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September 11: Symbolism And Responses To "9/11"
M. R. Hopkins
Raymond F. Hopkins
Swarthmore College, rhopkin1@swarthmore.edu
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Recommended Citation
M. R. Hopkins and Raymond F. Hopkins. (2003). "September 11: Symbolism And Responses To "9/11"".
Forum. Volume 1, Issue 4. DOI: 10.2202/1540-8884.1017
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The Forum
Volume 1, Issue 4
Article 3
September 11: Symbolism and Responses to
Mark Hopkins, Gettysburg College
Raymond F. Hopkins, Swarthmore College
Recommended Citation:
Hopkins, Mark and Hopkins, Raymond F. (2003) "September 11: Symbolism and Responses to
"9/11"," The Forum: Vol. 1: Iss. 4, Article 3.
DOI: 10.2202/1540-8884.1017
©2003 by the authors. All rights reserved.
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September 11: Symbolism and Responses to
Mark Hopkins and Raymond F. Hopkins
Professors Hopkins and Hopkins review the impact of 9/11 as a symbol in American politics.
Following the terrorist attacks, "9/11" became a simple reference condensing wide-ranging events
and emotions. Various interpretations emerged about what caused "9/11" and enabled the attacks.
The authors claim that 9/11 allowed US leaders to pursue certain policy prescriptions that
otherwise would have been blocked. Among four possible prescriptions for responding to the
attacks, the Bush administration chose a "praetorian" policy of preventive war, with Iraq as its first
example. In the authors’ view, by pursuing an expansive but highly militarized response, the US
has overlooked the need to alleviate the conditions that made 9/11 possible. The authors
recommend that the US, as part of a multilateral effort, allocate major resources to expanding
"global public goods," including measures that strengthen barriers to proliferation, enhance
fighting of global crime, and reduce incentives for terrorism, especially ones arising in failing
states where distorted education and weak protection of human rights encourage organized
KEYWORDS: presidency, foreign policy, terrorism
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
I. Introduction
On September 15, 2001, at a meeting in Camp David, Deputy Secretary of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz reportedly argued that the terrorist attacks of the previous Tuesday
provided an opportunity for US military action against Iraq.1 At the time President Bush
found insufficient connection between Iraq and the attacks to warrant action.
Nevertheless, 18 months later the President gave that order, initiating a military conquest
of Iraq on March 17, 2003 using the events of September 11, 2001 as a primary
justification. During that time, no tangible evidence of a link between the events of
September 11 and the Baathist regime in Iraq had surfaced. In fact, analysts suggested
that, to the contrary, there was little in common between the aims of Saddam Hussein and
the Al-Qaeda terror network.
This poses an interesting question about the process that shaped U.S. policy responses
to the events of September 11. How did the emotion-laden symbol of "9/11" come to be
used as a justification for a wide-range of prescriptive responses, including the war on
Iraq, some of which diverge significantly from the proximate cause and threat of the
In this paper we argue that in the months following the terrorist attacks on the United
States three intellectual processes shaped the subsequent responses. First, there was a
search for a simple reference that linked the complicated events of that day. People
sought a term that condensed many related actions, both before and after the terrifying
plane crashes. Second, interpretations of the symbol appeared. Once the neutral symbol—
September 11 or 9/11—emerged, it became the depository for interpretations of a wide
set of events as well as the emotional meanings attached to them. In this way the symbol
served to absorb and condense ongoing and diverse understandings. Finally, a third
process, prescription, took place. Using the interpretations developed, individuals,
government agencies, and other “actors”—both in the United States and around the
world—considered how they should respond. This final process, one that continues as an
unfolding world drama, is contentious. Varying interpretations from 9/11 motivate
different policy prescriptions. US national leaders have used, or permitted the use of, the
symbol to justify military intervention policies that otherwise would have been blocked.
We examine these three processes in this paper. We do not appraise the “truthfulness”
of outcomes as such, but rather discuss the events of 9/11 from the perspective of these
processes, which is, of course, itself one interpretation of what happened. In this sense
this paper is a part of the interpretation process. Like others, we use our own pre-existing
views about how causal ties operate to assert claims about global affairs. We do so
because an analysis of the processes of simplification, interpretation and prescription
reveals how “9/11” is a key link to important policy departures taken by the US in its
At the least, these policies expanded transnational government networks to coordinate
anti-terrorist intelligence and suppression; they also spurred divergent views about what
constituted terrorism and how and when to use military force against it. The outcomes of
these three processes shaped not only what the United States government has been
According to New Yorker writer Mark Danner, Wolfowitz and others saw this as a "new opportunity
presented by the war on terror-that is, an opportunity to argue to the public that Iraq presented a vital
danger to the United States." (PBS Frontline, 2003).
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The Forum
Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
willing to do, but also affected what other governments in Europe, Asia and the Middle
East have done in support, reaction or opposition to the US. It helps explain the US attack
on Iraq in March 2003 and the nearly unilateral quality of the American action.
II. Simplification: from Attack on America to “9/11”
The earliest news reports about 9/11 were references to the hijacking of four airplanes
and their crashing into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in
Washington. Subsequent details of the disasters, especially in New York, were reported
with many complicated introductions, along with coverage of responses by rescue
workers and political leaders. “Terrorists”, “attacks”, “tragedy”, and “in America” were
key terms. As September went along, a wide variety of headlines and television subtexts
sought to capture in a few words the central story. Media coverage contained myriad
references within the continuing story; most included a focus on who were the terrorists,
how the airplanes were hijacked, what happened in the startling collapse of the Twin
Towers, and when the fate of people in NY and Washington would be clarified. Such
references flooded newspaper headlines and radio and TV broadcasts.
Between September 12 and mid-October people around the world tried various
phrases to refer to all that had happened and was being learned. To accomplish a
simplification, one that permitted a multitude of events to be conflated together while
allowing it to be adaptable to complex interpretations, a short, preferably one word
symbol was sought via trial and error by the various participants, particularly journalists.2
This search for the best term to refer to the complex of events that led up to and followed
the deliberate “suicide” acts of terrorism was an important challenge for the media.
One proposal, “911,” occurred early but was discarded because it already was used in
the US to mean an emergency call. Hence it was loaded with meanings. Other candidates,
for instance several in which the word terrorism was used, e.g. “Terrorism in America,”
put focus on the action. They proved unwieldy and too narrow.
Place names often emerge as condensation symbols for a terrorist event: “Waco,”
“Columbine,” or “Jonestown” are examples. However, no single place reference, such as
“Twin Towers”, would suffice. While an emphasis on the victims was important, to refer
only to “Ground Zero,” for example, would be to slight the two other planes, the dead
innocent people in Washington and Pennsylvania, as well as the immediate heroism of
many first responders to these violent events. The surge of shared patriotism that
engulfed US citizens and the solidarity with America exhibited in other countries,
especially in Europe and Russia, and to a lesser degree in Latin America and Asia was
also missing from a symbol that was linked to a place or strategy. “Events of September
11” became a common term that as time went by was shortened to “9/11.”3
For a discussion of symbols, their use to condense complex events and emotions and their role in
rationalizing personal policy preferences, see Lasswell (1935), Eldelman (1963), Lasswell (1972) and
Weldes (1999).
