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Course goals: Welcome to Russian 323, a survey of pre-20 th Century Russian literature and culture. At the end of this semester, you will have a greater understanding of:
Slavic and East European Journal. Vol. 50, No. 1 (2006). Pp. 204-212, 2006
Of course, I am no soothsayer, and the answer to my outrageous title is probably dependent more on what happens outside the university than anything that could take place inside its hallowed walls. For all I know, the ongoing transformation in the function of education in American society may render humanistic education utterly obsolete in the coming decades, which would certainly have a "chilling effect" on the study of Russian Literature (Scholes; Drucker). But I do not intend to rehearse the familiar territory of The University in Ruins here (Readings; also see Guillory). What I am concerned with is our very own little comer of the university, the Slavic Department, and my own sub-discipline within it, the study of Russian Literature. What is its outlook for the coming hundred or so years, given favorable, or at least not saltstrewn, institutional soil to grow in? 2 I offer to you that the future does not look so bright.
Slavonic and East European Review 98.1, 2020
Studia litterarum, 2022
Статья посвящена влиянию на русскую литературу ключевых исторических факторов XX в. Прежде всего речь идет о художественных контекстах русской революции 1917 г. и дальнейшем формировании советского искусства. Автор показывает, что для многих деятелей русского модернизма ориентация на полный социальный и культурный коллапс была частью эстетической программы. Революция безжалостно откликнулась на этот глубокий внутренний зов русской культуры акцентированной апокалиптикой. Новая советская литература, отрешившись от «буржуазного наследия» «серебряного века», оставалась, однако, глубоко связанной с ее антиутопиями и фобиями, катастрофическими интуициями и чаяниями преображения Человека и Мира. Труд, наука и техника должны были здесь зачастую функционировать как божественные инструменты в эпической песне о рождении Новой Вселенной. Важнейшим этапом в процессе освобождения русской литературы от мифологических построений советской авангардной эстетики стала Вторая мировая война. Она реабилитировала центральный метаобраз русской классики-тему «маленького человека», развенчанного модернизмом. Ключевые слова: русский модернизм, революция, советская культура, мифопоэтика, литература и история.
World Literature Studies
This paper was written as a part of the project VEGA 1/0586/21 (V-21-030-00) "Russian Prose of the 21st Century in its Existential, Thematological, and Poetological Aspects in Russian and Slovak Cultures".
REES205 Murder and Adultery: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and the 19th-Century Russian Novel The 19th-century novel is widely regarded as the supreme achievement of Russian literature. This course will trace its development from Pushkin's elegant, witty novel in verse, EUGENE ONEGIN, through the grotesque comedy of Gogol, to the realist masterpieces of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, with their complex depiction of human psychology and the philosophical struggles of late 19thcentury society. We will consider the historical background in which the novels were produced and the tools developed by Russian critical theory, especially the Russian formalists and Mikhail Bakhtin, for understanding 19th-century Russian prose. Offering: Crosslisting Grading: OPT Credits: 1.00 Gen Ed Area: HA-REES Identical With: RUSS205, RULE205, WLIT241 Prereq: None
Russian Studies in Literature, 2016
The Journal of Interrupted Studies (Brill), 2019
The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2019
Annals of journalism and mass communication, 2024
NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series, 2019
Coloquio anual del proyecto REDIF. Representar, mediar e informar en los cambios dinásticos (siglos XVII-XVIII): España, América, Asia Universidad de Barcelona. 28 y 29 de abril de 2022, 2022
Il Sassetta e il suo tempo. Uno sguardo sull'arte senese del primo Quattrocento, 2024
Agora débats/jeunesses, 2018
PubMed, 2020
Journal on Chain and Network Science, 2002
Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, 2009
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2007
Journal of Petrology, 2007
BMC Gastroenterology, 2010
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2012