High-Performance Cloud Computing: A View of Scientific Applications
Christian Vecchiola1, Suraj Pandey1, and Rajkumar Buyya1,2
Cloud computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
The University of Melbourne, Australia
{csve, spandey, raj}@csse.unimelb.edu.au
Manjrasoft Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia
Abstract— Scientific computing often requires the availability
of a massive number of computers for performing large scale
experiments. Traditionally, these needs have been addressed
by using high-performance computing solutions and installed
facilities such as clusters and super computers, which are
difficult to setup, maintain, and operate. Cloud computing
provides scientists with a completely new model of utilizing the
computing infrastructure. Compute resources, storage
resources, as well as applications, can be dynamically
provisioned (and integrated within the existing infrastructure)
on a pay per use basis. These resources can be released when
they are no more needed. Such services are often offered
within the context of a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which
ensure the desired Quality of Service (QoS). Aneka, an
enterprise Cloud computing solution, harnesses the power of
compute resources by relying on private and public Clouds
and delivers to users the desired QoS. Its flexible and service
based infrastructure supports multiple programming
paradigms that make Aneka address a variety of different
scenarios: from finance applications to computational science.
As examples of scientific computing in the Cloud, we present a
preliminary case study on using Aneka for the classification of
gene expression data and the execution of fMRI brain imaging
Keywords: Scientific computing, computational science,
Cloud computing, high-performance computing.
Scientific computing involves the construction of
mathematical models and numerical solution techniques to
solve scientific, social scientific and engineering problems.
These models often require a huge number of computing
resources to perform large scale experiments or to cut down
the computational complexity into a reasonable time frame.
These needs have been initially addressed with dedicated
high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures such as
clusters or with a pool of networked machines in the same
department, managed by some “CPU cycle scavenger”
software such as Condor [1]. With the advent of Grid
computing [2] new opportunities became available to
scientists: in a complete analogy with the power Grid [3], the
computing Grid could offer on demand the horse power
required to perform large experiments, by relying on a
network of machines, potentially extended all over the world.
Computing Grids introduced new capabilities such as
dynamic discovery of services, the ability of relying on a
larger number of resources belonging to different
administrative domains and of finding the best set of
machines meeting the requirements of applications. The use
of Grids for scientific computing [4] has become so
successful that many international projects led to the
establishment of world-wide infrastructures available for
computational science. The Open Science Grid [5],
originally conceived for facilitating data analysis for the
Large Hadron Collider, actually hosts 25000 machines and
provides support for data intensive research for different
disciplines such as biology, chemistry, particle physics, and
geographic information systems. Enabling Grid for ESciencE (EGEE) [6] is an initiative funded by the European
Commission that connects more than 91 institutions in
Europe, Asia, and United States of America, to construct the
largest multi-science computing Grid infrastructure of the
world. TeraGRID [7] is an NSF funded project that provides
scientists with a large computing infrastructure built on top
of resources at nine resource provider partner sites. It is used
by 4000 users at over 200 universities that advance research
in molecular bioscience, ocean science, earth science,
mathematics, neuroscience, design and manufacturing, and
other disciplines. These are only the most representative
examples of scientific Grid computing.
Even though the widespread use of Grid technologies in
scientific computing is demonstrated by the huge amount of
projects served by the aforementioned computing Grids,
some issues still make the access to this technology not as
easy as depicted. Some issues are bureaucratic: being these
Grids shared worldwide, research groups have to submit a
proposal describing the type of research they want to carry
out. This approach leads to a competitive use of scientific
Grids, and minor research projects could not get access to
them. Other issues are technical and more important: in most
of the cases scientific Grids feature a pre-packaged
environment in which applications will be executed,
sometimes specific tools and APIs have to be used and there
could be limitations on the hosting operating systems or on
the services offered by the runtime environment. Even
though Grid computing fosters the dynamic discovery of
services and a wide variety of runtime environments for
applications, in practice a limited set of options is available
for scientists, and sometimes they could not be elastic
enough to cover their needs. A practical example, involves
the use of specific software that could not be available in the
runtime environment were applications are executed. In
general, applications that run on scientific Grids are
implemented as bag of tasks applications, workflows, and
MPI (Message Passing Interface) [8] parallel processes.
Some scientific experiments could not fit into these models
and have to be reorganized or redesigned to make use of
scientific Grids. Whereas the bureaucratic issues can be a
minor problem, the technical ones could constitute a
fundamental obstacle for scientific computing. In this sense,
the approach based on virtualized technologies proposed by
the PlanetLab [9] could be of great help. PlanetLab is an
open platform for developing, deploying, and accessing
planetary-scale services. Users are given a slice that is virtual
machine access on a set of nodes in the PlanetLab
infrastructure. Hence, a slice can be fully customizable for
the specific use. At present, PlanetLab is mostly used as a
testbed for computer networking and distributed system
research and it is only accessible to the infrastructure is
granted only to persons affiliated with corporations and
universities that host PlanetLab node. This makes its use for
computational science quite limited.
