Volume 8, Number 5, 2005
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Instructional Set and Internet Use by Low-Income Adults
This research examined the effects of instructional set on Internet use by low-income adults
during a 16-month longitudinal study. Participants (n = 117) received instructions that focused on either the Internet’s communication tools or its information tools. Internet use was
continuously and automatically recorded. Survey measures of computer and Internet experiences, affect and attitudes were obtained to examine their mediational role in the relationship between instructional set and Internet use. Results indicated that instructions focused
on the Internet’s information tools led to greater Internet use than instructions focused on its
communication tools or only basic instructions about how to use the Internet. Implications
for reducing the digital divide are discussed.
OMENETTOO is a longitudinal field study designed to examine the antecedents and consequences of home Internet use in low-income families
The study began in 2000 when 90 families received
home computers, Internet access and in-home technical support in exchange for allowing their Internet use to be continuously and automatically
recorded, participating in home visits, and completing surveys at multiple points during the 16month trial. This report focuses on whether
instructions about how to use the Internet provided
at pre-trial, 1 month, and 3 months influenced subsequent Internet use. Also considered is the mediational role of early computer and Internet
experiences, affect and attitudes on the relationship
between instructional set and Internet use.
Previous research suggests that communication
and information are the primary motives for
using the Internet, and that communication is
generally the stronger of the two.1,2 Indeed e-mail
has been referred to as the “killer application” of
the Internet.1,3–8 According to researchers at
Carnegie Mellon University: “Despite the hoopla
surrounding the WWW, and not to dismiss its
power in many domains, it is possible that interpersonal communication is driving the average
person’s use of the Internet.”1
In support of the view that communication is the
primary motive behind Internet use, national surveys indicate that the overwhelming majority of
people who use the Internet at home use it mainly
for e-mail.9–12 Even information search is often motivated by the need to communicate with others.
The most popular reason for using a search engine
is to find other people.13
On the other hand, the monumental success of
the World Wide Web attests to the importance of information motives in everyday use of the Internet.
The Web is quickly replacing traditional sources of
information (e.g., newspapers), especially among
today’s youth.2,8,12 With virtually no limit to the
number of Web pages in sight, the Web will likely
become the primary source of information for
everyone who has access to it.
In the HomeNetToo project we examined
whether focusing instructions about how to use the
Internet on either its communication or informa-
Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
tion tools would influence Internet use in the
months that followed. Participants in the project
were low-income adults, a group neglected in
much of the research on Internet use.7,8,14–18 Lowincome adults are of particular interest not only for
testing the generalizability of previous findings but
also for identifying barriers to Internet use that
may be unique to this group. Based on previous research the following hypothesis was formulated:
Instructions on Internet use that focus on its communication tools will result in greater Internet use
than instructions that focus on its information tools.
Both types of instructions will results in greater Internet use than only basic instructions about how to
use the Internet.
Also examined in this research was whether
computer and Internet experiences, affect and attitudes mediate the relationship between instructional set and Internet use. Although there is
abundant research on the correlates of Internet use,
including computer and Internet experiences and
attitudes,8,19–28 few studies use longitudinal designs
that permit a consideration of cause-effect relationships. Fewer still use continuously and automatically recorded measures of Internet use.3,4
the 16-month trial. Also necessary was that participants had never before had home Internet access.
Demographic characteristics obtained at pre-trial
indicated that participants were primarily African
American (67%), female (80%), never married
(42%), and earning less than $15,000 USD annually
(49%; net household income). The majority of participants reported having some college education
or earning a college degree (62%), indicating that
our sample was better educated than is typical of
low-income samples.17 Average age of participants
was 38.6 years old.
Three instructional set conditions were created by
varying the Internet activities that participants engaged in during home visits at pre-trial, 1 month,
and 3 months. Participants were randomly assigned
to instructional set condition, the only restriction
being that all members of the same household participate in the same condition (i.e., households were
randomly assigned to conditions). Home visits
lasted about 1.5 h, and all adult family members
were required to participate in them.
Instructional set
Adult participants in the HomeNetToo project
were 117 residents of a low-income, medium-sized
urban community in the mid-western United
States. A total of 90 families participated in the project. Only four families did not complete the
16-month trial, attributable to death (one family),
relocation to another city (two families), and difficulties monitoring teenager’s use of the Internet
(one family). Approximately 140 children of the
117 adult participants discussed in this report also
participated in the project but completed different
surveys. Participants were recruited at meetings
held at their children’s middle school and at the
Black Child and Family Institute, Lansing, Michigan. Invitations were extended to all parents whose
children were eligible for the federally subsidized
school lunch program. To participate in the project
a family had to have home telephone service for at
least the previous 6 months, consent to having their
Internet use continuously and automatically recorded, and agree to completing surveys and participating in home visits at multiple points during
Communication condition. Participants in the
communication condition were first given basic instruction about how to use the Internet. Basic instruction consisted of verbal instructions from the
visiting undergraduate “technology facilitator,” a
facilitator-guided demonstration of how to turn on
and off the computer and how to logon to the Internet and use email, and handouts prepared by project staff about how to use the computer, Internet
and e-mail.
