IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)
e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 11, Issue 3 Ser. I (May – June 2020), PP 01-06
The Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria
RoselineOluwatoyinOluitan PhD
Department of Banking & Finance, Lagos State University
Lagos-Badagry Expressway, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria
Abstract: The scarcity of resources has often made governments to search for sources to augment the available
funds for developmental purposes. This scenario necessitate the need to borrow funds with a view to promote
economic growth. This study evaluates the impact of such borrowings by government and allied institutions on
the economic development of Nigeria over 56 years (1960 – 2015). The study employs an error correction
model (ECM) to estimate the relationship. It observes that there is a positive correlation between the proxy for
domestic debt and economic development while the proxy for domestic debt service payment is negative and
significant. This suggests that domestic debt is contributing to the advancement of the economy while the
repayment has inverse relationship with economic growth. The proxy for external debt and external debt service
payment were negative though insignificant. The result calls for a significant change in the source of public debt
from external sources to domestic sources. Government should look inwards to fund budget deficit while serious
efforts should be put in place to reduce the external debt burden.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Date of Submission: 19-04-2020
Date of Acceptance: 03-05-2020
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------I. Introduction
Funding is an essential ingredient for the growth of an economy. At times this funding may not
available hence the government often results into borrowing from sources that are willing to lend so far the
criteria for borrowing is met. Economic theory suggests that reasonable level of borrowing by a developing
country is likely to enhance its economic growth (Pattillo, et al 2002). Public debt is the amount of money owed
by the government to institutions, government agencies and other bodies either resident in or outside a country
(Hassan and Akhtar 2012). It can be classified as sum of external debt and domestic debt and indicates how
much public spending is financed by borrowing instead of taxation (Chowdhury 2001). Domestic debt is the
amount of debt owed to residents of a country by the government. In Nigeria, domestic debt can be sourced
from the Central Bank of Nigeria, Deposit Money Banks and the Non-Banking public via Treasury bills,
Treasury certificates, Government Development Stock, among others. On the other hand, external debt is debt
owed to residents outside a country by the government and this can be sourced through Paris Club of Creditors,
London Club of Creditors, Multilateral Creditors, Bilateral Creditors, Private Sector Creditors and Promissory
Notes holders. Thus, public debt is one of the instruments used to cover deficits in budget. The positive effects
of public debt to countries pertain to the reality that in resource-starved economies, debt financing if done
properly contributes to higher growth and increases a country‘s capacity to service and repay external and
internal debt.
The relationship between public debt and economic growth has been carried out by various scholars in
the literatures which reveal contradicting results. Some are of the opinion that both external debt and domestic
debt influence the economic growth, while others see it from the perspective that either external debt or
domestic debt influences the economic growth. In the same token, other scholars sees it from the perspective of
duration, some says public debt influences economic growth in the short run while others are of the opinion that
public debt influences economic growth in the long run. This research therefore seeks to investigate the effect of
public debt on economic growth using Nigeria as a case study. The study covers a period from 1960 to 2015 (56
years) and usesError Correction Method to estimate the relationship.
II. Literature Review
The theory on public debt could be traced to Adam Smith who championed the classical view. He
opined that public debt will inflict unnecessary burden on the populace. They argued that everybody as long as
he does not engage in illegal activities should be free to pursue their personal interest in such a way that it
enhances performance. This view was contended by David Ricardo who asserts that public debt is a terrible way
to afflict a nation. He argues that every government expenditure may not be unproductive while shifting of debt
concept may not be true.
Subsequently, modern theorist that appeared after the great depression of the 1930‘s such as Keynes
viewed public debt as a national asset rather than a liability and that continuous deficit spending is essential to
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The Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria
the economic property of nations. They further argued that the size of debt does not matter while additional flow
of income generated by additional debt facilitates increase in payment of taxesthat is ultimately used to service
the debt. Several views thereafter followed these arguments in greater detail.
