EMR4 Program_11-13 novembre 2021

Magnificenza, nobilitazione e propaganda politica: il mecenatismo urbano e architettonico dei Barberini tra Roma e Palestrina (1630-1750)

EARLY MODERN ROME 4 1341-1667 Thursday, November 11 9:30-10:45 am Sala Dalla Vedova, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: The Barberini Chair: Cecily Boles, Colleferro “Magnificenza, nobilitazione e propaganda politica: il mecenatismo urbano e architettonico dei Barberini tra Roma e Palestrina (1630-1750)” Nicoletta Marconi, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata “Ancora sulla ‘strada non prevista’ della poetica di Francesco Bracciolini: l’inedito discorso di Giuseppe Cini sull’Elettione di Urbano VIII” Mauro Sarnelli, Roma Thursday, November 11 9:30-10:45 am Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session Title: Art and Religion Chair: Margaret Meserve, University of Notre Dame “Recognizing God in the City of God: Theosis in the Art of Michelangelo and Raphael” Simon Abrahams, Balzan, Malta “Between Nazareth and Loreto: The Fusion of Time and Space in Caravaggio’s Madonna di Loreto in Rome” Daniel M. Unger, University of Ben-Gurion Negev 10:45-11:30 am Coffee Break at Hotel Lancelot or at the Società Geografica Italiana Thursday, November 11 11:30 am-1 pm Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Il Gesù Chair: Sheila ffolliott, George Mason University “Roman Patriciate Families versus the Jesuits: Land Acquisition for the Construction of the Gesù, 1551-1568” Pamela O. Long, Washington, DC “Building Il Gesù: Networks, Exchange and Urban Developments” Ann C. Huppert, University of Washington “Franciscans and Jesuits: Images of St. Francis of Assisi in the Church of Il Gesù” Alison C. Fleming, Winston-Salem State University Thursday, November 11 11:30 am-1 pm Sala Dalla Vedova, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Books and Printing Chair: Pascale Rihouet, Rhode Island School of Design “A Network of Knowledge: Authors, Printers, and Publishers” Raphaële Mouren, The Warburg Institute “Lattanzio Tolomei (1487-1543): Sienese Diplomat and Book Collector” Philippa Jackson, London “Ora siano dati alla Vaticana i doppi della Sapienza…. A Proposito di una Lettera di Leone Allacci al Cardinale Flavio Chigi” Rosa Parlavecchia, Università di Napoli Federico II Thursday, November 11 11:30 am-1 pm Sala Antinori, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Men at Work Chair: John M. Hunt, Utah Valley University “Una patente per un maestro di scuola della fine del Cinquecento” Iefke van Kampen, Archivio Storico di Formello/Museo dell’Agro Veitano – Palazzo Chigi, Formello “Leopoldo de’ Medici and his Man in Rome” Stefano Dall’Aglio, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice “Servant or Courtier? Service and Status in the All-Male Household” Laurie Nussdorfer, Wesleyan University Thursday, November 11 11:30 am-1 pm Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session Title: Antiquity Chair: Carla Keyvanian, Auburn University “An Ancient Technique for a Modern Language? Stucco, Architecture, and Decoration in Sixteenth-Century Rome” Serena Quagliaroli, Università della Svizzera italiana “Summoning the City: Ancient Egypt in Pirro Ligorio’s Simulations of Rome” Catharine Wallace, West Chester University of Pennsylvania “Gli Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis. Le fonti e il loro contesto documentario” Angela Quattrocchi, Università degli Studi Mediterranea, Reggio Calabria 1-3 pm Lunch Break Thursday, November 11 3-4:30 pm Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Engendering Sculpture Chair: Cristiana Filippini, Trinity College, Rome Campus “Mothers and Monuments (1400-1600)” Jan L. De Jong, University of Groningen “Maid or Matron: Mixed Typologies in the Portrait of Virginia Primi Bonanni (d. 1649) in S. Caterina in Magnanapoli, Rome” Cecily Boles, Colleferro Thursday, November 11 3-4:30 pm Walsh Room B, Notre Dame Session Title: Jesuits Chair: Elia Borza, Université Catholique de Louvain “Teaching Rhetoric and Poetics in Early 17th-Century Jesuit Rome: Famiano Strada on Metaphor” Javier Patiño Loira, University of California, Los Angeles “Rome and Florence in Dialogue: Rereading the Comet Controversy between