International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
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Expanding educational access in Eastern Turkey: A new initiative
John O’Dwyer a, Necmi Aksit b,*, Margaret Sands b
School of English Language, Bilkent University, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
Graduate School of Education, Bilkent University, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
Student selection
Educational access
Gender equity
Family characteristics
International education
The Eastern Anatolian project extends opportunity and access to quality education. The study examines
the selection and learning systems adopted within the framework of gender equity, family background
and higher order skills. Performance data on a range of selection measures and the initial programme are
analysed. Results show that selection was successful in choosing high achievers and establishing
equitable occupational and gender access. Girls out-performed boys in skills-based selection measures,
showed greater relative gains in language learning, and evinced better higher order skills, reversing the
trend in state examinations.
ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Background
1.1. Education in Turkey
Turkey has a population of 73 million, about 29% of which is under
15 years old. Some 11 million students receive eight-year compulsory
primary education. Secondary education, which lasts four years
(Grades 9–12), is not yet compulsory, but has more than three million
students in general, vocational, or technical high schools (TÜİK,
2007). Entry into tertiary education is highly competitive. In 2007,
some 1.58 million candidates competed in the national university
entrance examination (ÖSS) for about 413,000 tertiary sector places.
204,734 of these places were in four-year degree programmes, and
208,413 in two-year programs. The combined gross enrolment ratio
for the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors is 68.7% (UNDP, 2008),
with a male–female ratio of 73–64%.
School dropout rate in Turkey is high after completion of the
eight grades of compulsory primary education. 66% of the boys and
72% of the girls (69% total) leave school, and only 31% of those who
complete primary school go on to complete high school education.
The limited number of tertiary sector places means that only about
two-thirds of these (63%) are able to apply for tertiary education
(TÜİK, 2007). Dropout at the end of primary school is higher in the
eastern parts of Turkey and there is increasing gender inequality in
education from west to east of the country (see Section 1.3.2).
In 1999 Turkey was granted candidate country status in its bid
to join the European Union (EU) and is committed to full EU
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 290 2950; fax: +90 312 266 4065.
E-mail addresses: (J. O’Dwyer),
(N. Aksit), (M. Sands).
0738-0593/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
membership. Central to the EU’s policy of economic development
and social cohesion is the quality of education and training. Total
public and private expenditure on education in Turkey, as a
proportion of GDP, was 7% in 2002. This was higher than the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
average of 5.2%, but provision of quality education across the
country still remains a major challenge (Eurostat, 2007; UNDP,
2008; World Bank, 2005; OECD, 2003). The Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA), an internationally
standardised benchmarking assessment tool developed by participating countries (OECD, 2008), allows for the monitoring of the
outcomes of education systems within an internationally accepted
common framework. It focuses specifically on how well 15-yearolds are able to use their knowledge and skills to meet the
challenges of real life, rather than how well they have mastered a
specific school curriculum (OECD, 2008). The 2003 and 2006 PISA
results for Turkey reported an overall poor level of performance,
penultimate in the OECD rankings, with a high percentage of low
scoring students in most areas tested, viz. mathematics, reading
and science (OECD, 2008; PISA, 2004, 2007; Aksit, 2007).
Some educational challenges stem from inequality in income
distribution. In 2002, the richest 10% of the population earned 30%
of the country’s income. The poorest 10% earned only 2% (UNDP,
2003). There are regional variations and inequalities, too. The west
of the country is a lot more developed than the east. For example,
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Istanbul, a western city, was
$31,3781 in 2001. In the eastern cities of Erzurum and Bingöl it was
$1006 (see footnote 1) and $202 (see footnote 1) respectively
(TÜİK, 2001). This inequality has serious repercussions on the
Millions of US dollar.
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
provision of education in poorer regions. It is also a contributory
factor in the migration of families to western parts, which places a
heavy burden on educational facilities there.
Education has undergone many changes in recent years. A new
national curriculum was launched in 2005 for Grades 1–5. That for
Grades 6–8 is almost ready. A new four-year high school
curriculum is expected soon. The revised curriculum places
emphasis on a constructivist approach through instructional
methods which encourage discovery and experiential learning.
New textbooks are designed to help teachers understand and
implement the new philosophy, outlining standards, activities,
exercises and assessment strategies.
There is also change in higher education with universities
adapting to the European credit transfer system to foster mobility
as part of the Bologna initiative. Substantial investment, supported
by World Bank funding, has been made in the vocational training
sector (World Bank, 2006). Recognition of the need to update
teacher training resulted in the revision of teacher education in
faculties of education in 1999 (Grossman and Sands, 2008), and a
project in relation to language learning has prompted further
World Bank funding in 2008.
Turkey has thus made educational progress on many fronts as a
candidate country for the EU. However, the PISA results (PISA,
2004, 2007; Aksit, 2007) indicate the need for further reform. The
EU Commission 2006 Turkey Progress Report points out that
Turkey needs to continue to develop its system of education in line
with the Lisbon Strategy to facilitate economic and social
integration with Europe (Commission of the European Communities, 2006).
1.2. Education in Erzurum
An Eastern Anatolian Project, initiated by a Turkish university,
offers one such means to develop education in Turkey. The project
aims to establish four K-12 schools in four cities in the eastern
region of the country, following a combined international and
national curriculum. The first high school was opened in 2007 in
Erzurum, recruiting some 80 students, most of whom are on full
scholarship. It comprises a preparatory year for English language
learning, followed by Grades 9–12. A law in parliament was
enacted to legitimise the initiative.
Situated on the northern slopes of the Palandoken mountain at
an elevation of 1850 m Erzurum, with a land area of 25,066 km2, is
the largest city in the Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. The
population of the city as per the census of 2008 is 784,941. About
60% of the population lives in the urban area, and the rest in rural
areas. For rural families, farming, forestry and livestock breeding
are among the main sources of income. Atatürk University, one of
the largest universities in Turkey, with about 35,000 students and
staff, provides a large proportion of the city’s revenue.