Cloud computing [10][11], the current emerging trend in
delivering IT services, can address many of the
aforementioned problems. By means of virtualization
technologies, Cloud computing offers to end users a variety
of services covering the entire computing stack, from the
hardware to the application level, by charging them on a pay
per use basis. Another important feature, from which
scientists can benefit, is the ability to scale up and down the
computing infrastructure according to the application
requirements and the budget of users. By using Cloud based
technologies scientists can have easy access to large
distributed infrastructures and completely customize their
execution environment, thus providing the perfect setup for
their experiments. Moreover, by renting the infrastructure on
a pay per use basis, they can have immediate access to
required resources without any capacity planning and they
are free to release them when resources are no longer
needed. Cloud computing provides a flexible mechanism for
delivering IT services at each level of the computing stack:
from the hardware level to the application level. Hardware
appliances and applications are provisioned by means of
hardware virtualization and software-as-a-service solutions,
respectively. This makes the spectrum of options available to
scientists wide enough to cover any specific need for their
The interest towards Cloud computing solutions is rapid
growing. As a result, they have already been adopted in
different scenarios such as social networking, business
applications, and content delivery networks. At present, the
use of Cloud computing in computational science is still
limited, but the first steps towards this goal have been
already done. This year the Department of Energy (DOE)
National Laboratories started exploring the use of cloud
services for scientific computing. On April 2009, Yahoo Inc.
announced that it has extended its partnership with the major
top universities in United States of America to advance
Cloud computing research and applications to computational
science and engineering. One of the first cloud-based
infrastructures for computational science, Science Cloud
[12], has been already deployed by the joint efforts of the
University of Chicago, the University of Illinois, Purdue
University, and Masaryk University. From a research point
of view, initial studies have been conducted on the feasibility
of using computing clouds for scientific computing. Some
studies investigated the benefit of using Cloud computing
technologies by analyzing the performances of HPC
scientific applications [13] or the cost of performing
scientific experiments [14] on the Amazon Cloud
Different solutions are available to move from the
traditional science Grids and embrace the Cloud computing
paradigm. Some vendors, such as Amazon Web Services and
VMWare base their offering on hardware level virtualization
and provide bare compute and storage resources on demand.
Google AppEngine and Microsoft Azure are more focused
on application level virtualization by enforcing a specific
application model that leverage their large infrastructure and
scale up and down on demand. Other solutions provide end
users with a platform for developing Cloud computing
applications that can rely on, or compose, some of the
existing solutions thus providing a better Quality of Service
to the end user. Aneka [15] is a Cloud computing platform
for developing applications that can scale on demand by
harnessing the CPU cycles of virtual resources, desktop PCs,
and clusters. Its support for multiple programming models
provides scientists with different options for expressing the
logic of their applications: bag of tasks, distributed threads,
dataflow, or MapReduce [16]. Its service oriented
architecture provides users with an extremely customizable
infrastructure that can meet the desired Quality of Service for
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: first, we
provide an overview of Cloud computing by defining the
reference model and the key elements of this paradigm.
Then, we will introduce Aneka and provide a detailed
discussion of its features by highlighting how it can support
computational science. As case studies, we will present the
classification of gene expression data and the execution of
scientific workflows on the Amazon EC2 public cloud. Final
thoughts and key observations about the future directions of
Cloud computing, as a valid support for scientific
computing, are discussed at the end.
The term Cloud computing encompasses many aspects
that range from the experience that end users have with the
new opportunities offered by this technology to the
implementation of systems that actually make these
opportunities a reality. In this section, we will provide a
characterization of what Cloud computing is, introduce a
reference model for Cloud computing, and identify the key
services that this new technology offers.
A. Cloud Definition
Although, the term Cloud computing is too broad to be
captured into a single definition it is possible to identify
some key elements that characterize this trend. Armbrust et
al. [10] observe that “Cloud computing refers to both the
applications delivered as services over the Internet and the
hardware and system software in the datacenters that
provide those services”. They then identify the Cloud with
both the hardware and the software components of a
datacenter. A more structured definition is given by Buyya
et al. [17] who define a Cloud as a “type of parallel and
distributed system consisting of a collection of
interconnected and virtualized computers that are
dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more
unified computing resources based on service-level
agreement”. One of the key features characterizing Cloud
computing is the ability of delivering both infrastructure and
software as services. More precisely, it is a technology
aiming to deliver on demand IT resources on a pay per use
basis. Previous trends were limited to a specific class of
users, or specific kinds of IT resources. Cloud computing
aims to be global: it provides the aforementioned services to
the mass, ranging from the end user that hosts its personal
documents on the Internet, to enterprises outsourcing their
entire IT infrastructure to external datacenters.
B. Cloud Computing Reference Model
Figure 1 gives an overview of the scenario envisioned by
Cloud computing. It provides a layered view of the IT
infrastructure, services, and applications that compose the
Cloud computing stack. It is possible to distinguish four
different layers that progressively shift the point of view
from the system to the end user.
The lowest level of the stack is characterized by the
physical resources on top of which the infrastructure is
deployed. These resources can be of different nature:
clusters, datacenters, and spare desktop machines.
Infrastructures supporting commercial Cloud deployments
are more likely to be constituted by datacenters hosting
hundreds or thousands of machines, while private Clouds
can provide a more heterogeneous environment, in which
even the idle CPU cycles of spare desktop machines are
used to leverage the compute workload. This level provides
the “horse power” of the Cloud.
Cloud applications
Social computing, Enterprise, ISV, Scientific, CDNs, ...
QoS Negotiation, Admission Control, Pricing, SLA Management,
Monitoring, Execution Management, Metering, Accounting, Billing
Virtual Machine (VM), VM Management and Deployment
Software as a Service
Programming API
Scripting & Programming
Web 2.0 Interface
Financial Applications
c Comp
Apps Hosting Platforms
Adaptive Management
Cloud programming: environments and tools
Web 2.0 Interfaces, Mashups, Concurrent and Distributed
Programming, Workflows, Libraries, Scripting
Google Apps (Gmail, Docs,…)
Autonomic / Cloud Economy
C. Cloud Computing Services Offering
The wide variety of services exposed by the Cloud
computing stack can be classified and organized into three
major offerings that are available to end users, scientific
institutions, and enterprises. These are: Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software
as a Service (SaaS). Figure 2 provides such categorization.
