GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 35, L22307, doi:10.1029/2008GL035576, 2008
Earthquake magnitude estimation from early radiated energy
Gaetano Festa,1 Aldo Zollo,1 and Maria Lancieri2
Received 4 August 2008; revised 14 October 2008; accepted 16 October 2007; published 27 November 2008.
[1] From inspection of a large set of Japanese events, we
investigate the scaling of the early radiated energy, inferred
from the squared velocity integral (IV2) with the final
magnitude of the event. We found that the energy can only
discriminate whether the event has a magnitude larger or
smaller than 5.8, and in the latter case it can allow for realtime magnitude estimation. However, by normalizing IV2
for the rupture area, the initial slip scales with the magnitude
between 4 < M < 7 following the expected scaling laws. We
show that the ratio between the squared peak displacement
and IV2 is a proxy for the slip following the same scaling
but it can be directly derived from the data, without any
assumption on the rupture area. The scaling relationship
between initial slip and magnitude can be used for early
warning applications, when integrated in a probabilistic,
evolutionary approach. Citation: Festa, G., A. Zollo, and M.
Lancieri (2008), Earthquake magnitude estimation from early
radiated energy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L22307, doi:10.1029/
1. Introduction
[2] Earthquake early warning systems are real-time monitoring infrastructures designed to provide a rapid notification of the potential effects of an impending earthquake,
through the fast telemetry and the processing of data from
dense instrument arrays deployed in the source region or
surrounding the target site.
[3] As a first order approximation, the amplitude and the
characteristic frequency of the seismic records depend on
the event location and magnitude and on the attenuation
mechanisms that the waves undergo during the propagation
from the source to the site of interest. The latter effect is
almost independent of the event size and it can be modeled
with sufficiently high accuracy. On the other hand, the
earthquake location can be very rapidly determined from
early signals recorded at a few stations close to the hypocenter [Horiuchi et al., 2005]. Therefore the lead time of an
early warning system critically depends on the system
capability to predict the final earthquake magnitude from
measurements on early recorded signals.
[4] Correlations between the final magnitude of an earthquake and several parameters measured on the early portions of P-waves and S-waves have been widely
investigated for seismic early warning applications. The
analyses of the seismic databases from southern California
[Allen and Kanamori, 2003; Olson and Allen, 2005; Wu and
Zhao, 2006], Taiwan [Wu and Kanamori, 2005], the EuroMediterranean region [Zollo et al., 2006] and Japan [Zollo
et al., 2007; Lockman and Allen, 2005] show that the
predominant period and the peak of ground displacement
scale with the final magnitude over a wide range (4 < M <
8), arguing that the energy available to break new asperities
may already differ at the initial stage of the rupture [Olson
and Allen, 2005; Zollo et al., 2006].
[5] Although the observations indicate that the early peak
and the dominant frequency of seismic signals do increase
with the magnitude, the limit at which the prediction is
reliable remains debatable. Rydelek and Horiuchi [2006]
and Rydelek et al. [2007] have claimed that neither the
initial predominant period nor the peak ground displacement significantly increase with a magnitude beyond M = 6.
Moreover geological observations support the hypothesis
that the arrest mechanisms of large earthquakes are mainly
associated with structural features in the fault geometry,
irrespective of the event size [Wesnousky, 2006].
[6] For early warning applications, the ground motion
estimations associated with the more destructive S wave
rely on the information carried out by the first seconds of
the P wave at the same recording site. When the target site is
far from the hypocenter (distances larger than 80 km;
regional early warning), the S wave recorded close to the
fault can help in constraining the ground motion estimates
without significantly increasing the system lead-time. Nearby
the epicenter, S data can even provide the only estimation of
the magnitude, when the S minus P time is smaller than the
P window (few seconds) required for the estimation of the
[7] In this work we investigate the scaling of the radiated
energy, inferred from squared velocity integral measured on
early P- and S-waves signals, with the final size of the
event. From the analysis of moderate to large earthquakes,
recorded by the Japanese strong motion networks Kik-net
and K-net, we discuss the behavior of the ‘‘macroscopic’’
slip at the beginning of the rupture in the magnitude range
4 < M < 7.
2. Data Analysis
[8] Let us consider the integral of the squared velocity
(IV2) measured in the early portions of P-waves and
IV 2c ¼
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università di Napoli ‘‘Federico II’’,
Naples, Italy.
