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2000, Life the Human Being between Life and Death
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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2019
The following skills, such as planning of personal finances, formation and diversification of savings, augmentations of personal capital, and open-mindedness to new initiatives in the entrepreneurship activities, enhance the financial sustainability of the population, and are decisive for their life quality. Every person in certain circumstances can be financially and economically active, if s/he has got such competence as financial literacy which is much more important in the course of life than the level of income or professional qualifications, because, hereafter the governing factor will be not the possession of financial instruments by the person, but skills of effective management for the achievement of one's own objectives.Knowledge of financial matters at a young age makes administration of finances much easier when becoming adult, getting education, or joining the labor market. At the same time the necessity of improving the financial literacy among young people and educating schoolchildren is more and more discussed. Taking into consideration the fact that young individuals are a significant factor for the development of national economy, substantial improvement of young people's financial literacy is essential. Young people with a high level of financial literacy would be those who could give greater contribution to state economy, so it is important to research the level of financial literacy among young people. The objective of the present research is to analyze the financial literacy of young people in Daugavpils. Methods used in the research: monographic methodtheoretical description of financial literacy, graphical methodgraphical representation of obtained * This work is in principle linked to the
The Sign of the V: Papers in Honour of Sten Vikner, 2019
This joint article represents an attempt to clarify relations between two rather different approaches to the description of linguistic meaning: truthconditional semantics (as represented by Peter Widell) and functional semantics (as represented by Peter Harder). The two approaches are anchored in different traditions, are based on different theoretical premises, and have different objectives. Truth-conditional semantics is based on a philosophical tradition with strong relations to logic, while functional semantics is based on a linguistic tradition with borrowings from evolutionary biology (and also from speech acts philosophy). We argue that an integrated picture that accommodates both approaches can be achieved by a mutual recognition of the different aims as well as of a central area in which the different aims give rise to compatible insights about linguistic meaning.
Juan Arana (ed.), La cosmovisión de los grandes creadores de la ciencia moderna, 2023
Durante los siglos XVI y XVII tiene lugar el acontecimiento más relevante de toda la historia intelectual de la humanidad: el surgimiento de la ciencia natural moderna, como consecuencia de dos revoluciones acontecidas sin solución de continuidad: la copernicana, que dio un vuelco completo al modelo de universo vigente, y la mecanicista, que abrió la puerta a la comprensión en profundidad de los procesos naturales. Entre los hombres que propiciaron aquel gigantesco salto adelante destacan cuatro figuras de primerísima magnitud: Copérnico, Galileo, Descartes y Newton. Sin embargo, hubo muchos otros que apenas les fueron a la zaga en cuanto a originalidad y genio. En este libro se explora el mundo de ideas y valores que acuñó aquella gesta incomparable.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of coworking on the basis of reviewing discussions related to this concept and to demonstrate issues for theoretical development. Specifically, first an overview is made on the practical unfolding of coworking, which is the subject of increasing attention in Japan and overseas in recent years. Next, questions that have so far largely been untouched such as what kind of concept coworking is and how it differs from existing related issues, are examined utilizing the two concepts of coworker, i.e. working individual, and coworking space, i.e. workplace. On that foundation, three points are presented as issues for theoretical development. First, to systematically consider coworking based on the knowledge of previous research on working individuals and workplaces. Second, to construct an elaborate theoretical framework based on the review of related previous research. And lastly, to grasp the actual conditions and mechanisms of coworking by focusing on actors that strive to invoke the concepts of coworking while redefining the way of working and associated practices.
Cappelle, Bert, Robert Daugs, Stefan Hartmann. 2023. The English privative prefixes near-, pseudo- and quasi-: Approximation and ‘disproximation’. Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation 7(1), 52-75. ⟨10.21248/zwjw.2023.1.35⟩, 2023
The English prefixes near-, pseudo- and quasi- are privative, in that whatever essential property their morphological base expresses is not strictly possessed by an entity characterized as near-/pseudo-/quasi-X. However, we claim this meaning is not precise enough and hypothesize that near- and quasi- are approximative in meaning, whereas pseudo-is 'disproximative', expressing the idea of 'falling short' of a standard. Distributional-semantic findings partially support this, as near- shares more bases with quasi- than it does with pseudo-. Near- is most productive, presenting a default choice, while pseudo- is least productive. We also observe a specific tendency of near- to select bases with negative semantic prosody (near-deadly, near-fatal), of quasi- to combine, without any evaluative meaning, with legal-administrative bases (quasi-diplomatic, quasi-governmental), and of pseudo- with terms from the scientific domain. Further qualitative observations about these prefixes are made.
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, 2021
An article orienting the reader to the treatment of Hinduism in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion:
Revista Geotemas, v.14, e02402, 2024
A compreensão dos efeitos advindos das perturbações antrópicas sobre a terra é um recurso essencial quanto à atenuação destas implicações ao meio ambiente, uma vez que permite estabelecer diretrizes do uso mais racional dos recursos naturais. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetiva analisar a dinâmica espaço-temporal do uso e ocupação da terra no município de Santaluz – BA, Brasil, no período de 2001 a 2021 por meio do mapeamento do uso e ocupação da terra. Para tanto, os procedimentos metodológicos foram traçados por meio do processamento de imagens orbitais LANDSAT e pela classificação destes dados em ambiente SIG mediante a classificação supervisionada por uso do algoritmo MAXVER. Os resultados constataram que as classes de caatinga arbustiva e cultivos agrícolas apresentaram uma considerável redução de área, à proporção que as classes de áreas urbanizadas, áreas descobertas, caatinga parque, água continental e mineração foram expandidas, com destaque para um crescimento próximo de 268% de área ocupada pela classe mineração, legitimado pela consolidação da exploração mineral no intervalo analisado. Por fim, este estudo evidenciou que as técnicas de sensoriamento remoto são substanciais no âmbito dos mapeamentos do uso e ocupação da terra dado que proporciona a identificação das transformações dos padrões espaço-temporais em ambiente semiáridos, subsidiando políticas de planejamento e ordenamento ambiental para mitigar esses problemas.
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Μουσικοπαιδαγωγικά [Musical Pedagogics], 2016
Stratum Plus, 2014
Computer Networks, 2006
Educação e Pesquisa, 2000
Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú, 2017
Journal of Human Genetics, 2012