[American Journal of Science, Vol. 305, June, September, October, 2005, P. 503–525]
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Astrobiology Research Element, MS183-301, 4800 Oak
Grove Drive, Pasadena, California 91109-8099; Susanne.Douglas@jpl.nasa.gov
This paper is dedicated to Dr. Terry J. Beveridge, mentor and friend, on the occasion
of his 60th birthday.
ABSTRACT. Earth’s geosphere is intimately tied to its biosphere. A major link
between the two lies in the microbial realm; microorganisms grow in and upon rocks
and minerals, often relying on their substratum for critical compounds needed in
order to produce cellular energy. The presence of a metabolizing cell on a mineral
substrate has a significant effect on the mineral texture and on the geochemistry of the
surrounding microenvironment. In nature, microorganisms exist in microbial communities as mats or biofilms growing upon a solid substrate. As such they cover a vast
surface area both within and below the surface of Earth’s land and sea. The following
review will provide a glimpse into the latest findings in the field of geomicrobiology
and is intended to convey a sense of the profound influence microorganisms can have
upon the geological environment they inhabit.
The field of geomicrobiology has grown dramatically over the last decade so that a
true review of the work done would encompass several thick volumes. The present
summary, therefore, is intended to highlight the most recent and exciting works of
significance in the field within the context of the founding studies. Every effort will be
made to point the reader to the appropriate literature for review of earlier studies and
details of the basic principles regarding mechanisms of interaction between microorganisms and minerals. In addition, this paper will focus mainly on bacteria, since this is
where the bulk of the research has been done. Microorganisms are ubiquitous in and
on Earth and can be found in almost any type of environment from clement to harsh.
In fact, the only places where they haven’t been found seem to be the places where we
haven’t specifically looked for them. Excluding those that live in or upon animals or
plants, these organisms are also intimately tied into the geosphere, playing a major role
in the dynamic processes that shape the Earth. I will examine some of these processes,
describe the results of laboratory studies and relate these to field observations and
mineral formation on bacterial cells
Most studies of microbe-mineral interactions have focused on bacterial cells;
under extreme environmental conditions, these become the dominant life forms. In
many environmental samples, examination by transmission electron microscopy reveals mineral precipitates closely associated with bacterial cells. Among the characteristics of bacteria that make them ideal nucleating agents for mineral precipitation is that
individual cells are very small, especially in low-nutrient environments. On average, a
single rod-shaped bacterium will have a diameter of approximately 0.5 m and a
length of 1 m (Beveridge, 1981). Due to their small size, bacteria as a group have the
highest surface area-to-volume ratio of any group of living organisms and this, together
with the presence of charged chemical groups on their cell surface, is responsible for
the potent mineral nucleating ability of these cells. Bacterial cell walls come in two
main formats, Gram positive or Gram negative as discovered by Christian Gram in 1885
(from Beveridge, 1981). Either type may be overlain by a number of other surface
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
structures. These may be proteinaceous in nature (for example, S-layers) or composed
(primarily) of carbohydrate polymers (for example, capsules and sheaths) and may
occur singly or in combination; a more detailed description of these structures can be
found in (Beveridge, 1981) and (Schultze-Lam and others, 1993). Whatever types of
cell surface structure the cell may have, the main charged chemical constituents found
in these structures at neutral pH are carboxyl, phosphoryl, and amino groups. In
general, negatively charged groups dominate over positively charged ones, giving the
cell surface an overall anionic charge (Beveridge, 1981).
Initiation of mineral formation on bacterial surfaces has been proposed to follow
a generalized pattern which can be thought of as occurring in two steps (Beveridge and
Fyfe, 1985). In the first step, metal ions present in the aqueous surroundings of the cell
interact with charged groups in the surface structures. The interaction is stoichiometric such that there is an electrostatic charge complementation between the charged
groups in cellular polymers and the metal ions. Subsequently, the presence of bound
metal ions in the wall fabric lowers the total free energy of the system, thereby initiating
further metal deposition. In this case, precipitates form at the nucleation site between
metal ions and excess counter ions from the fluid phase; the wall binds more metal
ions than would have been expected based solely upon charge interactions with wall
polymers. Thus, metal aggregates are formed within the wall matrix, their size
constrained by the physical presence of the polymer meshwork itself. Depending on
microenvironmental geochemistry, negatively charged counterions (for example,
sulfate, phosphate, carbonate, sulfide, or silicate ions) determine specific mineral
phases (Beveridge, 1981). Mineral formation on the bacteria is generally not controlled by the organism; it happens because of the physicochemistry of the bacterial
surface and the chemistry of the cell’s environment. Actively metabolizing bacteria
with highly energized plasma membranes can inhibit mineral formation since the cell
wall is flooded with protons that compete for binding sites with metal cations (Urrutia
and others, 1992).
