Newsletter of the Populism Specialist Group
Political Studies Association
Issue 3
February 2021
Populist News
Trump, Populism, the US
elections and after
Book Reviews
Publications alert
The Populism Specialist Group Team
Emmy Eklundh
Cardiff University (co-convener)
Giorgos Katsambekis
Loughborough University (co-convener)
Marina Prentoulis
University of East Anglia (co-convener)
Andy Knott
University of Brighton (treasurer)
Alen Toplisek
King’s College London (Social Media and
Communications Officer)
Giorgos Venizelos
Scuola Normale Superiore (Social Media and
Communications Officer)
Newsletter Editor
Giorgos Venizelos
Contact Us
Populism Specialist Group
The third issue of ‘Populism’ is released amid
extraordinary circumstances. The ongoing
pandemic creates uneasy conditions that directly
affect our everyday lives at both personal and
professional levels. The work-life balance is
becoming increasingly obscure while uncertainty
casts a shadow over the future, especially for
junior researchers. We hope to offer you something
interesting and stimulating to read during these times.
Until we meet again in person, we will try to sustain
an active community of populism researchers – not
only at the professional but also at the interpersonal
Beginning with our group’s news, we are delighted to
announce two new Calls for Papers: one for our 5th
Populism Specialist Group Workshop - ‘Populism:
New Perspectives’ - which will be taking place
online in June 2021, and second, a conference
co-organised with the Populism Group Initiative of
the German Political Science Association, entitled
‘Populism, Protest and New Forms of Political
Organisation: Ten Years after the Movements of the
Squares’, which will take place in Berlin in September
2021. For more information check page 2.
This issue contains a lot of material which is
generated thanks to you, our members, with your
direct or indirect contributions. We include an
overview of the engaging discussions that we had
as part of our online workshop back in September
2020 and two interviews with the keynote speakers
for that event, María Esperanza Casullo and Simon
Tormey. Perspectives on the U.S. elections could not
be absent from this issue, with a neck and neck race
amid increasing polarisation in US politics and the
mobilisations that followed. On page 4 you will find
commentaries by two junior researchers working on
U.S. politics and populism.
The book review section is gradually becoming
an established part of our newsletter. Four junior
scholars of populism are reviewing freshly
published books offering an opportunity for critical
and engaging discussions. Last but not least, our
publications alert includes a selection of newly
published contributions to the state of the field!
If you have comments or suggestions, or if you want
to contribute with a short commentary or a review,
please get in touch.
© 2021. This work is licensed under a
CC BY-NC-ND licence
The Editor,
Giorgos Venizelos
5th Populism Specialist Group workshop
10-11 June 2021, Online
‘Populism: New Perspectives’
Keynote speaker: Aurelien Mondon
(University of Bath)
Populism remains as hotly debated as ever with
relevant studies proliferating in recent years to an
unprecedented extent. This has led many to talk
about the emergence of a distinct field of ‘populism
studies’ which spans disciplines from political theory
and comparative politics to anthropology and
international relations. Within this context, and on the
theoretical/methodological level, we have seen new
critical perspectives on the phenomenon as well
as substantial critiques to established approaches.
Similarly, in empirical research, we have seen studies
of actors and regions previously ignored or underresearched but also the ‘usual suspects’ being
scrutinised with new tools and methods, shedding
light on aspects previously missed or downplayed.
In this sense, the field is not only expanding, but is
currently going through a period of maturation and
critical reflexivity in which cross-disciplinarity and
theoretical/methodological innovation play a key
role. At the forefront of this movement there is a new
generation of early career researchers (PhD students
and postdoctoral researchers) that have come of
age in a period of overlapping crises and tectonic
shifts that have been reshaping societies and
political systems across the world. At this workshop
we aim to take stock of these novel developments
in the field and give the floor to this new generation
of populism scholars in order to promote both
theoretical and empirical innovation in today’s critical
juncture and to further cultivate the links among this
vibrant community of younger researchers.
There are no limitations as to the thematic scope of
the workshop, but we would particularly encourage
people to present papers on the following topics:
Critiques of established approaches to populism
New perspectives in populism research
Analyses of under-researched actors and regions
(e.g. Africa, Middle East)
Populism and the pandemic
Populism, gender and race
Populism’s ‘double hermeneutics’ / The role of
populism scholars in normative debates
Please send a paper title and abstract (max. 200
words), along with a brief biographical note (max. 70
words) as one PDF or Word document to
eklundhe@cardiff.ac.uk by 15 February 2021. The
subject line of your email should read ‘Abstract
PopulismSG 2021 Workshop – author name.’
Accepted participants will be notified by 31 March
Notes: (1) Given the still fragile and uncertain situation with the
COVID19 pandemic, this workshop will take place fully online. More
details will be sent to accepted participants in due course. (2) There
are two specialist events that the Populism Specialist Group of the
PSA will be (co)coordinating for 2021 – the second one in Berlin,
in collaboration with the DVPW Populism Group Initiative on 8-10
September. We remain committed to generating and sustaining a
scholarly community and, for this reason, we will prioritise a wider
breadth of applicants for both events over duplication of personnel
and/or presentations.
‘Populism, Protest, and New Forms of
Political Organisation: Ten Years after the
Movements of the Squares’
September 8-10, 2021, Free University Berlin
Joint conference of the DVPW Populism Group
Initiative & the PSA Populism Specialist Group
The past decade has seen the emergence of
– and growing scholarly interest in – populism
in conjunction with a wide range of protest
phenomena from below: from the Arab Spring to
Hong Kong, from the Indignados and Occupy to
Euromaidan and PEGIDA, from the Tea Party to
Extinction Rebellion to the COVID-19 anti-lockdown
protests – protest movements worldwide have
taken to public squares with the claim to represent
“the people,” “the citizenry,” or “the 99%” against
entire political systems deemed unresponsive
or undemocratic. The sheer diversity of these
phenomena has challenged both the notion that
the post-2010 movements of the squares constitute
straightforwardly radical-democratic phenomena
without wider implications for institutionalised
politics, on the one hand, and the assumption that
populism (from a Eurocentric perspective) is the
exclusive domain of the nationalist right, on the
other. In the wake of these movements, competing
political forces have emerged in turn with the claim
to represent the legacy or objectives of these
movements within the institutions, transforming in
the process the ways in which politics as we know it
is practiced and organised: from “movement parties
against austerity” to “radical right movement parties,”
from “populism 2.0” to the rise of “digital parties” or
“platform parties,” new forms of political organisation,
new categories of academic debate, and arguably
new forms of populist phenomena – left and right,
radical-democratic and authoritarian, progressive
and reactionary – have come to the fore in the
aftermath of mass protest episodes.
This conference seeks to bring together this
interest in populism, in all its diversity, in relation
to the manifold forms of contentious politics that
have emerged in the last ten years, with a particular
interest in new forms of political organisation,
institutionalisation, radicalisation, and transformation
of populist movements and/or in specifically populist
fashion vis-à-vis other types of movements. Possible
lines of inquiry include: the relationship between
populism and party organisation, populism and
radical democracy, populism in and out of or against
power, populism and authoritarian consolidation,
or populism and digital activism, just to name a few
The conference is jointly organised by the German
Political Science Association (DVPW) Populism
Group Initiative and the Political Studies Association
(PSA) Populism Specialist Group. We expressly
welcome theoretical and empirical contributions alike
as well as different conceptual and methodological
approaches to the study of populism.
The conference is being planned in strict
accordance with COVID-19 protocols. In the event
that a switch to a digital format becomes necessary,
an announcement will be made as soon as possible.
Confirmed keynote speakers: Cristina Flesher
Fominaya (University of Loughborough); Paolo
Gerbaudo (King’s College London)
Populist News
Our fourth annual workshop – ‘The Populist Moment:
Temporality, Transformations, Crises’ – which was
originally scheduled to take place in Brighton in April
2020, was postponed due to the pandemic and
transferred online. It took place between 14 and 18
September 2020 via Zoom. We hosted 25 different
papers presented by participants from 24 different
academic institutions and an audience of around 30
people who were registered as external participants
to attend the sessions, and who contributed to lively
discussions and exchanges.
Dr María Esperanza Casullo from the Universidad
Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina, and Professor
Simon Tormey from the University of Bristol, keynoted
the workshop. Casullo’s talk, ‘Populism and myth:
crafting explanations for uncertain times’, explored
the critical role that the body plays in (distinct
typologies of) populist identification. Through
an original socio-cultural theoretical approach,
she developed a Latin American perspective on
populism. Tormey’s talk, ‘Temporalities of populism
– or towards a sociology of “populisation”, offered
a critical overview of the transformations of ‘doing’
and thinking about populism over the last five or six
decades. He dealt with questions such as: What was
populism like in the 1960s and how did we think
about it? How does contemporary populism adjust
to the technological and socio-political changes of
our (spectacular) times?
You can watch the Keynote lectures on our YouTube
channel. For María Esperanza Casullo’s keynote
click here and for Simon Tormey’s here.
