Water Quality Assessment
A. Goldenberg-Vilar, R. Álvarez-Troncoso, V. Roldán, and Saúl Blanco
Diatom metrics methods are becoming important tools
for the assessment of environmental conditions in aquatic
systems. Diatoms have several advantages as bioindicators: their ubiquitous distribution across world aquatic
environments, their ability to integrate multiple water
quality features, and the relatively simple and standardized sampling and preparation methods. To date, several diatom indices have been developed, most of which
are general pollution indices, especially indicative of
eutrophication and organic pollution. This chapter reviews the literature concerning diatom-based analyses for
biomonitoring purposes, with a first overview on available
methods (microscopy-based, automatic identification, and
DNA barcoding), and an account on bioassessment tools
using phytobenthos in EU countries, with a special focus
on the Spanish experience.
The first tools for ecosystem health diagnosis in rivers were
established ca. 100 years ago [1], and the use of organisms
as indicators of water quality largely originated from Europe,
A. Goldenberg-Vilar ()
IHCantabria - Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de
Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Cimera Estudios Aplicados S.L. Science to Business, Madrid, Spain
e-mail: alejandra.goldenberg@unican.es
R. Álvarez-Troncoso · V. Roldán
Cimera Estudios Aplicados S.L. Science to Business, Madrid, Spain
S. Blanco
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales, Departamento de
Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental, Universidad de León, León, Spain
Laboratorio de diatomología y calidad de aguas, Instituto de
Investigación de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y
Biodiversidad, León, Spain
e-mail: degsbl@unileon.es
mainly devoted to monitoring organic pollution [2]. Traditionally, water quality assessment has been based on physicochemical analysis, although it has been largely demonstrated
that this approach does not provide a temporally integrated
picture of the response of ecosystems to impairment [3, 4].
On the contrary, biological monitoring has been proven to
be useful especially in running waters, where concentrations
can fluctuate notably even within a few hours, reflecting
the overall quality status of a river during a certain period
[5]. Particularly, changes in species composition reflect variations in water quality in a more integrated manner than
mere chemical sampling [6]. In this regard, diatom-based
methods are becoming important tools for the assessment
of environmental conditions in aquatic systems. Diatoms
have several advantages as bioindicators: their ubiquitous
distribution across world aquatic environments, their ability
to integrate multiple water quality features, and the relatively
simple and standardized sampling and preparation methods
[7, 8]. Additionally, diatoms exhibit high diversities both
locally and regionally, but with comparatively narrow ecological profiles and short generation times, thus responding
rapidly to environmental changes [1, 9].
Diatom-based methods are increasingly becoming important tools for assessment of ecological conditions in
lotic systems. To date, several diatom indices have been
developed, most of which are general pollution indices,
especially indicative of eutrophication and organic pollution
[10]. The output of these methods is usually a single score
that permits rapid assessment of the overall condition of a
stream in a manner that is easily understood by nontechnical
resource managers [11]. Differences between indices scores
are related to the taxonomic spectrum considered, the autecological parameters assigned, and the main environmental
stressor that is being monitored [3, 12].
Diatom literature stresses the importance of ion concentration and trophic status as major environmental drivers of
diatom distribution in aquatic ecosystems. Available metaanalyses [9, 13] show that diatom communities respond
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
G. Cristóbal et al. (eds.), Modern Trends in Diatom Identification, Developments in Applied Phycology 10,
A. Goldenberg-Vilar et al.
mainly to chemical variables [5, 10], overriding the effect
of physiographical or geographical factors. The results of
different diatom-based indices frequently result, however, in
contrasting water quality diagnoses. To date, little effort has
been done to elucidate the major drivers of diatom indices
scores. The sensitivity of diatoms to environmental conditions can make them highly valuable indicators only if the
effects of specific factors can be distinguished: while trophic
conditions do have an influence on species composition, it
is difficult to distinguish specific nutrients causing the effect
[14, 15]. For instance, it is important for a diatom metric to
discriminate the influence of nutrients from that of organic
pollution, in general [16, 17]. Organic pollution is frequently
associated with high nutrient concentrations, but under such
conditions, nutrients are not necessarily the primary factor
influencing community composition [18]. Moreover, naïve
use of diatom indices might indicate changing nutrient status
when, in fact, it is the degree of acid stress which is fluctuating [8].
Ecological assessment of freshwaters can be accomplished in situ in some cases (e.g., QBR or FHI indices, see
Fornells et al. [19] and Pardo et al. [20], respectively) or with
a minimal resource investment (e.g., methods using benthic
macroinvertebrates). However, the computation of diatombased metrics requires expensive optical equipment, skilled
microscopists, and access to specialized literature. During
the last years, several attempts to simplify the protocols
have been proposed, either by reducing the number of
individuals necessary to provide an accurate result (e.g.,
[21]) or reducing the taxonomic level of identifications,
e.g., genus-based indices [22] of trait-based methods [23].
Two alternative approaches have emerged thanks to the
current availability of modern computation facilities, namely
computer-assisted automatic identification based on image
analysis and DNA barcoding. This chapter presents a brief
review of these diatom-based water quality assessment
approaches, focusing first on the available methods in
current usage for freshwater biomonitoring, and then
summarizing the results obtained during the last years,
exemplified with field studies carried out in the Iberian
references of Utermöhl [26] and Lund et al. [27]. In the
case of benthic diatoms, the current EU standard protocols
are regulated through the European Norms 13946 [28],
which deals with the collection, preservation, and laboratory treatment of samples, and 14407 [29], which covers
the identification and quantification of diatoms for samples
coming from lotic epilithon. Kelly [30] offers a historical
account of the development of these standards. The complete
methodology had been previously summarized and made accessible to a general audience in the seminal paper by Kelly
et al. [31]. Since then, these norms have been incorporated
into the national legislations. In Spain, for instance, Water
Authorities have published protocols and guidelines to be
followed in river biomonitoring studies (e.g., [32, 33]). European protocols are in general congruent with international
standards (mainly ISO 5667, which regulates water quality),
except for some minor details (e.g., EN allows the fixation of
field samples with formalin, whereas ISO recommends only
ethanol or Lugol’s solution). The interested reader is referred
to Stevenson and Bahls [34] for details on the protocols
followed in other countries.