At pre-trial participants in the communication
condition, with guidance from the visiting technology facilitator, navigated the project’s web site to
an Online Activities drop-down menu, where he or
she selected one of three online tutorials about how
to use e-mail. Online tutorial options are presented
in Table 1. Following the tutorial the participant
was guided through the process of sending an
e-mail to himself or herself and project staff. During
this activity the technology facilitator pointed out
how new e-mail was indicated on the screen, how
long it takes (typically) between sending and receiving an e-mail, how to open, save and delete an email, and how to view contents of the sent folder.
At one month the participant, together with the
visiting technology facilitator, repeated the process
that occurred during the pre-trial home visit, except that the topic of instruction was mailing lists
rather than e-mail. The online tutorial options for
mailing lists are indicated in Table 1. At three
months, the same process was repeated except that
the topic of instruction was Internet chats (Table 1).
Information condition. Participants in the information condition first received basic instructions
about how to use the Internet, identical to those received by participants in the communication condition. Then, at pre-trial, the participant, together
with the visiting technology facilitator, navigated
the project’s web site to the Online Activities dropdown menu where he or she selected one of the online tutorials about the WWW (Table 1). At 1 month
the process was repeated, except that the topic of
instruction was search engines. At 3 months, the
process was repeated again, except that the topic of
instruction was newsgroups. Internet communication tools often serve information functions, and information tools often involve communication. We
categorized Internet tools as communication or information based on their primary use and on how
personal they appear to the user. Thus, e-mail,
mailing lists and chat were categorized as commu-
nication tools, and the Web, Web search and newsgroups as information tools. Although mailing lists
provide information, their mode of delivery and
posting is e-mail, the quintessential communication tool of the Internet. Although newsgroups provide a means of communicating, their mode of
delivery and posting is impersonal, and emphasizes information rather than communication.
Basic instructions condition. Participants in this
condition received only basic instructions about
how to use the computer and Internet. Thus, at pretrial, 1 month, and 3 months, they received verbal
instructions from the visiting technology facilitator,
a facilitator-led tour of how to use the computer, Internet and e-mail, and handouts prepared by project staff about how to use the computer, Internet
and e-mail.
Internet use
Four measures of Internet use were automatically
recorded for 16 months for each participant: time
online (minutes per day), number of sessions (logins per day), number of domains visited (per day)
and number of e-mails sent (per day). To examine
Newbie Guide to E-mail:
Microsoft E-mail:
Learn the Net E-mail:
Mailing lists
How To Use Mailing Lists:
Electronic Mailing Lists:
Index of Mailing Lists:
Yahoo Chat: Chat
Explore the Internet:
Navigating the Internet:
Web search
Search Engines & Directories:
Search Engine Fundamentals:
Telecom Tutorials: Searching:
Learn The Net: Newsgroups:
How NewsGroups Work:
Exploring Usenet Groups:
changes over time each of these measures were divided into five time periods, three that corresponded to survey administration points plus
half-year and 1-year points. The time periods were
as follows: time 1 (1–3 months), time 2 (4–6 months),
time 3 (7–9 months), time 4 (10–12 months), time 5
(13–16 months).
Survey measures
Surveys administered after the three-month
home visit included the following measures,
adapted from previous research:3,14,15,29 Computer
experiences (three items; e.g., How successful have
you been in using your computer? 1 = very unsuccessful, 5 = very successful); Internet experiences
(five items; e.g., How successful have you been in
finding information on the Internet? 1 = very unsuccessful, 5 = very successful); Computer affect:
positive affect (five items; e.g., Using a computer is
fun, 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree), negative affect (five items; e.g., I get nervous when I
use a computers, 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly
agree), technophobia (11 items; How anxious (nervous) do you feel when you are doing, or thinking
about doing each of the following? e.g., Getting an
“error message” on a computer? 1 = not at all anxious, 5 = very anxious); Internet affect (10 items);
positive affect (five items, e.g., I enjoy using the Internet, 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree),
negative affect (five items, e.g., I feel tense when I
use the Internet. 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly
agree); Computer attitudes (four items; e.g., Using
computers helps children to do better in school, 1 =
strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree); Internet attitudes (nine items, e.g., Using the Internet helps
children to do better in school. 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree).
