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Climate change,
lacustrine zone
University of Oslo, Norway, and Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Xi’an, China
The climate history in the lacustrine zone of
eastern Africa correlates to significant changes
in earth’s orbit and polar ice budgets. During the Holocene, regional lakes experienced
a significant range of variability marked by
abrupt transitions between high and low water
level (Gasse 2000). Some of the variability
can be attributed to mesoscale atmospheric
changes to which it is subtly tuned due to its
geography and position relative to the Indian
and Atlantic oceans. The uneven topography
of the region results in the condensation and
precipitation of oceanic moisture at high elevations and rain-shadowing effect at lower
elevations. Therefore, more or less inland flow
(advection) of moisture has a profound impact
on lacustrine water budgets as measured in
lake sediments.
Paleoecological records mostly derive from
laminated sediments deposited as erosional
runoff (also called terrigenous), which trap
microscopic remains of terrestrial organisms
and their byproducts. These proxies are calibrated against modern, known data sets to
provide insights into past temperature, rainfall,
and vegetation conditions. If the sediments
progressively build up over time (accrete), then
they can be dated using radiocarbon or other
radiometric techniques, which are statistically
analyzed, or spline fitted, to model the passage
of time between direct dates. Because of this,
deep time records serve to provide baseline
context for hydrologic changes observed in
instrumental (historical) time, but the resolution of these records coarsens the further back
in time one progresses (see Cohen 2018 for an
overview of how such past-to-future models
can be applied).
The East Africa Rift System is divided into
eastern (a.k.a. Gregory) and western (a.k.a.
Albertine) branches, extending from Lake
Turkana to the north down to Lake Malawi
in the south (see Figure 1). Rifting of the East
African plate began perhaps as far back as 45
million years ago (Ma) when volcanic activity
thinned the crust underlying the region, which
was followed by warping and down-faulting of
lithospheric blocks during the late Oligocene
(Bergner et al. 2009). The formation of lakes
in the northern part of the region dates to
about 400,000 years ago, when significant
rift-shoulder uplift processes accelerated on
top of the East African Dome craton (WoldeGabriel et al., 2016). In the southern regions,
basins such as Lake Malawi extend back into
the Pliocene (4.5 Ma, Ring and Betzler 1995)
and Lake Tanganyika to the Miocene (10 Ma,
Wilson, Glaubrecht, and Meyer 2004).
Dip-slip and normal faults provide the
geometry of the catchments’ steep elevational
gradients that orographically condense and
precipitate moisture at high elevations draining into arid and semi-arid lowland basins.
The lacustrine zone is therefore comprised
of a series of endoheric and cascading lake
systems with transient overflows depending
on climatic conditions. With rare exception,
lakes present today within this region have
had water throughout the Holocene (beginning 9750 bce), although high and low stands
have resulted in significantly different water
balances throughout the epoch.
Tropical moisture pattern was dominated by
the north–south movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Northerly
aspects of the region presently receive two
rainy seasons, while the southernmost aspect
receives a single, longer rainy season centered
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. Edited by Daniel Potts, Ethan Harkness, Jason Neelis, and Roderick McIntosh.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00600
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and
Article title: Climate change: Lacustrine zone
David K. Wright
Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
AND State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth
Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China (
Due to its position in the trough of the East African Rift Valley, the Great Lakes region has
experienced significant effects from changes to earth’s climate during the Holocene. Annually
migrating atmospheric pressure systems bring oceanic moisture inland, causing precipitation mainly
in the highlands that charges ground water systems in the lowlands. Although the Holocene has
been a relatively stable climatic epoch for most of the planet, the lacustrine region of eastern Africa
has experienced significant hydrologic variability. The African Humid Period brought significantly
higher rainfall to the northern two-thirds of the continent, including the most of the lacustrine zone,
but had a minimal impact on lake levels in the southern aspect of the region. Lake records show that
after 2000 BCE, the northern region experienced lower average precipitation while lake levels rose
on balance across the southern region. However, high-resolution records consistently demonstrate
that there is significant variability in the tempo and spatial application of precipitation and
vegetation in East African lakes. Additionally, since the advent of the Common Era, there are
increasingly obvious impacts of human landscape disturbance on the region’s ecology, affecting lake
levels and biodiversity.
