Ann. Henri Poincaré 21 (2020), 1235–1310
c 2020 The Author(s)
published online February 4, 2020
Annales Henri Poincaré
Secondary Products in Supersymmetric
Field Theory
Christopher Beem, David Ben-Zvi, Mathew Bullimore ,
Tudor Dimofte and Andrew Neitzke
Abstract. The product of local operators in a topological quantum field
theory in dimension greater than one is commutative, as is more generally the product of extended operators of codimension greater than one.
In theories of cohomological type, these commutative products are accompanied by secondary operations, which capture linking or braiding of
operators, and behave as (graded) Poisson brackets with respect to the
primary product. We describe the mathematical structures involved and
illustrate this general phenomenon in a range of physical examples arising from supersymmetric field theories in spacetime dimension two, three,
and four. In the Rozansky–Witten twist of three-dimensional N = 4 theories, this gives an intrinsic realization of the holomorphic symplectic
structure of the moduli space of vacua. We further give a simple mathematical derivation of the assertion that introducing an Ω-background
precisely deformation quantizes this structure. We then study the secondary product structure of extended operators, which subsumes that of
local operators but is often much richer. We calculate interesting cases of
secondary brackets of line operators in Rozansky–Witten theories and in
four-dimensional N = 4 super-Yang–Mills theories, measuring the noncommutativity of the spherical category in the geometric Langlands program.
1.1. Ed and Shifted Poisson Algebras
1.1.1. Relation with Shifted Poisson Geometry and Factorization
1.2. Two-Dimensional Theories
1.3. Three-Dimensional Theories and the Ω Background
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1.4. Extended Operators
1.5. Further Directions
Algebras of Topological Operators
2.1. The Topological Sector
2.2. The Topological Algebra
2.2.1. Topological Algebra in Dimension d 2
2.2.2. Topological Algebra in Dimension d = 1
2.2.3. Associativity
The Poisson Structure on Topological Operators
3.1. Topological Descent
3.2. The Secondary Product
3.2.1. Descent on Configuration Space
3.2.2. Symmetry of the Secondary Product
3.2.3. The Derivation Property
3.2.4. The Jacobi Identity
3.3. No New Higher Operations
Example: The 2d B-Model
4.1. (2, 2) Superalgebra
4.2. Free Chiral: Target Space Cn
4.2.1. Local Operators
4.2.2. Secondary Product
4.3. General Kähler Target
Example: Rozansky–Witten Twists of 3d N = 4
5.1. Basics
5.2. Sigma Model
5.2.1. Secondary Product in the Chiral Ring
5.2.2. Global Considerations and Higher Cohomology
5.2.3. Gradings
5.3. Flavour Symmetry
5.3.1. Gauge Theories and Monopole Charge
5.4. Non-renormalization of Poisson Brackets
Deformation Quantization in the Ω-Background
6.1. Properties of the Ω-Background
6.2. Deformation Quantization
6.3. Equivariant Homology
6.4. Equivariant Homology of S 2
6.5. Equivariant Descent
6.6. Deriving the Quantization
Secondary Operations for Extended Operators
7.1. Secondary OPE of Local and Line Operators
7.2. Mathematical Formulation
7.3. Towards a Secondary Product of Line Operators
Extended Operators and Hamiltonian Flow in RW Theory
8.1. The Category of Line Operators
8.2. Collision with Boundaries in 2d
8.3. Reduction of Operators to 2d
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
8.4. Primary and Secondary Products
8.5. Skyscraper Sheaf from a 3d Perspective
8.6. Non-degeneracy
9. Descent Structures in N = 4 SYM
9.1. General Considerations in Four-Dimensional TQFT
9.2. Local Operators
9.3. Line Operators
9.4. Primary Products
9.5. Secondary Products: Formal Description
9.6. Secondary Products: Concrete Realization
9.7. Donaldson Theory and Surface Operators
1. Introduction
Mathematical perspectives on topological quantum field theory (TQFT) have
evolved significantly since their initial axiomatization by Atiyah [1], inspired
by Segal’s approach to conformal field theory (CFT) [2]. Atiyah defined a ddimensional TQFT as a functor from the cobordism category of d-manifolds to
the category of vector spaces, multiplicative under disjoint unions. The contemporary view of TQFT extends this structure in two directions. First, it
takes into account homological structures that express the local constancy of
the theory over spaces of bordisms of manifolds, thereby capturing aspects of
the topology of these spaces. Such structures are ubiquitous in “Witten-type”
or “cohomological” TQFTs obtained via topological twist from supersymmetric QFTs [3,4], and also in the setting of two-dimensional topological conformal field theories (TCFTs) [5–7]. Additionally, one may consider “extended”
TQFTs, which express the locality of field theories in the language of higher
categories of manifolds with corners and capture additional physical entities
such as extended operators and defects. The cornerstone of this edifice is the
Cobordism hypothesis [8–10] (see [11] for an elementary review), which gives
a powerful “generators and relations” description of fully extended cohomological TQFTs.
Our aim in this paper is to extract a key structure that emerges naturally
from this mathematical formalism and understand it concretely in several familiar physical cohomological TQFTs. This exercise turns out to have practical
benefits. From a physical point of view, it will illuminate certain fundamental
structures in TQFTs (and indeed sometimes in the underlying non-topological
QFTs) that seem to have been previously underappreciated or even unnoticed.
In particular, we arrive at a deeper understanding of the role of the Poisson
bracket in three-dimensional TQFTs and the formal mechanism of its quantization by the Ω-background. Mathematically, we gain access to a variety of rich
examples coming from physics; we uncover some new features of well-known
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mathematical structures (such as the canonical deformation quantization of
Ed -algebras by rotation equivariance); and we acquire an explicit understanding of certain phenomena whose previous characterization was more formal
(e.g. the noncommutativity of Ed -categories, in particular the spherical category of the geometric Langlands program).
The structure we aim to address is the existence of higher products in
TQFT operator algebras. We can briefly illustrate what we mean by this, in
the simplest case of local operators. Recall that the local operators in a TQFT
always form an algebra, with a primary product that we denote by ‘∗’ coming
from the collisions
(O1 ∗ O2 )(y) = lim O1 (x)O2 (y).
Topological invariance ensures that the limit in (1.1) is non-singular, and moreover that it does not depend on the manner in which the operators are brought
together. Thus, in dimension d = 1 the product is associative, while in dimension d 2, where operators can be moved around each other, the product is
Now, suppose that a TQFT is of cohomological type, such as a twist
of a supersymmetric theory. Then, topological invariance only holds in the
cohomology of a supercharge Q. In particular, only the cohomology class of a
collision product such as (1.1) is guaranteed to be well defined and independent
of the way the limit is taken. Working on the “chain level”, i.e. working with Qclosed operators themselves, expected properties such as commutativity may
fail. This allows for the existence of secondary operations, akin to Massey
For cohomology classes of local operators, the most important secondary
operation turns out to be a Lie bracket of degree 1−d, which acts as a derivation
with respect to the primary product. This secondary product has a surprisingly
simple and concrete physical definition in terms of topological descent. Topological descent was introduced in [3] (and further expanded upon in [12]) as a
way to produce extended operators from local ones in cohomological TQFT.
Recall that the kth descendant O(k) of a Q-closed operator O is a k-form on
spacetime whose integral on any k-dimensional cycle is again Q-closed. The
secondary product {O1 , O2 } of two Q-closed operators (representing cohomology classes) may then be constructed by integrating the (d − 1)th descendent
of O1 around a small S d−1 surrounding O2 :
(x) O2 (y).
{O1 , O2 } :=
This is again a Q-closed local operator and represents a well-defined cohomology class in the topological operator algebra.
1.1. Ed and Shifted Poisson Algebras
We take a moment to discuss the fundamental mathematical structures that
give rise to secondary operations. In the modern mathematical formulation of
cohomological TQFT [9]—as in the earlier formulation of TCFT [5–7]—there
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
are not only operations corresponding to individual bordisms, such as (1.1),
but there is in addition a family of homotopies identifying the operations as the
bordism varies continuously over a moduli space. In particular, this means that
the products of n operators are encoded by the topology of the configuration
space Cn (Rd ) of n points in Rd —i.e. by the various ways that these operators
can move around each other.
It is convenient to excise small discs around the operator insertion points,
resulting in the homotopy equivalent space of embeddings of n disjoint d-discs
inside Rd , or equivalently inside a sufficiently large disc. This leads to one
of the fundamental algebraic notions of homotopical algebra, that of an Ed ,
or d-disc, algebra—an algebra over the operad of little d-discs. The algebra
is endowed with multilinear operations parametrized by configurations of ddiscs inside a large disc and compositions governed by the combinatorics of
embedding such configurations into still larger discs. If in addition we allow
operations corresponding to rotations of the discs, the resulting structure is
called an oriented d-disc algebra. (For some initial references, see the original
sources [13,14], the recent review [15] and the modern treatment in [16].1 )
Disc algebra structures make sense in a variety of algebraic contexts.
These include on the level of cohomology (i.e. of graded vector spaces), on
the chain level (i.e. on chain complexes), and on the level of categories or
higher categories. Physically, these different situations arise when we consider,
respectively, the Q-cohomology of local operators, the space of physical local
operators considered as a chain complex up to quasi-isomorphism, and categories of extended operators (see Sect. 1.4).
At the level of cohomology, an Ed or framed disc algebra becomes very
simple: it is a graded variant of a Poisson algebra, known as a Pd -algebra or
d-braid algebra (see the reviews [15,19]). This means that in addition to the
primary product, (cohomology classes of) local operators in a d-dimensional
TQFT carry a secondary product, a Lie bracket {O1 , O2 } of degree 1 − d,
which acts as a derivation with respect to the primary product. In terms of
configuration space, the secondary product is associated with the top homology
class of C2 (Rd ) ≃ S d−1 . Unravelling the mathematical formulation leads to
concrete formulas for the secondary product involving topological descent, such
as (1.2). We expand on the definition (1.2) and its relation to configuration
space in Sects. 2 and 3.
If we forget the Z-grading, we find a dichotomy between the case of d
odd, where a Pd structure is a conventional Poisson structure, and the case of
d even, where a Pd structure becomes an odd (fermionic) Poisson structure,
better known as a Gerstenhaber structure. Similarly, an oriented disc algebra
(allowing rotations of the discs) in odd dimensions is described by a Poisson
algebra with an action of an additional exterior algebra (the homology of the
1 The
Ed terminology is the standard one in the math literature. We prefer the disc algebra
terminology, as in the papers of Ayala–Francis, e.g. [17, 18] which, besides sounding less
technical, matches the TQFT setting better: a framed TQFT gives rise to a framed disc
algebra, which is an ordinary or unframed Ed algebra, while an oriented TQFT gives rise to
an oriented disc algebra, which is confusingly a framed Ed algebra.
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orthogonal group) [20], while in even dimensions we find the so-called Batalin–
Vilkovisky (BV) algebras (with an extra exterior algebra action for d ≥ 4).
While we work primarily at the level of cohomology in this paper, the
chain-level disc algebra structure on the space of physical local operators carries much richer information and is essential for many applications.2 At the
level of chains, disc structures do not boil down to separate primary (commutative) and secondary (Lie bracket) operations. However, one can extract from
any chain-level disc algebra its “Lie part”, which forms (up to a degree shift) a
homotopy Lie algebra, i.e. L∞ -algebra. The nontriviality of this L∞ structure
forms an obstruction to the honest chain-level commutativity of the operator
product. Just as in the more familiar case of A∞ algebras, the chain-level L∞
structure can be detected on the level of cohomology using an infinite sequence
of higher bracket operations (Massey products) L3 , L4 , . . . , which extend the
bracket operation L2 ; see e.g. [21–24].
1.1.1. Relation with Shifted Poisson Geometry and Factorization Algebras.
Disc algebras are at the centre of two of the most active areas of the current
research in physics-inspired geometry.
Shifted Poisson (or Pd ) algebras form the local building blocks in the theory of shifted symplectic, and more generally shifted Poisson, geometry [25,26].
(See also the surveys [27,28].) This theoretical framework provides a powerful and general algebro-geometric setting for the AKSZ-BV construction of
d-dimensional field theories [29]. (See [30] and in the more differential geometric setting of the Poisson sigma model and its generalizations in particular the
review [19], the papers [31,32], the survey page [33] and references therein.) In
particular, one can describe geometric objects with the property that spaces
of maps from d-dimensional manifolds into them are (− 1)-shifted symplectic
and locally derived critical loci of action functionals [34–38]. These theories in
turn provide the starting point for the perturbative construction of topological
field theories by a process of deformation quantization. In particular, [26,27]
discuss the construction of disc algebra structures from shifted Poisson spaces
that are expected to match those found on local and line operators.
In the powerful approach to perturbative quantum field theory developed by Costello and Gwilliam [39], the observables carry the structure of
factorization algebras. Factorization algebras first arose in the setting of twodimensional chiral CFT in the work of Beilinson and Drinfeld [40] as a geometric formulation of the theory of vertex algebras, i.e. of the meromorphic operator product expansion. An important perspective on disc algebras is as the
topological (and thus simplest) instances of factorization algebras—namely,
by a theorem of Lurie, Ed (i.e. framed d-disc) algebras are identified with
2 When working on the chain level, we will implicitly be using the machinery of ∞-categories,
which is a formal language to manage structures defined up to coherent homotopies. In
particular, this means we can freely transport structures between quasi-isomorphic chain
complexes. Thus, for example, the distinction between spaces of little discs in a d-disc or of
points in Rd is suppressed, as is that between associative and A∞ or Lie and L∞ algebras.
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
locally constant factorization algebras, i.e. the structure carried by observables of TQFTs [16]. This was discussed specifically in the context of topologically twisted supersymmetric theories and their holomorphically twisted
cousins in the lectures [41]. The recent paper [42] produces Ed -algebras from
the factorization algebras of topologically twisted supersymmetric theories in
the formalism of [39] by analysing the subtle distinction between cohomological trivialization of the stress tensor, the infinitesimal (or “de Rham”) form
of topological invariance, and topological invariance (local constancy) in the
stronger (“Betti”) sense.
Note that constructing a factorization algebras of observables requires
extra structure in a field theory, e.g. a Lagrangian formulation. It would be
interesting to measure the precise distance between the Ed -algebras of local
operators in TQFT and the factorization algebras of observables in a perturbative TQFT, built by way of this general formalism.
1.2. Two-Dimensional Theories
In dimension d = 2, the Gerstenhaber and BV algebra structures on the cohomology of local operators is well known. In the context of the BRST cohomology of topological conformal field theories, this structure was constructed by
Lian and Zuckerman in the early 1990s [43]. (See also [44].) The relevance of
operads in topological field theory was discovered by Kontsevich (see in particular [45]), and Getzler proved that the operad controlling the structure of
operators in oriented two-dimensional TQFT is identified with that of BV algebras [5]. There has also been extensive work lifting this structure to the chain
level. The underlying L∞ -algebra is identified with the fundamental homotopy
Lie algebra structure of string field theory [46].
The Gerstenhaber and BV algebra structure on local operators plays an
important role also in the study of mirror symmetry. In the B-model with a
Kähler target X , the local operators are given by the Dolbeault cohomology
of polyvector fields and the secondary product is induced by the Schouten–
Nijenhuis bracket. (We rederive this in detail in Sect. 4.) Thus, the bracket is
interesting for example for X = C or X = Pn . However, for X compact Calabi–
Yau, Hodge theory combines with the theory of BV algebras to prove vanishing
of the bracket on Dolbeault cohomology and to deduce the Tian–Todorov
unobstructedness of deformations (see [47,48] for the modern perspective).
Dually, in the A-model, a nonvanishing bracket requires a noncompact target
and twist fields, described mathematically via symplectic cohomology [49],
cf. [50,51]. In the case of A-twisted Landau–Ginzburg models, the bracket (in
fact, the entire L∞ structure on local operators) was recently studied in [23,24].
In a 2d TQFT, the local operators can also be identified with the
Hochschild cohomology of the category of boundary conditions (or D-branes) [7,
52–54]. In this guise, the secondary product matches the original appearance of
Gerstenhaber algebras [55] as the structure carried out by the Hochschild cohomology of associative algebras, and more generally the Hochschild cohomology
of categories (while Hochschild cohomology of Calabi–Yau categories carries a
BV algebra structure). The chain-level lift of the Gerstenhaber bracket to an
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E2 structure on Hochschild cochains is a fundamental result in homotopical
algebra, known as the Deligne conjecture [56–59]; see also [16].
1.3. Three-Dimensional Theories and the Ω Background
We spend a large part of this paper studying the secondary bracket in the case
d = 3. We find a rich set of examples—new, to the best of our knowledge, to
the physics literature—with concrete applications.
In odd dimensions, the secondary product defines an even, i.e. bosonic,
Poisson bracket on the algebra of local operators. We devote Sect. 5 to the
Rozansky–Witten twist of three-dimensional N = 4 theories, where we find
that the descent operation (1.2) captures the geometric Poisson bracket on
a holomorphic symplectic target space. Applying this result to physical 3d
N = 4 gauge theories, we quickly deduce that the Poisson bracket on the
Higgs and Coulomb branch chiral rings is intrinsically topological, and thus
not renormalized. We also show that for sigma models with compact targets,
such as those originally studied by Rozansky and Witten [60], the secondary
bracket on topological local operators vanishes, just as it does in the 2d Bmodel on compact CY manifolds.
Secondary products in higher dimensions turn out to provide a useful
perspective on Ω-backgrounds [61–64]. In the physics literature, it has been
argued from a variety of angles that an Ω-background can give rise to quantization of operator algebras, e.g. [65–74]. From a TQFT perspective, turning on
an Ω-background amounts to working equivariantly with respect to rotations
about one or more axes in d-dimensional spacetime. Such rotations of spacetime induce an action on the configuration spaces that control products in a
d-disc algebra. One then expects the Ω-background to lead to deformations
of disc algebras whose products are controlled by the equivariant homology of
configuration space.3
In the case of d = 3, we can make this idea quite concrete. The configuration space C2 (R3 ) ≃ S 2 has two homology classes: the point class [p],
inducing the primary product of local operators, and the fundamental class
[S 2 ], inducing the Poisson bracket. After turning on equivariance with respect
to rotations about an axis, localization gives us an identity:
U (1)
ǫ[S 2 ] = [N ] − [S] in H•
(S 2 ),
where ǫ is the equivariant parameter and [N ], [S] are the equivariant cohomology classes of the fixed points at the North and South Poles. Translating this
identity to products in the operator algebra, we find
ǫ{O1 , O2 } = O1 ∗ O2 − O2 ∗ O1 ,
3 Note
that the action of the orthogonal group and hence the corresponding equivariant
deformations are part of the structure of an oriented disc algebra.
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
with the RHS encoding the difference of primary products taken in opposite
orders along the fixed axis of rotations—in other words, a commutator. It follows that the Ω-deformation produces a canonical “deformation quantization”
of topological local operators with their secondary bracket.4
We discuss this topological approach to quantization further in Sect. 6.
In the special case of 3d Rozansky–Witten theory, it offers a precise topological explanation of a physical result of Yagi [68] (also related to deformation
quantization on canonical coisotropic branes in 2d A-models [74–77]).
More generally, turning on equivariance around a single axis in d dimensions deforms an Ed algebra to an Ed−2 algebra. This deformation is defined
and studied in [78]. In three dimensions, the equivariant form of the E3 operad
is identified with a graded version of the so-called BD 1 operad, which controls
deformation quantizations. In the case of d = 2, one recovers Getzler’s theorem [5].
1.4. Extended Operators
In the final sections of the paper, we begin an investigation of the rich structures arising from higher products involving extended operators. k-dimensional
extended operators have a primary product in which the extended operators
are aligned in parallel and brought together in the transverse dimensions.
