Mantle convection and the thermal structure of the plates

1978, Journal of Geophysical Research

Though a simple thermal model of plate creation matches the observed bathymetry and heat flow with considerable accuracy, it only does so because a constant temperature is imposed as a lower boundary condition. A more realistic model is developed here, based on the idea that the thermal structure of the plate becomes unstable and leads to the development of small-scale convection. Convective heat transport then supplies the heat flux needed to match the observations rather than an artificial constant temperature boundary condition. The temperature dependence of the rheology is represented in a simple manner. Below a given temperature the material is assumed to move rigidly, defining an upper mechanical boundary layer. Beneath this rigid layer, where the temperatures are greater, the material is assumed to have a constant Newtonian viscosity. The part of the viscous region where there are significant vertical temperature gradients, immediately below the mechanical boundary layer, forms a thermal boundary layer. As the plate cools, both the mechanical and thermal boundary layers increase in thickness. A local critical Rayleigh number criterion is used to test the stability of the thermal boundary layer. On this basis a convective instability is predicted, its occurrence coinciding with the breakdown of the linear dependence of the depth of the ocean floor on the square root of age. Though the small-scale convection which develops from this instability modifies the thermal structure, the basic observational constraints are shown to be satisfied. The stability criterion is further tested in two different laboratory experiments. These experiments also illustrate a possible form for the instability, with cold dense material breaking away from the base of the plate and being replaced by hotter material from below.

VOL. 83, NO. B9 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH Mantle Convection and the Thermal Structure SEPTEMBER 10, 1978 of the Plates BARRY PARSONS Departmentof Earth and PlanetarySciences,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139 DAN MCKENZIE Departmentof Geodesyand Geophysics, MadingleyRise, MadingleyRoad, CambridgeCB3 0EZ, England Thougha simplethermalmodelof platecreationmatchesthe observedbathymetryand heatflow with considerableaccuracy,it only doesso becausea constanttemperatureis imposedas a lower boundary condition.A more realisticmodel is developedhere, basedon the idea that the thermalstructureof the plate becomesunstableand leadsto the developmentof small-scaleconvection.Convectiveheattransport then suppliesthe heatflux neededto matchthe observationsrather than an artificialconstanttemperature boundarycondition.The temperaturedependenceof the rheologyis representedin a simplemanner. Below a given temperaturethe material is assumedto move rigidly, defining an upper mechanical boundarylayer. Beneaththis rigid layer, wherethe temperaturesare greater,the material is assumedto have a constantNewtonian viscosity.The part of the viscousregion wherethere are significantvertical temperaturegradients,immediatelybelow the mechanicalboundarylayer, forms a thermal boundary layer.As the platecools,both the mechanicaland thermalboundarylayersincreasein thickness.A local critical Rayleighnumbercriterionis usedto testthe stabilityof the thermal boundarylayer.On this basis a convectiveinstabilityis predicted,its occurrencecoincidingwith the breakdownof the linear dependenceof the depthof the oceanfloor on the squareroot of age.Thoughthe small-scaleconvectionwhich developsfrom this instability modifies the thermal structure, the basic observationalconstraintsare shownto be satisfied.The stabilitycriterion is further testedin two differentlaboratoryexperiments. These experimentsalso illustratea possibleform for the instability, with cold densematerial breaking away from the baseof the plate and beingreplacedby hotter material from below. 1. INTRODUCTION The effectsof the cooling of the oceanicplate as it moves away from a midoceanridge have receiveda good deal of attention, both theoreticaland observational.Forsyth [1977] recentlyreviewedthe differentmeasurements that have been made. Variations in mean heat flow, depth, and velocity of surfacewaveswith age all seemto reflectchange•in thermal structure. Parsonsand $clater [1977] have shown that variationsin meandepthand'heatflow canbe adequatelydescribed by a model of the type originally discussedby McKenzie [1967]. In this model a slabof constantthicknessmovesaway from the ridgecrest,its bottom boundarybeingmaintainedat constant temperature.A thicknessof 125 km for the slab is given by a simple inversionmethod basedon the analytical propertiesof the model [Parsonsand Sclater, 1977]. The phaseand group velocitiesof Rayleigh wavesfor periods from 20 to 200 s are found to increasewith increasingage of the ocean floor [Kauselet al., 1974; Weidner, 1974;Leeds, 1975;Forsyth,1975, 1977].Thesedata can be invertedto give the seismicvelocity structurein different age zones[Leedset al., 1974; Leeds, 1975; Forsyth, 1975, 1977]. Although the resolutionis limited, the overall effectof cooling in increasing the seismicvelocitiesis clear.The top of the low-velocityzone is reasonablywell defined. Despite uncertaintiesabout the exactshapeof the solidus[Millhollenet al., 1974;Greenand Liebermann, 1976],relatingthesharpdecrease in seismic velocitiesto the onsetof partial meltingprovidesa further constraint on the thermal structure.Forsyth [1977] concludedthat the available data were consistentWith the model of a cooling plate, 125 km thick, in a peridotiticmantle. Sucha modelrequiresa supplyof heat, the heat flux at the baseof the plate increasingfurther away from the ridgecrest. A balance is reachedin the older regionsbetweenheat supCopyright (D 1978 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number 8B0463. 