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Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 2014
Commonwealth Essays and Studies , 2014
Journal of Black Studies, 2008
The author, who is an African Canadian, was a beneficiary of the 1967 Immigration and Manpower Act. She embraced the Canadian Multicultural Policy and subsequent Multiculturalism Act and its programs as means to validate the identities and cultures of Black people. She tells a tale of her disillusionment and how multiculturalism has concealed the brutal histories of enslavement, colonization, and empire. She uses the metaphor of ghosts to describe her project of directed self-study to understand the subjugation of knowledge about the colonized Other. She offers implications for educational institutions.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2014
Context: CanLit Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada is the outcome of a threeyear international research project on contemporary Canadian fiction and criticism. Scholars hail from Spain, Canada and the UK. Eva Darius-Beautell, the editor, is an associate professor of American and Canadian literatures at the University of Laguna (Spain). Her previous book Graphies and Grafts: (Con)Texts and (Inter)Texts in the Fictions of Four Canadian Women Writers was chosen by the International Council of Canadian Studies as seminal text, acknowledging the importance of the palimpsestic layers and interconnected threads imbricated in Canadian culture and literary production. 1 However, Darius-Beautell argues that Canadians are always in the process of 'becoming'; uncertain about the nature of reality, predisposed to question their own authenticity and 'belated' in recognising their embedded national origins. She also notes that parody, self-mockery and scepticism have become the privileged mode of addressing the home culture from within, and speculates on the tendency towards 'the ongoing postmodernization of Canadian writing in English.' 2 The work in hand is critical, an attempt to re-organise and re-orientate scholarship in the field, for strategic reasons. Concept Darius-Beautell writes in the Introduction to Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts that the book has a double objective. On the one hand the creative team examines the hypothesis that English-Canadian literature written and published in the last few decades coalesces around the necessity to debunk the 'Frygian' national myths produced in the 1960s, myths which 'have somehow haunted literary and cultural production in Canada since' (4). On the other hand the intention is to lead by example; to support a parallel movement to recognise and practice a more inclusive and plural literary tradition as integral to 'national culture'. The book is a neat production, easy to peruse, with bold chapter headings and indexed for quick reference, while presenting a kaleidoscope of fascinating scenarios by eight university teachers and academics in the field (only one male). Unity and cohesion come from its clear conception but its beauty is the freedom of individual interpretation afforded each author within the fold. The intention is to unravel the complex issues that arise within and between perceptions of national culture, neo-liberalisation and the influences of other universalising ideologies and the machinations of global productions. Autoethnography Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts is emphatically ethnography, in literary terms knowledge constituted through fictional narratives and dialogical strategies. Darius-Beautell cleaves to autobiography (telling stories of self) and/or historiography (the struggle to find human truth in the flow of time and the tide of Canadian events), coupled with a focus on the collisions 1 Eva Darius-Beautell, Graphies and Grafts: (Con)Texts and (Inter)Texts in the Fiction of Four Contemporary Canadian Women (Bruxelles: PIE Lang, 2001). 2 'Displacements, self-mockery, and carnival in the Canadian postmodern', World Literature Today 70.2 (Spring 1996) 316. Book reviews: Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada edited by Eva Darius-Beautell. Christine Runnel.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022
This essay discusses recent changes in Canadian literary studies after the controversies that surrounded "Canada 150," the sesquicentennial anniversary of the Confederation's independence celebrated in 2017. Taking Michel Foucault's "ethic of discomfort" as its cornerstone, it reflects on the disciplinary affiliations of Canadian studies in French universities in comparison to the place they occupy in Canada. The resurgence of Indigenous cultures has led to a re-examination of the field, its shifting borders, and the position of Indigenous Literatures with respect to "CanLit," an institution shaped by various forces of legitimation among which school syllabi, university curricula, literary journals, publishing rationales, literary awards and radio programs. The essay will finally move on to interrogate some of the options available in France for scholars researching CanLit and the Indigenous Literatures in Canada, two imbricated categories that require researchers to situate themselves as regards the object of their investigation. Résumé Les festivités organisées au Canada pour célébrer le cent-cinquantième anniversaire de l'indépendance en 2017 se sont déroulées dans un climat d'intense agitation politique et intellectuelle. Parmi les débats, de nombreuses discussions ont porté sur la place qu'occupe la littérature dans les études canadianistes, leurs enjeux, leurs missions et leurs limites. Célébrer l'anniversaire de l'obtention du statut de « Dominion de la Couronne » fut, comme pour le Centenaire, l'occasion de réévaluer les contours de « CanLit », ce canon littéraire dont la construction a visé, tout au long du XXe siècle, à fédérer les imaginaires disparates d'anciennes colonies devenu pays d'immigration en mal d'unité nationale. La résurgence des littératures autochtones est aujourd'hui l'un des facteurs devant être pris en compte quand on veut préciser les contours mouvants des études canadiennes. Ce qui est vrai au Canada l'est aussi dans une certaine mesure en France, dans les départements où s'enseigne la littérature canadienne anglophone. L'article prendra appui sur « l'éthique de l'inconfort » qu'invoque Michel Foucault pour sonder l'enjeu des positionnements auxquels les spécialistes de littérature anglo-canadienne sont aujourd'hui invités s'ils veulent entendre, depuis l'Europe, ce que les littératures autochtones du Canada ont à leur dire. Bio Claire Omhovère teaches English and Postcolonial Literature at University Paul Valéry-Montpellier (France) where she is affiliated to the research group EMMA (Études Montpellieraines du Monde Anglophone). Between 2011 and 2017, she presided the French Association for the Study of the Commonwealth (SEPC), and was the general editor of Commonwealth Essays & Studies. Her research is broadly concerned with perceptions and representations of space in postcolonial literatures with a specific interest in the aesthetic and ethical dimensions of landscape writing in settler-invader colonies such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. What happened? Not so long ago we were radicals. We thought of ourselves as critical intellectuals, advocates for the value of indigenous cultures, defenders of our people. Now, all of a sudden, we're handmaidens of empire.
Javnost - The Public, 2005
This essay offers a wry analysis of the manner in which elements of Canadas rhetorical culture inflect its response to international affairs. Canadas public and private response to international conflicts in an Age of Terror is examined as an instance of disengagement and irony through the metaphor of the cottage.
University of Toronto Quarterly, 2004
Logistics , 2024
Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis, 2023
Conflict and Society, 2020
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Journal of Environmental Quality, 1994
Embajada Ciudadana de Venezuela en EEUU, 2022
The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics
Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 2021
Fertility and Sterility, 2023
Plant and Cell Physiology, 2000
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2004
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
movimento-revista de educação, 2017
Plant Physiology, 1998
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2013