Many studies have been carried out in the literature to examine the relationship between public debts
and economic growth in the developed countries and developing countries including Nigeria. However, the
results and discussions are not settled as presented below:
Cristina and Philipp (2010) analysed the impact of high and growing government debt on economic
growth, finds evidence for a non-linear impact of public debt on per-capita GDP growth rate across twelve Euro
area countries over a long period of time starting in 1970. The analysis unveils a concave (inverted U-shape)
relationship between the public debt and economic growth rate with the debt turning point at about 90-100% of
GDP. This means that a higher public debt-to-GDP ratio is associated, on average, with lower long-term growth
rates at debt levels above the range of 90-100% of GDP. Checherita and Rother (2010) investigated the average
impact of government debt on per-capita GDP growth in twelve Euro area countries over a period of 40 years
starting from 1970. They found a non-linear impact of debt on growth with a turning point—beyond which the
government debt-to-GDP ratio has a deleterious impact on long-term growth—at about 90-100% of GDP. Their
results further suggested that the negative growth effect of high debt may start from levels of around 70-80% of
GDP, which calls for even more prudent indebtedness policies.
Reinhart and Rogoff (2010), used simple correlation statistics to estimate the relationship between
public debt and the long-term real GDP growth rate in a sample of 20 developed countries over a period
spanning about two centuries (1790 - 2009). The study finds that the relationship between government debt and
long-term growth is weak for debt/GDP ratios below a threshold of 90% of GDP, but when the ratio is above
90%, the median growth rate falls by one percent and the average by considerably more. A similar change in the
behaviour of GDP growth in relation to the debt ratio is also found by Kumar and Woo (2010).
Similarly, Qureshi and Ali (2010) empirically explored the impact of high public debt burden on the
economy of Pakistan from 1981 to 2008. The study opines a negative impact of public debt on the economy of
Pakistan over the period considered. Akram (2010) investigated the effect of debt on the economy of
Pakistanusing Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) technique. The paper suggests that public debt is
negatively related to investment hence economic growth
Hassan and Akhter (2012) analyzed the effect of public debt burden on the economic growth of
Bangladesh. The sample period was 1980-2011 and estimated the relationship with the use of Error Correction
Model (ECM). Empirical results reveal that there is no significant negative relationship between external debt
and economic growth. They also found that domestic debt has a negative impact on growth with a
weakstatistical level of significance. Saifuddin (2016) examined the relationship between public debt and
economic growth in Bangladesh. The empirical findings of the study indicate that public debt has made a
significant contribution to economic growth, as measured by GDP, not only directly but also indirectly via its
effect on investment because the public debt induces investment over time and this, in turn indirectly enhances
economic growth.
In Nigeria, Adepoju et al (2007) analyzed the effects of external debt management on sustainable
economic growth and development in Nigeria using time series data over a period from 1962 to 2006. Exploring
time to time behavior of donor agencies as an outcome of various bilateral and multilateral arrangements, they
concluded that accumulation of external debt hampered economic growth in Nigeria. Adofu and Abula (2010)
also examined the relationship between domestic debt and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1986 –
2005 and found a negative relationship between domestic debt and economic growth. Likewise, Onyeiwu
(2012) employed ordinary least squares (OLS) on error correction model to investigate the relationship between
domestic debt and economic growth during the year 1994 to 2008. The study found domestic debt stock holding
by government to be far above a healthy threshold of 35 per cent of bank deposit, thereby providing evidence of
private investment crowd out in addition to negative growth effect during the period investment. Aminu and
Anono (2012) conducted a study on external debt relationship in Nigeria and found that external debt impacted
positively on the growth of the economy within the period under review. External debt does not cause GDP, but
the flow of causation runs from GDP to external debt.
