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The paper discusses the integration of classical epistemology and modern business strategies as proposed by Baumard, focused on the management of tacit knowledge in organizations. It highlights the concept of navigating the 'fog' of uncertainty in a hypercompetitive environment and how firms can strategically shift their epistemological frameworks to regain identity and clarity. Through case studies, the work offers insights into managing ambiguity and emphasizes the significance of leadership in reshaping organizational identity.
The paper considers the proposition that recognising the mental model that is held of knowledge by the individuals of an organisation may help us to understand whether or not knowledge building potential can be effectively developed. It is argued that the potential for effective knowledge utilisation will be dependent upon the epistemological perspective held by organisational members. Processual and structural perspectives of knowledge are described and utilised here to discuss two identifiable mental models that exist in organisations. The notion that a perspective of knowledge will affect its management is not new, but the idea that organisations need to actively identify the epistemological foundations they are working with and may need to change them, is.
European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 2000
In this article we present a relatively novel concept: the "ba". This concept was put forward by two authors, , who showed that the "ba" -a form of interaction "place" -was a foundation for the creation of knowledge in an organisation. We believe that this space plays a decisive role in the study and description of knowledge management in firms and that it can be used in many fields of research. Because it is a multi-organisational, multipurpose, etc. concept, its contribution is significant. Our presentation of this concept will be based on the works of Nonaka and Konno (1998), but we will also examine the main themes arising from the theoretical movements dealing with knowledge in organisations. Moreover, we are also putting forward a framework of study related to this concept, and a definition of the main possible forms of "ba".
Journal of Management Studies, 2004
ABSTRACT Even though knowledge management scholars generally advocate explicit management of knowledge, there is research that cautions against the unintended consequences of such efforts. Some researchers go as far as arguing that knowledge and management are contradictory concepts (Alvesson and Kärreman, 2001). This paper explores the apparent double-edged nature of knowledge management by developing a theory-based framework that highlights different fundamental assumptions about knowledge and its management. This framework, which is an adaptation of Burrell and Morgan's four paradigms of social and organizational inquiry, distinguishes among a neo-functionalist, a constructivist, a critical and a dialogic discourse.We use the contradiction of managing tacit knowledge, which has been highlighted in the knowledge management literature, as an analytical device to explore the four discourses in more detail. We show how notions of knowledge, and what it means to manage knowledge, vary across the four discourses. We conclude that all four discourses need to be appreciated, understood and represented in knowledge management research for this area of inquiry to deal with the rich and problematic nature of managing knowledge in practice.
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, 2012
We propose to frame the discussion of Knowledge Management (KM) strategies by six basic strategic dilemmas that challenge companies and managers. The six dilemmas are: Codification-Tacitness; Complementary-Destroying; Concealment-Transparent; External Acquisition-Internal Development; Exploration-Exploitation; and Product-Process. Our research suggests that companies are using these dimensions in the context of their business strategies even if they do not have an explicit KM strategy. The findings also suggest that companies use a sophisticated set of choices for each dimension. The framework of the KM strategic dilemmas was validated in two different types of environments: business, and Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) life cycle contexts. Based on these dilemmas (C 3 EEP for short) we developed a framework for KM strategy that companies can use to guide their strategic decision making. The article will summarize the six dilemmas, present an illustration of an application, and identify future research opportunities.
We explore a bounded and contoured metaphor for organizational knowledge, a territory with visible mountains of accepted ideas and hidden valleys of dissonant opinion. This 'knowledge field', a knowledge-based definition of the organization, is a dynamic synthesis of the inherently limited and fragmented bodies of knowledge that comprise its Kinventory. It is also structured and contoured by the emotions and feelings of those who inhabit the K-field and create it-feelings which arise, following Nussbaum (2001), from the patterns of individual and organizational power and dependency. Reflecting these notions, the KM literature is categorized according to the richness of the assumptions about knowledge. There is the naïve mechanical approach that equates knowledge, information, and data. Here the K-field is flat, frictionless, and without emotional dimensions. Next is the literature that defines knowledge as a corporate asset, scarce, narrowly held, but tradable, a K-field contoured only by transaction costs. Then we see knowledge shaped by the power structures among the actors constructing the K-field. The final section, influenced by New Yorkers' emotions after the WTC attacks, brings in dependence and the emotional dimensions of the actors' processes as they integrate the organization's knowledge inventory into a workable entity.
Journal of Management & Governance, 2006
Architectures of Knowledge is a fascinating book attempting to provide a coherent framework within which to analyze such concepts as knowledge, knowing, capabilities, communities, and firms. Amin and Cohendet scrutinize these concepts using an intriguing format. As reported in the Introduction, the book emerges from an ongoing and evolving dialogue between a geographer (i.e. Ash Amin)-interested in the spatial dimension of learning and convinced of the importance of practised knowledge-and an economist (i.e. Patrick Cohendet)-educated within the paradigm that sees firms as information-processing units and therefore considers knowledge as akin to information. This evolving dialogue reflects the historical evolution of the conceptualization of knowledge within organized and organizing contexts (be that firms, communities, territorial systems-such as regions).
This paper documents the findings from research conducted in late 1998 through 1999 that studied the exchange and creation of knowledge between two large American high technology firms involved in an acquisition. The result is a framework of organizational knowledge consisting of three distinct knowledge types each with a tacit and explicit dimension. This has several implications for understanding the dynamics of knowledge in organizations. The first is that is provides insight into the diverse and dynamic nature of knowledge at the level of the organization, which questions the homogeneous and static definition that is currently popular in the literature. Secondly, it suggests that the tacit and explicit dimensions of organizational knowledge are similar to the two sides of a coin rather than separate entities or different ends of a continuum. Thirdly, there is evidence that the creation of organizational knowledge is both a process of transformation and amplification, as suggested by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1994), as well as a complex process similar to the 'generative dance' experienced by individuals and groups . The result is an alternative conceptualization of organizational knowledge that brings a new and rich perspective to the debates encircling the search to understand the nature of knowledge in organizations.
article examines knowledge strategy from an empirical cognitive perspective, foregrounding strategic capability and collective intelligence as interrelated concepts. In more general terms, knowledge strategy is focused on a resource-based theory of the firm. This exploratory case study provides illustrative data using the cognitive perspective as a guide. Knowledge strategies were investigated in a chosen case that involved a firm engaged with the design and development of new products and technologies.
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