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Author Manuscript
Sleep Med Clin. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 November 2.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Published in final edited form as:
Sleep Med Clin. 2009 June 1; 4(2): 99–110. doi:10.1016/j.jsmc.2009.01.005.
Martha U. Gillette, Ph.D.a,b and Sabra M. Abbott, M.D., Ph.D.b,c,d
aAlumni Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology and the Neuroscience Program, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
bDepartment of Molecular & Integrative Physiology and the College of Medicine, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Resident, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
biological rhythms; sleep; circadian; suprachiasmatic nucleus
The daily transition from light to darkness has significantly shaped the evolution of most living
species, from unicellular organisms to mammals. Adaptation to this environmental constraint
occurred through the emergence of a circadian system capable of adjusting both behavioral
and physiological processes to this light-dark cycle. Superimposed upon the daily light-dark
cycle is a seasonal influence that modifies the relative durations of day and night over the
course of a year. Be they day-active or night-active, all organisms need a means of keeping
time in a 24-hour world as well to adapt to the availability of food, and to avoid predators. In
addition, they require a means of adjusting to changes in day length or transition times that
may occur.
Interestingly, rather than simply reflecting the external day-night cycle, these rhythms in
behaviors persist in the absence of exogenous timing cues such as light, food availability, or
social cues. Every organism expresses an endogenous rhythm that varies slightly from 24 h,
making it circadian, or ‘about a day.’ Uninterrupted, this circadian rhythm persists.
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These circadian rhythms can be observed in outputs such as the patterning of the sleep-wake
cycle, and in humans, core body temperature is often used as a marker of circadian phase. In
addition, numerous endogenous hormones can be used as markers (reviewed by Van
Cauter1). Although hormonal rhythms exhibit complex waveforms due to combined effects of
the circadian pacemaker, organismic state, such as activity level, sleep and feeding, and the
pulsatile nature of secretion, clear diurnal patterns of secretion have been reported 2. Plasma
melatonin 3, 4, growth hormone 5, prolactin 6, thyrotropin-releasing hormone 7, luteinizing
© 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author for Proof and reprints: Martha U. Gillette, Ph.D., Dept. of Cell & Developmental Biology, Chemistry & Life
Sciences Lab, University of Illinois, 601 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL, U.S.A. 61801, Telephone: 217- 244-1355, fax: 217/ 244-1648,, URL:
Coauthor address: Sabra M. Abbott, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street,
Boston, MA 02114, Telephone: 617-726-2066,
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hormone 8 and leptin 9-11 are all elevated during the night, in antiphase to adrenocorticotropic
hormone and cortisol 12, 13. These oscillations in hormone secretion continue in a constant
environment, and, therefore, are clock-regulated. Circadian rhythmicity appears to be present
at virtually every level of functioning studied. In fact, maintenance of a constant milieu
interior may be a consequence of a balance among rhythmic, mutually opposed control
mechanisms 2.
This review will explain the neurobiology of circadian timekeeping, describing what is known
about the master pacemaker for circadian rhythmicity, how various biological systems can
provide input to the endogenous biological timing, and how the pacemaker can in turn influence
the physiology and behavior of the individual. We will discuss how the circadian system can
adapt to a changing environment by resetting the circadian clock in the face of a variety of
inputs, including changes in light, activity and the sleep-wake cycle. Finally we will discuss
the genetics of circadian time-keeping, highlighting what is currently known about heritable
disorders in circadian timing.
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In mammals, circadian rhythms are regulated by a paired set of nuclei located at the base of
the hypothalamus, directly above the optic chiasm, hence their name – the suprachiasmatic
nuclei (SCN) (Fig 1). Multiple experiments have demonstrated the role of the SCN as a central
pacemaker for circadian rhythms. Lesioning studies found that damage to the SCN disrupts
rhythmicity in corticosterone levels, drinking, and wheel running behavior 14, 15. This provided
the initial evidence that the central pacemaker for the mammalian clock lay within the SCN.
In later work, it was found that transplanting fetal SCN tissue into the third ventricle of animals
in which the SCN had been lesioned could restore rhythmicity 16. Furthermore, if fetal SCN
tissue from a wild-type hamster was implanted into a hamster with a genetic alteration that
shortened free-running period, the new free-running period resembled that of the SCN donor
rather than the host animal. This evidence suggested that not only was the SCN necessary for
generating rhythms, but also that this rhythmicity was an intrinsic property of the SCN cells,
which could drive the rhythms for the entire animal 17.