By November 2001 the use of "9/11" was established. The New York Times ran a series of interpretative
essays using this reference. Just a month later it was used as a quick reference to link disparate stories—e.g.
“9/11 as Tax Hike Rationale” (December 12).
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
9/11, like “Watergate,” “Vietnam,” and “Pearl Harbor” provides a clear three-syllable
term to serve as a succinct and open-ended reference into which meanings and
interpretations can be poured. The pervasiveness of 9/11 in national discussion indicates
that we now live in a “post-9/11 world,” one in which US citizens hold sharply enhanced
motivations to project power and be engaged internationally. Eighteen months after that
historical day, for example, in The New York Times’ month-long special section on “A
Nation at War” hundreds of stories relating 9/11 and the war in Iraq appeared. Press and
media coverage of the US invasion of Iraq contain numerous links to 9/11. The war that
Bush initially rejected became one result of the attacks of 9/11.4
III. Interpretation
Around the world the tragedies of September 11 were met initially with expressions
of sympathy and offers of cooperation in apprehending all those involved. Locally,
responses of immediate priority were rescuing, rebuilding, and aiding victims’ families.
Throughout the US, in the following days and weeks interpretations also arose focused on
who was to blame and what should be done to increase vigilance. This included
discussions of new measures for airline safety, ways to detect and apprehend terrorists,
and measures to destroy their support.
As the symbol 9/11 emerged, however, specific questions about the details soon
began to give way to a second phase in the symbol development processes: interpretation.
Public debate shifted from questions like “how many were killed?” or “who are the
attackers?” toward questions about the cause and lessons of 9/11. Increasingly the symbol
of 9/11 included an implicit demand for satisfactory answers to these more complex
interpretation questions.
First interpretations: What was the cause of 9/11?
There are probably as many interpretations of 9/11 as there are interpreters, and the
process of interpretation continues today as a significant and complex component of
social and political life. A multitude of diverse views exist around the world, such as the
idea that 9/11 was a reaction to the United States' own foreign policy or that the "culprits"
of 9/11 terrorism were in fact the CIA and/or Israel. In our discussion of interpretation we
make no attempt at being inclusive of all of these views. We do, however, seek elements
of commonality among prominent interpretations. We look principally at interpretations
held within the U.S. and at economic and political “causes” of 9/11. Of particular causal
Numerous articles, books and websites use 9/11 as a condensation symbol. For example, see:
http://www.ssrc.org/sept11/. It contains excerpts from two books published by the Social Science Research
Council interpreting 9/11. Accounts using the symbol and discussing what it encompasses include Brill
(2003), Talbot and Chanda, (2001), Gertz (2002), Schulhofer and Leone (2003), Bernstein (2001) and
Tickner (2002). Chomsky (2001), under the exact title of 9-11, offered just two months after the attacks an
account criticizing the U.S. as a colonizing-type state.
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The Forum
Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
importance are the roles of globalization, local and global institutions, and new
advancements in technology.5
The world’s political economy has emerged from a bi-polar Cold War era into a new,
“globalized” era of competing heterogeneous political and economic interests (Held et al,
1999 and Giddens, 2000). This environment can explain much about the motivations and
capacities behind the events of 9/11 and its aftermath. Globalization, for instance, stands
out in many answers offered to the question “what motivated the terrorists?” The reasons
such groups arose and targeted the United States only make sense in terms of the trade,
investment and intrusion of Western norms into countries and cultures previously less
affected by the “outside” world.
Further, if we ask: “What will change these motivations?", “what will make terrorist
actions harder to succeed?”, and “what will give the world better intelligence about
terrorists?” the answers all suggest the need for global intervention to reshape institutions
that influence motivations, capabilities, and oversight. We see family structures, schools
and religion as well as those media and political organizations that legitimate terrorism as
objects for policies that aim to reduce terrorism by increasing tolerance and respect for
In addition, technology has played an important role in making terrorism both more
attractive and more profitable. Conversely, it also provides avenues for limiting these
effects. The advancement and proliferation of technology enabled the few to have a
disproportional impact on the lives of many – and in that way, it has increased the
attractiveness of non-conventional warfare. The technological changes underpinning the
growth of the global economy also have particular aspects – such as the increasing
complexity of production stages and geographic disintegration of that production. These
have made the economy particularly susceptible to being “held-up” by terrorist agents.
At least six specific causal features compose our basic argument. These emerge from
the three "modern" conditions – globalization, weak institutions, and rapid technological
change – that underlie the attacks. These six involve: (1) the creation and proliferation of
disproportional destructive capability; (2) lowered barriers to transnational organization;
(3) ease of movement of destructive power, (4) cultural backlash to Western values and
capitalism, (5) rewards for entrepreneurs of anti-American movements, and (6) US
prominence as a target thanks to its wealth and military hegemony.
Disproportional destruction
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) have become more accessible to terrorists and
are now cheaper, harder to deter, and more readily constructed than in past decades. As a
result, it is now possible for a few people to kill many. This disproportionate threat has
occurred because of both new technologies and of new economic patterns. Technology
has lowered barriers to the creation of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons:
We recognize that, by citing “globalization” as a fundamental factor shaping 9/11, we risk invoking a
second highly charged and ambiguous symbol as an explanation for a first. To avoid this we will try to
focus on several specific features of globalization that created the conditions and exacerbated the
motivations for 9/11.
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
knowledge and its diffusion for construction of large deadly mechanisms in the 21st
Century are irreversible.
Superior weapons and new technologies, such as dynamite, have for centuries altered
conflict and given disproportionate advantage to a few. Witness how diseases spread by a
few Europeans arriving in the Americas the 16th Century killed millions of Aztecs, Incas
and Mayans,6 or German guns laid waste to Hehe (Tanzania) and Herrero (Namibia)
warriors at the turn of the last century. Traditionally, however, these have represented
instances of a militarily advanced group imposing costs on a weaker one. The reversal of
this appears to be a feature new to the modern world.