Some authors have presented methodological proposals
to either (a) apply the existing standards to other aquatic
environments covered by the WFD, or (b) amend certain
methodological aspects nod sufficiently detailed in the available protocols. In this regard, Blanco et al. [35] tested
some improvements in the treatment of periphyton samples.
Noticeably, CEN [29] recommends a systematic scanning
of the microscopic slide starting from the coverslip edge.
Moss [36] and Battarbee [37] already showed that valves are
not randomly distributed due to the effects of water surface
tension, which leads to a heterogeneous distribution of the
different size classes [38, 39]. Alverson et al. [40] showed
also that cell density is usually higher in the central area of
the coverslips. It is therefore advisable that the use of random
fields rather than “transverses,” which is proposed only as an
alternative in the European Norm.
Table 13.1 summarizes some protocols and methodological proposals concerning diatom-based biomonitoring
and ecological studies available in the literature, arranged
13.2.2 Automatic Diatom Identification
Sampling and Analytical Protocols
13.2.1 EU Standards
Until the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
(WFD), the application of methods based on phytobenthic
organisms for ecological monitoring followed the guidance
provided in general standard references such as Rice et al.
[24]. The basic protocols for the analysis of microscopic
slides are inspired in the methods developed for planktonic
organisms [25], which in turn are based in the classical
Automatic identification of organisms is based on the recognition of shapes of interest based on outline matching against
a large reference database. In the case of diatoms, first
efforts raised in the late 1990s in the wake of the implementation of the ADIAC (Automatic Diatom Identification
And Classification) project, financed by the European MAST
(Marine Science and Technology) program. ADIAC involved
the creation of large image databases linked to taxonomic
and ecological information, together with the development
13 Water Quality Assessment
Table 13.1 Non-exhaustive compilation of available methods dealing with diatom-based biomonitoring and ecological studies
of automatic slide-scanning and autofocusing software allowing unsupervised scanning of microscope slides and automatic location of valves [80]. Its main goal was to develop
algorithms for an automatic identification of diatoms using
image information, both valve shape and ornamentation [81].
ca. 6000 images, covering approximately 500 diatom taxa,
were acquired, including large test sets which were used
for the testing of prototype software packages. The system
developed allowed the identification of 37 species with an
accuracy of 97% (see the results of this project in Du Buf
An outstanding improvement of automated classification
methods was accomplished in 2014 with SHERPA
software. SHERPA consists of image processing algorithm that allows the identification and measurement
of diatom valves and other objects, handling all steps
from image segmentation over object identification to
feature extraction, and providing interactive functions
for reviewing and revising results [83]. By combining
SHERPA with slide-scanning microscopes, mass-analyses
of diatom cells mounted on permanent slides can be
performed [84]. More recently, DiaOutline [85] has been
proposed as a tool for valve outline extraction using
MATLAB and R to perform elliptic Fourier analysis to
identify several diatom taxa. In parallel, other methods
based on the morphometric characterization of diatom
individuals have been successfully employed for species
delimitation. Pappas et al. [86] present a review of the
history of usage of morphometric methods of outline
shape analysis, pattern recognition, and landmarkbased analysis. Particularly, geometric morphometrics,
combined with discriminant/classification analysis, is a
powerful tool used to disentangle species complexes and
compare specimens with type materials (e.g. [87–89], see
Chap. 9).
As an attempt to continue ADIAC philosophy with modern computational techniques, AQUALITAS project aims at
developing an integrated system based on the development
of an open mobile low-cost microscope and advanced image
analysis techniques for diatom life cycle and polymorphism
modeling as well as standardizing protocols for environmental diagnosis and monitoring (see this volume). In the
frame of this project, the characterization of diatom valves
by means of local binary patterns together with a log Gabor implementation led to an overall accuracy of 98.11%
using bagging decision trees and combinations of descriptors
for diatom identification [90]. Besides, the application of
convolutional neural networks over a set of 160,000 images reached an overall accuracy of 99% [91]. Applying
applies a single neural network (YOLO) over a certain image
leads to remarkable results, with an average of 0.84 recall
13.2.3 Diatom DNA Metabarcoding
Modern molecular techniques allow cost-effective a complementary approach to ecosystem health diagnosis, with scope
for improved efficiency and reduced analytical error through
automation and standardization [93]. In this regard, there is
an increasing use of DNA barcoding for water quality monitoring. DNA barcoding has not only improved biomonitoring
protocols but has revolutionized also biodiversity studies
facilitating the understanding of biogeography, community
assembly, and ecological processes [94], allowing to trace
the species distribution and ranges in their natural habitats
A. Goldenberg-Vilar et al.
[95]. DNA barcoding is based on the premise that the divergence in small DNA fragments mirrors biological separation
of species [96]; this fragment is compared with reference
sequences stored in a database to assign an organism name
to it [97]. Thus, a good quality reference database is the
keystone to any barcoding approach that requires taxonomy
assignment [93].
The combination of DNA barcoding with next-generation
sequencing (NGS) enables the simultaneous sequencing of
DNA from whole communities or “metabarcoding,” which
leads to species identification from a standardized DNA
barcode and high-throughput sequencing (HTS), using DNA
reference libraries [98, 99]. This approach has proven a
more refined taxon detection than the microscopical approach [99]; for instance, Moniz & Kaczmarska [96] report a 99.5% success rate in separating biologically defined
diatom species. Recent attempts to develop taxonomy-free
metabarcoding-based biomonitoring protocols for aquatic
habitats are showing promising results. For instance, Vasselon et al. [100, 101] found that ecological quality assessment using both molecular and morphology-based (SPI
scores) were congruent at the scale of a whole biomonitoring
network. In a similar study, 77% of the sampling sites were
correctly assigned to their ecological quality status using
diatom metabarcoding [102]. In general, the sequence-based
technology leads to a higher number of identified diatom
taxa in natural samples when compared to light microscopy
methods [99].
