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Journal of Global History, 2018
This article argues that Flowers (flores sanctorum), collections of saints’ lives arranged by the liturgical calendar, were the first genre of devotional literature to have a global reach during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This article begins with the medieval origins of Flowers before analysing their dispersion in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries by the Franciscans and Jesuits. By taking a temporal long view and a transoceanic perspective, the article contributes to the scholarship on early modern evangelization, translation, global networks, and the historiographies of the Franciscans and Jesuits.
ISIJ International, 2022
Artikel om atomvåben i NATO's strategi.
Gamma spectrometry of volcanic tephras from islands of the Aegean (Yiali, Nissyros, Kos, Rhodes, Santorini) analysed and based on U, Th , K40 isotopic contents it was fount that a possible different than Santorini eruption from Yiali took place ~1450 BC.
«allegoria», n. 89, 2024
Il saggio indaga l’uso dell’ironia da parte di Beppe Fenoglio nel racconto "I ventitre giorni della città di Alba". Analizzando figure retoriche quali litote, eufemismo e negazione, si dimostra come queste tecniche conferiscano al testo quel tono ironico ampiamente riconosciuto dalla critica. L’ironia di Fenoglio va oltre l’umorismo, fungendo da mezzo per esprimere una visione complessa e anche critica della Resistenza. La narrativa fenogliana è quindi interpretata come una rappresentazione autentica e problematica della realtà storica, in contrasto con la narrativa partigiana più apologetica. Inoltre, lo studio esamina come il contesto politico e culturale del dopoguerra abbia influenzato la ricezione delle opere di Fenoglio, con recensioni spesso riflettenti l’ideologia dominante del periodo. Attraverso questa analisi, si evidenzia l’importanza dell’ironia come strumento critico e narrativo nella letteratura di Fenoglio, rivelando una dimensione storica e stilistica mossa e articolata.
Author and New York Times Opinion Columnist omas Friedman's chance encounter with a parking lot attendant disrupted his view of the world. It was October 2014 when a parking lot attendant expressed an interest in his column. "I know who you are, " said the elderly gentleman with a foreign accent and a warm smile. "Great, " I [Friedman] hurriedly responded. "I read your column, " he said. "Great, " I responded, itching to be on my way home. "I don't always agree, " he said. "Great, " I responded. "It means you always have to check. " 1 A week later Friedman parked in the same garage and encountered the attendant again. is time the attendant confessed he was also a writer and asked if Mr. Friedman would read his blog. Friedman agreed and as he drove away, he thought, "Holy mackerel! e parking guy is now my competitor! e parking guy has his own blog! He's a columnist, too! What's going on here?" 2 Friedman read the man's blog; it focused on political and economic issues in his home country of Ethiopia. As an educated man, 1
Rapid, reliable and accurate diagnostic methods provide essential support to programmes that monitor and control foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). While pan-specific molecular tests for FMD virus (FMDV) detection are well established and widely used in endemic and FMD-free countries, current serotyping methods mainly rely either on antigen detection ELISAs or nucleotide sequencing approaches. This report describes the development of a panel of serotype-specific real-time RT-PCR assays (rRT-PCR) tailored to detect FMDV lineages currently circulating in East Africa. These assays target sequences within the VP1-coding region that share high intra-lineage identity, but do not cross-react with FMD viruses from other serotypes that circulate in the region. These serotype-specific assays operate with the same thermal profile as the pan-diagnostic tests making it possible to run them in parallel to produce C T values comparable to the pan-diagnostic test detecting the 3D-coding region. These assays were evaluated alongside the established pan-specific molecular test using field samples and virus isolates collected from Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia that had been previously characterised by nucleotide sequencing. Samples (n = 71) representing serotype A (topotype AFRICA, lineage G-I), serotype O (topotypes EA-2 and EA-4), serotype SAT 1 (topotype I (NWZ)) and serotype SAT2 (topotype IV) were correctly identified with these rRT-PCR assays. Furthermore, FMDV RNA from samples that did not contain infectious virus could still be serotyped using these assays. These serotype-specific real-time RT-PCR assays can detect and characterise FMDVs currently circulating in East Africa and hence improve disease control in this region.
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American Political Science Association , 2024
Abordajes novedosos para el estudio de los movimientos estudiantiles latinoamericanos de los siglos XX y XXI, 2024
Water Science, 2017
en J. Martínez y A. Guzmán (edd.), Animo Decipiendi. Rethinking Fakes and Authorship in Classical, Late Antique & Early Christian Works, Barkhuis Groningen 2018, 29-42, 2018
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 2000
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2009
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2014
Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 2012
Pediatric Pulmonology, 2007
Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 2006
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 1995
Journal of contemporary Asia, 2024
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Asia, 2011
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016