0148-0227/78/098 B-0463501.00 plied to the plate from beneath and heat lost by conduction through it. Small-scaleconvection in the upper mantle has beensuggestedas a meansof maintainingthe necessaryvertical heat transport [Richter, 1973; Richter and Parsons, 1975; McKenzie and Weiss, 1975]. In part this suggestionstemmed from the difficulty encounteredin numerical experimentsin preventingconvectionin boxes whose horizontal extent was severaltimes that of the vertical dimensionfrom breaking up into many smallercells.In a model of the thermal evolutionof the plates which includesthe possibilityof small-scaleconvection, it is necessaryto distinguishbetweentwo types of boundary layers.The mechanicalboundary layer movesas a rigid spherical cap and carries the magnetic anomalies. Beneath the mechanicalboundary layer is a thermal boundary layer which is also cooled by heat lost upward but within which motionsnot simplyrelatedto the motion of the surface can occur.Neither boundarylayer has sharpboundaries,and hencethis modelis more physicallyrealisticthan that usedby McKenzie [1967]. An observationthat initially seemedto support the notion of small-scaleconvection as the principal means of vertical heat transportin the uppermantlewasthe apparentapproach of the heatflow measurements to a constantbackgroundvalue in old ocean basins.Although on closerexamination the heat flow cannot in fact discriminatebetweenan approachto a constantlevel and continuedcooling,an equivalentargument canstill be madeon the basisof the variationof depthwith age [ParsonsandSclater, 1977].The meandepthof the oceanfloor behavesin a very simpleway as a functionof age (Figure 1). Out to an age of about 70 m.y. the depth increaseslinearly as t•/:, where t is the age of the oceanfloor. For larger agesthan this the linear relationshipbreaks down, and the depth increaseslessrapidly, followinga simpleexponentialdecayto a constantvalue. For agesyoungerthan 70 m.y. the form of the variation can be accountedfor by a variety of thermal models. 4485 4486 PARSONS ANDMCKENZIE:CONVECTION BENEATH THEOCEANICPLATES wherethe velocityu is taken to be constant.Other termsare definedin Figure2. The changein depthacrossthe columnis 2000 I L NORTH PACl fib !• given by • Mean depth andstandard d.... t,on •- • -- Theoretical elevahon, plate model 3000 -' Linear t•/zrelahon d(x+ dx) - d(x) = _ apo (po - pw) fo[T(x + dx, z) - ß 4000 5000 6000 7ooo I 0 I I 2 :5 -(po-pw)C•, Od+ q,= qo+ foH(z)dz 6 8 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 (2) wherea is the volumetricexpansioncoefficient,pothe referencemantledensity,andpwthe densityof seawaterand both (1) and (2) are correctto firstorderin (aT). The difference in internalenergybetweenmaterialleavingand enteringthecolumn is thereforeproportionalto the changein depth.Combining(1) and (2) resultsin the relation T 5 T(x, z)] dz II 12 1:5 (3) wheret = x/u, the ageof the oceanfloorßAs d(t) andq•(t) are •/•GE (M.Y.B.P.) presumed known,thentheright-hand sideof (3)is alsoknown Fig. 1. Plot of meandepthin the North Pacificversusthe square as a functionof t. If q0 and H(z) can be neglected,then root of age. Numbers at the bottom of the figure denoteselected a relation Cenozoicand Mesozoicmagneticanomalies[from Parsonsand Scla- equatingthe left-handsideof (3) to zeroprovides betweenvariationsof depthandsurfaceheatflux.Lister[ 1977] derivedsucha relationshipfrom the t•/•'and t-•/•' dependences let, 1977]. _ of the two observableswhich hold for small enought. Thermal modelsof a platethat predictthe observed functionsd(t) and One is the coolingplatemodeldescribed above.Anothersim- q•(t) haveidenticaltotalheatsources givenby theright-hand ply allowsthe materialto loseheatat the upperboundary sideof (3). Theydifferonlyin thewaythat the heatsources are without restrictingthe depth to which cooling can occur partitionedbetweenq0andH(z) and,moreimportant,in the [DavisandLister, 1974].A third modelallowsthe bottom heat transportmechanismusedto supplyqo.Forsyth[1978] boundaryto migrateandassumes thatit isat themeltingpoint suggested that the requiredheatingcouldbe providedby raof the material[ParkerandOldenburg, 1973].For sufficiently dioactive sourcesdistributed in the upper 300 km of the smallagesthebehaviorin all thesemodelsisprincipally deter- mantle, the vertical heat transport mechanismbeing conminedby coolingfromsimilarinitialtemperature profiles that ductive.Schubertet al. [1976] usedshearstressheatingproare uniformwith depthrightup to or almostup to the upper ducedin the large-scale flowassociated with the platemotion. boundary.However,for greateragesthe coolinghaspene- The verticalheattransportmechanism wasstill predominantly trateddeepenoughfortheinfluence of somebottomboundary conductive.Each of the above mechanismsproducessimilar conditionto be felt. Heat is suppliedso that the depthto any thermal structuresand hencecan accountreasonablywell for givenisothermincreases lessrapidly,and accordingly, the the observations. The problemof the stabilityof a large-scale depthof theoceanfloorincreases lessrapidly.Thealternatives flow with sucha thermalstructurein the upperboundarylayer to the platemodelcanbe modifiedto allow for an inputof hasnot beenconsidered. This providesa meansof discriminaheatfrom below[Crough,1975;OMenburg,1975],but thento ting betweenthe differentmodels,sincesomeform of smalla greateror lesserdegreetheyapproximate that model. scaleconvectionwill clearlydevelopin thosecasesthat canbe Alternative mechanisms,other than small-scaleconvection, shown to be unstable. havebeensuggested in orderto supplythe requiredheating The schemethat we attemptto justify in this paperis illusand reproduce theobserved variationof depthandheatflow tratedin Figure3. Materialmovesawayfrom the ridgecrest, with age[Forsyth,1977;Schubert et al., 1976].Any thermal losingheatconductively withtheupperboundaryfixedat 0øC. modelof a platethatsatisfies theobserved variationof surface There is no small-scaleconvectionat this point, becausethe heatflow and depthwith ageis constrained to havethe same overturningof the large-scale circulationprecludesthe existotal heatsources providedby a combinationof internalheat tenceof the cold upperconductive boundarylayersof such generation andheatingfrombelow.This canbeseenby con- convection cells.Initially,theonlyheatbroughtfrom belowis sideringthe energybalanceof a columnthroughthe plate, that transportedin the large-scale flow, and coolingoccurs heighta, and width dx, observedin a stationaryreference exactlyas for a half space.The mechanical properties of the frame(Figure2). We assumethat