Pre-trial measures were obtained of previous experience/skills using computers (three items; e.g., How
would you rate the extent of your experience with
computers? 1 = no experience, 5 = a great deal of experience), previous experience/skills using the Internet (three items; e.g., Overall, how would you rate
your skills at using the Internet? 1 = no skills, 5 =
very good skills) and demographic characteristics
(race, gender, age, income, marital status, education).
Preliminary analyses
Before examining the effects of instructional set
on Internet use we examined whether there were
pre-existing differences among the instructional set
groups in their experience/skills using computers
and the Internet. Composite scores (arithmetic averages) were computed for previous experience/
skills using computers (alpha = .91, M = 2.71, Md =
2.67, Mode = 1, sd = 1.25) and previous experience/skills using the Internet (alpha = .92, M =
1.94, Md = 1.84, Mode = 1, sd = 1.03). Because these
composite measures were highly correlated (r =
.70), and because the focus of this research was on
Internet use rather than computer use, previous experience/skills using the Internet was the measure
used in subsequent analyses.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated differences among the instructional set
groups in their previous experience/skills using
the Internet, F(2,110) = 7.72, p < .001. Participants in
the communication condition had more Internet
experience/skills (M = 2.42) than did participants
in the information (M = 1.85) or basic instructions
conditions (M = 1.53), which did not differ from
each other. Therefore, previous experience/skills
using the Internet was included as a covariate in
the analyses examining the effects of instructional
set on Internet use.
Composite measures (arithmetic averages) of
computer affect (positive, negative, technophobia)
and Internet affect (positive and negative) were
computed. Coefficient alphas for these measures
ranged from .80 to .89, indicating good reliability.
Instructional set and Internet use
Multivariate ANOVAS were used to examine the
effects of instructional set on Internet use (i.e., time
online, number of sessions, number of domains visited, number of e-mails sent) during each time period (i.e., time 1 to time 5). Because of high
variability and skewed distributions, log transformations of Internet use measures were used in all
analyses. Previous experience/skills using the Internet was included as a covariate.
A significant multivariate effect of instructional
set was obtained at time 2, F(2,46) = 2.09, p < .05
(Wilks’ Lambda). Univariate statistics revealed
main effects of instructional set for time online,
F(2,49) = 3.48, p < .05, number of sessions, F(2, 49) =
4.02, p < .05, and number of domains visited, F(2,
49) = 4.99, p < .01, but not for number of e-mails
sent, F(2, 49) = 0.22, p < .80. Means for the instructional set groups are presented in Table 2. Participants in the information condition spent more time
online than did those in the communication or
basic instructions conditions. Participants in the information condition engaged in more Internet ses-
(n = 38)
Time online (min)
Number of sessions
Number of domains visited
Number of e-mails sent
(n = 43)
Basic instruction
(n = 35)
Internet use was automatically recorded. Values are per day at time 2 (4–6 months) n, sample size; sd,
standard deviation.
sions and visited more domains than did those in
the basic instructions condition.
Although differences did not reach statistical significance for the other time periods, they were consistently in the same direction. Participants in the
information condition used the Internet most, and
those in the basic instructions condition used it least.
Mediational effects of computer and
Internet experiences, affect and attitudes
Given the evidence that instructional set influenced Internet use, we examined whether instructional set also influenced computer and Internet
experiences, affect and attitudes. If so, then these
measures may mediate the relationship between instructional set and Internet use. MANOVAs were
performed for each set of measures, with previous
experience/skills using the Internet as a covariate.
Instructional set influenced computer experiences
and attitudes. Participants in the communication
condition reported more success using e-mail (M =
3.24) than did those in the information condition (M
= 2.50), but not compared to those in the basic instructions condition (M = 3.12; F(2,103) = 3.12, p <
.05). Participants in the communication and information conditions believed that computers were
more important to children’s success in school (Ms =
4.53, 4.25, respectively) than did participants in the
basic instructions condition (Ms = 4.01; F(2,103) =
3.15, p < .05). There were no differences among the
three instructional set groups on pre-trial measures
of computer and Internet affect or attitudes.
Next we examined whether e-mail success and
attitudes about the importance of computers to children’s success in school predicted Internet use at
time 2. If so, they would be viable candidates for
mediating the relationship between instructional set
and Internet use. Regression analyses were performed separately for each measure to predict Inter-
net use, controlling for previous experience/skills
using the Internet. Results indicated that neither
e-mail success nor attitudes about the importance of
computers to children’s school success predicted Internet use, regardless of which measure of Internet
use was considered. Thus, e-mail success and
beliefs about the importance of computers to children’s school success cannot explain the relationship between instructional set and Internet use.
