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Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 2012
A minha tese é de 2002, mas aborda um estudo que fiz sobre os problemas de escrita que apresentam os estudantes do ensino superior politécnico.
Espace, Les Scientifines, Vers le Pacifique et VIRAJ -elle identifie les facteurs qui ont favorisé leur adoption ou qui, au contraire, ont pu entraver celle-ci ; ces facteurs peuvent tenir tant du contenu ou de la forme du programme que des conditions présentes dans le milieu scolaire. Ann Cameron présente enfin les résultats du projet réalisé par le Centre Muriel McQueen Fergusson, qui a évalué des forums d'intervention réalisés dans des communautés rurales des provinces de l'Atlantique; l'école a ici aussi constitué une base pour mobiliser la communauté et les jeunes. Ces forums d'une journée, visant à sensibiliser les adolescentes et les adolescents sur la question de la violence, ont permis une comparaison entre l'intervention en groupes mixtes et en groupes non-mixtes.
The international journal of life cycle assessment, 2024
Purpose The objective of this study is to assess the potential social risks and benefits of EV Li-ion batteries by combining the S-LCA framework with gender aspects throughout all the life cycle phases of the battery. Methods The social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) methodology has been applied to determine social concerns about a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery pack design for electric vehicles (EVs) from cradle to grave. A questionnaire based on UNEP S-LCA guidelines and literature case studies of S-LCA on batteries and the energy industry has been prepared for each of the stakeholder categories and distributed among experts in the Li-ion battery sector (more than 21 industrial and academic experts representing the whole battery value chain). Furthermore, the social assessment also includes updated gender aspects to provide wider and more comprehensive social impacts to ensure a gender-neutral approach. Results and discussion The Li-ion battery presents a positive social impact in all the stakeholder categories evaluated, where the worker category has the best social performance driven by the highest score (scores range from 0 to 1, where 0 is the worst social performance and 1 is the best) in 13 indicators out of 23. Furthermore, local community, consumers, and society categories have a good social performance attributed to the absence of involuntary resettlement of individuals, the possibility of the product being reused for other purposes and technology accessible and affordable to developing countries, among others. Four out of seven indicators to evaluate the gender aspects and impacts have the highest score, demonstrating a commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment. The end-of-life phase presents a positive social performance with a score of 0.77 out of 1 attributed to the presence of infrastructure to dispose of product components other than landfill and incineration responsibly, the possibility of the product to be reused for other purposes and clear information provided to consumers on end-of-life options, among others. Conclusions The study presents generally good social impact and gender neutrality on the battery pack design. It gives an insight into the actual status of Li-ion battery social and gender impacts, and the results can be useful to policymakers to design and implement strategies for the welfare of various stakeholders.
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015
This study aims at focusing on the psychological dimension of the social interaction and its role in learning new language and active social experience. The study attempts to study the relationship between the individual and his environment to show how this environment plays a direct factor in learning new experience which helps in forming his identity and language acquisition. The results of such interaction between the individual and his environment are proved to be a reflection of his values, traditions and attitudes. The study proves that there is a direct role of the social interaction in having a successful social interaction by adjusting the earlier negative behavior to a more positive attitudes
London Review of Education, 2018
Esta cartilla es el producto de la reflexión sobre las condiciones de vida en Quito, las que nos afectan a todos, a quienes vivimos en el norte, en el centro, en el sur, o en los valles de nuestra ciudad, a los que tienen auto o van a pie, en bus o en bicicleta. Es un estudio proveniente de organizaciones y ciudadanos que estamos pensando la ciudad que queremos, más humana y respetuosa.Introducción 7; ¿Es el espacio publico cada vez mas privado 11; La importancia del espacio público 13; A recuperar nuestros espacios 17; Principales conflictos sobre espacio público 20; La policía, los medios y sus conceptos de espacio público 33; Las ordenanzas como limitación al espacio público 36; Defensa institucional del espacio público 49; ¿Cómo Realizar tu Denuncia 52; Organización social para defender el espacio público 54; Cesión y conflictos sobre espacios públicos. (algunos ejemplos) 60; Anexos: Percepciones Ciudadanas 65; Directorio de las Autoridades Municipales 73; Bibliografía 7
This work presents the design, qualification and flight service evaluation of an embedded Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) based, Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) for the Israeli Air Force Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).A total of 54 FBG sensors were embedded on the wing and tail booms, enabling accurate tracking of both the vibrations signature and the actual loading conditions of these components. Reliable flight data, obtained during flight tests and normal UAV operational missions were recorded and analyzed both in the frequency and time domains so that normal structural behavior could be identified and tracked. Based on the data obtained, it is now possible to track the actual loads spectra of both the booms and wing during each flight, with emphasis on the landing impact vibration signatures. The sensing system has already gained over 1000 flight hours, including more than 300 logging hours.It is the purpose of this system to early detec...
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Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 2014
American Scientist, 2014
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)), 2012
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015
Pediatric Research, 1988
Asia Policy, 2010
Bioactive Materials, 2021
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2003