lateraltemperature varia- materialwill varyrapidlywith temperature. We represent this tionsin the plateare confinedabovethe baseof the column. temperaturedependence by assumingthat below a certain Horizontal heat conductionis neglected,this being a good assumption awayfrom the ridgeaxis.The energybalanceis then poCou [T(x + dx, z)- temperature the materialbehaves rigidly.Abovethat temperature the material is treatedas having a uniform Newtonian viscosity.This is undoubtedly an oversimplification of complex rheologicalbehavior,but sucha two-layermodelhas provedusefulin discussing stressbalancesin the large-scale flow [Richter,1977;Richterand McKenzie,1978].Also the T(x, z)] dz + (qu- qo)dx calculationsof Schubertet al. [1976]suggestthat sucha repre= dx H(z) dz (1) sentation of therheology should beadequate for thepurposes of this paper. PARSONS AND MCKENZIE:CONVECTION BENEATH THEOCEANICPLATES d(x)" 4487 Tqu ._---d(x+dx) ,•o atooC pu z=a •o a/ooC puT (x+dx ,z)dz T(x,z)dz z=O qb Fig. 2. Sketchto illustratetheenergybalancefor a columnof materialin theplate.Therelationof theenergybalanceto the changein depthd(x) acrossthe column,and to the upperand bottomheatfluxes,q• and qo,is discussed in the text. Othervariablesareasfollows:T(x, z) is thetemperature, p0thedensity,C, thespecificheat,u the platevelocity,andH(z) the radioactive heat content of the column. As coolingproceeds,the spacingof the isothermsincreases. convecting region and supplied below it from the lower The mechanicalboundarylayer liesbetweenthe surfaceand mantle. The upper thermal boundary layer of the small-scale the isotherm chosen to represent thetransitionbetween rigid convectionoccupiesthe region immediately below the meand viscous behavior. This isotherm and another chosen isochanicalboundarylayer,hencethe namefor thisregiongiven thermareusedto providea measure of thetemperature gradi- above. ent withinthe viscousregionimmediatelybelowthe mechaniThe small-scale convectionmaintainsa meantemperature cal boundarylayer. We call the regionbetweenthesetwo structurein the upper mantle that is essentiallyadiabatic, isothermsthe thermalboundarylayer.The thicknesses of the apart from its upperboundarylayer.As the platesmoveapart, twoboundarylayerswill increase withageasshownin Figure material can ascendadiabatically with little distortion of the 3. If at an ageof 70 m.y.thethickness of thethermalboundary isothermsin the uppermantle.This is distinctlydifferentfrom layerhasincreasedsufficientlythat it becomesunstableon the a convectivemodelin whichthe platesform the upperbound- basisof a localRayleighnumbercriterionfor the boundary ary layer of a singleconvectioncell [Turcotteand Oxburgh, layer,thencoldmaterialwill breakawayfrom the bottomof 1967]. In that casethere is a large temperaturecontrastbethe lithosphere, and mantle material at the assumed basal reachedbetweenthe heat conductedthroughthe plate and heattransportedverticallyby thesmall-scale convection. This, tweenthe ascendingmaterial and the adiabaticcore of the cell, which providesa major componentin driving the cell. Oncethe instabilityoccurs,the overturningproducedby the onset of small-scaleconvection effectivelykeeps the mean temperatureconstantat the depthto whichcoolinghad pene- in turn, dependson the heat sourcesdistributed within the trated at that time. This depththen effectivelydefinesthe plate temperaturewill replaceit. As coolingproceedsfurther, the small-scale convection increases in amplitudeuntil a balanceis 0 50 I00 i i i 150 -- Age,m.y.B.P. i •:.:•:...:•:•....::•...•::•••.•:•.•....•. ================= .... :::::::::::::::::::::::: •Thermal •i• • • •:• barbary layer Onset of the instability [•/iscous I Thermal structure ofplate and small-scale convectionapproach equilibrium Fig. 3. Schematicdiagramshowingthe divisionof the plate into rigid and viscousregionsand the occurrenceof an instabilityin the bottom viscouspart of the plate. 4488 PARSONS AND MCKENZIE: CONVECTIONBENEATHTHEOCEANICPLATES K = 8 X 10-7 m' s-1; thicknessdeterminedfrom fits to the variationsof depth and heat flow versusage and is the sum of the thicknesses of the mechanicaland t.hermal boundary layers.Both are included becausesignificantmean temperaturedifferencesrelative to the temperatureprofileunderthe ridgecrestoccurabovethis depth, and the variation of depth versusage is determined principallyby suchtemperaturedifferences. The basic argument that we use below dependson the existenceof a local critical Rayleigh number criterion to predict instabilityin the thermalboundarylayer.Althoughsucha criterionis intuitively reasonable,it cannotbe rigorouslyjusti- Cj, = 1.17 X 10a J kg-1 øC-1; a = 3 X 10-5 øC-1; Rac = 10•. The valueof 4.25 eV for the activationenergyis at the lower end of the range of experimentallydeterminedvalues. Post [1977] obtained4.06 eV for the high-temperaturecreepof Mt. Burnett dunite in a hydrous environment. Higher values around 5.4 eV are found for dry olivine [KohlstedtandGoetze, 1974].There is a good deal of uncertaintyassociated with the fied. Therefore after the use of this criterion in section 2 in preexponentialcoefficientin (5), in particular for the grain connectionwith the hypothesisdescribedabove, its appli- size. In the upper 100 km the pressureeffectis small,and the cation in a variety of other physicalsituationsis also consid- temperaturevariation aloneis plotted in Figure 4. Decreasing ered. In all cases,agreementis obtainedwith eithernumerical thetemperaturefrom 1300ø to 900øCincreases theviscosityby or experimentalresults.This providesconfidencethat the pre- slightlymorethan 4 ordersof magnitude.We havepickedthe dictions based on a local critical Rayleigh number criterion isotherm will be at least qualitatively correct. 