Galileo and the Jesuits” Edward M. Chappell, University of Pennsylvania Thursday, November 11 3-4:30 pm Sala Dalla Vedova, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Making Identity through Clothes Chair: Elizabeth S. Cohen, York University (Toronto) “A Paradise for Imposters? Clothes as Social Markers in Early Baroque Rome” Camilla Annerfeldt, European University Institute 2 “The Fortunes of the Romany: Dress, Identity, and Exclusion in Early Modern Rome” Elizabeth Currie, Central Saint Martins Thursday, November 11 3-4:30 pm Sala Antinori, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Spain Chair: Margaret Meserve, University of Notre Dame “Iberian Theater Of Conquest: Performing Islam in Early Modern Rome (1457-1520)” Marta Albalá Pelegrín, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona “‘In the Spanish Fashion’”: Roman Material Culture and Spanish Devotional Practice after Trent” Piers Baker-Bates, The Open University Thursday, November 11 3-4:30 pm Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session Title: Gian Vittorio Rossi, aka Ianus Nicius Erythraeus Chair: Mauro Sarnelli, Roma “The Cardinal and the Curmudgeon: Fabio Chigi’s Role in the Publishing Success of Gian Vittorio Rossi” Jennifer K. Nelson, University of California, Berkley “Medici e scienziati nella Pinacotheca di Ianus Nicius Erythraeus” Luisella Giachino, Università di Torino Thursday, November 11 4:45-6 pm Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Money Chair: Sheila ffolliott, George Mason University “The Role of Art for the Economy of Early Modern Rome” Dorothea K. Herreiner, Loyola Marymount University “Agostino Chigi and Jakob Fugger” Ingrid Rowland, University of Notre Dame, Rome Thursday, November 11 4:45-6 pm Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session Title: Oratorians Chair: Alison C. Fleming, Winston-Salem State University “Miraculous Palpitations. The Heart of Saint Philip Neri between Iconography and Liturgy” Guendalina Serafinelli, Catholic University of America, Rome “The Apostolic Community. Cesare Baronio’s Commentaria in Acta Apostolorum between Index and Curial Ceremony” Filip Malesevic, University of Fribourg, Switzerland 6:30-8 pm Opening Reception at the Buvette Vanni in the Galleria Alberto Sordi (via del Corso/piazza Colonna) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday, November 12 9-10:45 am Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Rome Represented Chair: Maria Sole Costanzo, University of Notre Dame “The Many Romes of Pope Pius II” 3 Barry Torch, York University, Toronto “Roma e i romani nelle opere Giovanni Pontano” Florence Bistagne, Université de Avignone “Quae aut fuere aut futurae sunt: Rome and the Mirabilia Tradition in Poggio Bracciolini’s De Varietate Fortunae” Tyler Patterson, University of Southern California “Percorsi rinascimentali: temi e autori della Philosophia romana” Valentina Zaffino, Pontifical Lateran University Friday, November 12 9-10:45 am Walsh Room B, Notre Dame Session Title: Sixteenth-Century Texts Chair: Marcello Simonetta, Medici Archive Project “Giuliano Dati e la scrittura per immagini nella Roma del Rinascimento” Carlotta Mazzoncini, Università Roma Tre “Toward a New Edition of Giovio’s Lives of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael” Kenneth Gouwens, University of Connecticut “Roma antica e moderna nella poesia di Francesco Berni” Chiara Cassiani, Università della Calabria “Lorenzo Gambara, Caprarola” Paul Gwynne, American University of Rome Friday, November 12 9-10:45 am Sala Dalla Vedova, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Leo X Chair: Elia Borza, Université Catholique de Louvain “La corte di Giuliano de’ Medici a Roma (1513-1516): nuove evidenze documentarie e riletture” Marina Porri, Università di Pisa “Leonardo´s Political Allegories: The Imperial Pope in Rome, the Medici´s Loss of Power in Florence to the French, and the Madonna with the Cross-Stab” Stefaan Missinne, Royal Geographical Society “The Res Publica Christiana and the End of Christendom” Elizabeth M. McCahill, University of Massachusetts, Boston Friday, November 12 9-10:45 am Sala Antinori, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Female Saints Chair: Rose Marie