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In the mouse, each SCN measures approximately 300 μm medial to lateral, 350 μm dorsal to
ventral, and spans approximately 600 μm from rostral to caudal end. One SCN contains a total
of approximately 10,500 cells 18. Based on peptide localization, it is common to divide the
rodent SCN into a ventrolateral or ‘core’ region, and a dorsomedial or ‘shell’ region (Fig. 1).
The core neurons are small and contain vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), calretinin (CALR),
and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) colocalized with γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), while the
shell neurons are larger and contain arginine vasopressin (AVP), met-enkephalin (mENK), and
angiotensin II (AII) 18. There are topographic connections between the contralateral shells and
the contralateral cores, as well as a unidirectional connection between the core and shell within
each nucleus 19.
The human SCN is not as compact as the rodent but contains many of the same subdivisions.
The dorsal and medial regions contain neurophysin/vasopressin neurons. The core region
contains calbindin, synaptophysin and VIP neurons, while the ventral and rostral regions
contains synaptophysin, calbindin and substance P 20.
In conjunction with its ability to regulate circadian timing, the SCN is also positioned to receive
information about the behavioral and environmental state of the animal in order to ensure proper
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setting of the circadian clock. This information is conveyed to the SCN by projections from a
variety of different brain regions.
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One of the most extensively studied inputs to the SCN comes from a subpopulation of retinal
ganglion cells whose central projections form the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Lesions of
the SCN disrupt the development of these neurons 21, and disruption of the RHT results in an
inability to respond to resetting light signals 22, 23. Recent work has found that many of the
retinal ganglion cells that comprise the RHT contain a photopigment, melanopsin 24. These
melanopsin-containing cells are photosensitive at the same wavelengths that are most effective
for circadian resetting 25. Additionally, the terminals of the melanopsin-positive retinal
ganglion cells collocalize glutamate (GLU) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating
polypeptide (PACAP) 26, the putative neurotransmitters of the RHT.
The RHT also sends projections to the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL), which in turn
sends projections back to the SCN through the geniculohypothalamic tract (GHT). The GHT
contains neuropeptide Y (NPY) and GABA. NPY is believed to be involved in activity-induced
phase shifts during the daytime in nocturnal animals, but also appears to be able to modulate
light-induced phase shifts 27, 28. However, while the GHT pathway can transmit photic signals,
disruption of this pathway does not prevent entrainment 29.
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The SCN also receives serotonergic input, primarily from the median raphe, that is primarily
involved in activity-induced phase shifts during the daytime. Activation of the median raphe
results in an increase in serotonin (5-HT) release at the SCN 30-32. 5-HT release also shows a
strong circadian release pattern in the SCN, with 5-HT release peaking at CT 14, and 5hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA), the major metabolite of 5-HT peaking at CT 16 33. SCN
sensitivity is similar to NPY:5HT causes daytime phase shifts in nocturnal animals and
modulates the response to light signals at night 34, 35.
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Cholinergic projections to the SCN originate both in the brainstem and basal forebrain in brain
nuclei with identified roles in sleep and arousal 36 and were recently demonstrated to also be
present in diurnal animals 37. Within the brainstem, these cholinergic projections arise from
three nuclei. The parabigeminal nucleus (PBg) is considered a satellite region of the superior
colliculus, which appears to play a role in generating target location information as part of
saccadic eye-movements 38, while the laterodorsal tegmental (LDTg) and pedunculopontine
tegmental (PPTg) nuclei both are important for regulating the sleep-wake cycle 39. In the basal
forebrain, the substantia innominata (SI) within the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) in
the basal forebrain contributes to arousal and focused attention 40. The LDTg, PPTg, and NBM
are interconnected, and all play roles in regulating the sleep and arousal states of the animal.
This would suggest that the cholinergic input to the SCN is providing a signal regarding the
sleep and arousal states of the animal, and may provide a link between the sleep-wake cycle
and circadian rhythms.
Additional sleep-wake input to the SCN may come from tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN).
Studies have shown histaminergic input to the SCN from the TMN41. Histamine is a regulator
of the sleep-wake cycle, primarily providing a signal of wakefulness.