Despite its successful application, the application of
molecular techniques for chromists and, particularly, for
eukaryotic microalgae, has still numerous pitfalls and
limitations. DNA metabarcoding has thus been subject
to criticism in the literature. For instance, it has been
demonstrated that DNA barcoding has no discriminating
success within species complexes (e.g., [103]), probably as a
consequence of low variation rate at the plastid genome level.
These authors show that species-rich genera (as in the case of
many diatoms) may prove exceptionally difficult to barcode.
There are no fast and easy bypasses for systematics and DNA
barcoding which can be currently recommended for protistan
researchers because automatic species delimitation methods
tested proved to be highly dependent in taxon sampling
and prone to artifacts [104]. In an extremely diversified
group such as diatoms, barcoding therefore has clear
limitations and it is inherently incapable of identifying all
taxa [105]. For instance, Frustulia species cannot be resolved
without the use of additional nonmolecular evidences [106].
Besides, maintaining diatom reference databases often
implies culturing diatom species, which is a specialized,
resource intensive exercise. Actually, as stressed by Rivera
et al. [98], differences in molecular and morphologybased environmental diagnoses are due mainly to the
incompleteness of the DNA reference libraries. Vasselon
13 Water Quality Assessment
et al. [101] estimate that up to 82% of “morphological”
species are not represented in the molecular databases,
especially rare taxa occurring in oligotrophic waters [99].
Molecular inventories are also strongly influenced by the
DNA extraction method used [100, 107]. In view of these
limitations, Kelly et al. [93] recommend in their recent
review that the combined use of molecular techniques and
“classic” taxonomy since both methods offer alternative
views of the river ecosystem status.
Distribution and Frequency
of Diatoms in the Iberian Peninsula
The distribution of diatom communities depends on the
species-specific physiological and ecological demands. From
the myriad of environmental factors affecting diatom distribution, several studies and scientific reviews [9] highlighted
the role of major ion concentrations in both lotic and lentic
systems. The primacy of major ion concentrations affecting
community composition reflects the fact that water pH is a
highly important variable for aquatic biota, regulating many
physiological processes, and consequently, water conductivity, alkalinity, or calcium concentration. These environmental
variables are highly dependent on river geology, substrate,
and physical conditions. Specific diatom assemblages can be
found according to the natural differences in river physical
features, so to increase the accuracy of anthropogenic impact
assessment we may first account for the natural variability among sites. For that purpose, the use of a typology
to classify streams (according to their geology, substrate,
and physical conditions) has become an accepted part of
ecological assessment [108]. The EU Water Framework
Directive fixed typology, i.e., “System A” is defined by
ecoregions, size based on the catchment area (small 10–
100, medium 100–1000, large 1000–10,000, and very large
>10,000 km2), catchment geology (calcareous, siliceous, and
organic), and altitude (lowland, <200, mid-altitude 200–800,
and high altitude >800 m a.s.l.). Within any given part of the
WFD typology, it is assumed that biological communities at
undisturbed sites will be broadly similar and will therefore
constitute a type-specific biological target. The EU Water
Framework Directive also allows each member state to adopt
an alternative characterization “System B” with 5 obligatory
factors (altitude, latitude, longitude, geology, and size), and
an additional 15 optional factors (e.g., distance from river
source, mean water depth, and mean substratum composition). No specific categories of value ranges are suggested
for each factor in “System B” and the member state is left
to decide how many of the optional factors they wish to use.
In consequence, a very extensive set of stream types could
be defined by individual Member States for each ecoregion
within their territorial limits [109].
13.3.1 River Typologies: Siliceous
and Calcareous
The general methodology for the establishment of types and
reference conditions in Spanish rivers has been regulated
by the IPH (Sects. and and Annexes II and
III) following a technical proposal by Spanish Research
Center CEDEX based on the WFD system B (European
Commission report, 2015). The first step in the classification
process was to distinguish between the two main biogeographical areas present in the Iberian Peninsula: Eurosiberian
area with an oceanic climate and evenly dispersed precipitation through the year, and Mediterranean area, with much
lower precipitation volume and dry summers. The variables
selected for the classification of river typologies in Spain
are specific flow, mean annual flow, average basin slope,
altitude and conductivity and GIS modeling has been used
for the classification of Spanish River types. As a result, the
IPH establishes 32 river types. Additional types have been
established by River Basin Authorities (RBAs) (e.g., river
types in ES110—this latter still in process) [110].
Although regional classifications of streams have been
established throughout the world, little is known about their
correspondence with freshwater biota biogeography [111].
Hence, recently researchers began to evaluate the correspondence between ecoregional classifications and biological
assemblages. For diatom communities, several approaches
have been developed, proving that using biological communities for stream classification greatly reduce the number of
river typologies, and thus, simplifying ecological assessment
to a few ecologically relevant types [112]. Following a
similar methodology developed for the Canadian Diatom
Index (IDEC), the Spanish Diatom Index—SDI, and lately
iDIAT-ES (Alvarez-Troncoso et al., in prep.) have been
developed in 2016 by the Spanish Ministry of Environment.