Amassoma (2011) examined the causal nexus between external debt, domestic debt and economic
growth in Nigeria between 1970 and 2009 using a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and a Vector Error Correction
(VEC) models. The findings show that whereas there was no long-run relationship between domestic debt and
economic growth external debt and economic growth showed a long-run relationship. It was evident from the
findings that there existed a bi-directional causality between internal debt and economic growth; this implied
that both internal debt and economic growth leads to one another. However, the result of the causality between
external debt and economic growth showed a unidirectional causality from economic growth to external debt
and not vice versa, this implied that it is economic growth that lead to external debt and not external debt
leading to economic growth. This result showed that external debt has not contributed to the growth of the
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The Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria
Nigerian economy rather domestic debt have contributed significantly to economic growth in Nigeria and in the
same vein, economic growth can be a very significant factor or determinant of internal debt.
Oluitan and Balogun (2013) examined the effect of foreign debt on the Nigerian economy from 1960 to
2012. The result opines that foreign debt has a negative relationship with output level of gross domestic product.
Emmanuel (2012) focused on the impact of public debt on economic growth in Nigeria. The study shows that
the impact of debt on economic growth is negative and quite significant in the long-run but become positive in
the short-run. This was attributed to incompetent debt management. Aminu et al (2013) examined the impact of
domestic debt and external debt on economic growth in Nigeria from 1970-2010 using ordinary least square
method to establish a simple relationship between the variables under study. The results revealed that external
debt possessed negative impact on the economic performance of Nigeria while domestic debt possessed positive
impact on economic growth through encouraging productivity and output level and on evolution of total factor
Okonet al (2013) investigated the relative impact or potency of both external and domestic debts on
the performance of the Nigerian economy with emphasis on which of the debt type exert more impact or
influence on the major macroeconomic variables of per capita GDP and gross domestic investment. They used
time series data from 1970 to 2011 and observes that external debt is superior to domestic debt in terms of
economic growth.External debt and not domestic debt crowd-out domestic investment in Nigeria. They
concluded that government should have recourse to domestic market-based borrowing in order to help mobilize
domestic savings and stimulate domestic investment in Nigeria.
From the foregoing, the literature is not settled on the impact of public debts on economic growth. The
nature and extent of the effect of public debts on Nigeria economic growth has not been conclusively agreed.
The presence of this lingering gap is the driving force behind this study.
The study uses historical data from 1960 to 2015 and employs econometric methodology such as
descriptive statistics, unit root testsfor stationarity of each variable and co-integration test to test for the presence
of long run relationship. Error Correction Model (ECM) is used to estimate the relationship.
The model that was tested in this study is: GDPPC = f (EDS, DDS, ESP, DSP)
The stochastic form of the model is:
GDPPC =𝛽 0 +𝛽 1EDS +𝛽 2DDS +𝛽 3ESP +𝛽 4DSP +𝜇
GDPPC represents Gross domestic product per capita; EDS represents External debt stock; DDS
representsDomestic debt stock; ESP represents External debt service payment; DSP representsDomestic debt
service payment; 𝜀 it represents Error term; 𝛽 0 represents Intercept.
The following are the a priori expectations regarding the signs of the coefficients of independent variables
including the constant. Therefore, the following are the ‗a priori‘ expectations:
β1> 0and β2> 0,
β3<0and β4< 0
III. Data Analyses and Results
Descriptive statistics was carried out and the result is presented in table 1 below
Table 1: Descriptive Analysis Results
68418.07 730.4860
96.72891 117.5715
1531.780 133.9600
9.240000 0.000000
516712.2 4890.270
1271.540 897.4800
48.51000 0.050000
0.000000 0.000000
Std. Dev.
138880.2 1210.243
255.6948 232.5645
2.249674 2.025665
3.726295 2.232985
6.739948 6.222414
16.07416 6.982788
78.44684 61.41031
519.0045 82.05883
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
3762994. 40176.73
5320.090 6466.430
Sum Sq. Dev.
1.04E+12 79093144 2.52E+08
3530512. 2920657.
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The Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria
Source: Author’s computation using E-views 9.0
The table above shows the summary of the outcome of the descriptive analysis of each variable and shows that
the variables are not normally distributed.