Moreover, as with local operators, the extended operators can be moved around
each other in the transverse d − k directions, resulting in additional operations
controlled by the topology of the configuration spaces of points (or little discs)
in Rd−k , i.e. a (d − k)-disc structure.
Extended operators in isolation are already more complicated entities
than local operators. Topological line operators naturally form a category, in
which individual line operators are objects and the morphisms between two
lines are given by the topological interfaces between them. The associative
composition of morphisms is given by the collision of interfaces. Likewise,
k-dimensional extended operators have the structure of a k-category, with
higher morphisms given by interfaces between interfaces (see, e.g. [79] for a
physical exposition of this mathematical structure). Extended operators with
k-dimensional support in a d-dimensional TQFT and thus have the structure
of a (d − k)-disc k-category.
In this paper, we will only take the first steps in exploring this structure, restricting our attention to line operators—thus, to ordinary categories,
or “one-categories”. In general terms, the structures associated with line operators should be as follows:
• In d = 2, line operators form self-interfaces of the theory itself. The
1-disc structure is simply the associative composition of interfaces, or
at the chain level, the homotopy-associative (i.e. E1 = A∞ ) lift of this
4 The
general formalism does not, however, guarantee flatness of the deformation. For example, the space of states in the B-model is deformed by the Ω-background from Dolbeault to de
Rham cohomology and thus jumps radically for noncompact targets. It would be interesting
to find physical mechanisms that do ensure flatness.
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composition [23,24]. Here, the transverse configuration space does not
give rise to any additional structures.
• In d = 3, we encounter in this fashion the familiar braiding of line operators, such as the braiding of Wilson lines in Chern–Simons theory.
Indeed, an E2 structure on an abelian category is identified with the
more familiar notion of braided tensor category (see e.g. Example
in [16]). As we review, in the setting of Rozansky–Witten theory line
operators are given by the derived category of coherent sheaves, where
this braided structure is described somewhat indirectly [60,80,81]. (See
also [82] where the local version is described as a Drinfeld centre.)
• In d = 4, we see nothing interesting on the level of abelian categories,
since E3 structures on abelian categories reduce to symmetric monoidal
(i.e. commutative tensor) structures. However, on the derived level the
E3 structure can be nondegenerate (shifted symplectic).
We thus set as a goal to understand concretely the facets of the disc algebra
structure on derived categories of line operators, in particular in Rozansky–
Witten theory (d = 3) and geometric Langlands (GL) twisted N = 4 super
-Yang–Mills theories (d = 4).
First, by considering local operators as self-interfaces of the “trivial line”
one can recover the disc structure on local operators. This is in fact precisely
the information captured by the perturbative construction of factorization algebras of observables as in [39] and is utilized to great effect in [83,84] to
recover the braided categories of representations of quantum (loop) groups in
perturbative Chern–Simons theory and 4d gauge theories. This approach suffices to describe all line operators in the case of RW theory on an affine target,
but not in general. In 4d GL-twisted Yang–Mills, it gives no information at
all, because the fermionic Poisson bracket vanishes on the completely bosonic
ring of topological local operators.
We thus probe the next level of structure carried out by topological line
operators by defining a secondary product between local operators and line
operators. (The mathematical formalism underlying this construction is developed in [85], though we are not aware of any literature from either the
mathematical or physical tradition where this structure is fully expressed or
explored in examples.5 ) The secondary bracket is defined much as for pairs
of local operators: we integrate the descendant of a local operator on a small
sphere linking a line operator. This defines an action of local operators as selfinterfaces of any line operator which, as we explain, are central : they commute
with all other interfaces between lines. We also introduce briefly in Sect. 7.3 a
further level of structure, defining a new line operator as the secondary product
of a pair of line operators.
In Sect. 8, we calculate this secondary product of local and line operators in Rozansky–Witten theory by first showing how to describe secondary
products in 3d as primary products in the reduction of the theory on a circle.
We then interpret the secondary product geometrically as describing the flow
5 See
[86] for some informal discussion in this direction.
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of the line operator (coherent sheaf) along a Hamiltonian vector field defined
by the local operator.
Finally, in Sect. 9 we investigate the secondary product of local and line
operators in four dimensions, in the gauge theoretic setting for the geometric
Langlands program introduced in [76]. We consider the GL twist of N = 4
super-Yang–Mills with gauge group G with the canonical values Ψ = 0 of the
G model” in the terminology of [87]) and its S-dual
twisting parameter (the “A
description, GL-twisted N = 4 with gauge group G∨ and Ψ = ∞ (the “B
model”). This theory carries topological local operators given by invariant
polynomials of an adjoint-valued scalar field (the equivariant cohomology of a
point). There are also topological line operators, in particular the topological
G ,
G∨ and topological ’t Hooft line operators in A
Wilson line operators in B
both labelled by representations of the dual group G∨ .
We find that the secondary product of local operators with these line
operators is highly nontrivial: it defines an action of a rank(G)-dimensional
abelian Lie algebra (a principal nilpotent centralizer) by central self-interfaces
on the line operators; see Theorem 9.2. We refine and reinterpret in this way
the construction of Witten [87], who found (by studying a particular threedimensional configuration) the effect of this action on the underlying vector
space of a corresponding G∨ representation, thereby giving a physical interpretation to a construction of Ginzburg [88]. In particular, this measures explicitly
(we believe for the first time) the noncommutativity of the 3-disc structure on
the category of line operators, also known as the spherical (or derived Satake)
category, one of the central objects in the geometric Langlands program.6 Our
action is an infinitesimal version of the Ngô action studied in [93], where a
group of central symmetries of the spherical category was constructed.
1.5. Further Directions
We conclude the introduction by briefly mentioning three important problems
in which we expect the higher product structure on operators to play a central
role: deformations, higher-form symmetries, and holomorphic twists.
There is a strongly expected relation between the homotopy Lie algebra
structure of local operators and the deformation theory of the TQFT, though
we are not aware of a precise general formulation in the literature beyond
d = 2. On the one hand, it is well known that one can use descendants of local
operators to deform a TQFT. On the other hand, there is a long-standing
philosophy associated with Deligne, Drinfeld, Feigin, and Kontsevich (see for
example [22,94]) that formal deformation problems are associated with dg or
homotopy Lie algebras, as the spaces of solutions of the associated Maurer–
Cartan equations. In the setting of derived algebraic geometry, this philosophy
becomes the general Koszul duality equivalence [89] between Lie algebras and
formal moduli problems.
6 The
existence of a 3-disc structure on the spherical category was first observed by Lurie in
2005. It is mentioned in [89–91]—a related construction appears in [82]—and the factorization homology of this 3-disc structure is described in [92].
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We expect that the L∞ algebra given by the chain-level bracket of local
operators controls a space of deformations of the corresponding TQFT, in any
dimension.7 (For discussions of the relation of L∞ -algebras and the space of
deformations and quantum field theory, see [23,24,95,96].) In particular, this is
well known in two dimensions, where Hochschild cohomology controls the deformations of dg categories of boundary conditions and hence their associated
TQFTs. In higher dimensions, however, we expect to need extended operators
to describe all deformations of a TQFT. For example, in Rozansky–Witten
theory local operators only control the exact deformations of the underlying
holomorphic symplectic manifold, while line operators can be used to produce
deformations that vary the class of the holomorphic symplectic form.
The (d − k)-disc structure of k-dimensional extended operators also plays
a key role in the theory of generalized global symmetries of quantum field
theories [97], which we mention very briefly. Namely, in TQFT, one can define
the notion of a (p − 1)-form symmetry as the data of an Ep -space G and an
Ep -map from G to the Ep -algebra of codimension-p extended operators.
For example, for p = 1, E1 -spaces are (homotopical versions of) monoids.
We thus find a monoid acting by ordinary (0-form) symmetries of a TQFT, via
a homomorphism to the monoid (in fact E1 (d − 1)-category) of self-interfaces
of the theory. We will encounter a particular example of this when considering
flavour symmetries in Rozansky–Witten theory, in Sect. 5.3. For p = 2, an E2 space is a suitable homotopic version of a commutative monoid, and we can
ask for such an object—rather than just a commutative group as in [97]—to
act by 1-form symmetries of a TQFT, via codimension-2 extended operators.
One other interesting future direction would be to investigate higher
products in holomorphically (rather than topologically) twisted supersymmetric theories, such as the twists of 4d N = 1 and N = 2 theories introduced
by [98,99]. Holomorphic twists were studied in the factorization algebra formalism of [39] in e.g. [84,100,101]. They form an important bridge between
full, physical SUSY QFTs and topologically twisted ones, and they admit
higher products closely analogous to those of TQFTs, whose general structure was briefly outlined in [41]. A particularly interesting higher product in
(hybrid) holomorphically topologically twisted 4d N = 1 gauge theory was
computed in [84], where it played a central role in defining the coproduct for
a Yangian algebra. There seem to be many other interesting examples to uncover; however, in this paper we will focus on the—already rich—case of purely
topological twists instead.
2. Algebras of Topological Operators
We now go back to basics. Our goal is to define physically, from first principles,
the primary and secondary products on cohomology classes of local operators
7 It is important to note that the entire disc algebra structure (not just the L
∞ part) is important for the deformation problem—d-disc algebras [18, 89] define enhanced “slightly noncommutative” formal moduli spaces, whose rings of functions are themselves d-disc algebras.
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
in a TQFT of cohomological type, and to understand their interplay with
configuration spaces.
In this section, we recall the structure of the primary product and its
properties. We will establish our conventions and assumptions for describing
algebraic structures in cohomological TQFTs and their cousins. Though the
constructions are standard, we make an effort to treat clearly the underlying
chain-level structures that will be responsible for the higher operations described in the following section. In this paper, we will only be interested in
local structures in spacetime, so we will work exclusively in flat d-dimensional
Euclidean space Rd .
2.1. The Topological Sector
The basic symmetry structure underlying a cohomological TQFT is the twisted
super-Poincaré algebra generated by charges {Pμ , Q, Qμ }, with Pμ being the
generator of spacetime translations in the xμ direction, and odd supercharges
Q and Qμ obeying
Q2 = [Qμ , Qν ] = [Qμ , Pν ] = [Q, Pν ] = 0,
[Q, Qμ ] = iPμ .
Throughout this paper, we will use the graded commutator [a, b] := ab −
(−1)F (a)F (b) ba, where F is the Z/2Z fermion number. In situations where
fermion number can be lifted to a Z grading, we assume that F (Q) = 1 and
F (Qμ ) = −1.
Standard examples of this structure arise from topological twisting of
supersymmetric field theories. In such cases, Q (resp. Qμ ) is not a scalar (resp.
vector) under the ordinary Euclidean rotation group Spin(d)E . Rather, it is
a scalar (resp. vector) under an “improved” rotation group Spin(d)′ ⊂ GR ×
Spin(d), where GR is the R-symmetry group.8
Let Opδ denote the vector space of states associated with a sphere of
radius δ. In a conformal field theory, the state operator correspondence gives a
basis for Opδ consisting of local operators inserted at the centre of the sphere.
In a more general theory, Opδ might be larger: it is equivalent to the vector
space of all operators, local or otherwise, with support strictly inside the ball
of radius δ, including multiple-point insertions (Fig. 1). We will nevertheless
abuse language and call an element of Opδ a “local operator”. The infinitesimal
symmetries Pμ , Q, and Qμ act on the space Opδ . In particular, we can consider
O ∈ Opδ with
Q(O) = 0.
We call these topological operators.
8 The
existence of a (non-anomalous) improved rotation group enhances a d-disc structure to
a framed d-disc structure, as explained in Sect. 1.1 of Introduction. For most of our purposes
in this paper, it will not matter if such an improved rotation group can actually be defined,
though it will be present in our examples.
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∈ Opδ
Figure 1. An illustration of an element of Opδ , coming from
a multi-point insertion of ordinary local operators and a compact loop operator, all supported in the ball Bδ
We consider topological operators modulo Q-exact operators, i.e. the cohomology of Q acting on Opδ ,
Aδ =
ker Q
im Q
Passing to this quotient is automatic in QFT: once we restrict our attention
exclusively to Q-closed operators, any correlation function involving a Q-exact
operator will vanish. Thus, after restricting to Q-closed operators, Q-exact
operators are equivalent to zero. Note also that for any δ > δ ′ , the path integral
over the annulus Bδ \Bδ′ induces a canonical map Aδ → Aδ′ . We assume that
this map is actually an isomorphism; thus, once we pass to Q-cohomology, the
size of the ball we consider is irrelevant. With this in mind, from now on we
suppress the label δ and just call the Q-cohomology A.
2.2. The Topological Algebra
Let us fix a large ball B1 ⊂ Rd of size (say) 1 and a pair of points (x1 , x2 ) ∈ B12
with x1 = x2 . Given operators O1 , O2 ∈ Opδ with δ ≪ |x1 − x2 |, we can
construct an element of Op1 by inserting balls Bδ , Bδ containing O1 , O2
(respectively) inside B1 . This defines a map of vector spaces
∗x1 ,x2 :
Opδ ⊗ Opδ →
O1 , O2 → O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 ).
(When O1 , O2 are ordinary local operators supported at isolated points, O1 (x1 )
O2 (x2 ) is an ordinary two-point insertion in the path integral.) The map ∗x1 ,x2
depends in a nontrivial way on the precise insertion points x1 , x2 .
Upon passing to Q-cohomology classes, we obtain a much simpler structure. As the Q-cohomology of Opδ is independent of the radius δ, (2.4) induces
a product operation
∗x1 ,x2 : A ⊗ A → A,
O1 ∗x1 ,x2 O2 = O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 ),
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
Figure 2. A point of the connected space C2 (B) for d = 2
where · denotes a Q-cohomology class. The product ∗x1 ,x2 is invariant under
continuous deformations of (x1 , x2 ) as long as x1 = x2 ; this follows from the Qexactness of translations as given in (2.1). Indeed, for an infinitesimal variation
of x2 we have
∂xμ2 O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 ) = O1 (x1 )∂μ O2 (x2 )
= O1 (x1 )QQμ (O2 (x2 ))
= (−1) Q (O1 (x1 )Qμ (O2 (x2 )))
= 0,
and similarly for variations of x1 , where we have used that Pμ = −i∂μ acting
on local operators.
Said otherwise, if we define the configuration space
C2 (B) = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ B 2 | x1 = x2 }
then ∗x1 ,x2 depends only on the connected component of C2 (B) in which (x1 , x2 )
2.2.1. Topological Algebra in Dimension d 2. The simplest case is when
the spacetime dimension d is at least two. In that case, C2 (B) is homotopic
to S d−1 , and has only one connected component (we can interpolate from any
(x1 , x2 ) to any other (x′1 , x′2 ) while keeping the points distinct.) Therefore,
there is just a single product ∗ (Fig. 2).
Moreover, ∗ is graded-commutative: to see this, pick any x1 = x2 and note
O1 ∗O2 = O1 ∗x1 ,x2 O2 = (−1)F1 F2 O2 ∗x2 ,x1
O1 = (−1)F1 F2 O2 ∗O1 .
2.2.2. Topological Algebra in Dimension d = 1. In one dimension, the story
is slightly different because there is not enough room to move x1 and x2 past
one another without a collision. Said otherwise, C2 (B) has two connected components:
C2,a (B) = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ B 2 : x1 < x2 },
C2,b (B) = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ B 2 : x1 > x2 }.
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Figure 3. Left: a point of the component C2,a (B). Right: a
point of the component C2,b (B)
Consequently, there are two product operations, ∗a and ∗b , on A. These two
products are related by swapping the arguments; indeed, choosing any x1 <
x2 ,
O1 ∗a O2 = O1 ∗x1 ,x2 O2 = (−1)F1 F2 O2 ∗x2 ,x1
O1 = (−1)F1 F2 O2 ∗b O1 .
Thus, we can again restrict our attention to the single product ∗ := ∗a without losing any information. Unlike the d 2 case, though, here ∗ need not
be graded-commutative (Fig. 3). (When d 2 the product ∗ is gradedcommutative because we could continuously exchange x1 and x2 ; in d = 1
there is not enough room to do this, so there is no reason for ∗ to be gradedcommutative.)
2.2.3. Associativity. The final elementary point is that the product ∗ is associative in any dimension. To see this, we consider a class
O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 ),
O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 ) = (O1 ∗O2 )∗O3 .
O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 ) = O1 ∗(O2 ∗O3 ).
corresponding to the insertion of three small balls (containing O1 , O2 , O3 , respectively) inside a large ball B. For simplicity of exposition, suppose the
dimension is d 2. Then, by a continuous deformation we can arrange that
/ B ′ , as shown in the top row of Fig. 4.
x1 and x2 lie in a ball B ′ ⊂ B with x3 ∈
Next, we replace the two operators O1 (x1 ) and O2 (x2 ) by a single operator
O12 (x12 ), where O12 lies in the class O1 ∗O2 ; after this replacement, we have
operators O12 (x12 ) and O3 (x3 ) on the ball B; this configuration of operators
is in the class (O1 ∗O2 )∗O3 , so we get
By instead bringing x2 and x3 together, as shown in the bottom row of Fig. 4,
we get
Combining (2.16) and (2.17) gives the desired associativity,
(O1 ∗O2 )∗O3 = O1 ∗(O2 ∗O3 ).
The key topological fact we used in this argument is that the configuration
space C3 (B) is connected: this allows us to interpolate between the configuration with x1 and x2 close together and the configuration with x2 and x3 close
A similar argument establishes the associativity in dimension d = 1. In
this case, C3 (B) has six components, corresponding to the six possible orderings
of the xi .
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
Figure 4. Connectedness of C3 (B) leads to associativity of ∗
3. The Poisson Structure on Topological Operators
In this section, we develop the second, less standard way to multiply operators
in topological theories in dimension d > 1: the “secondary product”.
The secondary product promotes the associative graded-commutative algebra A to a (super) Poisson algebra when d is odd and a Gerstenhaber algebra
when d is even. In many examples arising from twisted supersymmetric theories, the Z/2Z-grading of A has a refinement to a Z-grading that is identified
with an R-charge in the supersymmetric theory. In such examples, we can
say more uniformly that A inherits a Pd -algebra structure—a graded Poisson
bracket of degree 1 − d.
(When d = 1, the story is a bit different. As we have seen, in that case
the primary algebra structure of A need not be graded-commutative. We could
still follow the steps defining the secondary product in this case, but it would
turn out to be just the commutator. Thus, in the rest of this section we will
specialize to d > 1.)
3.1. Topological Descent
To formulate the secondary product, we need to review the notion of topological
descent introduced in [3] and elaborated in [12]. Given a topological observable
O(x) (corresponding concretely to an operator supported in a ball centred at
x), one defines an associated one-form observable according to
O(1) (x) = Oμ (x)dxμ ,
Oμ (x) = Qμ (O(x)),
a two-form observable as
O(2) (x) = Oμν (x)dxμ ∧ dxν ,
Oμν (x) =
Qμ Qν (O(x)),
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and more generally for any positive integer k,
O(k) (x) =
(Qμ1 . . . Qμk O)(x)dxμ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxμk .
The O(k) are not topological operators in their own right, but they are topological “up to total derivatives”, in the sense that
Q(O(1) (x)) = Q (Qμ (O(x))) dxμ = iPμ (O(x))dxμ = dO(x),
and more generally by an analogous computation,
Q(O(k) (x)) = dO(k−1) (x).
For later convenience, we will introduce the total descendant
O∗ =
O(k) ,
in terms of which (3.5) becomes simply
QO∗ = dO∗ .
Now, for any k-chain γ ⊂ B we define a new extended operator living
along γ:
O(γ) =
O(k) .
Since O(k) is topological up to total derivatives, O(γ) is topological up to
boundary terms: indeed, using Stokes’s theorem and (3.5) we get
Q(O(γ)) = O(∂γ).
In particular, when γ is a k-cycle, we have
Q(O(γ)) = 0,
so in this case O(γ) is an extended topological operator. Moreover, by another application of Stokes’s theorem and (3.5) we see that the homology class
O(γ) ∈ A depends only on the homology class of γ.
