Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas., Vol. 19, Nos 1-4, pp. 919-924, 1991
Int, J. Radiat. AppL lnstrum., Part D
Printed in Great Britain
0735-245X/91 $3.00 + .00
Pergamon Press plc
Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Dubna, U.S.S.R.
In this review the status of the technical and scientific problems associated with the
nuclear track membranes is briefly given. The main results obtained in the recent years are
Nuclear track filters, membranes, polymers, heavy ions.
The formation of small pores of controlled geometry by chemical etching of nuclear tracks in
dielectrics has been first described by Price and Walker (1962). Immediately after the
discovery of Price and Walker, the develo~nent of fission tracks by etching was used in
nuclear physics experiments perfcrmedat the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of JINR
(Perelygin et al., 1963). In the early seventies work on nuclear track membrane technology
("nuclear filters") by using heavy-ion accelerators was started at the LNR. After a period of
research and development, a regular production of microporous membranes of polyethylene
terephthalate (PETP) was arranged. Nuclear track membranes (NTM) have some significant
advantages over conventional membranes. However, certain characteristics of the NTM (such as
chemical resistivity, permeability, etc.) need to be improved.
For many years the cyclotron U-300 was being used for irradiation of PETP films 10 pm thick
and 320 mm wide. Usually, the film band was irradiated by Xe ions with an energy of ca.
I MeV/nucleon. Sometimes other ions (Kr, Co, Ar) were used.In 1989 the U-300 was stopped and
now the cyclotrons IC-100 and U-400 are operated. A description of an irradiation facility
using a scanning ion beam was presented earlier (Flerov, 1984; Flerov et al., 1988). The
accelerated ion beam is passed horizontally over the film area by a pair of electrostatic
deflection plates. Simultaneously, a foil band is pulled continuously through the beam with
a speed ranging from several cm to several meters per second. The speed of the film movement
is adjusted to the beam intensity and to the pore diameter and porosity which are required.
After ion bombardment, the PETP film is exposed to U.V. light with a wave length ranging
from 300 nm to 400 nm (Tretyakova et al., 1980). The film is kept in the air at room
temperature until etching. The etching is performed by using NaOH solution of various
concentrations. The temperature and Na0H content are chosen depending on the pore size
The membranes produced are tested by means of the followed set of metods:
- the bubble point technique,
- by measuring the flow rate of nitrogen (or air) and water,
- by measuringthe burst strength (the pressure which breaks I cm z unsupported membrane),
- scanning electron microscopy.
The conductometric technique and some other methods are use: in the research and development
Membranes with a pore diameter between 0.015 ~m to ca. 10 ~m can be produced with porosities
from few per cent to ca. 15%.
V . I . KUZNETSOV et al.
I. The equipment used for the irradiation(abov@and
etching~elow)of polymer films.
A study of the latent track structure is of key importance in the production of N~i ~rith small
pores. Detailed investigations of the track structure have been carried out using electrical
conductance monitoring during the etching process, polymer solutions viscosity measurements,
sol-gel analysis of polymers irradiated, U.V. and I.R. spectroscopy (Apel et al., 1984; Apel
and Pretzsch, 1986; Apel at al., 1987; Apel et al., 1988; Apel and Kravets, 1989). The
transversal size of the highly destroyed track core which can undergo selective etching was
determined. It was found that around the track core a halo exists where the cross linking of
macromolecules may predominate over the chain scission. In Fig. 2 a diagranm is presented
which shows the spatial distribution of radiation chemical effects in the track in PETP
compared with the track structure given by Chatterjee and Magee (1980). Many of the cross
linking events are located at large distances from the ion path. This leads to the modifying
properties of a polymer matrix between individual tracks and to the formation o ~ a cross
linked network in polymers under ion bombardment at relatively low doses ( 4 10T M Xe ions/cm 2)
From Fig. 2 one can see that the region of cross linking and that of the electronic collision
cascade coincide. Nevertheless, from experimental data it seems more plausible that the chemical changes in the halo are caused mainly by the effect of active radicals (such as hydrogen
atoms) diffusing from the track ccr'e (Apel, 1989).
Fig. 2.
of a lancet
nuclear track
in a polymer:
a) Schematic
model of a
(Chatter Jee
and Magee,
1980). The
track core
black circle)
and the
X / X
are shown.
The lines
in the "penumbra" indicate individual electron tracks.
b) The spatial distribution of chain scission (cirles) and cross
link (crosses) events in a Xe ion track in PETP. The approximate
numbers of the events per Into of the ion path were calculated
from the data of end-groups measurements and sol-gel analysis.
The problem of stability of porous structure in nuclear track membranes with small pores was
studied. It was revealed that the process of drying PETP NTM is accompanied by disappearance
of pores with a diameter less than 15 nm. The phenomenon is conditioned by the forces of
capillary contraction (Apel et al., 1985). Furthermore, it was observed that the critical
size of pores which can disappear depends on the properties of the initial m~terlal, on the
conditions of the etching process and the storage of a membrane (Andrassy and Mamonova, 1989).
The alternation of porous structure of the membranes has also been investigated by heating dry
membranes in a temperature range of 333 K to 473 K. It was found that the pore radius can both
increase and decrease after the treatment at increased temperature. The analytical equation
based on the Alfrey mechanical approach to the relaxative deformation of polymers describes
satisfactorily the experimental data (Ovchlnnikov, 1989). The behaviour of the porous
structure by applying external tensile stress to the NTM has been studied. The loading of the
membrane by a pressure difference exceeding some threshold value leads to a considerable pore
growth reaching hundreds per cent. The behaviour of the membrane in the lo~ding a~d. offloading cycles was explained in terms of the viscoelastic deformation consisting of the
elastic, elastic time-la@ and plastic components (0vchinnikov et al., 1989).
One has to take into account the phenomena observed when the membranes with small pores are
employed in practice.
Another important property of NTM made of PETP is the surface electrical charge. The electrical charge on the pore wall surface of the membranes in electrolyte solutions is formed mainly
due to the dissociation of the surface carboxylic groups. The concentration of fixed charges
on the pore walls is close to I elementary charge per nanometer squared (Apel and Pretzsch,
1986; Andrassy and Mamonova, 1988). The smaller the pores, the more marked is the influence
of the surface charge on the properties of the membrane.
Such membranes are prepared by the radiation-lnduced grafting of monomer compounds (styrene,
vinylpirrolydone). Three methods of grafting are used: simultaneous gamm~ irradiation and
grafting, preirradiation in a vacuum, and prelrradiation in the air (Zhitariuk et al., 1988;
Zhitariuk and Kuznetsov, 1989). The monomers have different polymerization rates onto nuclear
membranes with different pore diameters but approximately constant porosity (4-10%). The
grafted chains localize mostly in polymer m~trix between pores. After the grafting process
the membrane thickness increases whereas the pore diameter somewhat decreases. Inhibition of
monomer grafting by oxygen indicates a radical mechanism of the process. of the
grafted polymer in the volume and on the pore walls of a membrane influences its as water
permeability, the latter depends o~, th~ r,~ture of the grafted polymer (Zhltariuk et al.,
1989; Zhitariuk and Stackc, 1989). Using the radiation-induced grafting, one can change both
the bulk and surface properties of the nuclear track membranes.
The resistance of the PETP membranes against aggressive chemicals is limited. Therefore, the
polypropylene (PP) and polyvinylideneflucride (PVDF) films were tested for the production
of nuclear track membranes. The biaxially oriented isotactic PP films 10 ~m thick were
irradiated with accelerated heavy ions and etched in a solution containing sulphuric acid and
Cr (VI). Because of the anisotropy of the PP films dne cross section of pore channel is
always elliptic in shape (Flerov et al., 1989). The pores consist of two cones (the shape
of a "sand-glass"). The heavier the bombarding ion the smaller is the cone angle and the
more cylindrical are the pore channels. In Fig. 3 the surface of a polypropylene membrane
with large holes is shown.
The radiolysis and etching behaviour of PVDF and copolymer of PVDF with tetrafluoroethylene
were also investigated (Tretyakova et al., 1986; Tretyakova and Shirkova, 1988). It was
found that the 13% Na0H + KMn04 (saturated) solution provides the highest etching rate. The
results obtained indicated that these polymers may be used as nuclear track membrane
Fig. 3. SEM-photograph of the
nuclear track membrane
made of polypropylene
"torayfan" (Toray, Japan).
Now the nuclear track membranes are widely used in the U.S.S.R. The most typical industrial
application of the NTM is the microfiltration of ultra-pure delonized water used in
microelectronics manufacturing (Flerov, 1984). The NTM are effectively used in analytical
application, for instance, in medicine (Flerov et al., 1987). The possibility of
organizing superfine air cleaning in the SMIF system of contemporary microelectronics
technology is investigated (Vorobiev et al., 1989). With the collaboration of specialized
scientific and industrial organizations, we develop many other applications of NTM
(Belushkina et al., 1989; Mitrifanov and Apel, 1989; Ovchinnikov et al., 1990).
The authors express deer appreciation to Academician G.N. Flerov and Professor
Yu.Ts. 0ganessian for their support and attention to the present work.
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