The SCN exerts its influence on the rest of the body primarily by sending projections to the
rest of the hypothalamus. Neurons from the core region project to the lateral region of the
subparaventricular zone (sPVHz), the peri-suprachiasmatic area (PSCN), and the ventral
tuberal area (VTU), all within the hypothalamus. The shell projects to medial preoptic area
(MPOA), medial sPVHz, dorsal parvocellular paraventricular nucleus (dPVN) and the dorsal
medial hypothalamus (DMH), also all within the hypothalamus 42. The targets of efferents to
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the dPVN consist of either endocrine neurons, autonomic neurons, or intermediate neurons
that potentially serve to integrate a number of hypothalamic signals 43. The DMH projections
are particularly interesting, as many of these neurons appear to be projecting to neurons
containing hypocretin/orexin, a peptide well known for its role in arousal 44, 45. In addition,
evidence exists for a multi-synaptic pathway between the SCN and locus coeruleus (LC), an
important arousal center in the brain, mediated by orexin 46, with the DMH as a relay 47. The
SCN also contains a minor set of efferents to the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO), a
region which if lesioned produces prolonged reduction in sleep duration and amplitude 48. In
addition, the SCN contains projections to the paraventricular nucleus (PVT) and intergeniculate
leaflet (IGL) of the thalamus. Both nuclei project back to the SCN. The PVT loop is proposed
to provide assessment of sleep/arousal states and SCN modulation, whereas the IGL loop is
thought to provide the SCN with information from higher, integratative visual centers 49-51.
The PVN appears to act as a relay between the SCN and the amygdala, which may provide a
link between the circadian system and affective disorders 52. Overall, the SCN appears to be
uniquely situated within a network that allows it to interact closely with the regions controlling
sleep and arousal states.
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One of the major output roles of the SCN appears to be to provide an inhibitory signal for
activity. Two recently discovered candidate factors for communicating such signals include
transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and prokineticin 2 (PK2). Under normal conditions,
TGF-α peptide is expressed rhythmically in the SCN with a peak during the animal’s inactive
period, and a trough during the active period. When infused continuously into the ventricles,
TGF-α inhibits locomotor activity. Conversely, mice lacking the epidermal growth factor
(EGF) receptor, making them unable to respond to TGF-α, show an excessive amount of
daytime activity 53. PK2 is also expressed rhythmically in the SCN, again showing peak
expression during the animal’s inactive period, and can inhibit locomotor activity when infused
continuously 54. This suggests a role for the output signal of the SCN in promoting an inactive
state that would be permissive for sleep.
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Within such a complex neuronal clock structure, there is a consensus that timekeeping is a
cellular process. Indeed, the expression of independently-phased circadian firing rhythms from
individual neurons dissociated from neonatal rat SCN cultured on an electrode array provides
compelling evidence for the cellular nature of this clock 55. It follows that gating of sensitivity
to resetting stimuli and phase resetting must be cellular properties. Moreover, the clock must
be able to restrict the range of responses in the cellular repertoire so that activation of select
signaling pathways can occur only at the appropriate time in the circadian cycle. We have
endeavored to determine how the clock temporally regulates the responsiveness of specific
signaling pathways.
In an attempt to define and understand the underlying control mechanisms subserving clockgated windows of sensitivity, we exposed the SCN-bearing brain slices in vitro to treatments
that activate elements of specific signaling pathways. Treatments were administered at various
discrete points in the circadian cycle, and the time of the peak in the spontaneous rhythm of
neuronal activity was assessed over the next one or two circadian cycles in vitro. If the timeof-peak appeared earlier during cycle(s) after treatment compared to controls, the phase of the
rhythm had been advanced. If the time-of-peak appeared later than in controls, then the phase
had been delayed by the treatment. By assessing the changing relationship between the
circadian time of treatment and its effect on phase, a phase-response curve (PRC) was
generated. This relationship graphically presents the temporal pattern of SCN sensitivity to
activation of specific signaling pathways and, in fact, defines the window of sensitivity to phase
resetting via this pathway. The permanence of the phase shift was examined by evaluating the
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time of the peak in neuronal activity over one or two days after a treatment. Timing of the peak
after experimental reagents had been administered at the maximal point of sensitivity was
compared with the time of the peak in media-treated controls.
