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2020, Kontratë pune
4 pages
1 file
Formular për Kontratë pune për kohë të pacaktuar caktuar
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Dopo un percorso universitario molto buono, media del 29,9, mi laureo con 110 e lode alla sessione autunnale. Tesi buona. Grande voglia -dopo 4 anni di solo studio -di lavorare. È il 1990: escono i bandi dei concorsi per insegnare a scuola. Decido di prepararmi, ne supero 3 su 5 tentati. Sono in buona posizione e attendo di essere chiamata. Ho 25 anni e mi sposo. Nell'attesa vedo una mia carissima amica studiare per l'esame di ammissione ad un dottorato di ricerca (stessa mia facoltà e corso di laurea) e dopo un primo fallimento superarlo: siccome mi secca stare con le mani in mano anche se ormai mancano pochi posti alla mia chiamata, mi metto a studiare (6 mesi). Prima dell'esame dico a me stessa: se non ce la faccio non è un dramma, c'è gente che studia anni! Arrivo prima (la vincitrice in pectore, per la quale era stato formulato un apposito tema, non ha retto la tensione dello scritto, apprendo molti anni dopo, e ha consegnato foglio bianco).
Tema espinhoso no direito disciplinar é a responsabilidade do servidor público pela prática de atos ilícitos. Não raro, a prática de um fato considerado ilícito resvala não só na responsabilidade administrativa, como na responsabilidade penal e civil. Os membros de processo administrativo disciplinar devem ficar atentos a essas nuances, pois na apuração dos fatos exige-se que a comissão faça uma análise da conduta do servidor em todas essas vertentes (administrativa, penal e civil). As comissões e a autoridade têm o dever legal de comunicar às autoridades competentes quando se deparar com indícios de cometimento de crimes, ilícitos cíveis, por ventura, cometidos pelo servidor, acusado em processo disciplinar. É certo que não incumbe às comissões e nem à autoridade fazer juízo de valor acerca de fatos que possam ser considerados crimes, mas sim remeter cópia dos autos às autoridades competentes. Outrossim, não devem se descurar que o servidor responde por dolo e culpa, portanto, deve-se fazer uma análise dos ilícitos administrativos para que se possa definir qual dos elementos está presente, o dolo ou a culpa.
Revista de Derecho Privado, 2021
Resumen. Desde una novedosa perspectiva de estudios romanísticos propia de la primera mitad del siglo xx, en este artículo el eminente romanista Salvatore Riccobono nos ilustra de manera magistral con su método crítico sobre los grandes momentos y desarrollos del sistema jurídico romanístico, para concluir que el Corpus Iuris de Justiniano fue el producto de la tradición del derecho romano y no de la influencia helenística. Los tres elementos jurídicos propios de la tradición romanística: ius civile, ius honorarium, ius gentium, se destacan en su relación con los juristas, la tarea de la jurisprudencia romana, y la actividad del pretor basada en la equidad. Es grato presentar esta traducción casi un siglo después. Abstract. In this article, the eminent Romanist Salvatore Riccobono masterfully illustrates, from a perspective of Romanistic studies typical of the first half of the 20th century, about the great moments and developments of the Roman law legal system tradition, to conclude that Justinian’s Corpus Iuris was the product of the tradition of Roman law and not of the Hellenistic influence. The three legal elements typical of the Roman law tradition: ius civile, ius honorarium, ius gentium, stand out in their relationship with jurists, the task of Roman jurisprudence, and the activity of the Praetor based on equity.
The Ancient world module syllabus
This is the syllabus for a first-year introductory module on Greek history. Module description: This module provides an introduction to key aspects of Greek and Roman history. Term 1 examines the Greek world, with particular focus on the history of Classical Greece. Term 2 examines the Roman world, with particular focus on the late republic and early empire. The course is ideal preparation for more specialized options in Classical history and culture in later years, but can also stand alone as an introduction to the ancient world. We examine the history of these periods, but also key themes such as religion, politics, gender and culture. Students are introduced to important ancient sources, such as literary texts (historiography, drama, political treatises, letters), inscriptions, and material evidence. The challenges and opportunities in reconstructing ancient history from these difficult sources are a central concern of the course.
Anjani Jovita, 2024
This paper aims to analyze the working posture of tailors using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method. Poor work postures can cause long-term health problems, such as muscle and joint injuries. The RULA method is one of the ergonomic evaluation methods used to identify the risks of poor work postures and provide appropriate improvement recommendations. Through analysis using the RULA method, it is hoped that solutions can be found to improve the comfort and health of tailors in carrying out their work.
Isaac ben Moshe Halevi (Isaac Satanow, 1732-1804) serves as an interesting example of how Jewish intellectuals offered alternative ways of entering the new era. Unlike other authors, Satanow does not explicitly concentrate on secularization or assimilation in his writing, but instead intends to revive traditional values and writing by putting them into a new cultural and intellectual framework. Satanow combines relevant topics from Jewish tradition with scientific discoveries, philosophical reasoning, and kabbalistic thought. An analysis of Satanow's unique combination of literary and intellectual corpora from various periods and backgrounds offers a more nuanced picture of European Jewish intellectual history and challenges the grand narratives of scholarship. Furthermore, an awareness of the deep impact of German philosophy and natural science on Satanow's thought provides insight into his relationship with the majority culture and his Eastern European background and also shows how his concept of modernity seeped in via complex networks.
Christian Speer: Stand und Perspektiven der Stadtbuchforschung – Ein Überblick, in: Fejtová, Olga et al. (Hrsg.), Města ve středověku a raném novověku jako badatelské téma posledních dvou desetiletí (Documenta Pragensia 32.2), Prag 2013, S. 367–394., 2013
After a brief description of research on town books in Germany over the last 20 years and an excursus on Polish and Czech research on town books, the "Index Librorum Civitatum" (ILC) is presented. This is an online database developed and maintained by the Chair of Medieval History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The aim of the re-search project accompanying the database is to complete and process the information previously compiled in this directory, so that for the first time the entirety of the approx. 70,000 town books of the "new federal states" that can be traced up to the year 1800 is available in an online database developed as a research tool and freely accessible. In close connection and as an impulse for the application of this research resource, an in-depth study on the hitherto hardly researched, but in part completely preserved town books of Upper Lusatia is to demonstrate the potentials of the database for comparative studies.
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction, 2013
In : NOËL, R., PAQUAY, I. et SOSSON, J.-P. (éd.), Au-delà de l'écrit. Les hommes et leurs vécus matériels au Moyen Âge à la lumière des sciences et des techniques. Nouvelles perspectives. Actes du Colloque international de Marche-en-Famenne (16-20 octobre 2002), Louvain-la-Neuve : 365-404., 2002
Transport in Porous Media
Verslas: Teorija ir Praktika, 2015
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 1998
Molecular Microbiology, 2007
Science insights education frontiers, 2023
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 1992
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2017
European Journal of Business and Management, 2017
Journal of cardiovascular and thoracic research, 2023