2. T' = 0.75T1 THE INITIATION OF SMALL-SCALE CONVECTION Figure 3 illustratesthe schemethat is to be tested.Material is assumedto rise adiabaticallyat the ridgecrest.Estimatesof the temperaturebeneathspreadingcentershave beenmade in a number of different ways and givereasonableagreement.In order to form olivine tholeiitesby partial melting of a model pyrolite mantle, temperaturesbetween1300ø and 1400øCfor the depth range 30-60 km are required [Wyllie, 1971; Green, 1972]. Application of plagioclasegeothermometryto ocean ridge basaltsgivestemperaturesrangingfrom 1200ø to 1400øC [Scheidegger,1973; Frey et al., 1974]. Temperaturesaround 1350øC were obtained independentlyof the other parameters of the plate model by fits to the empirical depth-agecurve [Parsonsand Sclater, 1977]. For the calculations below, a uniform temperature T1 = 1300øC or T' = 975øC in this case,to representthe transition from quasi-rigidto viscousbehavior.As material movesaway from the ridgecrestand coolingproceeds,the temperatureprofileis initially given by T = T1 err {z/[2(gt)l/']} kbTR' (E+pV) (7) wherez is the depth, t the time, and • the thermaldiffusivity. From (6) and (7) the thicknessof the mechanicalboundary layer thereforegrowsas A = 1.63(gt)1/' (8) In order to provide a measureof the temperaturegradientin the viscousregionwe follow another isothermchosento be (4) T" = 0.97T1 is assumed,the small adiabatic gradient being neglected. The decisionto subdividethe coolingplate into two regions, one quasi-rigidand the other uniformly viscous,is basedon the very rapid variation of viscositywith temperature.A number of different mechanismsfor creep in solidsexist [Stocker and Ashby, 1973]. Dislocation creep and diffusion creep, in particular the former, are appropriateto the range of stresses and temperaturesin the uppermantle.Thesemechanisms have an exponentialdependenceon temperaturearising from the form of the diffusioncoefficient,both processes dependingon the diffusionof oxygenions within the lattice. As an example, the viscosityfor Nabarro-Herring creepis given by v = 10moDo exp kbT (6) (9) 3O T T' E • •o (5) 15 where v is the kinematic viscosity,k, Boltzmann'sconstant,R the mean grain radius, Do the referenceconstantin the diffusion coefficient,mo the massof an oxygenion, E an activation energy, V an activation volume, T the absolutetemperature, andp the pressure.The followingtabulationgivesthe valuesof physicalparametersthat have beenusedin this paper: 0o = 3.33 Mg m-3; g = l0 m s-1' R = Do= E = v0 = 0.5 mm; 5X 10-4m's-•; 4.25 eV; 2 X 1017m' s-1; •o[ ii,iIIiII 500 I000 1500 T,ø½ Fig. 4. Plot of viscosityversustemperaturefor the creeplaw given by (5) and physicalparameterslistedin the tabulationin the text. Any other creeplaw will displaythe samestrongtemperaturedependence. The arrow labeledT' denotesthe temperaturechosento representthe divisionbetweenrigid and viscousbehavior.T• is the mantletemperature below the plate. The dashedline showsthe value of viscosity requiredfor the instabilityto occurafter 70 m.y. PARSONSAND MCKENZm: CONVECTION BENEATH THE OCEANIC PLATES •,(o½) o0 4489 Racthe critical Rayleighnumber.The valuesthat we haveused are given in the precedingtabulation. Substitutingsuitable valuesfor the physicalparametersin (12) wouldgivethe age, to, at which an instability would occur. Becauseof uncertaintiesin the valuesfor the viscosity,rather than do this, we assertthat t• = 70 m.y. as suggested by the variation of depth with age and ask what value of v is neededfor (12) to hold. Usingthe valuesin the tabulation,a valuefor the viscosityof $oo 6oo Depth (kin) 2.33 X 10•e ma s-• 700 is obtained.This is not unreasonable,consideringthe values plotted in Figure 4 and that (13) representsan averageviscos- .... ity acrossthe boundarylayer.valuesfor the meanmantle T viscosity of 2 X l0 •7 m• s-• are obtained from studies of postglacialuplift [Cathies, 1971; Peltlet and Andrews,1976]. Richter and McKenzie [1978] calculatedvalues ranging from 2 X l0 TMm• s-• to 2 X l0 •7m• s-• by consideringthe balance betweenviscousstresses and the buoyancyforcesdriving the motion of subduetedplates.In their modelsthey alsorequired a low-viscositylayer to decouplethe plate motion from the mantle beneath;valuesin this layer as low as 10" m• s-• were suggested.Hencewe seethat the valuegivenhere falls within the range of probable values obtained by various different ¾(øC) o $oo 600 o B (13) Depth (km) methods. 3. 700 THE EFFECT OF SMALL-SCALE CONVECTION ON THE THERMAL STRUCTURE The model used above to determine where the thermal Fig. 5. Isothermsand horizontallyaveragedtemperaturestructure for steadystateconvectionin squareboxesfor (a) 30 mW m-2 from boundary layer becomesunstableusesthe thermal structure belowand40.7 nW m-8 from within and(b) 83.6 nW m-8 from within. given when conduction is the only means of vertical heat transport.The developmentof the boundarylayer instability leads to convectiveheat transport, and therefore the mean temperaturestructurecan only be obtained by solving nonlinear equations.We shall not attempt this here. Instead we The isothermsT' and T" define a thermal boundary layer can usethe sameboundarylayerstabilitycriterionto construct acrosswhich there is a temperaturedrop a simplemodelrepresentingsteadystateconvection.The anaAT = T" - 7" (10) lytical relationshipsobtained in this way can be used to test whetherthe depthand heatflux for infinitelyold seafloor, here The thicknessof the thermalboundarylayer growsas calledthe equilibriumstate,agreewith the extrapolationsob6 = 1.43(gt)zn (11) tained by fitting a plate model to the observations. The startingpoint is a schemesuggested by Howard [1966] The thermal boundarylayer is assumedto becomeunstable as beingequivalentto turbulentRayleigh-Benardconvection when a locally defined Rayleigh number exceedsa critical in some average sense.This is adapted here to the case of value.In other words,the local stabilitycriterionis givenby convectiondriven by internal heat sourcesor a combinationof Both have the same mean heat flux at the surface and are calculated for a 24 X 24 mesh.Isothermsare contouredat intervalsof 60øC [after McKenzie et al., 1974]. gaA T68/•v = Rs, (12:) internal heat sources and fixed heat flux from below. This modeof heatingis more appropriateto the uppermantlethan where g is the gravitational acceleration,a the volumetric the uniform temperaturedifferenceusedin Rayleigh-Benard thermalexpansioncoefficient, •, the kinematicviscosity,and convection[McKenzie et al., 1974]. The steadystate in such T T t-O t-t o T, Fig. 6. Illustrationof a simplifiedmodelfor convection at highRayleighnumbersdrivenby internalheating. 