This last observation might at first seem discouraging. In prior work
on topological field theory, the extended operators O(γ) are usually wrapped
around homologically nontrivial cycles in spacetime.9 When spacetime is Rd ,
it looks like the classes O(γ) cannot give us anything new: indeed, the only
homologically nontrivial compact cycles are 0-cycles, for which O(γ) reduces to
the original topological operator O(x). Fortunately, there is another possibility.
9 For
example, the TQFT interpretation of the Donaldson invariants of a 4-manifold X, given
in [3], involves operators O(γ) wrapped around cycles γ ⊂ X.
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
Figure 5. Construction of the product operator (3.11): the
local operator O1 is placed at x, and the (d − 1)-form descendant of the local operator O2 is integrated over a surrounding
sphere. The large ball B is not shown explicitly
3.2. The Secondary Product
Suppose that O1 and O2 are two topological operators. We insert O2 at a point
x ∈ B. Then, we apply descent to O1 , obtaining the (d − 1)-form operator
, and integrate it over a sphere Sxd−1 centred at x.10 In other words, we
consider the product operator
O1 (Sxd−1 )O2 (x).
Note that this is again a local operator: it is supported inside a single, sufficiently large ball. Moreover, as the product of two topological operators, (3.11)
is itself topological, so we may consider its class11
O1 (Sxd−1 )O2 (x) ∈ A.
{O1 , O2 } = O1 (Sxd−1 )O2 (x).
Given two spheres Sxd−1 , Sx′d−1 of different radii, the chain Sxd−1 − Sx′d−1 is the
boundary of an annulus that does not intersect x, so Stokes’ theorem can be
safely applied to show that O1 (Sxd−1 )O2 (x) is independent of the radius of
Sxd−1 . Thus, we may define a new product {·, ·} on A by
As we will show in the next few sections, the two products ∗ and {·, ·} make
A into a Z/2-graded Poisson algebra, with bracket of parity opposite to that
of d, or (in the Z-graded setting) degree 1 − d (Fig. 5).
10 This operation depends on an orientation of S d−1 ; here and below, we always choose the
standard orientation, induced from the ambient spacetime.
11 Since S d−1 is the boundary of a ball B d , we might try to use the equation O (S d−1 ) =
1 x
Q(O1 (Bxd )) to show that (3.11) is Q-exact, but there is a potential obstruction: we would
need to write
O1 (Sxd−1 )O2 (x) = Q(O1 (Bxd ))O2 (x) = Q(O1 (Bxd )O2 (x))
and this last operator is ill-defined thanks to the colliding-point singularity at x. Thus, we
cannot conclude that (3.11) is Q-exact, and indeed we will see in examples below that it
may not be.
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3.2.1. Descent on Configuration Space. In order to derive some basic properties of secondary products, it will be advantageous to switch to a more sophisticated point of view on descent, cf. [39, Sec 1.3]. Namely, instead of applying
descent to the individual Oi to get form-valued operators Oi on Rd , we can
apply it directly to the product O1 (x1 )O2 (x2 ), defining form-valued operators
(O1 ⊠ O2 )(k) on the configuration space C2 (B):
(O1 ⊠ O2 )(k) (x1 , x2 ) =
(−1)(k−n)F1 O1 (x1 ) ∧ O2
(x2 ).
To be concrete, in coordinates we have e.g.
(O1 ⊠ O2 )(1) = O1;μ (x1 )O2 (x2 )dxμ1 + (−1)F1 O1 (x1 )O2;μ (x2 )dxμ2 . (3.16)
The forms (O1 ⊠ O2 )(k) have been engineered to obey the key condition [cf.
Q((O1 ⊠ O2 )(k+1) ) = d(O1 ⊠ O2 )(k) .
More compactly, we can rewrite (3.15) in terms of the total descendant as
(O1 ⊠ O2 )∗ = O1∗ ∧ σ F1 O2∗ ,
where σ acts as (−1)k on the degree k part. Then, (3.17) is
Q(O1 ⊠ O2 )∗ = d(O1 ⊠ O2 )∗ .
Now, given any k-cycle Γ on C2 (B) we can define a new extended opera(O1 ⊠ O2 )(Γ) =
(O1 ⊠ O2 )(k) .
By applying Stokes’s theorem and (3.17), we find that (O1 ⊠ O2 )(Γ) is topological, and (O1 ⊠ O2 )(Γ) depends only on O1 , O2 and the homology
class Γ ∈ Hk (C2 (B), Z). Thus, for each class P ∈ Hk (C2 (B), Z) we obtain a
bilinear operation, which we denote
⋆P : A ⊗ A → A.
The operation ⋆P depends linearly on the class P .
In a similar way, given n topological operators we can build a form-valued
operator on the configuration space Cn (B) of n points. Integrating these forms
against homology classes P ∈ H• (Cn (B), Z) gives multilinear operations on
⋆P : A⊗n → A.
Below, we will only need explicitly the case n = 3, for which the relevant form
(O1 ⊠ O2 ⊠ O3 )∗ = O1∗ ∧ σ F1 O2∗ ∧ σ F1 +F2 O3∗ .
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3.2.2. Symmetry of the Secondary Product. In this section, we prove that
{·, ·} has the symmetry property
{O2 , O1 } = (−1)F1 F2 +d {O1 , O2 }.
We begin by showing that
O1 ⋆Γa O2 = (−1)d O1 ⋆Γb O2 ,
where the two (d − 1)-cycles in C2 (B) are defined as
× {x2 },
Γa = Sxd−1
Γb = {x1 } ×
To relate these two cycles, note that the configuration space C2 (B) is homotopy
equivalent to S d−1 , via the map
x1 − x2
(x1 , x2 ) →
x1 − x2
It follows that its homology is (for d 2)
for k = 0,
Hk (C2 (B), Z) = Z
for k = d − 1,
Moreover, for any (d−1)-cycle Γ, the homology class Γ ∈ Z is the topological
degree of the map Γ → S d−1 given by (3.28). Since Γb is obtained by composing
Γa with the antipodal map A: S d−1 → S d−1 , whose degree is deg(A) = (−1)d ,
we have
Γa = (−1)d Γb .
The relation (3.30) immediately implies (3.25). Now, we can use (3.25) to
determine the symmetry of the secondary product12 :
{O2 , O1 } = O2 (Sxd−1 )O1 (x)
= O2 ⋆Γa O1
= (−1)d O2 ⋆Γb O1
= (−1)d+F2 (d−1)+F2 (F1 +d−1) O1 (Sxd−1 )O2 (x)
= (−1)F1 F2 +d {O1 , O2 }.
d+F2 (d−1)
= (−1)
O2 (x)O1 (Sxd−1 )
This is the desired symmetry property (3.24).
Incidentally, our computation also shows that any operation ⋆Γ built
from a (d − 1)-cycle Γ ⊂ C2 (B) is an integer multiple of {·, ·}. For example, we
could apply descent to both operators O1 and O2 , then integrate them around
cycles γ1 , γ2 in Rd , with dim γ1 + dim γ2 = d − 1; e.g. in d = 3 we could
integrate O1 and O2 around two circles making up a Hopf link (Fig. 6).
12 In
passing from (3.31) to (3.32), we need to take account of the tricky sign σ F1 in (3.18).
This is the only place in this paper where this sign plays a role.
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Figure 6. In d = 3, the secondary product can (equivalently)
be defined by integrating first descendants around a Hopf link
Figure 7. Three cycles Γ, Γ′ , and Γ′′ in C3 (B) used to prove
the derivation property of the secondary product
What we have just shown is that the resulting class is ℓ{O1 , O2 } where ℓ
is the linking number between γ1 and γ2 .
3.2.3. The Derivation Property. Another key property of a Poisson bracket is
that it is a derivation of the algebra structure:
{O1 , O2 ∗O3 } = {O1 , O2 }∗O3 + (−1)(F1 +d−1)F2 O2 ∗{O1 , O3 }.
We can prove this using the same strategy we used in Sect. 3.2.2: we identify
the three terms as operations
⋆Γ : A ⊗ A ⊗ A → A
coming from cycles Γ on C3 (B) (Fig. 7).
The left side of (3.34) corresponds to the cycle
Γ = Sxd−1
× {x2 } × {x3 },
2 ,x3
is a sphere enclosing both x2 and x3 . The two terms on the right
where Sxd−1
2 ,x3
× {x2 } × {x3 },
Γ′ = Sxd−1
Γ′′ = Sxd−1
× {x2 } × {x3 }.
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
Since the sphere enclosing both x2 and x3 is homologous to a sum of spheres
enclosing x2 and x3 separately, we have
Now, we use this as follows:
Γ = Γ′ + Γ′′ .
)O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 )
{O1 , O2 ∗O3 } = O1 (Sxd−1
2 ,x3
= ⋆Γ (O1 , O2 , O3 )
= ⋆Γ′ (O1 , O2 , O3 ) + ⋆Γ′′ (O1 , O2 , O3 )
)O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 ) + O1 (Sxd−1
)O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 )
= O1 (Sxd−1
)O2 (x2 )O3 (x3 )
= O1 (Sxd−1
)O3 (x3 )
+ (−1)(F1 +d−1)F2 O2 (x2 )O1 (Sxd−1
= {O1 ∗O2 , O3 } + (−1)(F1 +d−1)F2 {O2 , O1 ∗O3 },
as needed to prove (3.34).
Note that the cycles Γ, Γ′ , and Γ′′ lie in a subspace of C3 (B) where x2
and x3 are fixed and only x1 varies. Thus, for this argument it was not really
necessary to use the language of descent on configuration spaces: we could
have gotten by with ordinary descent applied to O1 (x1 ) alone.
3.2.4. The Jacobi Identity. The last property we need to check is the Jacobi
{O1 , {O2 , O3 }} − (−1)(F1 +d−1)(F2 +d−1) {O2 , {O1 , O3 }}
= (−1)(d−1)(F1 +d−1) {{O1 , O2 }, O3 }.
The first term on the left of (3.41) is ⋆Γ (O1 , O2 , O3 ) where
Γ = Sxd−1,big
× Sxd−1,small
× {x3 }.
The second term in (3.41) is the same with x2 and x1 reversed. For convenience, we may rescale distances so that x2 goes around the same sphere
in the second term as it did in the first term; then, the second term
is ⋆Γ′ (O1 , O2 , O3 ) where
× {x3 }.
× Sxd−1,small
Γ′ = Sxd−1,tiny
The difference of these cycles is
Γ − Γ′ = (Sxd−1,big
− Sxd−1,tiny
) × Sxd−1,small
× {x3 }.
− Sxd−1,tiny
For each fixed x2 ∈
the chain
R − {x2 , x3 } to a small sphere Sxd−1
. Thus, we have
Γ − Γ′ = Γ′′
is homologous in
where Γ′′ is shown in Fig. 8. The right side of (3.41) is ⋆Γ′′ (O1 , O2 , O3 ).
Thus, the relation (3.45) gives the desired (3.41).
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Figure 8. The cycles Γ, Γ′ , Γ′′ in C3 (B)
3.3. No New Higher Operations
As we have explained, any class in H• (Cn (B), Z) induces an n-ary operation on
the Q-cohomology A. In particular, the two binary operations ∗ and {·, ·} are
induced by the two nontrivial homology classes in H• (C2 (B), Z). One might
wonder whether the higher n-ary operations coming from H• (Cn (B), Z) bring
anything new. The simple answer is no: the only n-ary operations we get from
H• (Cn (B), Z) come from iterated compositions of ∗ and {·, ·}. This follows
from the fact that, for d > 1, the homology of the little d-discs operad is the
degree d − 1 Poisson operad (see [15] for a useful review.)
A slightly more refined answer is that nontrivial higher n-ary operations do exist, corresponding to the higher L∞ operations discussed briefly in
Sect. 1.1 of Introduction. However, these higher n-ary operations come from
open chains rather than cycles in configuration space Cn (B), and so generically
map an n-tuple of Q-closed operators to an arbitrary element of Opδ , rather
than to another Q-closed operator. Thus, the higher n-ary operations are not
defined on the entire Q-cohomology A. The only nontrivial operations guaranteed to exist on all of A—coming from cycles in configuration space—are
the primary product and the Lie bracket.
4. Example: The 2d B-Model
As our first example of this formalism, we will review the construction of
the secondary product in perhaps the simplest nontrivial setting: the B-twist
of a two-dimensional N = (2, 2) sigma model, a.k.a. the B-model. It is well
known [4,102] (cf. also [103]) that the B-model with Kähler target X has
a topological algebra of local operators that is isomorphic to the Dolbeault
cohomology of polyvector fields on X :
= H∂•¯ Ω0,• (X ) ⊗ Λ• (T 1,0 X ) .
In other words, A is the ∂-cohomology
of (0, q) forms valued in arbitrary extep
rior powers Λ (T X ) of the holomorphic tangent bundle. This algebra is Zgraded, with kth graded component A(k) = ⊕p+q=k H∂q¯ Ω0,• (X )⊗Λp (T 1,0 X ) .
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The chiral ring of the underlying (untwisted) sigma model consists of holomorphic functions on X [104] and sits inside the topological algebra as the 0-graded
C[X ] = A(0) ⊂ A.
Due to the absence of instanton corrections in the B-model, the primary product on A coincides with the ordinary wedge product of polyvector fields:
O1 ∗ O2 = O1 ∧ O2 .
It is also well known that there exists an odd (degree −1) Poisson bracket
on A that gives A the structure of a graded Lie algebra, in a manner compatible with the primary product. Altogether, this endows A with the structure
of a Gerstenhaber algebra. In terms of the geometry of the target, the Poisson bracket coincides with the Schouten–Nijenhuis (SN) bracket of polyvector
fields, which extends the geometric Lie bracket of ordinary vector fields.
We will verify in this section that the SN bracket coincides with the
secondary product that arises from topological descent. To keep things simple,
we begin by considering the theory with target Cn , i.e. the theory of n free
chiral multiplets. We will then see how to generalize the discussion to allow
for more interesting Kähler targets.13
4.1. (2, 2) Superalgebra
We first recall the general structure of N = (2, 2) supersymmetry in flat twodimensional Euclidean space, which we take to have complex coordinates z, z̄.
In the absence of central charges, the super-Poincaré algebra is generated
by supercharges Q± , Q± , together with momentum operators Pz , Pz̄ with
(anti)commutation relations:
[Q+ , Q+ ] = 2iPz̄ ,
[Q− , Q− ] = 2iPz
∼ U (1)E Lorentz group.
and supplemented by generators of the Spin(2) =
The R-symmetry U (1)A ×U (1)V of the super-Poincaré algebra is the connected component of the group of outer automorphisms commuting with the
Poincaré subalgebra. The two factors U (1)A and U (1)V are referred to as the
“axial” and “vector” R-symmetry, respectively. The weights of the generators
under the R-symmetry and Lorentz group are summarized as follows:
U (1)E
U (1)A
U (1)V
13 It may appear unconventional for us to allow arbitrary Kähler target in the B-model.
Indeed, in order to define the B-model on arbitrary curved 2d spacetimes, the target must
actually be Calabi–Yau, which ensures the existence of a non-anomalous axial U (1)A Rsymmetry that can be used to twist the theory. Because we are only addressing local properties of the algebra of operators in flat spacetime, the N = (2, 2) supersymmetry algebra
contains both the “topological” supercharge Q and the vector Qμ whenever the target is
Kähler, regardless of whether the axial R-symmetry is present.
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If U (1)A is a symmetry of the theory, one can consider an improved
Lorentz group, defined as the anti-diagonal of U (1)E × U (1)A . With respect
to the improved Lorentz group, the linear combinations
Q := Q+ + Q−
Qμ =
transform as a scalar and a vector, respectively, under U (1)E , and generate
the twisted Poincaré superalgebra of the general form given in Eq. (2.1).
However, even if U (1)A is anomalous, we still have Q2 = 0 and [Q, Qμ ] =
iPμ , which is good enough for our purposes. In any Kähler sigma model (whose
target is locally parametrized by chiral multiplets), U (1)V remains unbroken
and defines a Z-valued fermion number grading, under which Q and Qμ have
charges + 1 and − 1, respectively.
4.2. Free Chiral: Target Space Cn
For our example, we take the theory of n free chiral multiplet, consisting of a
, ψ̄i± .
complex scalar fields φi and complex left- and right-handed fermions ψ±
The action,
S = d2 z ∂z φi ∂z̄ φ̄i − 12 ψ̄i+ ∂z ψ+
− 12 ψ̄i− ∂z̄ ψ−
is invariant under supersymmetry transformations generated by Q± and Q±
that act on the fields according to
2∂z̄ φi
0 ,
2∂z φi
2∂z̄ φ̄i
2∂z φ̄i
ψ̄i− .
The superalgebra relations (4.4) are realized modulo the equations of motion.
It is convenient to reparametrize the fermions according to their transformations under the improved Lorentz group:
ηi = ψ̄i+ + ψ̄i− ,
ξi = −i(ψ̄i+ − ψ̄i− );
χi =
dz + ψ+
dz̄). (4.10)
Now, ηi and ξi are scalars, while χi are one-forms. In terms of the relabelled
fields, the action (4.8) takes the form
dφi ∧ ∗dφ̄i + ξi dχi − ηi d ∗ χi .
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The supersymmetry transformations relevant for the descent procedure are
given by
Q(φi ) = Q(ξi ) = Q(ηi ) = 0,
Q(φ̄i ) = ηi ,
Q(χi ) = dφi ,
Q(φi ) = χi ,
Q(ξi ) = −(∗dφ̄i ),
Q(ηi ) = dφ̄i ,
Q(φ̄i ) = Q(χi ) = 0,
where we have defined the one-form supercharge Q := Qμ dxμ = Qz dz + Qz̄ dz̄.
4.2.1. Local Operators. We will restrict our attention to local operators that
are represented by polynomial functions of the fields. This will suffice for illustrating the main features in the computation of the secondary product. Our
analysis extends in a straightforward way to analytic functions. (In general,
other sorts of operator might be considered as well.)
The local operators corresponding to polyvector fields come from inserting copies of the fields φi , φ̄i , ηi , ξ i simultaneously at distinct points in a ball
B. We may represent a multi-insertion as a monomial in φ, φ̄, η, ξ, as long as
we remember that insertion points are distinct; for example
(φi )2 ηj φ̄k
φi (z1 , z̄1 )φi (z2 , z̄2 )ηj (z3 , z̄3 )φ̄k (z4 , z̄4 )
at some distinct z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 . As usual, after passing to cohomology, the precise
choice of insertion points becomes irrelevant. The topological supercharge Q
acts on these operators by extending the elementary transformations Q(φi ) =
Q(ηi ) = Q(ξi ) = 0 and Q(φ̄i ) = ηi by linearity and a graded Leibniz rule.
Upon identifying ηi and ξi with anti-holomorphic differentials and holomorphic
vector fields on the target X = Cn ,
ηi ↔ dφ̄i , ξi ↔
we find that these operators generate the Dolbeault complex C[φ, φ̄, η, ξ] ≃
Ω0,• Cn ⊗ Λ• T 1,0 Cn , with Q acting as the Dolbeault differential.14
The Q-cohomology here is extremely simple. Since the ηi are exact, we
find a topological algebra
A ≃ C[φ, ξ] = H∂•¯ (Ω0,• Cn ⊗ Λ• T 1,0 Cn ),
consisting of holomorphic functions f (φ) and holomorphic vector fields g i (φ)ξi .
To simplify notation, we will henceforth suppress the brackets . . . that indicate cohomology classes.
The algebra A is graded by the fermion number coming from U (1)V ,
which acts on the fields in a chiral multiplet with charges
U (1)V
14 More
precisely, the given operators topologically generate the real analytic model of the
Dolbeault complex. We will also abuse the notation C[φ, φ̄ . . .] to mean analytic functions
(rather than polynomials) in φ and φ̄, i.e. real analytic functions.