Please submit abstracts no longer than 250 words
by February 15 to
Organising team: Andreas Eder-Ramsauer (FU
Berlin); Seongcheol Kim (University of Kassel); Andy
Knott (University of Brighton); Marina Prentoulis
(University of East Anglia)
There cannot be ‘one true’ approach to the
study of populism
Interview with Maria Esperanza Casullo
This is not the first time you participate in events
organised by the Populism Specialist Group but it is
the first time you are the keynote speaker. What are
your general impressions?
The field of populism studies is having an amazing
moment. More people are interested in the
phenomenon than ever before, and the quality (not
to mention the quantity) of the production being
published is simply outstanding. When I started
researching populism for my dissertation in 2005, I
was advised to choose a “more mainstream” topic;
that would be unthinkable today.
To be able to participate in the PSA Populism
Specialist Group has been a career-changing event
for me. I found a space where a variety of perspectives
and approaches were able to interact, and where the
dialogue proceeded in an open minded manner.
There are people there studying the five continents,
using a variety of methods, and that allowed me to
really embrace my own somewhat heterodox line of
research. I felt I had found an intellectual community.
In your work you combine two approaches which,
although very prominent, were for long rather
marginalised within the field of ‘populism studies’.
You use the theory of Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe
and ‘the Essex School’ who perceive populism as
a discursive logic, as well as a Bourdieu-inspired
socio-cultural approach, with which scholars such
Pierre Ostiguy and Benjamin Moffitt work as well,
that stresses the performative side of populism.
Why those two? What can they offer more than the
ideational or the strategic approaches, for example?
I have given up on the idea that there must be a
“one true” approach to populism studies. Populism
is multiform, proteic, and hard to pin down per se,
so I do not think that there ever will be “one true
definition to rule us all”. This is rooted in what we
are studying, and in the methods that we use. The
study of populism operates inductively: they work
from the cases to the theory, and not the other way
round. This is understandable, since there cannot
be a normative theory of populism. We can discuss
what democracy should be, but populism is not
a normative concept. The strategic approach, for
instance, is very valuable when one is looking at the
impact of populist leadership on party systems and
party structures. The ideational approach is focused
on party or movement ideology rather than on the
characteristics of the leadership, largely because
it mainly focuses on European populism, which is
party based. My own way in to populism studies has
focused on the Latin American experience, in which
leaders take precedence over parties and ideology,
so my own research is no doubt informed by that
(although I take efforts in trying to broaden the scope
of my case comparisons, and I am satisfied that my
own approach has held on beyond Latin America.)
‘Populist representation
seems to be uniquely
based on talking,
persuasion, and the
public use of the spoken
I have long been fascinated by populist discourse.
Populist representation seems to be uniquely based
on talking, persuasion, and the public use of the
spoken word. Populist leaders often enter the public
space with very little besides their own discursive
inventiveness: they cannot rely on tradition, or the
law, or any preconceived authority invested on
them: they must persuade a bunch of people to
follow them. And they do so! Isn’t that a distillation
of what politics is about? So that is what I wanted
to understand. However, I hesitate to say that I use
the Essex School approach, because I operate at
a lower degree of abstraction. I found the notion
of repertoires or genres to be a useful middlerange mediation between Laclau’s concept of
an impersonal social discourse and the strategic
deployment of tropes by the individual leader. As I
was analysing the discourses of presidents, I found
that certain narrative templates, figures of speech,
and bodily performances kept showing up: a
narrative based on damage, the presentation of the
leader as redeemer, the presence of a dual adversary,
the creation of bodily synecdoque through selfpresentation. So I chose to focus on that.
Performativity, you stress, is key in understanding
the formation of popular identities. You view ‘the
body’ as one of the most effective instruments
of representation. Gestures, ways of talking and
behaving in public, one’s habitus so to speak, are
important in the mobilisation of affects and the
institution of collective identifications. These features
of politics are often neglected by mainstream political
science but, as you argue, they are central as to why
populism works. Could you expand on that?
My interest in the body was born out of a
serendipitous moment. When I was putting together
the corpus of presidential speeches that I analysed
for my book, I opened a document with photos of
the populist presidents whose speeches I wanted to
analyse. And it struck me how different they looked.
Hugo Chávez, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Evo
Morales: all of them were in possession of bodies that
marked them as unusual, as out of the mainstream.
Even those populist leaders that had the advantage
of inabiting the body of a white, cis, middle class
man, like Rafael Correa and Néstor Kirchner, went to
great lengths to perform something different thorugh
their clothes and stances. And that naturally led to
thinking about populist representation in terms of a
public performance, which is my current project.
How can politicians present themselves as one
with ‘the people’ when they clearly constitute part
of ‘the political establishment’? Donald Trump and
Silvio Berlusconi are good examples of millionaires
or billionaires who have arguably more to share with
‘the elite’ than ‘the people’. Yet, they were voted by
millions of common people and became cult-like
figures in their countries.
This is, I think, a common misconception. That is one
of the reasons why I think one should always have
some actual empirical dimension to the study of
populism. Because one thing that became very clear
to me after analysing presidential speeches is that all
populists present themselves like outsiders and they
all designate an adversary as the establishment or
the elite. All of them do that. True outsiders like Evo
Morales did it, but also consummate insiders like
Néstor Kirchner did the same. Two things, I believe,
are central to studying populism: first, to remember
that people and leaders co-constitute one another.
The second one is to let go of the question whether
the statements of populist discourse are true or
false. They are always true, because they use pieces
of factual information; and they are always false,
because their goal is to make sense and explain a
certain aspect of the world in a way that creates a
perspective for action, not to write a scientific treaty
of reality. Again, this brings us back to the notion of
performance. ‘Outsiderism’ and ‘anti-elitism’ make
sense insofar they are performed: the performance
itself creates outsiderism, regardless of the ‘objective’
provenance of the leader. By performing anti-elitism
the leader (or the leader/movement) designates
who is the adversary, and thus creates it. That is why
I chose to focus on the notion of “populist myth”,
because myths are neither true nor false, or they are
both things at once.
‘we have to let go of the
question whether the
statements of populist
discourse are true or
Your spatial distinctions between ‘upward-punching’
and ‘downward-punching’, as well as between
‘forward-looking’ and ‘backward-looking’ populisms
are central in your understanding of populism. How
do they relate with the left and right typologies of
populism? are they supplementary or contradictory?
I have long felt uncomfortable using the right and
left populism terminology, because one of the core
features of all populisms is that they mix and combine
ideological elements that once were thought to be
ideologically incompatible. Right populism can push
for greater welfare expenditures, or for curtailing
globalisation, while some Latin American populists
have embraced some socially conservative
positions, like Ecuador’s Rafael Correa stance on
abortion. If one looks strictly at the substance of
policies, there are always inconsistencies. Also,
it has always been weird to me to read about
populism’s essential antielitism when so-called
right-wing populisms usually rally against people
‘so-called right-wing
populisms usually rally
against people who are
not part of the elite in
any meaningful sense:
immigrants, people of
Islamic faith, feminists’
populism? Can a meaningful core be found even
with these differences? These are very productive
who are not part of the elite in any meaningful sense:
immigrants, people of Islamic faith, feminists. It is
more fruitful to look at the direction of antagonism,
who they mobilise against. Left leaning populisms
are upward punching: they designate social and
economic elites as adversaries, and their policies
reflect this. Downward punching populism focuses
on excluded or “down” groups, and elitism comes in
those supposedly “cultural” elites who are allied with
them or defend them. I think this dichotomy is more
explicative than left v right. Populists have a lot of
leeway in choosing policies, as long as the general
direction of the antagonism does not change.
No, I really believe that is another big misconception.
Populists are not necessarily bad at governing. On
the contrary, they tend to be good at it, at least in the
Latin American context if one defines “being good at
governing” as “being able to stay in power and win
elections”. The upwards punching populisms of the
last wave governed ten or more years, in average.
Even though downward punching populists do
not seem to relish governing as much, they are also
resilient and hard to dislodge once they ascend to
power. The malleable nature of populist antagonism,
and the ability to form multi-class coalitions are a key
in this respect. A populist needs to have a founding
myth, a hero and an adversary, but the designation
of who precisely is inside or outside the us/them
frontiers is situational and changeable. Yesterday’s
adversary can be today’s ally, and vice versa. This
gives populism an enormous flexibility.
You come from a region that has its own political
and intellectual tradition on populism. A great
portion of the burgeoning bibliography on populism
stems from Europe which also has its own way of
understanding populism. To be sure, scholarship
in both regions has helped us advance our
understanding of the phenomenon at a global
level. But, what we often see is highly contrasting
conceptualisations of populism rooted in and
filtered by regional experience. In what ways the
two ‘region-based’ scholarships ‘contaminate’ one
another? Do you think there is good communication
in the field between European and Latin American
scholars? What can European scholars learn from
Latin American scholars and vice-versa?
The dialogue and interaction between the European
and Latin American tradition has been the most
positive feature of the last ten years or so. That
dialogue has really helped to focus the attention, to
make the concepts more precise, and to weed out
non-central elements of theories of populism. Ethnonationalism, for instance, is not as relevant in the
Latin American context; conversely, personalistic
leadership is not as relevant for European cases.