It is notable both that the estimates of the direct economic costs of the hijackers on
September 11 in lost physical and human capital are on the order of $20-40 billion, and
that this number, while significant, is far less than the total costs imposed on the US
economy by the events of that day. The indirect economic costs are many, and include
both private and public financial expenditures on increased security, lowered economic
activity due to increased uncertainty, and reductions in investment and growth. The costs
of this uncertainty and associated counter-terrorism activities have led to the notion that
there is a new "terrorism tax" being imposed on our economy.7 Estimates of this tax are
on the order of 0.3 percent of GDP, or $33 billion per year, which is quite a bit more than
the actual costs of 9/11 itself.8
One interpretation of this cost asymmetry is that because technology has increased
our ability to cooperate for mutual economic gain it has also, as a result, enhanced the
capacity of a few to impose costs on many. Many of the same economic forces
underpinning recent efficiency gains have also made it easier for a few people to “holdup” the global economic process in order to extract better bargains. The increasing
complexity of production processes associated with modern economies can greatly
magnify the economic cost arising when there is even a small probability that a terror
attack would occur. This is so even if the prospective attack would affect only one stage
of production, when production activities demonstrate strong complementarities (Kremer,
1993). In addition, the global dis-integration of production stages to exploit international
comparative advantage, and the increasing economic interdependency of firms through
trade networks (which give rise to complementarities among firms), increases the targets
of opportunity for terrorists. The threat of supply-chain disruptions may require firms to
bear higher inventory-carrying costs.9
Another source of vulnerability created by modern technology lies not in the global
spread of production but, conversely, in the concentrated geography of production that
results in industries that exhibit scale economies and employ inputs that enjoy greater
geographic mobility than the subsequent output.10 Among the best examples of such
See Diamond (1997); also note the review of technology, colonial conquest and changing roles for
conflict that result from these in Herrera and Mahnken (2003).
Economists note that the true "cost" of a tax (the deadweight welfare loss it creates) depends on the
degree to which it distorts individuals’ behavior. The phrase "if we change our lives, the terrorists have
already won" often used after September 11, suggests a general awareness of this same idea.
The Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress provide a review of relevant estimates from several
sources in a report entitled “The Economic Costs of Terrorism” (May 2002).
Estimates by UBS Warburg cited by the IMF (2001) suggest that roughly a 10 percent increase in
inventories would be carried by US firms in response to 9/11 and could cost the US roughly $7.5 billion.
A useful introduction to these ideas is Fujita, Krugman and Venables (1999).
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The Forum
Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
industries are financial and other professional services – which represent a significant and
growing share of U.S. output. As a result, attacks of rather “limited” physical impact on
production or financial centers can now have a disproportionately large economic impact
on a country.
Another cost asymmetry arises from the strategic nature of terrorist threats and the
defense against them. In a simple, stylized game, in which terrorists choose an industry
(A or B) to attack, and the government chooses an industry (A or B) to defend, there is no
equilibrium in pure strategies.11 Both the terrorists and the government would “mix”
strategies – randomly choosing A or B with some probability that leaves the other party
with no incentive to also choose that industry over the other. This conception of the
strategic interaction, however, misses some vital aspects of reality. First, government
defense of a potential terrorist target is unlikely to be unobservable to the terrorists;
second, effort spent on the defense of any single target is likely to display diminishing
returns. As a result, an effective government strategy must be to allocate resources to
defense of all possible targets. From the terrorist standpoint, however, if there are some
fixed costs to launching an attack on any target then terrorist resources are likely to be
focused entirely on a single target. This is important when one considers the dynamics of
growth through the creation of new, specialized inputs (e.g. Romer, 1987): as the number
of new inputs to production grows, the cost of protecting them from attack faced by
governments – relative to the investment cost required by terrorists to attack them –
grows exponentially.
In summary, advancements in technology have facilitated terrorism in three distinct
ways. First, by providing greater access to disproportionate destructive force, it has
lowered the cost of terrorist actions. Second, it has increased the potential payoff to a
successful terrorist attack in the sense that global economic prosperity is now linked
increasingly to (a) multiple, complementary production activities coordinated across
countries, and (b) production activities that, within each country, are increasingly
geographically centralized in urban areas. Finally, because of the asymmetric cost
structure involved with terrorist threats and the defense against them, simply the credible
threat of terrorism poses a growing cost on governments.12
Growth of transnational organization capabilities
Economic globalization and technological change has also greatly facilitated
communication and the movement of money across borders. A wide variety of social
movements have utilized these conditions to build global networks of like-minded
individuals, and pooled resources for various causes. The 1997 convention banning land
mines, led by Jody Williams (for which she received a Nobel Peace Prize), was built
For instance, a game such as that given by the payoff matrix below.
Attack A
Attack B
Defend A
Defend B
The payoffs given are simply suggestive, intended to capture the notion that terrorist attacks are more
attractive when not defended against, and impose a greater cost when this is so.
This defense spending cost may grow at a rate that is greater or less than the rate of income growth. In a
growth model like that of Romer (1987), this would depend on the elasticity of substitution among the new
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
largely on Internet communications that allowed for the bridging of many sponsoring
groups for this one task.
In similar fashion, Al Qaeda has been able to align with many other Islamic groups,
to raise and disperse money using informal channels, and to acquire resources – including
access to international media exposure – thanks to the platform that makes such
international NGO growth possible.13 As noted by others, 9/11 confirmed the growing
capacity of transnational non-governmental actors (Mansbach and Ferguson, 2003).
Low Cost of Power projection
In addition to communication, the opening of borders for trade, travel and migration
has also facilitated the projection of military power. Classical analyses of threats to a
nation-state examine the power projection capabilities of other states. Without the means
to move an army outside a country’s borders or to deliver weapons by military plane or
warship, a country's coercive threat capacity is discounted. China, for instance, with a
large population and the world's largest army is not considered an offensive threat
because of its limited ability to "project" this military power.14
In the contemporary world, however, millions of people move across international
borders.15 For a terrorist group, one not responsible for providing order or other public
goods, conventional analyses on the limitations on power projection do not apply. As
long as such groups can achieve clandestine access to the dense flows of people and
goods across long distances, weapons can be projected. The events of 9/11 are especially
telling on this point, since the weapons involved were themselves symbols of modern
global mobility: airplanes became powerful bombs with precision guidance achieved by
hijacking them.
While this particular modality is (hopefully) less available as airline "safety" has been
raised, numerous scenarios for other peaceful infiltration have been identified. Threat
planners and novelists have regularly noted ways agents bent on launching destructive
attacks might strike, such as sending weapons inside mislabeled shipping containers, or
using small boats and planes to deliver lethal weapons, similar to techniques of
clandestine movement developed by drug smugglers. And, of course, if "soldiers"
disguised as tourists or students can infiltrate and then build with local materials a
weapon of mass destruction, then their power projection can occur without moving
The cost of starting an NGO with international reach in the US has dropped dramatically in the last 30
years. See Sikkink and Keck (1998) and Matthews (1997).
China lacks a blue water navy, for example. Only those on its land borders see a threat from its existing
capabilities, including weapons of mass destruction.
Recent estimates suggest the number of people living outside their countries of birth has risen from 70
million 30 years ago to 185 million today (UNU, 2003).