Microbe-mineral interactions involve not only the formation of minerals by
microorganisms but also the degradation of minerals. This activity leads to the
formation of fine grained recognizably biogenic minerals; it also produces distinct
microbial textures or “fabrics” (fig. 1). There is a spatial and conceptual continuum,
which connects the fine scale (nm) to the macroscale (cm). On the most fundamental
level, microorganisms can affect mineral formation and dissolution kinetics (Warren
and Haack, 2001) by a variety of mechanisms. These mechanisms can be roughly
divided into two main types: 1) passive, where the simple presence of the microbial cell
itself acts as a catalyst for mineral formation (reviewed in detail by Beveridge, 1981;
Ehrlich, 1999; Frankel and Bazylinski, 2003), and active, where microbial metabolism
indirectly affects mineral formation or dissolution by altering microenvironmental
geochemistry (fig. 2). Microorganisms are surrounded by a unique microenvironment
that is distinct from the bulk environment. Even under the driest conditions, bacterial
cells are surrounded by a layer of water molecules. This water may consist solely of
bound water molecules, which are structurally integrated into the macromolecular
framework of the cell itself, often aided by specific microbially derived molecules that
are produced for the purpose of desiccation tolerance. These serve to order the water
molecules into particular, molecularly protective arrays (Potts, 1994). At the other end
of the spectrum, consider a bacterial cell that is planktonic. It is surrounded by an
envelope of water molecules that may be several hundreds of nanometers thick, and
which becomes more and more disordered with distance away from the bacterial cell
surface. This envelope acts as a diffusion barrier around the cell, concentrating
microbial metabolic products and limiting the concentration near the cell of aqueous
constituents from the bulk environment (van Loosdrecht and others, 1990). Often,
of Microbial Life
Fig. 1. Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) image of a colonized sandstone from the
Antarctic dry valleys. The microbial biofilm (white arrows) appears as an aggregate of small particles with
occasional filaments traversing clear quartz crystal faces. These biofilms consist of microbial cells (identified
by EDS and morphology) coated with reprecipitated minerals (mostly amorphous silica and clays). Note how
the biofilms seem to have etched depressions (black arrow) into the quartz grains. Bar ⫽ 100 m.
this boundary layer can be extended many microns away from the cell wall by the
formation of microbially-derived cell surface polymers— capsules, slime or sheath.
This is a common characteristic of bacteria from natural environments (Douglas and
Beveridge, 1998). The loose term for these structures is ‘extracellular polymeric
substance” or EPS. EPS consists mainly of carbohydrate polymers, which may or may
not have other types of polymers interwoven, such as peptides. In general, EPS hosts a
large density of electrostatically negative (at neutral pH) charged groups intrinsic to
the EPS and these, like the cell wall polymers themselves, have a strong influence on
microbial mineral formation (Geesey and others, 1988; Little and others, 1997).
Microorganisms in Nature
In nature, microorganisms occur as microbial communities: diverse types of
microorganisms co-existing as a cohesive mat or biofilm of cells embedded in EPS and
generally growing upon a solid substratum. Thus, not only are there diffusion barriers
created around each cell but also through the thickness of the mat or biofilm. As a
result, such mats, which can be micrometers to centimeters thick, but most commonly
1 to 10 mm, exhibit chemical, structural, and population stratification as each type of
microorganism attempts to stay within the zone where its chemical and physical needs
are most optimally met. This activity, also affects local geochemistry with consequences
for mineralogy of the local environment.
Carbonaceous organosedimentary structures known collectively as microbialites
provide the best studied examples of mineralized microbial communities. Such
structures have been preserved in the geological record, providing information of past
geomicrobiological activity and environmental conditions. Extant microbialites are
presently still forming in certain environments, usually warm shallow (marine) waters
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
Fig. 2. ESEM image of a microbial mat from a hypersaline pond on Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas.
Large round cells (white arrows) occupy a zone free of minerals but are overlain by a layer rich in mineral
precipitates. The different components of the sample were identified by morphology and by EDS (for
elemental composition) and X-ray diffraction (for mineralogy). The chemical microenvironment created
within the mat, which was 30 cm thick, shows gradients, reflected in the spatial segregation of mineralized vs.
non-mineralized zones, seen in this image. Here, the minerals in the upper part of the region shown were
celestite (SrSO4), as confirmed by EDS and XRD within a layer of purple sulfur bacteria (confirmed by light
microscopy) and as cells by EDS. Bar ⫽ 20 m.
which provide adequate light and shelter from disruptive physical forces and protection from grazing invertebrates (for example, molluscs). Numerous excellent reviews
exist, which describe stromatolites (Kennard and James, 1986; Burne and Moore,
1987) and their formative mechanisms (Pentecost, 1987, 1988; Thompson and others,
1990; Kempe and others, 1991; Krumbein and others, 2003). As such, the focus here
will be on the lesser known mineralized microbial communities that have only recently
become known, especially those in siliciclastic environments.