4490 PARSONSAND MCKENZIE: CONVECTION BENEATH THE OCEANIC PLATES convectionproducesa mean temperatureprofile which is esAveragingthe temperature profile(equation(14)) overthe sentiallyisothermalfrom the bottom of the layer up to a thin interval (0, t•) givesthe mean temperaturestructureof the boundarylayer acrosswhichthe temperaturedropsrapidly to boundarylayer: match the zero temperatureboundary conditionon the upper '1/9') .exp(-•'•)- 2•'•erfc(•)] (21) surface(Figure 5). A boundary lay6r at the bottom of the T = T• [erf(•)+ (2•/'/1 convectinglayer only developssignificantlyas the proportion where//= z/2(tctc) 1/•'.Despitethe factthat the abovemodelis of the total heating provided by heat flux from below in- very crude, the reasonablevalue obtained for Rac and the creases. correctform of the relationship (equation(18)) suggest that FollowingHoward [1966], we assumethat this can be mod- reasoning basedon the localstabilityof the boundarylayer eled in a time-averagedsenseby starting with a completely givessensibleresults. isothermal layer, temperature T = Ta, and at time t = 0, In the equilibriumstatethe mean thermalgradientin the imposingan upper boundary condRionT = 0 (Figure 6). As mechanical boundary layerislinear,anditsthickness •4'(Figbefore, an upper thermal boundary layer developsby con- ure 7) dependson the heatflux F throughits base: ductivecooling,the temperature beinggivenby T = Ta erf {z/[2(Kt)l/2]} A'= [k(T1- T•)]/F (14) (22) Parsons andSclater[ 1977]estimated the heatfluxthroughthe This boundarylayer becomesunstableat a time t = to,when a baseof the platein the equilibriumstateto be 34 mW m-", so local Rayleighnumberdefinedfor the boundarylayer reaches that A' = 91 km.The lengthscale• of thethermalboundary some critical value. The local stability criterion is given by layercanbecalculated from(15). Valuesofv = 2.33X 1016 m" ga T, ba/Kv = Rac (15) wherethe boundarylayer thicknessat this time is taken to be • = 2(•tc)1/• (16) that is the thermal diffusionlength scaleat t = tc. When the boundary layer becomesunstable,the fluid in the boundary layer is replacedin a time short in comparisonto tc [Howard, 1966] by fluid at the temperatureTa. Hence the initial stateis restored,and the processrepeatsitself (Figure 6). The average heat flux over the interval (0, tc) is 2kTa s-1, T• = 325øC,Ra• = 10•, andotherwiseasin thetabulation, Wereused.We findthat• = 58 km and,substituting thisvalue in (17), wefinda valueof F = 40 mW m-" for theequilibrium heatflux.Considering theuncertainty in theequilibrium value of theheatflux andthecrudeness of the model,thisis quite reasonable agreement. In the equilibriumstate,(21) givesthetemperaturestructure in the thermalboundarylayer.If depthsare measured downward from the top of the mechanicalboundarylayer, the temperaturein both the boundarylayersin the equilibrium state is given by r(z) = [(r, - 4kTa F= (•rKtc)l/O.-' ,/1.1/2( • 0 < z < a' (17) T(z) = Ti + T•[(2/•r1/")• exp(-•") (23) with k (= pCp•) the thermal conductivity,p beingthe density -(1 + 2•")erfc(//)] z > A' and Cp the specificheat. In the caseof convectiondriven by internal heating, it is F rather than T,• which is specified,and where• = (z - A')/b in thiscase.The elevation of theridge T,• adjusts until a balance is obtained with the internal heat crestrelativeto infinitelyold seafloor is givenby sources.From (15) and (17) a relation betweenF and T,• can be obtained: eac - COo - ow) [T1 - T(z)] dz (24) variationsin depthof theoceanfloorareisostatically comlOglo Ta=0.75 lOglo F+ 0.25 lOglo 64paCpaKag a (18) ifpensated. Parsonsand Sclater[1977]estimateda ridgecrest McKenzie et al. [1974] obtained a similar relation based on their numerical calculations: logloT• - 0.76 lOgloF + 3.58 (19) when Ta is given in degreesCelsiusand F is measuredin watts per square meter. This relationshipwas actually derived for the maximum temperaturein the cell, but as can be seenfrom the isothermsand mean temperaturestructureshownin Figure 5b, the relationshipshouldhold for the temperaturejump acrossthe boundary layer in the mean temperaturestructure. The simpletime-averagedmodel basedon a local critical Rayleigh number criterion givesthe correct form of the relation. The value of Rac that is to be applied to the stability of the boundary layer can be obtained by equatingthe constantsin (18) and (19). Using the values of the physicalparameters given by McKenzie et al. [1974], we find that elevationof 3900m relativeto an asymptotic depthof 6400m. Substitutionof (23) in (24) resultsin a valueof enc= 3470m, in good agreementwith the observations,sincemost of the difference from the observedvalue is due to the values of a and T1 adoptedhere for simplicity,which differ from thoseesti- matedby Parsons andSclater[1977].As wellassatisfying the equilibriumconstraints reasonablywell, the convective model automatically givesa linearrelationship betweendepthandt1/" out to 70 m.y. and the breakdownof the relationshipat this age.We havenot attemptedto solvethe nonlinearequations describingthe development of the instabilityand so cannot testthebehaviorof theconvective modelbetween70m.y.and the equilibrium state. For a platemodeltheproperties of themodelareprincipally determinedby the plate thickness.In the caseof the convective model, however,the thermalboundarylayer hasa thickness andtemperature dropacrossit whichdependnot onlyon the heatflux but alsoon the viscosityvalue.This dependence can be seenin (18). As an illustration,we canaskwhatviscosity The critical Rayleighnumberfor free-freeboundariesisRa• = valueis needed,givenTa = 325øCto satisfythe observedheat 658, with constant temperature specifiedon the bottom flux of 34 mW m-•. Using(15) and (17), a viscosity value Rao = 473 (20) boundary, or Ra• = 385, with constant flux on the bottom boundary. v = 3.9 X 1016m•' s-1 (25) PARSONS AND MCKENZIE: CONVECTIONBENEATHTHE OCEANICPLATES 4491 Temperature, øC vection producechangesin the refractiveindex. For instance, cold downwellingfluid has a higher refractiveindex than surß" ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I' • • • ,• I • • • ' rounding fluid and causesconvergenceof the light beam. A translucentscreeninterrupts the beam after it passesthrough the fluid. The photographshownin Figure 8 representsa view '"".. -r-I II ...... / I from above the convectinglayer, bright regionsmarking cold '",., I downwellingfluid and dark regionshot upwelling fluid. The 50 ..... • Plate