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2000, Life the Human Being between Life and Death
7 pages
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Jinhua Chen. “The Birth of a Polymath: The Genealogical Background of the Tang Monk-Scientist Yixing (673-727).” Tang Studies 18-19 (2000-2001): 1-39.
Cashless policy is a macroeconomic policy through which consumers purchase all goods and services by credit cards or electronic funds transfer, without the use of cash. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the key reasons and x-ray the benefits of cashless policy as a method of payment, and to expose the challenges of this policy with regard to its applications in cooperative shops in Nigeria. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on the diffusion of innovation theory. Findings show that some of the challenges of electronic payments which can mitigate against the application of cashless policy in cooperative shops in Nigeria are electric power failure, complete lack of electric power supply, inaccessibility of funds, insecurity, excessive withdrawal, trust between the cooperative and its customers, costs of investments, high charges, among other things. These challenges pose a transformation question. The paper advocates embracing of information and communication technology by Nigerian cooperatives to enable cashless policy and other macroeconomic policies work effectively within the organizational structure of cooperatives in Nigeria. Awareness creation should be intensified so that the co-operators and indeed the general public would be adequately informed about the policy and its operational methods. The paper recommended periodic education on cashless policy to the cooperative movement for the success of the policy.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology -IJRASET, 2020
Purpose: This research aims to discover diagnostic tools using fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence for early detection of Arthritis that can be applied in practice. The complexity of medical practice makes traditional quantitative approaches of analysis inadequate. In medicine, the lack of information (patient information, medical history, physical examination and laboratory results), imprecision and contradictory nature are common facts. This makes diagnosis and treatment difficult for the medical practitioner. These procedures are rigorous, the linguistic approach and human reasoning nature of fuzzy logic makes it easier for medical experts. In addition to this, there is a huge time lag between a patient experiencing the symptoms and actually seeking a doctor's help and this can worsen the situation and can lead to long term malfunctioning. Fuzzy logic and Graphical user Interface focus on targeting and solving these issues. The core objective of the research is designing a system that is cheap and easily accessible by the masses. Design and Methodology: Since the research aims at finding feasible diagnostic tool for assisting physicians and orthopaedics, secondary data from books, articles and engineering research journals was used. All the basics of fuzzy logic and the tool MATLAB were deliberated thoroughly. The chapter and verse for the disease Arthritis was analysed carefully so that the input and output parameters for the fuzzy inference system can be chosen precisely. Membership functions were defined for the chosen parameters. A rule base was designed for implementation. The parameters were combined in a hierarchical workspace so as to reduce the complexity of the system and design a compact model. The fuzzy inference system was then linked to Graphical User Interface for a novice friendly operation. The results were calculated and compiled. The results were then compared with those indicated by an orthopaedic to determine the accuracy of the system. Findings: Applying Fuzzy logic and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine can prove of great potential as it is robust and has the ability to deal with imprecise, distorted and erroneous data. Fuzzy expert system helps in making decisions very accurately which in turn helps medical experts in making decisions timely to avoid long term and permanent damage or complications from Arthritis or any other disease for that matter. Overall, the proposed Artificial Intelligence System produced favorable response based on the expected outcome and experimentations. The entire research was carried out under the guidance and supervision of a renowned orthopedic surgeon, who found the system to be useful as it was able to produce quintessential results. Practical Implications: The proposed system can assist the diagnosis of Arthritis at an early stage and can even be modified to detect other diseases as well accordingly. It can be further enhanced by combining with image detection and segmentation to analyse the affected bones and joints. The system can also be used to characterize the subtypes and coexisting causes of Arthritis. Furthermore, Neuro-Fuzzy based portable thermo-graphic system can be created that combine the potential of both thermal imaging and fuzzy logic. Research Limitations/Implications: Sample size is a little under-powered because of lack of patient data but can be increased by seeking data from other orthopaedic practitioners. Lack of available data was an obstacle in finding a trend and a meaningful relationship between the possible causes and the outcomes of the disease.