Osservatorio Vesuviano, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,
Naples, Italy.
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
v2c ðt Þdt
where the subscript c refers to the P or S phase, tc is the
corresponding first arrival, and vc is the particle velocity
measured on the seismograms. Finally Dtc is the length of
the signal along which the analysis is performed. IV2 has
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Figure 1. (top) One horizontal component (EW) of the velocity recorded at about 45 km from the hypocenter, for two
events of magnitude M = 5 and M = 7.1 (the key gives the recording station references). (bottom) The squared velocity
modulus as a function of time for the same events as plotted in Figure 1 (top). Between the two events the level of the
energy drops by more than three orders of magnitude, with a steep change of the trend in correspondence of the P and S
wave arrivals.
the advantage that it includes information about the energy
radiated by the advancing rupture on the fault plane, and
therefore it provides direct, although partial, insights into
the physics of the fracture [Boatwright and Fletcher, 1984].
[9] We have processed about 2500 high-quality strongmotion records from the K-Net (http://www.k-net.bosai. and Kik-net (http://www.kik. Japanese databases. The
records correspond to events that occurred from 1996 to
2005 and with magnitudes ranging from 4.0 to 7.0. We
limited the analysis to stations close to the fault, for which
the hypocentral distance was less than 60 km. The P and S
phases were manually picked from the records, and then the
velocities were obtained by integration and band-pass
filtering in the frequency band of 0.05 – 10 Hz. The IV2
values were grouped into magnitude bins of 0.3, with the
bin width related to the errors in the magnitude estimates.
For the analysis, we selected Dtp = 4s of signal after the first
P arrival and Dts = 2s beyond the S arrival.
[10] We stress here that 2s and 4s on the records do not
correspond to 2s and 4s of rupture when the observer is at
near source distances. Since the velocity at which a dynamic
rupture advances on a fault cr is comparable with the
velocities at which the information travels in an elastic
medium (cp or cs for P and S waves respectively), the image
that an observer has of an advancing rupture is deformed
and stretched in the direction of the observer. Moreover,
different observers look at the fault from different views,
giving an overall image that relates to the envelope of the
scanned areas [Festa and Zollo, 2006]. Since cs < cp, the
fault region spanned by the P waves is smaller than the one
imaged by the S waves, for the same time window on
seismograms after the initial P- and S-arrivals. Since cs is
close to cr, the S wave explores shallow regions in the
observer direction, while the P wave images are almost
isotropic around the hypocenter. These are the reasons for
which we need a larger P time window to capture the same
information as is carried by the S wave.
[11] Figure 1 shows one component of the velocity,
integrated from the accelerometric records for two events
of magnitude M = 7.1 and M = 5.0 respectively, which were
recorded at about 45 km from the hypocenter. It also shows
a logarithmic plot of the squared velocity modulus as a
function of time. The energy increases by more than three
orders of magnitude between the two events, with a steep
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Figure 2. Scaling of the 4s velocity integral for the P waves (squares) and 2s velocity integral for the S waves (circles) as a
function of the magnitude. Superimposed on the picture we also add the velocity integral over the total S phase for large
earthquakes (diamonds). The error-bars represent the standard deviation error around the mean value. The total velocity
integral points are aligned along a straight path with a least-squares slope compatible with standard scaling laws. Straight
lines with this slope fit the first P-wave and S-wave early energy points up to M = 5.8.
variation in correspondence of the P and S arrivals and an
almost constant level for few seconds beyond them.
[12] To compare records from stations located at different
distances from the hypocenter, we normalized the measurements to the reference distance R0 = 10 km, by analytically
removing the geometrical spreading term log(R2/R20). The
final value of the integral of squared velocity is therefore
referred to as IV210km
3. Radiated Energy and Average Slip
(squares) and
[13] Figure 2 shows the plot for the IV210km
(circles) as functions of the final magnitude of the
event. To discuss the behavior of these quantities, we also
add the velocity integral evaluated for the whole signal S in
the case of large events (diamonds). When accounting for
the whole duration, the points are aligned along a straight
line, with a slope (a = 1.41 ± 0.04) that is compatible with
the expected scaling factor of 1.5 [e.g., Scholz, 2002].
Straight lines with this slope fit both the P and S data up
to a magnitude M = 5.8. Beyond this, the early energy
increases less, or does not increase at all, with respect to the
final magnitude. A rupture size having a magnitude M = 5.8
is comparable with the area imaged by the back-propagation
of the selected P- and S-windows.
