A Model of Spatial Reference Frames in Language

2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

We provide a systematic model of spatial reference frames. The model captures concepts underlying natural language expressions in English that represent both external and internal as well as static and dynamic relationships between entities. Our implementation in the functional language Haskell generates valid English sentences from situations and reference frames. Spatial reference frames are represented by the spatial roles of locatum, relatum, and, optionally, vantage, together with a directional system. Locatum, relatum, and vantage can be filled by entities taking on the discourse roles of speaker, addressee, and participant (grammatically expressed by first, second, and third person). Each of these roles may remain unspecified in a linguistic description.

A model of spatial reference frames in language Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn University of Bremen | University of Münster, Germany | Abstract. We provide a systematic model of spatial reference frames. The model captures concepts underlying natural language expressions in English that represent both external and internal as well as static and dynamic relationships between entities. Our implementation in the functional language Haskell generates valid English sentences from situations and reference frames. Spatial reference frames are represented by the spatial roles of locatum, relatum, and, optionally, vantage, together with a directional system. Locatum, relatum, and vantage can be filled by entities taking on the discourse roles of speaker, addressee, and participant (grammatically expressed by first, second, and third person). Each of these roles may remain unspecified in a linguistic description. Keywords: reference frames, spatial relations, motion, conceptual modeling, natural language. 1 Introduction Spatial descriptions represent a major challenge for natural language interpretation as well as conceptual models. The literature provides a vast range of approaches focusing on diverse aspects and pursuing a variety of aims. For example, RetzSchmidt (1988) presents a useful account of diverse reference frames, clarifies a number of confusions and ambiguities, and provides an outline of a dialogue system utilizing the introduced distinctions. Herrmann (1990) as well as Levinson (1996) both suggest (fairly equivalent) schematic approaches capturing the most frequent types of spatial reference frames in a more systematic way than hitherto available. Both Levelt (1996) and Frank (1998) emphasize the role of perspective choice and mental rotation in their accounts. Frank (1998) in particular proposes a formalization with respect to the mental operations required to assign spatial regions to objects from various perspectives. Talmy (2000) embeds a thorough discussion of the diversity of conceptual reference frames within his comprehensive cognitive grammar theory, capturing a much wider range of spatial (and other conceptually crucial) terms than most other approaches. This list could be extended considerably. Altogether, this intricate work has provided deep insights into humans' understanding of their spatial surroundings, which as such has been shown to be at the center of human cognition in many crucial respects (e.g., Miller & Johnson-Laird, 1976; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). 2 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn The present paper adds to this body of literature by introducing a systematic conceptual model that represents conceptual reference frames underlying English language usage by employing simple spatial relationships between entities consistently. The framework directly builds on Levinson's (1996) approach but extends it in various respects. It represents absolute reference frames consistently with intrinsic and relative frames, and it integrates the systematic difference language makes between topologically internal and external relationships. Crucially, the framework is capable of modeling dynamic spatial concepts in just the same way as the static reference frames usually focused on in most accounts. The model achieves this by separating roles (such as a vantage providing a perspective) from properties and affordances (such as having an intrinsic orientation). Furthermore, it distinguishes spatial and discourse roles and abstracts these from concrete linguistic expressions. This allows for the integration of those crucial distinctions and conceptions that have been identified in the earlier literature by various authors as just cited, and many others, in multiple ways. We thus propose a uniform and simple model that is flexible enough to account for a wide range of interrelated concepts. 2 Spatial reference frames 2.1 Basic framework Levinson (1996) proposed a systematic framework that distinguishes between three basic spatial reference frames called absolute, relative, and intrinsic. This framework is now widely adopted by researchers for the interpretation of a particular kind of spatial descriptions, namely those that involve the high degree of conceptual complexity that is represented by these frames. Our model captures these three basic reference frames via a uniform set of obligatory spatial roles, namely locatum, relatum, and directional system. Additionally, there is the optional role of vantage, providing a perspective. Figure 1 introduces these basic roles in the form of symbols that will be used throughout this paper to represent roles within a situation. The conceptual reference frame that underlies a spatial description is defined by the relations between these roles. It assigns concrete entities from the situational context to the roles of locatum and relatum (and possibly vantage), as well as a set of linguistic terms to the directional system. For the latter, we will here be concerned with two options only, namely the so-called projective terms (front, back, right, left), and compass terms (north, west, south, east). Both of these sets partition a spatial plane using four different directions, which our symbols represent as an abstract cross. Introducing abstract roles supports the identification of (and differentiation between) implicit and explicit conceptual participants of a linguistic description. This enables a consistent identification of reference frames underlying spatial descriptions. In the case of a fully specified (explicit) description this results in a direct association between the description and one specific type of reference frame. However, natural discourse often leaves conceptual participants implicit, resulting in an underspecified A model of spatial reference frames in language 3 spatial description. In this case, our model allows for the identification of the range of reference frames that are compatible with a description. The spatial roles of locatum, relatum, and vantage are filled by entities (which can be objects, people, or places). These spatial role fillers can also fill discourse roles, namely those of speaker, addressee, and participant. These three distinct discourse roles correspond grammatically to first person (speaker: "I"), second person (addressee: "you"), and third person (an entity other than speaker or addressee: "he, she, it") (Herrmann, 1990). This three-fold distinction has systematic repercussions on the linguistic expression of the underlying reference frames, as will be shown below. Fig. 1. Depictions for spatial roles as basic elements in our model. The circle represents the relatum, the square the locatum, the cross the directional system, the arrow the perspective, and the triangle another entity within a scene (filling the role of vantage, for example). The three roles represented on the left are obligatory for intrinsic, relative, and absolute reference frames, while the two on the right are optional. Apart from the basic differentiation between absolute, relative, and intrinsic reference frames, which will be discussed in Sections 2.2 through 2.4, further options emerge. While the standard situation in Levinson's approach is that objects are spatially separate (external reference frames, see below), they may also be located inside of one another (internal reference frames, Section 2.5). Further linguistic and conceptual options arise from various motion concepts (Section 2.6). In the static case (without the involvement of motion), the role of locatum is filled by the entity that is currently being described (which may itself, as a shorthand, be referred to as locatum); and the role of relatum is filled by another entity in relation to which the locatum is being described. In intrinsic and relative reference frames, another entity may provide the basis for determining the perspective by filling the (optional) spatial role of vantage. Alternatively, a perspective may be conveyed by motion. In each case, the perspective provides a vector that determines the assignment of projective terms (e.g., which side should be referred to as left) within the directional system, independently of whether the (actual or potential) vantage of a person is involved. The entities filling the roles of locatum, relatum, and vantage need not be individual objects or persons. Tenbrink & Moratz (2003), for instance, discuss the role of a group of similar objects filling the role of relatum in a static external relative reference frame. This specific case exemplifies the increasing complexity, which would be multiplied if other roles and reference frames were affected in this way. We therefore restrict our current discussion to individual entities. Furthermore, our model assumes the simplest spatial extension possible for the spatial roles, namely point-like except where some extension is needed. For example, in an internal reference frame (Section 2.5), the relatum needs to be extended in order to contain the locatum. In practice, of course, the entities filling the spatial roles are never point-like. This, 4 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn again, leads to further complexities in the assignment of reference frames, as shown, for instance, by Herskovits (1986) and Eshuis (2003). The exact position of the locatum relative to the relatum (for instance, whether an object is conceived of as being directly or rather diagonally in front of another, or how close it is) depends on a variety of factors including the (functional) relationships between objects (e.g., Coventry & Garrod, 2004; Carlson-Radvansky et al., 1999), their size (Talmy, 2000), and the situational context (Bateman et al., 2007). This is true for all types of reference frames. In the following, representations will reflect prototypical or "ideal" spatial relationships (Herskovits, 1986): front and north are associated with 0° relative to the relatum, right and east with 90°, back and south with 180°, and left and west with 270°. In actual discourse, this is almost never precisely true, but this association provides a suitable abstraction of the relevant qualitative distinctions. More precise spatial distinctions have been modelled, for instance, by Freksa (1992), Regier and Carlson (2001), Moratz and Tenbrink (2006), and Moratz and Ragni (2008), focusing on different psychological, formal, or discourse-related aspects. Concerning the distance of objects to each other, it can be observed that the use of projective terms typically implies a direct (uninterrupted) adjacency relationship between locatum and relatum (Talmy, 2000; Pribbenow, 1991). For example, if object A is described as left of object B, there is no further object between A and B. In contrast, this is not the case for spatial descriptions using compass directions. Apart from this qualitative effect of proximity with projective terms, there are no further constraints on spatial distance. Having clarified the general properties of our framework, we will now introduce the specific cases, starting with Levinson's three basic reference frames: intrinsic, relative, and absolute. All of these represent static external situations. a. b. c. Fig. 2. Basic reference frames, represented schematically. a: Intrinsic case. b: Relative case (in which the perspective is provided by the vantage, depicted by a triangle). c: Absolute case. 2.2 Static external intrinsic reference frames In the (static) intrinsic case, the relative position of the locatum with respect to the relatum is described by referring to the relatum's intrinsic properties such as front or back. Therefore, one can say: (1) There is a box in front of me. This example represents a case in which the relatum is the speaker and the locatum is an entity other than speaker or addressee (a box). The perspective is supplied by the speaker's front or view direction, i.e., the speaker provides the vantage. In Figure 2a, A model of spatial reference frames in language 5 this idea is represented by the arrow coinciding with the relatum, with the directional system imposed on both. The front direction is thus provided by the speaker's view direction, the right direction by the speaker's right, and so forth, yielding the order front-right-back-left in clockwise direction. Any entity with the potential to provide a direction may serve as relatum in an intrinsic reference frame, including objects with functional parts (chairs or cars) and the like (Herrmann, 1990).1 The other options for filling the roles are as follows. (2) There is a box in front of you. (3) There is a box in front of the chair. (4) I am in front of you. (5) You are in front of me. Together these examples illustrate the three distinct cases of relatum (first person: (1); second person: (2); third person: (3)); as well as the three distinct cases of locatum (first person: (4); second person: (5); third person: (1)). Since the relatum coincides with the vantage, there are no additional options for filling this role within an intrinsic reference frame. 