working fluid was a Dow Corning 200 silicone oil with a '-... • thickness Prandtl number (= ,/K) of 8600, the large Prandtl number limit being appropriate for mantle convection.Values of the physicalparametersfor the oil are po = 0.971 Mg m-a, •, = E 10-a m•' s-•, a = 9.6 X 10-4 øC-•, and • = 1.16 X 10-7 \ i \ i m•' s-•. The viscosityis, to a good approximation, independent of temperature. Convection producedby cooling from above has been con' sideredin connectionwith the coolingof the surfacesof oceans 150 and lakes.Spangenberg and Rowland[ 1961] and Foster[ 1965b] observedconvectioninduced in water by evaporative cooling at its upper surface.In the former casea Rayleigh number of 1183 was calculated from the temperature structure in the upper boundary layer at the onset of convection.The experimentsherewere performedto testfurther the applicabilityof a Fig. 7. The solid curveis the equilibriumthermalstructureof the local critical Rayleigh number criterion for the upper boundplate and showsthe part played by the thermal boundarylayer of ary layer and to provide an illustration of the form of consmall-scale convection. The mean convective thermal structure differs vection that might be expected. from a linear profile expectedfor the plate model at the baseof the Two experimentswere performedfor layer depthsd of 5 and thermalboundarylayer.The dottedcurveis the temperaturestructure 12 cm. Both boundarieswere maintained at the sametempergivenby (7) for an age of 70 m.y. immediatelybeforethe onsetof convection.ParameterA' is the thicknessof the mechanicalboundary ature (40øC) for a time greaterthan the thermal time constant o I000 5oo 1500 .""'"'"'••.... .... T,• - '..... • ..................... I _ _ ofsmall-scale convection l layerin equilibrium,and 6 is the thermallengthscalegoverningthe time-averagedtemperature structure in the boundary layer. Also shownis the plate thicknessobtainedby fits to depth and heat flow data. is obtained,slightlygreater than the value in (13). Figure 7 showsthe mean temperaturefor the convectivemodel in this case.The temperaturestructuredifferssignificantlyfrom the lineargradientexpected for theplatemodelonlyat thebaseof the thermal boundary layer. It is encouragingthat both the onsetof small-scaleconvectionand the asymptoticbehavior can be matchedwith viscosityvalueslying within the rangeof other estimates. It should be noted that the definition of the thickness of the thermal boundary layer used in this sectiondiffers slightly fromthat usedin the previoussection.In the equilibriumstate d•'/• of the layer.Thisproduces an initiallyisothermallayerof fluid. At t = 0 the heating of the bottom boundary was stopped, and the temperature of the upper boundary was rapidly reduced. The bottom boundary temperature varies very slowly subsequentlyin comparisonto that of the upper boundary,so that essentially,the fluid was beingcooledfrom abovewith zero heat flux from below.The instabilityoccursin the cold upper boundary layer, cold fluid breaking away and forming concentrated downwellings. The boundary layer thicknessat this point, t = to, is estimatedfrom 6 = 2(gt•)x/•', the thermal diffusionlength scale.The value of the boundary layer thickness,b • 1.9 cm, wasalwaysmuchsmallerthan the depth of the fluid layer. A value for the temperaturedrop acrossthe boundarylayer was obtainedfrom the mean differencebetweenthe upper boundarytemperatureand the initial temperatureof the fluid over the interval (0, t•). From (12), values of Ra• • 2.1 X 103were obtained. This provides an upper limit to the critical Rayleigh number for the boundary layer, since the instability must develop to a certain extent the temperature profile'in the mechanical boundarylayer is essentially fixed,andonlytheturningoverto fluidbeneathit is considered.Before the instabilityoccurs,the temperatureis alsovaryingin the mechanical boundarylayer,andhencethe before it can be observed with this visualization method. The gradients in thethermalboundary layerwill bedifferent.It is local stability criterion applied to the upper boundary layer clear,however,that in all casesthe boundarylayerthickness is therefore providesa reasonableguide to the onset of conproportionalto (Ktc)•/•'. vection in the fluid. The form of the convectionalways consistedof localized downwellings. The upwellingoccursover a diffusearea, since IN LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS no localizeddark upwellingregionsare observed.An example a. TransientCoolingFrom A bore of the developedform of the convectionis given in Figure 8. The horizontal length scale of the convectivepattern was The experiments described herewereperformedby usinga convectiontank basedon the designof Chenand Whitehead observedto decreaseas the convection developed after the [1968],whichis fullydescribed elsewhere [RichterandParsons, initial instability.Downwellingsare seento developwith time 1975; Whiteheadand Parsons,1978]. A layer of fluid is in different parts of the tank. If attention is concentratedon a boundedaboveand belowby horizontalglasssurfaces which small area, the mean effect of new downwellingsdeveloping are maintained as isothermalboundariesto a good approxi- and movingacrossthis area can be seento be equivalentto the mation.Theseare separatedby machinedspacerswhichcon- time-averagingprocessconsideredabove. These results are 4. BOUNDARY LAYER INSTABILITIES trol the depthof thelayer.Convectionisobserved by passing a consistent with the observations of Whitehead and Chen andRowland[1961], and Foster [1965b]. slightlydivergentbeamof light throughthe layerof fluid. [1970], Spangenberg Horizontaltemperaturedifferences associated with the con- Convectiondominated by localizeddownwellingsand diffuse 4492 PARSONSAND MCKENZIE: CONVECTIONBENEATHTHE OCEANIC PLATES .. ß :.: ß Fig. 8. Exampleof the form of convectionproducedby coolingfrom above.Note the predominanceof localizedcold downwellings(bright regions). upwelling regions is typical of numerical results for internal heating (Figure 5b). This contrasts with Rayleigh-Bernard convection,whereupwellingand downwellingfluid occursymmetrically.The instabilityin the bottom part of the plate that was discussedabove might be expectedto take the form of localizeddownwellingsfalling from the baseof