On the Design of Utility Functions in Community Formation Game
Xiaohu Zhu∗† , Jun Wu‡ , Chongjun Wang∗† , Junyuan Xie∗†
Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology(Nanjing University) China
† Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China
‡ School of Computer and Information Science, Hohai University, China
wendyneil.zhu@gmail.com,{iip, chjwang, jyxie}@nju.edu.cn
∗ State
Abstract—To understand the overlapping community structure in complex networks, a great deal of methods have been
proposed by researchers from different areas. Community
formation game is a game-theoretical view for this problem. In
this article, we develop an new concept named social distance
to describe a natural phenomenon in real world reflecting the
strength of connections between different individuals. Some
improvements have been given to acquire better performance
of detecting the overlapping community structure. We illustrate
them by conducting a series of experiments both on real-world
and benchmark networks.
Keywords-game theory; overlapping community structure;
utility function
Individuals in various complex networks formed relatively
intense communities with different ways and structures.
Palla et al. studied the statistical properties of community
structure in the large networks [1]. They pointed out that
community was universal and evolving dynamically. In
many research areas, similar property emerged. For example,
the protein networks in biology research, the propagation of
epidemic in medicine research, and the design of large scale
computer networks in computer science were tightly related
with community structures.
Researchers from different areas were interested in this
kind of property and the research for finding community
structures in complex networks lasted for years. Nowadays scientists continued the formers’ work, and introduced
thoughts and tools from mathematics, physics, computer
science, which pushed detecting community structure to
one of the most hot directions in the research of complex
As research on community detection problems went further, some new problems emerged, especially the overlap
of communities. In real world, the overlapping community
structure actually was a typical characteristic of various
networks. We were surrounded by social networks, such as
family, working and classmates networks. In research circle,
one could be in different circles if he or she was doing
interdisciplinary research. And in the online social networks,
people also could choose many communities to enter in. All
these examples told us that the universality of overlapping
community structure in natural world and human world.
Recently, a bunch of solutions for overlapping community detection problem have been proposed, such as clique
percolation algorithm [2]–[4], line graph transformation [5]–
[8], local expansion [9] [10], model based algorithm and
game theoretic strategy [11] [12]. And measurement for
the evaluation of the performance of different algorithms
have also been proposed. Both could equip the toolbox of
human being searching for the truth of real world. Then we
could use these methods to simulate real networks. In the
process of modeling the true complex systems, we use the
information of simulating to build more proper systems.
However, there exist many unsatisfiable aspects in this
area. Previous works often lost the precision of the description of the problems. In the work of Chen et al., they
designed a neat game theoretical framework for overlapping
detection problem [11]. Following their work, Alvari et
al. proposed new utility functions trying to dig out more
useful insights of community formation [12]. Arora et al.
used classic methods in theoretic computer science to make
community detection rigorous and also gave a systematic
analysis [13].
In this paper, we use game theoretic framework for
community detection, and try to understand community formation game. Recently, there are only two papers focusing
on this kind of game. Chen et al. designed a gain function
named personal modularity function based on Newman’s
modularity function. Alvari et al. made some new utility
functions based on similarity. We give a new utility function
and make improvement for the former utility functions. In
experiments, we have found some thing deeper than what
we expected.
Our paper is organized as follows. In section II, we
borrow some results of potential game [14]. In section III,
the framework of community formation game has been
formally proposed. We introduce the new utility function,
social distance function, and use the game framework to
design a community detection algorithm in section IV. In
section V, we show the improvements in experiments under
real world networks and benchmark graphs and discovery
of a interesting phenomenon that the distance shorting
in the process of community formation is a constant for
individuals. Section VI concludes our work.
Game theory is a strong tool for modeling and analysis,
and has been applied for research of human action in vast
areas. At the beginning of the development of game theory,
it mainly have been used for economics study to model the
behaviors of enterprises and markets. Now game theory is
some bit of generalized tool for social science, politics, and
psychology researches. Recently, scientists from theoretic
computer science focus on the computation aspects of game
theory, and have developed a novel research area, named
algorithmic game theory.
By using game theory we can model social network
problems naturally, and easily generalize into other complex
networks. Complex networks always forms in a decentralized way, the individuals in networks interact with each other
on the basis of their strategies. Therefore the two areas have
a intimate relations. For example, the subject in evolution
game theory is similar to the formation of complex networks,
finding influential individuals also could be considered as
compute the solution to cooperative game.