Based on a correspondence analysis (CA) iDIAT-ES developed a chemistry-free index where the position of the
sites along the gradient of maximum variance (first axis) is
strictly determined by diatom community structure and it is
therefore independent of measured environmental variables
(Fig. 13.1) (for more information see Sect. 13.4). Based
on diatom data at national level comprising 975 sites and
around 400 species, the iDIAT-ES resulted in three final river
typologies based on catchment geology: siliceous (values for
381 species), calcareous (values for 342), and one for Tinto
river (values for 5 species). Diatom community structure
according to siliceous and calcareous typologies as defined
by the iDIAT-ES with an Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR)
higher than 0.8 is represented in Fig. 13.2. Similarly, a
predictive diatom-based model to assess the ecological status
of streams and rivers of Northern Spain (NORTIDIAT) [113],
significantly characterized four different diatom groups with
obligatory and optional descriptors of the WFD typology
A. Goldenberg-Vilar et al.
Fig. 13.1 Representative diatom species from siliceous and calcareous
typologies. These species show the highest dissimilarity in average
abundance between the groups in the same set of samples as used
for Fig. 13.2. Abbreviations for calcareous ADMI: Achnanthidium
minutissimum; APED: Amphora pediculus; CEUG: Cocconeis eug-
lypta; NCTE: Navicula cryptotenella; CAFF: Cymbella affinis; ECPM:
Encyonopsis minuta; and for siliceous CLNT: Cocconeis lineata;
GRHO: Gomphonema rhombicum; ADRI: Achnanthidium rivulare;
COPL: Cocconeis pseudolineata; ENMI: Encyonema minutum; ESLE:
Encyonema silesiacum
that corresponded to a four river type’s typology B. These
four groups represented existing gradients in calcareous
geology, catchment size, altitude, and other characteristics
of main river types existing in the studied area. The four
species group’s composition evidenced the correspondence
between the diatom assemblages across the N–S and W–
E direction, catchment’s geology (from 100% siliceous to
100% calcareous) and size (from 2 to 2196 km) and site
elevation (from 15 to 1356 m).
between current conditions and reference condition status
[112]. The indices are usually expressed as a value along
an alteration gradient (e.g., 0–100) or as an overall statistical difference from reference conditions. To facilitate the
interpretation of the biological “distance” of a site from its
reference status, the alteration gradient is often divided into
classes reflecting qualitative levels of biological integrity.
These approaches allow for a rapid and easy overall picture
of the ecosystem status and are particularly interesting for
water quality managers. Although the creation of biological
integrity classes is useful, the approaches used to define
the number of classes and the limits between these classes
are arbitrary and lack meaningful biological considerations
[112]. Indeed, the number of classes is usually arbitrarily
determined with widths of either equal proportion (e.g., [3])
or unequal proportion as occurs within the SPI (e.g., [119]),
the diatom index currently used in Spain. Indeed, the SPI
diatom metric is used as the national classification system
for all stream and rivers types in Spain (RD 817/2015), in
spite of strong regional differences in the Spanish climate
and geomorphological characteristics. A reference value for
the SPI is defined for each of the river typologies officially
used in Spain under the WFD.
Much of the progress made in the science of ecological
assessment emerged from research that advanced our understanding of how the spatial and temporal distributions
of freshwater biota are related to naturally occurring environmental features and how those relationships can be most
accurately and precisely described and predicted. In that way,
similarly than for the definition of river typologies, gradient
tools such as iDIAT-ES and NORTIDIAT, also demonstrate
their validity for the definition of ecologically relevant referent conditions. In this way, the samples composed of the most
13.3.2 Reference Conditions
The assessment of biological quality is based on the degree of
deviation from a reference biological population. Biological
integrity [114] is measured by comparing a given site with
reference ecosystems that lie in similar geomorphological
and climatic settings but are not exposed to human impact
[115]. Critical to the efficacy of ecological status assessment
in rivers is the ability to characterize biological assemblages
at reference sites. In Spain many Mediterranean regions,
particularly lowland areas, have been substantially modified by human activities [116–118]. The challenge lies in
identifying adequate numbers of reference sites within a
river type, which ensures the incorporation of the intrinsic
variability of environmental conditions within the river type
Over the last decades, numerous bioassessment tools have
been developed to evaluate the biological integrity of aquatic
ecosystems and to determine the effect of a wide range of
stressors on this integrity. Most of these tools are based
on the Reference Condition Approach (RCA), where the
biological integrity of a site is defined by the “distance”
13 Water Quality Assessment
Fig. 13.2 CCA (Canoco 5) of diatom species and environmental
variables measured under Spanish routine monitoring programs (Data
from the Ministry of Environment MITECO, Spain) divided in siliceous
and calcareous typologies. Data span the 31 Spanish River typologies
(except Tinto) and 442 sampling locations with EQR > 0.8 collected be-
different biological communities, compared with reference
communities, determine the maximum alteration level. Figures 13.1 and 13.3 show some representative species of the
siliceous and calcareous typologies as defined by the iIDIATES in sites under “High” water quality category (EQR > 0.8).
The difference from reference communities and similarity
with altered communities are used then to assess the degree
of alteration of a test site.
The performance of ecological assessments is critically
linked to how well we characterize freshwater environments.
The knowledge produced from future collaborations between
ecologists and watershed scientists coupled with the application of modern modeling techniques will largely determine
progress in characterizing and predicting biota-environment
relationships and, thus, the accuracy and precision of future
ecological assessments [120].