In Erzurum, there are 1070 primary schools with some 142,000
students, and 86 secondary schools with about 29,000 students
(Table 1). The total number of primary and secondary students
enrolled in both public and private schools in Erzurum constitutes
1.3% of the students receiving public and private education in
Many schools in the Eastern Anatolian Region lack basic
infrastructure, and more schools are needed to meet the needs of
the area. The average attendance at school in the Easter Anatolian
Region is 4.1 years (Eğitim Sen, 2005, as cited in Aksoy, 2008).
About 20% of primary school students are educated in multi-grade
classes (Milliyet, 2007; MEB, 2003). Multi-grade schooling, mainly
at the primary school level, is implemented widely in the eastern
regions of Turkey (Aksoy, 2008). Şanlıurfa has the highest number,
with 914 multi-grade schools, and Erzurum with 810 schools is
ranked 2nd (Radikal, 2007). It is estimated that about 2800 more
Table 1
Schools and students.
Number of schools
Number of students
Secondary school (general)
Primary school
TÜİK (2007).
teachers and 1075 more classrooms are needed to educate the
children in Erzurum (Erzurum Gazetesi, 2008).
Turkey has the most highly centralised education system of any
OECD member state (Fretwell and Wheeler, 2001), and school
education is characterised by a high degree of centralised control.
The Ministry of National Education (MONE) makes most policy
decisions including finances, infrastructure, staff, curricula, textbooks, equipment, and number of students. According to OECD
data, about 94% of all education decisions in Turkey are currently
made at the central level. The central system aims to bring about
equity in the school system, but significant disparities still exist
nationwide (World Bank, 2005).
The Eastern Anatolian project mentioned at the start of this
section is unique in that it is implemented within the framework of
a centralised education system. It offers bilingual national and
international curricula to the students living in Erzurum where
there is limited access to quality education. At high school level,
the project intends to meet the requirements of the national
curriculum as laid down by the ministry, as well as those of the
international curriculum, which comprises IGCSE and IB. In grades
9 and 10, all students will follow a two-year internationally
accredited IGCSE programme, and in grades 11 and 12, the IB
diploma programme. Both IGCSE and IB programmes enhance the
ministry’s new curriculum based on constructivist principles.
In other countries around the world there are school reform
movements. Most are government-initiated projects allowing
interested parties to apply for funding. For example, the comprehensive school reform (CSR) program in the US, which started in
1998, allows federal funds to be allocated to schools, mainly in high
poverty areas, uniting state and local efforts for higher standards and
school improvement (US Department of Education, 2002, 2009).
Investing in Our Schools programme in Australia funds infrastructure
projects such as construction, installation or procurement, and
intends to address the priorities identified by government and nongovernment school communities in conjunction with school
principals (AGDE, 2009). In the UK, Academies are all-ability
state-funded schools, set up and managed from 2002 by sponsors
from the world of education and business. In 2009, there are 133
Academies across the country and government is committed to
establishing at least 400 (DCFS, 2009a).
Using Brint’s (2006) classification of school reforms, the Eastern
Anatolian project aims are centered on excellence, enhancement
and equity. The project aims to raise standards of excellence, to
enhance the whole development of students, and to improve equity
by offering quality opportunities to students living in those regions.
1.3. SES and gender related to achievement in school
1.3.1. Socio-economic status
Many studies have investigated the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and school achievement. In the UK, an early,
and well-known, longitudinal study was the extensive work of
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
Douglas and his colleagues who followed the progress of 5302
children born in the UK in the first week of March 1964 from birth
(Douglas, 1964; Douglas et al., 1968). In the US, the Coleman
Report considered the findings of a research project involving
600,000 children in 4000 schools (Coleman et al., 1966).
The trend of all such earlier studies underlined the importance
of the home and family background in educational attitudes and
achievement by students in school. Douglas reported, ‘social
background has a persisting influence in secondary school
performance’. Children from families of higher SES were generally
more successful in school, and more represented in post-school
education (Douglas et al., 1968, p. 179).
Halsey et al. (1980), however, sounded a cautionary note when
they said that student performance was not largely accounted for
by socio-economic background, and that the allocation of students
to different parts of the school system was largely based on ability.
Later researchers also urged caution in the interpretation of
research work. White (1982) criticised the overview generally
held, that the higher the family SES the higher the student’s
academic performance, as summarised in Boocock (1972). White
goes on to report that the relation between SES and academic
achievement was probably much weaker than many people had
White used meta-analysis techniques to examine in detail 101
studies which dealt with the relationship between SES and
academic achievement. He reported that if SES was defined, as
was usual, as income, parental occupation and/or education, and if
the study used individual students as the unit of analysis, then SES
had only a relatively low correlation with academic achievement
(White, 1982). He pointed out that the actual definition of SES used
is of the utmost importance in relating academic achievement to
SES, as also are the measures used to determine achievement.
Sirin replicated White’s meta-analysis with an analysis which
included the journal literature on the topic between 1990 and
2000: 58 published articles. Sirin concluded that the relationship
between SES and school achievement was not as strong as even
that reported by White 20 years earlier. Sirin’s results showed a
slight decrease in the average correlation: whereas White’s overall
mean correlation was .343 for the published journal articles he
included, Sirin’s was .299 (Sirin, 2005).
Sirin suggested that the way in which the definition of SES had
developed to include more indicators, as well as how achievement
was measured, and student characteristics recorded and evaluated,
may have affected results. The field is complex. SES is a multidimensional construct, which extends beyond parental occupation, education and income to include such items as home
resources, social capital, cultural capital, wealth, power, social
status which may not be separated out in a research study. Further,
a lower correlation over the years may be due not only to changes
in research methodology but also to the many changes in economic
and social life in recent decades (Sirin, 2005).
