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At ICM 2018-International Conference of Mathematicians the writer presented a poster showing that shear waves perform a deformation that combines harmonic transversal displacements and rotations. Each wavelength presents two rotations in opposite directions. Whittaker in his book “A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity” says that Maxwell expressed that “induced me to regard magnetism as a phenomenon of rotation and electric currents as phenomena of translation”. The writer shows precisely this, applying the areolar theory of elasticity, which enables expressing both shear and displacements through rotations only. The writer hopes that this theory will provide aids for new experiments and deeper interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena. Several results for elastic shear waves in solids are available and may be useful. A presentation of the areolar theory of elasticity, witch is behind the exposition is included for completeness. The writer recommends that the reader start reading section 3, which presents the electromagnetic model, and for details of the mathematics involved, read from beginning.
At ICM 2018-International Conference of Mathematicians the writer presented a poster showing that shear waves perform a deformation that combines harmonic transversal displacements and rotations. Each wavelength presents two rotations in opposite directions. Whittaker in his book “A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity” says that Maxwell expressed that “induced me to regard magnetism as a phenomenon of rotation and electric currents as phenomena of translation”. The writer shows precisely this, applying the areolar theory of elasticity, which enables expressing both shear and displacements through rotations only. The writer hopes that this theory will provide aids for new experiments and deeper interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena. Several results for elastic shear waves in solids are available and may be useful. A presentation of the areolar theory of elasticity, witch is behind the exposition is included for completeness. The writer recommends that the reader start reading section 3, which presents the electromagnetic model, and for details of the mathematics involved, read from beginning. Key words: ether and electrodynamics, areolar strain concept.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 In the framework of quasi-static approach the shear wave propagation is considered in functionally graded transversally isotropic hexagonal 6mm symmetry magnetoelectroelastic media (MEE). Assuming that in functionally graded MEE material elastic and electromagnetic properties vary in the same proportion in direction perpendicular to the MEE polling direction, special classes of inhomogeneity functions were found, admitting exact solutions for the coupled wave field and allowing to estimate the effects of inhomogeneity on the wave behavior. Exact solutions defining the coupled shear wave field in MEE can be used in many problems, e.g. shear surface waves propagation along the surface of a semi-infinite space, interfacial waves in a multilayered and periodic structure, Love type waves in a layer overlying a half-space, guided waves in an inhomogeneous waveguide, etc. Based on exact solutions, the localized wave propagation is studied for MEE layer with quadratic and inverse quadratic inhomogeneity profiles of material parameters varying continuously along the layer thickness direction. Dispersion equations are deduced analytically and for the BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 MEE crystal the numerical results estimating effects of inhomogeneity are presented.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1973
In this paper the effects of the uniformly applied stress and slight anisotropy of materials on the propagation of elastic waves are theoretically studied. Since real polycrystalhne materials are more or less anisotropic because of their textures, examining the effects of slight anisotropy is important to establish the method of experimental stress analysis called acoust#lasticity. After deriving the acoustical tensor for the general case of slight anisotropy, the case of slight orthotropy is discussed in detail as a frequently encountered case. The important result is such that the polarization directions of shear waves rotate largely as the uniformly applied stress varies with the principal directions of the stress constant. Such large rotation of the polarization directions does not occur in materials of isotropy or ordinary anisotropy. The effects of this rotation on the acoustical birefringence of two polarized shear waves are also discussed.
Revisiting Aether Electrodynamics
At ICM 2018-International Conference of Mathematicians the writer presented a poster showing that shear waves perform a deformation that combines harmonic transversal displacements and rotations. Each wavelength presents two rotations in opposite directions. Whittaker in his book “A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity” says that Maxwell expressed that “induced me to regard magnetism as a phenomenon of rotation and electric currents as phenomena of translation”. The writer shows precisely this, applying the areolar theory of elasticity, which enables expressing both shear and displacements through rotations only. The writer hopes that this theory will provide aids for new experiments and deeper interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena. Several results for elastic shear waves in solids are available and may be useful. A presentation of the areolar theory of elasticity, witch is behind the exposition is included for completeness. The writer recommends that the reader start reading section 3, which presents the electromagnetic model, and for details of the mathematics involved, read from beginning.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2011
This is paper I of a series of two papers, offering a self-contained analysis of the role of electromagnetic stress–energy–momentum tensors in the classical description of continuous polarizable perfectly insulating media. While acknowledging the primary role played by the total stress–energy–momentum tensor on spacetime we argue that it is meaningful and useful in the context of covariant constitutive theory to assign preferred status to particular parts of this total tensor, when defined with respect to a particular splitting. The relevance of tensors, associated with the electromagnetic fields that appear in Maxwell’s equations for polarizable media, to the forces and torques that they induce has been a matter of some debate since Minkowski, Einstein and Laub, and Abraham considered these issues over a century ago. The notion of a force density that arises from the divergence of these tensors is strictly defined relative to some inertial property of the medium. Consistency with t...
Acta Mechanica, 2004
Two questions related to elastic motions are raised and addressed. First: in which theoretical framework can the equations of motion be written for an elastic half-space put into uniform rotation? It is seen that nonlinear finite elasticity provides such a framework for incompressible solids. Second: how can finite amplitude exact solutions be generated? It is seen that for some finite amplitude transverse waves in rotating incompressible elastic solids with general shear response the solutions are obtained by reduction of the equations of motion to a system of ordinary differential equations equivalent to the system governing the central motion problem of classical mechanics. In the special case of circularly-polarized harmonic progressive waves, the dispersion equation is solved in closed form for a variety of shear responses, including nonlinear models for rubberlike and soft biological tissues. A fruitful analogy with the motion of a nonlinear string is pointed out.