the plate. ically in Figure 9, by a combinationof a uniform heat source over the top surfaceat one end of the tank and an isothermal heat sink over the other end of the tank. The source and sink extendthe whole width of the tank. The productionof a largescale flow in this way is to be expected,but what was unexpectedwas the behavior in planestransverseto the main flow (Figure 10). As the large-scaleflow entered the region under b. ObservedSmall-ScaleInstability the isothermalheat sink, coolingproducedan upperboundary in a Large-Scale Flow layer which eventuallybecameunstable,producing convective Recently, Curlet [1976] conducted an experiment that has rolls aligned along the direction of the large-scaleflow. certain featuresin common with the suggestedschemefor an Curlet [1976] calculated a local Rayleigh number for this instability at the baseof the plate. Convectionin glycerinewas upper boundary layer and showedthat the onsetof convective studied in a plexiglassenclosure,with a horizontal crosssec- rolls occurred when Ra• '-• 2 X 10s, in agreementwith the tion of 24 inchesX 20 inchesand a depth of 5 inches,in order experiment in subsectiona. For the purposesof comparison to understandpossibleconvectiveprocessesthat might occur with possiblemantle convection,variousfeaturesof this experin glassfurnaces.Neutrally buoyant anthraceneparticleswere iment should be noted. First, the horizontal scale of the smallmixed in with the glycerine. The flow in longitudinal and scaleconvectioncells is much lessthan the depth of the tank. transversevertical sectionsthrough the tank could be visual- For the particular combinationof boundaryconditionsin this ized by illuminating the particleswith a planar light sourceand experiment, where a small percentageof the heat lossoccursat taking streak(long exposure)photographs.A large-scaleflow the side boundaries, one observesa mean temperature strucalong one length of the tank was forced, as shown schemat- ture under the sink which is potentially unstablein the upper PARSONSAND MCKENZIE: CONVECTION BENEATH THE OCEANIC PLATES 4493 boundary layer but stabilizingover a large part of the region equally to their models,and it appearspossiblethat in both below that. Such a temperaturestructuretendsto prevent the casesan instability will occur leading to the developmentof penetration of the downwellingfluid into the fluid below small-scale convection. We conclude therefore that the mode [Whiteheadand Chen, 1970].Second,the longitudinalalign- of vertical heat transport beneaththe platescannot be solely ment of the small-scale convection cells is a result of the interconductive.Though the boundarylayer theory usedaboveis actionwith the large-scale flow [RichterandParsons,1975],a crude, the resultssuggestthat it shouldnot be difficult with a shear flow tending to suppresstransverserolls. more exact theory to obtain a consistentconvectivesystem. We haveconsideredonly oneboundarylayer instability.Other 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS instabilitiesin the total circulation related to plate motions A local Rayleigh number criterion usedto test the stability may be possible.Thesecan only augmentthe argumentsfor of a boundary layer has been applied to the evolving thermal convectionon a different horizontal length scalebeneath the structureof the plates.It was demonstratedthat it is likely that plates.The occurrence of a convectiveinstabilityand developan instability in the bottom viscousregion of the plate could ment of small-scaleconvection provide a consistentway of lead to the developmentof small-scaleconvection.The same modelingthe observedbehavior,whichis alsoconsistent with local Rayleigh number criterion applied to boundary layers the results of laboratory and numerical convection experihas been shown to provide satisfactoryresultsin a number of ments. As the developmentof small-scaleconvectioncan acexamples.The studiesof Foster [1965a], Howard [1966], and count for the observationsby itself, it is not necessaryto Whiteheadand Chen [1970]give someindicationof why this is supposethat additionaleffectssuch as shearstressheating so. A cooling boundary layer above a semi-infinite region is contribute significantlyto the thermal structure. alwaysunstable.For a regionof finite depththerewill be some The depthto whichcoolingcanpenetrateinto the mantleis small critical Rayleigh number for the region as a whole to essentiallythe sum of the thicknesses of the mechanicaland become unstable. However, the stability test is applied to a thermal boundarylayers. Figure 7 showsthe relation of these basicstatethat is time dependent.Any disturbances mustgrow to the plate thicknessobtainedby fitsto depthversusageand fast enoughnot to be swampedby changesin this basicstate. heat flow versusage observations.Inversionof observedsurThe disturbancefor the layer as a whole will have the largest face-wavevelocitiesgives the depth to the low-velocityzone wavelengthand low growth rates.As the coolingproceeds,the [Forsyth,1977], and this is assumedto denotethe onsetof identified boundarylayer itself becomesunstable,and this disturbance partialmelting.In thepastthisdepthwassometimes has a fast enoughgrowth rate to dominate the time depen- with the thicknessof the plate usedin thermalmodels.Figure denceof the basicstate. Hencethe stability of the wholeregion 11 shows two estimates of the solidus of peridotite in the presence of waterand the depthand temperatureobtainedfor appearsto be governedby the stabilityof the boundarylayer. In principle, the stabilityof any two-dimensionalflow put the bottomof the platemodelthat fitsthe depthand heatflow forward as the large-scalecirculation associatedwith plate versusagedata. It is clearthat the onsetof partial meltingwill motions could be testedexactly along the lines usedby Busse occur at shallowerdepths than the plate thickness,so that [1967] for the stability of convectiverolls. In practice, how- estimates obtained from surface waves should differ from that ever, this is a difficult procedure.In any case,little is known obtained from thermal models. Figures 7 and 11 show that about the circulation as a whole, solutions of the equations partial meltingcan occurwithin the thermalboundarylayer, governing the behavior, or the theology