Neuropsychologia, 1994
A kinematic analysis was performed on goal-directed movements made by 14 patients with right hemisphere damage and left unilateral neglect (seven mild, seven severe), and 14 healthy controls. Leftward and rightward pen strokes of varying extents were made to targets of varying size on a centrally located digitising tablet. While mild unilateral neglect patients performed like controls, patients with severe unilateral neglect were slower to initiate leftward than rightward strokes and were slow and inefficient in movement execution. Leftward strokes made by severe unilateral neglect patients were characterised by prolonged movement time, lower peak velocity and departed from optimal bell-shaped velocity profiles. Their leftward strokes also showed prolonged accelerative phases, implying difficulties in force production, while the high proportion of their total movement time spent in decelerating with rightward strokes suggested an abnormal emphasis on terminal visual guidance.
Epigraphica, 2020
Nel corso dell’ultima campagna di scavo, condotta dalla EEHAR-CSCI nel sito archeologico di Tusculum, è stata recuperata un’epigrafe onoraria, riportante il nome della dedicataria e dei suoi congiunti. Il presente contributo propone, oltre alla descrizione e all’analisi dell’iscrizione, anche una sintetica analisi prosopografica dei personaggi menzionati, utile ricostruire in maniera sempre più definita il contesto sociale e politico della città in età imperiale.
The production of K * (892) 0 and φ (1020) in pp collisions at √ s=7 TeV was measured by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The yields and the transverse momentum spectra d 2 N/dydp T at midrapidity |y|< 0.5 in the range 0<p T <6 GeV/c for K * (892) 0 and 0.4<p T <6 GeV/c for φ (1020) are reported and compared to model predictions. Using the yield of pions, kaons, and Ω baryons measured previously by ALICE at √ s=7 TeV, the ratios K ratios are similar to those found at lower centre-of-mass energies. In contrast, the φ /π − ratio, which has been observed to increase with energy, seems to saturate above 200 GeV. The (Ω + Ω)/φ ratio in the p T range 1-5 GeV/c is found to be in good agreement with the prediction of the HIJING/BB v2.0 model with a strong colour field.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This paper investigates the threads between international diversification and firm performance, resource allocation to R&D and capital expenditure. The context of this study is a resource-based view and transaction costs theory. Firms that are going international, benefit from the resources available to them outside their home country as well as from the utilization of their core competencies in other countries. Regression models without interactive terms indicate that resource allocation significantly impacts firm performance. Capital expenditure is positively associated with return on assets, while research and development expenditure undermines the firm's performance. Analyses suggest that there is no thorough relation between international diversification and returns, regardless of using asset or sales diversification variables. The estimates of diversification variable are negative and insignificant in most models.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, 2010
MICADO is the adaptive optics imaging camera for the E-ELT. It has been designed and optimised to be mounted to the LGS-MCAO system MAORY, and will provide diffraction limited imaging over a wide (∼1 arcmin) field of view. For initial operations, it can also be used with its own simpler AO module that provides on-axis diffraction limited performance using natural guide stars. We discuss the instrument's key capabilities and expected performance, and show how the science drivers have shaped its design. We outline the technical concept, from the opto-mechanical design to operations and data processing. We describe the AO module, summarise the instrument performance, and indicate some possible future developments.
Angel of the Abyss: A Novel of the Great Tribulation (The Days of Elijah Book 3) by Mark Goodwin
Angel of the Abyss: A Novel of the Great Tribulation (The Days of Elijah Book 3) by Mark Goodwin
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Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: From Doctors Who Are Parents, Too! by the pregnancy experts at Mayo Clinic
Nature Immunology, 2010
Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 2010
Deleuze 1968-1980: continuidades y rupturas, 2023
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 1992
Antonio Vanegas Arroyo y las funciones de la literatura popular impresa, 2025
Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales, 2024
Revista Virtual de Química, 2019
2010 IEEE 18th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2010