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Kahoot! Kahoot is a web-based tool enabling users to create and use "the Kahoot learning game platform consisting of multiple choice questions in any subject, as a quiz, or discussion. In a group setting, Kahoots can be played well. To play a game you need to have one particular code. If you are the host of the game, you need a large screen. Players respond through their own gadgets/devices while questions appear on a shared screen. Also, the results of kahoot can then be downloaded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which is a simple way to quantify grades to place in an e-class record.
EDEN Conference Proceedings
One of the current major trends in education is the integration of innovative technology. In this context, gamification – which encompasses the integration of game elements in non-gaming systems (Licorish, Owen, Daniel, George, 2018) – plays an important role. In this paper, we consider one specific game-based learning tool: Kahoot! (Existing literature uses both options, Kahoot and Kahoot!. We select the latter as the exclamation mark belongs to the term.), which can be classified as a student response system (Plump LaRosa, 2017). Although there are similar tools such as Socrative (, Kahoot! proved to be the most played one. As stated on the company website (, accessed January 29, 2019), Kahoot! reached more than 70 million unique monthly active users at the end of 2017. Around 60% of them were from the United States of America but the tool has been played all over the world. There are 60 million games available, and a total of 2 billion...
Computers & Education
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform used to review students' knowledge, for formative assessment or as a break from traditional classroom activities. It is among the most popular gamebased learning platforms, with 70 million monthly active unique users and used by 50% of US K-12 students. Since the platform was released in 2013, many studies have been published on the effect of using Kahoot! in the classroom, but so far, no systematic analysis of the results. This article presents the results of a literature review on the effect of using Kahoot! for learning and, more specifically, on how Kahoot! affects learning performance, classroom dynamics, students' and teachers' attitudes and perceptions, and students' anxiety. The literature review includes 93 studies, and the main conclusion is that Kahoot! can have a positive effect on learning performance, classroom dynamics, students' and teachers' attitudes, and students' anxiety. However, there are also studies where Kahoot! has little or no effect. The main challenges mentioned by students include technical problems such as unreliable internet connections, hard to read questions and answers on a projected screen, not being able to change answer after submission, stressful time-pressure for giving answers, not enough time to answer, afraid of losing, and hard to catch up if an incorrect answer had been given. Further, the main challenges mentioned by teachers include getting the difficulty level of questions and answers right, problems related to network connectivity, scoring based on how quickly the students answer reducing student reflection and cause some students to guess without thinking, that some students can have a problem with failing a quiz, and some teachers find it challenging to use the technology.
Thesis. Modern technologies, especially educational applications may help studentsacquire knowledge in practice and use it creatively in practice.Aim. The theoretical review of the capabilities and functions of this application allowsfamiliarizing with its advantages and possible uses. The knowledge below about theKahoot! application contains practical information for contemporary educators who wouldlike to use it during their classes.Conclusion. Choosing applications for schooling give opportunities to educatorswho can create a more interesting learning atmosphere in a more creative way, andmoreover receive feedback after each test. For students, it may be easier to learn byusing a smartphone. Selecting games created for the smartphones and thus the Kahoot!application measurably contributes to increasing positive results obtained by studentsduring exams.
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education), 2018
During the height of 21 st Century Learning, educators across the globe are demanded to find ways, methods and techniques to engage modern learners in the learning process. Nowadays, with the simplicity provided by the Internet, it is not as difficult and painful to help with the process. One of the fun ways to educate learners is with games, digital games. Games are usually intended to increase learners' desire for competition, goal achievement and genuine selfexpression, all in the while games are also great to promote interactivity, have a set of rules with a quantifiable result, can be colorful, as well as appealing and extremely realistic. This paper is based on an interactive workshop which was focused in exploring the app, Kahoot!, that claims to provide educators with a chance to create a game-based assessment in different forms, such as multiple-choice questions, jumbled vocabulary, jumbled sentences. Healthy competition and rewarding good ideas provided by Kahoot! app also said to be motivational both to educators and for modern learners. It is expected that through this workshop participants are comfortable and able to incorporate Kahoot! into a variety of learning environments and will have the opportunity to design game-based learning events that can be used in the classroom. Finally, the workshop provided an opportunity for participants to discuss strengths, weaknesses, benefits and challenges in using Kahoot!