Bacteria and Sulfur Minerals
The transformation of reduced sulfur (sulfide) to oxidized forms (sulfate) via
various intermediate forms, represents an important energy-yielding pathway for
chemosynthetic microorganisms (summarized by Ehrlich, 1996). Sulfur compounds
are among the most energy rich inorganic chemical compounds available to microorganisms. From sulfide (2⫺) to sulfate (6⫹), a total of 8 electrons can be exchanged in a
step wise manner to yield not only energy for the organisms, but also a wide variety of
mineral products. These, in turn, can often undergo redox transformations of their
own (Jorgensen and others, 2004).
Geomicrobiology of a cold sulfide spring.—A study of a cold sulfide spring emanating
from a dolomite/gypsum host rock in a temporal climate region allowed some
speculation as to the place for minerals of varying form in sulfur cycling (Douglas and
Douglas, 2000, 2001). The spring arises from a groundwater source which flows along
the contact between a gypsum (CaSO4 䡠 2H2O) and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) stratum.
As a result, the groundwater contains significant levels of dissolved sulfate and is of pH
of Microbial Life
7.4 to 8.0. Sulfate reducing bacteria living in microbial communities on the solid walls
of the rock strata are responsible for reducing the sulfate to H2S so that by the time the
waters emerge at the ground surface they are highly charged with this reduced form of
sulfur and the redox potential has gone from ⫹300 to ⫺300 mV (that is, the waters are
highly anoxic as they emanate from the spring source). As the spring water spills out
and traverses the floor of a narrow ravine, the sulfide is oxidized microbially to
elemental sulfur by a conspicuous white filamentous biofilm choking the channel
bottom. In the spring mouth itself, sulfur is oxidized also, but by photosynthetic
microorganisms (purple sulfur bacteria, and green sulfur bacteria) that use the sulfide
as an electron donor for photosynthesis, depositing sulfur in elemental form as a
vesicular colloid (fig. 3). One of the novel findings of this study was a type of
cyanobacterium that was filamentous, with each cell shaped like a peanut shell. At the
septa between cells, intracellular sulfur globules were accumulated. The identification
of this organism as a cyanobacterium and the globules as sulfur deposits were
confirmed by transmission electron microscopy/EDS, environmental scanning electron microscopy/EDS, and light microscopy, with a special silver-based stain to
highlight the sulfur. Attempts to culture this organism were unsuccessful but it was the
dominant cyanobacterial form in the spring, both anoxic and oxic zones. Further
down the stream channel, as organic debris-degrading organisms begin to dominate
and the pH of the stream drops to 6.0, the elemental sulfur is broken down into sulfite,
thiosulfate, and sulfate for incorporation into microbial and plant metabolic pathways,
mainly for the production of structural molecules such as amino acids.
Microbe-mineral relationships in evaporite deposits.—Other sulfur rich environments
such as deep sea hydrothermal vents, meromictic lakes, and hypersaline lagoons, host
rich assemblages of microorganisms driven by similar sulfur cycle reactions and these
Fig. 3. ESEM image of a microbial mat from the anoxic region of a cold sulfide spring. The long chains
of cells are cyanobacteria (arrows), which can use sulfide as an electron donor for photosynthesis and
consequently deposit colloidal sulfur (star) externally. Such an ability has been proven for cyanobacteria
(mainly Oscillatoria) in other environments. Bar ⫽ 10 m.
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environments host a comparable set of minerals, formed by microbially-driven mechanisms (Krumbein and others, 1977). Most recently, investigations of endolithic microbial communities within evaporite deposits have shown that, here, too, unique biogenic minerals are deposited. A study of gypsum (CaSO4 䡠 2H2O)-hosted endoliths in
Death Valley, California (Douglas and Yang, 2002) revealed that organisms were able
to precipitate the Sr-rich minerals celestite (SrSO4) and strontianite (SrCO3) as well as
calcite (CaCO3) within the layered community. Each mineral type was segregated into
a restricted chemical zone together with a specific microbial type that helped create
the chemical conditions present at that particular depth in the community. Most
unusually, a form of elemental sulfur, rosickyite (gamma sulfur) was found to be
abundantly associated with the anoxic face of the cyanobacterial layer in this community (fig. 4). Previously, rosickyite was thought to be a purely abiotic, hydrothermally
deposited mineral (Meisser and others, 2000). The layering of organisms and minerals
as well as the chemical stratification occurred on scales of millimeters. The colonized
zone within the evaporite deposit was also easily recognizable due to a microbiallyinduced textural alteration. Where organisms were abundant, large deposits of finegrained (m to nm scale) mineral grains are present, in comparison to the planar faces
of unaltered minerals (fig. 5).