Should they be regarded as essential features of
Unlike Europe, where populism was until recently
mostly a feature of the opposition, in Latin America
populism is frequently an instrument of discursive
governance. What challenges and limitations
do populists encounter in their process of
institutionalisation? Do they necessarily fail once
in government and turn mainstream as Canovan,
Mény and Surel and others have argued?
‘Populists are not
necessarily bad at
This interview was conducted by
Giorgos Venizelos
María Esperanza Casullo is a political scientist. She has a
PhD in government from Georgetown University and is an
associate professor at Universidad Nacional de Río Negro,
Argentina. She has written the book ¿Por qué funciona el
populismo?: El discurso que sabe construir explicaciones
convincentes de un mundo en crisis.
Populism is not a break from
representative politics
Interview with Simon Tormey
You keynoted the 4th Populism Specialist Group
workshop titled the ‘Populist Moment’: Temporality,
Transformations, Crises, but this was not the first time
you participated in one of our events. How do you
think did the themes and the issues researchers of
populism study change over the years? What are
the new questions that emerged?
Yes I’ve enjoyed the Populism Specialist Group’s
events. It’s been a great barometer as to what is and
should be of interest to scholars of populism. That
means getting away from the event-ness of populism
which is the preoccupation of the mainstream media
towards looking at how populism works in particular
settings with particular actors using particular kinds
of tools. This latter question is particularly interesting
to me given the centrality now of social media to
our lives, the importance of the image as the text,
and the manner by which leadership is manifest in
a virtual and digital environment, and so on. What
also comes across in the work of the group is the
variety of populism(s) in a way which is perhaps not
fully reflected in mainstream or media approaches,
which tends as we know to focus on right wing
politics, to the exclusion of left and indeed centrist
forms of populism. I’ve also noticed increasing
interest in the ways in which civil society actors and
social movements seek to use populist tactics and
strategies to further their aims. We’re still not quite
used to the idea of populist social movements, but
I see this is a big area of interest and something
coming through in the work of some of the PhD
‘the PSG’s events great
barometer as to what
is and should be of
interest to scholars of
In your work, you have explored the cycles of political
mobilisation that had emerged in response to the
representational crisis that became evident after
the collapse of the markets in 2008. You referred
to contentious events as ‘politics from below’, ‘new
democratic experiments’, ‘democratic laboratories’
and so on in that they put forward demands for
change, popular sovereignty etc. What is the state
of democratic politics ‘from below’ now, ten years
after their emergence that shook the hitherto stable
political order?
Yes I was very interested in the ways in which new
technologies enabled new forms of activism to
emerge. As you know I developed this interest
through looking in particular at Spain after the
protests of 2011 and the various attempts to
challenge and alter the political landscape in the
country since then. In particular, I was interested in
what would happen to representative politics given
what seemed to be the anti-representational thrust
of these actions and the Occupy movement which
emerged at the same time. To cut a long story short,
‘there’s no escape from
representation and
indeed a certain degree
of “verticality”’
what we found in Spain is that a lot of activists realised
that there’s no escape from representation and
indeed a certain degree of “verticality”. “Hegemony”
was a bridge too far for many at the outset, but even
the wariness with questions of power and the state
came to be seen in a new light. Quite quickly new
political parties like Podemos emerged, or citizen
platforms etc. new twists on the old political form:
the party. I had expected the political party to, if not
die, then certainly to perhaps find itself competing
with other new kinds of actors such as Internetconnected social movements and the like. But
actually a key part of the story over the past 10 years
has been both for adaptation of existing parties to the
new technology, as we have seen most significantly
in relation to the Labour Party in the UK and perhaps
the Democrats in the US, and also the mutation
of horizontal, connective initiatives into political
parties. Some of these initiatives were never really
horizontal to begin with, such as Podemos and 5SM,
but others really were born of an activist milieu. So I
think one of the findings of my own research is that
the binary between vertical and horizontal political
initiatives has become blurred and less pertinent.
More generally, citizens have become more active
and better connected. You don’t see many texts
these days with titles referencing the “apathy” or
“indifference” of citizens, do you? That’s not to say we
have escaped “crisis” however defined. It’s more that
citizens, and particularly the young, have become
more politicised, not less. This is both opportunity
and a threat for progressive politics of course. The
right is also resurgent after all.
‘the binary between
vertical and horizontal
political initiatives has
become blurred and
less pertinent’
In what phase is representative politics after having
been scrutinised and profoundly delegitimised
by populist actors and popular movements from
I think I would put this matter somewhat differently.
As my comments above indicate, I think the
emergence of populist movements has served to
relegitimate representative processes, not least
because numerous movements have competed
for power. So whereas in Spain 10 years ago we
might have had discussions about the legitimacy of
political institutions and democracy more generally,
now we find much less of a preoccupation with the
system as such, and more reflection about how
to build on some of the successful initiatives that
have taken place and which have indeed in some
cities and regions resulted in quite radical figures
coming to power. I think this underlines the key
points that Laclau and Mouffe make, which is that
populism is not a break from representation or from
representative structures. Far from it. Populism fully
embraces the logic of representation in a way that
other parts of left discourse, and in particular those
influenced by anarchism and some variants of
libertarian socialism would reject. For Laclau and
Mouffe there is always representation, representative
claims, and therefore representatives. This has been
a difficult message for horizontal activists to accept.
There is always a moment of alienation of those
who represent and those who are represented. The
danger is in disavowing this alienation in the search
for something more “authentic” or “democratic”.
Once activists in Spain realised this, as many did after
2011, then they could reach out to that great part of
the public that doesn’t have the time or wherewithal
to engage directly in political activism to offer them a
new set of choices and a certain experiment charity
to engage them in the governance of their own
Does populism really constitute a threat to
representative politics as liberal thinkers and
commentators argue?
I take populism to be what a form of hyperrepresentation. This may or may not be a very good
label, so let me explain what I mean. Populism arises
when we have lost faith in our representatives to –
as it were – represent. We are as Henrik Bang puts
it, “uncoupled” from our representatives, and in
extremis from the system of representation itself. In
such a situation we then have the choice either to
turn our backs on politics altogether, which is the
phenomenon that political scientists are interested
in when they talk about apathy or political disinterest.
Or we look around to someone who is able to
articulate this discontent, and thus to represent us in
our discontent with our representatives and perhaps
the system of representation. Populism is thus
almost by definition a politics of “outsiders”. Populism
represents a critique of mainstream politics, of elites,
of “Washington” or whatever. So then the question
is posed, does populism on this basis represent a
‘Populism fully
embraces the logic
of representation in a
way that other parts
of left discourse,
and in particular
those influenced by
anarchism and some
variants of libertarian
socialism would reject’
threat to representative politics? Not really. What it
poses a threat to is obviously representation by a
particular group of people, the elites. But this is of
course where liberal commentary gets nervous. This
is because since John Stuart Mill we have come to
associate democracy with the governance of elites,
and in the case of Schumpeter, with the rotation of
elites in power – nothing more and nothing less.
In its anti-elite discourse, populism might thus
be thought to represent an inherent risk to liberal
democracy. But of course as we have learnt, while
some populists are consistent in their critique of
elite-based democracy, others aren’t. Left populists
are often committed to a more participatory basis
for democracy. Other variants of populism offer
a critique of elites based on their performance as
opposed to their position within the political division
of labour. So the critique of “Washington” that we
hear in Trump’s discourse is not a critique of elite
variants of democracy, so much as a critique of what
he regards as the lazy, bureaucratic self-serving
behaviour of recent administrations, the fact that it
is too far removed from the “ordinary people”, and
so on. So in sum, I don’t think populism represents
a threat to representative politics either considered
as a critique of elite democracy or as a critique of
the performance of elites of the kind just discussed.
Populism is the attempt to represent those who do
not feel represented, those who feel that down by
the system, ripped off by taxation, or whatever. It’s
a kind of hyper-representation-of those who do not
feel “represented”.
Last year you published a book with the title
Populism: a beginners’ guide. Those of us who
study populism are all aware of the wide and often
uncritical ways in which the term is used by pundits.
We are also very aware of the struggle over the
definition of populism, which is often accompanied
by heated academic debates. Scholars in the
field have somehow reached a consensus on the
‘definition’ of populism: they see populism as a
particular political logic, style, or discourse which
juxtaposes ‘the people’ against ‘the elite’. Despite
this consensus which is supposed to be bridging
research gaps in the study of populism however,
little else is being agreed. The normative debates
on whether populism is good or bad as well as the
alarmist discourses around it still remain at high
levels. Why is that? Is populism a useful concept in
the end?
‘there is enough of a
core to the concept
for us to have
quite productive
I’m probably the only person on the planet who
welcomes the fuzziness and uncertainty of the
concept of populism, and who sees it productive
for all sorts of discussions, not the least of which
would be how do we address this apparent crisis
of democracy? On the other hand, I also get that
scholars and others can feel that we spend a lot
of time reflexively critiquing each other, or equally
having to retread our steps every time we want to
have any kind of conversation. My way of putting
this is to refer to Jean-Francois Lyotard’s notion of
a “genre”. There are different genres of discourse
when it comes to discussing populism. Comparative
political science has one set of interests or puzzles
that it is seeking to resolve. Media commentary has
another set of puzzles it’s interested in. And those
who follow the Essex school approach, have some
other purposes. This isn’t to say that populism is an
“essentially contested concept”. I don’t see it as a
value laden concept in the manner of “freedom”
or “equality”. Whilst there are certainly normative
differences at work between these different genres,
I just think we are all trying to do slightly different
things with the concept, and this means in turn that
we can speak at cross purposes.