User level
The physical infrastructure is managed by the core
middleware layer whose objectives are to provide an
appropriate runtime environment for applications and to
exploit the physical resources at best. In order to provide
advanced services, such as application isolation, quality of
service, and sandboxing, the core middleware can rely on
virtualization technologies. Among the different solutions
for virtualization, hardware level virtualization and
programming language level virtualization are the most
popular. Hardware level virtualization guarantees complete
isolation of applications and a fine partitioning of the
physical resources, such as memory and CPU, by means of
virtual machines. Programming level virtualization provides
sandboxing and managed execution for applications
developed with a specific technology or programming
language (i.e. Java, .NET, and Python). On top of this, the
core middleware provides a wide set of services that assist
service providers in delivering a professional and
commercial service to end users. These services include:
negotiation of the quality of service, admission control,
execution management and monitoring, accounting, and
billing. Together with the physical infrastructure, the core
middleware represents the platform on top of which the
applications are deployed in the Cloud. It is very rare to
have direct user level access to this layer. More commonly,
the services delivered by the core middleware are accessed
through a user level middleware. This provides
environments and tools simplifying the development and the
deployment of applications in the Cloud. They are: web 2.0
interfaces, command line tools, libraries, and programming
languages. The user-level middleware constitutes the access
point of applications to the Cloud.
Google AppEngine
Platform as a Service
Microsoft Azure
Manjrasoft Aneka
Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud resources
Private Cloud
VM Management & Deployment
System level
Amazon S3, EC2
Public Cloud
OpenNebula, Eucalyptus
Figure 1. Cloud computing layered architecture.
Data Centers
Figure 2. Cloud computing offerings by services.
Infrastructure as a Service or Hardware as a Service
(HaaS) are terms that refer to the practice of delivering IT
infrastructure based on virtual or physical resources as a
commodity to customers. These resources meet the end user
requirements in terms of memory, CPU type and power,
storage, and, in most of the cases, operating system. Users
are billed on a pay per use basis and have to set up their
system on top of these resources that are hosted and
managed in datacenters owned by the vendor. Amazon is
one of the major players in providing IaaS solutions.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides a large
computing infrastructure and a service based on hardware
virtualization. By using Amazon Web Services, users can
create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and save them as
templates from which multiple instances can be run. It is
possible to run either Windows or Linux virtual machines
and the user is charged per hour for each of the instances
running. Amazon also provides storage services with the
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), users can use
Amazon S3 to host large amount of data accessible from
Platform as a Service solutions provide an application or
development platform in which users can create their own
application that will run on the Cloud. PaaS
implementations provide users with an application
framework and a set of API that can be used by developers
to program or compose applications for the Cloud. In some
cases, PaaS solutions are generally delivered as an
integrated system offering both a development platform and
an IT infrastructure on top of which applications will be
executed. The two major players adopting this strategy are
Google and Microsoft.
Google AppEngine is a platform for developing scalable
web applications that will be run on top of server
infrastructure of Google. It provides a set of APIs and an
application model that allow developers to take advantage
of additional services provided by Google such as Mail,
Datastore, Memcache, and others. By following the
provided application model, developers can create
applications in Java, Python, and JRuby. These applications
will be run within a sandbox and AppEngine will take care
of automatically scaling when needed. Google provides a
Service Type
Support for (value offer)
Value Added Provider
User access Interface
Amazon EC2
Web APIs and
Command Line Tools
OS on Xen Hypervisor
free but limited service while utilizes daily and per minute
quotas to meter and price applications requiring a
professional service. Azure is the solution provided by
Microsoft for developing scalable applications for the
Cloud. It is a cloud service operating system that serves as
the development, run-time, and control environment for the
Azure Services Platform. By using the Microsoft Azure
SDK, developers can create services that leverage the .NET
Framework. These services have to be uploaded through the
Microsoft Azure portal in order to be executed on top of
Windows Azure. Additional services, such as workflow
execution and management, web services orchestration, and
access to SQL data stores, are provided to build enterprise
Aneka [15], commercialized by Manjrasoft, is a pure
PaaS implementation and provides end users and developers
with a platform for developing distributed applications for
the Cloud by using the .NET technology. The core value of
Aneka is a service oriented runtime environment – the
Aneka container – that is deployed on both physical and
virtual infrastructures and allows the execution of
applications developed by means of different programming
models. Aneka provides a Software Development Kit
(SDK) helping developers to create cloud applications on
any language supported by the .NET runtime and a set of
tools for setting up and deploying clouds on Windows and
Linux based systems. Being a pure PaaS solution, Aneka
does not provide an IT hardware infrastructure to build
computing Clouds, but system administrator can easily set
up Aneka Clouds by deploying the Aneka containers on
clusters, datacenters, simple desktop PCs, or even bundled
within Amazon Machine Images.
Software as a Service solutions are at the top end of the
Cloud computing stack and they provide end users with an
integrated service comprising hardware, development
platforms, and applications. Users are not allowed to
customize the service but get access to a specific application
hosted in the Cloud. Examples of the SaaS implementations
are the services provided by Google for office automation,
such as Google Document and Google Calendar, which are
delivered for free to the Internet users and charged for
professional quality services.
Google AppEngine
IaaS – PaaS
Compute(web applications)
Web APIs and Command Line
Application Container
Microsoft Azure
IaaS – PaaS
Manjrasoft Aneka
Azure Web Portal
Web APIs, Custom GUI
Service Container
Platform (OS & runtime)
Linux, Windows
.NET on Windows
Deployment Model
If PaaS, ability to deploy
on 3rd party IaaS
Customizable VM
Web apps (Python, Java, JRuby)
Azure Services
Service Container
.NET/Mono on Windows, Linux,
Applications (C#, C++, VB, ….)
Originally Aneka began as a third generation enterprise Grid initiative
[28] in 2006 and its goals were in line with what is promised by the Cloud
computing paradigm. It then rapidly emerged as a PaaS for Clouds.