Again, the novelty of 9/11 was that existing non-military technologies were used, so the attack did not
require terrorists either to smuggle WMD into the country or to have access to them within the country, but
only to enter the country themselves.
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The Forum
Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
US Prominence as a Target
With the world's largest GNP, most powerful military, and most copied cultural
artifacts, the US is widely seen as the core player in the contemporary world. US policy
and actions have widespread effects across the globe, and this "fact" leads many to refer
to the US as a hegemon – a state able to dominate others. While many countries may
contain or export offensive values – whether mores about religion, the roles of women,
the virtues of floating currencies – it is U.S. leadership in many such exports that is
crucial in their influence around the world at least as viewed by both supporters and
critics of US values.
One of the sad ironies the US faces is that, as a hegemon, the US is often assigned
responsibility not only for its actions but its inactions. The presence of US troops in Saudi
Arabia, a result of US intervention in Kuwait during the first Gulf War, is clearly a US
policy action that evoked hostile reactions among some fundamentalist Muslim groups.
However, it is perceived lack of action in helping solve the Israel-Palestine conflict that
has bred negative public sentiment among wider and more moderate Arab audiences
(Telhami, 2002). The growing perception that the US always "gets its way" raises the
susceptibility of the US becoming a scapegoat for nearly all complaints under the
justification that “it would not be so if the US did not want it so.”
Cultural backlash
In many societies around the world a backlash has emerged against the status quo, as
billions of people react against the resentment of their economic marginalization and
political impotence. For them their country’s direction and pace of change has become
offensive. Such people are discontent with governments that are seen as repressive,
backward and anachronistic. Maoists in Nepal and Muslim Brotherhood type religious
movements in Middle East countries thrive on the sentiment that their country and its
people are deprived of status and are forced to defer to religions or values contrary to
their own.
Such anger spawned by religious values and frustrations at low status in the world
have fueled social movements across whole regions expressing these sentiments
(Huntington, 1996). Much of the anger and frustration arises from the seeming inferior
status enjoyed by such peoples compared to residents of the West. More information
about differences with the West, and greater anger about lost status has been a boon for
organizations using such ideas to justify a "jihad" against Western culture. Indeed this
jihad symbol has proved a powerful rationale to recruit members (Kepel, 2002). Foreign
education, exposure to modern media, and little preparation for life outside a traditional
home life can accelerate this sentiment among anomic urban residents in societies in
transition (Wright, 2002).
Opportunistic Entrepreneurs
The conditions discussed above, of anti-American sentiment and discontent with
existing social and economic conditions, provide a motivation to perhaps billions of
people in less developed regions especially in the Islamic world. Leaders seeking to
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
improve their power find that excoriating the U.S., offering action to defend traditional
values, and promising economic justice, leads them and their organizations to flourish. In
this fashion many political movements have come into existence. The success of the
leaders of the Iranian revolution of 1979, amplified by using anti-American slogans, is a
good example. Leaders of the revolution boosted their support by depicting the US as an
agent of the devil.
Promising cultural and economic benefits to people already discontent, has served to
elevate and sustain entrepreneurs of social and political movements in many parts of the
world. In recent decades, such strategies have worked widely, from the Shining Path
Movement in Peru to the Revolutionary United Front in Sierre Leone. Islamic
movements in the Philippines, Indonesia and several Middle Eastern countries have
found an anti-American appeal especially useful in recruiting. This strategy is not unique
to the Islamic world, however; it has served other entrepreneurs from Castro to
A militant Islamic philosophy, that brands the US as evil has been especially effective
in the Middle East. There discontent with existing Arab political institutions, often
authoritarian and supported by the US, coupled with resentment at the sharp religious
differences between fundamentalist Islam and the moral traditions of the West provides
fertile opportunities to recruit followers, including suicide terrorists, as Osama bin
Laden’s entrepreneurship exemplifies (Kepel, 2002)
Second Interpretations: What are the lessons of 9/11?
The six elements cited in the previous section constitute our interpretation of the
nature and origins of the 9/11 threat. They appear, to differing degrees, in interpretations
of the “cause” of 9/11 offered by policy makers, academics, the media, and other
commentators. As these causal interpretations were developed and promulgated, the
process of interpreting 9/11 moved from understanding the nature of the threat to
suggesting some lessons that could be drawn.
Be alert: new information provides a stimulus to act
In understanding the lessons of 9/11, it is important to note that the only real change
that occurred on September 11, 2001 – aside from obvious physical destruction and tragic
loss of life – was one of information. The actual threat of terrorism did not change
between September 10 and 12 – only the perception and awareness of the threat.17 Yet
this new awareness created a sea change in U.S. politics as traditional political constraints
on policy responses to terrorism were lifted. New powers taken on by the Executive
Branch went largely unopposed by the traditional checks and balances of the legislative
and judicial branches, as well as by the classic democratic agents of constraint provided
by opposition political parties, media, or special interest groups. New restrictions on
individual liberties were similarly accepted without many political backlashes.
In 1999 Defense Secretary Cohen wrote based on a DOD study that terrorism was the greatest threat
facing the US. In 2000 the Senate Intelligence Committee proclaimed at a hearing: "Together, these factors
foster a complex, dynamic and dangerous global security environment that will spawn crises affecting
American interests.” (February 2, 2000).
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The Forum
Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
Look at how the U.S. is vulnerable
Many viewed the events of 9/11 as further evidence that the US was more vulnerable
to attack than generally recognized, and their process of interpretation sought to ask why.
One major difference in viewpoint that has led to different interpretations of 9/11 is how
to reduce the probability of future American deaths and economic damage from
terrorism. The expected cost of terrorism can be decomposed as
E[cost] = E[cost | successful attack]*Pr(success | attack)*Pr(attack).
or the expected cost given that a terrorist attack succeeds, multiplied by the probability of
success given that an attack is launched, multiplied by the probability an attack is
launched. In other words, there are three distinct aspects to US vulnerability: the extent of
the destruction terrorists can achieve, the probability that an attack once launched will
succeed, and the probability that such an attack will be motivated. One policy dilemma,
therefore, is how to allocate resources between reducing threats, discouraging motivation,
and protecting targets. Unlike hardening of missile silos during the Cold War, protecting
“assets” from attack by terrorists is a much larger, perhaps impossible task. The lesson of
9/11 is how vulnerable U.S. targets have become, and the difficulty of protecting them
with any reasonable economic outlay.
While some interpretations of 9/11 focused on the question of how the attack could
occur (e.g., understanding the motivations of the terrorists or the lapses in homeland
security), others – including the President – focused their attention instead on the
incredible destruction of the attack. In his 2003 State of the Union Address (1/23/03)
President Bush stated that:
Today, the gravest danger in the war on terror, the gravest danger facing
America and the world, is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear,
chemical, and biological weapons. These regimes could use such weapons for
blackmail, terror, and mass murder. They could also give or sell those weapons to
terrorist allies, who would use them without the least hesitation.