2.3 Static external relative reference frames Unlike the intrinsic case, the relative case is based on a different entity (other than the relatum) providing a perspective. In (6) the relatum (the ball) does not possess an intrinsic front. To interpret such an utterance, the underlying perspective needs to be identified, based on the speaker's or the addressee's vantage, or on a different entity that provides a basis for a view direction (see Figure 2b). The perspective allows for the assignment of a directional system to the relatum, i.e., determines where the front, left, back, and right sides of the relatum will be. (6) There is a box to the right of the ball (from my vantage (point)2). The other options for filling the roles of relatum, locatum, and vantage can be spelled out as follows. While (6) shows first person as vantage, (7) exemplifies second person, and (8) third person, respectively. (9) provides the case of first person as locatum, (10) gives second person as locatum, and (6) third person as locatum. The 1 Not all objects provide all directions (front, back, right, and left), even if they are asymmetric, such as pencils whose tip may provide a "front" to some speakers. Furthermore, Tyler & Evans (2003) point out that even entities which have no inherent orientation at all can sometimes be used for reference of this kind (i.e., without an external observer), as in Sarah stood in front of the tree. Quite exceptionally, the front side of the locatum (rather than the relatum) is used here to determine the direction. Tyler and Evans trace this phenomenon back to what Clark (1973) called the "canonical encounter", i.e., a face-to-face interaction transferred, in this case, to the tree. This seems likely since the effect only appears with the front direction; the locatum's back, left, and right sides cannot be used in this way. 2 In our model, "vantage" is the technical term for a particular spatial role. In natural language, speakers would be more likely to refer to it as "vantage point" or "point of view", if they chose to specify it at all, which is only rarely the case (Herrmann & Grabowski, 1994). 6 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn relatum is represented by the first person in (11), second person in (12), and third person in (6), respectively. (7) There is a box to the right of the ball (from your vantage). (8) There is a box to the right of the ball (from the chair's vantage). (9) I am to the right of the ball (from your vantage). (10) You are to the right of the ball (from my vantage). (11) There is a box to my right (from your vantage). (12) There is a box to your right (from my vantage). As these examples demonstrate, not all conceivable ways of filling the roles are equally likely to occur in natural discourse. Example (6) is natural, since the speaker of this description uses their own vantage, which is a normal thing to do. Using the addressee's vantage, as in (7), is also natural; which of these two options is chosen depends on various discourse factors such as the relationship between the people involved (Herrmann & Grabowski, 1994; Schober, 1993). In contrast, describing a scene from another entity's vantage as in (8) may need a particular reason for doing so. Moreover, it is untypical for a speaker to describe their own position from the addressee's vantage as in (9), or vice versa as in (10), or to describe the location of an object in relation to one's own body from the addressee's vantage as in (11), or vice versa as in (12). However, discourse situations exist in which these kinds of descriptions become relevant and might be used, since they belong to the general repertory available to speakers. In the following, we will restrict our account to a subset of possible cases out of the general system in which the roles of locatum, relatum, and vantage can theoretically be filled by all three options of speaker, addressee, or participant. There is one further complication worth mentioning. With the front-back axis used in example (13) below, relative reference frames are somewhat ambiguous. As Hill (1982) demonstrates, two conceptual alternatives are conceivable (see Figure 3). In English, the relation in front of usually expresses that the locatum is closer to the vantage than the relatum, yielding the order front-left-back-right in clockwise direction – notably, the inverse of the order reported above for intrinsic reference frames. However, the opposite may also be the case. In other languages such as Hausa, the opposite is the preferred interpretation (Hill, 1982). Then the locatum is further away from the vantage than the relatum, and the same order (front-right-backleft) is maintained as with intrinsic reference frames. In the following we will assume inverse ordering of directions for relative reference frames as a default, which is generally accepted as the more typical interpretation in English, leaving the alternatives implicit. (13) There is a box in front of the ball (from my vantage). A model of spatial reference frames in language 7 Fig. 3. Two possible interpretations of the front-back axis in a relative reference frame: With in front of, the locatum (box) may be (a) closer to or (b) more distant from the vantage than the relatum. 