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2007, Comptes Rendus Mécanique
6 pages
1 file
In this Note we present a stochastic approach to model size effects in quasi-brittle materials structures. Contrary to Weibull's theory, the key ingredient is the use of correlated random fields in order to describe the material properties. Thus, a stochastic problem has to be solved that we handle using Monte Carlo method. The numerical results show the capability to retrieve size effects in a range between the two classical bounds which are Continuum Damage Mechanics and Linear fracture Mechanics.
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1999
This study presents some recent results on damage evolution in quasi-brittle materials including stochastic imperfections. The material strength is described as a random field and coupled to the response. The most probable configurations of imperfections leading to failure are sought by means of an optimisation algorithm. This allows for evaluation of the significance of different modes and of the global probability of failure. The symmetry/asymmetry of the evolution of damage in double-edge-notched specimens under tensile loading is studied for different geometrical and mechanical conditions. Deterministic and stochastic size effects are analysed for the particular problem of the pull-out of steel anchors.
Probabilities and Materials, 1994
Damage evolution in quasi-brittle materials is a complex process in which heterogeneity plays an important role. This heterogeneity may imply that the exact failure mode can be highly dependent upon the precise spatial distribution of initial imperfections. To model this inhomogeneity stochastic distributions of material properties must be used in numerical simulations. However, the use of a stochastic approach does not resolve the issue of the change of character of the governing differential equalSons during progressive damage. To avoid such a change of character higher order terms, either in space or in time, must be added to the standard continuum description (regularization techniques). A simulation technique that describes the failure process properly must incorporate both a regularization technique and a stochastic description of the disordered continuum. This statement will be substantiated here by presenting finite element analyses of direct tension tests with a standard local damage model and with a nonlocal damage model. The randomness in the damage process will be introduced by considering the initial damage threshold of the continuum damage model as a random field, characterized by a relevant distribution and autocorrelation coefficient function. The response statistics calculated by the Monte-Carlo technique will be presented for two different levels of finite element discretization. The nonlocal and random field formulations both rely on the introduction of a length parameter : the internal length scale in case of the nonlocal continuum and the correlation length for the random field. The effect of the relative variation of the correlation length and the internal length scale will also be discussed.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2018
We discuss the physics of fracture in terms of the statistical physics associated with the failure of elastic media under applied stresses in presence of quenched disorder. We show that the development and the propagation of fracture are largely determined by the strength of the disorder and the stress field around them. Disorder acts as nucleation centres for fracture. We discuss Griffith's law for a single crack-like defect as a source for fracture nucleation and subsequently consider two situations: (i) low disorder concentration of the defects, where the failure is determined by the extreme value statistics of the most vulnerable defect (nucleation regime) and (ii) high disorder concentration of the defects, where the scaling theory near percolation transition is applicable. In this regime, the development of fracture takes place through avalanches of a large number of tiny microfractures with universal statistical features. We discuss the transition from brittle to quasi-br...
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2007
An improved form of a recently derived energetic-statistical formula for size effect on the strength of quasibrittle structures failing at crack initiation is presented and exploited to perform stochastic structural analysis without the burden of stochastic nonlinear finite-element simulations. The characteristic length for the statistical term in this formula is deduced by considering the limiting case of the energetic part of size effect for a vanishing thickness of the boundary layer of cracking. A simple elastic analysis of stress field provides the large-size asymptotic deterministic strength, and also allows evaluating the Weibull probability integral which yields the mean strength according to the purely statistical Weibull theory. A deterministic plastic limit analysis of an elastic body with a throughcrack imagined to be filled by a perfectly plastic "glue" is used to obtain the small-size asymptote of size effect. Deterministic nonlinear fracture simulations of several scaled structures with commercial code ATENA ͑based on the crack band model͒ suffice to calibrate the deterministic part of size effect. On this basis, one can calibrate the energetic-statistical size effect formula, giving the mean strength for any size of geometrically scaled structures. Stochastic two-dimensional nonlinear simulations of the failure of Malpasset Dam demonstrate good agreement with the calibrated formula and the need to consider in dam design both the deterministic and statistical aspects of size effect. The mean tolerable displacement of the abutment of this arch dam is shown to have been approximately one half of the value indicated by the classical deterministic local analysis based on material strength.
SN Applied Sciences
The main goal of this review is to provide a thorough scientific understanding of the interplay between stochastics and mechanics, by classifying what can be achieved by representing mechanical system parameters in terms of deterministic values (homogenization) versus random variables or random fields (stochastic upscaling). The latter is of special interest for novel Bayesian applications capable of successfully handling the phenomena of fracture in both the quasi-static and the dynamic evolution of heterogeneous solids where no scale separation is present, which we refer to as stochastic upscaling. We seek to quantify the sensitivity of these phenomena with respect to the size-effect (changes in characteristic system dimension) and to the scale-effect (changes in characteristic time evolution). The challenge is to provide an answer as to why a system that is big does not break under quasi-static loads in the same way as a small system, even when both are built of the same material...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009
The failure probability of engineering structures such as aircraft, bridges, dams, nuclear structures, and ships, as well as microelectronic components and medical implants, must be kept extremely low, typically <10 −6 . The safety factors needed to ensure it have so far been assessed empirically. For perfectly ductile and perfectly brittle structures, the empirical approach is sufficient because the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of random material strength is known and fixed. However, such an approach is insufficient for structures consisting of quasibrittle materials, which are brittle materials with inhomogeneities that are not negligible compared with the structure size. The reason is that the strength cdf of quasibrittle structure varies from Gaussian to Weibullian as the structure size increases. In this article, a recently proposed theory for the strength cdf of quasibrittle structure is refined by deriving it from fracture mechanics of nanocracks propagating by s...
Mechanics of Materials, 2014
Algorithms, 2009
Complexity of failure is reflected from sensitivity of strength to small defects and wide scatter of macroscopic behaviors. In engineering practices, spatial information of materials at fine scales can only be partially measurable. Random field (RF) models are important to address the uncertainty in spatial distribution. To transform a RF of microcracks into failure probability at full structural-scale crossing a number of length scales, the operator representing physics laws need be implemented in a multiscale framework, and to be realized in a stochastic setting. Multiscale stochastic modeling of materials is emerging as a new methodology at this research frontier, which provides a new multiscale thinking by upscaling fine-scale RFs. In this study, a preliminary framework of probabilistic upscaling is presented for bottom-up hierarchical modeling of failure propagation across micro-mesomacro scales. In the micro-to-meso process, the strength of stochastic representative volume element (SRVE) is probabilistically assessed by using a lattice model. A mixed Weibull-Gaussian distribution is proposed to characterize the statistical strength of SRVE, which can be used as input for the subsequent meso-to-macro upscaling process using smeared crack finite element analysis.
For this exercise, the group will try to focus on more important things that are important in life as they are basic needs for goals
Analisis data merupakan salah satu proses penelitian yang dilakukan setelah semua data yang diperlukan guna memecahkan permasalahan yang diteliti sudah diperoleh secara lengkap. Ketajaman dan ketepatan dalam penggunaan alat analisis sangat menentukan keakuratan pengambilan kesimpulan, karena itu kegiatan analisis data merupakan kegiatan yang tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja dalam proses penelitian. Kesalahan dalam menentukan alat analisis dapat berakibat fatal terhadap kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dan hal ini akan berdampak lebih buruk lagi terhadap penggunaan dan penerapan hasil penelitian tersebut. Dengan demikian, pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang berbagai teknik analisis mutlak diperlukan bagi seorang peneliti agar hasil penelitiannya mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti bagi pemecahan masalah sekaligus hasil tersebut dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah.
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