But as you indicate in your question I think there
is enough of a core to the concept for us to have
quite productive conversations nonetheless. As
my comments above indicate, I think that at heart
we are discussing a kind of outsider politics, a
politics that is premised on a discontent with the
performance of elites, and thus one that evinces a
desire for something new or something different
to take us in a different direction. It’s just that those
directions can be multiple, which in turn indicates
to me the lack of an ideological component to
populism. I don’t think there’s a populist ideology as
such, but rather a populist discourse. Everyone in
the Populism Specialist Group will understand the
importance of the difference here, but the nuance
is often lost in mainstream discussions, where
‘ I don’t think there’s
a populist ideology
as such, but rather a
populist discourse.
[...]the nuance is often
lost in mainstream
discussions, where
populism becomes a
proxy for nasty right
wing politics’
populism becomes a proxy for nasty right wing
politics. Populism can take on lots of different guises
with lots of different effects. The point is not to as it
were turn one’s back on populism, or to dismiss it out
of hand, but rather to craft a productive conversation
about the contemporary crisis, and what we can do
meaningfully to resolve it.
At some point in your book, you also define populism
as the ‘politics of incivility’. Populism is presented as
an extraordinary style of politics which is contrasted
to the ordinary, standard, or perhaps ‘boring’ style of
politics. However, if populism is becoming more and
more common these days should we still consider
it as an extraordinary style of politics? Or should we
better speak of a new ‘normality’? Do you think that
the label ‘uncivil’ contributes to further mystifying the
term ‘populism’?
The idea that we can demarcate populism in terms
of incivility, or more generally in terms of a pattern
of behaviours is much more Benjamin Moffitt’s
position than my own, notwithstanding our joint
piece explaining the centrality of all this to populism!
I take a more formal approach, as I think my answers
above indicate. This is to say that I think that at heart,
populism concerns a discourse or a form of politics
in which the idea of the people is being mobilised
against the elite. Benjamin’s view is that this is
normally accompanied by a particular repertoire of
performances, what he terms “bad manners”. I think
that whilst this may often be the case, it is not intrinsic
to populism as such. And of course having spent
quite a lot of time over the past decade in Spain
observing the emergence of populist movements
and initiatives at close hand, I would contend that it
is not at all intrinsic to populist politics to be lacking
civility or accompanied by bad manners. Far from it.
One of the most impressive features of these populist
initiatives in Spain is the calmness, maturity and civility
of many of its key protagonists such as Manuela
Carmena, Ada Colau, and Inigo Errejon. No one
could accuse any of these figures of being anything
other than serious, thoughtful representatives of
their various interests. We could perhaps allow a
slight exception for Pablo Iglesias, who as we know
can be given to a rather excitable, emotive style
of discourse, but really we are scrabbling around
for scraps of evidence here. And we could go on
to discuss the likes of Alexis Tsipras, Jean-Luc
Mélenchon, Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, etc. Of
course it’s always open to us to say that “Well these
are not populists”, but then what is the utility of the
term? Those who have read my book will know
that I do think they are populists, and I think they are
populists because they mount a serious critique of
the performance of elites, and in a number of cases
of elite democracy as such. They do this in the name
of the people, which of course is the classic banner
for populist initiatives. So I know I may be associated
with the view that populism is to be judged on the
basis of performance, bad manners, etc., but all I can
do is point, as you have done to my book, to offer a
How does contemporary democracy look like ‘after’
I think at one level populism has succeeded in its
task, which is to disrupt the comfort of elites around
the world, and to put in motion a renewal of interest
in politics, how it works, and for whom. For those of
us with long memories, this all seemed quite unlikely
until the financial crisis disrupted the terrain in 2008.
Prior to that point we had been regaled with stories
about “the end of history”, the triumph of the “third
way”, the necessity for market solutions to every
kind of common problem, and so on. In other words
we were in the midst of a neoliberal triumphalism
that seemed to have no end. That triumphalism
was rudely crushed in the banking crisis and in the
unleashing of austerity politics thereafter. This is of
course the background to the emergence of both
right-wing and left-wing populism over the past
decade. These initiatives would not have been
possible were it not for the crisis of neoliberalism
and by extension the crisis of the hegemonic idea
that has governed most democratic societies for the
past four decades.
Now I think we are in the midst of a new “return of
the political”, as my friend Chantal Mouffe might put
it. We are in an environment where many of the old
coordinates either no longer seem fit for purpose or
have had to be rebadged and repackaged for a new
audience. And in addition, we have a whole series of
new issues that prompt discontent or doubt about
the ability of elites to manage what lies ahead. These
include most obviously the climate crisis, the crisis of
the liberal cosmopolitan vision of globalisation, the
collapse of the middle-class with growing precarity
and employment insecurity, the emergence of
“surveillance capitalism”, and of course most
immediately the rise of a kind of resilience-wellness
agenda that prompts a new age of medicalised
statism. Notwithstanding the admittedly unpromising
nature of the terrain I do think there are opportunities
for progressive forms of populism to make advances,
although it will do so faced by a newly confident and
quite assertive anti-immigrant neo-nativist right. It will
for example be interesting to observe what happens
in France in 2022. It’s quite conceivable there that
we will see a contest between the old National Front
and either Macron, or quite possibly Mélenchon.
sustaining, and that ultimately one can do very little
without competing and winning power; but equally
one can’t even conceive of winning power and
doing something productive with it without the help
and support of everyone on the left, including every
variety of libertarian horizontalist. That was definitely
an important lesson for many activists in Spain
over the period of time that I was researching the
evolution of progressive responses after 15 M. So,
in short, populism’s hour is definitely here, and there
will be many more populist initiatives and projects for
members of the group to study!
This interview was conducted by
Giorgos Venizelos
Simon Tormey is a Professor of Politics at the University of
Bristol. He works in the fields of political theory, European
politics, social critique and continental thought. His most
recent books are The End of Representative Politics
(Cambridge: Polity, 2015), The Refiguring of Democracy
(London: Routledge, 2017), and Populism (Oxford:
Oneworld, 2019).
‘we have a whole series
of new issues that
prompt discontent or
doubt about the ability
of elites to manage what
lies ahead’
To put this into a more global perspective I still think
that “centrist politics” is under strain and that therefore
a more radical politics, often populist in nature, will be
regarded as a natural choice for the electorate. What I
also observe is that there is now much less resistance
on the left and broadly speaking to adopting populist
strategies, tactics, tropes. I do think that the old battle
between “horizontalism” and a more populist style,
party-based radicalism is less marked now than it
was perhaps 20 years ago. I think many activists get
that these neatly packaged positions are not self-
the US elections
and after
Elections in the United States always received
increased attention from global media, experts and
researchers. The November 2020 elections did not
break this tradition - perhaps, though, for different
reasons than in the past. The increasing polarisation
in the country, and the disruptive figure of Donald
Trump, president and contender for another term
in office, generated a number of controversies but
also bigger social, political and scientific questions
to ask? We asked two of our members who research
populism in the United States, focusing on the case
of Donald Trump, to provide short commentary
that draws on their own research. How did Donald
Trump’s tweeting change over time? What will
happen to Trumpism after Trump?
The Shifting Narrative of (Un-)Patriotic
Justices in Trump’s Twitter Discourse
After the 2020 presidential election, courts and the
Supreme Court in particular played an important
role in Donald Trump’s tweets. Trump, having
gained less votes than his opponent, tried his best to
turn the election with one court case after another.
Anticipating a tight election, the President had hoped
the conservative judges whom he had appointed to
so many federal courts as well as the Supreme Court
would decide in his favor, despite the election results
delivering the presidential election to the Democrats.
Looking at Trump’s Twitter feed, one can see that
the portrayal of courts and judges shifted after the
election, reflecting his disappointment in the justice
system which did not react in the way he wanted.
With over 88 million Twitter followers, the President
had a global platform to promote populist attitudes
vis-à-vis democratic institutions such as the justice
system. An analysis of tweets posted between
June 16, 2015, the date on which he announced
his run for the presidency, and December 13, 2020,
shortly after the Supreme Court rejected a Texas
lawsuit contesting the election’s results, revealed a
long-term narrative in which Trump ties judges and
their rulings to patriotism. He follows the principle:
If courts rule in his favor, the ruling is good for the
country; if courts rule against him, the ruling is bad
for the country. The President also makes judges
personally responsible for these ‘unpatriotic acts’. In
his Twitter discourse, this principle was particularly
poignant for the Supreme Court and its justices.
