Henry David Thoreau's transcendental lecture/essay, after pruning, becomes conceptual poetry with an accompanying score for reading, walking, speaking, singing, playing. A reading path leads through Thoreau's words, keeping a trace of the original text as the visible root of Emmanuelle Waeckerlé's rewilding; this mise en abyme reveals endless potential paths. Readwalking describes a simultaneous act of reading and walking: reading as walking, of walking as reading, of reading a text about walking, step by step, putting one foot in front of the other, each word calling the next, following one's instinct or senses, as one is going along a reading path, as Thoreau writes, always going west, sauntering, readwalking as if one's life depended on it… "I speak the (non-walking) words one at a time as I encounter them, one leading me to the next as it completes it. The last may sometimes leave a trail." 'Emmanuelle Waeckerlé's score lifts the materiality of the text out of its ordinary fusion with the flows of meaning and rumination. Read-walking Thoreau, even in one's own mind, has the salutary effect of an acupuncture of the spacetime of reading. Constellations of ideas virtually glow around Thoreau's grey-scaled text, beautifully illuminated from different angles by Vicky Smith and Michael Hampton's essays.' Cécile Malaspina.

MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE is delighted to announce the publication of a new book in THE CONSTELLATIONS series: Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, A DIRECTION OUT THERE. READWALKING (WITH) THOREAU With essays by Vicky Smith & Michael Hampton I speak the (non-walking) words one at a time as I encounter them, one leading me to the next as it completes it. The last may sometimes leave a trail. Henry David Thoreau’s transcendental lecture/essay, after pruning, becomes conceptual poetry with an accompanying score for reading, walking, speaking, singing, playing. A reading path leads through Thoreau’s words, keeping a trace of the original text as the visible root of Emmanuelle Waeckerlé’s rewilding; this mise en abyme reveals endless potential paths. Readwalking describes a simultaneous act of reading and walking: reading as walking, of walking as reading, of reading a text about walking, step by step, putting one foot in front of the other, each word calling the next, following one’s instinct or senses, as one is going along a reading path, as Thoreau writes, always going west, sauntering, readwalking as if one’s life depended on it… ‘Emmanuelle Waeckerlé’s score lifts the materiality of the text out of its ordinary fusion with the flows of meaning and rumination. Read-walking Thoreau, even in one’s own mind, has the salutary effect of an acupuncture of the spacetime of reading. Constellations of ideas virtually glow around Thoreau’s grey-scaled text, beautifully illuminated from different angles by Vicky Smith and Michael Hampton’s essays.’ [ Cécile Malaspina EWR 2109/10 (Edition Wandelweiser Records, June 2021) Composed by: performed by: Emmanuelle Waeckerlé Antoine Beuger, Marie-Cécile Reber, Sylvia Alexandra Schimag, Marianne Schuppe, Stefan Thut, Emmanuelle Waeckerlé readwalking in le puid (43:28) - schuppe (voice), thut (viol) readwalking in thornton heath (06:50) - waeckerlé (voice) readwalking in haan (31:32) - beuger (harmonica, children glockenspiel, voice), schimag (lyre, voice) readwalking remotely (30:10) - reber (field recording, electronics), waeckerlé (voice) This double CD brings together four contrasting interpretations of an open score and the act of readwalking at its core, each track taking an entirely different direction out there. The individual and collective renditions are based on a radical pruning of David Henri Thoreau’s transcendental essay about walking (1851). Footnotes provide suggestions on how to speak, sing, sound the remaining words, alone or with others, inside or outside. “Walking”, or sometimes referred to as "The Wild", is an essay and lecture that Thoreau considered as an introduction to all that he wrote thereafter; on how we cannot survive without wilderness, how it allows us to re-connect with lost aspects of ourselves. “Readwalking”, two words brought together to describe a simultaneous act of reading and walking, of reading as walking, of sounding a text about walking, step by step, one word calling the other, following one’s senses, like Thoreau. A direction out there – readwalking (with) Thoreau cd is available here (15 euros) and the prepared text and score from here. A bandcamp digital release with additional tracks is available here ‘Wherever a (wo)man separates from the multitude, and goes her own way in this mood, there indeed is a fork in the road’. Life without principle, (Henry David Thoreau, 1863) The CD and pocket book were produced with financial support from UCA research fund.