte man mit einem Wort antworten: „Männer“! Mit Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin oder jeden beliebigen Papst der letzten 2000 Jahre im Hinterkopf hätte man schnell die zentralen Akteure religiöser Diskurse der Vergangenheit ausgemacht. Die Forschung der letzten Jahre hat allerdings ein viel differenzierteres Akteur*innenfeld herausgearbeitet, innerhalb dessen Diskurshoheit immer wieder ausgehandelt wurde und das auf vielschichtige Konstruktionen von Geschlecht und sozialer, religiöser oder intellektueller Zugehörigkeit hinweist. Das Seminar wird unterschiedliche Entwürfe von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit religiös kontextualisieren und sich auch mit der Frage beschäftigen, wie mit Phänomenen umgegangen wurde, die sich cis- oder binären Kategorisierungsversuchen entzogen. Ferner untersuchen wir geschlechtlich bedingte Teilhabe/Ausschluss an/aus verschiedenen religiösen Diskursen, Institutionen, Praktiken und fragen nach der Agency der involvierten Akteur*innen. Die Summerschool besteht aus mehreren Masterclasses, die ausgewiesene Forscher*innen in dem Feld leiten werden, und beinhaltet zudem eine Sequenz, welche die Möglichkeit bietet, Masterarbeiten oder Doktorarbeiten zum Themenkomplex Gender und Religion in der Frühen Neuzeit vorzustellen.
Al Adab Journal, 2024
The shift in the critical perspective splits an episteme in two. A line of demarcation identical to the paradigm shift separates the new epistemes in a way that the critical insight should differ drastically on both sides of the line. Michel Foucault sorts these historical epistemes as Renaissance and Classical epistemes, then he included the Modern episteme as a latter historical era, and the line of distinction between one episteme and another is the critical insight that the involved mentality adopts. When it comes to the source of the influence of human behavior, the change in perspective in the consideration of the source of the influence is clarified in the comparison between the pre-Freudian versus the post-Freudian understandings of human beings. It means that with the consideration of two major depressions, the pre-Freudian thought believed that the driving forces of human beings are external. Whereas the post-Freudian understanding reconsidered the influence on human behavior as ramifications of the subconsciousness that eventually affect the consciousness of human beings. This paper examines Philip Ridley"s Mercury Fur (2005) in terms of the Russian Formalist"s defamiliarization aspects. The deployment of such techniques implicates the advancement of the dystopian irregularities on the stage over the regularly implied didactic methodologies. The use of the Foucauldian epistemes distinguishes the deployed defamiliarizing aspects as identified with a difference from the de Sassurean sign analogy. The paper concludes with the defamiliarized elements as the focal points of the plays that adopt Thanatos as their methodology.
Revista Colombiana de Sociología, 2017
Cultura de masas, ornamentación y cine. Una crítica de Siegfried Kracauer a la modernidad1 * Mass culture, ornamentation and film. A Siegfried Kracauer's critique to modernity Cultura de massa, ornamentaçao e cinema.
Materials Research, 2010
This work aims to characterize the phases, thickness, hardness and hardness profiles of the nitride layers formed on the CA-6NM martensitic stainless steel which was plasma nitrided in gas mixtures containing different nitrogen amounts. Nitriding was performed at 500 °C temperature, and 532 Pa (4 Torr) pressure, for gas mixtures of 5% N 2 + 95% H 2 , 10% N 2 + 90% H 2 , and 20% N 2 + 80% H 2 , and 2 hours nitriding time. A 6 hours nitriding time condition for gas mixture of 5% N 2 + 95% H 2 was also studied. Nitrided samples results were compared with non-nitrided condition. Thickness and microstructure of the nitrided layers were characterized by optical microscopy (OM), using Villela and Nital etchants, and the phases were identified by X-ray diffraction. Hardness profiles and hardness measured on surface steel were determined using Vickers hardness and nanoindentation tester, respectively. It was verified that nitrided layer produced in CA-6NM martensitc stainless steel is constituted of compound layer, being that formation of the diffusion zone was not observed for the studied conditions. The higher the nitrogen amounts in gas mixture the higher is the thickness of the nitrided layer and the probability to form different nitride phases, in the case γ'-Fe 4 N, ε-Fe 2-3 N and CrN phases. Intrinsic hardness of the nitrided layers produced in the CA-6NM stainless steel is about 12-14 GPa (~1200-1400 HV).
Industrial Health, 2012
AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe
in Mille passi nella storia: Lagosanto 1013-2013. Studi in onore di Paola Ricci, «Atti e memorie» della Deputazione Provinciale Ferrarese di Storia Patria, serie IV, XXII (2014), pp. 19-42
Наран толгойгоос шинээр илрүүлсэн руни бичгийн дурсгал, 2024
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2007
European Archives of Medical Research
International Journal of Morphology, 2020
Materials Science Forum, 2013
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 2016
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2019
Atlantic Pub, 2009