Prior to the 2020 presidential election, Trump’s tweets
praise his appointees for court positions. Throughout
his time in office, Trump had the opportunity to
appoint over 200 judges and three Supreme Court
justices. He frequently assured his followers that his
appointees would act in the country’s best interest,
even though the judiciary is independent from the
executive branch of government, meaning that
Trump has no influence over court rulings. Yet, he
is particularly proud of his nominees of Supreme
Court justices, presenting them as great, patriotic
judges who will benefit the country: “Last night, we
made history and confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to
the United States Supreme Court! Justice Barrett will
defend our rights, our liberties, and our God-Given
FREEDOM!” (2020a) Trump thereby highlights her
patriotism, promising a great future for “us” – himself
and the country.
In the days after the election, Trump stayed
confident that his appointees would help him win
the election. When state courts had rejected cases
and a Texas lawsuit reached the Supreme Court,
Trump tweeted: “If the Supreme Court shows great
Wisdom and Courage, the American People will win
perhaps the most important case in history, and our
Electoral Process will be respected again!” (2020c)
This underlines Trump’s narrative that the great
Supreme Court justices who he nominated will act
patriotically by supporting him and, thus, the country,
and it illustrates his disregard for the judiciary’s
independence. The Supreme Court is presented as
the last reliable bastion to protect the country from
the alleged election fraud. With Americans having
more confidence in the Supreme Court than in other
institutions such as Congress or the military, this
narrative of support for Trump’s cause – in spite of the
justice system’s impartiality – is especially powerful.
One day after the Supreme Court’s rejection of the
Texas lawsuit, Trump posted the following tweet:
According to Trump’s interpretation, despite viable
evidence and support, which Trump presents as
a sign of his just cause, the Supreme Court did not
take the time to examine the case, thus supporting a
“Rigged Election.” His ‘great’ justices therefore failed
both him and the country. To emphasise his opinion,
Trump also starts to portray the justices, once framed
as good and patriotic men and women, as cowards:
“[…] They just ‘chickened out’ and didn’t want to rule
on the merits of the case. So bad for our Country!”
(2020f) In this view, the court’s ruling against Trump’s
interest is hurting the country.
Looking at Trump’s tweets shows how his framing
of Supreme Court justices has changed, shifting
from ‘great’ and ‘patriotic’ to ‘unpatriotic’ and
‘cowardly’ justices who are unwilling and afraid to
act. His narrative, however, – tying judges’ rulings
to Trump’s idea of patriotism (or the lack thereof),
meaning unconditional support for his own interests
– continued after the loss of the election and the
subsequent legal action against its results. He
portrays the justice system as inadequate and ‘bad’
for the country, thereby discrediting an institution
which is vital for America’s democratic system and
which should guarantee due process and equal
treatment for everyone before the law. Yet, Trump
warns his followers: “The Supreme Court decision
on voting in Pennsylvania is a VERY dangerous one.
It will allow rampant and unchecked cheating and
will undermine our entire systems of laws. It will also
induce violence in the streets. Something must be
done!” (2020b)
trust in institutions and feeds into the skepticism
many Americans already feel towards the political
system and its actors. With millions of Twitter
followers and news outlets worldwide reporting on
every word President Trump says, he has a massive
influence on public discourse and a broad platform
to promote his populist views. Framing the Supreme
Court as ‘unpatriotic’ in particular has the potential to
further foment distrust in the justice system amongst
the general public.
Maren A. Schäfer, PhD Candidate,
Heidelberg Center for American Studies,
University of Heidelberg
Trump, Donald [@realDonaldTrump] (2020a, October 27, 2020, 9:34
PM EST). Twitter. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/
Trump, Donald [@realDonaldTrump] (2020b, November 2, 2020, 8:02
PM EST). Twitter. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/
Trump, Donald [@realDonaldTrump] (2020c, December 11,
2020, 3:28 PM EST). Twitter. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/
Trump, Donald [@realDonaldTrump] (2020d, December 12,
2020, 5:04 AM EST). Twitter. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/
Trump, Donald [@realDonaldTrump] (2020e, December 12,
2020, 6:24 AM EST). Twitter. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/
Trump, Donald [@realDonaldTrump] (2020f, December 13, 2020,
11:16 PM EST). “The fact that the Supreme Court wouldn’t find
standing in an original jurisdiction matter between multiple states, and
including the President of the States, is absurd. It is enumerated in the
Constitution... They just ‘chickened out’ and didn’t want to rule on the
merits of the case. So bad for our Country!” Twitter. Retrieved from
Although Trump is unable to truly act on this warning,
his rhetoric is deeply problematic as it undermines
What will happen to Trumpism after Trump?
The 2020 US election was historical as it marked the
highest voter turnout in the country’s history, with
Joe Biden winning the popular vote with 81.2 million
votes, more than any presidential candidate, while
Biden became the first Democrat to flip Georgia since
President Clinton in 1992. Donald Trump’s defeat
was celebrated as the end of an administration that
was considered an aberration and was followed by
triumphant declarations about the end of the era of
populism in the United States.
Trump’s series of failures, including his impeachment
trial, his failure to meet the hyperbolic promises to
restore the greatness of the US, his mishandling
of the Covid-19 crisis, and inability to extend his
voting base, did not dent his appeal. Not only he
managed to maintain 92% of his voters from the
2016 elections, but also to secure 74.2 million votes,
an extra 11.2 million votes since the last election.
These facts indicate that the support for Trump is
still widespread and enduring among Americans,
while his discourse remains influential, proving that
Trumpism will far outlast Trump’s presidency.
This comes as no surprise if we examine his 2020
campaign. Building on the experience of 2016,
Trump’s 2020 discourse was a rebranding of rightwing ideas, tapping on the unmet demands of
the American society with a populist discourse
infused with nativist elements. Trump appealed
to the American people and their accumulated
anger, while creating frontiers to divide society in
antagonistic camps. Specifically, he divided the
socio-political space in two, ‘us’ and ‘them’, claiming
to give voice to the ordinary American people whom
he juxtaposed against their ‘other’ – a controlling
political and economic establishment who ‘allowed
in’ an unruly enemy (‘immigrants’, ‘Mexicans’, and
His unwillingness to condemn far-right groups that
incite violence, like the Proud Boys, or evenactively
mobilising them, while at the same time his
presentation of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters
as ‘the enemy’, the ‘thugs’ that were responsible
for looting, polarised the American society and
tapped on white racial insecurities. His slogan
‘Make American Great Again’ was a rather nostalgic
promise for a return to ‘the good old days’ with a less
diverse society and a reinforced white male role; a
promise that proved to be rather successful with part
of the electorate, and especially with white males,
who consisted the majority of his voting base.
His discourse was unique for a politician of a major
party due to his distinctive indifference to civility,
political correctness, and facts. Belittling adjectives
for his opponents (‘Sleepy Joe’), confrontational
style of campaigning, references to conspiracy
theories and misinformation were recurring in his
discourse. Adopting such a behaviour allowed
him to normalise politicians who were politically
incorrect, changing the Republican base to accept
more extreme political actors.
Therefore, themes of desperation of the ‘ordinary
voter,’ degradation of an America that is presented
as a ‘loser’ to the international trade game, and a
xenophobic and racist construction of the ‘other’,
were consistent in his campaign discourse and as
reflectedin the election results they were still popular
with the electorate albeit to a lesser extent that in the
2016 elections.
Trumpism was also reinforced through Trump’s
appointments to the federal Judiciary that will
further enhance its conservative character and
exercise influence for years to come. The institutions
have managed at times to stop Trump’s effort to
bypass checks and balances and put him under
investigation and trial for his ties with Russia before
and after the 2016 elections. However, the lack of
political will, especially from the Republicans in the
Senate, not only allowed Trump to avoid conviction
but has also revealed the extent of his influence in
the Republican Party.
The meteoric rise of Trump in the GOP was
remarkable for a candidate that entered the race
as an independent and outsider with an antiestablishment rhetoric and a critical tone against
the elite of the Republican Party. From a generalised
resistance to Trump’s candidacy within the party
and a ‘Never Trump’ movement in 2016, we have, in
2020, the majority of Republicans holding a positive
view of Trump’s presidency with many of them
pondering a Don Jr candidacy for the near future.
This change towards Trump can be attributed to
his winning of the GOP nomination in the 2016
elections and bringing a unique political brand to
the Republican Party, notwithstanding the fact that
his beliefs about trade protectionism, isolationism
and expansion of social security benefits were
incompatible with the traditional Republican values
of limited government and the primacy of national
security in the political agenda. His populist nativist
discourse with politically incorrect and emotive
language, that motivated the alienated middle-class
American, presented a different but winning formula
for the next Republican candidate. This indicates
that although Trump is gone, his political brand will
remain an influential force in the US political arena.
Trump’s grip on the Republican Party was such that
even the accusations of electoral fraud and refusal
to concede, did not inspire a self-preservation
feeling in his most loyal Republicans that would
lead them far from the losing candidate, but on the
contrary, his claims were met with either support or
lack of mounting disapproval. With this new round
of misinformation, Trump alarmed people that their
votes are not being counted and their rights of
representation are being suppressed adding thus
to his populist discourse. Moving the Republican
Party further to the right could make Biden’s goal of
achieving bipartisan collaboration hard to achieve.