Cave geomicrobiology.—One of the most fascinating discoveries of recent years is the
wide range of mineral types and morphologies formed in association with microorganisms in caves. These environments, which of necessity host non-photosynthetically
based communities (Sarbu and Popa, 1992; Sarbu and others, 1994) represent a rich
opportunity to see what chemosynthetic life processes can do to local geology. Both
carbonate rock and gypsum beds can be reworked by microbially-induced acid
dissolution, forming elaborate karst landforms. (Pochon and others, 1964; Andrejchuk
and Klimchouk, 2001; Cañaveras, and others, 2001; Engel and others, 2004). The
activity of microorganisms in caves has resulted in the reworking of cave architecture
Fig. 4. Cyanobacterial biofilm (arrow) with long, bladed roscikyite (gamma sulfur) crystals in an
endolithic community from Badwater, Death Valley. The cyanobacteria (identity based on light microscopy
and EDS as well as ESEM) are enclosed within extracellular polymers and mineral precipitates. Rosickyite
(for example, star) was identified based on crystal morphology as well as EDS and XRD. The host rock is
gypsum and the cyanobacteria occupy a zone between the upper oxic layer and the lower anoxic layer, where
conditions are just right for this mineral to form. Bar ⫽ 100 m.
of Microbial Life
Fig. 5. General appearance of the microbial layer of the Death Valley endolith (upper part of image) in
comparison to the host rock (gypsum) grains visible in the lower part of the image. It is immediately clear
that there is a strong textural difference between the two regions. Note that the microbial filaments (arrows)
are enclosed in a gel-like EPS or slime layer. By ESEM, the EPS layer remains as an amorphous film rather
than drying into strands as they would by conventional SEM. Therefore the filaments are microbial
trichomes (also seen in light microscopy of the same sample). Bar ⫽ 100 m.
and the production of complex and beautiful formations, reviewed by Northup and
Lavoie (2001). This is a result of both microbially mediated dissolution and the
precipitation of secondary mineral phases or “speleothems.”
Speleothems are formed by a physicochemical reaction from primary mineral in a
cave (Moore, 1952; Cox and others, 1989; Provencio and Polyak, 2001). Reduced
compounds in cave wall rock can be microbially oxidized to form secondary mineral
deposits on top of the biofilm, dissolved rock underneath the biofilm, and acidic
microenvironmental waters. For example, the metabolic processes of sulfur- iron-, and
manganese-oxidizing bacteria (Sarbu and others, 1994) can generate considerable
acidity, dissolving cave walls and formations (Andrejchuk and Klimchouk, 2001; Engel,
and others, 2004). This leads to the formation of sharp redox boundaries at the
microbe-mineral interface as the microorganisms use elements from the geological
matrix of the cave wall to produce energy in this organic nutrient-limited environment
(Andreychuk and Klimchouk, 2001). These biogenic minerals range from carbonates
(moonmilk), silicates, clays, iron and manganese oxides, to sulfur, and saltpeter
(potassium nitrate) at scales ranging from microscopic to macroscopic (Hill and Forti,
1997). As a result of such activity, streams only meters apart can have vastly different
chemical compositions. One of the most common reactions is the formation of sulfuric
acid from sulfide (either atmospheric hydrogen sulfide or cave wall sulfide minerals)
by bacteria similar to Thiobacillus species (Engel and others, 2004). This is the same
type of reaction that leads to acid mine drainage formation in ore tailings piles
(Southam and Beveridge, 1992; Fortin and others, 1995, 1996; Fortin and Beveridge,
1997). In caves, sulfuric acid often dissolves carbonate minerals present, widening the
passages of limestone caves, and liberating elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron,
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
and manganese to be transported to and concentrated in other areas of the cave,
usually by microorganisms (Northup and Lavoie, 2001).
Microbial Involvement in Dolomite Formation
Present-day low-temperature dolomite formation is most active in restricted
marine or hypersaline coastal environments, where fluids are greatly supersaturated
with respect to dolomite (for example, Carballo and others, 1987; Vasconcelos and
others, 1995; Wright, 1997; Vasconcelos and McKenzie, 1997; van Lith and others,
2002). Freshwater dolomite is present in the rock record, although few modern locales
exist where it is actively being formed. Capo and others (2000) reported pedogenic
dolomite associated with young basaltic soils on the island of Hawaii, where the
alteration of ferromagnesian minerals by infiltrating water supplied the Mg for
precipitation of well-ordered dolomite. Modern dolomite precipitation is often associated with dissimilatory sulfate reducing bacteria that remove sulfate, produce alkalinity, and presumably drive dolomite formation (for example, Vasconcelos and McKenzie, 1997; Wright, 1999). The isotopic ratios of organic carbon in ancient dolomites
indicate that high rates of carbon oxidation and methanogenic conditions also favor
dolomite formation (for example, Mozely and Burns, 1993). This finding supports the
growing realization that near-surface, low temperature dolomite forms in association
with microorganisms in a wide range of environments.
