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Csilla FEDINEC-István CSERNICSKÓ Abstract:.Remarks on one official gazette Kárpátaljai Közlöny-Подкарпатский Вђстникъ (1939-1944). The districts with the official name of Carpathian regency (abbreviated Podkarpatsko), existing in the years 1939-1944, in terms of public organizations has stood out from the Hungarian legal system, which has been applied in other regions of the country. Broad-spectrum research focused on this specific region, successfully mapped many historical, legal, linguistic and political aspects of life in its territory. Un-explored space existing in research has been a survey regional history on level of local regulations. In this study we examine the directions, and particularly local content policy in the context of nationwide events. And also whether there existed areas of questions for which were born specific answers, in connection with that we shall try to find answer for question whether this specific position in Hungarian public administration was due to name only and part of life within this administrative unit, or its uniqueness had a deeper context.
Prispevok je zameraný na možnosti identifikacie a zistenia konkretnychproblemových oblasti socialnej atmosfery v triede, v ktorej je potrebna intervencia zo stranyskolskeho psychologa, koordinatora prevencie. Obsahuje popis ziskavania informacii nazaklade Skaly socialnej atmosfery triedy a jej vyhodnotenie s navrhmi pre upravu tematickehoplanu zohľadňujuceho výsledky dotaznika, cim by malo dojsť k odstraneniu problemovv oblasti socialnej atmosfery triedy.
Pomáhajúce profesie
consider particularly a personal contact, which is a bridge to other activities, the most efficient method of work. Implications: The clergymen of all churches should be servants of all people. If we want to achieve a social change in the marginalized groups of population it is necessary for clergymen to come out of their zone of conformity and be closer to vulnerable people. Working with youth but particularly with whole families can result in big changes. Such work, however, must be regular, and particularly personal contacts in the field is the basis of a future change. Occasional contacts solely in the church or parsonage are not efficient.
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2020
Methodius and Their Reflection in the Landscape of Slovakia. The formation of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition in our history has an impact on the cultural landscape. The aim of the paper is a spatial identification of the cult of Sts. Cyril and Methodius as well as the study of its impact on the landscape of Slovakia. The first step is to identify tangible and intangible features, or, more precisely, cultural landscape elements. In Slovakia, we register in connection with Sts. Cyril and Methodius more than 120 sacral objects (churches, chapels, exterior sculptures). These, together with profane objects (schools, medical facilities) and intangible elements (e.g. street names, squares, organized events), are involved in the transformation of cultural, or, more precisely, religious landscape. The largest number of sacral objects arose after 1989, in the process of modern sacralisation of the landscape, which is typical of countries with renewed religious freedom.
Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2022: „Omnes, omnia, omnio“ pro 21. století
Journal of Technology and Information, 2010
The article follows up the topic of meta-education. In the first part we compare the potential of signs of image and text to bear information (chapters 1-4). Further, we analyze the particularities of the recognition process from the aspect of semiotics and informatics (chapters 5-6). We implement and substantiate the functional criterions for the interdisciplinary term informative value of sign as the qualifier of information. In the last part we describe the function of the informative value of sign in the process of information sharing and suggest further functions of meta-interface.
XIX. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků., 2016
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
The article provides an insight into the linguist Y. Dzendzelivsky´s personality through his correspondence in 1973-2002. The author sets aside four thematic units intertwined with the correspondence of the researcher: old linguistic reminiscence, interuniversity and inter-institutional cooperation, international Slavic language projects and publishing activities of Slavonic centres, interpersonal relations and family life. Yosyp Dzendzelivskyi, correspondence, Slavic studies, language atlas, language reminiscence.
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Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2012