Both Sirin and White used studies done in the US. NonoyamaTarumi (2008) in an analysis of SES relating to the 2000 PISA results
from 30 countries (OECD, 2001, 2002) concludes that family
background has a stronger effect on achievement across countries
if a multi-dimensional measure is used rather than more basic
indicators of SES. A further study using the international PISA data
from 2000 looked at the between- and within-school differences in
student achievement in relation to their socio-economic background and home resources (Marks, 2006). Marks concluded that
such differences could be accounted for only partially by SES, and
that his study (like that of Halsey in 1980) supported the view that
student ability is largely responsible for allocation to different
types of school.
The study reported in the present paper concerns the selection
of students for high school at the end of grade 8, aged 14. Smits and
Hoşgör (2006) in research on Turkey into the effects of family
background on educational participation concluded that parental
education, occupation and income had positive effects on their
children’s attendance and progress in school.
In considering children living in the east and southeast of Turkey
and in the countryside, Smits and Hoşgör reported that many
women had not attended or completed primary school, and
considered how the education of their children may have been
affected. They concluded that a number of factors added up to
significant inhibitors of children’s participation and achievement in
school. The factors included low maternal education, early marriage,
mother speaking a language other than Turkish, low family income,
more than four siblings, and living in the east and in the countryside.
The school set up in Erzurum is a contribution to quality
education in the Eastern Region of Turkey. The techniques used in
selecting students for the school were developed to give
opportunities to children from families in all walks of life, and
equally to boys and girls.
1.3.2. Gender
Although in the last 25 years the educational performance of
both boys and girls has improved (Ward, 2004), since the middle of
the 1990s the emphasis of discussion has shifted from the earlier
underachievement of girls to that of boys. Concern for the fact that
boys seem to be falling behind has been expressed in a number of
countries: UK, other EU countries, Canada, USA, Australia and New
Zealand (Forde, 2008).
In the UK, for example, when success in examinations in GCSE
subjects is considered, 69.9% of girls achieved five or more grades
A–C, and 60.9% of boys, and a gender gap is also seen at all three
Key Stages below GCSE (DCFS, 2009b). Girls now get higher grades
on average than boys in most subjects throughout secondary
education in England. Previously, boys did better at mathematics,
but girls seem to have caught up. Girls always did better on average
than boys in English, and the girls are doing even better now, and
there has been much discussion as to the causes of this gap, and
policy changes to deal with it (Arnot et al., 1998; Machin and
McNally, 2006).
From OECD countries, the PISA research notes a gender gap in
the attainment of 15-year-old students in school: in 39 of the 40
countries included, girls had a significantly higher average
performance in reading than boys. On the other hand, boys
achieved better scores than girls in mathematics in most countries
(OECD, 2004). Other studies have also shown that girls perform
better than boys for all main school subjects (Steinmayr and
Spinath, 2008; Epstein et al., 1998; Wong et al., 2002).
The gender gap has widened more in secondary than in primary
school in recent years, and cannot be explained by considering the
differences between schools (Machin and McNally, 2006). It seems
that the start of the gender gap effect in England was at about the
time when the 16-plus school-leaving examination system
changed from O-levels to GCSEs. Machin and McNally argue that
the increased coursework in the GCSE may be a contributory factor
in accounting for the gender gap at age 16, as also may be the
‘gender differential in skills that are rewarded by assessment in
GCSE’. Coursework is work, largely written work, by students
which is assessed by teachers.
Many research studies show that coursework is important in
the differential performance of boys and girls, and it follows that
how students are assessed influences the relative performance of
boys and girls. Studies show that girls do better with essays and
coursework, and boys with multiple-choice questions (Powney,
1996; Stobart et al., 1992; Elwood, 2005). Gipps and Murphy
(1994) summarised research from a number of countries which
showed that the performance of boys improves relative to girls
when multiple-choice tests are used.
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
Table 2
Percentage not in education of all Turkish girls and boys aged 9–11 and 13–14 in
1998 by geographic region.
Age 9–11
Age 13–14
From Table 3, Smits and Hoşgör (2006).
On the other hand, Tinklin (2003) offers personality differences
between girls and boys, attitudes and peer group pressures as
explanations to these differences. She also suggests that many
other issues such as teaching and learning techniques, the content
and assessment of the curriculum, teacher–pupil interactions, as
well as cultural and economic factors including the attitudes of
parents, employment opportunities and after-school training,
should be considered when attempting to define gender differences in performance at school. Steinmayr and Spinath (2008) also
consider sex differences in achievement motivation.
A discussion on gender differences in achievement in schools in
the eastern and southeastern regions of Turkey begins in a different
place. The UNESCO (2003) report on gender and education for all
gives Turkey as one of the twelve countries, from amongst 128,
which was ‘not expected to reach either the primary or secondary
education goals of gender parity by 2015’ (UNESCO, 2003).
In Turkey, there are gender differences in participation in
primary education (Grades 1–8) and even greater differences in
secondary education (Grades 9–12), with the boys having the
advantage of an earlier and longer school life. The number of
children who do not attend school is high, particularly at secondary
level (Aytaç and Rankin, 2004). In 2006, the net primary school
enrolment for the whole of Turkey was 90.1% of the age group
(92.3% boys and 87.9% girls). The net secondary school enrolment
was 56.5% (60.7 boys, 52.2 girls) (TÜİK, 2008).
The gender differences become wider in some parts of the
country, notably in the east of the country. Table 2 shows the
tremendous gap between the western and eastern regions of
Turkey, and between boys and girls in the east, at both ages (Smits
and Hoşgör, 2006).