Pay greater attention to defense and foreign policy
The view articulated by President Bush is that the greatest threat from terrorism
comes not from the terrorists themselves but from non-terrorist state regimes like Iraq
that seek to develop weapons of mass destruction outside of international rules. Since
both reducing the productivity and the probability of attacks requires the expenditure of
resources, these are in some sense competing priorities. The President’s view
presupposes that the greatest impact in reducing the expected number of deaths from
terrorism can be achieved by allocating resources to reducing the expected number of
deaths given an attack, rather than reducing the probability of an attack itself. This is
consistent with a vision in which there are too many potential attacks to effectively guard
against, but any and every potential terrorist attack can be reduced in scope and
destructive capacity simultaneously by action against the weapons of those attacks. This
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
interpretation tends to suggest a policy response to terrorism aimed broadly at reducing
the destructive power of any “non-friendly” states.
However an equally valid argument can be made using the same logic in the opposite
direction. Despite our success against Iraq, North Korea – now a nuclear power –
continues to export arms abroad, raising the possibility that there are too many potential
weapons available to effectively guard against. However, if one is able to isolate the
primary motivation for terrorist attacks and eliminate it, one could reduce the likelihood
of deaths arising from any of the currently proliferating weapons of mass destruction.18
As we discuss in the next section, this interpretation leads naturally to a prescription of
greater global cooperation to increase security alliances and alleviate the conditions
fueling international terrorism.
The lessons above constitute interpretations of both the nature and origins of the 9/11
threat. As with causal factors, they appear, to differing degrees in packages of
interpretations offered by government agencies and scholars. The lessons to be drawn
from these are, as just noted, that, first, the only real change that occurred on 9/11, aside
from physical destruction, was one of information. Second, cost asymmetries inherent to
non-conventional warfare were a threat to the US domestic population for perhaps the
first time. And, third, attention to defense and foreign policy has risen dramatically in the
US, providing political support for much greater US involvement overseas (See the
Appendix regarding expenditures reflecting this support.)
IV. Prescriptions
So what should be done? The final and perhaps most important step in thinking about
9/11 is to move from identifying causes and lessons of the event to prescribing ways to
alter these favorably. The set of prescriptions explored in this section place different
emphases on the interpretations listed in the last section: what one perceives to be the
“correct” response to 9/11 depends on one’s beliefs about the proper interpretation of
9/11. Often, these interpretations – and therefore the resulting prescriptions – were
shaped by beliefs held prior to 9/11. This may explain in part the tremendously varied –
and often conflicting – set of prescriptions proposed in response to 9/11.
The idea of a “war on terrorism” is similar to wars on poverty or drugs: the target is
diffuse, and the goal is to eradicate an illusive danger. Such a war is quite different than
one in which the object is capturing specific territory or eliminating certain people, in that
the goal is to wipe out the conditions that breed terrorism, such as radical religious
teachings and frustrations over repressive rule. In this case, however, war may simply be
a term that has allowed military professionals to define the solution.
Various public officials, academics and international debates have proposed at least
four sets of prescriptions. These are:
It has even been suggested that pursuit of war with Iraq could increase the insecurity faced by the US. In
his letter of resignation from the State Department, former diplomat John Brady Kiesling wrote “The
policies we are now asked to advance are incompatible not only with American values but also with
American interests…. We have begun to dismantle the largest and most effective web of international
relationships the world has ever known. Our current course will bring instability and danger, not security.”
(New York Times, 27 Feb 2003).
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
1. terrorist-centric: a minimalist prescription favored by realists. This follows from
interpretations highlighting the low costs of transnational terrorist organization and on
the success of economic/political entrepreneurs in building terrorist groups. Its goal is
simply to find and get the terrorists.
2. civilizational: a prescription focused on the role of cultural frictions and built on
evolving world circumstances: the prominence of the US as a target and the
inevitability of anti-Americanism. Envisioning a post-cold war era in which cultural
differences define the fault lines of global politics, it seeks to avoid large-scale
conflicts across civilizational divides. Strategies such as befriending leaders of the
"clashing" states, e.g. Pakistan or Jordan, avoiding religious affronts, and containing
weapon development in such areas are recommended.
3. praetorian: a prescription associated with the "neo-conservatives" in the Bush
administration and the ideas of their "New American Century" project. It draws on
the growing threat of WMD and the disproportional force it gives states opposed to
the US. Additionally, it sees the ease of forming transnational terrorist organizations
and the capacity for ill-willed states to project destructive power as justification for
attacking leaders of such groups and states. A prime example is the doctrine adopted
by the Bush administration in the National Security Council paper of September,
4. global public goods: a rather expansive prescription drawing on almost all of the
causal interpretations of the previous section.19 The argument is that investment in
public goods is necessary to strengthen barriers to proliferation, assist liberal
education and support human dignity and religious tolerance. This prescription gives
less priority to military capacity as providing a solution, and more to the use of U.S.
power derived from the large international flows of goods and services.
Each of these prescriptions rests on a different interpretation of what happened and
hence look to different tools for how to prevent future 9/11s.
The terrorist-centric prescription
The terrorist-centric is a minimalist prescription, constricted to fighting an "enemy”:
transnational terrorist groups and their bases of support. This view rests on the
interpretation of 9/11 as a result of the "evil" of a few thousand terrorists, people who
banded together in the late 1990's. This group based in Afghanistan and a half dozen
other countries from which members are recruited, embraces an old formula of suicide
terrorist attacks as the most effective tool to threaten the US and other industrialized
countries, which they have located as a substitute enemy, displacing frustrations that arise
in their own countries. The repression of Islamic fundamentalist political movements in
Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya and elsewhere led to this formation of an Al19
It builds on five of the six “causes” – all but the point related to integration and ease of movement.
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Qaeda network. Sponsored by a rich Saudi, bin Laden, and protected by the regime then
in power in Afghanistan, the Taliban, this Wahhabist Islam group poses a global threat.
The terrorist-centric prescription focuses on the task of identifying and destroying
these terrorists, primarily by military means. It is understood that this may take a few
years to complete, although much of the core task for reducing the threat of future
terrorism has already been accomplished. Many classic realists make this prescription; its
advocates generally opposed the war on Iraq as an overreaction, and an imprudent foreign
policy act (Mearsheimer and Walt, 2003). They believe the US should continue to use
targeted information and coercive capacity to "root out" networks of terrorists, and to
deter those who might assist them. Of course, terrorists themselves are not easily
deterred. States, however, are. The US has great challenges, now and in the future, to
work with states, using coercive diplomacy, if necessary, to cope with dangers in the
Middle East. In the long run, however, relations with Europe and China as possible rivals
are more important. The key is to target American power with prudence, not abandon.