San Juan, University College London “Helena Augusta: The Creation of an Extravagant Saint in Early Modern Rome” Marianne Ritsema van Eck, Leiden University “Diana Cristiana: A Christian Idol in Early Modern Rome” Mario Erasmo, University of Georgia “In viaggio per Roma: Santa Brigida e la regina Cristina” Maria Teresa Guerra Medici, Rome “Practices of Recognition: Visits between Christina of Sweden and Chiara Maria della Passione"” Camilla Kandare, Christina Akademien Friday, November 12 9-10:45 am Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session Title: The Artistic Patronage of Cardinals 4 Chair: Sheila ffolliott, George Mason University “A Tale of Two Palaces: The Pucci Cardinals in Early Modern Rome” Carla A. D’Arista, Washington, DC “From Trent to Rome: The Artistic Patronage of the Madruzzo Cardinals and the Politics of Reform” Dorigen Caldwell, Birkbeck, University of London “Il Cardinale Ludovico Ludovisi nel teatro politico romano della prima metà del Seicento” Luigi Alonzi, Università di Palermo “A New Apollo Needs his Marsyas: Turkish Skins in Cardinal Flavio Chigi’s Museum” Karen J. Lloyd, Stony Brook University 10:45-11:30 Coffee Break at Hotel Lancelot or at the Società Geografica Italiana Friday, November 12 11:30 am-1 pm Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Papal Authority Chair: Margaret Meserve, University of Notre Dame “Shaming, Making Community, and Purification: Legal Punishments of Destruction of Private Property in Early Modern Rome” Nele De Raedt, Université Catholique de Louvain “‘His face turned to ash’: Cleaning up Clerical Concubinage in the Counter Reformation” Jane K. Wickersham, University of Oklahoma Friday, November 12 11:30 am-1 pm Walsh Room B, Notre Dame Session Title: Roman Humanism Chair: Maria Sole Costanzo, University of Notre Dame “Arte e letteratura intorno all’Accademia di Pomponio Leto” Alessia Dessì, Sapienza Università di Roma “Paganesimo e uso dell’antico alla corte di papa Paolo II (1464-1471)” Anna Modigliani, Università della Tuscia “New Findings about the Accademia de lo Studio de l’Architettura (Rome, C. 1535–1555), Its Work and Legacy” Bernd Kulawik, Bern Friday, November 12 11:30 am-1 pm Sala Dalla Vedova, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Medicine Chair: Rose Marie San Juan, University College London “La villanella della gravidanza: Singing Medical Knowledge in Early Modern Rome” Tessa Storey, Cambridge, UK “Una città, tre epidemie. La risposta delle istituzioni romane ai rischi epidemici tra XVI e XVII secolo” Renato Sansa, Università della Calabria “Intellectual Polyphony in Seventeenth-Century Rome: Music, Medicine, and Religion at the Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Sassia” Naomi J. Barker, The Open University Friday, November 12 11:30 am-1 pm Sala Antinori, Società Geografica Italiana Session Title: Protestants Chair: Thomas V. Cohen, York University (Toronto) “Martin Luther’s Rome” 5 Carl P. E. Springer, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga “Protestants and the Messiah in Rome: The Idea of Rome at the Crossroads of Christian-Jewish and Protestant-Catholic Polemics” Daniel Lehmann, Hebrew University of Jerusalem “Walking a Thin Line: Protestants on Foot in Rome” Emily Michelson, University of St. Andrews Friday, November 12 11:30 am-1 pm Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session title: Repurposing Chair: Nicoletta Marconi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata “Surveying Excavations and Discovered Antiquities in Quattrocento and Early Cinquecento Rome: A Documentary Approach” Hilary Barker, University of Chicago “Setting the Price of Antiquity: Evaluating Spolia in Fourteenth-Century Communal Rome” Francesca Lembo Fazio, Sapienza Università di Roma “Tevolozza in Francesco Borromini's Inventions” Jonathan Foote, Aarhus School of Architecture 1-3 pm Lunch Break Friday, November 12 3-4:30 pm Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Session title: Music, Art, Dance Chair: Eric Nicholson, New York University, Florence “Effects and Paradoxes of Censorship: The Sensuality of the Sculpted Body in Seicento Roman Sculpture, Suggested Rather than Exhibited” Mathilda Blanquet, Université Toulouse - Jean-Jaurés “Leggiadri Spiriti Con Fest’è Giubilo Danzate. Drammaturgia dei balletti alla ‘Magnifica Corte’ di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna (1659-1689) nella Roma di metà Seicento” Valentina Panzanaro, Roma “Patrono Meo Colendissimo: Dedicatory Epistles in Mid-17th-Century Roman Musical Publications” Adrian Horsewood, Cambridge, UK Friday, November 12 3-4:30 pm Walsh Room B, Notre Dame Session Title: Female Saints Chair: Chiara Sbordoni, University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway “Political Itineraries of a Visionary Woman: Francesca Romana’s Journey from Pia Domina to Advocata Urbis” Francesca Canepuccia, University of Oslo “Legislating Secular Religious Women in Fifteenth-Century Rome” Mary Harvey Doyno, California State University, Sacramento Friday, November 12 3-4:30 pm Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session Title: Non-extant Monuments Chair: Giulia Ceriani Sebregondi, Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli “La villa romana nell’immaginario letterario del Cinquecento: ekphrasis, invenzione, progetto” Francesca Mattei, Università Roma Tre “Andrea Mantegna’s Decorations for the Chapel of Innocent VIII in the Villa Belvedere” 6 Molly Bourne, Syracuse University in Florence “Dragon’s Breath: S. Maria Liberatrice and the Insalubrious Forum” Jasmine R. Cloud, University of Central Missouri 4:30-5 pm Coffee Break on your own Friday, November 12 5-6:30 pm Walsh Room A, Notre Dame Session Title: Microhistories of Masculinity Chair: Laurie Nussdorfer, Wesleyan University “The Noble, His Servant, the Merchant, a Death-Blow at the Altar: Enmity, Alliance, Ploys, and Damage” Thomas V. Cohen, York University (Toronto) “Much Ado About Dusting: Lower-Class Dueling in Sixteenth-Century Lazio” Aaron Miedema, York University (Toronto) “The Spy and the Bargello: The Public Underworld of Gambling in Baroque Rome” John M. Hunt, Utah Valley University Friday, November 12 5-6:30 pm Walsh Room B, Notre Dame Session Title: Vittoria Colonna and Michelangelo Session Chair: Mathilda Blanquet, Université Toulouse - Jean-Jaurés “The Courtly Economies of Cultural Brokerage between Rome and Iberia” Elena M. Calvillo, University of Richmond “‘Regali’ a Vittoria Colonna: Michelangelo e il Crocifisso vivo” Andrea Alessi, Museo della Città Civico e Diocesano di Acquapendente “Michelangelo’s Risen Christ and Early Reformist Ideas in Rome, 1512-1520” Gabriel Shelton, University of Birmingham, UK Friday, November 12 5-6:30 pm Meeting Room, Hotel Lancelot Session title: Raphael Chair: Piers Baker-Bates, The Open University “Revisiting Rome After Raphael: Mapping the Remnants of a Roman Workshop” Alexis R. Culotta, Tulane University “Raphael 2020 Postmortem: Artistic Veneration and Sainthood” Tamara Smithers, Austin Peay State University “The First Artists’ Tombs in the Pantheon (1520-1609)” Lotte van ter Toolen, University of Groningen ------------------------------------------------------------------------Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 10:30 am Sala dei Cesari Introduction & Welcome Maria Pace Odescalchi Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 11 am-1 pm 7 Sala Medici-Orsini Session Title: The Orsini Chair: Paolo Alei, Castello Odescalchi “Camillo Pardo, l’ultimo degli Orsini di Manoppello” Elisabetta Mori, Roma “Giordano Orsini di Monterotondo e la sua eredità nella seconda metà del XVI secolo” Riccardo Di Giovannandrea, Universidad de Salamanca/Sapienza Università di Roma “Le relazioni diplomatiche del ducato di Bracciano tra Firenze, Mantova e Guastalla a inizio del Seicento” Elisabetta Stumpo, Archivio per la memoria e la scrittura delle donne “Alessandra Contini Bonacossi” “Proteggere il Portogallo nella Roma del Seicento” Irene Fosi, Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio, Chieti – Pescara Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 11 am-1 pm Sala delle Donne Session Title: Papal Power Represented and Recounted Chair: Elizabeth M. McCahill, University of Massachusetts, Boston “The Idea of Crusade in the Era of the Italian Wars” Margaret Meserve, University of Notre Dame “La Storia generale di Giovan Girolamo de’ Rossi: una nuova storia del papato nel Rinascimento” Marcello Simonetta, Medici