Smits and Hoşgör (2006) point to a number of factors which
influence the non-attendance of girls at school. Not surprisingly,
they are similar to those given earlier for SES and include the
educational level of both parents, low family income, language
spoken by mother, the occupation of the father and if the mother
works, number of siblings, if mother married younger than 17
years, traditional gender role attitudes in the family and especially
of mother, and living in country or town.
This paper gives later the number of boys and girls who applied
to, and achieved success in, the entrance examinations to the
Erzurum school; and their progress in their early education in the
school. Bearing in mind the data given above, it can be seen that the
girls did well to achieve such success. The types of assessment used
which moved away from multiple-choice questions and included
other means of assessment may have contributed to their success.
2. Vision and objectives of the eastern initiative
The university which set up the Eastern schools initiative has
several schools on its campus. They include IGCSE and IB
programmes, and a music conservatory for gifted young musicians.
These achievements represent good credentials on which to launch
the Eastern school initiative.
One of the main aims of the new school in Erzurum is to
establish access in the area to high quality education which
emphasises the development of higher order skills, with a view to
preparing students for higher education, as well as providing
needed skills for the market. The current university selection
examination in Turkey consists largely of multiple-choice questions favouring rote memorisation (World Bank, 2005; Şahin,
Teaching to this highly competitive examination does not allow
the development of critical thinking skills which the government is
targeting along with other skills (Talim Terbiye Kurulu, 2005). The
educational aims of the Erzurum school are promoted through
preparing students for the internationally recognised qualifications mentioned in Section 1.2.
A second aim of the school is to contribute to the development
of the community in which it is situated. The school regulations,
approved by the ministry, support the integration of the family
within their child’s education by requiring, for example, families to
keep up with their child’s progress by attending regular meetings
with the senior staff. The family is thus given due weight as a key
stakeholder in the educational process and is expected to
In addition, by making the school a centre for cultural events
such as concerts, exhibitions and conferences a wider audience
within the community is sought, initially through children and
their families, but extending outwards. The project also aims to
give back to the community by rendering service, in the short term
through requiring students to seek involvement in community
projects as part of their study, and in the longer term by
encouraging them to return to the area after completing university.
A third aim is to provide an education on a par with that
available in the richer parts of Turkey to help to reduce inequalities
of opportunity. It is hoped to keep high-achieving students within
the area, to attract other skill-bearing families who might
otherwise not come, and spread a different model of education.
A fourth aim is to include a mixture of students from different
social backgrounds in one establishment. Selection is based on
merit established through a wider range of indicators than is
customary in the examination for the competitive high-end state
schools. The expectation is to gather, from different family
backgrounds, students who show promise on the assessment of
critical thinking, knowledge, aptitude, and communication skills.
The provision of up to 90% full scholarships means that no child
should be excluded because the family cannot afford to pay.
A fifth aim of the project is to teach English language skills so as
to provide students with access to the international qualifications
targeted by the school. Encompassed within this aim is the
fostering of international mindedness included, for example, in the
philosophy of the International Baccalaureate, which promotes its
vision beyond the confines of single communities and opens a
window on the world for tolerance and understanding.
3. Method
3.1. Research aims and data collection
The research reported here sets out to investigate the extent to
which the Eastern Anatolian Project is achieving its goals. The
specific aims were four-fold: to describe the performance and
profile of the recruits attracted by the selection process; to gather
data on the training program and the value added to specific
language and broader learning skills; to guide formative learning
and development founded on systematic collection, analysis and
use of evaluation data (O’Dwyer, 2008); and to provide guidance to
future educational initiatives in challenging locations, economic or
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
The researchers built into the project selection process a mainly
quantitative approach to performance data collection and analysis,
for comparative purposes. Tests external to the project were
adopted with a view to providing robust, project-independent
measures of ability, having been trialled in three institutions of the
university specialising in the areas tested, viz. English language,
school subjects, and music. Interview data was gathered after
interlocutors were trained and standardised on the criteria to be
used. General and gender performance was investigated through
comparing dichotomised, quantitative, test data collected during
selection: four separate measures during Stage 1 of the selection
process (tests of aptitude, mathematics, science, and Turkish);
three separate measures during Stage 2 (interview, composition,
musical aptitude). In addition, for comparison, scores for each
Stage 2 student were obtained for performance on the mainly
multiple-choice government high school entrance exam, OKS.
Overall and relative performance on language was measured
through placement, mid-course, and final exams, all previously
administered in other contexts.
In addition to test data to compare performance, a 29-item
Likert scale questionnaire was completed by all teachers to
investigate students’ learning skills under five headings, based on
student performance during their first seven-week course. The
quantified Likert scale data were averaged, as well as dichotomised
for gender. All performance data were submitted to analysis using
standard statistical analysis as well as tests of significance (ANOVA
and factor analysis) using a software package (SPSS). Internal
validity was enhanced through: the use of project independent
measures of ability; the training and standardisation of examiners;
and the triangulation of perception data through multiple
questionnaires for individual students.
In order to explore the extent to which the project permitted a
broad range of socio-economic access, the study categorised
fathers’ occupation for all families from a questionnaire given at
application. Occupational data for mothers was also quantified for
potential impact on selection outcomes.
The research takes the form of the preliminary stages of a case
study, common in organisational studies (Gummesson, 2000) for
studying contemporary events with a view to explaining complex
social phenomena (Yin, 1994). According to Orum et al. (1991),
case studies reflect natural settings, are holistic studies, focus on
continuity and change, and contribute to theoretical generalisation. This characterisation applies to the current study which is
restricted to a particular instance, serves a revelatory purpose, and
has more than one unit of embedded analysis (Freebody, 2003).
Particular attention is accorded to quantitative and qualitative
data as part of both a corroborative and complementary strategy
(Brannen, 2004). The replication of the selection process for
successive cohorts of entering students will contribute to
generalisability of conclusions, hence external validity.