tween 2004–2008. Only significant environmental variables are shown
from conductivity, pH, oxygen, biological oxygen demand, nitrate,
nitrite, and orthophosphate. Explanatory variables account for 14.74%
of the total variation. The cumulative explained variation of first axis is
66.7% and second 85.63% from the total explained variation
Diatom-Based Bioassessment Tools
13.4.1 European Autoecological Indexes: SPI,
TDI, Rott, and ICM (Intercalibration
Common Metric)
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) was declared in
2003 and provides a legal basis for water management in
the European Union (EU). The WFD requires that ecological
status assessments of rivers and lakes are based on evaluations of phytoplankton, macrophytes and phytobenthos,
benthic invertebrates and fish. The objective of the WFD is
to protect inland and coastal waters and promote sustainable
water use in Europe (Article 1) with “ecological status”
used as a benchmark against which progress toward this
objective is assessed. Ecological status is defined as “an
A. Goldenberg-Vilar et al.
Fig. 13.3 Images of some representative species in each group:
Siliceous (a—CLNT; b—GRHO; c—COPL) and calcareous
(d—APED; e—ADMI; f—CEUG). Sources (a), (b) and (c): bit.ly/
2UDf6fk, (d): bit.ly/2KYieCK, (e): bit.ly/2DwayBy, (f): bit.ly/
2UXPjDk. All bars denote 10 µm
expression of the quality of the structure and functioning
of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters [ . . . ]”
(Article 2). This assumes that a healthy ecosystem is a
good indicator that a water body is being exploited in a
sustainable manner. Ecological status is a holistic concept,
not confined to any single organism group (or “biological
quality elements” [BQEs] in the terminology of the WFD);
the use of “functioning” in the definition suggests a need
to understand both the state of a BQE and its interactions
with other BQEs and the catchment. For rivers and lakes,
four BQEs are defined, one of which is “macrophytes and
phytobenthos,” although most member states have treated
these as two separate sub-elements, with diatoms frequently
employed as representatives of the phytobenthos [121].
Epilithic diatoms have been widely used as efficient
indicators for evaluating water quality, considering that they
respond quickly to environmental changes, especially organic pollution and eutrophication, with a broad spectrum
of tolerance, from oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions [122–
124]. Diatoms are one of the key groups of organisms recommended by the WFD for the identification of ecological
quality gradients in rivers.
Among the biological methods developed to indicate the
trophic level of running waters, the trophic diatom index
(TDI) proposed by Kelly and Whitton [125], has been widely
used in the European Community, especially after the publication of the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants policy in
1991. The TDI uses the equation of the weighted average
of Zelinka and Marvan [126] to interpret the structure of
epilithic diatom biocenoses in terms of nutrient concentrations in rivers, mainly phosphate. However, since 2006
when the intercalibration exercise among geographical areas
13 Water Quality Assessment
in Europe was introduced, the SPI (Specific Polusensibility
Index, [127]) was selected for that purpose by the scientific
community. This index has been intercalibrated at European
level in the different regional groups.
At the beginning of the WFD implementation, those states
that have now reported phytobenthos methods, 15 (58%)
have chosen to use weighted average metrics developed prior
to the WFD, with the SPI (9 states, 35%) being the most
commonly employed. The apparent popularity of the SPI,
however, disguises many national variants and constitutes
a “family” of closely related indices, rather than a wholly
consistent approach to ecological status assessment among
these states. The use of weighted average metrics as SPI assumes that nutrient or organic pollution is the main pressure
encountered within the territory. There is a risk of missing
pressures that these indices do not detect [8]. These problems
should be overcome by indices based on the actual species
expected to be encountered in a particular region and stream
Over half of EU states have methods based wholly or
partly on weighted average metrics developed before the
onset of the WFD, with nine choosing the SPI. Such metrics generally have high correlations with the predominant
nutrient or organic pollution gradient and, as such, represent pragmatic solutions to ecological status assessments.
However, their widespread use raises questions about what,
exactly, “ecological status” means. Strong relationships with
chemical pressure gradients may be a mixed blessing as
pressure gradients are often composed of several intercorrelated variables, making it difficult to disentangle correlation
and causation in the absence of ecophysiological studies of
individual species. Moreover, the focus on strong relationships with chemical gradients means that most phytobenthos
metrics describe the scale of hazard at a site rather than the
risk posed to other trophic levels and to ecosystem services.
This first generation of phytobenthos assessment tools may
be inadequate when catchment managers need guidance on
remediation strategies for particular water bodies. A second
generation of assessment tools is needed if the goal is to
achieve good ecological status, focusing on the fitness of
the phytobenthos as part of aquatic ecosystems, rather than
just as indicators of chemical conditions. Diatom indices
developed in certain geographic regions are frequently used
elsewhere. There are strong evidences that such metrics are
less useful when applied in regions other than that where
species-environment relationships were originally assessed,
showing that species have particular autoecological requirements in different geographic areas. For example, although
the SPI index has been developed in France, it has been used
in many other European countries under their routine water
quality monitoring programs, and it is the recommended
diatom index in Spanish rivers [128]. As some authors have
already pointed out, there are certain disadvantages when
using metrics developed in another region when studying
the ecological state of local characteristics [3, 129, 130].
One of the problems detected is an overestimation or, on
the contrary, underestimation of the ecological status. The
environmental differences from one region to another cause
differences in the identity of the species present and also the
response of the same species to changes in water quality [31].
In Spain, other diatom indices have been developed like
MDIAT [131] that is a multimetric method and DDI [122]
that is a method based on specific autoecologies, similar to
SPI. During 2016 a new index iDIAT-ES (Álvarez-Troncoso
et al., in prep.) was developed for Spain based on ecological
distances for the Tagus hydrographic demarcation, the TADI
(TAgus Diatom Index) [132].
There are numerous indexes in Europe for calculating
trophic conditions in freshwaters ecosystems, and in the last
years new diatom indexes have arisen. These indexes were
developed independently for both lotic and lentic ecosystems, more often originated from regional datasets, and
served mostly as a basis for regional water quality assessments [133]. Some of the indexes have been rescaled under
the Diatom Indicator Database that uses a standardized taxonomic diatom list (CEMAGREF taxa list, updated version
May 2008). SPI (Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index)
The SPI, Pollution Sensitivity Index [127] has been regarded
as one of the most precise indices because it incorporates approximately 2000 species in its database, the largest among
all diatom indices [134]. More than 70% of the common
species could be found in the SPI list. Most of the variation
(82%) in the SPI index is explained by parameters such
as conductivity and salt concentration and percentage of
urban area, which is consistent with the finding that SPI
responds to water quality parameters related to conductivity
and eutrophication [134]. These examples support the view
that the performance of diatom-based indices in part depends
on the degree of overlap between the taxa list in the index
development and those that occur in the sampled streams.