With almost half of the electorate supporting Trump,
Trumpism will be difficult to eradicate. Only if Biden
manages to meet the needs of the American people
that remained unfulfilled even from before Trump’s
presidency will he win the trust of Trump’s voters,
minimise polarisation and prevent xenophobic
populists like Trump to thrive.
Maria Tsiko, PhD candidate at the
Department of Politics and International
Studies at Loughborough University
Book reviews
The linguistic construction of populism:
between pronouns and social media
Book reviewed:
Politics and Populism Across
Modes and Media (2020)
Ruth Breeze and Ana María
Fernández Vallejo
Peter Lang
Reviewed by Luca Manucci
The central topic examined in the volume Politics
and Populism across Modes and Media edited by
Breeze and Fernández Vallejo, namely populist
communication, has already received much
scholarly attention. The innovative perspective
adopted by the authors, however, makes this
book an important contribution. Working at the
intersection of political science, media studies, and
critical discourse analysis, this edited volume offers
a valuable insight on the relationship between
populist communication and social media across
different contexts.
One of the most interesting features of the volume
lies in the inclusion of often-neglected cases such
as Pakistan and Puerto Rico, showing that — by
abandoning Eurocentrism — the study of populism
acquires fascinating nuances and convincingly
challenges many assumptions that are often taken
for granted in the literature on European populism.
Another strong feature of the volume is its eclecticism.
The authors rely on both quantitative and qualitative
methods, and analyse several types of populist
discourses: right- and left-wing, in interaction with
Islam, in power and in opposition, generated by
politicians and also as a reaction from citizens.
While this, at times, produces a very heterogeneous
array of styles and approaches, the focus remains
convincingly clear and enjoyably entertaining.
The overall impression is that populist actors build a
sense of crisis that in turn generates the conditions
for the rise of charismatic leaderships. Leaders claim
to be one with the people, protecting the common
citizen from corrupt elites and out-groups presented
as a threat. This sense of looming catastrophe is
created linguistically through an aggressive narrative
that builds a Manichean antagonism between
the followers of the populist leader or movement
and corrupt elites, and is often done by exploiting
frustration, fear, and anger.
Politicians rely on populist discourses to be
perceived as ordinary, accessible people, like
Tsipras in Greece, while Trump mobilises his voters
by creating a category of ‘un-American’ enemies that
include Latinos and Muslims. Populist actors claim
to be champions of the national good, but while this
brings Salvini to produce nativist messages, Imran
Khan in Pakistan promotes a modernising agenda
focusing on women’s rights and minority protection.
Moreover, as the interesting case of Romania shows,
populist strategies are widespread across the
political spectrum and mainstream parties articulate
populist messages too.
The main merit of this volume consists in presenting
the characteristics of populist communication in
different cultures and political systems across the
world. Another interesting aspect that emerges is
the analysis not only of how populism works across
media, but also how specific media influence the
messages and the way people receive them. Finally,
it is praiseworthy the use that the different authors
make of the toolkit offered by discourse studies.
The potential applications of discourse analysis to
populist communication are virtually endless, and
this volume constitutes an excellent demonstration
of the possible directions for research. For
example, the authors address several crucial
issues concerning the growing polarisation in
contemporary politics and the formation of extreme
political views, suggesting that this might be a
direct consequence of the impact of unmediated
channels of communication. The volume presents
an extremely interesting introduction to the potential
that discourse analysis can offer in analysing
mediatised populist messages, but also shows two
main weaknesses.
First, the volume could have approached more
systematically the issue of how different media
influence the diffusion and reception of populist
messages. For example, it would have been
interesting to devote less attention to Twitter —
which certainly remains together with Facebook
the main channel for unmediated political
communication— and focus more on emerging
channels of unmediated communication between
political actors and citizens such as Instagram,
TikTok, Telegram, and Medium to mention just a few.
The second limit of the volume lies in the
disproportionate attention it devotes to Donald
Trump: four of the twelve chapters analyse Trump’s
populist communication from different perspectives.
While the relevance of the dramatic changes Trump
introduced in both political communication and
the use of social media are undeniable, the volume
could have continued its precious exploration of
less-known and too often neglected cases.
Another element that the volume touches
only indirectly, is the enormous transformation
introduced by social media. Political communication
in general — and the diffusion of populist messages
in particular — rely on the direct transmission of
content between political actors and citizens: the
anthropological and linguistic mutation caused by
this phenomenon could be fruitfully investigated
in future volumes of this interesting book series.
This edited volume will certainly constitute a point
of reference for studies on these topics and on the
interplay between populist communication, media
and language.
Luca Manucci is a post-doctoral researcher
at the University of Lisbon, Institute of Social
Sciences. He studies populism, parties, and
political communication. His work focuses
on the connection between populism and
collective memories of the authoritarian past.
‘The definitive introduction to populism’
Book reviewed:
Populism (2020)
Series: Key concepts in political
Benjamin Moffitt
Polity Press
ISBN: 978-1-509-53433-3
Reviewed by Théo Aiolfi
The field of populism studies can be overwhelming
for any newcomer. Especially since the popularity
of the term grew exponentially in recent years,
prompting the emergence of a massive wave of
new academic work, the mere task of keeping up to
date has become a monumental one. More than this,
research on populism is often loaded with implicit
normative judgement and theoretical biases that are
difficult to detect, even – or perhaps especially – to
those deeply immersed in the literature. Benjamin
Moffitt’s latest book Populism is a contribution to the
Polity series ‘Key Concepts in Political Theory’, and
it is undoubtedly the introductory work that I would
recommend to those seeking to get a definitive
overview of the discipline, equally to undergraduate
students and to more experienced scholars. Writing
with a clarity of prose that many of us in academia
could learn from, Moffitt develops in this work a
concise exploration of the conceptual debates on
populism and, building from that, links them to five
other fundamental concepts of political theory:
nationalism and nativism, socialism, liberalism and
democracy. In a remarkably synthetic format, he
manages to tackle through each of these short
chapters most of the central questions at the heart
of the field and offers a nuanced overview of why
studying populism matters and what it means more
generally to the broader discipline of political studies.
Moffitt argues that what makes his book standout
from other introductory accounts on the topic is that
it is primarily grounded in political theory, and not
prompted or guided by empirical concerns. While
he is wary that theory can be a “dense and difficult
lingua franca” (4), his bet proved successful as
he managed to make even the most theoretically
challenging jargon accessible. More than this, Moffitt
is careful to constantly link each point he makes to
relevant examples in an attempt to “illustrate, flesh
out, challenge and make sense of the conceptual
arguments at play” (5). At times, this concern
to weave theory and practice leads him to rely
excessively on examples, as is for instance the case
of his discussion on populism at the sub-national
(municipal and regional) level which is very light in
theoretical analysis and ends up only superficially
tackling the questions raised by mobilising ‘the
people’ within the traditional unit of the nation-state.
Especially given that he develops it in only one
chapter, it is a real tour de force for Moffitt to
summarise so concisely the main approaches
to populism studies without sacrificing too much
depth. Shifting from the position he adopted in
his 2016 book, The Global Rise of Populism and
getting closer to the collective direction established
in the 2017 Oxford Handbook of Populism,
Moffitt develops three overarching approaches
to populism: ideational, strategic and discursiveperformative, the latter of which combines under
a broad church what he called in his earlier work
‘populism as a discourse’, ‘populism as a logic’ as
well as his own ‘stylistic approach’ to populism.
Urging not to give up definitional discussions as
“irrelevant or as mere nitpicking” (11) which may be
interpreted as a hegemonic move to monopolise
the field, Moffitt’s book provides a heartfelt plea for
theoretical eclecticism. Demonstrating that a rich
and diverse conceptual debate is not the sign of an
immature field of research, he convincingly argues
that “the kind of phenomenon one thinks populism
to be tends to reflect very different ontological,
epistemological and methodological approaches
to the subject” (ibid.).
Although his work admittedly falls in what he
calls the “discursive-performative approach” (21),
Moffitt manages to strike a delicate balance in his
comparative endeavour between impartial distance
and his own biases that inevitably lead parts of
his discussion, most notably his rejection of antipluralism in populism as a normative judgement (83)
or his discussion of nationalism as a discourse (34).
That said, this apparently balanced programme has
its own limitations as the bulk of his analysis revolves
on the contrast between ideational and discursiveperformative approaches, leaving the strategic
approach surprisingly absent in later chapters –
an absence that Moffitt willingly acknowledges,
claiming that, in spite of its “great impact on the
comparative literature on populism”, the strategic
approach “is not taken up in the theoretical literature
to a great extent” (28).
Finally, what is most unique and refreshing about
this book is the deft way Moffitt confronts populism
to other concepts with which it is typically compared,
conflated or contrasted. Not only is this book
synthesising his own work on liberal illiberalism
as well as the recent discussions on the need to
separate populism from nativism, the fourth chapter
on how populism relates to socialism is a welcome
addition to a part of the literature that remains
underdeveloped. Last, but certainly not least, the
final chapter on democracy serves as an excellent
conclusion that ties the whole book together by
tackling the most important questions raised by
populism in relationship to democratic politics. All
in all, and in spite of some of its flaws that are hard
to avoid within such an abridged format, Moffitt’s
Populism is an impressive piece of scholarship that
is both didactic and ambitious, with the potential
to become a standard introduction to the study of
Théo Aiolfi is a PhD candidate in the Department
of Politics and International Studies working in
conjunction with the Department of Theatre
and Performance Studies of the University of
Warwick. He holds an MSc in Global Governance
& Ethics from University College London (UCL)
as well as a BA in International Relations from
the University of Geneva (UNIGE).