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Moreover, as emphasized in (4.3), the primary product ∗ on A coincides with
the ordinary product of polyvector fields. Thus, A ≃ C[φ, ξ] as a gradedcommutative ring.
4.2.2. Secondary Product. We now turn to the secondary product of elements
in A. We start with the bracket {ξi , φi }. For this case, the definition (3.14)
{ξi , φj } = ξi (Sw,
w̄ ) ∗ φ (w, w̄)
(1) j
ξi φ (w, w̄)
φ (w, w̄) ,
where Dw,
w̄ is a disc centred around the insertion point of φ and the circle
Sw,w̄ is its boundary. The first descendant of ξi is computed as follows:
= Q(ξi ) = −(∗dφ̄i ).
We can then observe that the two-form
of motion for φi :
is proportional to the equation
A standard manipulation of the Euclidean path integral shows that the equation of motion operator δS
δφ (z, z̄) is zero up to contact terms. In particular,
in any correlation function the product of operators δS
δφ (z, z̄)φ(w, w̄) (when
kept separate from any other operators) is equivalent to the insertion of a
delta-function two-form δ (2) (z − w, z̄ − w̄). This is just integration by parts:
DφDφ̄(. . .) (z, z̄)φ(w, w̄) e−S
φ(w, w̄)e−S + δ (2) (z − w, z̄ − w̄)e−S
= DφDφ̄(. . .) −
δφ(z, z̄)
= DφDφ̄(. . .)δ (2) (z − w, z̄ − w̄)e−S .
= d ∗ dφ̄i =
Making this replacement in (4.17) gives us a simple expression for the secondary product:
{ξi , φj } = δi j .
We could also compute the secondary product by performing descent on φj .
From (4.12) we see that the relevant descendent is
= Q(φj ) = χj ,
which again is related to an equation of motion:
dφj = dχj =
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The operator δξ
(z, z̄)ξj (w, w̄) is again equivalent to a delta-function δ (2) (z −
w, z̄ − w̄), giving a second derivation of the secondary product:
{φj , ξi } =
(φj )(1) ξi (w, w̄) =
d(φj )(1) ξi (w, w̄) = δi j .
Similar manipulations show that{φ , φ } = {ξi , ξj } ≡ 0, as there is no contact
term between δS
δξ and φ and between δφ and ξ.
We observe that this calculation directly verifies the relation {ξi , φj } =
{φj , ξi }, which is a special case of the symmetry relation (3.24) with F (ξ) = 1,
F (φ) = 0, and d = 2. Since the algebra A is generated by φ and ξ, the
secondary product of arbitrary elements of A may now be obtained from the
brackets of φ and ξ together with the general “derivation” property (3.34).
Furthermore, the Jacobi identity (3.41) is guaranteed.
We can now compare the secondary product with the Schouten–Nijenhuis
(SN) bracket of polyvector fields on C. The SN bracket is uniquely specified by
its action on generators of the ring of (polynomial, or more generally, analytic)
polyvector fields:
{ξi , φj }SN = δi j = −{φj , ξi }SN ,
{φi , φj }SN = {ξi , ξj }SN ≡ 0,
together with the fact that { , }SN is (graded)symmetric, is a (graded) derivation in each argument, and satisfies the Jacobi identity. Namely, acting on
arbitrary polyvector fields:
{a, b}SN = −(−1)(F (a)−1)(F (b)−1) {b, a}SN ,
{a, bc}SN = {a, b}SN c + (−1)(F (a)−1)F (b) b{a, c}SN ,
{a, {b, c}SN }SN = {{a, b}SN , c}SN + (−1)(F (a)−1)(F (b)−1) {b, {a, c}SN }SN .
The SN bracket and its various properties agree perfectly with the secondary
product, subject to the identification:
{a, b}SN = (−1)F (a)−1 {a, b}.
4.3. General Kähler Target
In the B-model with a general Kähler target X , we expect to be able to compute
the secondary product locally on X , where it essentially reduces to the freefield computation of Sect. 4.2. There are two important features of the B-model
that justify such an analysis.
• First, in the presence of any collection of Q-closed operators, the path
integral in the B-model (meaning, the path integral of an underlying 2d
N = (2, 2) theory) localizes on constant maps. What does this buy us?
In higher spacetime dimension (d > 2), we could evaluate correlation
functions in the presence of fixed vacua, i.e. fixed values φ = φ0 of the
bosonic fields near spacetime infinity. Then, given localization of the path
integral on constant maps, we would see directly that the specialization
of a correlation function to any φ0 vacuum only depends on the neighbourhood of φ0 in X . In particular, primary and secondary products in
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the topological algebra A must admit a consistent specialization to any
φ0 ∈ X , which depends only on the neighbourhood of φ0 . Thus, they can
be computed locally.
In d = 2, a slightly different argument must be made, because a 2d
quantum sigma model does not have distinct vacua labelled by individual points φ0 of the target. Instead, in the B-model, we can introduce
Dirichlet boundary conditions that are labelled by points φ0 ∈ X . In
other words, we may consider the theory on R × R+ , with a boundary
condition Bφ0 at the origin of R+ that forces the bosonic fields φ to take
the fixed value φ0 . (In the category of boundary conditions Db Coh(X ),
Bφ0 corresponds to a skyscraper sheaf supported at φ0 .) In the presence
of such a boundary condition, the path integral will again behave the way
we want: localization on constant maps implies that correlation functions
will only depend on a neighbourhood of φ0 ∈ X . In turn, this implies that
primary and secondary products in the algebra A admit a consistent local
• Second, deformations of the target-space metric are Q-exact, as long as
they preserve the complex structure. (One usually says that the B-model
only depends on the complex structure of X .) In any local patch of X , say
an open neighbourhood of any φ0 ∈ X , we can deform the metric to be
flat; then, the patch becomes isomorphic to an open subset of flat Cn , n =
dimC X . Therefore, the local analysis of primary and secondary products
boils down to a computation in the theory of free chiral multiplets.
Let us now be more explicit. The topological algebra A of local operators
in the B-model with general target X is usually identified as the Dolbeault
A ≃ H∂• Ω0,• X ⊗ Λ• T 1,0 X .
Locally, an element of A may be represented as a function of the chiral multiplet fields φi , φ̄i , ηi , ξi , just as in Sect. 4.2.1. We identify the ξi with a basis
of holomorphic vector fields and the ηi with a basis of anti-holomorphic 1forms.15 In contrast to Sect. 4.2.1, however, the φ̄ and η dependence in local
operators need not always be exact (due to the global structure of X ). Indeed,
for general X , the higher Dolbeault cohomology (4.28) is nontrivial.
Given two operators O1 = f1 (φ, φ̄, η, ξ) and O2 = f2 (φ, φ̄, η, ξ) that are
both represented as polynomial (or more generally, analytic) functions in a
local Cn patch of X , the computation of the secondary product becomes relatively simple. We may factor the operators as
g1,i (φ, ξ)h1,i (φ̄, η), O2 =
g2,i (φ, ξ)h2,i (φ̄, η),
O1 =
15 For
a free theory, this identification is somewhat ad hoc. However, in the presence of a
nontrivial target-space metric, a more careful analysis shows that the linear combinations
of fermions ξi , ηi that are Q-closed transform unambiguously as holomorphic vector fields
and anti-holomorphic 1-forms, as indicated.
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where g1,i , g2,i represent holomorphic polyvector fields, and h1,i , h2,i are purely
anti-holomorphic (0, ∗) forms. An extension of the descent analysis from Section 4.2.2 then shows that h1,i (φ̄, η) and h2,i (φ̄, η) are in the kernel of the secondary product. [In particular, correlation functions involving φ̄ and η cannot
produce singularities strong enough to give nontrivial contributions to integrals such as (4.17) and (4.24).] The Lie bracket is then explicitly computed
±{g1,i (φ, ξ), g2,j (φ, ξ)}h1,i (φ̄, η)h2,j (φ̄, η),
{O1 , O2 } =
with signs determined by fermion numbers. The term {g1,i (φ, ξ), g2,i (φ, ξ)} is
the same free-field bracket computed in Sect. 4.2.1, agreeing up to a sign with
the SN bracket. Formula (4.30) may be loosely summarized by saying that the
SN bracket of polyvector fields controls the secondary bracket on the entire
Dolbeault cohomology (4.28) (at least if one considers polynomial or analytic
local operators).
Alternatively, and somewhat more geometrically, we can describe Dolbeault cohomology (4.28) as the Čech cohomology of holomorphic polyvector
A ≃ H∂• Ω0,• X ⊗ Λ• T 1,0 X ≃ H •
(Λ• Thol X ).
This carries a bracket canonically induced by the SN bracket on local holomorphic polyvector fields, which we expect to agree with the secondary product
on the entire topological operator algebra, including higher Dolbeault cohomology.
5. Example: Rozansky–Witten Twists of 3d N = 4
A novel application of the constructions outlined in this paper is to use topological descent to define a Poisson bracket on the algebra of local operators in
three-dimensional N = 4 theories. In three dimensions, the secondary product
has even degree, 1 − d = −2, so it maps pairs of bosonic operators to bosonic
operators. Indeed, the secondary product turns out to induce an ordinary Poisson bracket in the (bosonic) chiral rings of a three-dimensional N = 4 theory,
which sit inside topological algebras A of local operators.
We will mainly focus on 3d N = 4 sigma models, which may also be
thought of as the IR limits of gauge theories. Recall that having 8 supercharges
(as in 3d N = 4) requires the target X of a sigma model to be a hyperkähler
manifold [105]. This means that X has a CP1 worth of complex structures;
and in each complex structure ζ ∈ CP1 , Xζ is a Kähler manifold with a nondegenerate holomorphic symplectic form Ωζ . The existence of the holomorphic
symplectic structure turns the ring of holomorphic functions C[Xζ ] on Xζ into
a Poisson algebra, by the usual formula
{f, g} := Ω−1
ζ (∂f, ∂g).
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Physically, a 3d N = 4 sigma model admits a CP1 worth of topological twists Q(ζ) , identified by Blau and Thompson [106] and then studied by
Rozansky and Witten [60]. The local operators in the cohomology of a particular supercharge Q(ζ) may be identified as Dolbeault cohomology classes
Aζ = H∂0,•
¯ (Xζ ) ≃ H (Xζ , OXζ ),
or (by the Dolbeault theorem) as the sheaf cohomology of the structure sheaf
of holomorphic functions on Xζ . Sitting inside this topological algebra are the
holomorphic functions
C[Xζ ] = H∂0,0
¯ (Xζ ) ⊂ Aζ ,
which correspond physically to a half-BPS chiral ring. We will show in Sect. 5.2,
by direct calculation, that the secondary product on Aζ defined by topological
descent recovers the natural geometric Poisson bracket on C[Xζ ]. Moreover,
the secondary product on all of A is controlled (working locally on the target)
by the Poisson bracket on holomorphic functions alone.
It may be useful to note that if Xζ is an affine algebraic variety, all
the higher cohomology groups of OXζ vanish, so that the algebra Aζ is actually equivalent to the chiral ring C[Xζ ]. For example, the Higgs and Coulomb
branches of 3d N = 4 gauge theories with linear matter are (conjecturally)
always affine or admit affine deformations.
In the opposite regime, one could consider compact targets Xζ , as in the
original work of Rozansky and Witten. In this case, the chiral ring C[Xζ ] is
trivial (as the only holomorphic functions on compact Xζ are constants), so
the secondary product vanishes tautologically on it. In fact, we demonstrate
that the secondary product vanishes on higher cohomology as well, i.e. on
the entire topological algebra A. This is analogous to the corresponding Bmodel statement that the Gerstenhaber bracket vanishes on the Dolbeault
cohomology of polyvector fields on compact Calabi–Yau manifolds.
We explore some further applications of the secondary product in Sects.
5.3–5.4. We begin by considering some special features of the secondary product in theories with flavour symmetry, where the descendants of moment map
operators are controlled by the structure of current multiplets. We illustrate
some of these features in gauge theories, showing how the secondary product
can be used to measure magnetic charge of monopole operators. Finally, we
emphasize an important physical consequence of the topological nature of the
secondary product in 3d N = 4 theories, namely the non-renormalization of
holomorphic symplectic structures.
5.1. Basics
The 3d N = 4 SUSY algebra is generated by eight supercharges, transforming
as spinors Qaαȧ of SU (2)E × SU (2)H × SU (2)C , where SU (2)E is the Euclidean
Lorentz group (acting on the α = −, + index) and SU (2)H,C are R-symmetries
(acting on a and ȧ indices). The supercharges obey
[Qaαȧ , Qbβḃ ] = ǫab ǫȧḃ σαβ
Pμ ,
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Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
3 β
where (σ 1 )α β = ( 01 10 ) , (σ 2 )α β = 0i −i
= 10 −1
are the
0 , (σ )α
Pauli matrices, and indices are raised and lowered with antisymmetric tensors
ǫ12 = ǫ21 = 1.
Two CP1 families of topological twists are available. One family contains
the Rozansky–Witten supercharge
Q = δȧ α Q1αȧ = Q1−1̇ + Q1+2̇ ,
δȧ α
as well as its rotations by SU (2)H , which look like Q(ζ) = √
Q1αȧ +
ζQ2αȧ , indexed by an affine parameter ζ ∈ CP1 . Every Q(ζ) is a scalar under
an improved Lorentz group, defined as the diagonal of SU (2)E × SU (2)C .
Moreover, it is easy to check that every Q(ζ) obeys (Q(ζ) )2 = 0.
To keep things simple, we will just work with Q = Q(ζ=0) as in (5.5).
Then, the vector supercharge
Qμ := − 2i (σ μ )ȧ α Q2αȧ
[Q, Qμ ] = iPμ .
obeys the desired relation
The second family of topological supercharges is related to the first by
swapping the roles of SU (2)C and SU (2)H , i.e. by applying 3d mirror symmetry. It contains the topological supercharge
= δa α Qa1 = Q11̇ + Q21̇
μ =
and all its SU (2)C rotations. The corresponding vector supercharge is Q
μ α a2
− 2 (σ )a Qα , again obeying [Q, Qμ ] = iPμ . This second family of topological
supercharges will be relevant for gauge theory in Sect. 5.3.1.
5.2. Sigma Model
We now consider a 3d N = 4 sigma model with smooth hyperkähler target
X . We use the Rozansky–Witten twist with Q = Q(ζ=0) as the topological
supercharge, which amounts to choosing a particular complex structure ζ = 0
on the target and viewing X = Xζ=0 as a complex symplectic manifold. The
ring of topological local operators will contain holomorphic functions on X .
Much as in the case of the 2d B-model, the analysis of the secondary
product reduces to a local computation on X . This is because
• The path integral of the RW-twisted 3d N = 4 sigma model localizes
to constant (bosonic) maps [60,81]. Moreover, correlation functions of
Q-closed operators can be evaluated in the presence of any fixed vacuum
φ0 ∈ X at spacetime infinity, in which case the path integral only depends on a neighbourhood of φ0 . Thus, all topological correlators have
consistent local specializations.
• Deformations of the metric on X that preserve the complex symplectic
structure are Q-exact; and as a complex symplectic manifold any local
neighbourhood in X is isomorphic (by Darboux’s theorem) to T ∗ CN ≃
C2N with constant symplectic form.
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Therefore, it suffices to consider a target X = C2N with local complex co1
ordinates {X i }2N
i=1 and a constant symplectic form Ω = 2 ΩAB dX dX . We
could further fix ΩAB = −I 0 , but it is more illustrative to leave ΩAB
The 3d N = 4 sigma model to X = C2N is a theory of free hypermultiplets. Its bosonic fields are conveniently described as 2N doublets
of the SU (2)H R-symmetry (acting on the a index), subject
{φaA }a=1,2
to a reality condition:
(φaA )† = ǫab ΩAB φbB .
We may thus identify the a = 1 components of φaA as holomorphic targetspace coordinates and the a = 2 components as their complex conjugates:
φ1A = X A ,
φ2A = −ΩAB X B
((X A )† = X A ).
For example, the bosonic fields of a single free hypermultiplet sit in the 2 × 2
φaA =
X 2 −X 1
The fermionic fields consist of 2N spinors ψαȧA of the Lorentz group
SU (2)E and the second R-symmetry SU (2)C . The supercharges act as
Qaαȧ (φbA ) = ǫab ψαȧA ,
Qaαȧ (ψβḃA ) = −iǫȧḃ σαβ
∂μ φaA
and preserve the Euclidean action
S = d3 x 21 ǫab ΩAB ∂μ φaA ∂ μ φbB +
ȧA μ αβ
∂μ ψβḃB
2 ǫȧḃ ΩAB ψα (σ )
. (5.13)
It is convenient to regroup the fermions into representations of the improved Lorentz group. Following [60], we define spacetime scalars ηA = −ΩAB
1 AB
α ȧA
δȧ α ψαȧA and 1-forms χA
δα ȧ ηB −
μ = 2 (σμ )ȧ ψα . Conversely, ψα = − 2 Ω
μ ȧ A
i(σ )α χμ . Then, the action reduces to
dX ∧ ∗dX A + ΩAB χA ∧ dχB − ηA d ∗ χA .
Setting Q = Qμ dxμ , the SUSY transformations relevant for descent are
Q(X A ) = 0,
Q(X A ) = χA ,
Q(X ) = ηA ,
Q(X A ) = 0,
Q(ηA ) = 0,
QχA = dX A
Q(ηA ) = dX A ,
Q(χA ) = ΩAB ∗ dX B .
The identification of the algebra A of (polynomial) local operators with
Dolbeault cohomology comes about by identifying ηA with anti-holomorphic
one-forms on the target:
ηA ↔ dX A .
The algebra may be constructed from polynomials in the X A , X , and ηA ,
thought of as (0, q) forms
ω = ω A1 ...Aq (X, X)ηA1 . . . ηAq
ω A1 ...Aq (X, X)dX A1 . . . dX Aq ,
with Q ↔ ∂¯ acting as the Dolbeault operator.
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5.2.1. Secondary Product in the Chiral Ring. In the theory with target C2N,
the chiral ring is16
C[X ] ≃ {polynomials in the local operators X A } = H∂0,0
). (5.18)
¯ (C
The primary product is just ordinary multiplication of polynomials. We would
like to show that the secondary product agrees with the geometric Poisson
bracket on the generators X A . In particular, we expect
{X A , X B } = ΩAB .
Since we are in d = 3 dimensions, we compute the secondary bracket
of X A and X B by finding the second descendant of the operator X A (x) and
integrating it around X B . The SUSY transformations (5.15) yield
(X A )(1) = Q(X A ) = χA ,
(X A )(2) = Q(χA ) = ΩAB ∗ dX B .
Taking another exterior derivative, we find an equation of motion, much like
in the B-model:
d(X A )(2) = ΩAB d ∗ d(X ) = ΩAB
δX B
Since there is a delta-function singularity in the correlation function δX
B (x)
A 3
X (y) ∼ δB δ (x − y), the secondary product becomes
{X A , X B } = X A (Sy2 ) ∗ X B (y)
(X A )(2) X B (y)
A (2)
d(X )
= ΩAC δC B
X (y)
δ 3 (x − y)
= ΩAB .
Note that the derivation property of the secondary product now implies
that for arbitrary holomorphic functions f, g ∈ C[X ] we will now have
{f, g} = ΩAB ∂A f ∂B g = Ω−1 (∂f, ∂g),
reproducing the familiar definition of the geometric Poisson bracket. The standard properties of the Poisson bracket of functions, such as anti-symmetry
{f, g} = −{g, f } and the Jacobi identity, follow from the general properties of
the secondary product in d = 3 dimensions.