Calculation of this index relies on the Zelinka & Marvan
[126] formula derived from the saprobic system:
Aj vj ij
Aj vj
where Aj is the relative abundance of the species j, vj is its
indicative value (1 ≤ vj ≤ 3), and ij its pollution sensitivity
(1 ≤ ij ≤ 5). The values initially falling in the range between
1 and 5 are transformed into values comprised between 1
and 20 in order to make comparisons between the various
existing indices easier. Five categories of water quality can be
distinguished according to the value of the index: SPI ≥ 16:
zero pollution or low eutrophication; 13.5 ≤ SPI < 16: mod-
A. Goldenberg-Vilar et al.
alive within 48 h. Afterward, the samples are preserved
following the standard instructions for diatom preparation.
After the identification, the relationship between taxon and
environment is defined by examining graphs summarizing
percent count versus Filterable Reactive Phosphorus (FRP
for each taxon). “Sensitivity” values of between 1 and 5 were
assigned to each taxon depending upon the concentration at
which taxa were most abundant.
Calculation of the index uses the weighted average equation of Zelinka and Marvan [126]:
Aj vj ij
Aj vj
Fig. 13.4 Representative diatom taxa of the different water quality
categories recognized in the Water Framework Directive (from left
to right: zero, low, moderate, high, and very heavy pollution levels,
erate eutrophication; 11 ≤ SPI < 13.5: moderate pollution or
heavy eutrophication; 7 ≤ SPI < 11: high pollution; SPI < 7:
very heavy pollution (Fig. 13.4). However, the SPI index has
two main obstacles: it requires data at a specific or even
intraspecific level, and it is based on constantly changing
systematics. TDI (Trophic Diatom Index)
This index was created for monitoring the trophic status
of rivers based on diatom composition. It was developed
in response to the National Rivers Authority (England &
Wales)’s needs under the terms of the Urban Wastewater
Treatment Directive of the European Community. TDI represents a useful monitoring tool for site assessments prior to
the designation of sensitive areas. It was conceived with the
purpose of designing an index to monitor eutrophication in
rivers that seemed more appropriate.
The sampling methodology developed to apply this index
requires the collection of epilithic diatom samples following
the method of Round [135]. The samples are then transported
to the laboratory in an icebox and the material is examined
The value of TDI can range from one (very low nutrient concentrations) to five (very high nutrient concentrations). Proportion of valves under each category and
its interpretation: <20% total valves belonging to tolerant
taxa: free of significant organic pollution; 21–40% total
valves belonging to tolerant taxa: some evidence of organic
pollution; 41–60% total valves belonging to tolerant taxa:
organic pollution likely to contribute significantly to eutrophication of site; >61% total valves belonging to tolerant taxa: site is heavily contaminated with organic pollution.
In conclusion, the TDI represents a useful monitoring tool
for site assessments prior to the designation of sensitive areas. Nevertheless, the TDI index will require careful interpretation of the results being aware that its assessment is based
on the effect of FRP on diatom community composition. Rott’s Index
Rott et al. [130] created an extended database of samples
collected in 450 sampling sites in rivers, including approximately 1000 species from 9 different classes of algae. Levels
of saprobity and trophy were defined for 650 diatom species.
Through his intensive and extensive studies, he created a
diatom collection that is housed in the National Institute
for Water Research (CSIR) in Pretoria and is used as a
reference for research of diatoms in this country [136].
Starting in the last decade, research related to diatoms in
South Africa focused on the ecological aspect of the community to assess water quality, and testing was conducted by
applying the European indices under South African conditions. ICM (Intercalibration Common Metric)
Intercalibration of methods ensures the comparability of
biological elements across similar geographical areas. The
WFD requires the national classifications of good ecological
status to be harmonized through an intercalibration exercise. Most of the geographical intercalibration groups have
finalized Intercalibration results but many Member States
13 Water Quality Assessment
have not joined the group or have not intercalibrated the
methods due to some reasons. Those Member States will
have to show that their methods are compliant with the
WFD normative definitions and that their class boundaries
are in line with the results of the intercalibration exercise.
Many aspects can influence the outcome of intercalibration: data sampling, treatment methods, taxonomic reliability
of databases, choice of metrics for ecological quality status classification, and criteria for selecting reference sites.
Harmonization of diatom taxonomy and nomenclature was
based on a previous ring test which took place at the European level. Four diatom indices (Indice de Polluosensibilité
Spécifique—SPI, Indice Biologique Diatomées—IBD 2007,
Intercalibration Common Metric Italy—ICMi and Slovenian Ecological Status assessment system) were intercalibrated using data from six European Mediterranean countries
(Cyprus, France, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain) [137].
Boundaries between High/Good and Good/Moderate quality
classes were harmonized by means of the Intercalibration
Common Metric (ICM). Comparability between countries
was assured through boundary bias and class agreement. The
national boundaries were adjusted when they deviated more
than a quarter of a class equivalent (0.25) from the global
mean. All national methods correlated well with the ICM,
which was sensitive to water quality (negatively correlated to
nutrients). Achnanthidium minutissimum sensu lato was the
most discriminative species of Good ecological status class.
Planothidium frequentissimum, Gomphonema parvulum, and
Nitzschia palea were the most contributive to Moderate
ecological status class. This intercalibration exercise allowed
the establishment of common water quality goals across
Mediterranean Europe, which is substantiated with the ICM.
The ICM is an index that results from the combination of two
widely applied diatom indices, the SPI and Rott’s Trophic
Index—TI [130].
The SPI accounts for general water quality estimates, low
values corresponding to high-pressure levels and low EQRs.
