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For AS6035 CAP/ Audit Students access
The royal charters and chronicles present a unique historical source for researching power distribution and administration of the medieval kingdom. This paper presents an attempt to progress in the analytical approaches presented by German historians from the 1980s and 1990s to study the governance of the medieval kingdom. Inspired by the use of newly acquainted digital methods in humanities, we compare the analytical metrics implemented on the Přemysl Otakar II (1251-1278) activity itinerary dataset to study the identification of primary centers of his government. The data for the study were collected based on the historical research of available sources and transformed and cleaned into a data table of king's activities and a list of geocoded localities. To study the king's movement in spacetime, we also needed to reconstruct the travel routes and the corresponding travel time estimation. In the next step, we selected and implemented twelve metrics ranging from fundamental statistical analysis, and geostatistics, to network analysis to evaluate the dataset and identify the primary centers of the reign of the king. Further, we provided the comparison of all used metrics in the sense of visual analysis, methodological point of view, and from the perspective of their historical interpretation. In addition to providing a methodological extension to the research of historical itineraries, the outcomes of the analyses brought a new contribution to the historical research of the administration of the medieval kingdom.
Capital & Class, 2005
This paper distinguishes some of the main currents in British anarchism at the time of the miners' strike. It explores the influence of these libertarian movements on the conflict in the coalfield, and assesses how the strike influenced the development of British anarchisms.
La publication du fascicule II des fouilles de Habuba Kabira est consacree aux objets, elle comprend deux volumes. Le volume de texte est organise en neuf chapitres, essentiellement par classes d’objets. L’introduction est tres breve, suivie par une presentation massive de la ceramique, par D. Surenhagen (partie II, p. 3-189), puis des figurines (p. 189-193), des divers outils par E. Strommenger (p. 193-200), puis des objets en pierre (p. 200-273) et en metal (p. 274-285). Viennent ensuite le...
Identities, 2017
The intensified and clearly evident crisis of the capitalist world-system during the last decade gave rise to an increased number of various anti-systemic movements and sentiments, thus setting the main task for the contemporary European Left in terms of articulating this oppositional potential into a viable emancipatory politics. Hence, the leftist political strategy - mainly the one expounded by Podemos and, to a lesser extent, by Syriza - has focused on populism in the sense that late Ernesto Laclau has given this term.
This Is An English Language Essay Based Around The Shakespeare Tale Of 'Macbeth.'
Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East 7; Archetype Publications London , 2023
A survey of the copper coinage of Heraclius (AD 610-41) struck at the Thessalonica mint taking account of recent numismatic data. The possibility that certain dekanummia without a mint mark were manufactured for export to Cyprus. The paper recommends: testing the extent to which standard references are now outdated; archaeologists presenting their findings with a greater degree of granularity so that numismatic research might be better synthesised to form a more important element of the mainstream; museums and archaeologists, in some cases at least, widening purview to incorporate numismatics.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Hospitalar
Os Cuidados Paliativos são uma abordagem que promove a qualidade de vida de pacientes que enfrentam doenças ameaçadoras da vida, por meio da prevenção e alívio de sintomas. Ao longo de nossa experiência nesse setor, inseridos em um Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Psicologia de um hospital universitário, os impasses e desafios encontrados engendraram questionamentos importantes acerca do fazer psicanalítico na instituição hospitalar, marcada historicamente pela hegemonia do discurso médico.
Tekst był publikowany w: „Kwartalnik Filmowy” 2021, nr 115, s. 249-255.
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Trabajos de Egiptología / Papers on Ancient Egypt, 2017
Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 2014
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuaria, 2015
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2004
Scientific Reports
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2018
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG, 1988
Langage et société, 2018
L'Année sociologique, 2020
Movimento (ESEFID/UFRGS), 2020