Swami Vivekananda: Select Speeches

2012, Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly

The book consists of three parts– Introduction, Select Speeches and Questions-Answers. In the first chapter of Introduction, which consists of 5 chapters, Singh details Swami’s eventful life. In the Second Part of the book Singh has meticulously selected some of Swamiji’s speeches which are especially useful to Indian young people who have to do the onerous task of nation building. The third part Questions-Answers has been designed to help the students and readers of Vivekananda literature. (Swami Vivekananda: Select Speeches. Bareilly: Prakash Book Depot, 2004 & 2012 (Second Enlarged Edition with ISBN). Pp. 190. Rs. 80/-. ISBN: 978-81-7977-466-3)

SELECT SPERCHES Text edited with detailed introductmn Erilieal Appraisal Word-meanings LDRy and Übjective (uestions Swami Vivekananda ABNISH SINGH CHAUHAN Swami Vivekananda SELECT SPEECHES Texl edilrd wilh delailed hlmduclion. Crilical Appraisal. Word-meanings. Long and Objechive Qurstions ABNISH SINGH CHAUHAN M.A., M.Phil. (Eng) Co-ordinator and Lecturer in GURUKUL I.C.S. English, Lucknow C Prakash Book Depot sWAMI VIVEKANANDA SELECT SPEECHES BY ABNISH SsINGH CHAUHAN Prakash Book Depot Shop: BARA BAZAR, BAREILLY-243 003 PHONE: (0581) 2572217 Office: KARMCHARI NAGAR ROAD, SURKHA CHHAWNI, BAREILLY-243 122 PHONE : (0581) 2412940 ABNISH SINGH ISBN 978-81-7977-466-3 FIRST EDITION: 2004 SECOND ENLARGED EDITION: 2012 PRICE : RS. 80.00 PRINTED AT SUNNY OFFSET, MEERUT Dedicated to my parents Sri Prahlad Singh & Smt. Uma Chauhan PREFACE Mother India has produced many great orators in the sand of time, and Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) holds his place respectively and proudly among that gentry. The present study, Swami Vivekananda: Selecta Speeches, is a modest atempt to know and study his thoughts and language through theiw speeches. As the world knows Swami Vivekananda was a giant intellect, great orator, social reformer, philosopher, religious teacher, humanist, and lover of his motherland. His mission was unique, so he went to Chicago to attend the World's Parliament of Religions in 1893. He elmed proudly there seeking his right place in the Parliament, dawned the sun of Hinduism on the snow-capped land, restored India's past glory and its motherhood in religion, aired Vedanta philosophy for the upliftment of human beings, infused the feelings of patriotism among the natives and taught the theme of universality to the world. He lived and died for the welfare of humanity. For the sake of it, he worked from mon till night, travelled from East to West and gave useful service to the world. The present book has been designed to serve as text. I hope-the book would get the desired end. a university-level- Several friends and students had prompted me from time to time to Write this book. Grateful am I to my professors and teachers for their kind supports, especially to Dr. M. Sambre, Dr. Prachi Dixit, Dr. S. S. Bais, Dr. B. S. Tomar, Dr. A. K. Singh, Dr. S. Guha, Dr. Vinod Singh, Dr. M. Priyadarshini, Dr. Niraj Singh, Dr. A. K. Gupta, and Suresh Singh. I am also happy to acknowledge the friendly service readily provided by the staff of GURUKUL L.C.S. (Lucknow). In writing a text book, one draws upon the contributions of so many other authors that separate acknowledgement of each one of them, apart from some references, is a difficult task, therefore, I make no attempt at it. Above all I am grateful to Sri Sri Anandamurti ji and God. Abnish Singh Chauhan CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Life of Swami . 2. Vivekananda... Physique, spiritual power, 2 ***. and message of ...9 Swami Vivekananda. 3. Swami Vivekananda as a great cultural awakener and patriot. 22 4. Swami Vivekananda's 5. practical Vedanta. Swami Vivekananda's use of language . 28 .32 SELECT SPEECHES: TEXT AND THEIR STUDY 1. Addresses at the Parliament of (a). Response to Welcome . . (b). Why We Disagree. (c). Paper on Hinduism. Religions. 38 38 39 ****sooewes*posnsopra*osrosnresrseosrs 40 51 d). Religion not the Crying Need of India. e. Buddhism, the Fulfilment of Hinduisn . .51 (f. Address at the Final Session. 53 2. How India can Conquer the World. 70 3. The Future of India. 82 Secret. 101 4. Work and its 5. The Importance of Psychology. 111 6. Nature and Man... 117 QUESTION-ANSWERS 1. 2. Long answer type questions.. Multiple choice objective questions.. Bibliography anuou OneDA Dnauoeu 124 157 eeoenue 164 IN THE SAME Malgonkar, Manohar SERIES Naidu, Sarojini Studies and works oft Narayan, R.K. Anand, Mulk Raj Nehru, J.L. Ananthanmurthy. U.R Parthasarathy, R. Aurobindo Pillai, T.S. Bhattacharya, Bhabani Premchand Chaudhary, Nirad C. Raja Rao Daruwalla, Keki N. Radhakrishnan, S. Desai, Anita Rakesh, Mohan Dutt, Toru Roy, Arundhati Gandhi, M.K. Rushdie, Salman Ghosh, Amitav Sahani, Bhishma Joshi, Arun Sehgal, Nayantara Karnad, Girish Singh, Khushwant Kalidas Tagore, R.N Mahapatra, Jayanta Tendulkar, Vijay Ask for detailed catalogne Prakash Book Depot Bara Bazar, Bareilly 243 003 PHONE: (0581) 2470217, 2412940