2.4 Static external absolute reference frames In the absolute case, ubiquitous orientation systems provide a culturally shared basis for determining the directional system (Levinson, 1996). These include compass directions (north, east, south, west, established in clockwise order as shown on maps) as well as, in other languages, environmental features (uphill, downhill, upriver, downriver, which may be less stably established). For example, if the north direction is towards the top of the page, the following is consistent with the depiction in Figure 2c: (14) There is a box east of the ball. Since absolute reference frames presuppose a directional system that is already present within the discourse context via its anchoring in the culture, no further perspective is needed to establish an assignment of directions. 2.5 Internal relationships Levinson's framework is geared toward (and typically applied to) external relationships, i.e., relations between objects that are spatially separate, as in the examples given so far. Does it equally account for cases in which the locatum is positioned inside of the relatum, yielding an internal relationship? Language sometimes distinguishes between these two topological cases grammatically (Miller & Johnson-Laird, 1976; Talmy, 2000), as seen from the distinction between the external example (15) and the internal relationship expressed in (16): (15) The box is in front of the car. (16) The box is in the front of the car. In internal relationships, the relatum is conceptually divided into parts that are described by projective terms, sometimes explicitly so by referring to sides (such as "on the left/right side", Carroll, 1993:30). As with external relationships, the directional system underlying such a description can be assigned in different ways. In 8 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn (16), represented by Figure 4a, the directional system is based on the relatum's intrinsic parts (or perspective); this yields a clear internal intrinsic case in which the relatum encompasses the locatum. Again, as with external intrinsic reference frames, directions are assigned as front-right-back-left in clockwise order. Internal relative cases are based on an observer's vantage. For instance, if the relatum room in example (17) has no intrinsic parts of its own (e.g., a room with several doors), a perspective may be derived from the speaker looking into the room, imposing a directional system on the room. If Figure 4b is taken to represent example (17), the relatum corresponds to the room and the locatum to the box. The exact position of the vantage is not reflected linguistically in internal relative reference frames; it may be located inside or outside the relatum (or at the borderline, standing in the door, for example). Since intrinsic sides are typically ascribed to objects by the way humans interact with them (Herrmann, 1990), internal relative reference frames may sometimes not be distinguishable from internal intrinsic ones. (17) The box is in the back of the room. The interpretation in terms of a relative internal reference frame entails the assignment of regions in the same way as with external relative frames, namely frontleft-back-right in clockwise order (where front corresponds to the region closest to the vantage). Furthermore, regions may also be partitioned into internal (relative) sections by adopting a global perspective (Carroll, 1993). The observed region can be a specific assembly of objects that are perceived as belonging together or being relevant for the discourse situation (Gorniak & Roy, 2004), or any other kind of region that is within the limits of perception. For example, in German it is possible to say: (18) Dort hinten steht eine Kiste. [lit., "There in the back stands a box."] Here, the visual field is partitioned into regions in relation to the position of the speaker. Then, the area close to the observer is referred to as vorne (front), and the area more distant from the speaker within the visual field is referred to as hinten (back) (see Tenbrink, 2007, for discussion of syntactical patterns). Paralleling example (17), example (18) also corresponds to the situation in Figure 4b if the circle (relatum) represents the speaker's visual field, the square represents the box, and the view direction (the arrow) is derived from the speaker. Finally, the internal absolute case is straightforward, as it employs a ubiquitous directional system, both within and outside of any relatum. In example (19), the town is the locatum (represented by the square in Figure 4c) and the country is the relatum (represented as the big circle). (19) The town is in the east of the country. A model of spatial reference frames in language a. b. 9 c. Fig. 4. Internal relationships: the relatum (represented by the big circle) is large enough to contain the smaller locatum (the square). a: Intrinsic case. b: Relative case, with the entity providing a perspective (i.e., vantage) positioned either inside or outside of the relatum. c: Absolute case. 2.6 Motion So far, the discussion has focused on static relationships between objects, which have been described as conceptually primary (Svorou, 1994:22). When the entities in question are in motion, several distinct effects emerge. Motion can be expressed by a range of spatial terms, some of which are semantically dynamic, while others resemble static expressions (Miller & Johnson-Laird, 1976); for instance, projective terms may be used dynamically just as well as statically (Retz-Schmidt, 1988:102). Motion can provide an independent perspective (Svorou, 1994; Fillmore, 1997), and motion descriptions can reflect the same three types of reference frames as static descriptions (Levinson, 2003:96f.). However, depending on which object (or role in the present framework) is affected by the motion event there may be quite different effects. For example, an object may undergo change with respect to its own former position or extension (Brugman & Lakoff, 1988). To our knowledge, these observations have not been integrated comprehensively in any framework, nor have the effects of motion on reference frames been explored in much detail. We propose that the introduction of motion allows for the roles of locatum and relatum to be filled by different entities at different times, resulting in a system of reference frame options that is far more complex than the static situation reveals, yet utilizes the same underlying conceptual patterns. The following account first addresses motion as perspective; then the various effects of motion on the roles of relatum and locatum will be spelled out. 2.6.1 Motion (or Sequence) as Perspective Directed movement may in some cases provide a perspective for intrinsic and relative reference frames. Then the directional system