African Great Lakes; Holocene; Lake proxies; Human paleoecology
Main text
The climate history in the lacustrine zone of eastern Africa correlates to significant changes in earth’s
orbit and polar ice budgets. During the Holocene, regional lakes experienced a significant range of
variability marked by abrupt transitions between high and low water level (Gasse, 2000). Some of
the variability can be attributed to mesoscale atmospheric changes to which it is subtly tuned due to
its geography and position relative to the Indian and Atlantic oceans. The uneven topography of the
region results in the condensation and precipitation of oceanic moisture at high elevations and rainshadowing effect at lower elevations. Therefore, more- or less-inland flow (advection) of moisture
has a profound impact on lacustrine water budgets as measured in lake sediments.
Paleoecological records mostly derive from laminated sediments deposited as erosional runoff (also
called terrigenous), which trap microscopic remains of terrestrial organisms and their byproducts.
These proxies are calibrated against modern, known data sets to provide insights into past
temperature, rainfall and vegetation conditions. If the sediments progressively build up over time
(accrete), then they can be dated using radiocarbon or other radiometric techniques, which are
statistically analyzed, or spline fitted, to model the passage of time between direct dates. Because of
this, deep time records serve to provide baseline context for hydrologic changes observed in
instrumental (historical) time, but the resolution of these records coarsens the further back in time
one progresses (see Cohen, 2018: for an overview of how such past to future models can be
Geographic Background
The East Africa Rift System is divided into eastern (a.k.a. Gregory) and western (a.k.a. Albertine)
branches, extending from Lake Turkana to the north down to Lake Malawi in the south (Figure 1).
Rifting of the East African plate began perhaps as far back as 45 million years ago (Ma) which
volcanic activity thinned the crust underlying the region, which was followed by warping and downfaulting of lithospheric blocks during the late Oligocene (Bergner et al., 2009). The formation of lakes
in the northern part of the region dates to about 400,000 years ago, when significant rift-shoulder
uplift processes accelerated on top of the East African Dome craton (WoldeGabriel et al., 2016). In
the southern regions, basins such as Lake Malawi extend back into the Pliocene (4.5 Ma, Ring and
Betzler, 1995) and Lake Tanganyika to the Miocene (10 Ma, Wilson et al., 2004).
Figure 1. Lacustrine zone of
eastern Africa showing
significant water bodies
(>80 km2) and locations
of eastern and western
branches of the East
African Rift System.
Dip-slip and normal faults provide the geometry of the catchments’ steep elevational gradients that
orographically condense and precipitate moisture at high elevations draining into arid and semi-arid
lowland basins. The lacustrine zone is therefore comprised of a series of endoheric and cascading
lake systems with transient overflows depending on climatic conditions. With rare exception, lakes
present today within this region have had water throughout the Holocene (beginning 9750 BCE),
although high and low stands have resulted in significantly different water balances throughout the
Tropical moisture pattern dominated by the north-south movement of the Intertropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Northerly aspects of the region presently receive two rainy seasons, while
the southern most aspect receives a single, longer rainy season centered between November and
March. The Congo Air Boundary (CAB) also traps warm Atlantic moisture westward. The shifting
relative positions of these two pressure systems have greatly affected the distribution of effective
moisture across the region throughout the Holocene (van der Lubbe et al., 2017). During periods
when the eastern maximal position of the CAB shifts to the eastern margin of the Rift Valley, lakes
are charged with water; when the eastern margin of the CAB is located west of the Rift, lake levels
across the region are relatively low (Tierney et al., 2011). The dominance of atmospheric pressure
systems in governing moisture makes the region particularly sensitive to changes in mesoscale
atmospheric phenomena, such as the Indian Ocean Dipole and El Niño Southern Oscillation, which
change the sea surface temperature dynamics responsible for most of the region’s precipitation
(Bloszies and Forman, 2015; Jury et al., 2002).
The climate histories of the northern and southern lakes within the lacustrine zone are generally
antiphased with each other throughout the Holocene (Castañeda et al., 2007). Thus, wet periods in
the northern end of the Rift correlated with drier periods in the southern Rift and vice-versa
(exceptions are noted below). This inverse climate phasing is attributable to relative positioning of
the ITCZ, which displaces southward during glacial advance (progradation) periods in the extreme
northern latitudes and northwards during glacial retreat (ablation) periods. Thus, the water budget
moves in tandem with the ITCZ with lakes on the extreme margins of the ITCZ seeing particularly
significant changes in level.