Archive Project “The Image of Papacy in Possesso Prints (1589-1846)” Pascale Rihouet, Rhode Island School of Design “Feast and Soft power in Early Modern Rome: The Colonna Palace as a Diplomatic Stage” Cristina Agüero Carnerero, Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma—CSIC Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 11 am-1 pm Sala della Vittoria Session Title: Literature Under Pope Leo X Chair: Paul Gwynne, American University of Rome “Per l’incoronazione di papa Leone X: uno sconosciuto capitolo in terza rima” Giuseppe Crimi, Università RomaTre “Il lato oscuro dell’età dell’oro all’epoca di Leone X” Martina Atzori, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon “Tragedie greche a Roma nel primo Cinquecento” Elia Borza, Université Catholique de Louvain “La Roma medicea e la rinascita della tragedia greca in Europa: un affare di famiglia” Tristan Alonge, Maison Française d'Oxford/Université de la Réunion 1-3 pm Lunch Break on your own Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 3-4:30 pm Sala Orsini-Medici Session Title: The Castle of Bracciano Chair: Paolo Alei, Castello Odescalchi “Alla corte di Paolo Giordano Orsini: progetti per il castello di Bracciano” Cecilia Sodano, Museo Civico di Bracciano/Sapienza Università di Roma “Decorazioni rinascimentali al secondo piano nobile del Castello di Bracciano” Anna Cavallaro, Sapienza Università di Roma 8 “Una camera da bagno al Castello Orsini-Odescalchi a Bracciano—una proposta” Cornelia Bäurle, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 3-4:30 pm Sala delle Donne Session Title: Female Agency, Working Women Chair: Julia L. Hairston, Rome “Battles on the Homefront ca. 1600: The Agency of Women and Girls” Elizabeth S. Cohen, York University (Toronto) “Martha Marchina: A Working-Class Latin Poet in Early Modern Rome” Skye Shirley, University College, London Noël Grisanti, The Ethel Walker School “Female Theatrical Artistry Outwits Male Grand Tourism in Seicento Rome: The Feign’d Curtizans by Aphra Behn” Eric Nicholson, New York University, Florence Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 3-4:30 pm Sala della Vittoria Session Title: Foreign Nations Chair: Rose Marie San Juan, University College London “The Romanization of Gabriel da Fonseca (1611-1668)” James W. Nelson Novoa, University of Ottawa “‘An Unwieldy and Incapable People’: The Corsican Nation in Early Modern Rome” Richard Calis, Trinity College, Cambridge University “Genoese Rome (1625-1667)” Alessia Cecarelli, Sapienza Università di Roma 4:30-5 pm Coffee Break Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 5-6:30 pm Sala Medici-Orsini Session Title: Renaissance Architecture Chair: Sheila ffolliott, George Mason University “Paduan Humanism in Sistine Rome: The Hospital of S. Spirito in Sassia” Carla Keyvanian, Auburn University “Renovating a Tradition. The Project for Sant’Adriano in the Roman Forum by Baldassarre Peruzzi” Giulia Ceriani Sebregondi, Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (with Andrea Bonavita) “Giacomo Della Porta, Architect of the Sapienza Palace (1577–1602): His Exedra Invented and Constructed” Julia Smyth-Pinney, University of Kentucky Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 5-6:30 pm Sala delle Donne Session Title: Female Agency, Nobility Chair: Julia L. Hairston, Rome “Tra i gigli e le rose: Clarice Orsini, moglie di Lorenzo il Magnifico” Claudia Bischetti, Sapienza Università di Roma 9 “Bartolomea Orsini d’Alviano, una gentildonna ‘di ventura’ del Rinascimento italiano” Anna Esposito, Sapienza Università di Roma “Maddalena Strozzi dell’Anguillara e le sue figlie” Maria Temide Bergamaschi, Roma Castello di Bracciano Saturday, November 13 5-6:30 pm Sala della Vittoria Session Title: Rhetoric and Representation Chair: Rose Marie San Juan, University College London “Giulio Romano, tra eros e burla” Barbara Furlotti, Courtauld Intitute of Art “”’Pinge e punge’: The Emergence of St. Irene in the Early Modern Galleria” Alice Marinelli, University College, London “Magic on Display in Early Modern Rome: Salvator Rosa’s Witches at their Incantations (ca. 1646)” Hannah Segrave, University of Delaware 6:45-9 pm Aperitivo and closing dinner at the Castello di Bracciano 10