is imposed on the relatum not on the basis of perception (a view direction), but on the basis of the direction of movement. In such cases the roles of relatum and locatum can be specified in the same manner as with static situations, since the movement does not affect their relative position (see also Talmy, 2000). Example (20) represents an (external) intrinsic case that is schematically illustrated by Figure 5a below. Here the relatum (ball) and the locatum 10 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn (mouse) remain in a stable spatial relationship to each other, without requiring an additional vantage, as the described movement provides a basis for the directional system, i.e., the interpretation of "in front of". (20) The mouse is running in front of a ball rolling down the hill. (21) The wheel is rolling towards the box placed to the right of the ball. Example (21) represents a relative case, shown in Figure 5b below. It involves two spatial concepts: a movement (of the wheel) towards the box, and the location of the box (locatum) to the right of the ball (relatum). The movement description of the first spatial concept provides the basis for assigning a directional system for the second spatial concept. In other words, the direction of movement within the scene fills the role of perspective in the description of a static spatial relationship. Another possibility for a relative reference frame is that the direction of movement encompasses both relatum and locatum (Figure 5c)3. In example (22) both the relatum (ball) and the locatum (box) are floating at the same speed, and therefore remain in a stable relationship to each other. As before, the direction of movement within the scene fills the role of perspective in the description of a static spatial relationship. Similarly, concepts of sequence (with or without movement) may provide a (functional) direction; example (23) appears to be valid no matter how Peter and Mary are currently oriented, and thus conceptually equivalent to example (22). a. (22) The box is floating in the river, in front of the ball. (23) Peter is in front of Mary in the queue. b. c. Fig. 5. Movement inducing a perspective for intrinsic and relative reference frames. The direction of movement is indicated by a thin arrow. a: Intrinsic case; the locatum is in front of the relatum, which is currently moving and therefore capable of providing a perspective. b: Relative case with external movement; the right side of the relatum is assigned by the "perspective" of another moving entity in motion. c: Relative case with surrounding movement (or sequence). 2.6.2 Motion from anywhere to locatum: All reference frames Spatial terms sometimes refer to the destination point (or region) of a motion trajectory, as in the following examples: 3 This is one way of interpreting this specific movement case. See Tenbrink (2011) for a different interpretation within a slightly modified model. A model of spatial reference frames in language (24) The box should be placed in front of me. (25) Put the box to the right of the ball. (26) Put the box to the east of the ball. (27) Place the box in the front of the car. (28) Place the box in the back of the room. (29) Place the box in the east area of the town. 11 Similar to example (21), all of these descriptions involve two spatial concepts. Here, the first concept a) concerns a movement of the box, starting from an unknown position, and the second b) concerns the definition of the future position of the box relative to a relatum. In such cases, the entity in focus (the box) no longer continually represents the locatum; the reference frame underlying spatial concept b) only holds at time t1 after completing the movement trajectory of a), but not at time t0 before or while the motion occurs. At time t1, reference frames are established that are equivalent to the static reference frames described above; the difference is due to the nature of the verb (dynamic rather than static). All three kinds of basic reference frames can be used in this way, both externally and internally. After completing the movement, example (24) can be interpreted in terms of a dynamic external intrinsic reference frame, with the new location of the box representing the role of locatum as defined by its relation to the relatum (the speaker). (25) depends on an external perspective (which the context will provide), yielding a dynamic external relative reference frame. The dynamic case of an absolute reference frame is shown in (26). (27) and (28) are examples for intrinsic and relative dynamic internal reference frames, and (29) gives the dynamic internal absolute case. All of these cases are straightforwardly represented by the schemata depicted in Figures 2 and 4, showing in this case the end position of the movement at time t1. The start position of the moving object and the trajectory of movement are irrelevant in each of these cases, since the relatum and perspective (if any) are defined independently of the motion event, and the locatum is defined only by the end point of the trajectory. 2.6.3 Motion from vantage to locatum in a dynamic relative reference frame Example (30) is similar to the examples just discussed in that, again, two spatial concepts are involved: a) a movement (by the speaker to the box), and b) the definition of the position of the box as being to the right of the ball in a relative reference frame (as in example (25)). However, in this example, the speaker is also a likely vantage4 for the perspective used in b), given at time t0, prior to the motion event described in a). Then the motion event a) starts from the vantage position at time t0. The two other objects remain unaffected by the motion in a) and can thus straightforwardly (and without considerations of time) be described as relatum (ball) and locatum (box). This situation is represented in Figure 6, which shows how the entity providing a perspective at time t0 moves towards the position of the locatum. 4 Alternatively, the direction of movement itself may provide the perspective as in example (22) above. 