Applications: Development & Management
Management Kit
Management Studio
Software Development Kit
Admin Portal
Web Services: SLA & Management
Middleware: Container
Execution Services
Task Model
Thread Model
MapReduce Model
Foundation services
Resource Reservation
Aneka 1 is a software platform and a framework for
developing distributed applications on the Cloud. It
harnesses the computing resources of a heterogeneous
network of desktop PCs and servers or datacenters on
demand. Aneka provides developers with a rich set of APIs
for transparently exploiting such resources and expressing
the logic of applications by using a variety of programming
abstractions. System administrators can leverage a collection
of tools to monitor and control the deployed infrastructure.
This can be a public cloud available to anyone through the
Internet, or a private cloud constituted by a set of nodes with
restricted access within an enterprise.
The flexible and service-oriented design of Aneka and its
fully customizable architecture make Aneka Clouds able to
support different scenarios. Aneka Clouds can provide the
pure compute power required by legacy financial
applications, can be a reference model for teaching
distributed computing, or can constitute a more complex
network of components able to support the needs of large
scale scientific experiments. This is also accomplished by the
variety of application programming patterns supported
through an extensible set of programming models. These
define the logic and the abstractions available to developers
for expressing their distributed applications. As an example,
in order to run scientific experiments it is possible to rely on
a classic bag of tasks model, or to implement the application
as a collection of interacting threads or MPI processes, a set
of interrelated tasks defining a workflow, or a collection of
MapReduce tasks. If the available options do not meet the
requirements, it is possible to seamlessly extend the system
with new programming abstractions.
Aneka Clouds can be built on top of different physical
infrastructures and integrated with other Cloud computing
solutions such as Amazon EC2 in order to extend on demand
their capabilities. In this particular scenario, Aneka acts as a
middleman mitigating the access to public clouds from user
applications. It operates as an application service provider
that, by using fine and sophisticated pricing policies,
maximizes the utilization of the rented virtual resources and
shares the costs among users. Of a particular importance are
then, the accounting and pricing services and how they
operate when Aneka integrates public clouds.
Figure 3 gives an architectural overview of Aneka. In
order to develop cloud computing applications developers
are provided with a framework that is composed by a
software development kit for programming applications, a
management kit for monitoring and managing Aneka Clouds
and a configurable service based container that constitute the
building blocks of Aneka Clouds. In this section we will
mostly focus on three key features: the architecture of Aneka
clouds, the application model, and the services available for
integrating Aneka with public clouds.
Examples of commercial solutions are Salesforce.com and
Clarizen.com, which respectively provide on line CRM and
project management services.
Table I gives a feature comparison of some of the most
representative players in delivering IaaS/PaaS solution for
Cloud computing. In the rest of the paper we will mostly
concentrate on Aneka and how it can be used to support
scientific computing in the Cloud.
Fabric services
Hardware Profiling
Dynamic Resource Provisioning
Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL)
ECMA 334-335: .NET or Mono / Windows & Linux & Mac
Physical Resources
Virtualized Resources
Private Cloud (LAN)
Figure 3. Aneka architecture.
A. Aneka Clouds
The Aneka cloud is a collection of software daemons –
called containers – that can be hosted on either physical or
virtual resources and that are connected through a network
such as the Internet or a private intranet. The Aneka
container is the building block of the entire system and
exposes a collection of services that customize the runtime
environment available for applications.
It provides the basic management features for a single
node and leverages the hosted services to perform all the
other operations. We can identify fabric and foundation
services. Fabric services directly interact with the node
through the Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) and perform
hardware profiling and dynamic resource provisioning.
Foundation services identify the core system of the Aneka
infrastructure; they provide a set of basic features on top of
which each of the Aneka containers can be specialized to
perform a specific set of tasks. One of the key features of
Aneka is the ability to provide multiple ways of expressing
distributed applications by offering different programming
models; execution services are mostly concerned with
providing the middleware with an implementation for these
models. Additional services such as persistence and security
are transversal to the entire stack of services that are hosted
by the container.
The network of containers can be the result of different
deployment scenarios: it can represent a private cloud
completely composed by physical machines (desktop PCs
and clusters) within the same administrative domain such as
an enterprise or a university department. On the other hand, a
totally virtual infrastructure is possible and the entire Aneka
Cloud can be hosted on a public cloud such as Amazon EC2
or a private datacenter managed by Eucalyptus [18]. Hybrid
systems are also allowed and they are the most frequent
ones. In this case, the local infrastructure is extended with
additional virtual resources as depicted in Figure 4.
private enterprise
Private Cloud
publicly available resources
(physical and virtual)
Client Libraries
(virtual resources)
Public Cloud
Figure 4. Aneka deplyoment on hybrid clouds.
Aneka Clouds can scale on demand and provision
additional nodes or release some of them when they are no
longer needed. These nodes can either be virtual or physical
resources. Physical nodes can be released by the network by
simply shutting down the container hosted in the node, while
in the case of the virtual resources it is also necessary to
terminate the virtual machine hosting the container. This
process can be performed manually or by the scheduler as a
result of the elastic and autonomic management of the status
of the Cloud. Except for the provisioning policy, there is no
difference between containers hosted within a virtual
machine or a physical resource since all the hardware related
tasks are encapsulated in the Platform Abstraction Layer
(PAL). As described in Figure 3, the provisioning module
belongs to the Fabric Services and exposes its services to the
other components that operate indifferently.
A set of services are always deployed within Aneka
Clouds. Apart from the Fabric Services, the operative core of
the container is represented by the Foundation Services,
which perform the basic operations for managing the Aneka
Cloud. Among these, the Membership Services play a key
role in keeping track of all the nodes belonging to the Cloud
and providing a registry that can be used for dynamically
discovering the services available in the network or nodes
with a specific configuration or operating system. For
example, they can be used by scheduling services to locate
all the nodes that can support the execution of a given
programming model. Other components provide basic
features such as support for file transfer and resource
reservation for privileged execution.