Dolomite and sulfate reducing bacteria.—Vasconcelos and others (1995) contributed
a new, microbiological perspective to global dolomite studies based on their study of a
coastal lagoon (Lagoa Vermelha) which is located in an unusual hydrological and
climatic setting. The region is dominated by a semi-arid micro-climate, which leads to
extreme hypersalinity (salinity ⬎4.0%) of the lagoon during the dry season. Intense
evaporation increases the salinity and lowers the water level, permitting the inflow of
seawater to supply ions for microbial processes. During the wet season, precipitation
exceeds evaporation, resulting in large variations in salinity, sometimes reaching
brackish conditions (that is, salinity is ⬍2.5%). Dolomite apparently precipitates under
the most hypersaline conditions, whereas high-Mg calcite forms at intermediate
salinity and low-Mg calcite during periods with brackish water (Vasconcelos and
McKenzie, 1997). Relatively high productivity in Lagoa Vermelha leads to anoxic
conditions at the water-sediment interface and formation of a black, organic, carbonrich sludge. Microbial activity apparently mediates the precipitation of carbonate
minerals within the sludge layer. When sulfate-reducing bacteria use SO42⫺, they also
take up Mg2⫹ because it forms a strong ionic pair with SO42⫺; the microorganisms
overcome the kinetic barriers by using SO42⫺ for their metabolism. At the same time
they release Mg2⫹ from the ion pair. On a submicrometer scale, the bacterial
metabolism saturates the microenvironment around the cell with HCO3⫺, creating
conditions favorable for preferential precipitation of dolomite. The microbially nucleated crystals are subsequently buried, where the initially formed Ca-dolomite undergoes an “aging” process, whereby inorganic recrystallization occurs to produce a more
stoichiometric dolomite (Vasconcelos and Mckenzie, 1997; van Lith and others, 2002).
Dolomite and sulfide oxidizing bacteria.—A different microbial mechanism is suggested by Moreira and others, (2004) who describe Brejo do Espinho, another lagoon
in the vicinity, where active sulfide oxidation is postulated to be the source of the larger
quantity of more stoichiometric dolomite in lagoonal deposits. Pore waters in this
lagoon system are characterized by rapid sulfide oxidation, dynamic carbon-sulfur
cycling, low degrees of carbonate mineral saturation, and hypersalinity poised below
gypsum saturation. It is proposed that sulfide oxidation maintains undersaturation
with respect to Mg-calcite and aragonite and supersaturation with respect to dolomite,
making this marginal marine environment exceptionally conducive to dolomite precipitation (Moreira and others, 2004). Subsurface fluid is drawn upward by evapotranspira-
of Microbial Life
tion from magnesium-rich sources such as other nearby lagoons and seawater. At
depth, recrystallizaton and further ordering of the dolomite structure probably occurs,
as in the “aging” process proposed by Vasconcelos and McKenzie (1997). Sulfide
oxidation may occur abiotically or may be mediated by cooperative lagoonal microbial
communities, in which the product of one microorganism (here, H2S from sulfate
reducers) may provide the substrate for another microbial process (sulfide oxidation).
These microorganisms may further promote dolomite precipitation by providing
charged nucleation surfaces.
Sulfide oxidation in hypersaline coastal lagoons as described by Moreira and
others (2004), provides the thermodynamic and geochemical conditions required for
the massive marginal marine dolomites observed in the rock record. Although modern
hypersaline lagoons are not areally extensive, periods of increased dolomite formation
have been correlated with periods of elevated sea level when restricted shallow
intracontinental seas were widespread (Mackenzie and Morse, 1992). Also, the proposed mechanism does not rely on a specific dolomitizing environment or require
high degrees of supersaturation for dolomite, but invokes several key factors to explain
dolomite formation: undersaturation of high-Mg calcite accompanied by moderate
undersaturation for dolomite, continuous flux of Mg, normal marine Mg/Ca ratios,
and moderate degrees of sulfate reduction typical of modern environments. The
recurrence of these factors in seawater and modified seawater environments may be a
fundamental control on dolomite production rates in the geologic record (Moreira
and others, 2004). Thus, it may be the coupling between sulfide oxidation and sulfate
reduction (Vasconcelos and McKenzie, 1997) that produces the chemical conditions
necessary for dolomite precipitation.
Microbially mediated dolomite precipitation was a significant discovery in geology
due to the persistence of the dolomite mystery. Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) is found in
much greater abundance in ancient rocks than in modern carbonate environments.