We introduce some theoretic conclusion, the potential
game. The pure strategic Nash equilibrium always exits in
potential game and best response dynamic must converge.
All these properties are helpful to modeling community
formation process. Potential game was first proposed by
Monderer and Shapley [14].
Definition II.1. (Potential game)A game G = (N, A, u) is
called a potential game, if there exists a function P : A 7→
R such that, for all i ∈ N , all a−i ∈ A−i and ai , a′i ∈
Ai ui (ai , a−i ) − ui (a′i , a−i ) = P (ai , a−i ) − P (a′i , a−i ).
Theorem II.2. [15] Every (finite) potential game has at
least one pure strategic Nash equilibrium.
Proof: Let a∗ = arg maxa∈A P (a), then for any other
action profile a′ P (a∗ ) ≥ P (a′ ). Therefore by definition of
the potential function for any player i, switching from a∗ to
a′ , we have ui (a∗ ) ≥ ui (a′ ).
A. Overlapping community detection problem
A network, or equivalent speaking, a graph G is formed by
nodes and the connections(or edges) between them, sometimes each connection could be assigned a cost. Community
detection problem is to find proper partition of the nodes
under some rule. It is common accepted by researchers
that connections inner a community are denser than those
between communities. In overlapping community detection
problem, nodes in the network being studied could be contained in multiple communities. Although interdisciplinary
community of scientists have being working on it over many
years, it still remains a hard task to give a well-defined
definition for it. There are different aspects of community
structures, such as local definition, global definition and
Figure 1.
an example of overlapping community structure
similarity based definition. We give a formal definition as
Given a network or graph, G = (V, E), V is a set of n
nodes. E is a set of m edges. We call G dense graph, if m =
O(n2 ) and sparse graph, if m = O(n). We could represent
this graph with a n × n adjacency matrix A. Adjacency
matrix can be used for both unweighted graph and weighted
graph. Every element Aij = 1 of Aij if there is a edge
between i and j, otherwise Aij = 0 In weighted graph,
we can use cij to represent the strength of the connection
between i and j.
Overlapping community structure, in brief, is a set of
clusters of nodes in a network. These clusters may be
overlapped on some nodes, i.e., they have same nodes in
common, in figure 1 the green nodes are the overlapping
nodes. We define the overlapping community structure as
Definition III.1 (Overlapping community structure). Overlapping community structure C = {c1 , c2 , · · · , ck }where
ci (i ∈ [k]) is the cluster of nodes in G. Each node i
in graph G could be in one or more ci (i ∈ [k]), i.e.,
∀i, j ∈ [k], |ci ∩ cj | ≥ 0.
B. Community formation game
In this subsection we define a game for the formation of
community in a network. Given a network, we acquire the
interactions of individuals. We consider every node in the
network as a agent with rationality, who always is trying to
maximize his/her utility by entering or leaving communities.
Then we could get the equilibrium as the final solution to the
problem. The framework for community formation game is
natural. In real world, when people enter some community,
they could get some benefit from this action. At the same
time, they may pay some fee for entering. With this idea,
it is natural to design a utility function for every individual.
This function says the total payoff of an individual, both
gain and loss. By this way, we fix each individual a gain
function and a loss function. During formation, they choose
their actions based on their own utility functions.
Definition III.2 (Community formation game). Give a underlying graph G = (V, E), V is the set of players(nodes),
E is the set of edges, where n = |V |, m = |E|. Without
loss of generality, we consider this network is unweighted
and undirected. And we use agent or nodes freely to mean
the same thing, players in the game. Each agent choose
the communities he or she intending to enter ing as his/her
strategy. All possible communities could be represented as
[k] = {1, 2, · · · , k}, where k ≪ n. This conforms to
real situation. For each agent, there is a utility function
comprised by a gain function, gi (·) and a loss function, li (·).
For a function∑
set {f1 , f2 , . . . , fn } defined on an agent, we
define f (·) = i∈[n] fi (·).
In the definition, we almost state the framework for community formation game. We shall give some basic concepts
as follows.
Definition III.3 (Strategy space). The strategy space for
agent i is defined as the subset of community set, containing
the communities this agent intends to enter, i.e. all subsets of
[k]. We use Ci ⊂ [k] to represent the strategy of agent i. This
is also just the agent’s label set of communities. We allow
Ci = ∅ to mean that i doesn’t belong to any community.