The Populist Manifesto: A partisan view on
(left-wing) populism
Book reviewed:
The Populist Manifesto (2020)
Emmy Eklundh
and Andy Knott (eds.)
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 978-1-78661-263-2
Reviewed by Enrico Padoan
Emmy Eklundh and Andy Knott’s edited book, The
Populist Manifesto, is a much-needed work for the
academic community and, potentially, for a broader
public engaged with progressive politics. As stated
by the editors already in the Introduction (p. 2), the
book has a “clear position – on politics, on populism,
and left populism more particularly”, which is often in
contradiction of an equally clear but opposite position
– populism as an “aberration” – held by most other
commentators who write on the subject. Emanating
from different angles and touching different aspects
of populism, all contributors attempt to “demystify”
(p. 8) the notion of populism and emphasise the
transformative potential of left-wing populism in the
eight chapters that follow.
Andy Knott criticises Cas Mudde’s (2004) well-known
definition of populism as a “thin-centred ideology”
and emphasises, as almost all other contributors do,
that populism has no content: it is not an ideology,
instead it is a “form of doing politics”, which finds
fertile terrain during moments of “crisis” or “transition”.
María Esperanza Casullo discusses the role of myth
in populist phenomena. She argues that left-wing
populist narratives are “forward-looking” in terms of
time orientation and “upward-punching” in that they
attack groups at the very top of the socioeconomic
ladder, while the exact opposite holds true for
“downward-punching” right-wing populisms. Paolo
Gerbaudo discusses the relation between the rise of
populism and the popular demand for “control” in times
of advanced globalisation and crisis of neoliberalism.
While right-wing populisms advocate for regaining
border control and cultural homogeneity, for leftwing populist projects “control mostly expresses the
need for asserting power internally to the political
community, empowering the state to keep big
economic powers in check and enforcing economic
redistribution” (p. 41).
Emilia Palonen (Chapter 4) puts forward ten theses
on populism, emphasising its performative features,
its intimate (and complex) relationship with the
deep theoretical foundations of both politics and
democracy, as well as the relationship between
populism and its constitutive other – namely, antipopulism. Emmy Eklundh (Chapter 5) deconstructs
the ideological, classist and discriminatory theoretical
foundations of the axiomatic, (even in the academia)
opposition between “rational” (associated with
anti-populism) and “emotional” (associated with
‘dangerous populists’) politics.
Mark Devenney argues for the need of a
“transnational populism” in order to overcome the
unavoidable exclusions provoked by any definition of
a “people” on the basis of a specific statehood and/or
nationhood, for example, of indigenous populations,
as often occurred in Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador,
where state-led developmentalist projects were
pursued. Marina Prentoulis elaborates on why leftwing populism must be transnationalist, since, as the
author writes: “no matter how powerful concepts like
the ‘nation’ are in forging emotional identifications…
this cannot be a left-populist project” (p. 104). She
also questions the supposed “homogeneity” of the
(populist) “People” as in Mudde’s and Jan-Werner
Müller’s (2016) widely appealing theorisations,
as well as the allegedly purely “top-down” form
of representation in populist phenomena. At the
same time, Prentoulis offers a sharp discussion
over the (sometimes more tenuous, in the historical
praxis) differences between left-populist logic and
Marxism. In the concluding chapter, Knott focuses
on the challenges brought by climate change and
emphasises how a left-populist turn, based on the
promise of an inclusive and pluralist Green New Deal,
may successfully oppose both neoliberalism and
right-wing populisms, which indeed have very little to
offer to address environmental issues.
This book should be welcomed and endorsed by
socially-engaged scientists and theorists in that it
highlights the transformative dynamics of populism
as a potential strategy for the left. One should take
into account that, since the beginning of the Great
Recession in Western Europe (and since the end
of the Washington Consensus in Latin America),
left-wing populist projects have formed most of the
electorally successful new projects on the Left – while
both ‘old’ and ‘new’ ‘lefts’ have, with few exceptions,
been ‘in trouble’. From an academic point of view, the
critiques exposed in the book against the ‘mainstream’
definitions and theories, and against their (not so
hidden) normative underpinnings, are well founded.
Still nowadays, such critiques are too often not even
taken in consideration by academic articles that take
for granted a “shared definition” which is ironically not
shared at all.
Having stated this, the major weakness of The Populist
Manifesto is its excessive dedication to attacking
Mudde’s definition and to emphasise how populism
“is not an ideology, is not a content… instead is a form
or a logic”. First, this makes the book excessively
jargonised and focused on academic debates
that may be far from being interesting for broader
audiences. Second, and related to the first point,
many of the contributions fail to underscore why
understanding populism as a form or logic should be
that relevant. For instance, is the distinction between
“upward-punching” and “downward-punching” so
different from that between the “inclusionary” and
“exclusionary” populisms of the ideational paradigm?
Is arguing that populism is a “form of politics” that
finds fertile terrain during “crises” so different from
arguing that “populist ideologies” become electorally
attractive during “crises”?
In this reviewer’s opinion, while acknowledging the
deep ontological differences (and methodological
consequences) between the different approaches,
perhaps the main problem of Mudde’s definition
(which is undoubtedly the most widespread and
perhaps the closest to the journalistic use of the
concept) does not lie in seeing populism as an
“ideology”. Instead, the main problem is that this
definition is elaborated by having only right-wing
populist parties in mind. Said otherwise: the (main)
problem is not that Mudde considers populism as a
“content”. The (main) problem is that Mudde offers a
very partial description of what that content is (and
can be). The distinction between “inclusionary” and
“exclusionary populisms” is a late, and in my personal
view unsuccessful attempt to make the definition
better suited to include left-wing populisms. However,
what about “pluralism” as a necessary “populist
enemy”? How can someone convincingly argue that
projects such as Podemos or Syriza – or even the
experience of MAS-IPSP in Bolivia - are “anti-pluralist”?
Consequently, perhaps The Populist Manifesto would
have benefitted from just some brief introductory
reflections over how and why the most widespread
theorisations are simply not adequate to understand
the progressive potential of populist politics.
More generally, many contributors de facto spent
many words, and rightly so, to add some content to
left-populism in order to differentiate it from both its
right-wing (and even, non populist or anti-populist)
counterparts. Gerbaudo’s chapter over the politics
of control and the concept of sovereignty is a (very
good) example. Gerbaudo’s essay, in this sense,
seems quite at odds with Prentoulis’ and Devenney’s
arguments about the necessity of looking at forms
of “transnational populisms”. While the shortcomings
brought by “national populisms” are well addressed
by Prentoulis and Devenney, it seems to this reviewer
that both scholars are concretely (and legitimately)
claiming for “more leftist and less populist” political
projects. Indeed, as Prentoulis highlights the frontier
between Marxist and populist modes of articulation
has often been blurred. The debate over the
shortcomings of left-populism is pressing. It remains
to see if such shortcomings were due to their statistnationalist dimension – and their primary attention
to the question of sovereignty, as this reviewer
argued elsewhere (Padoan, 2020) – or, as for
example Yannis Stavrakakis and Giorgos Venizelos
(2020) suggested, due to left-populisms’ failures in
“impacting considerably on the modes of production
and the psychosocial framing of consumption which
conditions the majority of social identities”.
Overall, the book deserves much, much attention,
and, most importantly, thanks to its forceful arguments,
it can serve to relaunch a wide debate amongst
scholars adopting different approaches to the topic.
The goal of such a debate should not be to come
to a “shared definition”. Instead, scholars could have
an opportunity of refining the existing approaches
in order to reply to often repeated criticisms, even to
reach the conclusion that right-wing and left-wing
populisms may need very different analytical tools
to be fully understood in their features, causes and
Enrico Padoan is a post-doc researcher in the
Faculty of Social and Political Studies at the
Scuola Normale Superiore. He is the author
of Anti-Neoliberal Populisms in Comparative
Perspective: A Latinamericanisation of Southern
Europe? His research interests focus on
populism, labor politics and social movements.
Mudde, Cas (2004) The Populist Zeitgeist. Government and Opposition 39(4),
Müller, Jan-Werner (2016) What is Populism? Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press.
Padoan, Enrico (2020) Anti-Neoliberal Populisms in Comparative Perspective.
A LatinAmericanization of Southern Europe? London: Routledge.
Venizelos, Giorgos and Stavrakakis Yannis (2020) Left-Populism Is Down but
Not Out. Jacobin Magazine, 22 March 2020, https://jacobinmag.com/2020/03/
Populism enters the field of International
Book reviewed:
Populism and World Politics:
Exploring Inter- and Transnational Dimensions (2019)
Frank Stengel,
David B. MacDonald and
Dirk Nabers, (eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-030-04620-0
Reviewed by Syed Tahseen Raza
Populism and World Politics: Exploring Inter- and
Transnational Dimensions is a new addition to the
literature of populism, but also international relations.
