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Postdigital Science and Education
8 pages
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When Petar Jandrić interviewed me for the first volume of Postdigital Science and Education, he asked me about how I understood the term 'postdigital'. I immediately referred to Erwin Schrödinger's (1944) set of Dublin lectures, entitled 'What Is Life?' (Fuller and Jandrić 2019: 215). The lectures are rightfully known for having popularised the idea of a 'genetic code', which inspired a generation of physicists, chemists and mathematicians to migrate to biology, where they instigated the 'molecular revolution', starting in the 1950s and continuing to this day. The lectures remain a paradigm case of interdisciplinary persuasion with radical transformative intent (Ceccarelli 2001: Chaps. 4-5). The feat seems especially impressive, given that an even more celebrated physicist, Niels Bohr, had urged his colleagues to turn to genetics 10 years earlier in the world's top scientific journal-but to little effect (Bohr 1933). But perhaps that is not so surprising. Bohr had used the opportunity to extend his famed 'complementarity' thesis into biology, but in a way that understandably discouraged researchers. The basic point about complementarity in physics is that a quantum of light can be understood as either a wave or a particle but not both at once. To take a measurement is to select one perspective and exclude the other. By analogy, Bohr argued that knowledge of an organism's overall organization structure and its precise chemical composition may also be mutually exclusive, which could be read as implying that half of the available knowledge about an organism is lost while it is still alive (shades of the famed 'Schrödinger cat' thought experiment). In contrast, Schrödinger assumed that an organism's unique level of physical complexity implies that its design is, so to speak, 'quantum-proof', which allows us-at least in principle-to understand its workings without requiring Bohr-style paradoxes and mysteries.
Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2020
The brilliant book "What is life? The Physical aspect of the living Cell" authored by the prominent Nobel Prize-winning austrian physicist erwin Schrödinger became a successful attempt to bridge the gap between physics and biology. The philosophical thought of one of the founders of quantum mechanics inspired him to look closer at the enigma of life through the lens of quantum physics. a prominent physicist was focused on the thermodynamics of the living organisms and the nature of heredity. Schrödinger introduced the concept and notion of "negative entropy", suggested the idea of a genetic code and argued that the genetic material had to have a non-repetitive molecular structure. He considered a molecule as a solid-aperiodic crystal that forms the hereditary substance. Despite the fact that his book provoked different interpretations and his ideas were modified by later scientific development, it was Schrödinger who paved the way for the future research of genes: his book inspired the next generation of scientists to look for a secret life code, which was eventually found. His outstanding writing is still one of the most profound introductions into the subject and raises new questions. Schrödinger's genius reshapes our view on the nature and essence of life creating a launching pad for the new transdisciplinary paradigm, which can contribute to the development of a unified theory of everything in the spirit of Schrödinger's philosophy. K e y w o r d s: Erwin Schrödinger, Schrödinger equation, Schrödinger's cat paradox, quantum theory, negative entropy, code-script.
This book is dedicated to Arun's baby daughter, Arshia, who
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1109.2584, 2011
The rapidly increasing interest in the quantum properties of living matter stimulates a discussion of the fundamental properties of life as well as quantum mechanics. In this discussion often concepts are used that originate in philosophy and ask for a philosophical analysis. In the present work the classic philosophical tradition based on Aristotle and Aquinas is employed which surprisingly is able to shed light on important aspects. Especially one could mention the high degree of unity in living objects and the occurrence of thorough qualitative changes. The latter are outside the scope of classical physics where changes are restricted to geometrical rearrangement of microscopic particles. A challenging approach is used in the philosophical analysis as the empirical evidence is not taken from everyday life but from 20th century science (quantum mechanics) and recent results in the field of quantum biology. In the discussion it is argued that quantum entanglement is possibly related to the occurrence of life. Finally it is recommended that scientists and philosophers should be open for dialogue that could enrich both. Scientists could redirect their investigation, as paradigm shifts like the one originating from philosophical evaluation of quantum mechanics give new insight about the relation between the whole en the parts. Whereas philosophers could use scientific results as a consistency check for their philosophical framework for understanding reality.
PONTE International Scientific Researchs Journal, 2018
Within scholarly disciplines the use of concepts is usually embedded in a theoretical view of reality. The latter hides the problem of what is given in an ontic sense or viewed as theoretical constructs. Particularly in respect of living entities there is a general tendency not to distinguish between the multi-faceted nature of living entities and the biotic function of such entities. Leading neo-Darwinian biologists do realize that since molecules are not alive it is mistaken to speak about "molecular biology." This fact motivated the physicist Erwin Schrödinger, to publish a work on the physical aspect of the cell. He explained the apparent mysterious ability of living entities to increase biotic order within themselves by showing that organisms feed on negative entropy. Von Bertalanffy generalized the second main law of thermodynamics to open systems in order to account for the dynamic "Fliessgleichgewicht" (flowing equilibrium) found in living entities. With reference to the nucleoplasmic index a few remarks are made in respect of the quantitative, spatial and kinematic properties of a cell. These remarks depend upon an insight into the modal universality of the various aspects of reality. It also opens the way to distinguish between modal (aspectual) laws and type laws-where the former hold for all classes of entities with the latter only for a limited class of entities. The big bang theory presupposes the first two laws of physics as well as the irreducibility of number, space, movement and energy-operation as modes of explanation. These laws render the attempt of Hawking to argue that the law of gravity would create the universe meaningless-illustrated by a brief analysis of the law of gravity. This raises the question if physical entities, such as atoms, molecules and macro-molecules, can account for the origin of living entities. Dobzhansky considers the origin of "life" and of "man" as two crises in the "flow of evolutionary events." Pierre Durand recently claims that the problem of the "origin of life" is solved by explaining it through the accidental formation of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) strings. However, since living entities require proteins and nucleic acid (DNA), the assumption is that initially protein and DNA had to be present at once. The vicious circle is that without nucleic acids (DNA) the cell lacks the ability to construct proteins and without proteins the cell cannot function as a living unit. Invoking the idea of millions of years does not help, because the truly critical point is condensed into a unique, abrupt moment: before a specific moment the constellation was still non-living and the next moment it became alive. Von Bertalanffy ridicules the physicalist idea that molecules could be alive when he states that one DNA molecule, protein, enzyme or hormonal process is as good as another; each is determined by
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009
Two recent investigations are reviewed: quantum effects for DNA aggregates and scars formation on virus capsids. The possibility that scars could explain certain data recently obtained by Sundquist's group in electron cryotomography of immature HIV-1 virions is also briefly addressed. Furthermore, a bottom-up reflection is presented on the need to invent new physics to pave the way to a rigorous physical theory of biological phenomena. Our experience in the two researches presented here and our personal interpretation of Schrödinger's vision are behind the latter request.
The big challenge in our bio-century is to view the various accounts of what life is in a holistic perspective. When we want to explore what life really is genome and brain research are the two extremes poles of our inquiry. Against that background traditional theological reflection on life as a gift from a creator God calls for redefinition. The question of what life is cannot be viewed in isolation. Nor is it easy to explain how the various levels interrelate and eventually give rise to intelligent consciousness. Hence the question must focus on transitions from lower to higher levels of complexity. Crucial among these are the transition from nonlife to life; from the quantum realm to that of classical physics; the evolutionary transitions between diverse forms of life; the transition from matter (brain) to mind; and the transition between immanent and transcendent forms of consciousness. The mystery of life derives from its scope and openness. Discovery of its components made it possible to reduce it to one of its parts. To obviate that reduction we turn to the whole and its mysterious transitions, which necessarily entails a speculative element. Our a posteriori knowledge is inevitably followed by models based on a priori intuition. That is where awareness of the transcendent (religion) fits in. The emergence model promises to explain the transitions. At any rate it is an improvement on earlier notions of linear causality.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2016
The Copenhagen interpretation is first and foremost associated with Niels Bohr's philosophy of quantum mechanics. In this paper, I attempt to lay out what I see as Bohr's pragmatic approach to science in general and to quantum physics in particular. A part of this approach is his claim that the classical concepts are indispensable for our understanding of all physical phenomena, and it seems as if the claim is grounded in his reflection upon how the evolution of language is adapted to experience. Another, recent interpretation, QBism, has also found support in Darwin's theory. It may therefore not be surprising that sometimes QBism is said to be of the same breed as the Copenhagen interpretation. By comparing the two interpretations, I conclude, nevertheless, that there are important differences.
An idea is a thought that generates in the mind. It is a notion that exist in the mind as a representation or formulation. Usually thought is generated by one observation or the other in the environment, and this observation is always termed “issue” challenges or what you will. As long as there are issues of concern in the environment there will be ideas notions and formulations conceived and postulated into concept. In science this type of concept is termed an invention or innovation. Such innovation may remain without a brand name or not, such a case is a brand name now termed Quantum Biology. The idea of quantum Biology is old as molecular Biology’s idea because one completes the other. Quantum is a term that may seem alien to Biology because it is more much applied in physics and Chemistry, forgetting that Biology is a member of this family of science. This particular observation had been made decades ago by some other versatile scientist who have advocated for it literally and numerically. The wise say: no army can stop an idea whose time has come” probably this is the time of quantum Biology.
I would like to try, if not an entirely new path, at least a new detour in approaching the measurement problem in quantum mechanics, as well as the more general problem of how physical description is dependent on the epistemological interpretation of the matter-symbol relationship. Quantum theory has proven to be exceptionally stable, as theories go, and resistant to ‘going beyond’ which is what the title of this symposium suggests we try to do. I would like to emphasize that my basic interest has not been the foundations of quantum mechanics, but the origin of life. I am looking for a clear physical reason why living matter is so manifestly different from lifeless matter in spite of the evidence that both living and lifeless matter obey the same set of physical laws.
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T. I. Davidjuk et al., Jazyk kak on est'., 2023