Results of analyses to examine the effects of demographic characteristics on Internet use and survey
measures, and results of analyses of survey measures obtained at nine months and post-trial may be
found in Jackson et al.30
Instructions about how to use the Internet provided to low-income users influenced their Internet
use in the months that followed. Consistent with
predictions, instructions that focused on the Internet’s information tools resulted in greater Internet
use than only basic instructions about how to use
the Internet. However, contrary to predictions, instructions that focused on the Internet’s communication tools did not result in greater Internet use
than basic or information-focused instructions.
One explanation for the failure of communication-focused instructions to increase Internet use
may lie in the infrequent use of the Internet’s communication tools. HomeNetToo participants seldom used e-mail, sending an average of only two
to three e-mails per week throughout the 16-month
trial. Evidence presented elsewhere indicated that
chat and instant messaging were similarly infrequent activities for both adults30–32 and children in
the project.33 Thus, while instructions about how to
use the Internet’s communication tools were clearly
helpful, contributing to e-mail success, use of these
tools was too infrequent to contribute to overall Internet use.
Why did HomeNetToo participants make so little
use of the Internet’s communication tools? An answer to this question may be so obvious as to be easily overlooked. HomeNetToo participants were poor.
Their families and friends were likely to be poor.
Poor people do not typically have home Internet access. Moreover, HomeNetToo adults were not employed in occupations that required or encouraged
e-mail communication with colleagues. Thus, in the
absence of family, friends and co-workers online, it is
not surprising that HomeNetToo participants made
so little use of the Internet’s communication tools.
These findings underscore the importance of considering socio-economic status in research on Internet
use. Findings obtained for one socio-economic group
may not generalize to other groups.
As alternative explanation for the infrequent use
of the Internet’s communication tools observed in
our sample is that using such tools tends to require
more complex typing and writing skills than are required to simply find information. Chat, Instant
Messaging and online group communication may
be particularly demanding and complex modes of
communication for which our participants were
not yet socialized. Taken together with a general reluctance to communicate with strangers, evidenced
in our ethnographic data, it is again unsurprising
that participants made so little use of the Internet’s
communication tools.
Yet another possibility is that the instructions provided in the information condition were somehow
“better” than those provided in the communication
condition, accounting for the greater overall Internet use in the former condition. While we cannot
rule out this explanation entirely, the design of the
two instructional sets argues against it. Both included online tutorials that were chosen specifically
to have similar difficulty levels. Both required about
the same amount of time to administer. Nor was
there any indication in the behavior of our participants that they found one instructional condition
more difficult to understand than the other (e.g.,
questions asked during the instructional sessions)
Participants made good use of the Internet’s information tools (i.e., the Web). Instructions that focused
on how to use these tools resulted in greater Internet
use than when only basic instructions about how to
use the Internet were provided. Emphasizing the Internet’s information tools may be especially important in introducing the Internet to low-income
groups, who typically have fewer resources with
which to access information. Thus, one implication
of our findings is that more emphasis should be
given to the Internet’s information functions rather
than its communication functions in introducing the
Internet to low-income users and in encouraging Internet use. This is not to say that communication
functions should be ignored. Indeed every effort
should be made to encourage low-income users to
use the Internet’s communication tools so that they
too may benefit from the social connectedness that
such use seems to foster in higher-income users.
However, it may still be the case that contrary to previous claims,3 e-mail may not be the driving force
behind Internet use for all socioeconomic groups.
Instructional set influenced participants’ computer experiences and attitudes during the first
three months of home Internet access. Instructions
focused on the Internet’s communication tools
resulted in greater success using e-mail than
instructions focused on information tools. Instructions focused on either communication or information tools resulted in stronger beliefs about the
importance of computers to children’s success in
school than did basic instructions. Although attitudes about the importance of computers to children’s school success did not influence parents’
Internet use, they may influence the extent to parents encourage their children to use computers and
the Internet. Given the complex relationship between attitudes and behavior,34 more research is
needed to understand how computer and Internet
attitudes influence computer and Internet use by
parents, and the extent to which parents encourage
their children’s computer and Internet use.30,31
Findings from the HomeNetToo project underscore the importance of longitudinal studies to understand everyday Internet use. Our findings
suggest that factors influencing early Internet use
may become less important over time. Factors influencing later Internet use are seldom considered
in cross-sectional studies that examine correlates,
but not causes of Internet use. More research is also
needed on Internet “churn” – the cessation of Internet use over time—and the implications of differential churn rates for the digital divide. If low
socioeconomic groups are leaving the Internet at
more rapid rates than are higher socioeconomic
groups, then the digital “use” divide may be
widening at the very same time that the digital “access” divide is narrowing.
This research was supported by a grant to L.A.J.
from the National Science Foundation (Information
Technology Research no. 085348).
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Address reprint requests to:
Dr. Linda A. Jackson
Department of Psychology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824