The customization of the Aneka container takes place on
top of the Foundation Services. Even though, the Aneka
container is configurable and customizable at any layer,
Execution Services are the one that more commonly
differentiate the purpose of a node. A classic configuration,
which is depicted in Figure 4, features a deployment where
scheduling services are installed on a limited number of
nodes and the majority of the containers are configured to be
compute resources. This scenario identifies a master slave
topology and it is only one of the possible options with
Aneka, which could be suitable only for some programming
models. A hierarchical topology based on schedulers and
meta- schedulers can provide a better solution for large
infrastructures and heavy load conditions.
This brief overview provides a general idea of the design
principles that characterize the Aneka Cloud and its internal
architecture. In the following, we will describe how these
features are exploited by the Aneka application model for
providing a customized runtime environment able to support
different application programming patterns.
B. Aneka Application Model
The Aneka Application Model defines the fundamental
abstractions that constitute a distributed application hosted in
the Aneka Cloud. It identifies the requirements that every
specific implementation has to meet in order to be
seamlessly integrated into Aneka and take advantage of all
the available services hosted in the Cloud. The application
model also specifies what the general requirements for the
runtime environment that is expected to run applications that
are built on top of a specific model.
Differently from other middleware implementations
Aneka does not support single task execution, but any unit of
user code is executed within the context of a distributed
application. An application in Aneka is constituted by a
collection of execution units whose nature depends on the
specific programming model used. An application is the unit
of deployment in Aneka and configuration and security
operates at application level. Execution units constitute the
logic of the applications. The way in which units are
scheduled and executed is specific to the programming
model they belong to. By using this generic model, the
framework provides a set of services that work across all
programming models supported: storage, persistence, file
management, monitoring, accounting, and security.
In order to implement a specific programming model on
top of Aneka developers have to:
define the abstractions that will be used by software
engineers to structure the distributed application and
define its execution logic;
• provide the implementation of execution services
that are required to manage the execution of the
abstractions within the Aneka Cloud;
• implement a client component coordinating with the
execution services that manages the execution from
the client machine.
These are the components that are common to any
different implementation of the programming model. The
current release of Aneka supports four different
programming models. These are: Task Model, Thread
Model, MapReduce Model, and Parameter Sweep Model
(PSM). Others, such as the Actor Model, the MPI Model,
and Workflow are under development.
Table II, provides a feature comparison of these models
and demonstrates the flexibility of the Aneka Application
Model. For each of these models, the application type or
scenario that naturally fit in that model are briefly described.
The table provides a concise description of each model,
which is represented in terms of application, execution units,
and execution services within Aneka. It also provides a user
and a system point of view.
C. Accouting, Pricing, and Integration with Public Clouds
Aneka provides an infrastructure that allows setting up
private, public, and hybrid clouds. In a cloud environment,
especially in the case of public and hybrid clouds, it is
important to implement mechanisms for controlling
resources and pricing their usage in order to charge users and
maximize the utilization of the system while trying to
minimize the costs. Accounting and pricing are the tasks that
collectively implement a pricing mechanism for applications
in Aneka.
The accounting service is responsible of keeping track of
usage statistics of the systems and classifying them per user
and application. This information is fundamental in order to
estimate the cost that has to be charged to each user and to
determinate how the applications are responsible of the user
expenses. The current implementation of the accounting
service is able to keep track of time spent by each execution
unit of each application and to maintain the history of the
execution of each unit. These data are then used by the
selected pricing strategy to define the amount that has to be
charged by the user. For example, a simple policy could be
assigning a price to each resource and determinate the cost
generated by each application by simply doing the weighted
sum of all the execution units of the application. Other
policies can take into account the specific services used by
one application.
The role of these two components becomes even more
important when Aneka Clouds are completely deployed or
integrate with public clouds. In this case the use of virtual
public resources incurs costs that have to be taken into
account while determining the bill for users. Hybrid clouds
constitute a challenging scenario: here, virtual resources are
provisioned in order to meet the Service Level Agreement
(SLA) signed with users. In order to face this challenge,
Aneka provides an object model allowing third parties to
seamlessly integrate different scheduling algorithms that can
coordinate their activity with the resource provisioning
service. The current implementation is still at an early stage
and devises a model where the scheduler can access multiple
resource pools keeping track in real time of the cost currently
spent for each active instance. The basic strategy of the pool
is trying to reuse as much as possible the instances already
active in order to minimize the costs of the public virtual
resources. Different scheduling algorithms can be plugged
into this model; therefore, developers can provide multiple
policies for deciding when to grow or shrink the set of nodes
that constitute the Aneka Cloud.
Execution Units
Execution Services
Task Model
Independent bag of
tasks applications
A collection of independent
Task interface, execute
Task scheduling service and task
execution service.
Thread Model
A collection of threads
executed concurrently.
Any instance, any method.
Thread scheduling service and
thread execution service
MapReduce Model
Data intensive
A map and a reduce functions
and a large collection of data.
Map and Reduce Tasks
MapReduce scheduling and
execution services, MapReduce
storage service
Parameter sweeping
Task template with a collection
of parameters.
Task template instance with a
given set of parameter values
Built on top of the Task Model,
no additional requirements
A collection of interrelated
tasks composing a DAG.
Task instance
Built on top of the Task Model
with additional requirements
Message passing
A collection of MPI processes
that exchange messages.