This initial study reports, in the main, on the first three aims
cited above. Longer-term patterns are to be the object of further
3.2. The student selection process
The project constitutes a major educational investment, in a
new direction, for the eastern regions of Turkey. Student progress
is being monitored. The data collected and results given in this
paper represent an early stage of the monitoring process. The main
areas of interest here, then, are issues surrounding the selection
process and the early orientation of students to the new system,
including their adoption of the skill profile intended in the
A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4.2 out of 5 for Grade 8
graduation was required for candidates to enter for the examina-
tions for the Erzurum school. Although reliability of primary school
assessment grades is not guaranteed, this barrier was set to
discourage non-performers. 867 students applied. A two-stage
selection process for candidates was developed.
The first stage, an elimination process, required the development of a test specification which would reflect students’ readiness
to undertake the kind of learning that the school promotes. The
validity concern was to devise instruments to measure congruence
between the aims of the school and desired candidate traits. The
written examination moved away from multiple-choice questions,
which make up selection examinations in the national system, to a
focus on short and longer answers targeting higher level thinking
The test instruments assessed students’ knowledge in core
subject areas of the national curriculum studied up to the end of
Grade 8 and their ability to think. Questions were devised by
expert staff to reflect standards already established by one of the
schools of the university and used to select scholarship students
to that school. The papers were marked by a team of
experienced graders, after standardised marking of a sample
of scripts.
In addition, a commercially available standardised aptitude test
was used to give an opportunity to students with potential but
whose previous education might not have prepared them for the
curriculum outcomes targeted in the short-answer test. The
aptitude test scoring was machine marked, with outcomes
adjusted for age. The number of students selected after the first
battery of tests was 221.
The second stage submitted those selected to an oral examination in three parts. Firstly, an essay to be written in Turkish was set
and marked independently to a standard. Secondly, candidates
talked to a panel of teachers on topics chosen from a selection
available, as well as their essay. Teachers graded independently on
agreed criteria and the scores were averaged to give a single grade.
Thirdly, candidates took a test of musical aptitude, administered by
a musician from the Faculty of Music. It assessed students on their
practical ability to recognise and reproduce in response to musical
The number of students chosen from the second stage was 124.
In addition to assessment data from the selection process,
background data on each candidate was collected. It included
personal details, school averages for Grades 4–8, national scores on
examinations for high school entrance taken at the end of Grade 8
(for Stage 2 candidates), the profession of parents, and if families
would enrol without a scholarship.
3.3. Method of assessment at the summer school
In view of the high academic objectives set, an eight-week
summer school was provided to give intensive English training
before starting at Erzurum in the newly built high school. Students
also had music, science, mathematics and Turkish lessons.
The summer programme took place on the university campus
and was staffed by experienced native and non-native teachers of
English from institutions of the university. An elaborate system of
supervisors was set up to monitor and support students during
their stay in a university hall of residence. Students also
participated in a social activity programme and began to
experience the wider objectives of the Erzurum initiative.
Students’ parents were invited at a weekend mid-point in the
programme to meet the programme sponsors and staff.
At the start, most students had low English language skills,
averaging 33% on a placement test, only two students scoring
above 50%. Yet within one year they had to be proficient enough to
follow IGCSE courses, covering six subjects. Within three years,
they would sit IGCSE examinations.
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
minimum of 60% in the subject areas (195); or above a high
benchmark score in aptitude only (8). The test discriminated well
for the purposes of the project and 221 students, approximately
25% of applicants, were selected for Stage 2. Five more were added
as children of teachers.
The selection from Stage 2 was based on the average score
across the three elements of the second assessment exercise:
individual essay, interview, and musical aptitude, but also took
into account the results of Stage 1. Candidates with an overall score
of over 70% across the five areas of the two Stages were selected. All
individual grades below 70% were scrutinised and students who,
despite a low score on one or two of the five indicators, showed
promise in others were added.
A breakdown of the average percentage aggregate scores for all
candidates is given in Table 3 for Stages 1 and 2. These are the
average scores for those who progressed to the next level of
selection. It permits a picture of the candidate profiles through the
stages in terms of the instruments employed. Table 3 also
separates for gender.
Two further data sets have been added to Table 3. The first
assessment gives aggregate scores of the points obtained in the
national high school selection exam (OKS) by those candidates
offered a place in the Erzurum high school. The OKS is a multiplechoice format test taken just after Stage 2, assessing students on
core subjects studied in Grades 6–8 (Şahin, 2004; Yurdugül and
Aşkar, 2004). It ranks students nationally for places in prestigious
high schools, with a maximum obtainable score of 500. The second
extra data set gives average scores on a study skills questionnaire
completed by teachers for students selected for Erzurum who
completed the summer school.
Table 3 shows a satisfactory selection process with successive
elimination of those who were low performers in Stage 1,
particularly in the subject areas tested, with an overall increase
of 19% in group averages (52–71%), and also with an increase in
aptitude of 8% (66–74%).
Students were placed in classes based on their English
placement test scores. English language performance data was
obtained from mid-term exams (weighted 40%) and final exams
(weighted 55%) in the following areas: listening and reading;
grammar and vocabulary; and writing. The remaining 5% was
allocated by the class teachers as part of a teacher assessment
One aim of the project, as outlined in Section 2, is to develop
higher order thinking skills in line with a constructivist perspective
on education, as part of educating well-rounded individuals. With
the aim of getting data on the learning and study skills of the
Erzurum students, a 29-item questionnaire was devised and
administered during the summer school. It asked teachers and
supervisors, towards the end of the summer programme, to assess
student performance under six major skills headings: interpersonal skills; research skills; communication skills; thinking skills;
classroom related self-management skills; wider school related
self-management skills.
