CORRIDORS & URBAN SETTLEMENTS INTEGRATION A CHALLENGE TO REDUCE TERRITORIAL INEQUALITIES THE RISE OF ASIA 2020 - URBANISM -ARCHITECTURE - ECOLOGY Paris, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, March 12, 2020 Le Havre, Université Le Havre Normandie, March 13-14, 2020 PREMISES Experience of metropolis, expected to grow in number and size in short future especially in emerging countries, is mainly negative and the long-term impacts unpredictable, but already atmospheric pollution and water shortage are rising, with no defined global intervention strategies. Wild land-use for urbanization without any respect of the existing peculiarities and sustainability is determining permanent damages for the environment. Is urgent therefore develop a deep reflection on urbanization processes to reduce them and favor rural/urban balance anyway and wherever possible, reducing inequalities, preserving local characteristics, traditions, tangible and intangible patrimony, and other necessary elements to assure integration and sustainable rural development, favoring at same time social cohesion. 2015 -WORLD URBANIZATION LEVELS OVERVIEW Transport and economic corridors, actually planned or in implementation worldwide especially in emerging countries, if implemented not as simple infrastructure and connectivity networks, but integrating urban settlements, services, productive activities, agriculture, tourism, etc. can represent a valid and innovative tool to mitigate the negative social and environmental impacts produced by rising urbanization processes, becoming territorial development axes. The importance of urban infrastructures and settlements has been emphasized by many organizations, including the United Nations in 2012 which, at the Rio + 20 Conference on sustainable development declared: "that transportation and "Sustainable transport can enhance economic growth and improve accessibility Among the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the 2030 Agenda, transports are mentioned in several SDGs and objectives, as in : Goal 9- Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Goal 11 -Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable INFRASTRUCTURE CORRIDORS - EXAMPLES & IMPACTS In recent decades many studies and projects of transport economic and corridors have been developed with regional and trans-national character in various continents, some of which have been successfully implemented. First of all is the TEN-T Trans European Network, launched by the EU in the 90's and now completed, that through nine main corridors (annex map1) has become the backbone of the mobility and logistics network in all member countries. More recently extended towards the east in the neighboring countries, and to which also the north African land infrastructures are connected through the Mediterranean maritime corridor . Following this successfully implemented EU model of regional infrastructural connections, involving all the 28 European member states, similar projects have been later developed in other continents: THE EURO-MEDITERREAN MARITIME CORRIDOR - 2006 AFRICAN CORRIDORS In Africa in the last 2 decades several major “development corridors” have been proposed or created to increase agricultural production, mineral exports, and economic integration. The corridors involve large-scale expansion of infrastructure such as roads, railroads, pipelines, and port facilities and will open to development extensive areas of land but also environmental pressures. Actually are identified 33 development corridors of which 10 are active, 9 are proposed for upgrading, and 14 are planned. Among them significant is Trans African Highway Network planned by the African Union, the ADB -African Development Bank and UNECA, based on 9 corridors for over 56.000 km. African development corridors interest large arable lands. With increasing agricultural productivity and rising profits, such areas might also act as magnets for colonists, drawing them away from vulnerable frontier areas and helping to promote land sparing for nature conservation AFRICAN ECONOMIC CORRIDORS LATIN AMERICAN CORRIDORS In Latin America the "IIRSA - Iniciativa Integraciòn Regional Sur Americana" initiative developed since 2000 strategic projects in several sectors, continued by COSIPLAN - Consejo Suramericano de Infraestructura y Planeamiento, created by UNASUR in 2009, among them trans-national development and transport ccorridors . In last period the " Integration Priority Project Agenda (API)" is carrying on 31 projects which have a strategic nature and of high impact for physical integration and regional socio-economic development, mostly in the sectors of roads, railways, ports, telecommunications and energy infrastructures. The main corridors foreseen are the "Bioceanic Corridors", planned to ensure connection between Atlantic and Pacific ports through a bimodal transport network, as the "Brazil-Perù" and the "Corridor Bioceanico Sur" interesting MERCOSUR from southern Brazil and Rio de la Plata ports to central Chilean ones LATIN AMERICAN INTEGRATION CORRIDORS - 2006 ASIAN CORRIDORS In Asia since the 90' and more recently in Eurasia have been planned several international corridors interesting large regions and number of involved countries, some of them under advanced implementation; which main objective is to improve good transportation routes and consequently support local economies, develop regions and cities along the corridors. The main ones are the following: INSTC - NORTH SOUTH TRANSPORT CORRIDOR is a 7,200-km-long multi modal transportation network established the 12/09/2000, by Iran, Russia and India for the purpose of promoting transportation and cooperation . This corridor connects India Ocean and Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea via Islamic republic of Iran, to St. Petersburg and North Europe via Russian Federation. The INSTC later expanded to including eleven new members, namely: Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Oman, Syria, Bulgaria INSTC - NORTH SOUTH TRANSPORT CORRIDOR BCIM - BANGLADESH-CHINA-MYANMAR CORRIDOR The BCIM economic corridor between the underdeveloped southwestern region of China, and Myanmar, India and was formalized into the BCIM Forum for Regional Cooperation in 1999. The corridor aims to revive the south-western trade route of the ancient Southern Silk Road which facilitated the shortest journey between China and India. The proposed 2,800-km long trail will traverse from Kolkata -India to Dhaka-Bangladesh and entering India again in Assam, after it moves to Myanmar and crossing Mandalay the road will reach Kunming in China CPEC . CHINA–PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR CPEC is a collection of infrastructure projects that are already under construction throughout Pakistan and to China border, aimed to rapidly modernize existing infrastructure and strengthen its economy by the construction of modern transportation networks, energy projects, and creation of special