MPI processes
MPI scheduling service, MPI
execution service
Distributed active
objects / agents
A collection of Actor instances
interacting each other via
message passing
Actor instances
Actor scheduling service, Naming
service, Actor execution service
hosting the actor theater
In this section, we will discuss two practical applications
of scientific computing in the Cloud. Both the case studies
have been implemented on top of the Amazon EC2
infrastructure. The first case study features the
classification of gene expression datasets by using an
Aneka Cloud while the second case presents the execution
of an fMRI brain imaging workflow and compares its
performance with the same experiment carried out on
traditional Grids. In both of the two cases, a cost analysis
on the usage of the Cloud is presented.
A. Classification of Gene Expression Data
Gene expression profiling is then measurement of the
activity – the expression – of thousands of genes at once,
to create a global picture of cellular function. The analysis
of profiles, which is the measurement of the activity of
genes, helps researchers to identify the relationships
between genes and diseases and how cells react to a
particular treatment. One of the most promising techniques
supporting the analysis of gene profiles is the DNA
microarray technology [19], which can be particularly
helpful in cancer prediction. One of the disadvantages of
this technique is the huge amount of data produced: the
DNA profile for each patient where thousands of genes are
organized as an array and whose state (active or not) is
indicated by specific color or a black spot in the array. For
these reasons, the classification of these profiles for cancer
diagnosis cannot be performed without the aid of
computerized techniques.
Among the different classification methods, the
CoXCS classifier [20] has demonstrated to be particularly
effective in classifying gene expression data sets. CoXCS
is a co-evolutionary learning classifier based on feature
space partitioning. It extends the XCS model [21] by
introducing a co-evolutionary approach. Figure 5 provides
a schematic example of the internal logic of CoXCS: a
collection of independent populations of classifiers are
trained by using different partitions of the feature space
within the training datasets. After a fixed number of
iterations, selected classifiers from each of the independent
populations are transferred to a different population
according to some migration strategy. The evolution
process is then repeated until a specific threshold is
Figure 5. CoXCS architecture.
The internal architecture of CoXCS, based on feature
space partitioning, not only outperforms the original XCS
in classifying gene expression datasets, but also all the
classic methods. Table III shows a performance
comparison of different classification methods when
applied to two sample gene expression datasets. As it can
be noticed by the results obtained for the test phase the
accuracy of CoXCS is definitely better than the ones
achieved by other classifiers.
Random Forest
Naïve Bayes
0.92 ± 0.06
0.35 ± 0.01
0.65 ± 0.12
0.51 ± 0.01
0.85 ± 0.17
0.99 ± 0.01
0.90 ± 0.05
0.53 ± 0.04
0.98 ± 0.02
0.60 ± 0.10
0.46 ± 0.04
0.60 ± 0.09
0.35 ± 0.04
0.51 ± 0.07
0.70 ± 0.02
The only disadvantage of using CoXCS is the long
computation time required to evolve the classifier into a
stable form. The intrinsic parallelism of CoXCS allows for
a distributed, and faster, implementation. Cloud-CoXCS is
a Cloud-based implementation of CoXCS that leverage the
Aneka Computing cloud to distribute the evolution of the
independent populations of classifiers at each of the
iterations. In order to quickly have a working prototype of
Cloud-CoXCS, we implemented it as a strategy for the
Offspring toolkit [22]. Offspring is a software environment
allowing the rapid prototyping of strategies. These are
client-based workflows that can be executed over Aneka
and other middleware implementations.
The algorithm implemented in Cloud-CoXCS is the
same as CoXCS; therefore, we expect to have the same
accuracy and to obtain an almost linear speedup in the
execution of the training sessions. In order to validate out
assumptions, we deployed an Aneka Cloud on top of the
Amazon EC2 infrastructure and performed some
preliminary tests. These experiments allowed us to
investigate the impact of the different setups on the
execution time and the performance of Cloud-CoXCS. We
performed two experiments: one varies the gene
expression datasets; the other the type of instance of
compute nodes deployed in Amazon EC2.
We did not change the parameter of CoXCS that have
been fixed to the following values: 5000 individuals for
each independent population; exploration/exploitation rate
set to 0.3; 20 partitions for all datasets; migration rate set
to 10% of the population size; 5 separate migration stages
with 100 independent iterations for the evolutions of
populations between migration stages.
Regarding the deployed infrastructure, two different
Amazon images have been used: a master image and a
slave image. The master image features an instance of the
Aneka container hosting the scheduling and file staging
services for the Task Model on a Windows Server 2003
operating system. The slave image hosts a container
configured with the execution services deployed on a Red
Hat Linux 4.1.2 (kernel: The Cloud deployed for
the experiments is composed by one master node and
multiple slave nodes that have been added to the cloud on
demand. Experiments have been done to compare different
cloud setups. Two different image types have been tested
for slave instances: m1.small and c1.medium. For the
master node we used the m1.small instance type.
EC2 Computing Units
1.7 GB
1.7 GB
Slave Instances
0.10 USD
0.20 USD
Table IV describes the characteristics of the two
different cloud setups used for the experiments. It can be
noticed that c1.medium instances are modeled as dual core
machines and provide a computational power that is
double compared to the one provided by m1.small. The
computing power is expressed in EC2 Compute Units2. In
both cases a complete parallelism at each stage is obtained
because Aneka scheduler dispatches one task per core.
Hence, c1.medium instances will receive two tasks to
process each time.
In order to validate the experiments, we used the crossvalidation technique. To support cross validation, the
BRCA dataset has been configured with two folds, while
the Prostate dataset has been divided into four folds. Table
V reports the execution times recorded for the two setups.
The experiments performed on the two different setups
show that in both of the two cases the execution times
recorded for the Prostate dataset are approximately four
times longer that the execution times recorded for the
BRCA dataset. This is quite reasonable, since the number
An EC2 Compute Unit is a virtual metric used to express the
computational power of an instance. One EC2 Compute Unit (ECU)
provides the equivalent CPU capacity of 1.0-1.2 GHz 2007 Opteron or
2007 Xeon processor.
of genes BRCA samples is four times smaller than the
number of samples in the Prostate dataset.