12 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn (30) Fig. 6. I will go to the box to the right of the ball. Dynamic relative reference frame: Movement from vantage to locatum. Now consider the following, describing basically the same situation except that the locatum is a place (the Aristotelian notion of a location with the potential to be occupied by an object) rather than an object: (31) I'm going to a place to the right of the ball. (32) I'm going to the right of the ball. Again, the perspective can only be defined from an external position, for example the speaker's position at time t0, prior to movement, yielding a dynamic relative reference frame. The end point of the trajectory – the place to the right of the ball – at time t1 corresponds to the role of locatum, as in example (25) above. In example (31) this place is linguistically represented explicitly, but the implicit case in (32) appears to be pragmatically equivalent and perhaps more natural. Again, the trajectory of the entity that provides the perspective leads from the position of vantage to that of the locatum as depicted in Figure 6. Note that the moving entity may change its orientation during the movement without changing the definition of the goal location (locatum); the perspective relies on the position of the oriented entity at the time of the description (t0). 2.6.4 Motion from relatum and vantage to locatum in an external intrinsic reference frame So far, all examples contained an explicit relatum, rendering the underlying spatial relationship unambiguous (except for underspecification of perspective). However, neither in static nor in dynamic spatial descriptions does this have to be the case. In the examples of static relationships described in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, the relatum could unproblematically remain implicit as in example (33) below, without changing the intended reference frame. But how can the dynamic examples (34) and (35) be interpreted in the present model of reference frames? (33) There is a box on the right. (34) I'm going to the right. (35) I'm going right. Conceivably, the spatial relation underlying a description like (34) is the same as in example (32), using the dynamic version of a relative reference frame, and omitting A model of spatial reference frames in language 13 the relatum (ball). A more likely explanation, however, may be that no additional relatum is intended at all, and the utterance merely expresses a case of self-movement towards a right direction – equivalent to example (35) which can only be interpreted in this sense. This can be modelled as the dynamic version of an external intrinsic reference frame: the relatum is reflexive (cf. Brugman & Lakoff, 1988) and corresponds to the vantage, i.e., the speaker's position at time t0, providing the direction of movement. This idea can be best illustrated by starting with the front direction as illustrated in Figure 7 (a and b). The schema in Figure 7a shows the static intrinsic case; the locatum (square) is described with respect to the relatum (circle) which also provides the perspective (big arrow). A corresponding description is example (1) above, repeated here for convenience: (36) There is a box in front of me. This is directly mirrored by (37) and – if the end position of the movement is not defined by an object but simply a place – also by (38) (schematically depicted by Figure 7b). Again, these two utterances involve two spatial descriptions each: the goal of the speaker's movement is specified by a noun ("the box" in (37); "a position" in (38)), and the location of these goals is then defined by a static spatial description ("in front of me"). However, essentially the same spatial situation as in (38) can in English be addressed in a shorter form, namely by (39) using an expression that is semantically dynamic (also called directional, cf. Winterboer et al., in press), leaving the end point of the trajectory implicit. Figure 7c shows the situation for a movement towards the right with respect to the start position of the mover, as in examples (34) and (35) above. (37) I'm going to the box in front of me. (38) I'm going to a position in front of me. (39) I'm going forward. Movement from the vantage and relatum as described so far may or may not involve a re-orientation of the moving entity. Example (40), in contrast, gives an explicit description of a re-orientation; this is expressed by the verb turn. Here, the situation is reversed in that the re-orientation may or may not also imply a movement to a new position. If uttered in a route context, it usually expresses re-orientation combined with a continued movement straight on, yielding a trajectory resembling a quarter of a circle. (40) I'm turning (to the) right. 14 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn a. b. c. Fig. 7. Intrinsic case: Movement from start position (vantage and relatum) to end position (locatum). a: Static intrinsic reference frame (for comparison). b: Forward movement. c: Movement to the right of the view direction at the start of the movement. 2.6.5 Motion from relatum (not vantage) to locatum: Dynamic relative and absolute reference frames Another kind of dynamic relative reference frame (distinct from the kind described in Section 2.6.3 above) emerges if directionals are used to describe the movement of objects relative to their own previous position as described from an external vantage. In example (41), both the vantage and the relatum are unspecified and need to be derived from the context (see Jörding & Wachsmuth, 2002, for an inspiring study exploiting this underdeterminacy). The context may provide possible interpretations for a relatum similar to examples (25) and (27) above. However, the object's original position may also serve this role; then the object is moved to the right of its own position at time t0. As for perspective, it is perhaps most likely that the speaker is using their own vantage (which remains unchanged through the time of the movement), which then yields a situation as depicted in Figure 8a. Other vantages are equally possible. The end position of the movement at time t1 then again corresponds to the role of locatum. (41) Move the box to the right. If a non-oriented entity is moved in a forward direction as in example (42), the moved object (the box) might move from its own position at time t0 (the relatum) to a position (the locatum at time t1) forward (or: in front) of the relatum, using a perspective provided by a different entity (possibly the speaker in example (42)), as shown in Figure 8b. (42) Move the box forward. a. b. Fig. 8. Dynamic relative reference frames. a. Movement of an object from the relatum (start point) to the locatum (end point). b. The object is moved forward with respect to its own earlier position, using an external vantage determining the directional system. Alternatively, the perspective (which in this case determines the direction of movement) may be provided by an externally defined type of sequence or movement, A model of spatial reference frames in language 15 as in Figure 5c, example (22) above. Example (43) illustrates that, in this case, no further entity (such as the speaker) is required for interpretation of the direction of forward movement. The box moves to a new position that is further in the front of the ordered sequence or conveyor belt than its previous position (cf. Figure 9). (43) The box is moved forward in the ordered sequence / on the conveyor belt. Fig. 9. Relative reference frame providing a direction of movement. An entity is moved from the position of the relatum (its own earlier position, which the new position is related to) to that of the locatum, based on the encompassing perspective given by external movement or sequence. However, as with the lateral axis, other interpretations are available as well, filling the lexically unspecified roles of relatum and perspective in different ways. Imagine, for instance, a situation in which objects are arranged in order to be photographed. Then an instruction to move the box forward could be interpreted to mean moving the object towards the area in front of the camera, with the camera filling the roles of vantage and relatum, yielding a dynamic intrinsic reference frame similar to example (24) above. The end position of the movement then again becomes the locatum at time t1. 2.7 Summary of spatial reference frames Spatial reference frames have been distinguished in the present framework along the following lines: • • • • intrinsic, relative, or absolute concepts external or internal relationships between entities static or dynamic situations For dynamic situations: o Movement direction as perspective o Movement from anywhere to locatum o Movement from vantage to locatum o Movement from relatum to locatum The distinctions can be combined almost non-restrictively. Further complexities arise by the choice of axis (frontal vs. lateral) as well as perspective (speaker, addressee, or other) and type of relatum (an object or person, a group of objects, etc.). Each of these kinds of variability deserves attention in its own right, as reflected in the vast amount of research literature in this area (see Tenbrink, 2007 for an overview). For instance, 16 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn if the relatum consists of several objects (such as a group of same-class objects), this may have several repercussions on the language used (cf. Tenbrink & Moratz, 2003). 3 Implementation The goal of our implementation of the model is a simulation that generates valid sentences in English (and ultimately other languages) from spatial situations and discourse roles, using appropriate types of reference frames from the available set of options. Alternatively, one might look for implementations that generate possible reference frames from given situations and linguistic descriptions, or that generate possible situations from linguistic descriptions along with reference frames. A suitable formalization tool for our current purposes is the functional language Haskell (see, which has been used successfully for simulations of other phenomena, such as transportation (Kuhn 2007) and observation (Kuhn 2009). Haskell can capture the role-based nature of our model particularly well, as it allows for distinguishing between types of entities and the roles they fill. The lack of this distinction in existing models of reference frames motivated the work presented here. In order to test the completeness and adequacy of the role-based model, we have as a first step implemented the simulation, before producing a more refined ontology. The simulation consists of a small set of rules to produce English sentences from situations described as role assignments, with associated discourse roles. Situations are records of locatum, relatum, and optionally vantage. Discourse roles are assignments of entities to the roles of speaker, addressee, and participant. Each role slot is filled by one or more entities, which are described as records with noun, position, footprint, heading, and motion direction. The geometric properties are represented internally in simple raster coordinates local to situations. Somewhat surprisingly, the only analytical procedure required is a simple (one line of code) function to determine the direction from relatum to locatum as seen from the vantage of a situation. The only other interesting rule is the one to determine the preposition (such as “in front of”) from this relative direction, using the frame of reference type. All sentences can be generated as a field (“There is a box in front of…”) or object (“The box is in front of…”) representation. Our implementation reproduces sentences 1 to 24 of the examples in this paper, a few of them with minor grammatical variations (such as “to the right of me” rather than “to my right”). The spatial referencing for the locatum of all remaining dynamic situations (25 to 43) is also correctly reproduced, though no effort has been made to capture their dynamic verb phrases (involving put, place, move, go, turn, etc.), as these are independent of spatial referencing. The main point about these examples is that a movement direction can supply a perspective, that spatial roles can be defined at certain times (prior to or after movement), and that they can be filled by abstract places rather than objects or people. Excerpts from the simulation code are given in the Appendix. The current version of the complete code can be inspected and downloaded from A model of spatial reference frames in language 4 17 Conclusions In this paper we have extended widely used accounts of spatial reference frames by integrating dynamic cases and some further fundamental distinctions made in language. By using abstract roles that are filled by entities in a discourse context, our model consistently captures a wider range of spatial descriptions than has been proposed in earlier approaches. Moreover, we have proposed an implementation in the form of a simulation generating our example sentences. Various applications of this framework are conceivable. Natural language generation systems can profit from our approach just as well as computational implementations of spatial descriptions. Moreover, a range of controversies in the literature on this complex topic may be reconciled by realizing the diversity of spatial concepts (static and