Definition III.4 (Strategy profile). C = (C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn ) is
defined as a strategy profile, actually could be considered
as a vector of all agents’ label sets.
Each agent i has a gain function gi (·) and a loss function
li (·). Then utility function for i maps C to a real number.
Definition III.5 (Utility Function). Let the community label
set exclude community i be C−i , and (C−i , Ci′ ) be the strategy profile in which node i’s community label set changed
into Ci′ , for each agent agent i, We define utility function
ui (C) = gi (C) − li (C). Then we could give the best response
strategy for agent i as follows:
gi (C−i , Ci′ ) − li (C−i , Ci′ ).
arg max
Ci ⊂[k]
Definition III.6 (Pure strategic Nash equilibrium). Given
a graph G, the strategy profile C forms a (pure) Nash
equilibrium for a community formation game if all agent
are using their own best response strategy, i.e.,
∀i ∈ [n] and Ci′ ̸= Ci , ui (C−i , Ci′ ) ≤ ui (C−i , Ci ).
In short, in Nash equilibrium, every agent can’t improve
their utility function by unilaterally alter their strategy. In
real world setting, we could consider this state as a situation
everyone is satisfied. People could enter multiple communities forming overlapping community structure. However,
this kind of a game even may not have a Nash equilibrium.
Therefore we should use some restriction on the utility
functions to guarantee the existence of Nash equilibria.
In potential games, we define a potential function on the
strategy profile of all agents. In a word, this function strictly
decreases with the same quantity of the change of the utility
of a agent changing his/her strategy to make improvement.
Last section we give a result of potential game, that Nash
equilibrium always exists in a finite potential game. And
the dynamic process as a agent sequentially change his/her
strategy to achieve better response will converge to a Nash
Definition III.7 (Local linearity). A function set {fi (·) :
1 ≤ i ≤ n} is locally linear with linear factor ρ if for
each strategy profile C and agent i’s every strategy Ci′ , the
following result holds.
∀i ∈ [n], fi (C−i , Ci′ ) − fi (C) = ρ(f (C−i , Ci′ ) − f (C)).
Theorem III.8. Let {gi (·) : i ∈ [n]} and {li (·) : i ∈ [n]} be
the gain function and loss function of community formation
game. If {gi (·)} and {li (·)} are local linear with linear
factor ρg and ρl , then community formation game is a
potential game.
Proof: Define potential function as follows:
Φ(C) = ρl · l(C) − ρg · g(C).
Consider that agent i changes his/her strategy from Ci to Ci′ .
By the definition of locally linearity and utility functions, we
Φ(C) − Φ(C−i ) = ui (C−i , Ci′ ) − ui (C).
Therefore community formation game is a potential game.
Now we could alter our attention to the computing of Nash
equilibrium. As we know, computing Nash equilibrium is a
hard problem in general setting.
C. The Fundamental Problem
Now we focus on the design of utility function. Recently,
main results for this are some variations of classic measurements, such as modularity and similarity. In this framework, we could compare the efficiency between different
measurements. While we design utility functions, the most
important thing is to guarantee the existence of equilibrium
of the game, i.e. we should construct locally linear functions.
The key factor of community formation game is the proper
utility function. Chen et al. proposed in 2010 personalized
modularity function based on Newman’s preceding work
[11]. And Alvari et al. gave some new insight by using the
concept of structural equivalence [12].
1) Modularity aspect: Newman and Girvan presented
the concept of modularity describing the effectiveness of
community partition [16]. Modularity is a function defined
on the partition of a graph. Let G be a graph, every node
i in it belongs to a community ci , then we can define
characteristic function δ(ci , cj ) = 1 iff ci = cj , otherwise
δ(ci , cj ). We define modularity function Q of a partition as
di dj
1 ∑
(Aij −
)δ(ci , cj ).
2m ij
where A is the adjacency matrix of G, di and dj are degrees
of i and j respectively. Q sums over all pairs of nodes in G,
but only the pairs of nodes in same community. Actually, it
is the number of edges in same communities subtracting the
expected number of edges in a corresponding same degree
distribution random network. The edges in random graph
appears with a given probability [17]. We often call this
kind of model configuration model. The probability that
two nodes with degree di and dj are connected is exactly
ki kj /2m, and the edges are generated independently. Chen
et al. proposed personalized modularity function.