We also recall that, although we computed the bracket by using a cycle
S 2 × p in the configuration space C2 (R3 ), we could have used any other cycle
in the same homology class. In particular, in d = 3 dimensions there is a more
symmetric choice: we can take a cycle Sx1 × Sy1 that topologically looks like the
16 More
generally, one could consider analytic functions of X. The analysis here remains
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configuration space of points on the two strands of the Hopf link in R3 , with
linking number 1—as in Fig. 6 on page 21.
It is amusing to do this computation explicitly. Consider the local operators X A (x) and X B (y). We know from (5.15) that the first descendants
(X A )(1) = χA ,
(X B )(1) = χB .
The secondary product between X and X now comes from the correlation
χA (x)χB (y) .
{X A , X B } =
boundary is Sx1 and rewritWe can evaluate this by choosing
a disc
Dx whose
ing the first integral as S 1 χ (x) = D2 dχ (x). The two-point function of
dχA (x) and χB (y) acquires a singularity due to the ΩAB χA ∧ dχB term in the
action (5.14):
Since the disc
{X , X } =
dχA (x)χB (y) ∼ ΩAB δ (3) (x − y).
intersects the second circle
χ (x)χ (y) =
at precisely one point, we
dχ (x)χ (y) = ΩAB .
2 ×S 1
5.2.2. Global Considerations and Higher Cohomology. For general target X ,
the topological algebra of local operators A = H∂0,•
¯ (X ) is identified as Dolbeault cohomology, with the primary product given by the usual wedge product [60]. By working locally on X , we find that the secondary product of any
functions f, g ∈ H∂0,0
¯ (X ) must be given by (5.23), namely
{f, g} = Ω−1 (∂f, ∂g).
Technically, this reasoning is valid if f and g are analytic locally on X , so that
the computation leading to (5.23) makes sense.
An analogous local computation shows that the secondary product of
any ∂-closed
forms ω ∈ Ω0,q (X ), λ ∈ Ω0,r (X ) representing higher cohomology
classes in A is given by essentially the same formula:
{ω, λ} = Ω−1 (∂ω, ∂λ) ∈ Ω0,q+r (X ).
In this more general case, we must consider local operators that depend (analytically) on X and χ, as well as X. However, correlation functions involving
X and χ do not have strong enough singularities to give a nonvanishing contribution to integrals such as (5.22), so these operators become invisible to (are
in the kernel of) the secondary product.
When X is compact Kähler, any class [ω] ∈ Ω0,q (X ) is represented by
¯ and ∂-closed. It follows from (5.29) that the
a (0, q) form that is both ∂secondary product vanishes on the entire algebra A of local operators.
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5.2.3. Gradings. Rozansky–Witten theory with complex symplectic target X
always has a Z/2 grading by fermion number, such that all bosonic fields φaA
that locally parametrize the target are even, and all fermions ψαȧA (or ηA , χA )
are odd. Similarly, Q and Qμ are odd. The secondary product then becomes
even, precisely as one would expect for the Poisson bracket of functions.
Given extra structure on X , the Z/2 grading can be lifted to a Z grading,
under which the secondary product has degree −2. Physically, the Z grading
comes from an unbroken U (1)H ⊂ SU (2)H R-symmetry, which acts on the
holomorphic symplectic target X as a complex isometry under which the holomorphic symplectic form has degree + 2.17 Both Higgs and Coulomb branches
of 3d N = 4 (linear) gauge theories have this property, as do Coulomb branches
of 4d N = 2 theories compactified on a circle. The latter notably include
Hitchin systems. In some cases, the U (1)H R-symmetry may need to be mixed
with a flavour symmetry (a holomorphic Hamiltonian isometry of X ) to ensure
that bosonic fields all have even degree.
For example, the free hypermultiplet parametrizing X = C2 has a naive
U (1)H R-symmetry (corresponding to the superconformal R-symmetry) under
which the holomorphic scalars X 1 , X 2 both have charge + 1 and the fermions
all have charge zero. The holomorphic symplectic form Ω = dX 1 ∧ dX 2 has
charge + 2 as desired, but it not suitable to have odd-charged bosons and evencharged fermions. In this case, there is an additional U (1)f flavour symmetry
that can be used to define an improved U (1)′H = diag(U (1)H × U (1)f ), for
which bosons are even and fermions are odd:
U (1)H
U (1)f
U (1)′H
η1 , χ1
η2 , χ2
5.3. Flavour Symmetry
In a 3d N = 4 theory with flavour symmetries, the secondary product is closely
related to the structure of current multiplets. We outline the basic relation,
beginning with the case of a sigma model.
Recall that a flavour symmetry is a global symmetry that commutes with
supersymmetry. In a sigma model with hyperkähler target X , a group F of
flavour symmetries corresponds geometrically to tri-Hamiltonian isometries of
X . If we view X as a holomorphic symplectic manifold in a fixed complex structure, flavour symmetries may be extended (complexified) to complex isometries
of X that preserve the holomorphic symplectic form Ω. They are generated
by holomorphic vector fields Ω−1 ∂μ, where the complex moment map μ is a
holomorphic function on X valued in the complexified dual Lie algebra of F
μ: X → f∗C .
17 Viewing
X as a hyperkahler manifold, U (1)H is a metric isometry that rotates the twistor
CP1 of complex structures about a fixed axis, leaving fixed the chosen complex structure ‘ζ’
that we use to define the Rozansky–Witten twist.
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In particular, acting on the ring of holomorphic functions C[X ], the complexified symmetry is generated by taking Poisson bracket with μ.
Physically, μ is a local operator (a matrix of local operators) in the topological algebra A for a particular Rozansky–Witten twist. We found in Sect. 5.2
that the secondary product in A coincides with the geometric Poisson bracket.
Therefore, we expect the secondary product with μ to generate the action of
flavour symmetries on A. In the case of an abelian group F , one would more
commonly say that the bracket {μ, −} should measure flavour charge.
In QFT, there is a canonical f∗ -valued operator that generates global
F symmetries: the current J = Jμ dxμ . The infinitesimal action on any local
operator O is given by an integral of ∗J on a two-sphere Sy2 surrounding O(y),
Comparing this to the definition of the secondary product suggests that the
second descendant of the complex moment map should be μ(2) = ∗J; then,
{μ, O} would coincide with (5.32). Being more careful, we actually find that
the bosonic part of μ(2) is
μ(2) = ∗ 12 (J + dμR ),
where μR : X → f is the real moment map associated with the Kähler form on
X (as opposed to the holomorphic symplectic form). The complexified current
operator J + dμR generates the complexified FC action on the complex symplectic manifold X . Note that J + dμR is not conserved, since only F and not
FC is an exact symmetry of the 3d N = 4 theory (i.e. a metric isometry).
We may illustrate this in the theory of a free hypermultiplet, with complex
bosonic fields X 1 , X 2 that have charges + 1, − 1 under a flavour symmetry
F = U (1) ⊂ U Sp(1). The complexified symmetry is FC = C∗ , which preserves
X = C2 with its holomorphic symplectic form Ω = dX 1 ∧ dX 2 . The complex
moment map is
μ = X 1X 2.
The bosonic current, in a convenient normalization, is
J = (X 1 dX 1 − X 1 dX 1 ) − (X 2 dX 2 − X 2 dX 2 ),
μ(2) = ∗(X 1 dX 1 − X 2 dX 2 ) + 2χ1 χ2 = ∗ 12 (J + dμR ) + 2χ1 χ2 ,
where μR = |X 1 |2 − |X 2 |2 is the real moment map. The extra fermionic term
2χ1 χ2 does not contribute to the secondary bracket of chiral ring operators.
The relation (5.33) between the complex moment map operator and the
current is not unique to sigma models. The relation follows from the universal
structure of N = 4 current multiplets—which contain moment maps as the
bottom components. Every 3d N = 4 theory with a flavour symmetry has
moment map operators that are related to the current in the same way.
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5.3.1. Gauge Theories and Monopole Charge. We can also illustrate the relation between secondary products and flavour symmetries in gauge theories.
Recall that in 3d N = 4 gauge theory with gauge group G, there is a “topological” flavour symmetry with the same rank as the centre of G. This symmetry
acts on monopole operators and “measures” monopole charge. Its moment
maps are traces of adjoint scalars in the gauge multiplet, and its conserved
current is (an appropriate trace of) the Hodge-dual of the G field strength.
We will verify that the moment maps and current are related as expected by
topological descent.
For simplicity, we will consider pure G = U (N ) gauge theory. Then, the
topological symmetry is U (1), with conserved current
J = ∗Tr(F ),
where F is the field strength. The monopole operators that the topological
topological twist discussed
symmetry acts on are detected by the “mirror” Q
contains half-BPS disorder operators Vλ defined
in (5.8). The cohomology of Q
by specifying a local singularity both in the field strength and in one of the
three vector multiplet scalars “σ” of the form
Vλ (x): σ ∼
diag(λ1 , . . . , λN ),
F ∼ ∗d
diag(λ1 , . . . , λN ),
where rx is the distance from the insertion point x and λ = (λ1 , . . . , λN ) ∈
ZN /SN is a cocharacter of U (N ), defined modulothe permutation action of
the Weyl group. The topological charge of Vλ is i λi ; it is easy to see that
this is the integral of the topological current around any S 2 surrounding a
singularity of the form (5.38):
λi Vλ (x).
2π TrF Vλ (x) =
(Mathematically, the integral measures the first Chern class of the gauge bundle in the presence of the Vλ singularity.) Note that we keep the operator Vλ (x)
on the RHS of (5.39), since the singularity is still present.
The scalar σ ∈ g also plays the role of the real (Kähler) moment map for
the topological symmetry:
μR = Tr(σ).
The remaining two vector multiplet scalars form a complex combination ϕ ∈
gC , which supplies the complex moment map:
μ = Tr(ϕ).
Just like the Vλ ’s, μ = Tr(ϕ) is an element of the topological ring of local
Vλ , Tr(ϕ) ∈ C[MC ] ⊂ A.
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Since Tr(ϕ) is the complex moment map, we expect that its secondary bracket
with a monopole operator is
λi Vλ .
2π Tr(ϕ), Vλ =
The key to this identity lies, as usual, in identifying the second descendant. A straightforward computation gives
Tr(ϕ)(2) = Q(Q(Tr(ϕ))) = 21 Tr(F + ∗Dσ).
Note that, just as in (5.33), we do not find the flavour current on the nose,
but rather a holomorphic modification thereof. The integral of Tr(∗Dσ) around
monopole) produces exactly
the σ singularity in (5.38) (required for a Q-closed
the same contribution as the integral of Tr(F ) around the singularity in the
field strength. With a suitable normalization, the two contributions combine
to give
Tr(ϕ) Vλ (x) =
λi Vλ
{ 2π Tr(ϕ), Vλ } = 2π
as desired.
5.4. Non-renormalization of Poisson Brackets
In the works [107,108] (closely related to the mathematical works [109,110]),
the Coulomb branches M of 3d N = 4 supersymmetric field theories are
studied, as holomorphic symplectic spaces. In both cases, the key step is a
reduction to the IR description in terms of abelian gauge theory, which turns
out to give enough information to completely describe M as a holomorphic
symplectic manifold. (One then goes on to describe its hyperkähler structure,
by considering it as a holomorphic symplectic manifold in all of its complex
structures simultaneously.)
One subtle point in this analysis has never been quite clear: why can one
compute the holomorphic symplectic form on M exactly using only the IR
description of the theory? Our discussion in this section suggests an answer:
the Poisson bracket in the Coulomb branch chiral ring of a 3d N = 4 gauge
theory is defined in a purely topological way, and thus it can be computed
exactly either in the UV or in the IR.
6. Deformation Quantization in the Ω-Background
In this section, we explain an application of the discussion in Sect. 5: we give
a topological derivation of the statement that, when a 3d N = 4 theory is
placed in Ω-background, the chiral ring undergoes deformation quantization.
Under some optimistic assumptions about the properties of the physical Ωbackground, we derive this result as an aspect of equivariant localization in
the context of disc algebras. Namely, we will explain a new result on disc operads: the Poisson bracket underlying an oriented 3-disc algebra has a canonical
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“deformation quantization”18 over a graded affine line—i.e. an associative algebra over C[ǫ] (where F (ǫ) = 2), recovering the Poisson bracket from the
commutator to first order in ǫ (though without any a priori guarantee of flatness).
More generally, given a d-dimensional TQFT, one can in principle turn on
Ω-backgrounds corresponding to rotations in any collection of n independent
planes, n ≤ ⌊d/2⌋, thereby deforming the structure of the operator algebra
Ω in n planes:
Ed Ed−2n .
This is studied further in forthcoming work [78].
6.1. Properties of the Ω-Background
The Ω-background in 3d N = 4 theories may be thought of as a deformation
of a topological supercharge Q. For example, this may be a Rozansky–Witten
supercharge (5.5) or its mirror (5.8); the discussion here is general and applies
equally well to either one. We fix an axis in flat three-dimensional Euclidean
spacetime R3 , and let U (1)E denote rotations about this axis. We also assume
there is an unbroken U (1)R symmetry such that the topological supercharge
Q is invariant under diagonal U (1)′ ⊂ U (1)E × U (1)R rotations. (When there
exists an improved Lorentz group SU (2)′E , we can just take U (1)′ ⊂ SU (2)′E
to be the subgroup fixing an axis.) Let
X ∈ u(1)′
be a generator of the U (1)′ symmetry, normalized so that exp(X) = 11.
Ω-backgrounds in 3d N = 4 theories have been considered before in [68],
generalizing their 4d N = 2 cousins [63,65]; they also played a major role
in recent constructions of the quantized algebra of functions on the Coulomb
branches of gauge theories [108–111]. We will not commit ourselves to a specific
construction of the Ω-background; we just assume that it is a 1-parameter
deformation of the theory, with the following properties:
• Considered as a vector space, the space Opδ is independent of ǫ, and
thus the operators Q and Qμ acting on Opδ continue to make sense in
the deformed theory—though they need no longer be symmetries.
• The deformed theory is invariant under a deformed supercharge
Qǫ = Q + ǫQX ,
where QX obeys
[Q, QX ] = X,
[Qμ , QX ] = 0,
[QX , QX ] = 0.
It follows that the operator Qǫ has Q2ǫ = ǫX. In particular, acting on
U (1) -invariant operators we have Q2ǫ = 0. Also note that [Qǫ , Qμ ] = iPμ ,
18 In
fact, we naturally get the structure of algebra over a graded form of the BD 1 operad
controlling deformation quantizations.
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so all translations are Qǫ -exact, despite the fact that translations that do not
commute with the U (1)′ action are not symmetries of the Ω-deformed theory.19
One succinct way to define the Ω-background, at least formally, comes
from considering our 3d N = 4 theory as a 1d N = 4 theory.20 From the 1d
point of view, the U (1)′ symmetry generated by X is just a global symmetry,
and the Ω-background can be viewed as a complex twisted mass deformation
associated with this global symmetry. In particular, even after the deformation,
we still have a conventional 1d N = 4 theory. For more on this perspective,
see e.g. [111].
6.2. Deformation Quantization
Now, let us restrict to the subspace OpX
δ ⊂ Opδ consisting of X-invariant
operators. Acting on OpX
0. Let Aǫ denote the cohomology of
Qǫ .
Since Aǫ is the Qǫ -cohomology in the 1d theory, it carries the usual structure we have in a 1d theory, namely a not-necessarily-commutative product
∗ǫ as discussed in Sect. 2.2.2. It has been proposed in [68] that as ǫ → 0 the
commutator in Aǫ is controlled by the Poisson bracket. To formulate this precisely, consider Q-closed, X-invariant operators φ1 , φ2 in the 1d theory and
assume that they admit deformations to Qǫ -closed operators φ1,ǫ , φ2,ǫ . Then,
the proposal is that
φ1,ǫ ∗ǫ φ2,ǫ − φ2,ǫ ∗ǫ φ1,ǫ
= {φ1 , φ2 }.
Said otherwise, Aǫ is a deformation quantization of the Poisson algebra A.
A tautological reformulation of (6.5) is to say that there exists an operation {·, ·}ǫ that as ǫ → 0 reduces to {·, ·} and obeys the exact relation
φ1,ǫ ∗ǫ φ2,ǫ − φ2,ǫ ∗ǫ φ1,ǫ = ǫ{φ1,ǫ , φ2,ǫ }ǫ .
This is the version of the deformation quantization that we will derive from
topological arguments below.
The desired (6.6) is a relation between binary operations on Aǫ . When
ǫ = 0, we have seen in Sect. 2 that these operations originate from homology
classes on C2 (B) ≃ S 2 . Namely, ∗ comes from a degree 0 class, while {·, ·}
comes from a degree 2 class. Thus, (6.6) looks a bit bizarre: it says that after
we set ǫ = 0 there is a relation between homology classes of different degrees!
Where could such a relation come from?
The key is that, when ǫ = 0, binary operations on Aǫ arise from classes in
U (1)-equivariant homology H•ǫ (C2 (B)) rather than ordinary homology. Once
19 This might at first seem puzzling to readers used to the idea that being Q-exact is even
stronger than being a symmetry. The point is that the strong consequences of Qǫ -exactness
only hold for U (1)-invariant operators, since only on these do we have Q2ǫ = 0; a translation
in one of the broken directions will break the U (1)-invariance.
20 Of a somewhat unconventional sort: in a Lagrangian description it would have infinitely
many fields, corresponding to the infinitely many modes of the field in the two suppressed
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this is understood, (6.6) follows directly. In the rest of this section, we develop
this story.
6.3. Equivariant Homology
We quickly recall some background on equivariant homology. Let M be any
space with U (1) action. A convenient model for H•ǫ (M ) is the homology of the
complex of singular chains S• (M ), with a deformed differential
∂ǫ = ∂ + ǫJ.
Here, ∂: Sk (M ) → Sk−1 (M ) is the usual boundary operator, and J: Sk (M ) →
Sk+1 (M ) is the operator of “sweeping out” by the U (1) action. It can be
defined as
J(C) = ρ∗ ([U (1)] × C),
where ρ: U (1) × M → M is the group action, [U (1)] is (some simplicial representative of) the fundamental class of U (1), and ×: S• (U (1)) ⊗ S• (M ) →
S• (U (1) × M ) is (some simplicial approximation to) the cross-product map.
Note that if C is a U (1)-invariant chain, then J(C) = 0. So, if C has no boundary and is U (1)-invariant, then ∂ǫ C = 0 and we get a class C ∈ H•ǫ (M ).
There is an equivariant analogue of the usual Stokes theorem. To formulate it, we define the equivariant differential dǫ on Ω• (M ), by
dǫ = d + ǫιX .
Then, for any U (1)-invariant form α ∈ Ω∗ (M ), we have
dǫ α =
∂ǫ C
In particular, there is a well-defined pairing between dǫ -cohomology classes
and ∂ǫ -homology classes.
6.4. Equivariant Homology of S 2
Our basic example is M = S 2 with U (1) acting by rotations. See Fig. 9.
The 0-chains associated with the fixed points a, b ∈ S 2 have corresponding
classes a, b ∈ H•ǫ (S 2 ). We also choose a 1-chain γ running from a to b. In
ordinary homology, we have ∂γ = b − a and thus b = a. In contrast, in
equivariant homology, there is a correction coming from the fact that γ is not
U (1)-equivariant: since γ sweeps out to J(γ) = S 2 , we have
∂ǫ γ = b − a + ǫ S 2 ,
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Figure 9. Chains on S 2 entering the basic relation (6.11)
and thus21
6.5. Equivariant Descent
a − b = ǫS 2 .
In the Ω-deformed theory, we still have a version of topological descent. Indeed,
consider a Q-closed, U (1)-invariant operator φ in the 1d theory, and assume
as above that φ admits a deformation to a Qǫ -closed operator φǫ .