Temporal spheres identified as sensitive to phase resetting via specific first and second
messenger pathways coincide with discrete portions of the circadian cycle. In terms of these
temporal restrictions, the circadian cycle can be divided into several discrete temporal states,
or domains, of the clock: day, night, dusk and dawn 56. Our studies not only contribute to
defining the properties of the clock’s temporal domains, they emphasize the complexity of
control that the clock exerts over signal integration and phase resetting within the SCN. These
properties have been incorporated into putative clock-gated regulatory pathways. Each will be
discussed in the context of the clock domain that is regulated.
Subjective day and night are distinct with respect to their sensitivities and response
characteristics. Furthermore, each correlates with discrete periods of sensitivity to specific
neurotransmitter systems that are demonstrated to impinge upon this hypothalamic site as
evidenced by a large body of neuroanatomical studies 57. This permits speculation regarding
the nature of pathways that gain access to and regulate the biological clock at different points
in the circadian cycle. We will now consider, in turn, the major identified domains of clock
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Circadian Clock Regulators
Daytime—A number of signaling molecules appear to be important in resetting circadian
rhythms during the daytime, including 5-HT, PACAP, NPY and GABA (Fig. 2). The majority
of these experiments have been performed in nocturnal rodents, so daytime is defined as the
time in which the lights are on, and/or the animal is inactive. As a result, the functional context
of this regulation seems to be tied to arousal-induced resetting, often referred to as non-photic
resetting. Non-photic signals cover a wide variety of phenomenon, including sleep deprivation,
activity associated with exposure to a novel wheel, or even cage changes. The unifying factor
in non-photic signals is that they involve arousal during a time when the animal would normally
be inactive.
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While 5-HT is believed to play a role in activity-induced or non-photic phase shifts during the
day, there is some question about whether this form of phase shifting is entirely due to 5-HT.
If serotonergic agonists are applied to the hypothalamic brain slice during the daytime, the
peak in electrical firing activity advances, but no change in peak firing rate is seen if the agonists
are applied during the night 34,. Similar results are seen in vivo if the dorsal or medial raphe is
stimulated 32,, a paradigm which has been shown by microdialysis to increase 5-HT release at
the level of the SCN 58. During forced wheel running or sleep deprivation during the daytime,
there is also an increase in 5-HT release at the SCN 59, 60. This suggests a possible link between
5-HT and non-photic phase shifting, but evidence also exists to complicate this assertion. If
85-95% of the serotonin is depleted from the raphe projections to the SCN, animals still are
capable of phase shifting in response to daytime forced activity 61. In addition, these activityinduced phase shifts are not significantly attenuated following injection of serotonergic
antagonists 62. These data suggest that while 5-HT may play a role in non-photic resetting, the
full resetting response depends on additional modulatory neurotransmitters, possibly
PACAP appears to play a dual role in the SCN, producing effects both during the daytime by
itself and at night by acting in conjunction with GLU. PACAP is not intrinsic to the SCN; it is
released from the RHT, where it is colocalized with GLU 63. Examining levels of PACAP in
tissue samples collected throughout the 24-h cycle revealed that PACAP exhibits a significant
oscillation in the SCN, but not in other brain regions, and is lower during the light period than
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the dark period 64. If PACAP is applied to the brain slice at different times of day, micromolar
quantities will cause an advance in neuronal firing activity during the daytime, but have
relatively little effect during the night 26. However, the in vivo response is more complicated.
When PACAP is injected into the SCN of the hamster between CT 4-8, transient phase
advances in wheel-running activity are seen during the first day after treatment, paralleling the
results seen with the brain slice, but the long-term effects of a PACAP injection appear to
produce a delay in wheel-running activity 65. This suggests that while PACAP has an effect
on circadian rhythms during the daytime, further work is needed to determine the precise nature
of this signal.
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NPY also appears to play a dual role in the SCN, resetting the circadian clock both during the
daytime and at night. NPY is released from the GHT, the projection from the IGL to the SCN.
Studies have examined the effects of either injecting NPY into the SCN region of the intact
animal and monitoring wheel running behavior 66, 67 or applying NPY directly to the
hypothalamic brain slice and examining the peak in neuronal firing activity 27. In both cases
it was found that when NPY was applied during the daytime, it induced a phase advance.
Additional in vivo studies stimulated the IGL, presumably inducing the release of NPY at the
SCN. These stimulations also produced advances in wheel-running behavior during the
daytime 68. Interestingly, it has been found that exposing an animal to light 69 or applying GLU
to the brain slice 70 were both capable of blocking the response to daytime application of NPY.