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA
This study aims to determine students' perception of game-based learning platform as a learning evaluation medium. The approach used in this research is descriptive quantitative, and qualitative-the instrument used in the form of a questionnaire containing 22 questions and interviews. The research was conducted in two analytical chemistry classes at a public university in Indonesia. Researchers used Kahoot every two weeks over four months as a tool for formative assessment. Three students from each class were interviewed to explore their experiences and perceptions of Kahoot. Questionnaire data were processed using descriptive statistics, while data from interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings show that chemistry education students' perception of game-based learning platform as a learning evaluation medium is quite good. Students also perceived that Kahoot provided a challenge in learning. Kahoot is also a fun and exciting assessment medium for students. In addition, students feel that their learning motivation has increased in preparing the material to be tested, so direct feedback from Kahoot is very effective in correcting mistakes.
Kahoot is considered one of the novel GSRS that could have positive impacts on the learning process. In this mixed approach study which employed both the quantitate
Education Sciences, 2019
One of the main objectives in education is to increase the motivation of the students to achieve meaningful learning. The use of technologies in classrooms which students are familiarized with such as the smartphone or the tablet, is a way to achieve this goal. On the other hand, it has been proven that the inclusion of scenarios supported by games and competition enhance the active participation of students. Therefore, in this work we present the results of a study based on of the application Kahoot with students of secondary education, in the subjects of mathematics, biology & geology and physics & chemistry, during the academic year 2017/2018. This tool allows students to answer to on-line questionnaires created by the teacher, through mobile devices, and check their results in a few seconds as well as those of their classmates. The results obtained on the assessment of the tool by students, in terms of the benefits in the learning process, have been very positive and help us to examine the potential of the use of on-line questionnaires in the classrooms.
This review of related literature in the use of Kahoot! application aims to shed light on the significance of incorporating this application into online classroom instruction to improve students' learning and engagement during the lessons. It can be assumed that the incorporation of effective teaching materials is one of the major influences on student learning and classroom participation. Nevertheless, given the apex of 21st-century learning, it is difficult for teachers to devise instructional tools that can captivate modern students. Consequently, the existence of educational games such as Kahoot! is useful for teachers who wish to infuse some fun and interactive elements into their lessons, which could ultimately improve students' learning and involvement in online classrooms. This study also emphasises the drawbacks of using this application. Based on the review, it is clear that using educational games like Kahoot! is an excellent method for teachers to use to help improve their students' learning and involvement in online classes. The association between educational games, student learning, and involvement in online classrooms has been greatly justified by this research.
EAI EUDL, 2019
Kahoot! and Quizizz are e-learning web-apps commonly used in conducting online quizzes. This research was aimed at: (1) knowing the students' perceptions of Kahoot! and Quizizz's efficacy in a daily online quiz, (2) figuring out the students' choices and (3) finding out their reasons. The research design was qualitative research concerning phenomenological studies with a sample of 250 students of English Education Department of STKIP PGRI Trenggalek. It used a close-ended questionnaire to collect the data of the students' perceptions. Data analysis of the questionnaires was analyzed quantitatively by implementing the Likert scale. Research findings of the first questionnaire toward Kahoot! and Quizizz's efficacy gained supportive responses with a total score of 15.484. The second questionnaire toward the students' choices and their reasons resulted in the total score 15.002 (Quizizz) and 12.248 (Kahoot!). In conclusion, Quizziz was more effective to foster students' enthusiasm for learning and better than Kahoot! for some reasons.
Enciclopedia de las hierbas magicas, 1982
S o b r e e l a u t o r Las hierbas siempre jugaron un papel importante en la vida de Scott Cunningham, desde sus primeros experimentos relacionados con la fabricación de compuestos de incienso y saquitos mágicos basta sus investigaciones sobre los aceites esenciales y la utilización de los mis mos. Sus padres le animaron a que ejerciera la profesión de escritor y publicó varias novelas con anterioridad a la aparición de la primera obra 110 perteneciente al género de ficción, Magical Herbalism (1982). Cunningham continuó escribiendo novelas de varios géneros, pero siempre retornó a su primer amor, la magia natural. Durante el tiempo en que vivió en California, realizó con frecuencia viajes para estudiar las innumerables plantas que existen en la naturaleza y los métodos que ayudan a estar en armonía con ella. Después de una larga enferme dad, Scott murió en marzo 28 de 1993.
Transstellar Journals, 2022
Plant Pathology, 2021
Livre d'hommage au professeur Mohamed Mezzinz (en cours de publication
VALCAMONICA SYMPOSIUM 7.L'arte rupestre nel quadro del Patrimonio Culturale dell'umanità. Rock Art in thè Frame of thè Cultural Heritage of Humankind, 2007
Cadernos de Campo, 2020
Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 2018
Value in Health, 2019
Journal of Proteomics, 2011
Emerging Technology in Fluids, Structures, and Fluid Structure Interactions, 2003
Estéticas Posthumanas, 2024
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014
2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2018