The questionnaire reflected the skill profile used by the
International Baccalaureate for its Primary Years Programme (PYP,
2008) and represented a desirable set of characteristics for the end of
Grade 8. Each major heading was broken down into sub-skill items,
with an explanation for each item to facilitate standardisation. Each
item required a Likert-type scale response, from 1 to 4.
4. Results
4.1. Results of assessment stages from application to final selection
A first cohort of 867 students applied within the criteria and
time limits set. Test centres were established in Erzurum, Istanbul
and Ankara. The data collected during the Stage 1 assessment were
individual and aggregate scores in the subject tests (mathematics,
science, Turkish); along with a single aptitude score reflecting the
candidate’s age profile. Only 14% of applicants stated that they
would be able to pay fees if offered a place.
The following decision rule operated for selection from the
Stage 1 assessment, with number of students selected for each test
(in brackets): an aggregate score above 70% in the subject areas
tested (18); or above a benchmark score in aptitude, with a
4.2. Results of the selection process analysed by gender
Table 3 shows an almost equal number of male (51%) and
female (49%) applicants for Stage 1, with a similar distribution
Table 3
Results of assessment from the selection process for Erzurum high school.
Stage 1
Stage 2
(out of 100)
(out of 100)
(out of 100)
(out of 100)
(out of 100)
(out of 100)
(out of 100)
(out of 4)
Stage 1
Took exam
Stage 2
Offered Stage 2
Stage 2
Took exams
Places offered
Summer programme
End of summer
August 2007
T: Turkish; M: mathematics: Sc: science; Apt: aptitude; OKS: the national high school selection examination.
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
(male 48%; female 52%) for those offered Stage 2. This does not
reflect the high school population in the east of Turkey, which
comprise 64% boys and 36% girls. This point is pursued in Section
5.1 of the discussion.
After Stage 2, however, the percentage of successful girls
increased to 59%. This is an interesting statistic in a part of Turkey
associated with a more traditional perspective on female access to
education. The expectation was for higher numbers of male
applicants and male success. Girls achieved a slight difference in
average performance across all three Stage 2 measures. Of those
later registered for the summer programme however, girls
performed significantly better in both interview (88:83) and
music (69:61) averages (p < .05) in Stage 2, with a clear but not
statistically significant advantage in essay scores (66:62) as well.
This accounts for the increase in the proportion of girls relative to
boys in the number of places offered and uptake, and also supports
the point about gender and types of assessment discussed in
Section 1.3.2.
Despite gender equivalent, non-significant scores for boys and
girls on the English placement test at the start of the summer
school, the end of course examinations at the summer school
showed statistically significant gains, based on aggregate grades,
for girls over boys (p < .05). The outcome is discussed further
below in relation to skills data obtained for the same students at
the end of the summer program.
4.3. Results of the selection process related to family background
The application process for the school asked parents to state
their work or profession. Their replies were translated and are
summarised in Table 4. The data remain somewhat imprecise as
the researchers had to deal with much overlap in categories, a
learning point for future years. Nonetheless, Table 4 shows the
numbers, usually fathers, under each of the different groups listed
in the raw data, for each of the stages in the selection process. For
comparison purposes the percentages for Stage 1 (867 families)
and the summer school (84 families) are also given.
To aid discussion, a rough grouping has been made of the
different categories. In Table 4, army personnel are grouped
together; professionals with a high education level such as
university lecturers and lawyers form the next group. The
technicians form a group; as do the self-employed, workers, and
farmers; and those out of the workforce or with no data.
One category, translated as civil servants with 256 people gives
problems in analysis. The Turkish for civil servant (memur) is a very
broad category indeed. Many civil servants will classify themselves
as memur, without being more specific. Other civil servants prefer
to classify themselves by their job, such as teacher. All those who
work in government offices, such as (for example) the city and
county education offices are classified as civil servants. The
executives and middle management personnel there would call
themselves civil servants, as also would the assistants, secretaries,
even drivers, and messengers. It is clear that this category
represents a very broad band of background and, as defined here,
includes both low-ranking, poorly paid employees as well as
educated people in relatively highly paid positions.
The biggest gains came to those in the second category, mainly
university lecturers, which rose from just below 7 to 18% as a
proportion of the total. Percentage-wise the technician group
(from 3% to 6%) also fared well. The percentage of those from the
military remained almost the same (5.8% and 6%), whereas the
biggest reduction in the selection process was amongst those in the
category of the self-employed, small traders, farmers and workers,
who dropped by half from 38.1% to 17.9%. However, those who
called themselves civil servants, representing a broad band of
socio-economic families, remained high in both the number of
those who applied and those selected, increasing by 7.4% of the
total between the beginning and end of the process.
The figures indicate that a broad socio-economic cross section
of families, probably representative of the spectrum in Erzurum,
applied to the school. Those whose children were selected after all
the tests and interviews also seem to form a cross section of the
Working mothers are important in the families in the final
selection, relative to Stage 1. The data show that 46% of the
mothers whose children were selected for the school are working
as opposed to only 18% of the mothers in families who applied to
Stage 1. Table 5 gives the percentages of non-employed and
Table 4
Profession of candidates’ fathers (taken from application form).
Father’s profession
Stage 1
Stage 2
End of summer
Non comiss. officer
University lecturer
Tax Inspector
Civil servant
No data
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
Table 5
Profession of candidates’ mothers amongst summer school students.
Table 7
Rotated component matrix.
Stage 1
Stage 2
N = 84
Non-working mothers
Working mothers
Civil servant
School teacher
Bank employee
Table 6
A comparison of learning and study skill levels for the Erzurum students.
