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Tristram Engelhardt's bioethics for moral strangers takes its starting point from his diagnosis of the failure of the Enlightenment project. L. B. McCullough, in "A Critical Appraisal of Engelhardt on the 'Enlightenment Project,'" attempts to undermine Engelhardt's project by refuting that starting point and offering an alternative narrative.1 McCullough identifies two distinct Enlightenment projects and argues that only one of them-the only one that Engelhard considers-fails, whereas the second offers a promising path toward a transcultural account of morality. Engelhardt's narrative in Foundations of Bioethics does lack sufficient complexity, but McCullough's criticism and alternative fail to prove finally convincing, in part because he does not satisfactorily justify his interpretation of Engelhardt and in part because he and Engelhardt, in Foundations, make similar faulty assumptions about Enlightenment distinctives.
Con el descubrimiento y uso constante del microscopio, los biólogos reconocieron la existencia de dos tipos celulares: los procariontes y los eucariontes. La característica que se tomó en cuenta para darles nombre fue la presencia o ausencia de núcleo. Los eucariontes (del griego eu, verdadero y karyon, núcleo) tienen su material genético encerrado en una envoltura o doble capa de fosfolípidos, mientras los procariontes (pro, antes) lo tienen en el citoplasma. El nombre sugiere que los proca-riontes son los organismos más antiguos en el planeta. Células eucariotes Los eucariontes pertenecen al dominio Eukarya. En este dominio se incluyen, como se ha mencionado, los reinos de los protis-tas, hongos, plantas y animales. Es decir, las células de estos grupos tienen el ADN confinado por una doble membrana biológi-ca llamada envoltura nuclear. Además, la célula eucarionte tiene en general varios compartimientos en donde se localizan diversas funciones. Ejemplos de estos compartimientos son organelos como el núcleo, la mitocondria, el cloroplasto, el retículo endoplásmico, el aparato de Golgi, los lisosomas y los peroxisomas. También presentan otros componentes muy organizados como el citoesqueleto. Asimismo, la célula eucarionte en general se divide por medio de mitosis, un proceso diferente al de la bipartición de procariontes. Aunque no tiene plásmido como las bacterias, sí presenta ADN fuera del núcleo, en las mitocon-drias y en los cloproplastos. Este ADN, sin embargo, tiene características similares a las del ADN de los procariontes. El origen de los eucariontes ha sido uno de los temas biológicos más discutidos. Se parte de la idea de que los primitivos eucariontes debieron ser células simples que carecían de mitocondrias y cloroplastos, similar a algunos de los eucariontes tempranamente divergentes (" primitivos ") actuales, como el parásito unicelular causante de diarrea en niños, Giardia, o la especie que afecta a la vagina, Trichomonas vaginalis. Sin embargo, mientras para algunos investigadores es tos organismos constituyen reliquias de células primitivas que nunca sufrieron procesos de endosimbiosis, para otros, se trata de eucariontes que tuvieron mitocondrias pero, por alguna razón, las perdieron en el transcurso de su evolución. La hipótesis más aceptada sobre el origen de los eucariontes propone que, por lo menos en lo referente a mitocondrias y cloroplastos, éstos son el resultado de la fusión de varias líneas de bacterias y posiblemente también de arqueas. Un tipo bacteriano aerobio habría ingresado en el interior de un eucarionte primitivo que quizá ya tenía un núcleo y un sistema primitivo de endomembranas formados por la invaginación de la membrana plasmática. Las bacterias aerobias establecidas de forma permanente en el interior de los eucariontes primitivos probablemente les propor-cionaban energía en abundancia a cambio de alojamiento y alimento asegurado. Con el tiempo, estos procariontes perdieron su individualidad al transferir parte de su genoma al genoma de la célula hospedera y, paulatinamente, se convirtieron en mitocondrias. De la misma manera, un grupo de procariontes fotosintetizadores confirieron la nueva e importante cualidad de aprovechar la energía solar y usar como fuente de carbono una sustancia inorgánica. Se supone que estos procariontes fotoautótrofos fueron los ancestros de los cloroplastos, organelos fotosintetizadores de las algas unicelulares y de las plantas. Es importante subra
