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36 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
The paper discusses the role of Filipino teachers in promoting quality and inclusive education within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). It outlines tasks for educators to analyze the effectiveness of school and community responses to SDG 4 targets, emphasizing the creation of actionable plans to address identified gaps. By fostering collaboration and utilizing modern tools, the paper aims to enhance educators' capacity to deliver relevant education amidst global challenges.
By 2030 ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development.
SangSaeng, 2016
The new global goal on education is set within a lifelong learning perspective, and represents the vision and aspirations of the global education community for 2030. With its seven targets and three means of implementation, it represents a historically unprecedented level of ambition. By introducing global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development, one target (4.7) captures the transformative aspirations of the new global development agenda. This particular target, more than any other, touches on the content and quality of education, especially relating to its social, humanistic, and moral purposes. It also acknowledges the role of culture and the cultural dimensions of education. This articles discusses the measurement and monitoring challenges associated with SDG target 4.7..
Innovación Educativa, vol. 11, nº 54, pp. 115-126, 2011
The Millennium Declaration and its development objectives agreed which should be the main priorities that humanity has to face up to 2015, specified in eight major areas of activities. The purpose of this paper is to show that Education and its policies are a key reference point -explicit or implicit- in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Doing away with extreme poverty or universalize primary education are increasingly unattainable goals in light of the annual reports that the agencies themselves produce and disseminate. That is why the emphasis needed on critical analysis of frustrated purposes of development, and the need to distribute wealth and humanize globalization. A task that can only be done by affirming and asserting the role of education and educational policy for a shift of course that is truly alternative, prone to a broad spectrum human development, consistent in its ideas and everyday practices in the present and aiming to the future. La Declaración del Milenio y sus objetivos de desarrollo acordaron cuáles deberían ser las principales prioridades que ha de afrontar la humanidad hasta 2015, concretadas en ocho grandes áreas de actuación. El propósito del artículo consiste en mostrar que la educación y sus políticas son un referente clave -explícito e implícito- en los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio (ODM). Acabar con la pobreza extrema o universalizar la educación primaria son metas cada vez más inalcanzables a la luz de los informes anuales que los propios organismos elaboran y difunden. De ahí el énfasis en el análisis crítico de los propósitos frustrados del desarrollo, así como en la necesidad de distribuir la riqueza y humanizar la globalización. Una tarea que solo podrá hacerse afirmando y reivindicando el protagonismo de la educación y de las políticas educativas para un cambio de rumbo que sea verdaderamente alternativo, proclive a un desarrollo humano de amplias miras, congruente en sus ideas y prácticas más cotidianas en el presente y con visión de futuro. La Déclaration du Millénaire et de ses Objectifs de développement sont convenues lesquelles devraient être les priorités principales que l'humanité a à affronter jusqu'à 2015, concrétisées dans huit grandes aires de comportement. L'intention de l'article consiste a montrer que l'éducation et ses politiques sont le clef référant, l'explicite et l'implicite, dans les objectifs de développement du millénaire (ODM). Achever la pauvreté extrême ou universalité l'instruction primaire sont des buts de plus en plus inaccessibles à la lumière des rapports annuels que les propres organismes élaborent et diffusent. De là dans une emphase dans des analyses critiques des intentions frustrées du développement, ainsi que dans la nécessité de distribuer la richesse et d'humaniser la globalisation. Un travail qui pourra être fait seulement en consolidant et en revendiquant le rôle principal de l'éducation et des politiques éducatives pour un changement de direction qui est vraiment alternative, encline à un développement humain de vastes viseurs, congruent dans ses idées et pratique plus quotidiennes dans le présent et avec vision de l’avenir.
Sustainability the Journal of Record Vol. 12 No. 2, 2019
To contribute to the meaningful implementation of SDG 4.7, UNESCO-MGIEP conducted a study to analyze the extent to which the ideals of SDG 4.7 are embodied in policies and curricula across 22 Asian countries. At one level, MGIEP aimed to establish benchmarks against which future progress can be assessed. It also argued forcefully that we must redefine the purposes of schooling to get at the fundamental challenges associated with promoting peace, sustainability, and global citizenship through education. This case study reports on the findings and implications of this investigation, which were published in 2017 as Rethinking Schooling for the 21st Century: The State of Education for Peace, Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Asia.
Sustainability, 2020
This paper presents the results of a systematic review of literature (56 studies) related to Sustainable Development Goal 4.7. The goal of the research reported on here is to contribute to the discussion around strategies for working towards and monitoring SDG4.7 at the institutional level. Within this overarching focus, our review of the literature was designed to identify studies that have looked at both student learning and teacher education related to SDG4.7. This twin focus stems from the recognition that achieving the SDGs will be particularly difficult if policymakers are not attentive to both sides of the learning equation-that is, first, to the ways that teachers learn to teach about issues related to SDG4.7 and, then, the ways that students acquire this knowledge and are assessed. The five findings sections of this review correspond to the five areas of emphasis embedded in the language of SDG4.7, namely, education for (a) sustainable development, (b) human rights, (c) gender equality, (d) promoting of a culture of peace and non-violence, and (e) appreciation of cultural diversity. In accordance with the purpose of this review, the synthesis for each area of emphasis digs into the details of the educational interventions, monitoring and evaluation strategies, and results that are documented in the publications analyzed. Thus, this review can be useful for informing educational or pedagogical approaches related to SDG4.7, as well as for designing monitoring and evaluation tools for the SDGs.
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