It is disquieting for minimalists that 200,000 American military forces were sent to
fight in Iraq. For them, it was an unnecessary war, and threatens to entangle the US in
nation (re)building. Overall, for the terrorist-centric minimalists the danger of 9/11 is that
the US may become distracted by problems in Middle East politics, by economic
downturns or by humanitarian and reconstruction needs in Iraq, Afghanistan and
elsewhere. The goal is for the US to use force sparingly, and to focus on longer-term
threats coming from larger national entities than those identified with terrorist
organizations. The Bush presidency has become overextended in diplomatic tasks that are
not in the vital interests of the country, and this remains a central concern of terroristcentric minimalists.20
The civilizational prescription
A second prescription evokes a clash of civilizations: it is rather expansive and yet
somewhat gloomy. It sees the destructive consequences of 9/11 arising from and leading
to a splintering of the world along religious lines (Huntington, 1993, 1996). Islamic
fundamentalism lies at the heart of the social and economic causes of 9/11.
Fundamentalist groups blame globalization for marginalizing and frustrating people in
countries where the benefits of internationalization have been held up by local patterns of
This prescription includes a strong interpretation that 9/11 was a special kind of coercive attack,
requiring a coercive and highly focused response. A specimen of this point of view is contained in an email
circulated on September 14. Retired Lt. Col. Tony Kern wrote:
[O]ur soldiers will be tasked with a search and destroy mission on multiple foreign landscapes,
and the public must be patient and supportive until the strategy and tactics can be worked out. For
the most part, our military is still in the process of redefining itself…by men and women who grew
up with….Cold War doctrine, strategy and tactics. We must also be patient with our military
leaders. Just keep faith in America, and continue to support your President and military, and the
outcome is certain. If we fail to do so, the outcome is equally certain. God Bless America.
Dr. Kern's letter represents the viewpoint of classic realism in political analysis. The point is to balance
threat and response, targeting a group of terrorists and not launching a war on terrorism. It is the strategy
for attacking Al Qaeda recommended by George Tenet to President Clinton in 1998, and launched by
President Bush immediately following 9/11.
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
authority, and where there is widespread rejection of the liberal tenants of capitalism that
growth is based on productivity [and not oil rents].
Believing these cultural tensions to be inevitable, the prescription proposed is one of
prudence. The US should pursue containment of cultural aggression, maintain an alliance
among countries with shared values (the West), and be vigilant regarding non-state actor
threats. Like the minimalists, this prescription eschews use of military force except
against terrorist non-state groups, and proposes containment and alliances to provide a
balance among large blocs of the world. A major concern of this group is that attacks
from a religion or social movement opposed to the West will generate such a large
response that this will deepen and harden the current fault lines of the globe. To a fair
degree this prescription fears a self-fulfilling prophecy, where entrepreneurial groups that
harbor suspicions and resentments escalate support for terrorism or are more successful in
capturing state power thanks to US action that vindicates their hatred of the West.
Culture is the dominant source of conflict; but this conflict need not be principally
military or result in war. The concern here is to use sufficient force to deter terrorism by
making it too risky, and to avoid angering large number of Muslims in the process.
Indeed, siding with Islamic or Buddhist governments against terrorists in their countries,
as with Indonesia and Sri Lanka, can be seen as sensible moves by the Bush
The praetorian prescription
A third response to 9/11 is to unleash the military. The damage of 9/11 and the fact it
was focused on the United States become the principal events for an emphasis on
retaliation—getting the “evil doers.” Elements of this expansive prescription aim at preemption of any challenge to US power. The use of large military resources is seen as the
solution, despite the absence of any weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by the
hijacking terrorists. With the NSC Memorandum of September 2002 it has become the
dominant prescription for US policy.
Beginning with the President’s speech on September 20, 2001 a key idea in the
response was that the US was going to war—“A War on Terrorism.” This determination
occurred symbolically as Bush spoke before a Joint Meeting of Congress. The “War on
Terrorism” declared in the President’s address has an understandable vagueness to it. In
fact, the Executive branch envisages the use of military means for much of this war. At
its core this is a martial solution. It rests on a rather praetorian view of how states can be
held accountable for terrorism, and what can be done with military force to terminate the
regimes in states that are insufficiently “helpful” in the “War.”
The link between 9/11 and the martial prescription of a “War on Terrorism” began to
form within days of the events. The key Departments consulted, and key officials asked
to shape the response were all specialists in violence. With crucial interpretations coming
from White House speechwriters and the informal “war cabinet” created in the wake of
the attacks, a diffuse but military-centered response was probably inevitable. Leaders
with different viewpoints than those controlling the Bush Administration might have put
together interpretations differently. It is possible that the US could have pursued not only
different prescriptions but also used the 9/11 symbol with less abandon.
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
The “War on Terrorism,” however, became the defining praetorian response by the
Bush Administration, with its early stages visible as early as the end of September 2001.
Its meaning and application, however, have adapted and remain subject to debate.
Criticism in the US of this prescription is modest, but discernable. By the time the US
invaded Iraq, for example, criticism rose. Complaints were voiced about the distorted and
dangerous way "the cowboy myth defines our democracy.”21 By mid-2003 the process of
simplification, now fully complete, allows justification of major policies: 9/11 is now
used as readily as earlier established symbols, such as Munich or Pearl Harbor to promote
and justify expansive military policy.
Contrasting the statements of George Bush as candidate to ones he made after 9/11
highlights a dramatic change in US international assertiveness. During the 2000
presidential debates then-Governor Bush argued for a more “humble” approach to foreign
policy (“If we're an arrogant nation, they'll resent us…but if we're a humble nation, they'll
respect us”). Although he once hinted of future action against Iraq,22 this was not
perceived as a policy option in his campaign. After 9/11, however, the rhetoric of nowPresident Bush increasingly revealed a vision of the US "national interest" as something
very distinct from (though not necessarily incompatible with) the preferences, desires or
even perceptions of other countries. In his 2003 State of the Union address, Bush stated:
In all these [anti-terrorism] efforts, however, America's purpose is more than
to follow a process -- it is to achieve a result: the end of terrible threats to the
civilized world…. [T]he course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of
others. Whatever action is required, whenever action is necessary, I will defend
the freedom and security of the American people…I will not wait on events, while
dangers gather.
A Doonesbury cartoon (Sunday, June 1, 2003) captures the sense that the Bush
administration uses the 9/11 symbol to justify virtually all policy (see page 15). The
praetorian prescription gives a wide license; to a dangerous degree it permits 9/11
responses to be used to justify virtually all Executive actions and policy as in the
immediate U.S. interest. In contrast to the civilizational prescription, moreover, the
maintenance of foreign alliances and how the US is perceived abroad seem no longer
important to US "national interest."