Modern dolomite is largely limited to evaporitic marginal marine environments such
as the Coorong Lakes, South Australia (Von der Borch, 1965; Rosen and others, 1989)
and the sabhkas of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Evans and others, 1969;
McKenzie and others, 1980). Finding authigenic dolomite deposition in a modern
environment enables elucidation of the conditions necessary for its formation. This
information can then be extrapolated into the past in order to shed light on the
patterns of dolomite deposition in the geological record. In particular, periods of
more extensive dolomitization broadly correlate with diverse indicators of decreased
oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans (Burns and others, 2000). Lowered
oxygen levels would have fostered a more active community of anaerobic microbes,
including sulfate reducing bacteria, which, in turn, could have led to more extensive
dolomitization of marine carbonates.
Dolomite formation by methanogens.—Another environment in which dolomite has
been found actively forming is in the Bemidji aquifer, near Richland, Washington,
where a basalt-hosted subterranean water body is contaminated with refractory organics. Here, a third mechanism of microbially mediated dolomite precipitation was
invoked, this time involving methanogens. The waters of this aquifer are anoxic,
allowing an extensive community of methanogenic microorganisms to develop (Stevens
and others, 1993). Here, microbial precipitation of dolomite occurs under highly
reducing conditions in the form of minerals precipitated directly on microbial cell
surfaces (Roberts and others, 2004). Unlike other modern examples of low temperature dolomite formation (for example, Whipkey and others, 2002), in the subsurface,
precipitation occurs from dilute solutions (as compared to ones in which the waters are
supersaturated with respect to dolomite) that are near equilibrium with dolomite and
have relatively low Mg:Ca ratios (⬍1). Changes in the geochemistry of the contami-
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nated zone suggest accelerated dissolution of silicates (Bennett and others, 2001).
Dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria are the dominant metabolic type within the
contaminated zone coexisting with methanogens that are found in narrow spatially
distinct zones (Bekins, and others, 1999). As the colonized basalt weathers to clay, it
releases Ca, Mg, and Fe into a neutral pH groundwater that is near equilibrium with
calcite and dolomite and has a high concentration of Fe2⫹ and dissolved CH4. Basalt
dissolves only near attached cells, as colonizing microorganisms destroy the silicate to
access apatite inclusions in this P-limited groundwater (Rogers and others, 1998). At
the surface of the dissolving basalt, it is hypothesized (Roberts and others, 2004) that
methanogens locally initiate precipitation of ferroan dolomite by consuming CO2 in
an environment of released Ca, Mg, and Fe, driving the system even farther toward
carbonate supersaturation:
3HCO 3⫺ ⫹ 4H 2 ⫹ 0.1Ca 2⫹ ⫹ 0.9Mg 2⫹ ⫹ 0.1Fe 2⫹ 3
Ca 0.1 Mg 0.9 Fe 0.1 共CO 3 兲 2 ⫹ CH 4 ⫹ 3H 2 O ⫹ H ⫹ .
Observations from this field site suggest that extreme supersaturation and high
Mg:Ca ratios were not necessary for dolomite precipitation but rather that microbial
cell walls nucleate dolomite in freshwater very near dolomite equilibrium. This was
tested by controlled laboratory studies (Roberts and others, 2004). These were
designed as microcosms in which aquifer water was left sterile (abiotic controls) or in
which the natural microorganisms from the field site were allowed to grow. Different
minerals (basalt, calcite, and dolomite) were added to the microcosms as crushed mm
size grains inside dialysis tubing to prevent direct colonization by microorganisms yet
allow the minerals to affect the solution chemistry as they do in the natural situation. In
the live experiments, microorganisms consumed hydrocarbons and produced CO2
while dissolving basalt near attached cells, releasing Ca, Mg, and Si, compared to the
sterile controls. The significantly higher dissolved silica in the live experiments
compared to sterile controls supported a microbial role in basalt weathering. Evidence
of basalt alteration with negligible dissolution of the dolomite and calcite in the dialysis
tubing suggested that Mg and Ca are derived from the basalt rather than from
carbonate phases. CH4 concentration increased significantly throughout the experiment indicating that methanogenesis was the predominant metabolic pathway. The
release of Ca and Mg from basalt and the microbial consumption of CO2 resulted in
the precipitation of carbonate minerals. The evidence from XRD and ESEM-EDS
suggests that ordered dolomite and not ferroan dolomite precipitated in the laboratory microcosms.
Thus, in some microbially active systems, neither extremely Mg-rich fluids nor
highly supersaturated conditions are required for the nucleation and precipitation of
dolomite. Microorganisms, either by their metabolic processes or owing to the nature
of their cell surfaces directly influence the rate controlling step in dolomite precipitation. Here, methanogens and not sulfate reducing bacteria were found to be the
principle organisms in dolomite nucleation and precipitation.