The TI measures nutrient load and was adjusted so that high
values represented high EQR values.
The ICM is thus defined as:
where EQRSPI = observed value/reference value (This reference value is the median SPI value of reference sites for a national dataset) and EQRTI = (4 − observed value)/(4 − reference value) (This reference value is the median TI value
of reference sites for a national dataset). However, another
requisite for intercalibration to proceed was that there should
be a significant correlation between the ICM and the national
indices, in addition to the ICM response to pressures. Pearson
correlation was calculated to estimate the relationship between partner country indices and the ICM, with the criterion
that Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) should be equal or
higher than 0.5.
From 1031 samples analyzed to define the index, 205
were considered representative of least disturbed and, therefore, used as part of the reference sites in subsequent analyses. Nonsignificant Spearman rank correlations characterized the relationship between diatom data and the environmental pressures in the least disturbed sites. The ICM
was responsive to nutrient enrichment, especially ammonia, total phosphorus, and phosphates when considering
the entire quality gradient. The ICM proved robust and
adequate for intercalibration purposes and reliably reflected
national water quality. Intercalibration of diatom assessment
methods was attained despite the difficulties encountered
during the process, including the taxonomic inconsistencies
and different data acquisition due to the robustness of these
13.4.2 Diatom Indexes Developed for
the Iberian Peninsula
There are different experiences designing and preparing new
indexes for Iberian rivers. They arose from the need of
developing more sensitive indicators that are specific for
Iberian regions and typologies. The new metrics are based
on diatom communities present in the reference conditions
of the different Iberian typologies, and thus, provide more
sensitive indicators than the ones provided by other European
geographical areas [17, 125, 138]. Multimetric Index: MDIAT
MDIAT is a diatom multimetric index created as a combination of metric values. The sensitivity of the MDIAT to
organic and nutrient stressors supports the use of this index to
classify the ecological status of Galician rivers (NW, Spain).
This index has been designed only for Galician granitic rivers
(NW Spain) and has been intercalibrated at the European
level in the Central Baltic Rivers GIG (Geographical Intercalibration Group) due to the need of finding an index that
could fit this need. The Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula
is influenced by the Atlantic climate, and it is characterized
by rainy weather with mild temperatures throughout the year,
similar to the rest of Western Europe. The region of Galicia
lies in this area of Spain with the Cantabrian Sea to the
north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west [131]. The geology
is dominated by siliceous rocks: granite in the west and
metamorphic rocks in the east.
The selection of diatom indices and metrics for the new
index followed the procedure described by Barbour et al.
[139] with some modifications as follows (1) Assessing
redundancy, (2) Relation with the physicochemical variables, and (3) Estimating discrimination efficiency. After
discrimination and selection of the most suitable indexes, six
indexes and two metrics were combined in the multimetric
MDIAT. After rescaling, eight rescaled values were summed
to the MDIAT. According to the authors, diatom multimetric
index (MDIAT) had the highest discriminatory efficiency and
highest correlations with the physical–chemical variables of
all indices and metrics tested in the NW Spanish region.
The new index, the MDIAT has a complex composition that
includes newly developed metrics which are more sensitive
and specific for Galician oligotrophic waters than the intercalibration index.
In conclusion, MDIAT constitutes a very good tool to
evaluate the ecological status of Galician coastal rivers. The
multimetric values were better correlated with the physicochemical variables than with the individual indices, integrating the effects of the pressures studied (organic pollution
enrichment and eutrophication). The index may be improved
and, ideally, further simplified in the future. Autoecological Index: DDI
The goal of this new metric, the Duero Diatom Index (DDI),
aimed at monitoring water quality in Duero basin watercourses (NW Spain). DDI was developed as a method of
monitoring the integral status of watercourses, in order to
realize a comprehensive assessment of water quality in the
Duero Basin Rivers. DDI assesses the degree of water pollution as a measure of pH, salinity, organic pollution, and
eutrophication, the last being the main factor controlling the
distribution of the dominant diatom species in the Duero
basin according to Blanco et al. [128]. The authors chose
the weighted average method to develop the DDI index since
it combines ecological credibility with empirical predictive
power and simplicity. Ecological Distance Index: iDIAT-ES
The iDIAT-ES value indicates the distance (or similarity)
of each diatom community to their specific community of
departure or reference. In this way, a high value represents
a site with no or very little impact regarding its reference
condition (very similar), while low values represent sites
with greater impact due to contamination (low similarity
to reference conditions). The weight of each species in the
model was obtained by adding the abundances of a species
in all the stations for a specific group. The weights of each
species were calculated according to the percent of valves
of each species in the seasons in which it was present with
respect to the total valves of all the species for that set of
stations that made up a certain group. The model used to
calculate the value of the index of new samples is the formula
presented below, based on the work of Lavoie et al. [140] and
A. Goldenberg-Vilar et al.
also on the formula of Zelinka and Marvan [126]:
k Wk Aik Xk
k Wk Aik
where iDIAT-ES is the position of the sample on the main
axis and, therefore, its index value, Wk is the weight of the
species k, Xk is the value of the species k in the first axis of
the CA, and Aik is the abundance of species k in the sample i.
Before calculating the iDIAT-ES index, it is essential to
know the river typology that we are studying to choose the
right iDIAT-ES group according to the natural conditions
of the sampled region. There is an ordination method who
allowed to create and designed the iDIAT-ES (Spanish Diatom Index), with values between 0 and 5, where the position
of the species of each group is placed over the maximum
variation gradient (horizontal axis, X) which it is described
by the diatom community composition. A high value of the
index (close to 5) represents low impacted or not impacted
site, whereas low value of the index means high perturbation
or impact in the waterbody. The index represents three
different groups corresponding to three ecologically different
diatom communities: calcareous, siliceous, and a group for
the typology 19 (Río Tinto) that is a very distinctive group in
terms of diatom composition. It has been verified that there
is a good correlation between the iDIAT-ES index and other
indices such as SPI, BDI, CEE, and with other indicators of
land uses and physical–chemical variables associated with
pollution and pressures of different origin. Therefore, it is
considered appropriate to use this new index as a tool for the
evaluation of the ecological status in Spanish rivers and also
a suitable index for the intercalibration exercise in relation to
the rest of European indexes.