Definition III.9 (Personalized modularity function). For
agent i, define his/her personalized modularity function as
di dj
1 ∑
(Aij δ̂(i, j) −
· |Ci ∩ Cj |).
Qi (C) =
of edges, n is the number of nodes, di is the degree of i. We
define neighbor node similarity as follows:
di dj
ωij (1 − 2m ), Aij = 1, , ωij ≥ 0,
ωij ,
Aij = 0.
sij = { dni dj
Aij = 1,
4m ,
ωij = 0.
− di dj , A = 0. ,
When i and j have some nodes as their neighbors in
common, i.e., ωij ≥ 1, and they are directly linked, sij
acquires the maximum value. If they don’t share common
neighbors and the neighbors don’t have connections, then sij
is the smallest. This definition is reasonable for it combines
the structural and connectedness similarities of this graph but
lacks theoretical rigorous proof. We can assure the game has
an equilibrium.
D. Computing Nash equilibria of CFG
In game theory, many results are non-constructive proofs.
Now people alternate their notation to computing equilibrium in game theory. For if we don’t have efficient algorithms
for it, our study just stays at the beginning. Algorithms for
searching for Nash equilibria almost are non-polynomial.
Theorem III.11. [11] If there is a community formation
game, in which the gain function and the loss function are
both locally linear. then to compute the best response for a
single agent and a Nash equilibrium are NP-hard.
where δ̂(i, j) = 1 if |Ci ∩ Cj | ≥ 1, otherwise δ̂(i, j) = 0. A
is the adjacency matrix of G.
2) Similarity aspect: Alvari et al. proposed a similarity
based gain function. The measurement with the concept of
structural equivalency describes the idea that two nodes even
not directed connected, if they share same neighbors they
are structural equivalent. They gave the utility function as
1 ∑
gi (C) =
sij δij .
(|Ci | − 1).
where C represents the strategy profile of all agents’, i.e.,
a set of all belonging labels of agents m is the number of
G, n is the number of nodes or agents, sij is the similarity
between node i and j. If |Ci ∩ Cj | ≥ 1, δij = 1, otherwise
δij = 0. And |Ci | is the number of communities which agent
i belongs to.
In their work, a neighbors similarity measurement has
been designed to describe the similarity between two nodes.
li =
Definition III.10 (Neighbor node similarity). Let ωij =
|Γ(i) ∩ Γ(j)|, where Γ(i) is the neighbor set of node i.
Assume that A is the adjacency matrix of G, m is the number
As a result, we try to find approximated optimal solution.
Actually in real world, individuals don’t always give a best
response. Therefore here we consider that agents will choose
a strategy in a restricted strategic space according to others’
In our configuration, individuals could take actions from
four choices.
• Join. Agent i joins in a new community, add a new
label into Ci .
• Leave. Agent i leaves a community, remove the corresponding label in Ci .
• Switch. Agent i switches one community to another,
rewrite the label.
• Stay the same. Agent i does nothing.
In a restricted strategy space, equilibrium is a state in
which no agent intends to alter his/her strategy. This kind
of equilibrium is often called local equilibrium [18]. We
represent the local strategy space of agent i with ls(Ci ),
the community label set after all these possible actions. We
define local equilibrium as follows:
Definition III.12 (Local equilibrium). Given strategy profile
C = (C1 , C2 , · · · , Cn ), we call C forms a local equilibrium
if all agents are using local best strategy of their own, i.e.,
∀i and Ci′ ∈ ls(Ci ), ui (C−i , Ci′ ) ≤ ui (C−i , Ci ).
In local equilibrium, the utility function of each agent
reaches a local optimal, but not the global optimal in
Nash equilibrium. We can prove computing local optimal
is polynomial time solvable for we only need to enumerate
all possible join, leave and switch actions.
to two reasons, one is to guarantee the locally linearity of
utility function and the other is to match the real situation.
Because when a network forms, the nodes in it often have
only temporary information about his/her situation.
In this section, we introduce our new utility function.
There exist path between nodes in networks. Using these
path, we could define distances. For example, distance
between two nodes often is defined as the length of shortest
path between them. In real world, when some people forms
a community, they actually distance themselves from those
not in the same community. We design the following social
distance function to describe this idea. Distance can be
considered as the strength between two nodes.