The addition of the GABAA antagonist, bicuculline, is also capable of inhibiting the effects of
NPY 71, suggesting that the effects of NPY are linked to GABAergic signaling.
One factor that daytime signaling pathways hold in common is that they all appear to be
mediated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). In the hypothalamic brain slice, cAMP
or cAMP analogs applied during the daytime induce phase advances in the circadian clock,
while at night they have little effect 72, 73. In addition, endogenous cAMP is high during late
day, and late night 74, suggesting a role for cAMP in the transition periods between day and
night. It can be hypothesized that by increasing cAMP, these daytime resetting signals are
moving the animal to a state that resembles late day, thus resetting the clock.
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Dawn and Dusk—The primary resetting signal associated with dawn and dusk is melatonin
(Fig. 2). This “hormone of darkness” is produced at night in the absence of light, providing a
means by which the animal can measure night-length. Photoperiod is an important measure
for animals, such as the hamster, that are seasonally reproductive. Melatonin is produced by
the pineal gland, and in many vertebrates the pineal is actually the primary regulator of
circadian rhythms, rather than the SCN. However, in mammals this timekeeping mechanism
has moved to the SCN, as demonstrated by the fact that removal of the pineal does not
significantly disrupt circadian rhythms of rats 75.
While the pineal is not necessary for maintenance of mammalian circadian rhythms, it is
possible to entrain free-running rats with daily injections of melatonin. Entrainment appears
to work best if the melatonin injections are timed to occur shortly before the onset of the
animal’s active period. This entrainment appears to be working through the SCN, as lesioning
the SCN, but not the pineal, abolishes the ability of a rat to entrain to melatonin injections 76.
Evidence that melatonin can entrain circadian rhythms led to a number of studies looking at
the direct effect of melatonin on the SCN. Using either 2-deoxy-[1-14C]glucose (2-DG) or
neuronal activity as a marker of SCN activity, melatonin decreases both 2-DG uptake and
neuronal firing activity in the rat or hamster most significantly when applied right before dusk
77-79. By examining electrophysiological activity in vitro in the SCN, melatonin applied at
either dawn or dusk advances the peak in neuronal firing, but produces no effects when applied
at other times of day 80, 81. This resetting pattern mimics that seen in response to activation of
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protein kinase C (PKC), and was blocked by inhibitors of PKC, suggesting that PKC is a
downstream component of this resetting pathway 81. In addition, this resetting could be
inhibited with antagonists specific for the MT-2 type melatonin receptor 82. In humans,
circadian sensitivity to melatonin also occurs at dawn and dusk, but the effect is to advance
the circadian system at dusk but to delay it at dawn.
Nighttime—In the nighttime domain there are two known key players, GLU and acetylcholine
(ACh), as well as a number of modulatory substances associated with these signals (Fig. 2).
As was discussed previously, considerable evidence supports GLU as the neurochemical signal
transmitting photic stimuli from the retina to the SCN, but the functional context of the
cholinergic resetting signal is still unknown.
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The GLU signaling pathway is similar to many of the pathways that already have been
discussed in that it resets the circadian clock at a discrete time of day and in a specific direction.
The GLU signaling pathway can either advance or delay the clock, depending on what time of
day the signal is presented 83, 84. The GLU resetting pathway has been demonstrated both in
vitro and in vivo to be mediated through an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated
rise in intracellular calcium, followed by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) induction and resultant
production of nitric oxide (NO) 83, 85-88. Beyond this point, the early and late night pathways
diverge. During the early night GLU induces delays in the circadian clock through ryanodine
receptor (RyR)-mediated calcium release 89. GLU exposure during the late night, however,
advances the circadian clock through a cyclic guanosine monophosphate/protein kinase G
(cGMP/PKG) signaling cascade followed by cAMP response element-binding protein
(CREB)-activated transcription 89-91.
While GLU alone is capable of resetting circadian rhythms, there are many substances that
modulate this resetting. These can be divided into two categories: those that decrease the phaseresetting effect of GLU during both the early and late night, which include NPY and GABA
34, 35, and those that have differing effects on GLU-induced phase shifts, depending on what
time of night they are applied.