Another interesting aspect is the fact that execution
with the c1.medium setup requires a major amount of time
to complete. On average, about 32% more of the
corresponding runs with the m1.small setup. Since the
single CoXCS task that is executed is designed as a single
threaded process, it does not take benefit from having the
two cores. Moreover, the increase in execution time of the
entire learning process can be explained by the fact that
both tasks are competing for the shared resources such as
cache, bus, memory, and file system. Another issue that
has to be taken into account is the fact that CoXCS tasks
are executed within the runtime environment provided by
Aneka that is shared even on a dual core machine. For this
reason, some small operations at the very basic level of the
infrastructure are performed sequentially. Finally, CoXCS
tasks are compute tasks that use a considerable amount of
memory to perform the learning phase. This could create a
major number of cache misses in a multi-core setup.
More interesting are the considerations about the
budget spent for performing the experiments. Given the
large number of partitions used, the duration of the single
CoXCS task is quite limited. This allows completing the
exploration of all the folds in less than one hour, in case of
the BRCA dataset, and less than two hours in case of the
Prostate dataset. These executions, even though with
different timings, incur the same cost for both of the two
setups. If we take into account, that there is a significant
difference in the execution time (32% on average), the
granularity offered by Amazon could not be enough to
provide an efficient pricing model. The current accounting
system implemented in Aneka keeps track of the execution
of tasks by minute and it is designed to share the virtual
resources among multiple users. By letting Aneka act as a
middleman between the Cloud provider and the end-users,
a more efficient billing strategy can be implemented.
B. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Workflows
Brain imaging technologies focus on processing image
data obtained from MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
scanners. The processed images can be further analyzed by
medical personnel and scientists. In particular, Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) attempts to
determine which parts of the brain reacts in response to
some given stimulus. In order to achieve this goal, first,
the images of the brain collected from MRI scanners have
to be transformed in order to reduce anatomic variability
that naturally differentiate one subject from another one.
This process is known as special normalization or Image
Registration (IR). Once this step is completed, the images
are compared with the atlas, which is a reference image
obtained as the average of all the subjects brain images,
and as a final step, the specific fMRI analysis procedures
are carried out.
Figure 6 provides a visual representation of the
sequence of steps involved in the fMRI analysis. Of the
whole fMRI process, only the spatial normalization, which
involves a sequence of complex operations, has been
modeled as a workflow. Such workflow, described in
Figure 6, is both data and compute intensive in nature.
A typical scenario involves the use of 10 to 40 brain
images for analysis, which are repeatedly carried out over
different groups of subjects [25]. Each input image is
around 16MB in size. For 20 images, the total input to the
workflow is 640MB. The output data size of each process
in the workflow ranges from 20MB to 40MB. In case of
40 brain images, the total size of data processed exceeds
20GB. The ideal execution time for a 1-subject IR
workflow (done for estimating execution time for >1
subjects) is about 69 minutes on a single machine where
there is no time spent for transferring data. In a distributed
execution settings, where data transfer times and
management overheads are non-trivial, the total time taken
for execution increases significantly.
EC2 as a provider of computing resources and S3 for the
storage of input data. The results of the execution have
been compared with the execution of the same workflow
in Grid’5000 [27], in which each compute node in the
network served as both storage and compute resource. The
metrics used to compare the results of the two executions
is the makespan (difference between the submission time
of the first submitted task and the output arrival time of the
last exit task to be executed on the system) and execution
cost of the workflow. The execution cost in Grid’5000 is
assumed to be zero.
Figure 7. IR workflow structure.
Figure 6. fMRI analysis.
The original experiment, featuring 20 subjects has been
performed during the Second IEEE International Scalable
Computing Challenge (SCALE 2009) held at CCGrid
2009 conference in Shanghai, China. The experiment
results presented here are a part of the demonstration,
which was one of the two winners of the competition.
The system deployed to run the experiments was
completely hosted within the Amazon Cloud
infrastructure. The execution of the workflow has been
managed by the Gridbus Workflow Engine [26] that
handled the execution of tasks in the workflow depicted in
Figure 7. The experiment has been repeated with 2, 10 and
20 subjects and executed on the Amazon Cloud by using
Figure 8 compares the makespan of the workflow
when the number of subjects used is varied. We observe
that for large number of subjects, the makespan decreases
when using EC2. For 2 subjects, the change in the
makespan is not significant. This difference in makespan is
mainly due to the shortening of the data-transfer time
between the virtual nodes in EC2 as compared to the
transfer between multiple physical sites in Grid’5000. For
a large workflow (20 subjects) individual file transfer time
gets cumulated, resulting in a significant difference in total
makespan when compared to the results of Grid’5000.
Figure 9 compares the change in makespan versus the
EC2 usage cost. The data transfer and the storage cost
during execution were very minimal as the compute nodes
were part of a Cloud datacenter. As the number of
execution nodes is increased from 2 to 20 EC2 nodes, the
makespan decreases significantly from 391 minutes to 107
minutes for a workflow analyzing 20 subjects. The cost of
usage of Cloud nodes rose from $5.2 to $14.28. However,
the ratio between the cost and the number of EC2 nodes
used shows that: the total cost of computation of a large
workflow (20 subjects) using 20 EC2 nodes would be
$0.714/machine, as opposed to $2.6 when executing the
same workflow using only 2 EC2 nodes. The average cost
of usage per machine decreases as the number of resources
provisioned increases from 2 to 20. Consequently, the
overall application execution cost increased by not more
than three times with a decrease in execution time by
similar factor.
Figure 8. Makespan comparison between EC2 and Grid’5000 setups.
Figure 9. Makespan comparison between EC2 and Grid’5000 setups.