Figure 2.
A. Social distance
before joining the community
Shortest path in graph theory is a sequence of alternate
edges and nodes connecting two nodes. Searching for shortest paths between nodes in graph has many applications. We
notice that individuals often seems to prefer to be closer to
the member of the same community than those of different
communities. Thence, we model this phenomenon by letting
individuals reduce their distance between the nodes within
the same community. We shall give the formal definition.
Definition IV.1 (Original distance). Original distance dij
between nodes i and j is defined as the length of shortest
path between them.
As the network forms communities, for some node i,
other nodes are divided into inner and out the community
of i. Intuitively, when some nodes form a community, they
distance themselves from other nodes. We define social
distance function as follows:
Definition IV.2 (Social distance function). For each node
in a community, we define social distance function of i:
1 ∑
ρi (C) =
((dij − ω(j)) · δij + dij (1 − δij )).
where δij = 1 iff i and j have some community in
common, i.e. Ci ∩ Cj ̸= ∅, δij = 0 iff i and j don’t share
same community, i.e. Ci ∩ Cj = ∅. ω(j) is defined as a
function of j to represent the reducing value of gain function.
Social distance function sums the distances of i and nodes
inner community and out community. Then it could properly
describe the distance dynamic process between nodes as
community structure forms in networks. When one node
play the game, first he/she judges the actions’ profits by
the change of social distance function and selects the best
response strategy. One thing to point out here is that only
the nodes in the community influenced by agent i’s action
changed the distances to i. We make this restriction due
Figure 3.
after joining the community
As figure2 shows, graph G has six nodes A, B, C,
D, E and F , where the cost of edges are all 1. By
definition, we could get the social distances of all nodes.
In figure3, assuming the red nodes on the right have formed
a community. Node C chooses to join this community. Then
we compute the social distances as following tableI.
Table I
Social distance(before) ρ
Social distance(after) ρ′
0.8 − 0.1(ω(D) − ω(E) − ω(F ))
0.8 − 0.1(ω(D))
1.1 − 0.1(ω(E))
1.1 − 0.1(ω(F ))
Now we give the concrete definition of community formation game based on social distance function
Definition IV.3 (Gain function). Agent i’s gain function
gi (C) is defined as follows:
gi (C) = ρi (C).
where C is current strategy profile.
Definition IV.4 (Loss function). Agent i’s loss function li (C)
is defined as follows:
li (C) =
(|Ci | − 1).
Now we give the proof of the local linearity of social distance functions. By the definition of local linearity, function
set {fi (·) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} is locally linear with linear factor c
it is sufficient to show that for each strategy profile C and
agent i’s each strategy Ci′ , the following holds.
Algorithm 1 Social distance based community formation
Graph, G = (V, E).
Community structure of this graph, C.
1: Initialize each nodes as a single community.
2: Initialize a set C to represent the final result.
3: Compute all pairs shortest paths
4: repeat
Randomly pick an agent who has been seen less.
The chosen agent chooses best operation from four
possible actions,join, leave,switch or do nothing.
7: until reach the local equilibrium
∀i ∈ [n], fi (C−i , Ci′ ) − fi (C) = c(f (C−i , Ci′ ) − f (C)).
Lemma IV.5. Let fi be ρi (·) and f be
ρi (·), then
{fi (·) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} is locally linear.
Proof: Without loss of generality, let agent i change
his/her strategy from Ci to Ci′ .
i joins community S, ∑
then the social distance of i
ω(i). By the definition of
changes with ∆i =
social distance,
for global function f changes with
i leaves
∑ S, then the social distance changes with ∆i =
ω(i) and the global function changes with ∆ =
i switches from S to T , then ∆i =
∑ i∈T ∑ j∈S
ω(i) −
for global function f ∆ = 2(
Therefore c = 1/2.
Theorem IV.6 (The Existence of Nash Equilibrium). Let
gain function be gi (C) and loss function be li (C), then community formation game based on social distance function
has at least a Nash equilibrium.
Proof: By theoremIII.8 and LemmaIV.5, it is trivial that
(|Ci | − 1) is locally linear with linear factor 1, then
li = m
it is a potential game, by TheoremII.2 this game has at least
a Nash equilibrium.
Now we could guarantee the existence of Nash equilibrium in community formation game based on social distance
function. Based on the discussion of local equilibrium, we
give a community detection algorithm as follows.
