Cambridge Heritage Seminar - 1914 Inherited

The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this conference focuses on the alternative forms of war heritagisation and commemoration emerging globally. In exploring other voices disregarded by the mainstream grand narratives of European geopolitics, we aim to explore the weight of how we are inheriting 1914. With over 50 million pounds being invested in the UK in local communities' projects to re-establish claims on the memory of 1914 we are interested in exploring perspectives from the periphery (ie local, indigenous, former colonies and other previously overlooked regions). This 15th Cambridge Heritage Seminar seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide array of disciplines and communities of practice to explore the range of narratives being constructed. Paper proposals are due by 15 February to They should clearly outline the questions that will be addressed and the empirical evidence or case study that will be drawn on. The proposals should not exceed 400 words and should be accompanied by a short (150 word) biographical note.

1914 Inherited 15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar, 26 April, 2014 Second Call for Papers – Deadline for paper presentations extended until 28 February, 2014 – Now open for registration – Confirmed keynote speakers: Gregory Ashworth and Nick Saunders Place: Hosted by the Cambridge Heritage Research Group at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this conference focuses on the alternative forms of war heritagisation and commemoration emerging globally. In exploring other voices disregarded by the mainstream grand narratives of European geopolitics, we aim to explore the weight of how we are inheriting 1914. With over 50 million pounds being invested in the UK in local communities' projects to re-establish claims on the memory of 1914 we are interested in exploring perspectives from the periphery (i.e. local, indigenous, former colonies and other previously overlooked regions). This 15th Cambridge Heritage Seminar seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide array of disciplines and communities of practice to explore the range of narratives being constructed. Paper proposals are due by 28 February to They should clearly outline the questions that will be addressed and the empirical evidence or case study that will be drawn on. The proposals should not exceed 400 words and should be accompanied by a short (150 word) biographical note. Website: