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2020, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)…
5 pages
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Software systems have become pervasive in everyday life and are the core component of many crucial activities. A software system is redundant when it performs the same functionality through the execution of different elements. An inadequate level of reliability may determine the commercial failure of a software product. Nevertheless, despite the commitment and the rigorous verification processes employed by developers, software is deployed with faults. To increase the reliability of software systems, Programmers and software developers need to embrace some of the redundancy techniques highlighted in this study. This study x-rayed previous works with the aim of getting best practices that will help in improving the quality of software. It further reviewed literatures on the subject and highlighted various fault tolerance taxonomy that can help a software developer or programmer in developing redundant components thereby increasing the reliability of a software system with improved overall quality.
IRJET, 2020
Software systems have become pervasive in everyday life and are the core component of many crucial activities. A software system is redundant when it performs the same functionality through the execution of different elements. An inadequate level of reliability may determine the commercial failure of a software product. Nevertheless, despite the commitment and the rigorous verification processes employed by developers, software is deployed with faults. To increase the reliability of software systems, Programmers and software developers need to embrace some of the redundancy techniques highlighted in this study. This study x-rayed previous works with the aim of getting best practices that will help in improving the quality of software. It further reviewed literatures on the subject and highlighted various fault tolerance taxonomy that can help a software developer or programmer in developing redundant components thereby increasing the reliability of a software system with improved overall quality.
Science of Computer Programming, 2015
Software engineers are humans and so they make lots of mistakes. Typically 1 out of 10 to 100 tasks go wrong. The only way to avoid these mistakes is to introduce redundancy in the software engineering process. This article is a plea to consciously introduce several levels of redundancy for each programming task. Depending on the required level of correctness, expressed in a residual error probability (typically 10 −3 to 10 −10 ), each programming task must be carried out redundantly 4 to 8 times. This number is hardly influenced by the size of a programming endeavour. Training software engineers does have some effect as non trained software engineers require a double amount of redundant tasks to deliver software of a desired quality. More compact programming, for instance by using domain specific languages, only reduces the number of redundant tasks by a small constant.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2005
Redundancy is a feature of systems that arises by design or as an accidental byproduct of design, and can be used to detect, diagnose or correct errors that occur in systems operations. While it is usually investigated in the context of fault tolerance, one can argue that it is in fact an intrinsic feature of a system that can be analyzed on its own without reference to any fault tolerance capability. In this paper, we submit three alternative views of redundancy, which we propose to analyze to gain a better understanding of redundancy; we also explore means to use this understanding to enhance the design of fault tolerant systems.
and Bell Labs; and taught at the University of Iowa. He has participated in more than 30 industrial projects, published over 250 papers, and helped to develop many commercial systems and software tools. Professor Lyu is frequently invited as a keynote or tutorial speaker to conferences and workshops in U.S., Europe, and Asia. He initiated the International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) in 1990. He also received Best Paper Awards in ISSRE'98 and in ISSRE'2003. Professor Lyu is an IEEE Fellow and an AAAS Fellow, for his contributions to software reliability engineering and software fault tolerance.
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, 2015
Redundancy is the presence of different elements with the same functionality. In software, redundancy is useful (and used) in many ways, for example for fault tolerance and reliability engineering, and in self-adaptive and self-checking programs. However, despite the many uses, we still do not know how to measure software redundancy to support a proper and effective design. If, for instance, the goal is to improve reliability, one might want to measure the redundancy of a solution to then estimate the reliability gained with that solution. Or one might compare alternative solutions to choose the one that expresses more redundancy and therefore, presumably, more reliability. We first formalize a notion of redundancy whereby two code fragments are considered redundant when they achieve the same functionality with different executions. On the basis of this abstract and general notion, we then develop a concrete method to obtain a meaningful quantitative measure of software redundancy. The results we obtain are very positive: we show, through an extensive experimental analysis, that it is possible to distinguish code that is only minimally different, from truly redundant code, and that it is even possible to distinguish lowlevel code redundancy from high-level algorithmic redundancy. We also show that the measurement is significant and useful for the designer, as it can help predict the effectiveness of techniques that exploit redundancy.
Quality Software should be both dependable and reliable. It should reduce the gap between the customer expectations and actual deliverables. In order to produce quality software the developers must follow standards for design and coding. Various parameters of Software Reliability and Dependability should be extensively studied and thereby achieving cost, time optimization etc. These two factors should be observed in business context thus producing reliable and dependable software. This paper highlights some of the parameters and standards of dependability and reliability where extensive research using techniques like data mining will be helpful in producing Quality Software.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Software Reliability is an important facet of software quality. Software reliability is the probability of the failure free operation of a computer program for a specified period of time in a specified environment. Software Reliability is dynamic and stochastic. It differs from the hardware reliability in that it reflects design perfection, rather than manufacturing perfection. This article provides an overview of Software Reliability which can be categorized into: modeling, measurement and improvement, and then examines different modeling technique and metrics for software reliability, however, there is no single model that is universal to all the situations. The article will also provide an overview of improving software reliability and then provides various ways to improve software reliability in the life cycle of software development.
This report examines the state of the field of software fault tolerance.
International journal of computer applications, 2017
In modern world, we are highly dependent upon computer for most of our works. As we know, all computers are controlled by software. So, to operate a computer in a proper manner, software reliability is very necessary. Software Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment. The high complexity of software is the major contributing factor of Software Reliability problems. Various approaches can be used to improve the reliability of software, however, it is hard to balance development time and budget with software reliability. For good reliability, two approaches have to be used, namely, reactive and proactive approach. This paper provides an overview of Software reliability, hardware reliability, reactive and proactive approaches.
Reliability and Maintenance of Complex Systems, 1996
Software reliability engineering has become an increasingly important part of software development and software acquisition as the dependence of society on software has become virtually universal. This paper gives an overview of this technology as it is currently practiced, indicating its benefits. It also indicates some current open research questions; progress in these areas will likely affect the way in which software reliability engineering is practiced in the future.
Recently the world was agog with the recent Boeing 737 Max jets en route to Nairobi, crashed shortly after take-off from Addis Ababa. It has been confirmed that 157 passengers on board all lost their lives. This tragedy was as a result of an error in the Boeing aircraft's flight-control software (AJC, 2019).
Numerous softwares all over the world today have one type of error or the other. The consequences of this errors ranges from financial loss, communication loss to even the loss of human life as the case of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft. It is the duty of software developers and programmers to design softwares that are fail-safe. Software generally should be developed with the best software engineering practice. Error should be eliminated from not only critical software but softwares at all levels, be it the operating system on mobile phones, Televisions, Pcs or embedded software on electronic gadgets.
Software errors lead to software failures. A software failure is not healthy for the computing world. Softwares should be developed with all correctness and made fail-safe. Mission critical software doesn't need to fail because whatever that can cause error in the software can bring about a disastrous output. If we consider a rocket launch software that was developed with a fault, the outcome of the rocket launch could be disastrous. Similarly, assuming road traffic software has fault and was implemented on a road, the number of cars and people that will be accident casualties might be high.
Software errors are always directly caused by either the programmers or program developer that left those errors in the code. As humans they have a large probability of doing something wrong.
There is usually an industry standard or framework to stipulate how softwares especially mission critical software can be developed. The challenge is that there are few trained software developers and programmers that are aware of this industry standard. One of the industry standards to solving the issue of failing softwares is the development of redundancy components.
This section reviewed related work done on software redundancy, redundant component and diversity.
Antonio Carzaniga, Andrea Mattavelli, and Mauro Pezzè. (2015) stated in their work that Redundancy simply is the occurrence of different elements with the same functionality. In software, redundancy is useful (and used) in many ways, for example for fault tolerance and reliability engineering, and in self-adaptive and self-checking programs. Airplane softwares should be fault tolerant. They should also be selfadaptive and self-checking. This is an area of utmost concern because this could be a reason the Boeing 737 Max of the Ethiopian airline crashed. Software developers and programmers should indeed find a way to determine that critical softwares are fail-safe through redundancy.
Antonio Carzaniga, Andrea Mattavelli, and Mauro Pezzè. (2015) further opined that, we still do not know how to measure software redundancy to support a proper and effective design. If, for instance, the goal is to improve reliability (software quality), one might want to measure the redundancy of a solution to then estimate the reliability gained with that solution. Or one might compare alternative solutions to choose the one that expresses more redundancy and therefore, presumably, more reliability. This can be actualized through formalizing a notion of redundancy whereby two code fragments are considered redundant when they achieve the same functionality with different executions. On the basis of this notion, Programmers and software developers working with Boeing are counselled to adapt to the software engineering principles of redundancy where various versions of code fragments are written to solve a task. Mark vandenBrand and Jan Friso Groote (2013) stressed that Software engineers are humans and so they make lots of mistakes. Typically 1 out of 10 to 100 tasks go wrong. The only way to avoid these mistakes is to introduce redundancy in the software engineering process. However, one cannot say that mission critical softwares will not be developed because of the imminent error that is expected instead, programmers and software developers should consciously follow laydown industrial software engineering practices. Software redundant components are part of software engineering best practices to improve software quality and make a software fail-safe.
They went ahead to propose that depending on the required level of correctness, expressed in a residual error probability (typically 10); each programming task must be carried out redundantly 4 to 8 times. This number is hardly influenced by the size of a programming endeavour. Trained software engineers require a double amount of redundant tasks to deliver software of a desired quality. More compact programming, for instance by using domain specific languages, only reduces the number of redundant tasks by a small constant. (Mark vandenBrand and Jan Friso Groote, 2013).
According to National Research Council (2015), Redundancy exists when one or more of the parts of a system can fail and the system can still function with the parts that remain operational. Two common types of redundancy are active and standby.
In active redundancy, all of a system's parts are energized during the operation of a system. In active redundancy, the parts will consume life at the same rate as the individual components. An active redundant system is a standard "parallel" system, which only fails when all components have failed.
In standby redundancy, some parts are not energized during the operation of the system; they get switched on only when there are failures in the active parts. In a system with standby redundancy, ideally the parts will last longer than the parts in a system with active redundancy. A standby system consists of an active unit or subsystem and one or more inactive units, which become active in the event of a failure of the functioning unit. The failures of active units are signalled by a sensing subsystem, and the standby unit is brought to action by a switching subsystem. Multi-version techniques use redundant software components which are developed following design diversity rules. As in the hardware case, various choices have to be examined to determine at which level the redundancy has to be provided and which modules are to be made redundant.
One has to be aware that the increase in complexity caused by redundancy can be quite severe and may diminish the dependability improvement, unless redundant resources are allocated in a proper way. This could be a major setback to producing quality software for mission critical situations like that of an aircraft or rocket launcher. When redundancy is adopted, software engineers should be very mindful of the complexity of the system.
Mark vandenBrand and Jan Friso Groote (2013) remarked that Redundancy is obtained through the independent development of components with the same functional behaviour. In its most extreme form two independent groups develop components that can be executed in parallel. These components need not be programmed in the same language. A variant is the development of a (executable) model, which can be used for prototyping, testing or code generation. If the model is machine-processable, it can be used for simulation and/or model checking.
Thus, for a software developer or programmer to employ redundancy in the software design process, he should be programmer with the skill of developing in more than one programming language. Often times, it is better to allow a different programmer or software developing firm handle the redundant component in a different language aimed at achieving the same result with the goal of removing as many of the flaws that will be inherent in each description.
They further opined that that several forms of redundancy are already present in actual programming, such as type checking and testing. However, these forms of redundancy came about as good practices, not conscious ways to introduce redundancy with a view to attaining a certain level of software quality. Active redundancy can be brought into the software design process through the introduction of high level models of the software, for instance, in the form of domain specific languages, property languages such as modal logics to independently state properties, independently (and perhaps multiple) constructed implementations, and a priori described test cases. The comparison of these different views can be done by model checking (software or models against properties), model based testing (model against implementation), and systematic testing (tests against model or software). Code inspection and acceptance tests are also fruitful, but lack the rigour of comparison that the more
Redundancy and diversity are fundamental strategies for enhancing the dependability of any type of system. Redundancy means that spare capacity is included in a system that can be used if part of that system fails. Diversity means that redundant components of the system are of different types, thus increasing the chances that they will not fail in exactly the same way. (Sommerville, 2011).
We use redundancy and diversity to enhance dependability in our everyday lives. As an example of redundancy, most people keep spare light bulbs in their homes so that they can quickly recover from the failure of a light bulb that is in use. Commonly, to secure our homes we use more than one lock (redundancy) and, usually, the locks used are of different types (diversity). This means that if an intruder finds a way to defeat one of the locks, they have to find a different way of defeating the other lock before they can gain entry. As a matter of routine, we should all back up our computers and so maintain redundant copies of our data. To avoid problems with disk failure, backups should be kept on a separate, diverse, external device.
Software systems that are designed for dependability may include redundant components that provide the same functionality as other system components. These are switched into the system if the primary component fails. If these redundant components are diverse (i.e., not the same as other components), a common fault in replicated components will not result in a system failure. Redundancy may also be provided by including additional checking code, which is not strictly necessary for the system to function. This code can detect some kinds of faults before they cause failures. It can invoke recovery mechanisms to ensure that the system continues to operate.
In systems for which availability is a critical requirement, redundant servers are normally used. These automatically come into operation if a designated server fails.
Sometimes, to ensure that attacks on the system cannot exploit a common vulnerability; these servers may be of different types and may run different operating systems. Using different operating systems is one example of software diversity and redundancy, where comparable functionality is provided in different ways.
Diversity and redundancy may also be also used to achieve dependable processes by ensuring that process activities, such as software validation, do not rely on a single process or method. This improves software dependability because it reduces the chances of process failure, where human errors made during the software development process lead to software errors. For example, validation activities may include program testing, manual program inspections and static analysis as fault-finding techniques. These are complementary techniques in that any one technique might find faults that are missed by the other methods. Furthermore, different team members may be responsible for the same process activity e.g., a program inspection. (Sommerville, 2011).
Several works that was done on the subject of software redundancy was x-rayed with a view to fish out ways to improve software quality through redundant components. This previous works was thoroughly examined and the researchers came up with the findings below.
Archeologia Postmedievale, 2020
Revue germanique internationale, 2001
Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest, 2004
TheoLogica, 2023
Revista Relaciones Internacionales, 2017
Colección la Fuente (BUAP), 2015
Sistemy kontrolâ okružaûŝej sredy, 2019
Poultry Science Journal, 2019
Solid Earth Discussions, 2019
Industrial Crops and Products, 2015
Autopsy and Case Reports, 2020
Between Encyclopedia and Chorography, 2022