B. Algorithm for computing a Nash equilibrium
Here we give an algorithm to acquire the local equilibrium
of community formation game.
In section III-D, we introduce the strategy for computing
equilibrium. We need to search result not in global solution space but in local strategy space. Three gain func1
tions ρi , ρi + Qmod
i (ωj = c) and ρi + Qi (ωj = dj )
are used in this algorithm framework. The corresponding
algorithms are SDGAME, SDMODGAME(invariant) and
SDMODGAME(variant), where invariant means the ωi is a
constant and variant means that it is a function determined
by i. For example, ωi could be arbitrary function of the
degree of i, i.e., ωi = (di ).
We conduct experiments on both real world networks
and artificial networks to quantitatively analyze the performance of algorithms. By experiments, we discover some
phenomenons called little attention in research before and
assure that the concept of distance is useful to analysis of
A. Real World Networks
Two real world networks have been used for testing the
algorithm, the dolphin network and Zachary’s karate club
network. Karate club network describes a social network
about the relationship situation of a karate club by Zachary’s
two years observation [19]. This network divides into two non-overlapping communities. Dolphin network [20] is
about the relationship between 62 dolphins in Doubtful
Sound. This network studied by Lusseau et al. during seven
years, demonstrating the community structure in animal
relation networks. The results for both networks are showed
in Figure4 and Figure5. The white nodes in the two figures
are the overlapping nodes found by our SDMODGAME
B. Artificial Networks
In this section we compare the performance of different
algorithms in LFR benchmark. LFR was proposed by Lancichinetti et al. [21] for evaluating the overlapping community
detection algorithms. Table II gives some introduction to the
parameters of LFR graph generating model.
Figure 4.
result for Zachary karate club network
Figure 6.
Performance compare
about this concept. The social distance reflecting the strength
of connections in another aspects is of great importance
for each individual. More work should be done to disclose
information underneath the topology relation of complex
Figure 5.
Result for Dolphin network
Table II
C. Discussion
The performance of our algorithm is evaluated by the
normalized mutual information(NMI). Two series of data are
generated, with different µ, 0.1 and 0.3. SDMODGAME,
NGGAME, MODGAME are compared in datasets with
parameter overlapping membership ranging from 2 to 8. We
set ω = 0.01 for invariant and ω = dj for variant.
In the right two figures6, when µ chooses a greater
value, our method gives an improvement on the the accuracy of the overlapping community structure result. In
the second line of figure6, invariant SDMODGAME and
variant SDMODGAME are compared. It is showed that the
invariant ω = 0.01 is better than ω = dj . The result of
our experiments shows that the concept of social distance,
compared with the ordinary distance, is a more proper notion
for real scene. However, more properties remain unknown
The goal of complex network analysis is to understand the
world we live and to find the underlying truth. Community
detection is a fundamental tools. Although we have plenty
methods for overlapping community detection, we even
don’t have a precise image on the formation of community
structure of networks. By using rigorous tools such as game
theory, we could define formally the process of the formation
of communities.
Guaranteed by the results of game theory, we find more
insightful results. Our work focus on the new concept named
social distance, which naturally describes the situation in
real world. By experiments, we find that if we combine the
information of structure of connection style and the distance
information in networks, better results can be obtained.
To put it forward, the influence of social distance kind
information makes important affection on the formation of
community structures in networks. In the design of social
distance function, we even learn that when nodes are forming
communities, the shorting distance is a constant, based on
our different choices of ωi .
Together with the works of Chen et al. and Alvari et al.,
we conclude that the formation of community structure is
mainly dominated by the individuals’ properties and with
a local style. With community formation game framework,
the detection of overlapping community could be reduced to
the study of utility functions. The properties of complex networks are deeply influenced by the individuals in them. The
weakness in research is that we can’t have all information.
Therefore in our future work, we may design more utility
functions with complex combination of different metrics.
The authors would like to thank Yajun Wang and Alvari
Hamidreza for the help of algorithm design and implementation and Lancichinetii for generating the benchmark.
This Paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60503021,
No.60721002, No.60875038, No.61105069 and Science and
Technology Supporting program of Jiangsu Province under
Grant No.BE2011171 and Graduate Innovation Fund of
Nanjing University under Grant No. 2011CL07.
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