The editors, Frank Stengel, David B. MacDonald, and
Dirk Nabers, deserve appreciation for their bold and
timely attempt, not just to explain the term ‘populism’
but also to try and understand its use in a hitherto less
explored area: International Relations. The editors
have done a wonderful job of including examples
from diverse regions of the world, accounting for
the differing use of the word populism in a myriad
of contexts, and helping untangle the enigma
surrounding the usage of the term ‘populism’. This
work uniquely distinguishes itself from the plethora
of recently churned out accounts on populism in
having an account of populism from international
perspectives specifically trying to understand the
reasons for the emergence of movements like the
Arab Spring, Occupy or DIEM 25 which defy national
boundaries in different ways.
This is arguably the first work of its kind in being
an attempt to explore the inter- and trans-national
dimensions of populism and world politics. It
broadens its appeal by keeping the canvas of its
exploration quite wide – from examining populist
trends in countries like New Zealand, Canada,
India, Spain and the United States – while applying
a multiplicity of approaches from empiricism to
theories of anthropology and sociology, to help
explain the growing rise of populism in different
regions of the world.
Meticulously divided into three parts, this volume
carries twelve academically enriched chapters
besides an excellent Introduction and a crisp
Conclusion. The introduction of the volume very
nicely sets the tone of the work by giving a theoretical
account of the importance of understanding
populism’s inter- and trans-national aspects in a
more systematic manner. It particularly highlights
the increasingly more observable characteristics
of international politics, of late, in terms of ‘the
denationalisation of political rule’ complemented
with the ‘politicisation of international authority’ and
‘cross border interaction between populists’ (p.7).
Moreover, the success and the failure of populist
parties and movements, as we see, are more often
contingent upon transnational interactions.
The first part of the book, titled ‘Theoretical Issues
in Global Populism Research’, which contains three
chapters, highlights the need to study populism
beyond the confines of national borders. It draws
on the connection between populism and global
media to underline the significance of looking at
populism as a ‘transnational communication logic’
that operates in a range of distinct communicational
arenas, such as social media, tabloids but also
established broadcasters.
The second part of the volume, titled ‘Populism and
Foreign Policy’, carries six different chapters, each
explaining the tactics of populist leaders of different
countries. Of critical interest in this part is the chapter
by Brian Budd wherein the author, by exploring the
failed populist attempt of Canadian Conservative
MP Kellie Leitch, explains how the form of populism
which remained successful in the United States
failed to find takers in Canada because, ‘… the
diffusion of populism from one country to the next
is contingent on distinct political culture’. Cases from
Latin America, New Zealand and India are incisively
discussed in successive chapters to further buttress
the points.
Entitled ‘Populism and International Politics’, the
third part of the book, consisting of three chapters,
emphasises the global and international dimension
of the rise of populism. Robert G. Patman in his
chapter proffers the idea that the rise of populism
has, in fact, resulted in intensifying the spirit of liberal
order to address its shortcomings like the rising civil
conflicts or environmental decline or increasing
inequality. Shane Markowitz posits the idea that the
rise of populism owes a lot to the ‘socio-material
phenomenon’ and not just the employment of
rhetoric by populist leaders. Building his argument
on the rancorous issue of ‘genetically modified
organisms’ in the European Union, he shows how
material, natural and technological forces play their
part in sustaining the issues. The chapter by Amy
Skonieczny brings forth the critical role of emotions
in populist discourse by deeply analyzing the debate
surrounding the issue of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
and the surge in populist anti-trade narratives.
Finally, the Conclusion, through a combined take
by the editors Frank Stengel, David B. MacDonald
and Dirk Nabers, succinctly summarises the entire
argument of the book by outlining a three point
agenda for studying the connection between
populism and world politics, which includes
analysing specific ideologies and foreign policy
positions of the populists, taking account of their
respective domestic opportunity structures and,
of course, the nature of the prevailing international
context. As a line of suggestion for those willing to
pursue research on populism and international
relations, the editors of this volume propose
exploring issues, such as the organisation by the
populist leaders in transnational networks, foreign
powers’ involvement in domestic elections and the
common intellectual roots of the populists.
Overall, Populism and World Politics: Exploring Interand Transnational Dimensions is a very well-timed
and extremely welcome addition to the literature of
International Relations and Populism studies that
can help us understand the relationship between the
two. This volume fills a vital gap in existing literature
related to populism.
Dr. Raza is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Strategic and Security Studies,
Faculty of International Studies, Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh, India. He has recently
authored “United States and Pakistan in the
21st Century: Geostrategy and Geopolitics in
South Asia”, Routledge, 2020.
Publications Alert
Anti-Neoliberal Populisms in
Comparative Perspective
A Latinamericanisation of
Southern Europe?
Padoan, E. (2020)
For the People: Left
Populism in Spain and
the US
Tamames, J. (2020)
Lawrence and Wishart
Left Populism in Europe:
Lessons from Jeremy
Corbyn to Podemos
Prentoulis, M. (2021)
Pluto Press
Populism and New Patterns
of Political Competition in
Western Europe
Albertazzi, D., Vampa, D. (2021)
Populism in Global
Perspective a Performative
and Discursive Approach
Ostiguy, P., et al. (2021)
Seven Essays on
Populism: for a Renewed
Theoretical Perspective
Biglieri, P., Cadahia L. (2021)
Polity Press
Moffitt, B. (2020)
Polity Press
The People, NO: a Brief
History of Anti-Populism
Frank, T. (2020)
Anastasiou, M. (2020) The spatiotemporality of
nationalist populism and the production of political
subjectivities. Subjectivity 13, 217–234
Marcinkiewicz K, Dassonneville R. (2021) Do religious
voters support populist radical right parties? Opposite
effects in Western and East-Central Europe. Party Politics.
Borriello, A. & Jäger, A. (2020). The antinomies of Ernesto
Laclau: a reassessment, Journal of Political Ideologies.
Markou, G. (2020). Anti-populist discourse in Greece
and Argentina in the 21st century, Journal of Political
Brown, K., & Mondon, A. (2020). Populism, the media,
and the mainstreaming of the far right: The Guardian’s
coverage of populism as a case study. Politics
Caiani, M., & Padoan, E. (2020). Populism and the (Italian)
crisis: The voters and the context. Politics.
Casullo, M. E. (2020). The Body Speaks Before It Even
Talks: Deliberation, Populism and Bodily Representation.
Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 16(1), 27–36.
Custodi, J. (2020) ‘Nationalism and populism on the left:
The case of Podemos’, Nations and Nationalism
De Barros, T., Z. (2020). ‘Not All Claims Are
Representative Claims’: Constructing ‘The People’ in
Post-Representative Movements. Representation
De Cleen, B., Glynos, J. (2020). Beyond populism studies.
Journal of Language and Politics
De Cleen, B., Speed, E. (2020). ‘Getting the Problem
Definition Right: The Radical Right, Populism, Nativism
and Public Health; Comment on “A Scoping Review of
Populist Radical Right Parties’ Influence on Welfare Policy
and its Implications for Population Health in Europe”’,
International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Dean, J. (2020). Left politics and popular culture in Britain:
From left-wing populism to ‘popular leftism.’ Politics
Finlayson, A. (2020). YouTube and Political Ideologies:
Technology, Populism and Rhetorical Form. Political
Katsambekis, G. (2020). Constructing ‘the people’ of
populism: a critique of the ideational approach from a
discursive perspective, Journal of Political Ideologies,
Kim, S. (2019), ...Because the Homeland cannot be
in opposition: analysing the discourses of Fidesz and
Law and Justice (PiS) from opposition to power, East
European Politics
Matijasevich, D. (2020). Populist hangover: Lessons from
Southeast Asia. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics,
5(3), 193–208.
Mazzolini, S., & Borriello, A. (2021). The normalization
of left populism? The paradigmatic case of Podemos.
European Politics and Society.
Mazzolini, S. (2020). Populism Is not Hegemony: Towards
a Re-Gramscianization of Ernesto Laclau. Theory & Event
23(3), 765-786.
Moran, M., & Littler, J. (2020). Cultural populism in new
populist times. European Journal of Cultural Studies,
23(6), 857–873.
Palonen, E. (2021). Democracy vs. demography:
Rethinking politics and the people as debate. Thesis
Potamianos, N. (2020). Populism in Greece? Right, Left,
and Laclau’s “Jacobinism” in the Years of the Goudi
Coup, 1908–1910. Journal for the Study of Radicalism.
14 (2)
Rueda, D. (2020). Is Populism a Political Strategy? A
Critique of an Enduring Approach. Political Studies.
Schulte-Cloos J, Leininger A. (2021) Electoral
participation, political disaffection, and the rise of the
populist radical right. Party Politics.
Stavrakakis, Y. (2020). On Laclau’s Alleged Monism.
POPULISMUS Working Papers. No.11. Thessaloniki
Stavrakakis, Y. (2020). The (Discursive) Limits of (Left)
Populism. Journal of Language and Politics
Thomassen, L. (2020). Introduction: New Reflections on
Ernesto Laclau’s Theory of Populism. Theory & Event
23(3), 734-739.