Now, we can build the total descendant φ∗ǫ , following much the same
strategy as we reviewed in Sect. 3.1. Despite the fact that we view the theory
as a 1d theory, we can still define a “position-dependent” operator φǫ (x) for
x ∈ R3 , just by exponentiating the action of Pμ : i.e. we define φǫ (x) to match
the 1d φǫ (x) when x is on the axis of rotation and, in general, require it to
satisfy ∂xμ φǫ (x) = iPμ φǫ (x). Then, we build up the higher-form operators by
successively applying the Qμ :
φ∗ǫ (x) =
(Qμ1 . . . Qμk φǫ (x)) dxμ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxμk .
We claim that we have the key relation
Qǫ φ∗ǫ (x) = dǫ φ∗ǫ (x).
To prove (6.15), first note that it holds when x is on the axis, using
the fact that [Qǫ , Qμ ] = iPμ , and on the axis dǫ = d, Qǫ φǫ (x) = 0. Next, we
observe that the difference between the LHS and RHS is covariant with respect
to translations:
21 The
relation (6.13) says that as far as equivariant homology classes go, we can replace the
whole S 2 by 1ǫ times the difference of the U (1)-fixed points. This might sound familiar to
readers familiar with equivariant localization. Indeed, if dǫ α = 0, pairing α with (6.13) gives
the Atiyah–Bott–Duistermaat–Heckman localization formula for M = S 2 ,
α = (α(a) − α(b)).
Thus, we can interpret (6.13) as a homology version of the familiar localization in equivariant
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(∂xμ − iPμ )(dǫ − Qǫ )φ∗ǫ (x) = ([∂xμ , dǫ ] + [iPμ , Qǫ ] + (dǫ − Qǫ )(∂xμ − iPμ ))φ∗ǫ (x)
= ǫ(∂μ X ν )(ι∂xν − Qν )φ∗ǫ (x)
= 0.
Qǫ )φ∗ǫ (x)
obeys a first-order linear ODE in x and vanishes at a
Thus, (dǫ −
point, implying that it must vanish everywhere, as desired.
We can also define equivariant descent on configuration space, following
what we did in Sect. 3.2.1: given two Qǫ -closed operators φ1,ǫ and φ2,ǫ we
construct a form (φ1,ǫ ⊠ φ2,ǫ )∗ on C2 (B),22 obeying
Qǫ (φ1,ǫ ⊠ φ2,ǫ )∗ = dǫ (φ1,ǫ ⊠ φ2,ǫ )∗ .
Equation (6.17) plays the same role in the equivariant story as (3.19) in the
ordinary one: using the pairing between dǫ -cohomology and ∂ǫ -homology, it
allows us to construct binary operations on Aǫ from classes Γ ∈ H•ǫ (C2 (B)),
φ1,ǫ ⋆Γ φ2,ǫ = (φ1,ǫ ⊠ φ2,ǫ )∗ .
6.6. Deriving the Quantization
We are now in a position to derive the deformation quantization statement
(6.6). We consider the U (1)-equivariant homology H•ǫ (C2 (B)). Since we can
U (1)-equivariantly retract C2 (B) to S 2 , we may as well consider H•ǫ (S 2 ): any
class Γ ∈ H•ǫ (S 2 ) gives rise to a binary operation on Aǫ .
In Sect. 6.4, we considered three such classes: point classes a, b associated with the U (1)-fixed points on S 2 and the fundamental class S 2 . Now,
a and b correspond to the two primary products φ1 ∗ǫ φ2 and φ2 ∗ǫ φ1
on Aǫ . The fundamental relation (6.13) says that the difference of these two
products is ǫ times the secondary product associated with S 2 . But by construction, as ǫ → 0, this product limits to the secondary product associated
with S 2 in the non-equivariant set-up, i.e. to the Poisson bracket. This is the
desired (6.6).
7. Secondary Operations for Extended Operators
So far in this paper we have discussed and illustrated a secondary product between local operators. This secondary product has a natural generalization to
extended operators (a.k.a. topological defects) of arbitrary dimensions, which
we briefly outline in this section before illustrating it concretely in the next.
In addition to considering the usual product, in which extended operators
aligned in parallel are brought together in the transverse dimensions, we can
use descent to define a secondary operation, in which a descendent of one
extended operator is integrated over a small sphere linking the other. More
abstractly, there are operations on m-tuples of k-dimensional operators given
by the topology of configuration spaces of m points (or little discs) in Rd−k .
22 Here,
it is important that we assume that the product φ1,ǫ (x1 )φ2,ǫ (x2 ) is well defined
when x1 = x2 , even in Ω-background.
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Before describing these, it is useful to mention a simple way to think of
Ed algebras in the setting of homotopical algebra, which goes under the name
of Dunn additivity (cf. [16]). Namely, there is a precise sense in which a ddisc algebra structure consists simply of the data of d compatible associative
multiplications. A toy example is the fact that if we are given two associative
multiplications on a set which commute with each other, then the two are
forced to be equal and further to be commutative. Geometrically, we think
of topological local operators in Rn equipped with the associative (primary)
product along the d coordinate axes. Compatibility, when carefully formulated,
expresses the fact that these d multiplications come from a locally Q-trivial
family of multiplications around the (d − 1)-sphere of possible directions and
thus encodes the secondary product as well.
In the mathematical language of extended topological field theory, kdimensional extended operators in an d-dimensional TQFT have the structure
of a k-category, in which objects are given by the extended operators themselves, morphisms are given by (k − 1)-dimensional topological interfaces between extended operators, 2-morphisms by interfaces between interfaces and
so on (cf. [112] for a physical explanation of this mathematical structure).
For example, line operators form a category: the vector space of topological
interfaces between two line operators L, M is interpreted as the space of morphisms Hom(L, M) in the category. Moreover, topological interfaces enjoy an
associative product: an interface from L to M and one from M to N can be
brought together to define an interface from L to N . This defines the associative composition of morphisms in the category.
Note that we can recover lower-dimensional operators from categories of
higher-dimensional ones. As an important special case, we can think of local
operators as self-interfaces of a trivial line operator, stretching along one axis
in Rd . Thus, we think asymmetrically of the primary product along this line
and the product in the d − 1 other directions, which together make up the disc
structure of local operators. The product of local operators in the directions
transverse to the line can be interpreted as a primary product of line operators,
in which we bring two parallel trivial lines together in a transverse direction.
More abstractly, there are operations on line operators given by the topology of the space of configurations of points, or little (d − 1)-discs, inside a large
(d − 1)-disc: line operators form an (d − 1)-disc category. This means in particular that we have a full S d−2 of directions in which to take the product
of two line operators, with the result depending in a locally constant way on
the direction. For example, for line operators L, M in 3d we have a locally
constant family of tensor products {L ⊗ M}θ , θ ∈ S 1 . Equivalently, this may
be described as a single tensor product at θ = 0 together with a monodromy
operator RL⊗M ∈ End(L ⊗ M) (Fig. 10). These monodromy operators are
the R-matrices for the familiar braided tensor structure—a.k.a. 2-disc category structure—on line operators in 3d, such as the braiding of Wilson lines
in Chern–Simons theory.
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Figure 10. Monodromy in the S 1 family of tensor products
{L ⊗ M}θ interpreted as a braiding interface
Likewise, k-dimensional extended operators form a (d−k)-disc k-category:
we trade k directions of the product of local operators into the structure of a kcategory, while the transverse d − k directions define multiplication operations
among extended operators.
We would like to spell out a concrete aspect of this abstract general
structure, in the form of new bracket operations between topological interfaces.
In the following sections, we provide physical manifestations of these structures
in 3d and 4d theories.
7.1. Secondary OPE of Local and Line Operators
We can fix a k-dimensional extended operator in space and consider configurations of local operators placed at points in the transverse d − k directions.
Integrating the descendant of a local operator on a small S d−k−1 linking the
extended operator results in a secondary product. We illustrate this operation
and some of its topological properties in the simplest case of line operators,
k = 1.
Let us assume that the spacetime dimension satisfies d ≥ 3. Given a local
operator O and a line operator L, we can construct two self-interfaces of L: a
primary interface O ∗ L given by simply colliding O with L and a secondary
O(d−2) L
OL :=
S d−2
defined by integrating the (d − 2)-form descendent of O on a small S d−2 that
links the line (Fig. 11).23
Both the primary and secondary self-interfaces are special, in that they
commute with all other interfaces among line operators. This is well known
for the primary product. Heuristically, given any two line operators L1 , L2 ,
any interface P ∈ Hom(L1 , L2 ), and a local operator O, we can continuously
move O through the “bulk” to collide with either L1 or L2 , and then with P.
23 As
in Sect. 3, we work with cohomology classes rather than actual operators; but we will
omit the . . . to simplify the notation.
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S d−2
Figure 11. Primary and secondary products of a local operator with a line
x+ OL
x− OL2
Figure 12. Topological argument for commutativity of secondary products with all other interfaces
Topological invariance (specifically, the Q-exactness of this motion) ensures
that the result will be the same:
P ∗ (O ∗ L1 ) = (O ∗ L2 ) ∗ P.
A more topological argument for (7.2) follows from the fact that the configuration space of two points in Rd≥3 , with one of the points constrained to a
fixed line, is simply connected. This configuration space is homotopic to the
linking sphere S d−2 .
Commutativity for the secondary interface follows from a similar argument. Consider the same set-up, involving an interface P between L1 and L2 .
Heuristically, we can continuously slide a small sphere S d−2 linking L1 “above”
P to a small sphere linking L2 “below” P. Topological invariance of the descent
procedure then ensures that
P ∗ OL1 = OL2 ∗ P.
A more explicit way to see this commutativity is the following. Consider
a large S d−1 sphere linking the interface P, as in Fig. 12. This sphere intersects
the support of the line operators in two points x+ , x− . Let us remove small discs
⊔ D−
surrounding these two points from S d−1 , obtaining Γ = S d−1 \(D+
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Consider the integral of the (d − 1)th descendant of O along Γ, in the presence
of P. Since Γ has a boundary, we find
O(d−2) P
P =
= P ∗ OL1 − OL2 ∗ P,
which demonstrates the Q-exactness of the commutator of secondary interfaces
with P.
One might be tempted to directly compute a secondary product of O
and the interface P by integrating the (d − 1)th descendant of O around a full
S d−1 that links P. We note, however, that this is not an allowed operation.
The points x± where the S d−1 intersects the lines can produce genuine, nonQ-exact, singularities in correlation functions. The only sensible (topologically
]invariant) way to define a secondary product of O and P is via computing
P ∗ OL1 , or equivalently OL2 ∗ P, as above.
When the spacetime dimension is less than three, some of the statements
above must be modified, in fairly obvious ways. For d = 1, line operators are
space filling, so there are no local operators separated in transverse dimensions.
For d = 2, there are two distinct primary products O∗L and L∗O, coming from
placing O to the “left” or “right” of a line. Moreover, the secondary product
is just the difference of the two primary operations, OL = O ∗ L − L ∗ O.
7.2. Mathematical Formulation
We may connect the structures just described with a more abstract mathematical characterization, in the following way.
The endomorphisms of the unit object (trivial line operator) in the (d−1)disc category of line operators carries a natural d-disc structure and is identified
as such with the disc algebra of local operators. Now in any monoidal category
C, the endomorphisms A = End(1C ) = Ω1C C of the unit object give endomorphisms of any object M ≃ 1C ⊗ M , via the action on the first factor. In other
words, we may upgrade M to the status of A-module in C. In fact, this comes
from a homomorphism End(1C ) → End(IdC ) to the centre of the category C—
i.e. the induced homomorphisms of objects commute with all maps in C. This
gives the usual (primary) product of local operators on interfaces between line
In a (d − 1)-disc category, this structure gets enhanced: any object M
becomes an (d − 1)-disc module in C for A, meaning that we have operations
of A on M labelled by configurations of little (d − 1)-discs in a large (d − 1)disc with M placed at the origin. This structure is captured, on the level
of homology, by the two binary operations, primary and secondary products,
coming from the two homology groups of the space of configurations of points
in Rd−1 \0 ∼ S d−2 . More abstractly, these actions by endomorphisms of any
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object come from a central action, making the identity functor IdC an (d − 1)disc module for A in End(C).
Likewise for higher-dimensional operators, we can recover the d-disc algebra A of local operators from the (d − k)-disc k-category C as its “k-fold
based loops” A = Ωk1C C (endomorphisms of the unit endomorphism of the
unit endomorphism. . . of the unit). The identification of tensoring with the
unit with the identity functor gives rise to an analogous higher structure, an
Ek⊂d -structure on the pair (A, ΩkIdC (EndC)). The theory of Ek⊂n algebras was
introduced in [85]—for example an Ed (or d-disc) module M for an Ed algebra A is equivalent to the data of a E0⊂d algebra. These structures perfectly
capture the algebraic structure involving products of operators of different
7.3. Towards a Secondary Product of Line Operators
So far, we have discussed the secondary structures on local operators as well as
those pairing local and line operators. These probe, but do not fully capture,
the product structure of line operators. In particular, in situations in which
there are very few local operators at all, such as Rozansky–Witten theory on
a compact target, we certainly need to delve further to find interesting higher
structures for line operators. Here, we briefly comment on the higher product
that exists between two line operators. A more complete analysis of secondary
operations among extended operators and their implementation in standard
examples is beyond the scope of the present paper, though we intend to return
to it in future work.
Given two line operators L and M, one should be able to define a secondary product {L, M} in a manner analogous to the construction for local
operators. In particular, these line operators only need be topological at the
level of Q-cohomology, so infinitesimal variations of the configuration of a line
in spacetime should be Q-exact. By performing an analogue of the descent
procedure for local operators, one can produce line operators that are differential forms on the configuration space of lines with the property that their
Q-image is closed. (These will be integrals of descendants of the displacement
operator on the line over the line.) In the path integral, such an object can
be inserted when integrated over homology classes in the configuration space
to define physical observables in the twisted theory. As with local operators,
one can then use this construction to define a secondary composite operator
by restricting to the configuration space of parallel lines and integrating the
(d − 2)-form descendent of L over a linking (d − 2)-sphere around M.
At a more formal level, this structure can be described as follows. The
(d − 1)-disc structure on line operators produces a line operator (L ∗ M)c
for every pair of embedded (d − 1) discs in a large (d − 1) disc. Topological
invariance then endows this family of operators with a flat connection. In
other words, there is a local system (L ∗ M)S d−2 valued in the category of line
operators over the (homotopy type of the) configuration space C2 (Rd−1 ) ∼
S d−2 . (The fibre of this local system at any point on S d−2 is equivalent to
the primary product L ∗ M.) We now define the secondary product as the
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integral,24 or total cohomology, of this local system over the configuration
(L ∗ M)S d−2 = RΓ(S d−2 , (L ∗ M)S d−2 ).
{L, M} :=
S d−2
Functoriality of the construction implies that there is a map from self-interfaces
of L to self-interfaces of the secondary product, which generalizes the secondary
product between local and line operators described previously.
The secondary product of line operators accesses the topology of the d−2
sphere only via its homology (or chains). This idea is made precise in Toën’s
notion of a unipotent disc algebra structure [90]. (We thank Pavel Safronov for
teaching us about unipotent disc structures [113].) For d > 3, the sphere S d−2
is simply connected and thus we expect the disc structure to be unipotent, so
that the primary and secondary products
L, M → L ∗ M, {L, M}
capture the full disc structure in a suitable sense. For d = 3, we have a local
system (L ∗ M)S 1 on the circle, which is equivalent to the data of the primary product L ∗ M and its braiding automorphism (R-matrix) giving the
monodromy of the local system. In this case, the secondary product {L, M}
can be identified with the (derived) invariants of the braiding automorphism,
which is only sensitive to the (generalized) 1-eigenspace of the R-matrix. However, in the case of Rozansky–Witten theory the braiding (and disc structure)
is in fact unipotent—this follows from the description of the 2-disc category
of line operators (locally) as modules for the 3-disc algebra of local operators.
Hence, again in this case one can expect the secondary product {L, M} to
play a central role.
8. Extended Operators and Hamiltonian Flow in RW Theory
The secondary product of extended operators is particularly useful when there
are not enough local operators to adequately capture features of a theory,
such as the full structure of its moduli space. For example, in Rozansky–
Witten theory, local operators (corresponding to holomorphic functions) can
only distinguish all points of the target X if X is affine. Otherwise, there
simply are not enough holomorphic functions; looking at higher Dolbeault
cohomology does not help the situation. In full generality, one must utilize line
operators—given by holomorphic vector bundles and more general complexes
of vector bundles or coherent sheaves on X —along with their 2-disc structure.
Our goal in this section is to describe the primary and secondary products between a local operator, O, and a line operator, L, in Rozansky–Witten
theory with complex symplectic target X . To this end, we first recall the geometric description of line operators as coherent sheaves on X , following [60,81].
We then compute the primary and secondary products by identifying both as
24 Formally,
the integral is defined as the homotopy colimit of the local system, considered
as a diagram valued in the ∞-category of line operators.
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primary products between local operators and a boundary condition in a twodimensional B-model. (A computation of secondary products directly in the
3d theory appears in Sect. 8.5.)
The main geometric result is that the secondary product between a holomorphic function O = f ∈ C[X ] and a sheaf L is the fermionic endomorphism
OL ∈ Ext1 (L, L) corresponding to an infinitesimal Hamiltonian flow
OL ∼ Ω−1 ∂f.
We will obtain this in several steps, learning along the way how dimensional
reduction interacts with higher products. The result is a concrete measurement
of the nontriviality of the braided tensor structure on line operators in RW
We assume throughout this section that we are working with Z-graded
Rozansky–Witten theories, as discussed in Sect. 5.2.3. This ensures that the
category of line operators will be Z-graded as well and can be identified with
the ordinary derived category of coherent sheaves in (8.2).
8.1. The Category of Line Operators
Consider a 3d N = 4 sigma model on R3 spacetime, with a line operator
supported along a straight line ℓ. We assume that the line operator preserves
the Rozansky–Witten supercharge Q; physically, it should be a quarter-BPS
operator that preserves at least a 1d N = 2 subalgebra25 of 3d N = 4 SUSY.
A convenient way to identify the category of line operators is by reduction
on a circle linking ℓ. In the complement of a small neighbourhood the line ℓ,
the spacetime geometry looks like S 1 × R+ × R, where the S 1 circle links ℓ.
Geometrically, this S 1 is fibred over R+ —its radius increases the further one
gets from the line ℓ. However, up to Q-exact terms, we may deform the metric
to an honest product. It was further argued in [81] that the topological theory
on S 1 × R+ × R is equivalent to a purely two-dimensional B-model on R+ × R
with the same target X . Physically, one would have to be careful to include all
the Kaluza–Klein modes of fields on S 1 . However, at least for the bosons, all
but the zero modes are Q-exact and may be neglected. (The story for fermions
is slightly more interesting; it will be discussed below.)
In the course of this dimensional reduction, any line operator supported
on ℓ becomes identified with a boundary condition for the 2d B-model. The
category of boundary conditions in a 2d B-model with target X is the derived
category of coherent sheaves:
C = Db Coh(X ).
(Equivalently, since X is smooth, objects of C are described simply as complexes of vector bundles.)
The simplest example of a coherent sheaf is a holomorphic vector bundle
V on X . In this case, there is an easy physical description of the corresponding
25 More
precisely, one might call this a 1d N = (0, 2) subalgebra, with the supercharge Q
corresponding to a B-type (Dolbeault-type) twist. If the 3d bulk theory were empty, the line
would support matter in chiral and fermi multiplets.
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line operator in RW theory. It may be realized as a quarter-BPS “Wilson line”
in 3d N = 4 theory, defined by pulling back the bundle V to spacetime and
computing the holonomy of its complexified (anti-holomorphic) connection
along a line ℓ.
In order to construct line operators corresponding to more general sheaves
(and complexes of sheaves) in 3d N = 4 theory, one may introduce additional
1d N = 2 supersymmetric matter along ℓ. For example, a skyscraper sheaf
supported at a point on the target X comes from coupling the bulk theory to
1d fermi multiplets (Sect. 8.5).