dynamic, non-projective and projective, etc.) that may potentially support temporal descriptions as outlined in Tenbrink (2011). This is true for the wellresearched English language, which is the basis for the current framework, but also for other cultures and languages, which have only partly been explored so far with respect to their spatiotemporal conceptualizations. For future work, we therefore target an extension of the simulation to other languages, but also to more than four directions, and to three-dimensional as well as temporal situations. The roles will be generalized to allow for multiple fillers, such as several relata or addressees. The simulation will also be lifted to an ontology of spatial referencing, tied into an upper level ontology like DOLCE and/or GUM. Apart from the theoretical insights to be gained from this, it will provide a backbone to models of spatial referencing in areas like robotics, indoor navigation, or choreography, where resorting to geodetic reference systems is often impractical or insufficient. Rather than representing an account of spatial referencing per se, this framework is intended as a basis for further exploration. One major purpose is to facilitate further discussion by providing a comprehensible toolbox for research within the domain of space, based on a more flexible and integrative representation of spatial relationships than has been available before. This toolbox may be employed and further explored also for those cases that are not currently directly represented by the available models. It supports systematic explorations concerning the extent to which particular spatial models are transferred in a language to the temporal domain (cf. Tenbrink, 2011), highlighting universal as well as idiosyncratic principles in cross-linguistic research. As research progresses and further cognitively relevant distinctions are revealed, these can be incrementally incorporated using the proposed roles and relations as basic ingredients. Finally, beyond the description of general principles of conceptualization, the framework can be used as a tool for analysis of discourse expressing concepts of space and, furthermore, of time, contrasting speakers' pragmatic choices in actual language usage with the generally available repertory of a language. 18 Thora Tenbrink and Werner Kuhn Acknowledgements Funding by the DFG to the first author, project I5-[DiaSpace], SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, and to the second author, speaker of the IRTG Semantic Integration of Geospatial Information, is gratefully acknowledged. Joana Hois has provided invaluable advice in the development of the conceptual framework. Comments from four anonymous reviewers and many colleagues in the SFB/TR 8 and IRTG helped us improve the model and its presentation. Appendix Without further explanation of Haskell syntax (which, at this level, is largely selfexplanatory), we present illustrative excerpts from our simulation code. They constitute more than half of the entire code (not counting the example data). First, we list the main declarations: Positions are cells and directions are vectors in a simple raster: type Position = (Int, Int) type Footprint = [Position] type Direction = (Int, Int) Directional systems are ordered lists of direction names: projective = ["front", "right", "back", "left"] inverse = ["back", "right", "front", "left"] compass = ["north", "east", "south", "west"] Reference frames have a type and an associated directional system: data Frame = Intrinsic DirectionalSystem | Relative DirectionalSystem | Absolute DirectionalSystem Spatial situations assign spatial roles to entities: data type type type Situation Locatum = Relatum = Vantage = = Situation Locatum Relatum (Maybe Vantage) Entity Entity Entity Secondly, we show the small set of computations: Directions (as unit vectors) can be computed from Positions: fromTo :: Position -> Position -> Direction fromTo p1 p2 = (signum(fst p2-fst p1), signum(snd p2-snd p1)) A direction seen from another is obtained by a vector rotation: rotate:: Direction -> Direction -> Direction rotate d1 d2 = (snd d2 * fst d1 - fst d2 * snd d1, fst d2 * fst d1 + snd d2 * snd d1) A situation is internal if the locatum is contained in the relatum: internal (Situation locatum relatum vantage) = (position locatum) `elem` (footprint relatum) A model of spatial reference frames in language 19 The perspective defines the direction of the first element of the directional system. It is taken from the heading or motion of the relatum or vantage: perspective (Situation locatum relatum Nothing) = if (motion relatum) == (0,0) then heading relatum else motion relatum perspective (Situation locatum relatum (Just vantage)) = if (motion vantage) == (0,0) then heading vantage else motion vantage Finally, the preposition of a sentence is computed from a situation and reference frame as follows: preposition situation frame = if internal situation then case frame of (Absolute directionalSystem) -> "in the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation)) ++ " of " (Intrinsic directionalSystem) -> case fst (direction situation) of 0 -> "in the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant(direction situation))++" of " 1 -> "on the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant(direction situation))++" side of " (Relative directionalSystem) -> case fst (direction situation) of 0 -> "in the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant(direction situation))++" of " 1 -> "on the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant(direction situation))++" side of " else case frame of (Absolute directionalSystem) -> directionalSystem!!(quadrant(direction situation))++" of " (Intrinsic directionalSystem) -> case (direction situation) of (0,1) -> "in " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation))++" of " (1,0) -> "to the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation))++" of " (0,-1) -> "behind " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation)) (-1,0) -> "to the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation))++" of " (Relative directionalSystem) -> case (direction situation) of (0,1) -> "behind " (1,0) -> "to the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation))++" of " (0,-1) -> "in " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation))++" of " (-1,0) -> "to the " ++ directionalSystem!!(quadrant (direction situation))++" of ". 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