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As universities increasingly embrace distance education technology, it is useful to examine the challenges and opportunities of technology in the classroom. This paper draws on the author's years of experience teaching distance education and research to suggest strategies to incorporate in the engineering classroom. Methods to increase distance education student's participation, ways to avoid losing students both on-and off-campus, and tricks to minimize the additional time required to manage off-site asynchronous students are discussed. Challenges for the distance education instructor are also discussed, such as dealing with time delays in the system, maintaining academic honesty with off-site students, and avoiding the talking head phenomenon and dealing with the MTV mentality.
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology
Learning is enhanced by the physical and social technologies typically used in distance education. Students in distance programs typically have access to tools that allow them to repeat lectures and interact with their fellow students and faculty. Students in all classes, including face-to-face and blended courses, benefit from having similar tools and technologies available. This article will review common tools and technologies used in distance education, and demonstrate why they can facilitate learning and expand the educational opportunities for both distant and traditional students.
With the advancement of technology, significant changes have been introduced into the learning and teaching environment. The importance of enhancing the interest of learners is an on-going challenge for educators of all levels. In this respect, teaching and learning practices are adapting to students' exposure to technological and social trends. In this presentation, a case study of using technology to enhance the learners' environment for engineering-based subjects in higher education is presented. The approach consists of delivering interactive materials through a Virtual Learning Environment and integrating web application technologies to enhance the learners' experience. Due to the vast subject areas in engineering and the variety of content of each subject, a general methodology is first identified and adopted. This consists of stages that show the progress from initial development to deployment of the materials, followed by evaluation of the module and further improvements carried out on the module based on qualitative evaluation. The evaluation process consists of the application of electronic surveys for feedback on the distance learning module. In addition, monitoring of the students' usage of the materials is also carried out. The presentation concludes with the presentation of the initial results from a current e-learning module.
Improving higher education can be characterized by (1) increasing access, (2) decreasing costs, and (3) improving learning outcomes. However, it is not necessary that attempts to improve higher education affect all three positively. For example, it might be that increasing access to more or different students causes costs to increase; whereas learning outcomes are maintained at some previously acceptable level, but an audience exists that is willing to pay the increased cost. Improving learning outcomes also might increase costs without changing access. But, decisions on when or how to improve higher education must be based on consideration of all three characteristics and not just one alone such as just trying to improve learning outcomes. This paper summarizes, based on studies and experiences, the value e-technologies play in our attempts to improve higher education by focusing on the use of e-technologies to support distance-learning students for each of the three characteristics enumerated. The paper then concludes with a set of questions whose answers should further aid the understanding of the use of etechnologies in engineering education.
Since 1997, Georgia Tech has been delivering courses across the Atlantic to its sister campus in France using streaming media. Our experience has shown that there are two serious obstacles that must be overcome before faculty and students are ready to embrace this technology, and accept this delivery mechanism for distance learning courses. First, in order for faculty to become involved in the development of "on-line" courses, the production process must be easy and convenient, which is generally not the case. Second, before either faculty or students are willing to go "on-line", both must be convinced that there are advantages to an Internet-based course over videotapes and, in fact, over a traditional classroom environment. In this paper we describe our efforts over the last two years in addressing these problems. First, we describe a set of tools that we have developed for producing streaming media lectures, and then we describe some of our current work in enhancing these tools for the delivery of more effective interactive educational materials.
American Journal of Distance Education, 2011
Encyclopedia of E-Leadership, Counseling and Training
თავდაცვა და მეცნიერება, 2022
Since there are no scheduled classes to attend and all necessary information is available online, distance education has replaced synchronous learning for many students and teachers during the pandemic. However, we are still unsure of the long-term effects of distance learning and whether it provides the same value as learning in a classroom face-to-face. This article discusses important challenges that colleges must take into account, such as how to help students without dependable internet access or technology participate in digital learning, as well as some specific issues related to the management of remote learning.
This paper analyses 0 n the successful running of distance technical education vis-a-vis role of instructors in subject delivery; student-student interaction; and emerging computer technologies that can be applied in distance education programmes in the areas of IT, science, and engineering education. The paper focuses on the relative advantages and disadvantages of distance technical education over the traditional classroom oriented education. The critical role of teacher, technology, environment and other related factors have been analysed. Findings presents that appropriate designing of courses, interaction between students, and occasional meetings with instructors can lead to technical education through distance mode having considerable advantage over the traditional mode.
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 2003
Distance education, e-learning, and virtual university are similar terms for a trend of modern education. It is an integration of information technologies, computer hardware systems, and communication tools, to support educational professionals in remote teaching. This paper presents an overview of distance education from the perspective of policy, people, and technology. A number of questions frequently asked in distance learning panel discussions are presented, with the suggested answers from the authors. The survey presented in this paper includes communication, intelligent, and educational technologies of distance education. Readers of this paper are academic researchers and engineers who are interested in new research issues of distance education, as well as educators and general participants who are seeking new solutions.
Abstract-This study presents the views and perceptions of engineering students on educational technology in general and Web-based distance learning in particular. Content analysis was used to understand the language used by engineering students and identify similarities and differences in views on engineering education between students and educational researchers.
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