Main skill areas
Interpersonal skills (includes 5 sub-skills)
Research skills (includes 8 sub-skills)
Communication skills (includes 4 sub-skills)
Thinking skills (includes 6 sub-skills)
Self-management skills (class)
(includes 3 sub-skills)
Self-management skills (wider school)
(includes 3 sub-skills)
All students
employed mothers per stage in the process. From the data it
appears that a working mother in the family conferred an
advantage to a child in the selection process.
4.4. Skills assessment of those students who were selected
The study skills questionnaire was completed by on average
seven different teachers and supervisors who had worked with the
students during the summer school. The teacher data was retained,
supervisor data was not retained as supervisors had spent no class
time with the students. This left approximately five sets of
questionnaire data per student. The data was averaged to give a
single score per student on each of the 29 skill profile items. They
were then averaged under main skill headings; and finally
averaged across headings to give a single total average skill score
for each student, as shown in Table 6.
Table 6 shows that some main skill areas are stronger than
others. Weaker areas were those associated with thinking (2.92)
and research skills (2.97), two key pillars in a constructivist
paradigm. Students were revealed as less performing in the
thinking skills of synthesis, analysis, dialectical thought and metacognition; and in the research skills of formulating questions,
organising data, planning and interpreting data.
On the other hand, communication, interpersonal and selfmanagement skills were positively viewed, with writing being the
main weakness in these three main skill areas. It seems then that
despite success in the state school system as evidenced by Grade 8
final marks and OKS results, and despite being in the top 10
percentile of candidates who applied for the Erzurum school, the
students showed weaknesses, before they began their work, in
precisely the areas which the Erzurum project is targeting.
A factor analysis was carried out using the data from Stage 1
(subject exam plus general aptitude), Stage 2 (interview, musical
aptitude, essay), OKS results, and the average score on skills for the
84 students in the summer program. Three main factors,
accounting for 64% of the total variance, became apparent. The
Entrance exam/OKS
Entrance exam
Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method: Varimax with
Kaiser normalisation. A rotation converged in 5 iterations.
first connected the entrance examination and OKS scores; the
second the interview, essay and skills assessment; and the third
the musical aptitude and general aptitude, see Table 7.
The interpretation of factors requires care but suggests a
distinction between three factors. The first is the ability to succeed
in examinations (the Erzurum entrance examination and the
national OKS). The second is the ability to perform in higher order
skills requiring communication, planning and organising, thinking
on one’s feet, and confidence to respond, either in interview or in
writing. General aptitude would seem to be a third distinct factor.
The factor analysis adds weight to the earlier argument that
examination-taking abilities are separate from skills, and vindicates the choice of three types of assessment for entrance to the
Erzurum school, particularly in view of its avowed aims.
The skills data is even more revealing when gender differences
are taken into account. As already mentioned, the data were
collected using a Likert-like scale for scoring. However, as it was
criterion referenced, 4 being the best performance, it was thus
amenable to statistical treatment using One Way ANOVA. The girls’
performance was significantly better than boys on all the main skill
categories in Table 6 (p < .05). This may explain their superior,
statistically significant, performance in the end of summer
programme assessment.
4.5. Attrition
The attrition rate from places offered for the summer school
(124 students) to registering for the summer programme (94) was
24%, perhaps indicative of the innovative nature of the programme
and the uncertainty this entails. Attrition continued between those
registering (94 students) and those finishing the summer
programme (84), albeit at a slower rate of 11%, possibly due to
candidates deciding to register for traditionally preferred high
status schools. As the data show, there was a net reduction in the
average OKS scores of the two groups which indicates that those
with higher scores were tempted away to these schools. A further
10% attrition again continued into the first year of the project with
76 students coming back one year on for a second summer school
at the end of their preparatory year.
5. Discussion
5.1. Gender
Families in the east and southeast of Turkey invest more in the
education of their sons than their daughters. In the richer parts of
the country, girls are given more opportunities, almost the same as
those given to the boys. This is clearly seen from the figures. In the
east, only 17% of the girls who attended compulsory schooling for
primary education Grades 1–8 continue their schooling afterwards, to high schools or vocational schools. In the Aegean region,
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
on the western seaboard, the figure is double: 34%. The boy:girl
ratio for high schools in the west of Turkey (Aegean) shows boys
and girls not too far apart at 54%:46%. In the high schools of the
east, there are almost two boys to every girl (64%:36%). The gender
discrepancies continue into later life. Adult literacy across the
whole country for males aged 15 years and over is 93.5%, whereas
that for females is 79.6% (World Bank, 2005).
At the school in Erzurum, however, the situation is quite
different as is seen in Table 3. To summarise, of the 867 Grade 8
students who applied, 49% were girls. After the first entrance exam,
226 students were selected, and 52% of these were girls. Of these,
207 students took the Stage 2 exams, and 54% were girls. Places
were offered to 124 students, and 59% of these were girls. Finally,
84 students entered the school at the start of the first year. By this
time, the girls had dropped slightly, to 57% (48 girls and 36 boys).
Comparing the Erzurum school figures with national figures for
the Eastern Region, it seems that girls in the east are educationally
disadvantaged. Many families prefer their girls not to continue in
formal education after completing elementary school, but to work
within the family and community.
The Erzurum school is therefore already accomplishing one of
its aims, namely to provide equality of opportunity to girls and
boys. However, some girls were withdrawn from those selected for
the Erzurum school after their success in the Stage 2 examinations:
the number of girls dropped from 73 to 55 to 48 = 34.3%. The
number of boys dropped from 51 to 36 = 29.4%. The reasons are not
Let us now look at the details of the entrance examination
results in terms of gender. Table 3 shows the difference between
girls and boys, with girls scoring higher than boys on all
components of the Stage 2 tests. Clearly, girls from Erzurum can
hold their own with their brothers in tests of academic
achievement, and are presumably equally able to benefit from
continued education.