From our experiments, we conclude that large high
performance applications can benefit from on-demand
access and scalability of compute and storage resources
provided by public Clouds. Hence, the increase in cost is
subdued by the significant reduction in application
execution time by making use of abundance of Cloud
resources, which can be provisioned on demand.
The Cloud computing model introduces several
benefits for end users, enterprises, service providers, and
scientific institutions. The advantage of dynamically
scaling the IT infrastructure on a pay per use basis and
according to the real needs of applications, definitely
constitute one of the major gains brought by Cloud
computing. Moreover, by moving the IT infrastructure into
the Cloud it is not necessary: (a) to bear costs derived from
capacity planning for peak loads; (b) to statically acquire
infrastructure due to the sporadic need of large
computation power; and (c) to incur expensive
administrative and maintenance costs. These issues are
likely to be more important for enterprises and service
providers that can maximize their revenue and cut costs.
For what concerns end users, the most interesting aspect of
Cloud computing resides in taking advantage of the
multitude of applications already available and having
their personal data and documents accessible from
anywhere at anytime. On the other hand, scientific
institutions can be more interested in PaaS and IaaS
offerings that allow having complete control over the
infrastructure used for scientific research and finely
customizing their software systems according to the
specific needs of the experiments to be performed. Cloud
computing also ensures the desired Quality of Service,
which is established by means of Service Level
Agreements. This aspect can constitute an additional
value, which could make scientists prefer computing
Clouds to traditional Grids for experiments with additional
constraints. For example, different types of analysis can be
performed at different costs by optimizing the trade-off
between the budget and the expected accuracy of results.
Due to its specific nature, Cloud computing introduces
new challenges and new problems yet to be faced,
especially from a legal and a security point of view. In the
case of public clouds, systems, applications, and even
personal data are hosted into datacenters owned by third
parties. These datacenters are often placed into the more
convenient geographic location for reducing maintenance
and consumption costs. Such places could even be in a
different country where different laws on the digital
content apply. The same application can then be
considered legal or illegal according to where it is hosted.
In addition, privacy and confidentiality of data depends on
the location of its storage. For example, confidentiality of
accounts in a bank located in Switzerland may not be
guaranteed by the use of datacenter located in United
States. In order to address this issue some Cloud
computing vendors have included the geographic location
of the hosting as a parameter of the service level
agreement made with the customer. For example, Amazon
EC2 provides the concept of availability zones that
identify the location of the datacenters where applications
are hosted. Users can have access to different availability
zones and decide where to host their applications. Security
is another important issue, at the moment it is not clear
which kind of measures, apart from the standard security
tools, are taken to guarantee the privacy of data. While this
issue is more compelling for enterprises and end users,
there could be relevant implications even in the case of
scientific computing: many scientific projects are often
funded by federal bodies or directly by the government
that often puts severe restrictions in the use and the
management of sensible data.
We have discussed the potential opportunities and the
current state-of-the-art of high-performance scientific
computing on public clouds. The adoption of Cloud
computing as a technology and a paradigm for the new era
of computing has definitely become popular and appealing
within the enterprise and service providers. It has also
widely spread among end users, which more and more
host their personal data to the cloud. For what concerns
scientific computing, this trend is still at an early stage.
Science computing Grids such as Open Science Grid
and EGEE already provide a large scale infrastructure, a
set of well established methods and tools, and huge
community of users. What could make interesting the use
of computing Clouds for scientific institutions is the
possibility of having a fully customizable runtime
environment where they can carry out experiments. Other
interesting opportunities arise, in considering the different
available options in terms of Quality of Service for a given
experiment. New and interesting scenarios can be
explored, where scientists can decide the level of accuracy
of their experiment or the specific partition of data to
analyze according to the Service Level Agreement
established with the Cloud provider. At present, some
preliminary works have investigated the cost of doing
science in the Cloud, by taking the Amazon EC2 and S3
infrastructure as case study. From an operational point of
view, the first science computing cloud has been has been
already deployed as a result of the joint efforts of a
consortium of universities. The active interest of
government bodies such as the Department of Energy in
Cloud computing, will probably open pathways to the
establishment of more science Clouds. A stronger adoption
of Cloud computing for computational science will also
contribute to advance research in other functional aspects
such as security and jurisdiction. Many scientific projects
are funded by the government bodies that sometimes
impose significant restrictions on the use of data.
We also demonstrated some practical examples of
doing science in the Cloud and presented the advanced
features that Aneka provides for leveraging public and
private Clouds to scale on demand according to the
requirements of applications. Two case studies have been
presented: the classification of gene expression data by
using Aneka Cloud deployed on the Amazon EC2
infrastructure and the execution of scientific workflow on
EC2. The preliminary considerations about the
experiments performed show that the effective use of
Cloud resources is really important and a trade-offs
between cost and performance have to be carefully
evaluated. This is where a platform like Aneka comes into
picture. As a middleman, it gives access to cloud
resources; maximizes their global usage; and provides endusers with a better pricing model. More detailed studies in
this direction will definitely constitute the next step from
this work.
The authors would like to thank our colleagues
Michael Kirley and Mani Abedini for their support and
help in designing and implementing the Cloud enabled
version of CoXCS, for the classification of gene
expression data on top of the Amazon EC2 infrastructure.
They have been very helpful in sketching the overall
design of the classifier and precious in analyzing the
results. We thank Xingchen Chu, Dileban Karunamoorthy,
and Michael Mattess for their contribution to the recent
development in Aneka; James E. Dobson from Dartmouth
College, USA for providing us the fMRI application,
Willian Voorsluys and Mustafizur Rahman, for their
contribution in the development of the components of the
workflow engine. Finally we would also like to express
out gratitude to GRID’5000 project team for providing
access to their resources.
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