[14] By interpreting the velocity integral representations
in the light of the scaling laws, for a window time length of
4s for P-waves and 2s for S-waves, we can conclude that
below M = 5.8 the apparent duration is smaller than the
investigation time window and the increase in the emitted
radiation is associated with both the increasing fracture area
and the increasing average slip. Beyond a magnitude of 5.8,
the data provide a partial image of the advancing rupture,
coming from a fault portion which has almost the same area,
despite the magnitude. Any increase in the velocity integral
has to be ascribed to the slip.
[15] Hence, the velocity integral can be used only to
discriminate whether an event has a magnitude larger or
smaller than M = 5.8 and in the latter case to evaluate the
magnitude of the event. We compute regressions laws
through the first P and S points up to magnitude M = 5.8.
) = 7.7(±0.3) +
The resulting curves are log(IV210km
) = 6.3(±0.4) +
1.4(±0.1)M for P waves and log(IV210km
1.4(±0.1)M for S waves, where the velocity is measured in
cm/s. We remark that below M = 5.8 any deterministic
method (such as local Ml or moment Mw magnitude) can be
used to estimate the magnitude since the selected time
windows entirely contain the direct waves emitted by the
source. Beyond M = 5.8 the prediction becomes ill-posed
and if a scaling with the magnitude exists, it has to concern
the slip.
[16] For this, we transform the velocity integral into the
radiated energy E [Kanamori et al., 1993]:
Ec ¼ 4p
rcIV 2c
F 2 <2c
where we use the average values r = 2.7 g/cm3 for the
density, F = p
2 ffiffifor
ffi the free surface coefficient, cs = 3.3 km/s
and cp/cs = 3. <2c is the ratio between the actual and the
average squared radiation pattern that we fixed to 1
[Kanamori et al., 1993]. We also assume the expected
value for the ratio Es/Ep = 16.7 [Boatwright and Fletcher,
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Figure 3. The slip as a function of the magnitude from the P (squares) and S (circles) early records. The dashed and solid
lines represent the best-fit curves through the points P and S respectively. The dotted lines represent the prediction bounds
for a new observation with a 95% confidence level in correspondence of the S best-fit curve.
1984] to obtain the total radiated energy E from the P and S
energy estimates. The radiated energy is related to the slip
hDi as:
estimates from the P and S data very consistent each with
the other. Superimposed on these data, there is the plot of
the best-fit lines going through the data points (solid line for
S waves and dashed line for P waves). The two curves are:
E ¼ Dsh DiA
where Ds is the stress drop. Since the velocity integral
computed along the complete signal scales with the
magnitude following the theoretical scaling law, we see
that the stress drop must be nearly constant in the
investigated magnitude range. Therefore, we can estimate
the average stress drop from the level of the velocity
integral, obtaining Ds = 6.7 MPa. We note here that under
the hypothesis of constant stress drop, the latter only
influences the absolute value of the slip, and does not affect
the scaling of the slip with the magnitude.
[17] Finally, to obtain the slip, we have to normalize the
radiated energy for the rupture area as seen from the early
seconds on the records. For small earthquakes (M < 5.8), we
use the moment versus area scaling relationship for a
circular crack [Madariaga, 1976]:
logðh DiÞP ¼ 0:30ð 0:05ÞM 2:6ð 0:3Þ
logðh DiÞS ¼ 0:40ð 0:05ÞM 3:2ð 0:2Þ
with the slopes comparable with a = 0.5 of the theoretically
expected scaling laws [Scholz, 2002]. The high correlation
of the mean values can also be quantified through the values
of the correlation coefficients which are r2p = 0.86 and r2s =
0.92, for P and S wave respectively.
[19] We note that, assuming a constant stress drop, the
radiated energy scales as the product hDiA, while the peak
displacement PD scales as hDi1/2. Hence, if the scaling law
holds also in the early portion of the signal, the ratio PD2/
IV2 should scale as the slip. The strength of this parameter
is that it represents a proxy for the slip directly measurable
on seismic signals. Figure 4 shows the ratio for 4s of P-wave
and 2s of S-wave. The two best-fit curves are:
M0 ¼ 3=2 DsA3=2
log PD2 =IV 2 P ¼ 0:38ð 0:02ÞM 3:28ð 0:13Þ
log PD2 =IV 2 S ¼ 0:48ð 0:03ÞM 3:82ð 0:17Þ
where the moment M0 is known from the velocity integral.