Climate History
High lake stand environments during the AHP had more biodiversity relative to low stand conditions,
both within and adjacent to the lake margins. A detailed study of paleosols from the western
shoreline of Lake Turkana indicates an extensive marsh-like riparian environment, which would have
been attractive for endoaquatic foragers (Beck et al., 2019). A rapid transition to arid conditions is
recorded after 3250 BCE in which lake level dropped 60+ m in a matter of a few decades (Figure 2;
Bloszies et al., 2015). On the other hand, Lake Victoria, which is the source of the White Nile River,
experienced low water conditions from 7850 to 5550 BCE prior to an extended period of overfilling
(Johnson et al., 2000).
Figure 2. Lake proxies of largest significant water bodies of the East African Rift System: (a)
Lake Turkana shoreline reconstruction (Bloszies et al., 2015), (b) Lake Victoria diatom
record (Stager et al., 2017), (c) Lake Edward endogenic calcite record (Russell et al.,
2003), (d) Lake Tanganyika C28 δ13C leaf wax record (Tierney et al., 2011), (e) Lake
Malawi biogenic silica (diatom) mass accumulation rate (Johnson et al., 2002). The red
line represents a 200-year rolling average. General cultural developments in regional
prehistory are indicated at the top (HP = historic period, Ag./Iron = introduction and
spread of plant cultivation and iron technologies, Past. = introduction and spread of
pastoralism, Sedentary fisher-foragers = period in which high lake shorelines were
inhabited by sedentary groups of fisher-foragers; see Marchant et al., 2018; Wright et
al., 2015).
At the southern distal aspect of the Rift Valley, Lake Malawi and smaller catchments adjacent to the
lake, such as Lake Masoko, show the presence of an open landscape with low water levels during the
zenith of the AHP (8000 – 6000 BCE) (Barry et al., 2002; Garcin et al., 2007; Ivory et al., 2012).
Further north, at Lake Rukwa, pollen spectra are generally more in sync with records from the
northern Rift showing closed woodlands associated with high rainfall conditions from the early
Holocene through 3500 BCE after which grassy conditions become more prominent followed by
significantly more arid, open conditions by 1500 BCE (Vincens et al., 2005). A similarly timed
transition from closed woodland to open grassland is noted at Lake Tanganyika (Tierney et al., 2008)
and Lake Kivu (Haberyan and Hecky, 1987), which defies the antiphased relationship inferred based
on ITCZ positioning. Therefore, Tierney et al. (2008) posit that high sea surface temperatures in the
western Indian Ocean present yet another mechanism for increasing regional precipitation in the
southern Rift by increasing the strength of winter monsoon flow. Climate across tropical eastern
Africa is highly variable and responds non-linearly to global- and mesoscale-forcing mechanisms.
Interconnected lacustrine systems are regionally abundant during the African Humid Period, which
effectively ceased for eastern Africa by 2000 BCE (Tierney et al., 2011). There is a transition from
deep, stratified water conditions in Lake Victoria to seasonally shallower waters until the advent of
the Common Era, after which there is a more uniform water level within open, grassier conditions
reflecting human impacts on the ecology of the catchment (Talbot and Lærdal, 2000). Human
impacts on forest communities adjacent to Lake Kifuruka, located north of Lake Edward, can be
discerned earlier, from 2350 BCE, suggesting the palynology of lakes in the region reflect complex
interactions between anthropogenic and natural environments (Kiage et al., 2019). Pollen records
from Lake Albert similarly suggest drier, grassier environments from 1650 BCE to present relative to
early Holocene conditions (Beuning et al., 1997). Later Holocene records from Lake Masoko show
wetter Zambezian woodland conditions until open, grassy conditions at 1450 and 800 BCE, between
300 and 500 CE and from 750 to 1450 CE, the latter two of which are attributed to anthropogenic
disturbance of the forest (Vincens et al., 2003).
