Neural Nexus research organization

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The document outlines the organizational structure and contractual obligations within the Neural Nexus research organization. It emphasizes the importance of CEO validation in addressing issues, maintaining information integrity, and ensuring employee stability. Specific articles detail the consequences of breaches in these obligations and the CEO's role in controlling research information dissemination.

Neural Nexus, research organization. Research institute contractual agreement. Contractual Establishment Neural Nexus research organization, originated from, the St. Bernadette College of Valenzuela Robotics club, built as a head research facility encompassing multiple research branches, formally focuses on Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering . The multiple research branches includes: Branch A. Physics Branch A, Faculty 1. Particle Physics. Branch A, Faculty 2. Quantum Field Theory. Branch A, Faculty 3. Quantum Chromodynamics. Branch A, Faculty 4. Electronics and Quantum Mechanics reconciliation. Branch A, Faculty 5.Macro scale Quantum effects. Branch B. Chemistry Branch B. Faculty 1. Stellar Nucleosynthesis. Branch C. Engineering Branch C. Faculty 1. Energy and Fuel. Employee Agreement Article 1. Research Organization Information Confidentiality – States, the CEO of the organization, with the validation of a signature and a vocal constitution, is the only person that can allow research information publication, alteration, and internship. Article 1, Section A. The CEO’s validation constitutes a binding contractual obligation to solve any issues that might appear. The first party shall take the second party’s requests, proposals, and recommendations shall be heard, considered, and analysed by the first party and the high council. While as the second party is constituted to organize the information shared to a third party. Article 1, Section B. Information integrity shall be conserved. Any possible threat to the Article 1’s integrity shall be exterminated immediately by the high council. Article 2. Employee Integrity Stabilization – Article 2 indicates and proclaims the safety, wellbeing, financial income; health, project, and asset stability, structural and physical integrity; physical appearance, and emotions, and the second party’s actions reflection on the organization Article 2, Section A. The financial and salary interrelated manner are equivalent to the organization’s annual funding. Article 2, Section B. Actions that threatens the structural integrity of the organization will not go unpunished; salary’s 50% cut, and an immediate termination of the employee. Article 3. Binding Contractual Obligation – As analysed by lawyers, the high council, and the CEO itself, every signed signature that has visual and auditory, either technological or face to face signature, constitutes a binding contractual obligation to follow and agree with the terms. As such, the breach of contract, forces the organization to protect its integrity. Signature pertaining my agreement to the contract.