The iDIAT-ES has been developed with data from Spanish
basins and adapted to the conditions of the Iberian river
ecosystems. Its development at the national level has allowed
us to consider the particularities of each of the basins and
obtain values for each species that are typical of local
conditions. Its application is relatively simple given the
low number of taxa to be considered, from a database of
approximately 18,000 species for the SPI to one of about 400
species for the iDIAT-ES.
13.4.3 Complementary Metrics Based
on Diatoms (Growth Forms, Ecological
Guilds, Teratologies)
Besides the metrics based on species identities, there are also
other diatom metrics that are based on morphological traits
such as growth forms, cell sizes, or biovolumes. Functional
traits are proxies of adaptation strategies under particular
environmental conditions, and life-strategies occupying a
13 Water Quality Assessment
similar niche can be collected in functional groups. Relationships between the abundances of such functional groups such
growth forms and nutrients were established in experimental
contexts [141, 142] and gave satisfactory results in largescale studies to assess nutrient and global pollution (e.g.,
[143]). One of the most used and simplified classifications
of diatom functional groups was developed by the ecological
guilds published by Passy [144]. Guild refers to a group
of species that exploit resources in a similar way, resulting in stronger competition within the guilds than between
them. Passy’s classification can be regarded as functional,
including the way species attached to the substrate, thus how
they cope with disturbance (e.g., flow velocity, grazing) and
the way they utilize resources. Some of these relationships
are proposed for bioassessment tools [139]. Diatom traits
are derived from the Irstea database (bit.ly/2XCAe74) for
biovolume and pioneer forms, from Kelly et al. [145] for
growth forms and from Passy [144] for guilds.
Regarding the teratology, some authors suggested that
they should be taken into account in the diatom indexes. By
displaying deformities (teratologies) in their siliceous valves,
diatoms have the potential to reflect sublethal responses
to a wide range of toxic stressors including EU priority
substances such as metals and organic compounds (see Chap.
3). Lower percentages of teratology, on the other hand,
(<0.5%) [146] are commonly observed in natural diatom
assemblages, due to changing environmental conditions. The
presence of multiple stressors, however, can significantly
increase the proportions of deformed individuals. Diatoms
have fast growth rates (from hours to days), and thus respond
very quickly to variations in their environment. The observation that valve aberrations are routinely found in extremely
contaminated conditions led Coste et al. [147] to include the
occurrence and abundance of deformed individuals in the
calculation of the biological diatom index BDI. In the BDI,
observed deformities were assigned the worst water quality
profile, meaning that their presence tends to lower the final
water quality score. Further development of teratologicalbased bioassessment tools have been already emphasized
[146] and are under development.
ID-TAX: Identification Key for
Biological Quality Elements Used
in Routine Biological Monitoring
in Spain
The ID-TAX project started at the beginning of the twentyfirst century and it was developed by the Spanish Ministry
for the Environment (MITECO) as a tool to standardize
taxonomical criteria at national level in compliance with
the European Water Framework Directive. The ID-TAX
complements other open access tools developed earlier by
the Ministry of Environment such as the Tesauro taxonómico
(TAXAGUA) and the standard protocols for routine biological monitoring in Spanish water bodies. By the use of these
open access tools, water quality assessments based on biological quality elements (BQE) are standard and comparable
through the Spanish national territory.
The ID-TAX has developed a system able to classify
all taxonomical information available for the BQE used for
water quality assessments by the different Spanish water
authorities. The results of ID-TAX were published in 2012 as
printed books and as online and CD digital applications. The
taxonomical information is divided into five sections, one per
each BQE: macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, fish, phytobenthos, and phytoplankton. The species identification keys and
species detailed information are available per each section.
The ID-TAX tool has been developed by taxonomical experts
who regularly check the taxonomical information providing
an accurate and up to date tool.
The ID-TAX identification key uses the taxonomical
information present in Tesauro Taxonómico (TAXAGUA)
which has been developed by the Ministry of Environment
from 2004 to 2011. The ID-TAX was first published with
1549 taxa from the 25,000 present in TAXAGUA. The
number of taxa has been increased since the ID-TAX first
review in 2013. The taxa included in the ID-TAX are the
ones who have an indicator value for the different ecological
indices used for each of the BQE, although some dominant
species without indicator value are present as well. The
ID-TAX taxonomical information is divided into two parts:
a dichotomous key for species identification and a catalog
with detailed species information including, morphology,
taxonomy, ecology, and the indicator value of each species
for their respective ecological index. A digital map with the
distribution of species is also available in the web version,
located in the GIS and map services of the Spanish Ministry
of Environment.
Diatoms as unicellular eukaryotic algae characterize an organism group which has a number of prominent distinctive features that render diatom analysis as a useful tool
for indication of present ecological conditions. Automatic
species identification offers a promising tool to identify
species complexes with high accuracy aiming at reducing
bias in identification assessment. The near-term future of
DNA metabarcoding, on the other hand has an enormous
potential to boost data acquisition in biodiversity research
and water quality assessments worldwide.
To improve the accuracy of water quality assessments
based on diatoms, not only the improvements of quantification methods are required but also the development of indices
that reflect climate and geomorphological driven regional
variability of diatom assemblages.
The information value of indicators depends largely on
how they are developed and calibrated, and more precisely
on how well the autoecological requirements of those taxa
are quantified. New technologies in diatom species quantification and new regional developed diatom indices anticipate
further developments toward this direction.
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