The category C carries the natural commutative tensor product operation, making it a symmetric monoidal category. On the other hand, the interpretation as a category of line operators endows C with a 2-disc (E2 or
braided) monoidal structure (as in Sect. 7). It was explained in [60,80,81]
that the OPE of lines may be identified with the tensor product of coherent sheaves, but carries a nontrivial braiding governed (to leading order) by
the holomorphic symplectic form. The braided structure was rigorously but
somewhat implicitly constructed on the cohomology level in [80] using weight
systems and associators. The braided structure can be described precisely on
the chain level, locally on the target, using the disc structure of local operators,
i.e. the holomorphic Poisson structure of functions on X (up to even degree
shifts, which we suppress). Namely, locally on X the derived category26 can be
written as the derived category of modules for the ring of holomorphic functions, i.e. as modules for the endomorphism ring of the structure sheaf OX ,
which is the unit for the tensor structure. Finally, a general construction (see
e.g. Section 6.3.5 in [16]) produces a (d-1)-disc structure on the category of
modules for any d-disc algebra.
Our goal is to identify precisely and explicitly a global aspect of the
braided (2-disc) product structure on line operators in RW theory, namely the
secondary product between local operators and line operators.
8.2. Collision with Boundaries in 2d
Another useful piece of information is the geometric description of primary
products of local operators and boundaries in the 2d B-model. We collect and
motivate relevant results here; see e.g. [114] for a review.
We saw above that objects L ∈ C (viewed as boundary conditions in the
B-model to X ) are coherent sheaves on X or complexes thereof. It suffices for us
to understand the primary product between local operators and single coherent
sheaves. The product extends in a straightforward way to complexes—using
the fact that the primary product commutes with all other morphisms, as in
(7.2) (Fig. 13).
Let us start with the simple case that L = OY is the structure sheaf
(the trivial holomorphic line bundle) of a holomorphic submanifold Y ⊂ X .
26 For
these constructions, it is essential to be working “on the chain level”, i.e. with dg
categories or ∞-categories, rather than with the standard derived category.
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Figure 13. In d = 2, there exists only a primary product
between local operators and boundaries
Mathematically, its derived endomorphism algebra is
End(OY ) = Ext• (OY , OY ) ≃ H∂•¯ Λ• (N (1,0) Y) ⊗ Ω0,• (Y) ,
End(Op ) = Λ• (Tp(1,0) X ).
A2d ≃ H∂•¯ Λ• (T (1,0) X ) ⊗ Ω0,• (X ) .
where N (1,0) Y = T (1,0) X /T (1,0) Y denotes the holomorphic normal bundle of
Y. In particular, End(OY ) contains functions on Y (elements of H∂0¯ Λ0 (N (1,0)
Y) ⊗ Ω0,• (Y) ), which act via multiplications on the sections of OY . It also
contains odd normal vector fields (elements of H∂0¯ Λ1 (N (1,0) Y) ⊗ Ω0,• (Y) ),
which represent infinitesimal deformations of Y itself. An important limiting
case is the skyscraper sheaf Op supported at a point p ∈ X ; its endomorphisms
are a finite-dimensional exterior algebra, entirely generated by the odd tangent
vectors at p
As reviewed in Sect. 4, the topological operators in the B-model with
target X are polyvector fields:
The primary product between a local operator O ∈ A2d and a structure sheaf
L = OY has a natural geometric description: it is the image of O under a
combination of pullback from X to Y and projection from the full tangent
bundle to the normal bundle of Y:
Λ• (T (1,0) X ) ⊗ Ω0,• (X ) → Λ• (T (1,0) X Y )
⊗ Ω0,• (Y) → Λ• (N (1,0) Y) ⊗ Ω0,• (Y),
O ∗ L = q ◦ ι (O) ∈ End(L).
For example, if L = Op is a skyscraper sheaf at p and O ∈ Λ (T
X) ⊗
Ω0,s (X ) represents a Q-cohomology class of local operators, the primary product is obtained by evaluating the 0-form part of O at the point p
O ∗ L = δs,0 O ∈ Λr (Tp(1,0) X ).
We can also offer a more explicit physical description of the primary
product. If we work locally on the target X , a local operator O is represented as
some polynomial in the B-model scalars φi , φ̄i and fermions ηi , ξi , discussed in
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Sect. 4.2. At a boundary labelled by L, these fields all satisfy some relations—
the physical boundary conditions. The primary product of O and L is simply
the result of imposing the boundary conditions on the fields that make up
O. (Technically, this is only a semi-classical description of the product. It is
a feature of the B-model that there are no further quantum corrections.) For
example, a boundary condition L = Op corresponding to the skyscraper sheaf
at p sets φi , φ̄i → φi (p), φ̄i (p) (the coordinates of p), sets ηi = 0, and leaves ξi
unconstrained. The primary product of O and the skyscraper boundary leaves
behind a polynomial in the ξi , i.e. an element of Λ• (Tp X ).
8.3. Reduction of Operators to 2d
A final result we will require is the relation between local operators and their
descendants in 3d Rozansky–Witten theory to X , and local operators in the
2d B-model to X obtained by placing Rozansky–Witten theory on R2 × S 1 .
Certainly, local operators in the 3d theory become local operators in the
2d theory. Local operators in 3d are elements of
A = H∂•¯ (Ω0,• X ).
In the notation of Sect. 5.2, the local operators are represented locally on the
target as polynomials in the complex coordinates X A , X A and the fermions
ηA . These are directly identified with local operators in the B-model, with a
simple change of notation
φA = X A
to match the conventions in Sect. 4.2. (The symplectic ‘A’ index is reinterpreted as the unitary ‘i’ index of the B-model.)
The 3d algebra of local operators (8.9) does not account for all the expected B-model local operators: it is missing holomorphic polyvector fields.
However, we can recover (ordinary, Hamiltonian) vector fields from integrating the 1-form descendants of 3d local operators around the compactification
Let us derive this explicitly, working locally on the target and assuming
a flat metric. The first descendant of the 3d local operator X A is the 1-form
fermion (X A )(1) = χA . If we identify
ξA = −2ΩAB
as the zero-mode of the component of χA
μ parallel to the compactification circle
and also identify a two-dimensional 1-form fermion χA
(2d) with the remaining
and SUSY transformacomponents of χA
tions (5.14)–(5.15) reduce precisely to the 2d action and SUSY transformations
(4.11)–(4.12). (Physically, the reduction requires taking a zero-radius limit, i.e.
keeping only the zero modes of all the fields.)
The full algebra of local operators in the local B-model is thus generated
by 3d local operators and their secondary reductions (8.11). Crucially, the
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relation between the usual holomorphic vector fields of the B-model and the
3d one-form fermions χA involves the holomorphic symplectic form Ω.
Inverting (8.11), we discover that the compactified descendant S 1 (X A )(1)
is the Hamiltonian vector field generated by the function X A . More generally,
taking O = f (X) to be any holomorphic function on the target X , we find
O(1) = ∂A f χA and identify the compactified descendant
O(1) = − 21 ΩAB ∂A f ξB = 21 Ω−1 (∂f ),
with the Hamiltonian vector field generated by f . A similar description holds
for 3d operators O = ω ∈ Ω0,• (X) represented by higher forms; a straightforward local calculation produces S 1 ω (1) = 21 Ω−1 (∂ω).
We can also describe the 2d local operators obtained by this “secondary
reduction” procedure by testing them against operators obtained by ordinary
reduction, i.e. holomorphic functions. Thus, let O and O′ be 3d local operators,
and let O = S 1 O(1) denote the B-model operator obtained as a compactified
descendant of O. We can consider O′ as a B-model local operator as well,
obtained by straightforward reduction. We wish to calculate the 2d secondary
product (Gerstenhaber/SN bracket) of O with O′ . This is achieved by integrating the 1-form descendent of O′ along a circle linking the insertion point
x of O. However, rewriting from the 3d point of view, we are integrating the
descendants of both operators along two simply linked circles! As we have seen
in Sect. 3.2.2 (Fig. 6), the result is the ordinary 3d bracket of O and O′ , i.e.
the holomorphic Poisson bracket. The 2d and 3d computations agree precisely
if O is the Hamiltonian vector field generated by O. This property can be used
to uniquely characterize O.
8.4. Primary and Secondary Products
Now, consider a line operator L ∈ Db Coh(X ) supported along a line ℓ and a
local operator O ∈ A = H∂•¯ (Ω0,• X ).
The primary product O ∗ L ∈ End(L) is easy to interpret in the language
of sheaves by reducing to a 2d B-model along a circle Sℓ1 that links ℓ. As above,
L becomes a boundary condition and O remains a local operator, interpreted
as an element of
O ∈ H∂•¯ (Ω0,• X ) ⊂ A2d = H∂•¯ Λ• (T (1,0) X ) ⊗ Ω0,• (X ) .
The primary product O ∗ L in 3d is equivalent to a primary product (collision)
of O and the boundary condition L in 2d. We have seen in Sect. 8.2 precisely
what this means. In particular, if O = f ∈ C[X ] is a holomorphic function on
X , then O ∗ L is the central endomorphism of the sheaf L that multiples its
sections by f .
What about the secondary product OL ? It is defined by integrating the
first descendant of O along a circle Sℓ1 linking the line ℓ,
OL =
O(1) ∗ L ∈ End(L).
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f (X)(1)
= f (X)
Ω−1 df
Figure 14. Deriving the secondary product by dimensional reduction
If we reduce this configuration along Sℓ1 to a 2d B-model,
we find as usual that
L becomes a boundary condition. In addition, S 1 O(1) becomes an ordinary
local operator. Following Sect. 8.3, it must be an element of
O(1) ∈ H∂•¯ Λ1 (T 1,0 X ) ⊗ Ω0,• X ⊂ A2d ,
i.e. a holomorphic vector field on X . Then, the secondary product from 3d is
reinterpreted as an ordinary primary product in the B-model,
OL =
∗2d L,
and corresponds to an infinitesimal deformation of L (Fig. 14).
More concretely, we have seen in Sect. 8.3 that S 1 O(1) is identified as the
Hamiltonian vector field generated by O. Then, if O = f (X) ∈ C[X ] is a holomorphic function, OL ∈ Ext1 (L, L) is the endomorphism of L that corresponds
to an infinitesimal Hamiltonian flow. Similarly, if O = ω ∈ Ω0,q (X ) is a higher
form, then OL ∈ Ext1+q (L, L) is the corresponding derived Hamiltonian flow.
8.5. Skyscraper Sheaf from a 3d Perspective
It is also possible to compute secondary products of local and line operators
in Rozansky–Witten theory without reducing to a 2d B-model. We provide an
example of this in the case that L = Op is a skyscraper sheaf.
Working locally on the target, we may assume that X = C2N . We can
construct a skyscraper sheaf at the origin p = 0 by coupling the bulk 3d
N = 4 theory to a collection of 1d N = 2 fermi multiplets ρA , A = 1, . . . , 2N .
(These are matter multiplets for “N = (0, 2)” SUSY in one dimension. In this
case, they can be paired up into N fermi multiplets for N = (0, 4) SUSY,
reflecting the fact that the skyscraper sheaf is hyperholomorphic and actually
preserves four rather than two supercharges of the 3d N = 4 algebra.) The
bulk hypermultiplets
are coupled to the 1d fermis via J-term superpotentials
J A = X A ℓ . The additional contribution to the action is
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∂J B
∂ J¯B
ρB + ρ̄A
ηB |ℓ
∂X |ℓ
∂ X̄B |ℓ
ρ̄A dρA + X A X A + χA ρA + ρ̄A ηA δℓ ,
ρ̄A ∂τ ρA + J A J¯A + χA |ℓ
where τ is a coordinate along the line ℓ and δℓ is a delta-function 2-form
supported on ℓ.
The endomorphism algebra End(L) = Ext• (L, L) is the Q-cohomology
of local operators bound to the line. In this case, these are polynomials in the
2N fermions ρA . This corresponds to the expected result for the skyscraper
End(L) = Λ• (T0
X ) = C[ρ1 , . . . , ρ2N ].
Note that the restriction of bulk local operators consisting of polynomials in
X A |ℓ is not in the cohomology of Q because the J-term contribution to the
supercharge makes them exact.
Let us now compute the secondary product of the bulk local operator
O = X A and the line operator L. The first descendent of X A is the 1-form
χA , so we should consider the correlation function of the line operator with
the insertion:
χ =
dχA ,
where Sℓ1 links the line ℓ and Dℓ is disc with boundary Sℓ1 , which is pierced by
ℓ. In the absence of the line operator, the bulk action (5.14) relates dχA to an
equation of motion dχA = ΩAB δχ
B , which would cause correlation functions
involving Dℓ dχ to vanish (because they are total derivatives). However, in
the presence of the line operator we now have
(Sbulk + SL ) = ΩAB dχB + ρA δℓ ,
ρB δℓ . Therefore,
whence dχA = ΩAB δχ
B − Ω
A (1)
OL =
(X ) =
dχ = −Ω
ρB δℓ = −ΩAB ρB .
In other words, the insertion of Dℓ dχA in any correlation function is equivalent to an insertion of the local operator −ΩAB ρB on the line.
This agrees with the general prediction (8.12): up to a numerical factor
(which can be absorbed in the normalization of ρ), ΩAB ρB is precisely the
element of End(L) coming from evaluation of the Hamiltonian vector field
Ω−1 (∂X A ) at the support of the skyscraper sheaf. The secondary product with
arbitrary functions O ∈ C[X ] can be obtained from (8.21) using a derivation
property—and reproduces more general Hamiltonian flows.
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8.6. Non-degeneracy
An attractive feature of the secondary product with lines is that it may be
nontrivial even when the secondary product of local operators vanishes.
A familiar example arises in compactifications of 4d N = 2 theories. The
Coulomb branch X of a 4d N = 2 theory on R3 × S 1 is a complex integrable
π: X → B
with compact fibres over an affine base B. For example, in a 4d theory of class
S, X is the Hitchin integrable system [115–117]. A supply of topological local
operators O ∈ A is given by pullbacks of holomorphic functions on B. Formally,
there is a map of algebras C[B] → A. However, the secondary product among
all functions on the base necessarily vanishes
{O, O′ } = 0,
O, O′ ∈ C[B].
(This is precisely because B is the base of an integrable system: functions on B
are Poisson-commuting Hamiltonians.) Fortunately, there is also a large supply
of topological line operators L given by coherent sheaves on X . For any L, the
secondary product gives an odd map
C[B] → End(L).
The functions on B generate Hamiltonian flows along the fibres. Therefore, the
image of the map (8.24) will be nontrivial as long as (say) the support of L is
localized in the fibre directions of the integrable system.
9. Descent Structures in N = 4 SYM
In this section, we describe a manifestation of the secondary product in the
context of four-dimensional gauge theory, and in particular we refine and reinterpret a construction of Witten [87] in the context of N = 4 SYM, which
in turn interprets a result of Ginzburg [88] in the geometric Langlands program. Below, we review some general features of local and line operators in the
geometric Langlands twist of the N = 4 theory, after which we address some
of the algebraic structures that arise among them. But first let us make some
preliminary comments about our expectations for four-dimensional topological
field theories.
9.1. General Considerations in Four-Dimensional TQFT
On completely general grounds, we expect local operators in a four-dimensional
TQFT to carry an 4-disc structure. In particular, the primary product endows
local operators with a commutative ring structure, and the secondary product should define a Poisson bracket of cohomological degree −3 that acts as
a derivation of the ring structure. An example of what we might expect to
see is the ring of holomorphic functions on a thrice-shifted cotangent bundle
T ∗ [3]C. This is in analogy to the two-dimensional B-model of a free chiral
multiplet where we saw functions T ∗ [1]C, and the Rozansky–Witten theory of
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a free hypermultiplet where we saw T ∗ [2]C. A free four-dimensional N = 2
hypermultiplet does contain bosons and fermions that could look like functions
on T ∗ [3]C; however, there is no twist for which these become topological local
One immediately observes that the odd degree of the bracket implies that
it should send pairs of bosonic operators to fermionic operators, just as was the
case in the B-model. Unfortunately, in all standard twists of four-dimensional
gauge theories—the Donaldson twist [3] of N = 2 gauge theories with linear
matter, and the Vafa and Witten [118] and Langlands [76,119] twists of N = 4
super-Yang–Mills—there are no fermionic operators at all in the topological
algebra. Therefore, the Poisson bracket on local operators will vanish for trivial
degree reasons in all of these cases.
Despite this, our suggestion is that the structure of higher products in
topologically twisted theories is in fact typically nondegenerate—one must,
however, look sufficiently deep into the theory to observe the non-degeneracy.
Namely, we must expand our view to include higher-dimensional extended
operators. For the GL twists of N = 4 SYM, the construction of [87] is a manifestation of a secondary product involving line operators and local operators.
In the remainder of this section, we will recall this result and place it into a
more general context.
9.2. Local Operators
We recall the GL twist of N = 4 super-Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G,
at the value Ψ = 0 of the canonical parameter. This four-dimensional TQFT
G . It admits an S-dual
was called the A-model
in [87]; we shall denote it by A
description as the Ψ = ∞ twist of N = 4 SYM with Langlands-dual gauge
G∨ .
group G∨ , called the B-model;
we shall denote this dual description as B
In AG , the topological local operators are gauge-invariant polynomials of
a complex, adjoint-valued scalar field σ, which has degree (R-charge) R[σ] =
+2. Algebraically, we have for the topological operator algebra
A ≃ (Sym g∗ [−2])GC ≃ C[g[2]]GC ≃ C[h[2]]W ,
where h is the complexification of the Cartan subalgebra of G, W is its Weyl
group, and the shift by two keeps track of the degree (with the standard
but counterintuitive convention that V [n] denotes the vector space V placed
in cohomological degree −n). In fact, local operators comprise such gaugeinvariant polynomials in any of the GL twists (as well as in the Vafa–Witten
twist and the Donaldson twist of N = 2 gauge theory). One may think of
A as polynomial functions on the Coulomb branch g/Ad(GC ) ≃ h/W of the
four-dimensional theory.
It follows from the above comment that the topological algebra of local
G∨ should just be
operators in B
A∨ ≃ C[g∨ [2]]GC .
G and B
G∨ are S-dual descriptions of the same theory, their algebras of
As A
local operators must be isomorphic, A ≃ A∨ . As has been discussed in [87, Sec
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2.10], this isomorphism depends on the invariant quadratic form that is used
to define the kinetic terms of the underlying physical theories. For a simple
gauge group G, it is the Cartan–Killing form, normalized by the physical gauge
coupling (which can be chosen independently of Ψ).
G∨ is
G and B
Naively, this seems to imply that the equivalence between A
non-canonical in the topological theory, but this turns out not to be the case.
G∨ described in [101,120,121],
In the algebraic description of the B-model B
the local operators naturally appear as invariant polynomials of a complex
coadjoint scalar:
(Sym g∨ [−2])GC ≃ C[(g∨ )∗ [2]]GC ≃ C[h[2]]W ,
G that is independent of the
giving a match with the topological algebra in A
choice of invariant form.
In any case, it is clear that the secondary product on A must vanish:
all elements of A have even degree, while the secondary product is odd by
construction. To see some hint of the secondary structure, we will need to look
beyond local operators and include line operators in our discussion.
9.3. Line Operators
G∨ allow for topological line operators. There are ’t
G and B
Both theories A
G∨ , both labelled by representations of
Hooft lines in AG and Wilson lines in B
G , that are S-dual to each other [76]. Both theories include the topological algebra A of local operators, which must appear as endomorphisms of the trivial
line operator. This means that the categories of topological line operators are
richer objects than just the category of representations of G∨ . Below, we will
give a complete (and mathematically involved) description of these categories
that includes this richer structure. We note that the main calculation we wish
to describe is that of the secondary product of local operators with Wilson (or
’t Hooft) lines, and for this purpose the full description of the category is not
The general derivation of [76] gives us the category of line operators in
G as the equivariant derived category of D-modules (or perverse sheaves) on
the affine Grassmannian
(D−mod(GrG )) ≃ DL
(Perv(GrG )),
C = DL
+ GC
+ GC
also known as the spherical (or derived) Satake category—the geometric form
of the spherical (or unramified) Hecke algebra. It is a mathematical avatar of
the category of A-model boundary conditions on the moduli space of G-Higgs
bundles on the two-sphere (the link of a line operator in four dimensions).
