De a e Ge ge U i e i f A abic a d la ic S die P e e Meet the Scholar Snapshots of Intellectual Journeys Ma i Ka Ne Y k U i e i Dr. Ka 's research in eres s re ol e aro nd iss es of Islamic la , gender, and ri al. Her p blica ions foc s on he ario s aspec s of la and gender in Islam. Wa id Sa eh U i e i fT Dr. Saleh is a specialis on he Q r’an, he his or of i s in erpre a ion (Tafsir), he Arabic man scrip radi ion, Islamic apocal p ic li era re, and he M slim recep ion of he Bible. Yo ma a ch he in er ie and read each bio ke ch a arabic george o n ed mee he cholar For more information please contact Dr Sara Omar at smo52 georgetown edu or The Arabic Department at arabic georgetown edu