The state high school selection examination at the end of Grade
8, OKS, consists entirely of multiple-choice questions, which cover
the main subjects taught in the primary school. The OKS marks
given in Table 3 show that boys performed better than girls on both
the arts and the science strands of the OKS examination, the
difference in scores for boys and girls for the science strand (Sc/Ma)
being statistically significant (p < .05). On the other hand, we have
already seen (Table 3) that girls performed better than boys on
almost all the Erzurum school entry tests, especially at interview,
musical aptitude and essay writing, as well as on the skills
assessment carried out during the summer school.
Such results support the literature (Section 1.3.2) in suggesting
that girls might be disadvantaged in OKS-style multiple-choice
examinations, and that a different testing specification might be
more appropriate and more inclusive of females. Further, when
skills were considered over the eight-week summer school period,
girls were assessed by their teachers as more competent in all skill
categories (Table 6). Overall, then, the Erzurum selection
examinations and the follow-up assessments gave girls more
opportunity to display their abilities than is usual in selection tests
in the country at this age. These tests will be kept, as being
contributory to one of the aims of the Erzurum school.
5.2. Socio-economic indicators
The applicant profile for Stage 1 included all socio-economic
groups. The results of the Stage 2 selection process similarly show a
spread across all social groups. The children of those parents who
may be regarded as being in the higher education or socioeconomic group achieved 27.5% of the places available. The
children of those who may be regarded as members of groups with
a lower educational or economic level achieved 29.8% of the
available places. The civil servant group, with the largest number of
applicants (29.5%) gained 36.9% of the places. If, as argued above,
the civil servant category includes families across the socioeconomic spectrum, then the aim of the project in capturing all
walks of life in the student composition of the school was well and
truly achieved.
Of note is the fact that the proportion of employed mothers for
selected students was also higher, which supports earlier data
from the east (Smits and Hoşgör, 2006).
Opening up educational access to the whole population in
traditionally low attainment parts of the country was one of the
project’s aims. The project will continue to seek ways of extending
inclusivity, including more contact and marketing amongst local
schools, open days, concerts, and other ways to bring local people
into school including the cultural programme, or wider promotion
of the opportunity afforded to students through access to highreturn careers. It is clear also that parental occupation needs to be
clarified in order to verify this conclusion through later cohorts.
5.3. Skills
Averaged data from the summer school skills study show that,
overall, skill performance was weak in certain key areas deemed
important in a constructivist approach to education. This was
despite students being selected from amongst the top performing
children in the school system, as seen by national percentile places
in OKS results. The Turkish primary school system which favours
multiple-choice and information-based examinations leads to the
outcomes suggested by the Erzurum data: high scores in multiplechoice tests, but a relative dearth in thinking, research skills and
communication skills.
The significantly large gender difference across all skills
reverses the trend in OKS results, where boys out-performed girls
as discussed above. Girls may be bearers of crucial skill sets, of
relevance to higher levels in the education system, which are not
detected by the national multiple-choice tests. Loading in the
factor analysis suggests a link between skills, interview and essay
performance, and appears to corroborate the skills data. The three
share underlying traits such as ability to plan, think, communicate,
and express ideas. We can say therefore, that the selection process
took account of skills as they correlated with performance in
interview and essay writing. Skills also appear to be linked to
higher performance in language learning shown by the superior
outcomes of girls during the summer school.
The number of large scale, easily graded, objective style tests is
increasing with recent legislation in Turkey requiring national
multiple-choice examinations to be extended to Grades 6 and 7. The
aggregate score on these, given at the end of each of the last three
years of primary education (Grades 6–8), will decide which students
get a place in prestigious high schools. Cram schools (dershanes),
already well used for those who can afford them, are now extending
their business to even younger school children as a result.
The Erzurum school, in moving towards a more international
model, faces the additional challenge of developing skill-based
learning, but without a feeder school system promoting those skills.
In addition, university access is, by law, through the national
university entrance examination (ÖSS). The Erzurum students will
need to meet the requirements of the ÖSS as well as the
international examinations. Therefore, they will never be completely free of the multiple-choice environment unless international examinations are accepted towards university entrance.
6. Conclusion
The early stages of this study show that the Eastern Anatolian
project is achieving its goals. The selection process for entry to the
J. O’Dwyer et al. / International Journal of Educational Development 30 (2010) 193–203
Erzurum school shows a more equitable male–female balance than
is evident from the national figures for the region. There is also
evidence that the project promotes access to families within a
broad spectrum of representative occupations in Erzurum.
With regard to academic progress in school, the data show that
the girls continue their earlier success and achieve on a par with or
beyond the boys. They are capable of capitalising on their skill
advantage, leading to an enhanced academic performance when
compared to boys.
The research raises key concerns in terms of access to education
where academic achievement, gender, family background and
skills are important variables. The findings question once more the
equity of multiple-choice testing for distinguishing talent and
access; evidence here suggests such tests may exert a negative
influence on gender selection for those continuing into high school.
By extension, girls may be losing out in access to selective schools.
The study also suggests that selection using higher order skills
contributes to enhanced academic performance in language
learning later on. Ongoing research will tell whether these
significant skill level differences are maintained throughout high
school education and whether they can predict higher performance in international examinations. Early indications are that
skill advantages are indeed maintained.
The data on occupational inclusivity is encouraging. However,
the categorisation of family background in the continued research
needs to distinguish categories more finely, as well as incorporate
perceptions from recent family background studies. This will
enable better correlation between a student’s success in the school
and his or her family’s social resources, pecuniary and intellectual.
The development of the Eastern Anatolian project will be
assisted by the formative contributions of the analysis of the data
provided during the course of selection and students’ progress at
school. In addition, the understandings arising from the continuing
study will ultimately provide evidence on the capacity of high
school-focused innovations such as that discussed in this study to
change traditional educational systems towards a more constructivist paradigm.
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