economic zones. A vast network of highways and railways are to be built, it will link seaports as Gwadar and Karachi with northern Pakistan, and further north with western China and Central Asia. - CPEC-CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR TEBR - TRANS-EURASIAN BELT OF RAZVITIE (DEVELOPMENT) The project connects Russian territories form west to Siberia and the Far East of the key components of the new technological and social-and-cultural modes. The principal element of this mode is the integrated infrastructure system (multi-infrastructure). It will combine the transport, energy industry, telecommunications, water, oil and gas transport, ensure creation of the new branches of industry and new science and technology as well as engineering cities along the BAM and Transiberian railways (map 10). The “Razvitie” belt is the brand for new geo-economic, geo-political and geocultural concepts, that differ from the other Eurasian "transport corridor” proposals (map 11)., and are included into this vision that represent the particular aspects of the term “Razvitie belt”. The geo-economic novelty consists in create new poles of development within the TEBR project. Firstly, it is referred to the social-economic improvement that suggests creation of 10-15 new industrial branches, their allocation and construction of advanced environmentally-integrated urban settlements. These new industries will determine the types of employment following the different needs, creating 25 million productive workplaces. EURASIAN MAIN TRANSPORT CORRIDORS BRI - BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE BRI, Is the last and most important infrastructural program ongoing, now extended to a global scale. Was launched by China in 2013 and actually involves over 150 countries worldwide, and the initial aim was to implement the commercial routes between China and Europe, reviving the ancient Silk Road by land and sea (map12).. The initial focus has been infrastructure investment, education, construction materials, railway and highway, power grid, now is enlarged to other sectors as cultural exchanges, tourism. Already, most estimates list the global Belt and Road Initiative as one of the largest infrastructure and investment projects in history, actually is participated by 68 countries and whose aim is to interest more than 150 countries worldwide, including 65% of the world population and 40% of the global GDP. BRI actually includes six land international economic cooperation corridors, namely the New Eurasian Land Bridge, the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor, the ChinaIndochina Peninsula Economic Corridor, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. In the "six connectivity networks": highways, railways, shipping, aviation, pipelines and integrated space information networks, are the main contents of the BRI infrastructure connectivity. The initiative is now extending globally THE LAND AND MARITIME SILK ROAD or BRI - 2013 TERRITORIAL MODEL A reference model to consider, revised in a modern key, could be the ancient one of the Roman consular roads network, that represented the physical framework of the Empire, not only for military and commercial purposes, but also as a network of intercultural exchanges and an element of territorial cohesion. Model in which the post-stations, the castrums, the market villages were true poles of aggregation settlement progressively transformed into permanent settlements and towns, setting the basis on which later most of the European cities, then included in the Roman territory, developed with a territorial scheme remained valid for centuries.. Nowadays that many "SMART CITIES" projects have been developed, defined both as services and functions, in many countries, the new intercontinental networks of terrestrial communication and connectivity can become "SMART CORRIDORS" with similar attraction and development functions of the territories crossed, with a settlement pattern no longer concentrated in punctual locations but scattered in poles developed along the physical mobility infrastructures, where also will run energy, water, data transmission and other networks, represented by medium-sized (existing or new) urban settlements, industrial, commercial, and innovation centers located along the corridors. GENERAL OBJECTIVES The objective is therefore to exploit the various infrastructures of mobility, energy and communication for the enhancement of the vast territories crossed, involving a strip of variable width depending on the environmental and socioeconomic characteristics, such to be easily accessible and infrastructured everywhere, in which strengthen or develop agricultural, productive and commercial activities supported by urban settlements, existing or to be built ex-novo, equipped with the most advanced technologies. Such an integrated infrastructural system conceived as "SMART CORRIDOR" goes beyond the current definition of infrastructures, based essentially on economic evaluations, but aimed to produce synergies between the various components in a reciprocal dynamic. The integrated development of "SMART CORRIDORS" constitutes on the one hand a tool to support the environment, through the renewed human presence in the territory with a better use of specific environmental resources, and on the other a mean to mitigate urbanization phenomena towards large metropolis, favoring the repopulation of marginalized areas, through the diffusion of smaller urban settlements, with such environmental and social characteristics that favor the quality of life for a large number of inhabitants. GLOBAL EXPANSION OF THE SILK ROAD - 2018 INTERVENTION GUIDELINES With this integrated vision the corridors, from simple transport and communication infrastructures as generally conceived, will transform into regional and national axes of territorial development becoming, as "SMART CORRIDORS", the backbone of an intercontinental network of exchanges, not only of goods and products, but also of different cultures, contacts and experiences. The presence, in addition to the mobility infrastructures, of energy and digital networks, makes possible to create new urban settlements or revitalize existing agglomerations with new roles and functions of logistics/exchange platforms, productive and commercial activities based on the specific resources of each territory, favoring local integrated economic development inserted in a more vast regional network, represented by the "SMART CORRIDORS". Will the integration between infrastructural corridors and urban settlements be adequately developed as assessed in many international agendas, and advantages that such a joint intervention strategy on peripheral areas interested grabbed ? Can emerging countries, being all involved in the corridors development and urbanization process, play a leading role in this direction? MANY THANKS FOR THE KIND ATTENTION Arch.Paolo Motta EURISPES-BRICS Team Member ICOMOS Italy Member CIVVIH Member ICTC Member