Results of Unit Root Test using ADF
We use the Augmented Dickey-Fuller approach and the output is shown below:
Table 2: Unit Root Test Results
ADF t-statistics
Critical value
Source: Author’s computation using E-views 9.0
Order of integration
I (1)
I (1)
I (1)
From the results of table 2, only ESP i.e. External Service Payment is stationary at level while all the
other variables are stationary at first difference. Due to this, we estimate the Johansen Cointegration test to
examine the possibility of the existence of long run relationship amongst the variables. The result is presented in
table 3 and 4 below.
Table 3: Johansen Co-integration Test using Trace Statistic
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)
No. of CE(s)
Critical Value
None *
At most 1 *
At most 2 *
At most 3 *
At most 4 *
Trace test indicates 5 cointegratingeqn(s) at the 0.05 level
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values
Source: Author’s computation using E-views 9.0
Table 4: Johansen Co-integration Test using Max-Eigen Statistic
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue)
No. of CE(s)
Critical Value
None *
At most 1 *
At most 2 *
At most 3 *
At most 4 *
Max-eigenvalue test indicates 5 cointegratingeqn(s) at the 0.05 level
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values
Source: Author’s computation using E-views 9.0
From the estimation of the trace statistics and maximum Eigen value statistics, the results suggest
existence of long run relationships among the variables for all the cointegrating equations from none to
maximum of 4. It is therefore safe to estimate the relationship which in this study will be done using the Error
Correction Method. The result is presented in table 5 below.
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The Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria
Table 5: Results of OLS estimation using ECM
Dependent Variable: D(D(LOG(GDPPC)))
Method: Least Squares
Sample (adjusted): 1963 2015
Included observations: 19 after adjustments
Std. Error
Mean dependent var
S.D. dependent var
Akaike info criterion
Schwarz criterion
Hannan-Quinn criter.
Durbin-Watson stat
Adjusted R-squared
S.E. of regression
Sum squared resid
Log likelihood
Source: Author’s computation using E-views 9.0
The result shows that only DDS has a positive relationship with GDPPC with a 0.902298 coefficient
that is significant at 5%. DSP is equally significant but has an inverse relationship with GDPPC. This finding
aligns with our a priori expectation for the study because repayment of debt will reduce available funds for
development when effected hence the inverse relationship. Both EDS and ESP have no significant relationship
with GDPPC although the coefficients have negative sign suggesting possible inverse relationship. This result
posits that only domestic debt exerts positive relationship on economic growth and aligns with the study of
Amassoma (2011) and that of Aminu et al (2013).
The ECM coefficient is -2.107168 and significant at 1%. This depicts proper specification of the
model. The Durbin Watson report is 2.049 which suggests absence of auto correlation. R2 value is 0.6792 which
means that about 67.92% of the total variation of the GDPPC values is explained by the independent variables.
This implies that the power of EDS, DDS, ESP and DSP explaining GDPPC is relatively strong while the
balance can be attributed to the factors included in the disturbance variable ut.
IV. Conclusion
Based on the aforementioned findings, the external debt stock and its service payments are insignificant
to the Nigerian economic growth (that is, a rise or fall in the Nigerian economic growth is not determined by the
external debt stock nor it service payments) and as such should not be resorted into in times of need as it will not
lead to any progress in the growth of the Nigerian economy.
Domestic debt serves as a useful tool and should be encouraged as it positively affects the economic
growth of the nation but the loans borrowed should be repaid as soon as possible as the service payments of
domestic debts negatively influence the economic growth. This means that an increment in the procurement of
domestic debt leads to an increment in the Nigeria economic growth but an increment in the domestic debt
service payment leads to a decrease in the economic growth. That is when loans are borrowed internally, effort
should be made to pay back the loan as soon as possible.
In a nutshell, Nigeria can resort into borrowing when short of revenue, but this borrowing should be
made only from domestic sources and the repayment should be done as soon as the debt matures, that is the loan
should be paid back within a short period of time so that it will not pose a threat to the economic growth of the
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RoselineOluwatoyinOluitan PhD. ―The Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in
Nigeria.‖ IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 11(3), 2020, pp. 01-06.
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