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Change causes a person to do things out of the norm. It is common for people to fear change. Most people although afraid will accept the changes and adapt to it. Others will control that change unwilling to adhere to the new and unfamiliar way of things. Many are stuck in the past, in the traditions that guide their lives. Emily Grierson is a product of the Old South, rich in traditions and set in her ways. The New south means change; traditions are lost and replaced with new customs. Even though afraid of change Emily will control the changes in her life, the loss of her father, the respect of the town, and even the reality of her own life in "A Rose for Emily" by Faulkner.
In any work of imaginative literature, binary oppositions, the specifics of time and the characterization of the protagonist play some role, no matter how small and insignificant. Reading Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily" in light of the conflicts of the old and the new, the tradition and the traditionless, the chronology of time and its effect on the reader, and the characterization of the female protagonist was indicative of the influence of cultural elements in analyzing the story. While Faulkner was doubtless a major artist in terms of depicting the life of Southerners of the time and changes in the norms and codes of their lifestyle, the reader and the cautious critic also will have a distinct, and often contradictory, interpretation of a given text from the point of view and theoretical perspective that he/she adopts.
Sigurnost, 2020
SAŽETAK: Rad prikazuje analizu modela procesa upravljanja zaštitom na radu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Model procesa proizlazi iz nacionalnih zakonskih odredaba kojima se uređuje ovo područje. U prvom dijelu rada težište se daje na teoretske postavke upravljanja procesima, procesnog pristupa i zaštite na radu. Razumijevanje teoretskih postavki neophodno je zbog provedbe sustavne analize modela procesa upravljanja zaštitom na radu. U drugom dijelu rada prikazuje se analiza modela procesa upravljanja zaštitom na radu. Pri tome se analiziraju ključne dužnosti i obveze sudionika procesa upravljanja zaštitom na radu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Na temelju provedene analize u raspravi i zaključku navode se mogućnosti za poboljšanje upravljanja procesom zaštite na radu u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Terdapat 3 bagian dari pengambilan keputusan konsumen diantaranya : Cognitive (kognitif), Habitual (kebiasaan), Affective (afektif). Cognitive (kognitif) Keputusan pembelian kognitif adalah keputusan pembelian dari suatu produk yang sudah melewati tahapan pemilihan konsumen. Sederhananya suatu produk yang dipilih adalah produk yang sudah dibandingkan dengan produk lain sehingga menghasilkan satu pilihan. Dalam keputusan pembelian kognitif ada beberapa Langkah-langkah dalam pengambilan keputusan konsumen, yaitu :
E-business becomes the scope of this research, specifically related to online consumer behavior. The main theories underlying this research are consumer behavioral theory (Kotler and Armstrong, 1999) and consumer journey decision theory (Consumer Decission Journey) (McKinsey, 2009). The study aims to examine social and cultural contributions to online consumer behavior, and online consumer decision making has not been widely practiced. The novelty of this research is (1) socio-culture becomes moderation variable meaning as variable of consumer behavior control especially consumer online, in the way of consumer decision online (Consumer Decission Journey). This research is a survey research where the type of data used is primary and secondary data with the population is the leadership / marketing manager of UMKM business such as batik, handicraft and traditional food in Central Java province. Data collection instrument in the form of questionnaire (questionnaire) either with open question or closed. Data analysis methods used include 1) instrument test, namely validity test and reliability test, 2) model analysis with SEM-PLS. This study resulted in the finding that socio-culture has no significant effect as a moderating variable in consumer behavior in the online purchasing decision process. The results of this study do not support the consumer behavior theory of Kotler and Armstrong (1999) and consumer journey decision theory (Consumer Decission Journey) (McKinsey, 2009)
The current global environmental law and governance regime has been designed primarily to attend to the worsening ecological crisis. Evidence, however, suggests that the regime is far from achieving its goal and it is failing in its efforts to solve what people perceive to be pervasive global environmental problems. There is little doubt that this regime is in need of urgent reforms and/ or re-situation in a decidedly different paradigm. This article proposes that global constitutionalism, while no panacea, could contribute to these paradigm-shifting reforms by providing a new perspective through which to view the current deficient global environmental law and governance regime and, in real terms, ameliorating some of the deficiencies of the regime through a normative process of constitutionalization.
Episteme. Beiträge zu einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte 25, 2022
Open Access:
Modelo de evaluación estandarizada de competencias en programas de educación superior masivos.
Paper presented at the 2021 Historical Materialism Conference
MusMat Series vol. I, MusMat Research Group, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 30-68, 2024
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