In this description, local operators appear naturally in the form of the L+ Gequivariant cohomology ring of a point, which is equivalent to the previous
description of A.
G∨ has been deOn the S-dual side, the category of line operators in B
scribed in [120,121], interpreting work of [91,122]. This category is identified
with the category of B-model boundary conditions (i.e. the derived category of
coherent sheaves) on the moduli space of G∨ flat connections on S 2 . Naively,
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this moduli space is a point (the trivial flat connection), but it is corrected
first to a stacky point pt/G∨ by taking into account the automorphisms of
the trivial bundle, and then to a super- or derived stacky point g∨ [−1]/G∨
by taking into account ghosts measuring the nontransversality of the defining
equations (e.g. as Hamiltonian reduction at a nonregular value of the moment
map). The resulting category is given by
C ∨ = Db CohG∨C (g∨ [−1]) ≃ Db CohG∨C ((g∨ )∗ [2]),
where in the second equality Koszul duality gives an equivalence with G∨
Cequivariant coherent sheaves on the graded coadjoint representation (g∨ )∗ [2].
(See e.g. Section 11 of [91].)
In these terms, a Wilson line in representation R is associated with the
trivial R-bundle on g∨,∗ , treated equivariantly with respect to the simultaneous G∨
C action on R and on the coadjoint representation. In other words,
a Wilson line makes sense at any point of the Coulomb branch. Note that
C ∨ admits the structure of a symmetric monoidal category with respect to
the tensor product of sheaves. However, this is not the natural structure that
arises when considering line operators. Instead, the latter gives a nontrivial
3-disc deformation of this category, and it is this structure that we aim to
measure. The 3-disc structure on the spherical category was first explained to
the second-named author by Lurie in 2005. It can be constructed using the
formalism of [82], and it is a motivating example of Toën’s “brane operations”
construction [90] (though the compatibility of the two constructions is not currently documented). The factorization homology of this 3-disc structure (i.e.
the structure of “line operator Ward identities” for the geometric Langlands
program) is calculated in [92]. See also [89,91].
Amusingly, in the formalism of derived stacks, there is an isomorphism
(g∨ )∗ [2]/G∨
C ≃ T [3](pt)/GC
between the equivariant coadjoint representation and the thrice-shifted cotangent bundle of a G∨
C -equivariant point. In other words, the category of line operG∨ is equivalent to the derived category of a thrice-shifted cotangent
ators in B
bundle, which is a shifted symplectic (in particular P3 ) space. This makes manifest the sort of structure we previously identified as what one would naively
expect to see on the moduli space of a four-dimensional TQFT. The holomorphic functions on T ∗ [3](pt)/G∨
C (i.e. local operators) do not detect the shifted
Poisson structure, since they only see the space through its map to h[2]/W ,
but sheaves (line operators) do: they inherit a 3-disc structure from the general
quantization formalism of [26,27].
The equivalence C ≃ C ∨ of monoidal categories, i.e. the S-duality of categories of line operators respecting OPE, is the content of the derived geometric
Satake theorem of Bezrukavnikov and Finkelberg [122] (see also [91]). It can
be upgraded to an equivalence of 3-disc categories following along the lines
of [91].
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9.4. Primary Products
Now, let us consider more concretely the algebraic interactions of local and
line operators. The first thing is the primary product of local between local
G∨ description. Since
and line operators, which is simplest to describe in the B
local operators O ∈ A are just holomorphic functions on (g∨ )∗ [2]/G∨
C , they
act naturally on coherent sheaves L ∈ C ∨ via ordinary pointwise multiplication.
In other words,
O ∗ L ∈ End(L)
is the bosonic endomorphism that multiplies sections of L by the function O.
This is directly analogous to the B-model discussion from Sect. 8.2.
G , the endomorphism algebras of perverse
In the S-dual description A
sheaves L ∈ C are described in terms of GC -equivariant cohomology. Then, the
primary product A → End(L) identifies polynomials in σ with polynomials in
the GC -equivariant parameters.
Physically speaking, we recall the interpretation of the ring A of local
operators as functions on the Coulomb branch h/W . The action on line operators is then given by specifying where on the Coulomb branch we set when
considering a given line operator and then replacing the local operator by its
expectation value at that point.
9.5. Secondary Products: Formal Description
How should we understand the secondary structure in this case? We will first
describe the formal structure implied by the general construction of secondary
products when applied to the case of the GL-twisted N = 4 theory. We will
then apply a result of Witten, which calculates a particular specialization of
this structure, to deduce the nontriviality of the construction.
The secondary product defines an action of a local operator on a line operator that is the four-dimensional version of the operation we previously met
in three dimensions, namely that of deforming vector bundles by the Hamiltonian flow defined by a function. In four dimensions, however, this action
is bosonic, i.e. the secondary actions by bosonic local operators give bosonic
self-interfaces of lines. Rather than interpreting the Hamiltonian flow as a deformation (an Ext1 class, i.e. an endomorphism of degree 1), we interpret it as
an even (derived) endomorphism. For simplicity, we will mostly suppress the
(always even) cohomological/R-charge grading in the discussion below.
To illustrate how this action will look, let us first consider the classical
situation of a family of Poisson-commuting Hamiltonians on a Poisson manifold X, formulated as the data of a Poisson map H: X → B where the base B
carries the zero Poisson bracket (typically B is a vector space, and after identifying B with Rk the data of H are equivalent to k commuting Hamiltonians
H1 , . . . , Hk ). In this case, we can describe the family of Poisson-commuting
Hamiltonian flows as a (fibrewise) action on X of the vector bundle T ∗ B, considered as a family over B of commutative Lie algebras (or as a trivial Lie
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We will use the same kind of picture to understand the secondary bracket
of local operators on line operators—again note that in contrast to the bracket
for local operators themselves, this operation is a bosonic Poisson bracket (of
degree −2). In our setting, the base B is the Coulomb branch (g∨ )∗ /G∨
C ≃
h/W , and the polynomial functions on B correspond to local operators. The
space X in our Hamiltonian analogy is slightly more abstract—it is the stack
(g∨ )∗ [2]/G∨
C ≃ T [3][pt/GC ],
which maps to B by the characteristic polynomial map—or concretely, by
virtue of the fact that the functions on this stack are the same as the topological
G∨ are
algebra A = C[B]. Recall that X is designed so that line operators in B
coherent sheaves on it. Combining all the data together, we have the following
abstract description of the secondary action on line operators:
G∨ ≃ A
G carries an action by central
Proposition 9.1. Any line operator L in B
self-interfaces of the family of abelian Lie algebras T ∗ h/W over the Coulomb
branch B ≃ h/W .
In other words, fixing a vacuum χ ∈ B, there is an action of the abelian Lie
algebra T ∗ h/W by (even) self-interfaces of L, which moreover commutes with
all interfaces of line operators.
9.6. Secondary Products: Concrete Realization
We now relate our construction with a result in Section 2 of [87], showing in
particular that the action described in Proposition 9.1 is faithful and recovers
a well-known construction of Ginzburg.
We would like to “measure” our line operator by embedding it in a physical configuration that will produce an ordinary vector space, and we will then
understand the secondary action on this vector space. Physically, Witten conG and B
G∨ on the three-dimensional
siders the Hilbert space of theories A
space S × I, in the presence of ’t Hooft and Wilson lines, respectively. The
line operators sit at a point in S 2 × I and are extended in Euclidean time.
He chooses pairs of boundary conditions for the endpoints of the interval I
that greatly simplify the Hilbert space, effectively trivializing the contribution
G -model, he places Dirichlet boundary conditions on
of bulk fields. In the A
G∨ -model he places their
one end and Neumann on the other, while in the B
more subtle S-dual boundary conditions: the “universal kernel” on one end
and the regular Nahm pole on the other. This set-up is designed so that in the
G∨ theory with Wilson line L∨ in representation R, the Hilbert space simply
G theory with
becomes the finite-dimensional representation space R. In the A
an S-dual ’t Hooft line LR , the Hilbert space is naturally identified as the
intersection cohomology of a finite-dimensional orbit closure GrR
G ⊂ GrG in
the affine Grassmannian for G. S-duality then reduces to the statement that
H • GrR
G ≃ R.
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Note that ordinary, rather than equivariant, cohomology appears here [despite the categorical equivariance in (9.7)] due to the choice of boundary conG and B
G∨ to the origin of the Coulomb
ditions, which restrict both theories A
branch B ≃ h/W . In particular, the boundary conditions set to zero the bulk
G . Correspondingly,
field σ that plays the role of equivariant parameter in A
the primary action of local operators on (9.9) is trivial. One can modify this
set-up so as to introduce dependence on the equivariant (i.e. Coulomb branch)
The mathematical counterpart to this construction and its match across
S-duality is a key compatibility of the equivalence of the derived geometric
Satake theorem C ≃ C ∨ [122]—it respects natural functors to vector spaces.
On the A-side, the natural measurement of an equivariant sheaf on the Grassmannian is its equivariant cohomology, which is a module for the equivariant
cohomology ring, i.e. the topological algebra A. In other words, it defines a
vector space for each choice of point (vacuum) χ ∈ h/W on the Coulomb
branch. On the B-side, we can measure an equivariant coherent sheaf on the
coadjoint representation L ∈ Db CohG∨C (g∨,∗ [2]) by restricting to the Kostant
slice (the principal Slodowy slice). Namely, we consider a principal sl2 triple
(e, h, f ) in g∨ (the same data that appear in the description of the regular
Nahm pole). Here, e denotes the image of the raising operator of sl2 . We let
(g∨ )e denote the centralizer of e in g∨ – an abelian subalgebra of dimension
rank(g) = rank(g∨ ). The Kostant slice is the embedding,
Kos: h/W ≃ {e + (g∨ )f } ֒→ g∨ ,
of the Coulomb branch into the coadjoint representation. Thus, given a line
G∨ , we can restrict it to the Kostant slice, obtaining
operator L as an object in B
a module over A, or family of vector spaces over the Coulomb branch, and [122]
prove this matches with equivariant cohomology under S-duality. The physical
construction described above corresponds to the further restriction of these
families of vector spaces to the origin of the Coulomb branch.
Witten considered the action on the vector space R arising by integrating two-form descendants of local operators O = f (σ ∨ ) ∈ A∨ on a two-sphere
linking the Wilson line L∨
R . In other words, this is the restriction to the measurement R of the secondary action:
OL∨R ∈ End(L∨
R ).
Witten demonstrated that this action agrees with that of the regular nilpotent
centralizer (g∨ )e of a principal sl2 embedding in g∨ . This provides a physical
interpretation of a result of Ginzburg [88], who showed that the cohomology
ring of the entire affine Grassmannian is identified with the enveloping algebra
of the regular nilpotent centralizer in a way manner that is compatible with
the geometric Satake equivalence:
H ∗ (GrG ) ≃ U (g∨ )e .
This identification relates representations of G∨ with the cohomology of corresponding perverse sheaves on the Grassmannian (9.9).
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We can now combine Witten’s calculation with Proposition 9.1. To do
so, we will need an explicit description of the cotangent bundle T ∗ h/W in Lie
algebraic terms that was explained in [123, Sections 2.2 and 2.4] (as part of
what may be interpreted as the derivation of the Coulomb branch of pure 3d
N = 4 gauge theory). The description uses a principal sl2 triple (e, h, f ) in g∨ .
First, the cotangent fibre at the origin of the Coulomb branch can be identified
with the centralizer of the principal nilpotent element e ∈ g∨ :
T0∗ B ≃ (g∨ )e .
∨ ∗
More generally, given a point χ ∈ B ≃ (g )
with the rank(g)-dimensional abelian Lie algebra:
there is an isomorphism
Tχ∗ B ≃ (g∨ )Kos(χ) ,
which is the centralizer of the image of χ under the Kostant slice. It is also
straightforward to see from the derivation of this isomorphism from Hamiltonian reduction of T ∗ g∨ under G∨ that it agrees with Witten’s identification
of the principal nilpotent centralizer with T0∗ h/W in Section 2.11 ]in particular after equation (2.17)] of [87]. Putting all the pieces together, we find the
following result:
Theorem 9.2. The secondary action of local operators on a line operator L in
G ≃ B
G∨ , specialized at the origin 0 ∈ h/W of the Coulomb branch, defines
an action of the abelian Lie subalgebra (g∨ )e ⊂ g∨ by central self-interfaces of
L, lifting its action on the underlying G∨ -representation space of G∨ for L a
Wilson or ’t Hooft line.
More generally, an extension of Witten’s calculation of the descent bracket
along the entire Coulomb branch is expected to show the following:
Claim 9.3. The secondary action of local operators on a line operator L in
G ≃ B
G∨ defines an action of the family of abelian Lie algebras over h/W
given by regular centralizers
χ → Tχ∗ h/W ≃ (g∨ )Kos(χ) ⊂ g∨
by central self-interfaces of L, lifting its action on the underlying
G∨ -representation space of G∨ for L a Wilson or ’t Hooft line.27
Theorem 9.2 shows in a very concrete way the nontriviality of the E3
structure on the category of line operators in GL-twisted N = 4 SYM. Namely,
the E3 structure is measured through the secondary action of local operators
on line operators, and in the case of Wilson lines the action is a lift (to the
level of central self-interfaces of lines) of the action of a particular rank(g)dimensional subalgebra of g∨ (depending on the chosen point χ ∈ B on the
Coulomb branch) on the corresponding representation. This nontriviality is a
measurement of the shifted symplectic nature of the space T ∗ [3](pt)/G∨ on
which line operators are realized as coherent sheaves.
27 For
general line operators L, the action lifts the natural action of the regular centralizer
(g∨ )Kos(χ) on the Kostant–Whittaker reduction of L as in [122].
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In fact, a stronger result (though without the relation to the E3 structure)
appears from a closely related perspective in [93]: the Lie algebra action above
is the derivative of the Ngô action [124,125]. The Ngô action is a central action
of the family of abelian groups of centralizers in the group G∨ of Kostant slice
χ ∈ B → JG∨ (χ) = ZG∨ (Kos(χ)),
on the spherical category, i.e. the category of line operators. The total space
of the family JG
is familiar physically as the Coulomb branch of pure threedimensional N = 4 G-gauge theory, i.e. the (partially completed) Toda integrable system [123], though its group structure is more natural from the 4d
N = 4 perspective. Physically, the Ngô action can be interpreted as an action
over the Coulomb branch by one-form symmeof the family of groups JG
G ≃ B
G∨ . We plan to explain this
tries of the topologically twisted theory A
interpretation in detail in a future publication.
9.7. Donaldson Theory and Surface Operators
Finally, we briefly comment on the possibility of higher operations in Donaldson theory, i.e. N = 2 SYM in the Donaldson–Witten twist. In this theory,
there are no topological line operators, but we may still expect to find interesting higher products involving surface operators. Indeed, we claim that
there should be nontrivial secondary products of local operators in Donaldson
theory with suitable (though somewhat nonstandard) surface operators.
Recall [3] that local operators in Donaldson theory with gauge group G
consist of gauge-invariant polynomials in the gC -valued complex scalar field,
often denoted φ. This is the same algebra (9.1) that appeared in the GL twist.
A useful perspective for analysing surface operators in a four-dimensional
TQFT is to identify them with boundary conditions in a circle compactification
of the theory. (This is analogous to the identification of line operators in a 3d
TQFT with boundary conditions for its circle compactification, cf. Sect. 8.1.)
In the case of the Donaldson twist of a 4d N = 2 gauge theory, the circle compactification may roughly be identified with 3d Rozansky–Witten theory on
the Seiberg–Witten integrable system MSW . Then, thanks to the description
of boundary conditions in Rozansky–Witten theory [81] we expect topological
surface operators corresponding to arbitrary holomorphic Lagrangians on the
Seiberg–Witten integrable system (as well as more general operators coming
roughly from sheaves of categories over holomorphic Lagrangians).
In this compactified perspective, secondary products of a 4d local operator O and a surface operator
should translate to primary products be
tween a 3d local operator S 1 O(1) and a boundary condition. (This is analogous to the 3d/2d set-up in Sect. 8.4.) If O = p(φ) is a bosonic gauge-
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invariant polynomial, then S 1 O(1) is a fermionic local operator in RW theory on MSW . The relevant fermionic local operators are given by classes in
H 0,1 (MSW ) = H 1 (MSW , O) = T P ic(MSW ), i.e. tangent vectors to the Picard group of line bundles on MSW . The secondary action of these operators
on a boundary condition, realized by a sheaf of categories on a holomorphic
Lagrangian, is tangent to the natural action of the Picard group by automorphisms of a sheaf of categories—i.e. to tensoring by line bundles.
For the familiar surface operators in Donaldson theory (namely generalizations of Gukov–Witten surface operators [126]), this action is trivial: the corresponding Lagrangians wrap (multi-)sections of the integrable system [127],
to which all line bundles restrict trivially. However, since the line bundles are
nontrivial along fibres of the integrable system they will act nontrivially as
endomorphisms of topological boundary condition corresponding to a holomorphic Lagrangian wrapping a fibre. The surface operators corresponding to
such holomorphic Lagrangians give our sought-for examples of nontrivial secondary products.
The preliminary ideas that led to this project congealed during seminars
and discussions at the 2015 BIRS program Geometric Unification from SixDimensional Physics, attended by all five authors. Further developments occurred while MB, TD, AN, and DBZ participated in the Aspen Center for
Physics program on Boundaries and Defects in QFT, supported by the National Science Foundation grant PHY-1066293. We would like to express our
gratitude to BIRS and ACP for their hospitality. DBZ would like to thank
Sam Gunningham and Pavel Safronov for numerous helpful discussions, in
particular in relation to [93,113], and John Francis for teaching him about
disc algebras ever since [82]. DBZ would like to acknowledge the National Science Foundation for its support through individual grant DMS-1705110. Parts
of DBZ’s research were supported by a Membership at the Institute for Advanced Study (as part of the Program on Locally Symmetric Spaces) and a
Visiting Fellowship at All Souls College Oxford. MB gratefully acknowledges
support from ERC STG Grant 306260 and the Mathematical Institute at the
University of Oxford where part of this work was completed. TD would like to
thank Kevin Costello, Justin Hilburn, and Philsang Yoo for many insightful
discussions. He would also like to thank the students in his UC Davis graduate
topics course (MAT 280: QFT and Representation Theory) for helping work
through examples of secondary products in 2d and 3d and asking illuminating questions. TD is grateful to St. John’s College, Oxford, for its hospitality
via a Visiting Fellowship. TD’s research is supported in part by NSF CAREER Grant DMS-1753077. AN thanks the National Science Foundation, for
its support through individual Grants DMS-1151693 and DMS-1711692, and
the Simons Foundation for its support through a Simons Fellowship in Mathematics. We would also like to thank Kevin Costello and Greg Moore for helpful
feedback in the final preparation of this manuscript.
Vol. 21 (2020)
Secondary Products in Supersymmetric Field Theory
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C. Beem et al.
Christopher Beem
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Woodstock Road
Oxford OX2 6GG
St. John’s College
University of Oxford
St. Giles Road
Oxford OX1 3JP
David Ben-Zvi and Andrew Neitzke
Department of Mathematics
University of Texas
TX 78712
Mathew Bullimore
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University
Durham DH1 3LE
Tudor Dimofte
Department of Mathematics and QMAP
UC Davis
One Shields Ave
CA 95616
Communicated by Boris Pioline.
Received: April 9, 2019.
Accepted: January 18, 2020.
Ann. Henri Poincaré