The global public goods prescription
The fourth prescription proposes that the medicine needed to avert future and worse
events than 9/11 can be obtained through global public goods (Kaul, 1999). We find this
prescription the most convincing. Global public goods include stronger states, changes in
education, effective legal systems and other often private institutions that affect the
diffusion of norms of tolerance, rule of law and universal human dignity across gender,
religion, ethnicity and age.
See, for example, The New York Times, April 5, 2003, for a reply to an op-ed article suggesting the Iraq
war was presented, mistakenly, as a moral necessity.
For example, Governor Bush stated “we don't know whether [Saddam Hussein is] developing weapons
of mass destruction. He better not be, or there's going to be a consequence should I be the president.”
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
The US has a powerful interest in working with others in the “modern” world to wage
an expensive and sustained campaign to restructure how the world works. This requires a
shift away from the secrecy of the Patriot Act to a practice of expanded transparency and
openness. Knowing who people are and what they do—certainly for all those who
participate in communal activities—is a global good, and should be symmetrical with no
rights or secrets for special government officials. It also means a shift from national
security to human security as a goal. Military capabilities that serve well classical
definitions of national security have become analogous to talented heart surgeons: not
irrelevant to health but not well equipped for the fighting infectious diseases of terrorist
movements and failing states.
Against the terrorism of 9/11 the U.S. is challenged to fight a new and different war.
Understanding how to kill the sources of this global social pathology is essential.
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Humane concerns, social solidarity, reliable trust must be strengthened from households
to global enterprises. A list of key investments in global public goods would include:
Encouraging “tolerant” education for all people
Strengthening global law enforcement over money flows, international criminal
activity, and the growing informal sector that makes acts of terrorism easier
Reducing global inequality of opportunities, which foster resentment and feed
extremist ideologies of jihad
Supporting economic development and the strengthening of failing states
Securing national contributions or creating international taxes to pay for these
global public sector measures
This prescription’s measures are quite different from the measures given priority in
the praetorian prescription, namely, proposals that the US fight a military war against
other states perceived to have lost the right to sovereignty because they seemed to be
developing weapons of mass destruction and could make them available to terrorists.23
The months since 9/11 are a notable contrast to what was done by the U.S. in
response in World War II. Within months of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was mobilized on
wartime footing, producing the goods needed in the fight. Currently there is an absence of
building of global public goods by the U.S. or its allies. Compared to the earlier war,
following a surprise attack, at the same time that an all out military effort was being
constructed, diplomatic and post-war plans for a secure peace were also being laid. In
1942 work was underway to create a post war regime, with changed educational systems
in the “enemy” countries, and plans for a permanent UN system for maintaining peace in
the post-war era. Tragically, in the post-9/11 world the prospect of imperial overstretches
is currently growing; the resources available for non-military action against sources of
threat has been ignored in favor of tax cuts. These in turn threaten to vitiate the measures
most needed for an effective response, including solidarity in foreign policy and
voluntary support for international efforts. Today, the US and its European and other
allies have made little effort and developed no ideas toward the creation of post-war-onterrorism institutions.
Without this the US and the world seem bound to follow the classic failure of
winning a war and "losing" the peace, as occurred after WW I (Ikenberry, 2001).
Afghanistan’s rising disorder already exemplifies the problem, but concerns go beyond
that territory. Within a few months of the US's "victory” in Iraq it was failing in the basic
duties of an "occupying power" – not only for lack of planning but also from reluctance
to invest the resources needed to reform societies antagonistic to western norms of
US policy that would make a sustainable reduction in terrorism has not been developed.
An effective permanent response must include not only military or normal diplomatic action. The US was
targeted, and remains targeted because of long term actions of American firms and culture that have
“invaded” many societies unready for change, often ones with authoritarian rule that is resented. US policy
that would make a sustainable reduction in terrorism has not been developed.
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
capitalism and human rights. The target of an expanded policy to respond to the threat
revealed by 9/11 cannot be limited in geography – and certainly not just to the Middle
The events of September 11, 2001 have become a defining event in international
foreign policy. The powerful symbol “9/11” evolved quickly to embrace and simplify a
vast array of disparate emotions, beliefs, prejudices, demands, and responses among the
people of the U.S. and the rest of the world. The creation of this symbol allowed a feeling
of unity – even among many who had conflicting “interpretations” of the event itself. The
combination of ambiguity, solidarity, and emotion embodied in the abstract symbol 9/11
has allowed it to be used as a justification for a wide array of prescriptions for policy
responses to the terror attacks on the U.S.
This paper has examined the three-stage process of symbol construction,
interpretation and prescription, attempting to characterize the intellectual processes that
have shaped each. In classifying different interpretations of the “meaning of 9/11,” we
have highlighted in particular the roles played by globalization, technological advances,
and strategic cost asymmetries in non-conventional warfare. The relative prominence of
each of these features helps to highlight differences among the interpretations.
Despite these differences, many interpretations share common features – particularly
amazement at the damage caused by only a few people; demands to punish those
responsible; and calls to prevent future terrorism. Unlike previous attacks on the World
Trade Center, and other US targets such as Cobalt towers and the US Embassies in East
Africa, the attacks of September 11 seemed to demand a very aggressive policy response.
Prescribing the “correct” response, however, depends critically on one’s interpretation of
events. We find there to be four broad categories of prescriptions ranging from a
“minimalist” approach of targeted military action against those directly responsible, to
the more expansive approach of the Bush administration aimed at shifting the playing
field to a more symmetrical (and advantageous) conventional warfare waged against
The praetorian prescription, relying on martial orientations and resources has
dominated Bush administration decisions since early 2002. Current US policy therefore
has blended an expansive view of what needs to be done with a focus on state structures
and use of the military as a solution. Violence has empowered specialists in violence
within the world’s sole hegemon.
Our own “interpretation” prescribes a more constructive response, extending beyond
the minimum destructive attack on the Al Qaeda organization that all prescriptions
propose. Reclaiming solidarity and cooperation across the world in the wake of the
Bush administration officials such as Defense Secretary Rumsfeld characterized the actions of Al Qaeda,
a non-state actor, as worrisome precisely because the organization took advantage of its asymmetric
situation through non-conventional warfare.
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
divisive 9/11 events is critical to an effective response to global terrorism. Terrorism as a
technique for relieving distress of peoples whose way of life seems threatened is hardly
new. It has been growing since the 1960s; however ways to combat it, and destroy its
roots have been neglected and continue to be neglected in the Bush’s administration’s
9/11 and the Future
What lies ahead for our globalized era? With irreversible technology of rapid
communications, massively destructive weaponry, and global social movements, the US
must act in the world as a “benign” hegemon, seeking greater world solidarity by
elevating human dignity and condemning terrorism. The sea of free-floating hatred that
nurtured the 9/11 attacks focused easily on targets symbolizing the economic and military
power of Western capitalism. The people who did this were alienated to the point they
could depersonalize others as well as themselves.