of the material in- and a questionthat must be answeredis whetherthe partial volved. The part that seemsto be best understood is the meltingeffectsthe theologicalbehaviorand hencethe thermal thermal structureof the plates,the boundarylayer of the large- structure. Suchexperimentsas are available[Autenet al., 1974;Auten scaleflow. The abovecriterion providesa simple,albeit crude, method of testingfor stability.Forsyth[1977] and Schubertet and Gordon, 1975; Arzi, 1974] suggestthat the presenceof al. [1976] have suggestedalternativeexplanationsfor the flat- small amountsof melt do not significantlyaffectthe viscosity. tening in the depth versusage curve as discussedin the in- In order to reducethe viscositydrasticallyit is not just suftroduction, the mode of vertical heat transport being con- ficient that the melt wet the grain boundaries,forming a conductive in both cases. However, in neither case was the nected network of melt. In fact, in the derivation of the effec- stabilityconsidered. Thethermalstructures of thesemodels,as tive viscosityproducedby diffusioncreep [Herring, 1950; fortheslabmodel, areclosely, similar. Thismustalways beso McKenzie, 1968]theshear stress onthegrainboundaries is in the age rangewherethe t•/2 dependence of oceandepths assumed to vanish.The amountof meltingmustbe enough holds. Hence the above argumentsabout stability apply that the probabilityof solid-solidgrain bondingis reduced, Source J-- T Sink UnJformheatin, • T Isothermal T Large-scale circulation Fig. 9. Sketchof a longitudinalsectionof the experimentperformedby Curlet [1976]. The dashedlinesmarked A and B denotetransversesectionsfor which the flow is illustratedin the photographsof Figures 10a and 10b,respectively. 4494 PARSONSAND MCKENZIE: CONVECTIONBENEATHTHE OCEANIC PLATES Fig. 10. (a) Photograph showing theflowin a transverse sectionunderthesourceregion.Thesmoothcurvedstreakson the bottomof the photographrepresent flowdrivenby heatlosses at thesideboundaries whichisweakin comparison to the principallongitudinallarge-scale flow.(b) Photographillustratingthe development of small-scale rolls underthe cooling region.Theseoccurwhena localRayleighnumber,calculated for the upperboundarylayerthat formsin thesinkregion, exceedsa critical value [from Curlet, 1976]. PARSONS ANDMCKENZIE:CONVECTION BENEATH THEOCEANICPLATES 4O 40 ; 3O 30 =20 -- 2O I0 IO ] 800 1200 i I 1600 800 1200 i 1600 Temperature(øC) 4495 mechanismfor isostaticcompensation.The exactwavelength of the small-scaleconvectionseriouslyaffectsattemptsto detect it. The theoreticalstudiesof Foster[ 1965a]and Whitehead and Chen [1970] suggestthat the wavelengthcould be independentof the depth, beingdeterminedsolelyby the amount of heating. The wavelengthwould also be affected by the viscositystructurein the upper mantle, any increasein viscosity with depthtendingto reducethe penetrationand hencethe wavelengthof the convection.If the wavelengthis too small (<400 kin), the masking effect of the overlyingelasticplate will make it difficult to detect by trying to observeassociated depth and gravity anomalies[McKenzie and Weiss, 1975]. Without a direct demonstrationof small-scaleconvection,discriminatingbetweenthermal modelsof the plateswill depend solelyon theoreticalargumentssuchasthosegivenabove.It is possiblebut unlikelythat a full nonlinearstudyof the thermal boundarylayer instabilitycombinedwith the depth-agecurves will provide information about any convectivemotions involved. Fig. 11. The temperaturesand depth,with estimatederrors,determinedfor the baseof the plate [from ParsonsandSclater, 1977],comparedto two proposedmeltingcurvesfor peridotitein the presence of small amounts of water. Curve A is from Millhollen et al. [1974], Acknowledgments. This researchwas started while both authors were participantsin the GeophysicalFluid Dynamics Program at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 1975. We would like to and curve B is from Green [1973]. thank Willem Malkus for encouragement then and since.Nigel Cutlet kindly gaveus permissionto reproducethe photographsin Figure9. and any interlockingof grainsis small;otherwise,the viscosity We are grateful to Jack Whitehead for experimentalfacilitiesand to in buildingapparatusandwith photography. is still primarily determined by transport within the solid Bob Frazel for assistance The work was principally supportedby the Office of Naval Research grains.Although it is difficultto be specificwith suchmeager experimentalevidence,it is likely that the viscosityis not significantlyreduceduntil the fraction of melt exceedsa critical amount (•20%; Arzi [1974]). The small amounts of melt that can be expectedin the low-velocityzone, consideringthe relation of the temperaturesto the wet and dry melting curves [Wyllie, 1971], should not substantiallyaffect the viscosity. Any flow in this region will be undisturbedby the presenceof partial melt. This is consistentwith the observationof Forsyth [ 1977]that changesin seismicvelocitystructureclearlyshowed the effectsof cooling within the low-velocityzone. In a similar way the effectiveelasticplate thicknessobtained from modelsrepresentingthe flexural effectsof excesscrustal loading[Watts andCochran,1974;McKenzieandBowin, 1976] is obviouslydistinctfrom either the depthto the low-velocity zone or the thermally definedplate thickness.The measures provided by these different observationaltechniquesare all related, however,by the thermal structureand the mechanical propertiesand melting behavior of mantle material. That the thermal models,depth to the low-velocityzone, and depth of the lithosphere/asthenosphere transitionshouldall give different estimatesof plate thicknessis not becausethere is any conflict between the models used but because in each case one is lookingat differentphysicalpropertiesfor whichthe dependence on the thermal structure varies. In order to distinguishbetweenthe differentthermal models of the plates the most obviousdiscriminatingfeature is the presenceor absenceof small-scaleconvection.Attempts to provide direct evidencefor mantle convectionhave beenmade recentlyby studyingrelationsbetweenlong-wavelength gravity and elevationanomalies[Menard, 1973;Sclateret al., 1975; Watts, 1976]. 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