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This second category of time-dependent modulators include 5-HT and PACAP. If animals are
depleted of 5-HT, they show increased phase delays in response to light 93. Co-application of
a PACAP antagonist however, either in vitro or in vivo, decreases the phase delay seen in early
night, and increases the late night phase advance in both rat and hamster 94, 95. When PACAP
is administered in conjunction with GLU, it increases the early night phase delays, but decreases
the late night phase advances. This is similar to the effects seen following application of cAMP
analogs to the hypothalamic brain slice, suggesting that the effects of PACAP may be mediated
by a cAMP pathway 96.
The role of ACh in resetting circadian rhythms has been unclear, with much of the confusion
arising from the fact that its effects vary depending on the site of application. The first evidence
that ACh might play a role in resetting the circadian clock came in 1979, when Zatz and
Brownstein examined whether pharmacological manipulation of the SCN could affect
circadian rhythms, using serotonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT) activity in the pineal as a
marker of circadian phase. SNAT activity has an endogenous rhythm in the pineal that is higher
during the night than during the day, and this rhythm was previously found to be reset by light.
It was found that injections of carbachol into the lateral ventricle of Sprague-Dawley rats at
CT 15 caused phase delays in SNAT activity that were similar to, but not as large as, the phase
delays produced by light 97. Carbachol injections into the lateral ventricle were also later
repeated in mice 98 and hamsters 99, where it was found that administration of carbachol during
early night caused phase delays, while late night administration caused phase advances.
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This pattern of sensitivity and response is similar to that previously demonstrated in response
to light or GLU. Support for the involvement of ACh in the light response came from studies
looking at ACh levels in the rat SCN using a radioimmunoassay (RIA) 100. Using this
technique, no significant oscillation in ACh levels was found under constant conditions, but
light pulses administered at CT 14 were found to increase ACh levels in the SCN. However,
only one time-point was examined, so it is not known whether this increase was simply a
response to exposure to light or if there was actually a circadian pattern to the light-stimulated
release. The implication of these studies, however, is that ACh might be the primary
neurotransmitter providing the signal of light to the clock.
However, significant evidence began to emerge indicating that ACh was not likely to be the
primary signal of light. First of all, whereas it had previously been determined that the RHT
transmitted the signal of light from the eye to the SCN, it was found that choline
acetyltransferase (ChAT) was not present in this projection 101, making it anatomically unlikely
that ACh was the primary neurotransmitter involved in this signal. This evidence might need
to be reconsidered, however, as recent studies have found an alternative splice variant of ChAT
present in ganglion cells that was not picked up using previous antibodies 102. Experiments
have not yet been published looking at whether this alternative form of ChAT is present in the
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Additional evidence against ACh being the signal of light came from experiments that found
intracerebroventricular (icv) injections of hemicholinium, which significantly depletes ACh
stores in the brain, did not block the ability of the animal to phase shift in response to light
103. There was also evidence that injecting NMDA receptor antagonists could block carbachol
induced phase shifts, suggesting that although ACh may play a role in the light response, it
was upstream of a glutamatergic signal 104. Finally, Liu and Gillette 105, using extracellular
recording in vitro, found that microdrop applications of carbachol directly to the SCN caused
only phase advances, regardless of whether the carbachol was applied early or late in the
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In an attempt to explain these contradicting data, it was hypothesized by our lab that the dual
response pattern of the SCN to cholinergic stimulation was a result of the location of
application. Note that in the initial in vivo studies, carbachol was injected into the lateral or
third ventricle, where the drug could have a diffuse effect, while in the in vitro studies carbachol
was applied in microdrops directly to the SCN. As was predicted, if the in vivo experiments
were performed by injecting carbachol directly into the SCN rather than into the ventricle, a
similar phase response pattern to that observed in the in vitro experiments using microdrop
applications resulted 106. Furthermore, it was found that mice lacking the M1-type muscarinic
receptor (M1AChR) do not respond to intra-SCN carbachol injections 107, but still exhibit
biphasic responses to light and icv injections of carbachol 108. Together this evidence suggests
that ACh has at least two different effects on the circadian clock, depending upon the site of
application. There is an indirect response, working through the ventricles, that is likely
upstream of a glutamatergic signal, and a direct response that is mediated by the M1AChR.
Based on the anatomical studies looking at cholinergic projections to the SCN that originate
in the LDTg and PPTg, as well as the NBM, the current hypothesis is that this cholinergic
signal may be involved in linking the sleep-wake and circadian cycles together.