Feudalism in india; how Harbon Mukhia is condemned in the history Even though hot dialogues are going on about Indian feudalism, starting from pre –Mauryan period till 1200 A.D, some scholars talk in favour of the existence of Indian model of feudalism while some others question the term used to describe a socioeconomic formation existed between 750 A.D-1200 A.D. In western part of European feudalism emerged based on self-sufficient economy. In the period of between 5 th century A.D-15 th century A.D and dominant class of landlords who extracted surplus and also used to forced labour. European based feudalism means " a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations among the warriors nobility, revolving around the three key concepts of Lords, Vassals, Fiefs ". Marxian concept of Asiatic mode of production based on unchanging world of un stratified community land owing village societies and it was contested by D.D Kosambi in 1950s. A debate of Indian feudalism begun with protracted Marxist debate on Asiatic mode of production. In 1940s Datta, Dange transported European mode of feudalism on to Indian soil with variant of feudalism. After that a new type of empirical works emerged after 1950s, when feudal polity was to be a stage which represented a structural change in the Indian social and economic order. It was characterised by hierarchy of intermediaries between the state and peasantry. It was specialty of this structural change. D.D Kosambi developed conceptual definition of feudalism in 1956 and he spoke about 'feudalism from above' after 4 A.D. The state was granting land and therefore he used that term. The system of granting land reached its peak point during post Gupta period and emerged a class of landlords and he used the term 'feudalism from below'. A great historian Nirhanjan Roy, in his work 'Banghir Ithihas', enumerated that a new structure developed in the region of Bengal. It was a hierarchical political order like Samanta, Mahasamanta, Laghusamanta. In India, earlier form of feudalism started from the system of granting land to Buddhist Monks. On the basis of empirical evidence it is traced to 1 st century B.C. But the time of pre-Mauryan and Mauryan period the power of military and judicial affairs did not granted to beneficiaries. It was only because of land revenue. And also there was a system prevailing in ancient history is that, granting land to temples and to Buddhist temples. These granting lands to these section of community is recognised and evaluated as a custom sanctified by the injunction laid down in the Dhrmashasthra purana and it clearly enumerated in Anushashana Dharma (Mahabaratha) and also this custom came to know as 'Bhumidhanaprasamsa'. The evidence of earlier Pali texts of pre-Mauryan period and customs of granting whole villages to Brahmans by the rulers of Kusala and Maghada and the system was called in early medieval period as 'Brahmadeyya'. If we look at these all customs, we can understand that the inspiration which they got from old Vedic purana and texts during pre-Mauryan and Mauryan period. And also epigraphic records of Sathavahana inscription shows light to the existence of granting villages as a gift in 1 century B.C and it termed as Aswamedha sacrifice. But one thing is clear that they were not granted some more rights over taxation and judicial affairs over the residents of granted villages. Thus sovereignty of the state was preserved for a long time. In ancient period of India it was believed that the king as the Bhumidah (giver of land) and it helped a lot to expansion of granting land as he wishes. The administrative rights were perhaps given up for the first time in the grants made to Buddhist monks by the Sathavahana rulers (Gauthamiputhra Sathavahani) in second century A.D and also they granted fully protection from intervention of government officials and also from police activities. The granting lands gave beneficiaries rights over judicial matters and fiscal rights over the people of donated village, which causes to enforced labour and eviction, widespread subjection. And this subjection was a characteristic feature of the early medieval Indian society structure. In 5 A.D frequent and developed certain features called political decentralization. It was the result of this system and the system of granting land become similar to merchant also during 6 A.D. gradually these granting system enlarged and which included whole village along with low land, fertile lands, water reservoirs, trees and bushes, pathway and large amount of pastures after 7 th century A.D with granting some administrative powers in the hands of landlords. After some more years it was ordered to obey and live as the commands of landlords through charter of states. The great historian and critic R.S Sharma brought these all developments into a framework and which includes First phase of development-350 to 750. Secondary phase of development-750 to 1000.
