YHWH's Clitoris and the Star of Bat

2021, YHWH's Clitoris and the Star of Bat


No aspect of human life seethes with so many unexorcised demons as does sex. No human activity is so hexed by superstition, so haunted by residual tribal lore, and so harassed by socially induced fear. Harvey Cox. The number two in Jungian Duality uses the following Hebrew bible verse regarding the two sexes. The words: us and our, imply sexual duality. This duality is in Genesis 1:26-27 and reinforced in Genesis 5:1-3. The Qur'an in The Fig 95:4 uses the word We. Genesis 1:26-27, (The Beginning) Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and all the creatures that move along the ground. Qur'an 95:4, (The Fig) Certainly We created in the best make.

YHWH’s Clitoris and the Star of Bat Richard L. Matteoli No aspect of human life seethes with so many unexorcised demons as does sex. No human activity is so hexed by superstition, so haunted by residual tribal lore, and so harassed by socially induced fear. Harvey Cox. The number two in Jungian Duality uses the following Hebrew bible verse regarding the two sexes. The words: us and our, imply sexual duality. This duality is in Genesis 1:26-27 and reinforced in Genesis 5:1-3. The Qur’an in The Fig 95:4 uses the word We. Genesis 1:26-27, (The Beginning) Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and all the creatures that move along the ground. Qur’an 95:4, (The Fig) Certainly We created in the best make. DUALITY and QUATERNARY Sexual Duality is the Yin-Anima and Yang-Animus (Tao) without their inclusioned eyes. Our existence as a species requires the Quaternary illustrated with the opposite sex’s aspect included in the basic Yin-Yang (Anima-Animus) Tao and known as the Tijitu. Thus, the Yin’s feminine aspect (force) is within the male; and, the Yang’s masculine aspect (force) is within the female. Yin Yang (Tao) Duality Yin Yang (Taijitu) Quaternary ITHYPHALLUS and ITHYKLEITORIS Ithyphallus pertains to an erect penis. Ithykleitoris pertains to an erect clitoris. History fades into fable; fact becomes clouded with doubt and controversy; the statue falls from the pedestal. Columns, arches, pyramids, what are they but heaps of sand; and their epitaphs, but characters written in the dust. Washington Irving. YHWH’s Clitoris – Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Predynastic Egyptian Deity Min – No Testicles (CAH) Glans Clitoridis completely covered by foreskin Min is the only Black Egyptian god and indicates African origin Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is most commonly caused by an autosomal recessive genetic mutation affecting the pituitary and to a lesser extent involving hypothalamic gonadotropins. CAH occurs most often in Ashkenazi Jews and demographic studies illustrate CAH filters into the populations they migrate into. Signs and symptoms of Classic CAH is caused due to a 21-hydrolase enzyme deficiency. Females often exhibit ambiguous genitalia with an enlarged clitoris and often look more similar those of a male along with male pattern body hair. Fertility problems occur with both males and females. Female physical prowess is of concern in women’s sports including the Olympics. Pubic hair occurs early in life. Acne is another issue. CAH individuals experience earlier age mortality. Males experience a higher incidence of possessing an undescended testicle as well as delayed puberty. Predynastic Egyptian Deity Min – No Testicles (CAH) Glans Clitoridis partially covered by foreskin Not Retracted Partially Retracted BAT the Anima Goddess to Her Animus Min Bat is the Pre-Dynastic Egyptian Great Mother Cow Goddess. Her origins come from Paleolithic cattle herding cultures. Face and horns belong to the untamable African Water Buffalo representing untamed nature emanating from the spiritual id. Later her horns were expressed as outstretched human arms. She is opposed to the masculine domesticated Indian Water Buffalo. Through Power Relation using what Joseph discussed in his text Transformation of Myth through Time Bat as a Great Mother Cow goddess was followed by: Nut, Hathor and for the most part ending with Isis and her twin brother castrate god Osiris where the myth of a masculine deity from her-Self is without testicles. YHWH as Bat/Min are feminine therefore not truly a castrate. Brit Bat is a Jewish ritual ceremony. It is the Covenant of our Daughter and occurs when born. Being also a Naming Ceremony the neonate girl is given her name because she is pure from her beginning. This is opposed to the male with his Brit Milah Circumcision ritual ceremony requiring a feminine type genital bleeding. The STAR OF BAT Origin to the Star of David The Hexagram has been used throughout history. Thought for this discussion is a honeycomb has six sides lending to the myriad of Bee Fertility Goddesses. Human fecundity is illustrated by overlapping the triangular escutcheons, pubic hair regions, where the male’s points upward while the female’s points downward. Overlapped human escutcheons therefore give the appearance of a six-sided star. This is opposed to the Mesopotamian eight-sided star that indicates male willful servancy (performance of duty) and sacrifice – total or partial. The Star of David was incorporated into Jewish theology only in the 17th Century. Derivation is from Arabic teachings which refer to it as the Seal of Solomon. By the 11th Century Kabbalists adopted it Shield of David then later changed the meaning to the Star of David. Attribution to the Shield of David comes from Psalm 18 where God is compared to a shield. This comparison of God to a shield is an example of a Totemic Analogy. Star of Bat now incorporated as the Star of David Bat 3500 – 3400 BCE Sacred Prostitution Sacred Prostitution was a female act of worship and practiced throughout the world. It revered the Great Mother Goddess who brings the Life of the World and the human female becomes as her individually and socially. Holy Land goddesses were also worshipped through prostitution. Canaanite and Philistine Sacred Prostitution Astarte Ashtoreth-Bestiality Ashtoreth-Cow Horn Arm Acceptance of Sacred Prostitution as a Mother Goddess fertility ritual regarding the then Chosen Judah, Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute who Judah successfully impregnated. Genesis 38:12-23. Judah and Tamar Greek Pompeii road stone with penis direction to brothel - Pompeii Brothel Entrance Sign Brothel Coin, Greek Early Sumerian Babylonian ITHYPHALLUS and ITHYKLEITORIS in Androgyny Sex belongs to the Collective Unconscious in that it resides in Maslow’s most basic Hierarchy of Needs; Physiological Needs. Loosely put sex also belongs to the Freudian id, the Transactional Analysis’ Child similar to the Child in the Jungian Mana Family in which it is acted out through the individual Parent-ego and social Adult-super ego. There is no escape; only alternatives. With the rise of patriarchy deity feminine expression became suppressed and deflected and illustrated with the Greek goddess Hermaphroditus. Greek Priapus - Ithyphallus Greek Hermaphroditus - Ithykleitoris Roman Priapus Roman Hermes Hindu Penis Monastery, Bhutan Oral Sex, Peru Mangbetu, Congo Men are more apt to believe what they least understand. Montaigne All articles are Mandated Reports to the Social Body regarding socialized and acculturated abuse. Images from Google. 1