Then, beyond magnitude M = 5.8, a constant value for the
rupture area is used, corresponding to the one estimated for
an earthquake of M = 5.8.
[18] Figure 3 shows the log of the slip, as imaged from
the first few seconds of P and S wave records on seismograms, as a function of the magnitude of the event. We see
here that the slip from both the P-waves and S-waves scales
with the magnitude from M = 4 to M = 7, with the slip
Again, the two slopes are comparable with those of Figure 3,
as well as with the expected theoretical scaling. The values
of the correlation coefficients r2p = r2s = 0.97 are
representative of the high correlation of the mean values.
[20] Although the variation of the slip with magnitude is
statistically significant, the data dispersion in Figures 3 and
4 indicates that the inferred scaling relationships obtained
cannot be considered as deterministic laws, since the errors
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Figure 4. Scaling of the ratio PD2/IV2 as a function of the magnitude in the early portion of the P-waves and S-waves.
The scaling is comparable to that obtained in Figure 3. The dotted lines represent the prediction bounds for a new
observation with a 95% confidence level in correspondence of the S best-fit curve.
on the slip are large. Hence, a single measure of slip cannot
significantly discriminate an event of magnitude M = 6 from
an event of magnitude M 7. When drawing on Figure 4 a
horizontal line in correspondence of the value of slip
expected for a magnitude M = 6, the probability that a
value smaller than this will belong to the distribution of the
slip data for M = 7 is 10% and 19% from S and P estimates
[21] However, since the data are normally distributed, the
error on the mean value decreases when extracting information from several receivers which are representative of
the slip distribution corresponding to a given value of
magnitude. In such a case, the uncertainty associated with
the mean becomes comparable with the error from the bestfit curve, which is about 0.5 in magnitude.
4. Conclusions
[22] The squared velocity integral measured on the first
few seconds of P and S waves as a function of the final
magnitude of the event shows a two-slope curve with
separation limit at about M = 5.8. For M < 5.8, both 4s of
P-wave and 2s of S-wave image the whole rupture process,
and in this range IV2 can be used as an estimator of the
magnitude of the event. Beyond M = 5.8 the area imaged by
the first few P and S records remains almost the same
despite the magnitude and any increase in IV2 vs M plots
has to be ascribed to the variation of the slip. Under the
hypothesis of constant stress drop, the initial slip can be
achieved by normalizing the radiated energy by the rupture
area as seen by the first P- and S-wave segments. The
rupture size up to magnitude M = 5.8 was estimated using
the moment versus area relationship for circular crack while
a constant value, corresponding to M = 5.8, was used for
large earthquakes. After normalizing by the rupture area, a
linear relationship between the slip and the magnitude
yields in the whole magnitude range, whose slope is
comparable with that from standard scaling laws. This result
implies that, for 5.8 < M < 7, the average slip measured in
the early stage of the rupture looks similar to the final
distribution of the slip on the fault plane, according to the
hypothesis that large slip zones are likely to be located
within or close to the hypocenter [Mai et al., 2005].
Additionally, the slip in the initial part of the rupture has
reached or is closed to its final value, indicating that the rise
time should be associated with a time scale smaller than 4s
of the P-wave and 2s of the S-wave.
[23] Under the same assumptions, the trend of the slip
with magnitude can be directly inferred by measurements
on the data, through the ratio PD2/IV2. We prove that this
quantity follows the same scaling as the theoretical model,
with smaller errors in the estimations of the best-fit coefficients. Although the errors on the single measurement of
PD2/IV2 are too large for a deterministic prediction of the
magnitude, several measurements can be combined in a
probabilistic evolutionary framework for early warning
applications. If PD2/IV2 values are representative of the
probability function at the corresponding magnitude, the
error in the final estimation can be pushed down to about
0.5 units.
[24] Acknowledgments. Authors acknowledge AMRA Scarl, ‘‘Analisi e Monitoraggio del Rischio Ambientale’’ for financial support and two
anonymous reviewers for their valuable contribution in improving the
manuscript content.
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G. Festa and A. Zollo, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università di
Napoli ‘‘Federico II’’, I-80124 Napoli, Italy. (
M. Lancieri, Osservatorio Vesuviano, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia, I-80124 Napoli, Italy.
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