Much research effort has focused on determining how a biological system keeps 24-hour time.
With the discovery that single, dispersed cells can exhibit circadian rhythms, the focus turned
towards understanding cellular processes that generate a near 24-hour timebase. A molecular
clockwork appears to generate a ~24-hour rhythm through a feedback cycle involving a set of
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core clock genes, their mRNAs, and proteins. Together they form the molecular clockwork.
This cycle consists of a set of interconnected positive and negative feedback loops, and their
regulatory elements. Positive elements, which include Clock and Bmal1, are transcribed into
mRNA, which is then translated into proteins that heterodimerize and are translocated into the
nucleus. In the nucleus, they activate continued transcription of their own genes, as well as
activating transcription of negative elements. The negative elements, which include Period,
Cryptochrome and Rev-erbα are then transcribed and translated. Proteins of the negative
elements also associate in complexes and are translocated to the nucleus, where they feed back
to inhibit transcription of the positive elements. Additional genes which have been proposed
to be involved in the circadian clock include Rorα 109, Timeless (Tim) 110, Dec1 and Dec2
111 and most recently SIRT1 31, 112, 113. These feedback loops are further affected by regulatory
enzymes, including casein kinase 1 epsilon (CKIε) and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)
114-116, and small intracellular regulatory molecules with established roles in signal
transduction 31, 117. The cycle of these feedback loops takes approximately 24-hours to
complete, providing a means by which cells within the SCN can maintain a circadian rhythm.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Core clock elements have been found to play a critical role in human sleep disorders. For
example, inherited forms of advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS) have been associated with
either a mutation in the Per2 gene that interferes with a normal phosphorylation site of CKIδ/
ε 118 or with a mutation in CKIδ 119. Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) on the other hand
has been found in some cases to be associated with a specific polymorphism of hPER3 31,
120, 121. Recently PER3 expression patterns in human leukocytes were found to correlate with
sleep-wake timing, particularly in those individuals with a morningness preference 122. Finally,
morningness/eveningness preference has been associated with a polymorphism of the human
CLOCK gene 31, 123, 124.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Circadian rhythms are the near24-hour oscillations brain and body functions, such as core body
temperature, hormone release, and the sleep-wake cycle. The master pacemaker regulating
these rhythms is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus. The SCN
is ideally situated to receive input about environmental light, sleep-wake state and activity
status. It can be reset in response to these stimuli and, in turn, provide output signals to regulate
the timing of activity and behavior. The core mechanisms providing this timekeeping ability
are still being elucidated, but appear to be provided by through transcription/translation
feedback loops, consisting of both positive and negative elements, coupled with other
intracellular elements associated with signaling events. Interestingly, circadian rhythm sleep
disorders as well as sleep phenotypes are beginning to be correlated with abnormalities in the
genes regulating circadian rhythms.
The authors gratefully recognize present and past support from the National Institutes of Health: HL08670, HL67007,
NS22155, and NS35859 (MUG) and F30 NS047802 and GM07143 (SMA).
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Sleep Med Clin. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 November 2.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Figure 1.
Anatomy of the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). This medial; transverse section
of the rat anterior hypothalamus shows the bilateral SCN stained darkly with an antibody to
an endogenous peptide. The paired SCN are at the base of the brain, flanking the third ventricle
(V3) and positioned directly above the optic chaism (OC). The two major subdivisions of the
SCN are delineated. The dorsomedial SCN (DM-SCN) is marked by neurons expressing
arginine vasopressin (AVP), whereas neurons of the ventrolateral SCN (VL-SCN) express
vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Sleep Med Clin. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 November 2.
Gillette and Abbott
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Figure 2.
Circadian changes in temporal windows of SCN sensitivity to phase-resetting signals
transmitted from various brain sites. Time-of-day specific signals are presented together with
the major sources of SCN innervation by projections bearing these neurotransmitters and
neuropeptides. Daytime is marked by sensitivity to serotonin (5-HT), pituitary adenylate
cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), neuropeptide Y (NYP) and GABA. During dusk and
dawn, the pineal hormone melatonin can stimulate resetting of the SCN clock. At night, the
SCN is sensitivity to phase adjustment by glutamate and PACAP from the eye, as well as by
cholinergic inputs from brain regions that regulate sleep and wakefulness.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Sleep Med Clin. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 November 2.