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Global Change
4 pages
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Throughout history human societies have had to confront and adjust to climatic and environmental hazards. A long-term perspective that draws on such experiences must inform today’s climate policies, argue Jago Cooper and Christian Isendahl.
How is history relevant to the present, or indeed the future? Governments around the world have used history to inform planning and decision-making in various fields for years, but more recently it has taken on a renewed importance as governments grapple with increasingly complex challenges arising from the impacts of climatic change. Yet identifying "lessons from the past" is not straightforward. Especially in the case of big questions about historical structures and social processes, establishing precise causal relationships is complex and interpretive, making consensus difficult among specialists. A second major challenge arises over the uses of history. Historical precedent can and does play a role in some contexts in helping formulate new strategies for addressing local environmental challenges. At the national level policy-makers and politicians often look to the past for inspiration, guidance, or justification. In both respects, the cases and examples chosen are often highly selective and tend to align with pre-existing assumptions. This article briefly reviews these challenges within the context of climate change and associated environmental and sustainability issues, comments on recent work in the field, and suggests some ways forward for historians. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
This paper reflects on the report “Societal Responses to Significant Change: An Historical Analysis” an early deliverable in the Australian Government funded South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQCARI). Societal Responses to Significant Change reviewed 33 case studies developed by 12 researchers that illustrate the range of contextual responses to change in order to better understand the historical precedents for human adaptive capacity.
El revisar detalladamente el reglamento interno escoalr ayudo de gran manera a todo el grupo, pues nadie se habia tomado la molestia de hacerlo y el semestre pasado el tutor jamás nos dio indicacion de hacerlo, pero no hay que culparlo a el creo el grupo debe de tener iniciativa propia. Esperarnos aque nos manden a hacer algo es un mal habito que en conjunto debemos que quitarnos, ser autosuficientes es supongo una de los principales objetivos de nuestra formacio´n academica. El leer el regalemnte y estar al tanto de nuestros derechos y deberes que tenemos con la institución fue una actividad bastante recreativa, pues la mayoria teniamos el minimo conocimiento de este. Durante las sesiones en las cuales lo checamos pude observar que la gran mayoria por no decir todos teniamos la duda de los creditos ¿Cómo liberarlo?, ¿Cuato tiempo tenemos para TECNOLÓGICO DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES DE CHIMALHUACÁN Organismo público descentralizado del estado de México
Primera versión: enero 1991 -Última versión: diciembre 2012 -Introducción a los futuros financieros, 1 -La cámara de compensación (clearing house), 5 -Algunas características de los contratos de futuros, 9 -La paridad entre el precio del futuro y el de contado, 16 -Introducción a las opciones financieras, 17 -Descripción de las opciones, 19 -Opciones de compra (call options), 23 -Opciones de venta (put options), 29 -Factores que determinan el valor de una opción, 34 -El método binomial de valoración de opciones, 39 -El modelo de Black & Scholes, 46 -La cobertura de riesgo con opciones, 48
pesquisa foi realizada no contexto das atuais medidas para controle do tabagismo e teve por objetivo entender os sentidos do ato de fumar para os fumantes e a maneira como vivenciam as pressões para cessar de fumar. Com base em 50 entrevistas com diferentes segmentos de uma universidade paulista (professores, funcionários de carreira e terceirizados, alunos de graduação e de pós-graduação), a análise focalizou três aspectos: por que as pessoas fumam, a ambivalência entre o prazer de fumar e os malefícios do tabaco, e as experiências de discriminação de fumantes. Concluiu-se que, na perspectiva da Saúde Coletiva, é necessário informar o público sobre os riscos associados ao tabagismo, contrapor os danos aos efeitos sedutores da publicidade da indústria tabagística e oferecer apoio para os que desejam cessar de fumar. Entretanto, para além dessas medidas, é preciso também entender o ponto de vista dos fumantes para os quais o tabaco ainda é uma droga legalizada que produz efeitos positivos, apesar de causar dependência física e psicológica, havendo, portanto, muitos obstáculos a serem enfrentados para dar fim a esse hábito. Tal cenário de múltiplas dificuldades nos leva a indagar se fumar não se enquadraria nos estilos de vida arriscados para os quais são pertinentes as abordagens voltadas à redução de danos. Palavras-chave: Estilos de Vida Arriscados; Tabagismo; Práticas Discursivas. Abstract This research was conducted in the context of present-day measures to curb the use of tobacco so as to explore the meanings that smokers attribute to smoking and the manner in which pressure for cessation of smoking are experienced. Based on 50 interviews carried out with different segments of a university in São Paulo, Brazil (teachers, office workers, outsourced employees, undergraduate and graduate students), the analysis focused on three aspects: why people smoke, the ambivalence between pleasure and risks associated with tobacco, and smokers’ discrimination experiences. It concludes that in a public health perspective it is imperative to inform the public about risks associated with tobacco, confront ill effects with the seduction of the cigarette industry’s marketing and offer means for tobacco cessation. However, it is also necessary to understand the smokers’ point of view, for whom tobacco is still a legal drug that provides many positive effects but causes physical and psychological dependency; therefore, those who wish to stop smoking face many difficulties. This scenario of manifold difficulties raises the question of whether smoking can be classed as a risky lifestyle for which approaches of harm reduction might be pertinent, Keywords: Risky Lifestyles; Smoking; Discursive Practices.
La vida espiritual no consiste en lo que hacemos. Se trata de lo que Dios hace en nosotros, a través de nosotros y con nosotros, cuando nos rendimos y nos ponemos a su disposición. Mathew Kelly.
Studia Ceranea
This article seeks to support the earlier dating of campaigns on the Roman eastern frontier in the 540s. It addresses points made in a recent contribution by Michael Whitby, who argued that the traditional chronology, which places a Roman invasion of Persarmenia in 543 and a Persian siege of Edessa in 544, should be retained. The article seeks to demonstrate that the grounds he offers are inadequate and concludes therefore that the earlier dating, according to which the Romans invaded Persarmenia in autumn 542 and the Persians besieged Edessa in 543, is to be preferred.
Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional , 2023
Resumen: En este artículo se ofrecen los resultados obtenidos de la datación por C-14 del carbón contenido en la cal de dos puntos clave de las fortificaciones históricas de Cuenca. Concretamente se han fechado los primeros estratos murarios del castillo y los fundamentos de la muralla del Huécar. Se ha conseguido establecer la fecha de la fundación islámica de la medina en el último tercio del siglo x y la de la ampliación del recinto original en época almorávide. Palabras clave: Fortificaciones. Radiocarbono. Edad Media. Al-Ándalus. Al-Madinat-Kunka. Abstract: This article offers the results obtained from the C-14 dating of the carbon contained in the lime of two specific points of the historic fortifications of Cuenca. Specifically, the first wall strata of the Castle and the foundations of the Wall of the Huécar River side have been dated. It has been possible to establish the moment for the Islamic foundation of the medina in the last third of the 10th century and the respectively age of the following extension of the original enclosure in Almoravid times. Keywords: Fortifications. Radiocarbon. Middle Ages. Al-Ándalus. Al-Madinat-Kunka.
Medico-Legal Update
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