Microbial Interaction with Silica
At low temperature in most natural waters between pH 6 to 10, the dominant
dissolved silica species is silicic acid, Si(OH)4. It is written in this way rather than in the
more conventional H4SiO4 in order to emphasize that the metalloid Si tends to form
hydroxo complexes, similar to metals (Stumm and Morgan, 1996). The rate of
dissolution of crystalline silica (quartz) is so slow as to be negligible and follows the
SiO 2 共quartz兲 ⫹ 2H 2 O ⫽ Si共OH兲 4 logK ⫽ ⫺ 3.7
of Microbial Life
The rate of dissolution of amorphous (hydrated) Si is slightly higher:
SiO 2 共amorphous兲 ⫹ 2H 2 O ⫽ Si共OH兲 4 logK ⫽ ⫺ 2.7
but is still very low in natural waters (Stumm and Morgan, 1996). However, these
statements refer to the abiotic reactions. One of the greatest advances in knowledge of
geomicrobiology in recent years has been in the area of interaction of microorganisms
with silicate minerals (dissolution) and dissolved silica (mineral formation). What is
beginning to emerge is a picture of how microorganisms are involved in a global
cycling of silicon between the lithosphere and the biosphere and how they can
mobilize and transfer silicon among different mineral phases (Schultze-Lam [Douglas] and others, 1995; Perry, 2003). In fact, it seems that microorganisms are a vital
ingredient to a functioning global silicon cycle. The following sections will describe the
current state of understanding and most recent experimental findings regarding
interactions between microorganisms and silicate minerals. This will lead to a description of the ultimate expression of silicate mineralization, fossilized cells and silicate
microbial fabrics.
Geomicrobiology of silicon in low temperature environments.—It is widely assumed that
biogenic silica reaching the seabed is mostly subjected to simple dissolution, dehydration-crystallization, or burial and is not involved in complex mineral formation to any
significant degree during early diagenesis (DeMaster and others, 1983; Ragueneau and
others, 2000). One of the key studies outlining the significance of microbial involvement in silicon dynamics of a natural environment has recently shown that recycling of
diatom frustules (fig. 6) is an important component of the silicon cycle, yet has been
left out in previous studies. Michaelopoulos and Aller (2004) conducted a detailed
study of Amazon River delta sediments as well as laboratory experiments, in order to
elucidate the role of biogenic (that is, diatom) silica in the silica dynamics of this
Fig. 6. ESEM image of diatoms as they appear in a natural biofilm from a fresh water environment.
These elongated algal cells are encased in an intricate frustule of biogenic silica (opal).
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
environment. Standard operational procedures designed to measure biogenic silica do
not detect most diagenetic alteration products and substantially underestimate the
quantity of reactive Si stored in the Amazon delta. Most (⬃90%) of the biogenic silica
buried in Amazon River delta sediments is apparently converted to authigenic aluminosilicates, which are also responsible for the uptake of cations such as K and Mg, and
other elements such as F, thus having a major influence on geochemistry in the
Amazon delta (Michaelopoulos and Aller, 2004).
The Amazon delta sediments show a laminated structure in which a surface,
“mobile” sediment overlies a dark brown to black layer. The mobile layer is rapidly
turned over on time scales of months to years (Michalopoulos and Aller, 1996).
Biogenic silica particles buried in suboxic Amazon delta deposits exist in various forms.
In addition to relatively unaltered biogenic silica such as whole or corroded diatom
frustules, there are: a) cation-rich aluminosilicate coatings on siliceous frustules and
tests; and b) complete alteration of frustules to authigenic aluminosilicates, which are
often rich in Fe and K. Within the latter group, two subclasses can be identified: i)
particles that comprise primarily authigenic aluminosilicate material locally replacing
biogenic silica, and ii) composite pseudomorphs consisting of authigenic clay and
agglutinated sedimentary matrix material (Michaelopoulos and Aller, 2004). Pyritefilled diatoms (framboids ⱖ10 m diameter) and diagenetic composite grains demonstrate that, upon deposition, diatom cells acted as microenvironments for sulfate
reduction (Michaelopulos and Aller, 1996).
These observations of field samples were backed up by careful laboratory experiments. The alteration of biogenic silica and conversion to clays is a rapid process in the
Amazon delta, with characteristic timescales of months to a few years. Experiments
where cultured diatoms were inserted into unamended deltaic muds resulted, after 20
to 23 months, in complete conversion of frustules into a range of cation-rich silicates,
including K-Fe-rich clay minerals (Michaelopoulos and others, 2000).