At Lake Edward, tropical woodlands dominated the shoreline until the abrupt termination of the
AHP after which there was a gradual replacement by deciduous woodlands until the advent of the
Common Era (Ivory and Russell, 2018). A ~725-yr climate cycle is recorded in the basin from 2950
BCE to 1550 CE, which correlates to variability in Indian Ocean monsoon strength (Russell et al.,
2003). An arid period at the advent of the Common Era marks the arrival of the Iron Age, after which
fire-tolerant vegetation and grasslands are indicative of anthropogenic disturbance more than
climate (Ivory and Russell, 2018). There is an inferred positive feedback loop between the arrival of
Iron Age agro-pastoralists in the Lake Victoria region associated with regional aridity, the spread of
grasslands and burning (Battistel et al., 2016). However, anthropogenic burning in this region is
argued to be more in tune with natural climate cycles (drier conditions have evidence of more
burning) until the Colonial period, after which burning frequency is decoupled from climate
conditions and increases significantly regardless of precipitation (Colombaroli et al., 2018).
High-resolution lacustrine records show significant lake level fluctuations on subdecadal scales
throughout the Late Holocene so discerning regional climate signals from lake cores must be
spatially and temporally contextualized based on the available data (Verschuren, 2004). Correlated
regional droughts lasting 100 years or more have been identified from lakes Edward, Naivasha,
Tanganyika and Turkana dating to 2150 BCE, 1 BCE/1 CE, 450 CE and 1100 CE (Russell and Johnson,
2005). Similarly, Lake Bogoria experienced shallow water conditions between 690 and 950 CE (De
Cort et al., 2018). However, lake records from the “Little Ice Age” (ca. 1500 – 1800 CE) suggest
regionally heterogeneous responses to globally forced climate events. For example, sediment
proxies from Lake Kitagata, adjacent to Lake Edward, show drought in the western Rift extension,
while records in the eastern Rift experienced higher rainfall (Russell et al., 2007). Nevertheless, even
within these records, a high-resolution, 1800-year lacustrine record from Lake Naivasha shows 20+m
lake level rise during the latter half of the Little Ice Age (Verschuren, 2001) illustrating that the Little
Ice Age is not a singular event across time and space. Historical records from travellers and oral
histories fill in the gaps of paleoecological records, such as the late 19th century droughts of the
Bogoria/Baringo lake basin (Anderson, 2016). Such datasets demonstrate the need for close-interval
sampling of lake cores, archaeological and historical data because coarse-resolution, spline fit ages
models typically miss significant ecological variability.
Lake levels are sensitive to regional climate change and land use conditions. For example, a sediment
proxy from Lake Baringo extending over the last 200 years shows ~50-year cycles of transgression
and regression in tune with recorded regional droughts and wet periods (Okech et al., 2019). A
similarly timed and synchronized relationship is noted in laminated deposits from Lake Tanganyika
between 890 BCE and 530 CE (Cohen et al., 2006). However, the modern ecologies of both regions
are overprinted by human activities, namely land clearance and deforestation, which are attributed
to farming and pastoralism activities as well as urban development. Fishing is also an important
aspect of the subsistence economy, and has been severely impacted by over-exploitation and
climate change (Odada et al., 2003). The presence of invasive species in African Great Lakes has
further degraded their biodiversity (Kasulo, 2000). Other human activities such as dam construction
(Avery and Tebbs, 2018), ground water pumping for urban and agricultural pursuits (Gaye and
Tindimugaya, 2019) and pollution/eutrophication (Twesigye, 2015) have also reduced water levels in
recent decades (Cohen, 2018). Forecast projections from Great Lakes predict significant changes in
hydrology, which could shift resources and negatively impact the economic livelihoods of the
region’s inhabitants (Beverly et al., 2020).
Understanding the long-term ecological context of the lacustrine zone of eastern Africa informs
better understandings of archaeological activities as well as provides insights into future scales of
landscape change. Within the framework of increased emissions of greenhouse gasses and
reductions in biodiversity due to wholesale landscape clearance, the evolutionary relationship
between climate and landscape is of critical importance to be able to attenuate negative effects of
ecological change. Similarly, past human activities were not exclusively positive or negative in how
they impacted biodiversity. Humans are organisms that respond to climate change by shaping their
local environments. When combined with the actions of others across wide geographic regions,
these impacts can blur the lines between natural and anthropogenic ecological and climatic change.
References and Suggested Readings
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