Asia today is one of the most dynamic regions of the world. The previously predominant image of 'timeless peasants' has given way to the image of fast-paced business people, mass consumerism and high-rise urban conglomerations. Yet much discourse remains entrenched in the polarities of 'East vs. West', 'Tradition vs. Change'. This series hopes to provide a forum for anthropological studies which break with such polarities. It will publish titles dealing with cosmopolitanism, cultural identity, representations, arts and performance. The complexities of urban Asia, its elites, its political rituals, and its families will also be explored.
Reseña de "Los Alemanes" de Sergio del Molino
El Día de Muertos es una celebración mexicana que honra a los ancestros durante el 2 de noviembre, coincidiendo con la celebración católica del Día de los Fieles Difuntos. Aunque se ve primariamente como una festividad mexicana, también se celebra en muchas comunidades de los Estados Unidos donde existe una gran población México-americana, y en una menor medida también se celebra en algunas partes de Latinoamérica.
2008 Curso de Postgrado de Actualización Simulación dinámica Conceptos básicos de la simulación digital de sistemas continuos Distinguir un algoritmo de integración explícito de uno implícito Distinguir un algoritmo de integración de paso fijo de uno de paso variable Reconocer un sistema "stiff" y su problemática en tiempo de simulación Sistemas DAEs implícitas. Reconocer un lazo algebraico y como tratarlo Modelado de eventos en un programa de simulación continua. Aunque la naturaleza de los modelos matemáticos puede ser muy variada las ecuaciones que forman el modelo se pueden catalogar:
Clozapine and Schizophrenia: Impact on Reducing Psychotic Symptoms and Preventing Suicides (Atena Editora), 2024
INTRODUCTION The treatment of schizophrenia has significantly evolved over the decades, with clozapine emerging as an effective antipsychotic for refractory patients. The prevalence of suicide among patients with schizophrenia is high, and clozapine is the only antipsychotic proven to significantly reduce this rate. The efficacy of clozapine, along with the challenges associated with its use, such as agranulocytosis and the need for rigorous monitoring, are discussed. OBJECTIVES To evaluate the efficacy of clozapine in reducing psychotic symptoms and preventing suicides in patients with schizophrenia. METHODS This is a narrative review. PubMed, SciELO, and Medline databases were used with the following descriptors: "Clozapine" AND "Schizophrenia" OR "Antisuicidal effect" OR "Antipsychotics" OR "Hematological monitoring" in recent years. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Recent studies confirm the superiority of clozapine in reducing psychotic symptoms and preventing suicides compared to other atypical antipsychotics. Clozapine modulates neurotransmitters and has neuroprotective effects contributing to its efficacy. However, treatment with clozapine is associated with significant side effects, including agranulocytosis and metabolic complications that require constant monitoring. The quality of life of patients on clozapine treatment is generally superior despite adherence challenges and the costs associated with monitoring. CONCLUSION Clozapine represents a crucial advance in the treatment of schizophrenia, particularly for refractory patients and those at high risk of suicide. Although it comes with significant challenges, such as the need for rigorous monitoring and the management of adverse effects, its benefits in reducing hospitalizations, improving social functionality, and preventing suicides justify its use. Multidisciplinary approaches and continuous research are essential to maximize the efficacy and safety of clozapine.
Applied Sciences
Makalah filsafat ilmu manusia, ilmu pengetahuan dan alam
Muslim Women and Science: The Search for the “Missing” Actors, 2016
A research on copyright issues impacting artists emotional states in the framework of artificial intelligence, 2024
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2008
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011
Psychopharmacologia, 1973
Pediatric Research, 2010
Journal- South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Journal of Student-Run Clinics, 2021