Given the reactions of people pleased at 9/11 events and the martial policies of the
Bush administration (demonstrating hard but not soft power), we must assume that the
divisive direction of international relations will continue. US economic and military
hegemony has cast us as the satanical emblem for some parts of the world. The
interpretations of key neo-conservatives in the Bush administration as to the causes of
and appropriate responses to 9/11 reflect a cavalier attitude toward culture, norms and
voluntary cooperation and compliance. A recent Pew Research Center international poll
found that “the war has widened the rift between American and Western Europeans,
further inflamed the Muslim world, softened support for the war on terrorism, and
significantly weakened global public support for the pillars of the post-World War II
era—the U.N. and North Atlantic Alliance” (Gourevitch, 2003).
Consider the reaction of Richard Perle (2003), a chief architect of the praetorian
prescription, as he offered his interpretation of the “success” in removing Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein:
Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror is about to end. He will go quickly, but not
alone: In a parting irony he will take the U.N. down with him…As we sift the
debris it will be important to preserve—the better to understand—the intellectual
wreckage of the liberal conceit of safety through international law administered
by international institutions.
This is a massively dangerous interpretation. While talk of improved air security or
retaliation against "those responsible" [and their hosts] is sensible, it is folly to see such
actions as adequate to improve global human security. Studies in the Pentagon and
elsewhere projected the events of 9/11 almost precisely. A ‘get all culprits and damn the
law’ posture, part of the praetorian prescription, deflects attention from longer-term
important security measures to make the world safe from such violence.
Fundamentally, we need a cultural and economic offensive, supported by the entire
industrialized world, aimed at economic and social integration, erasing the gaps that pit
part of the world against the other. Doing this also requires all of us to bear some
responsibility. Private actions can do well overseas, or be the source of resentment, as
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
much as government ones. Ultimately, the goal must be to shape attitudes everywhere in
ways consistent with tolerance for the modern world. Without progress in institutions of
inclusion, our permissive globalized environment will continue to motivate and allow a
few to kill many.25
Limiting a successful response to September 11 only to displacing the Taliban regime
in Afghanistan, or to ending the Hussein regime in Iraq, accomplished by capturing or
killing some hated leaders in that region, risks trivializing the problem. Action against Al
Qaeda was a component in every prescription for US action, one offered by US and by
foreign leaders. Believing this a sufficient definition of victory, however, may undercut
more basic responses to the structural danger we face—from the diffusion of hatred
combined with technical skills for making weapons of mass destruction. The November
2003 authorization of $87 billion supplemental for the war on terrorism, of which $18.6
billion was for public goods such as police and schools in Iraq, illustrates the weakness of
the principal Bush administration interpretation and prescription. Responses to the
supplemental request revealed a greater willingness of the US public to support its
military but a reluctance to pay for basic law and infrastructure public goods in
conquered states. The importance of such public goods was not part of the Bush
administration interpretation, so it is hard for them to sell this for Iraq as a prescription.
Military-managed resources used to fight terrorism may be an expensive distraction,
if they lead to "winning" a war and then losing the "peace". One future need is statebuilding as an international undertaking. This means earnest efforts in Afghanistan and
Iraq should be made to set up basic services and governance. People need public goods of
law and order, exchange rights and infrastructure. For Afghanistan, Iraq, and other states
that breed terrorism such as Somalia, Palestine or Liberia, the US should help support
sustainable institutions of restraint, agencies that will contain violence and liberate
options for people. Nation-building, a complex cultural phenomenon, is a false alternative
correctly rejected. It is not a task for outsiders. State- building, however, is possible and is
absolutely needed in our globalized world. Similar efforts are already underway in
Kosovo, East Timor, and Sierre Leone. These endeavors offer lessons for international
action in areas under a US "protectorate”, such as Afghanistan and Iraq, and perhaps in
other state-building challenges, as in the Israeli-Palestinian arena.
Preventing violence and state failure must be among the goals of a post-September 11
world.26 These tasks are workable only as a multilateral undertaking. It will take
hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade or two. Given this requirement, each
day such a commitment is ignored and public motivation to support it wanes, our future
“victory” is weakened.
In his science fiction novel, O-Zone, Paul Theroux presents a world in which disasters have created
decentralized power centers from which “owners” fly about the world blasting aliens. These aliens, it turns
out, are mostly abandoned, underprivileged citizens of former nations, now estranged as the world has
disintegrated into a technologically gifted but alienated elite and disorganized servant and outlaw bands.
The threat continues of attack by weapons of mass destruction controlled by agents hostile to our country.
However, we are missing the chance to make basic policy changes to avert future disasters. Most US
government action so far has been aimed at making terrorism harder to succeed, not in changing intentions
of those who might become terrorists. See the Appendix on the calculus of these.
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Hopkins and Hopkins: September 11: Symbolism and Responses to "9/11"
Mark R. Hopkins is Assistant Professor of Economics at Gettysburg College. He has
served previously as an economist on the staff of the Council of Economic Advisers and
in the private sector. His research is on economic growth, income inequality, and
political economy. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in
Raymond F. Hopkins is Richter Professor of Political Science at Swarthmore College.
He has been a Visiting Professor at Columbia, Princeton and the University of
Pennsylvania and held faculty research appointments at Harvard University and Stanford
Universities. His research has focused on global food issues, international organizations,
economic development and political economy.
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
Bernstein, Richard. 2001. Out of the Blue: A Narrative of September 11, 2001. New
York: Times Books.
Brill, Stephen. 2002. After. New York: Simon and Schuster.
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Vol. 1 [2003], No. 4, Article 3
The Forum
The graph below shows that international development assistance (151) fell off even
more sharply than military spending (050) in the post-Vietnam era (although the fall in
151 started before Vietnam ended). Defense spending rose during the 1980s, although
151 — funds for the UN, World Bank, and bilateral development and humanitarian aid
— continued a slow decline. Post 9/11, both appear to be on the rise again (a trend more
stark in dollar terms than as a % of GDP) with growth in development assistance (151)
outpacing defense spending. These represent broad segments of the US budget, of course,
and spending under 151 undoubtedly includes aid commitments to Afghanistan and Iraq,
which cannot properly be viewed as “preventative” assistance to provide multilateral
public goods.
U.S. Spending on
National Defense vs. International Public Goods
international public goods
spending / GDP
national defense spending /
national defense / GDP
2002 2007e
international development & humanitarian / GDP
Note: Post-9/11 data (to the right of the dotted line) represent budget projections.
Data and projections are from official OMB budget statistics for the 050 defense account
and the 151 international development and humanitarian assistance account of the US.
Calculations as a percent of GDP made by the authors: forecasts presume a 5.2% annual
growth in nominal GDP.
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