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The paper describes the integration between web intelligence and character-based software agent manipulation with the notion of autonomous information services. The system, 'Auto-Presentation', builds a presentation automatically by parsing, summarizing and correlating information collected from the Internet based knowledge sources after receiving the presentation topic from the user. The system, with the help of a group of character based software-agents, presents automatically the retrieved information about the topic verbally with accompanied slides, different gestures and affects associated with presenter (e.g. the character agents). With a brief literature re-view, in section 1 the basic idea of the system is explained. Section 2 describes the architecture and explains different components of 'Auto-Presentation'. Section 3 describes necessary algorithms. Section 4 depicts some test results and evaluations. Section 5 concludes the paper with the trail of future work.
Presentation is undoubtedly an essential skill that a person should acquire.
OSINT = information that has been deliberately discovered, discriminated, distilled and disseminated to a select audience, generally the commander and their immediate staff, in order to address a specific question – creates intelligence. OSINT – V = OSINT Validated – is information to which a very high degree of certainty can be attributed. The four pillars to an OSINT strategy = sources + software + services + analysis Traditional Media Sources = prior the Internet – foreign print, broadcast media, radio and TV Grey literature = both legally and ethically available, but only from specialized channels or through direct local acces. Este literatura care nu se poate obtine prin furnizorii obisnuiti de achizitie: edituri, redactii, agentii de carte, fiind deci dificil de identificat. Poate fi: rapoarte de cercetare, studii tehnice, lucrari de conferinte, simpozione, traduceri, teze, dizertatii, lucrari de diploma. OSD (Open Source Data) = emisiuni radio/TV, tipărituri
Fossas septicas sao sistemas de saneamento basico alternativos para regioes sem rede de esgoto. Elas degradam a materia orgânica e varios microrganismos patogenicos de forma eficiente, porem tem limitacoes para a remocao de nitrogenio, que acaba por contaminar os aquiferos, na forma de nitrato e/ou amonio. Buscando orientar os usuarios como reduzir os impactos na agua subterrânea, um manual foi elaborado, contendo informacoes sobre a locacao e a construcao, embasando tais recomendacoes no entendimento dos processos quimicos atuantes na fossa e no aquifero. A locacao da fossa deve ser compativel com o tipo de solo. Em solos arenosos, a fossa deve estar a >70 m de pocos de abastecimento e para solos argilosos, de >15 m e independentemente de qualquer solo, a >15 m de corpos d'agua superficiais e a >1,5 m de qualquer outra construcao civil. O tamanho da fossa deve ser compativel com o numero de usuarios, e sua geometria deve ser escolhida conforme a area disponivel, sen...
La dehesa es un sistema agroforestal característico de la cuenca mediterránea que, encuentra en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica, uno de los marcos territoriales más adecuados para su desarrollo espacial. En esta comunicación trataremos de evaluar las debilidades del sistema de aprovechamiento actual y las potencialidades de futuro basadas en la multifuncionalidad tradicional junto a los nuevos usos no agrarios del monte.
Engineers often complain that non-engineers do not really understand what engineers do for a living. Some of this can be attributed to the persistent failure of engineers to reflect thoughtfully on the nature of their work so that they can recognize and articulate its truly unique aspects. The distinctiveness of engineering is often sought in the specific knowledge that it requires, but a frequent mistake is to focus on propositional knowledge-that, rather than practical knowledge-how. Engineering routinely requires the use of fallible heuristics and non-deterministic design procedures to formulate technical problems in a way that is manageable and then develop creative solutions to them. It involves skill and judgment that can only be acquired through experience.
Part of UMN descending down but it supplies face & not trunk—corticospinal tract. Q corticobulbar tracts are not found in the spinal cord. Q it has bilateral representation. Meaning it supplies both sides. Q advantage when you cut one side there is no paralysis in the face because the nerve innervation = bilateral. CN 7 nuclei however divided into Upper part & Lower part. Q unilaterally = C/L (i.e.) if there is lesion of corticobulbar tr. on L side pt. = C/L lower facial palsy R lower facial palsy. problem with smiling or whistling (UMN lesion) but in Bell's Palsy = LMN CN 7 that has a lesion – flaccid paralysis (LMN lesion) Brainstem Transection How to determine level of lesion. Lesions in BS CN involvement Pts. Present with ipsilateral CN Q palsy & C/ L hemiplegia. There are various tracts + nucleus + CN in BS. ✩ MEDULLA ✩ CN nuclei in medulla • Spinal nucleus of V; spinal tract • Hypoglossal nucleus CN XII – medullary accessory nucleus • ✩ Solitary Nucleus – visceral senses of touch CN 7, 9; sensory, carotid sinus, + body • Dorsal Motor nucleus of X • Nucleus ambiguous motor innervation to soft palar + pharynx, larynx, CN 9 + 10 laterally • Vestibular nuclei – pontomedullary duration, found @ entry CN 7 Some nuclei located medially or laterally Tracts located medially 1. Medial lemniscus (V, T, P from trunk) 2. Corticospinal tract/ pyramidal (C/L somatic motor innervation to trunk) 3. CN 12 medially (laterally located tracts in medullary are • Q Spinal-thalamic tract carry C/L pain + temp. from trunk • Q Descending spinal trigeminal tract • Ipsilateral pain & temp. from face
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