Il Nuovo Cimento B, 2000
A macroscopic theory for the dynamics of elastic, isotropic matter in presence of electromagnetic fields is proposed here. We avail of Gordon's general relativistic derivation of Abraham's electromagnetic energy tensor as starting point. The necessary description of the elastic and of the inertial behaviour of matter is provided through a four dimensional generalisation of Hooke's law, made possible by the introduction of a four dimensional ``displacement'' vector. As intimated by Nordstroem, the physical origin of electrostriction and of magnetostriction is attributed to the change in the constitutive equation of electromagnetism caused by the deformation of matter. The part of the electromagnetic Lagrangian that depends on that deformation is given explicitly for the case of an isotropic medium and the resulting expression of the electrostrictive force is derived, thus showing how more realistic equations of motion for matter subjected to electromagnetic fields can be constructed.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Deformation of solids is discussed based on a recent field theory. Applying the basic physical principle, known as local symmetry, to the elastic force law, this theory derives field equations that govern dynamics of all stages of deformation on the same theoretical basis. The general solutions to the field equations are wave functions. Different stages of deformation are characterized by different restoring mechanisms that generate the wave characteristics. Elastic deformation is characterized by longitudinal restoring force, plastic deformation is characterized by transverse restoring force accompanied by longitudinal energy dissipative force. Fracture is characterized by the final stage of plastic deformation where the solid has lost both restoring and energy dissipative mechanisms. Experimental observations that support these wave dynamics are presented.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020
The aim is to publish research of the highest quality and of lasting significance on the mechanics of solids. The scope is broad, from fundamental concepts in mechanics to the analysis of novel phenomena and applications. Solids are interpreted broadly to include both hard and soft materials as well as natural and synthetic structures. The approach can be theoretical, experimental or computational.This research activity sits within engineering science and the allied areas of applied mathematics, materials science, bio-mechanics, applied physics, and geophysics.
The last expression presupposes that z tends to 0 z , maintaining the direction as z tends to z0. Equation 1
Equations (2) are known as Kolosov-Wirtinger [13] derivatives. Written in the complex form the areolar strain given by Eq. (1) reads
The real part of the areolar strain represents a radial strain while the imaginary part represents either, a circumferential strain or a rotation, see Fig. 2. In this conception, the plane strain is decomposed into two orthogonal complex strain components .
Figure 2
Fundamental modes of the plane strain
, can be converted into its canonic form
is a total differential. Consequentially, the displacement field must comply with the condition of continuity ) (
Separating the real and imaginary parts of this equation, the following compatibility equations are obtained:
For isotropic material,
. Thus the work expression given by Eq. 4
where and are Lame's elastic material constants. The Euler equations for this functional are
where the symbol 2 stands for the Laplacian operator, Lamé's homogeneous equilibrium equations can be cast into the complex form:
Applying Green's formula in the complex form (e.g.
the traction vector on a boundary C results
where points towards the direction of the vector element of arc dz of the closed contour curve C in the counterclockwise direction. Observe that if n is the unit outward vector, normal to the element of arc (14) .with
Ti (15) With this concept, traction became an analytic function. This approach has important reflections in contour mapping applications.
The gain of area, during a plane deformation, is
The symbol det J stands for the determinant of the Jacobean of the mapping
. Figure 1 shows that a finite "Cartesian rotation" has a significant influence into the change of area of a plane elastic body.
Figure 1
Gradient of a plane vector fieldThe second complex term is the complex shear. The total shear is obtained through its modulus. . The components of the areolar strain are orthogonal as the quadratic form contained in the integrand of the work expression
Plane waves in homogeneous infinite media are shortly commented, using the approach of superimposing the fundamental strain modes shown in Fig 2. Addition of the inertial term to Lame's equation, (11)
Compatibility equations (7) can be cast into the following complex form
Substitution of the second term of eqn. (19) into the second term of eqn. (18), gives
If body forces can be disregarded, the equilibrium equation is also a Cauchy-Riemann equation. As the two other fundamental modes and must vibrate together with either mode or , in order to comply with the compatibility equation 6, similar wave equations governs these modes Plane waves, displacing in a direction forming an angle 0 with the X-axis, comply with the condition of zero strain in the direction normal to its path, in order to avoid spreading waves in this direction, hence In a plane wave displacing in the X direction, the in situ strain in the Y direction must not be disturbed in order to avoid wave spreading in this direction. Looking at Fig. 2, we see that the amplitude of vibration of mode must be neutralized by the amplitude of mode
The flux of energy of irrotational (P-waves) is exposed on several books, however the same does not occurs with the equivoluminal (S-waves
The imaginary number is indicating that this is a circumferential strain in the directions of the path s , resulting from the superposition of rotation and shear modes. This strain highlights the mechanism of shear wave propagation. The displacement in the direction of the wave path produced by the circumferential strain is neutralized by the displacement produced by the rotation. On the other hand the strain produced by shear modes in the transverse direction is neutralized by the rotation, avoiding wave propagation in that direction. This superposition can be visualized in fig. 3. (32) In equations (31) and (32) the imaginary number indicates that displacements and velocities are transversal to the wave path. Hence in the shear wave no displacement occurs in the direction of the wave path and the propagation of the wave is due only to the pulsation of the areola in this direction without displacement of its center. The shear at the wave front, according with the imaginary part of Eq. 13 is
where A is a constant to be determined. Now
Let Vy be the velocity of translation of a charge q in the Y direction under an electromagnetic field, then
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Revista Neurociências, 2019