The lack of conclusive evidence for the formation of authigenic clay minerals in
the past has resulted in the omission of such a process in the construction of the
elemental cycle of Si on the Amazon shelf and elsewhere (DeMaster and others, 1983;
Ragueneau and others, 2000). The operational analytical reactive Si pool represents a
better estimate of the total quantity of biogenic Si and early diagenetic derivatives
present in Amazon River delta sediments. Most alteration of Si occurs in the surface
mobile zone, which acts functionally as a diagenetic batch reactor. The total accumulation of reactive Si is ⬃1.7 ⫻ 1011 mol Si yr⫺1 and represents ⬃22 percent of the
estimated Amazon River input of 7.67 ⫻ 1011 (DeMaster and Pope, 1996). Extrapolating the minimum trapping efficiency of the Amazon (⬃22%) estimated in this study to
all tropical river systems yields a burial of 9.0 ⫻ 1011 moles yr⫺1, 2–3 ⫻ that previously
assumed and ⬃15 percent of global biogenic Si burial (Michaelopoulos and Aller,
Availability of reactive silica may limit or closely control clay formation in other
deltaic systems as well. For example, in Mississippi Delta sediments, the occurrence of
authigenic Fe-rich aluminosilicate (glauconite) has increased in surface sediments
over the last ⬃50 yr of deposition (Nelsen and others, 1994). During the same period,
the amount of biogenic silica stored in these sediments also increased due to increased
supply of nutrients by the river and enhanced primary production in the coastal shelf
waters due to eutrophication (Turner and Rabalais, 1994). The correlation between
biogenic silica supply and the formation of green clays suggests that the two are linked.
These inferences support the concept that deltaic depositional systems in general have
the capacity for substantial conversion of biogenic silica and storage as derivative
minerals. The factor that controls the degree of biogenic silica conversion is the ratio
of biogenic silica to other limiting reactive constituents such as Fe and Al.
of Microbial Life
The actual mechanism of authigenic clay formation in this environment was not
directly addressed; however what ingredients are present and what their sources may
be were shown. The role of bacteria in clay formation was not discussed but from
numerous other studies, it is likely that, in the Amazon Delta, as in other environments,
bacteria play a pivotal role in the deposition of authigenic clays. In most environments,
diatom cells are in close association with often epiphytic bacterial cells (S. Douglas,
unpublished observations). Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analyses of
freshwater biofilms and bacterial cells, grown in experimental culture, have shown that
these microorganisms are commonly associated with fine-grained (Fe, Al) silicates of
variable composition (Konhauser and Urrutia, 1999). The inorganic phases develop in
a predictable manner, beginning with the adsorption of cationic iron to anionic
cellular surfaces. Supersaturation of the proximal fluid with Fe3⫹ is followed by
nucleation and precipitation of a precursor ferric hydroxide phase on the cell surface.
Finally, reaction with dissolved silica and aluminum results in the growth of an
amorphous clay-like phase. Alternatively, colloidal species of (Fe, Al) silicate composition may react directly with either the anionic cellular polymers or adsorbed iron,
depending on their net charge (Warren and Ferris, 1998; Konhauser and others,
Experimental silicification studies.—Recent experimental studies have shown how
bacteria can mediate the deposition of silicate minerals by acting as a nucleation site
for the mineralization process. However, since at the pH of most natural waters Si is
present as a negatively charged silicate anion, and the bacterial surface at these same
pH levels tends to also be anionic (Konhauser and Urrutia, 1999), it has been proven
that direct deposition of silicate minerals on bacterial cell surfaces requires the
presence of a metal or metal containing phase such as Fe, Al or ferrihydrite (Ferris,
1989; Walker and others, 1989; Urrutia and Beveridge, 1994). In nature, if soluble Si
and heavy metals are available to bacteria, a number of mineral phases will be formed
in time. The metals will complex to available organic sites on the bacterial surface and
will, eventually, form mineral crystallites that are driven by the abundant counter ions
to the mineralized metals in the surrounding fluid phase (for example, sulfates,
carbonates, silicates, and oxyhydroxides). Over time, these hydrous precursors may
dehydrate and convert to more stable crystalline phases (Konhauser and Urrutia, 1999;
fig. 7). Because microbial biofilms are expansive and highly reactive surfaces at the
sediment-water interface, coupled with their ability to bind soluble components and
form solid inorganic phases, they should influence the chemical composition of the
overlying aqueous microenvironment, and ultimately contribute to the makeup of
river bottom sediment (Konhauser and others, 1993; Tazaki, 1997; Konhauser and
others, 1998).
In natural hot spring waters silica (SiO2 䡠 nH2O) is usually present in supersaturated conditions with respect to amorphous silica. However, recent studies have
addressed the condition of undersaturation that prevails in most of the Earth’s
aqueous natural environments. Fein and others (2002) found that, in undersaturated
solutions, there is little direct association between aqueous Si and the bacterial cell
surface, even under low pH conditions where most of the organic functional groups
that are present on the bacterial surface are fully protonated and neutrally charged.
However, Fe and Al oxide coated bacteria, and Fe oxide precipitates only, all bound
significant concentrations of aqueous Si over a wide range of pH conditions. They
concluded that the association between silicate minerals and bacterial surfaces is not
caused by direct Si-bacteria interactions, similar to the findings of earlier studies
(Ferris, 1989; Walker and others, 1989). Rather, the association is most likely caused by
the adsorption of Si onto Fe and Al oxides that are electrostatically bound to the
bacterial cell surface. Therefore the role of bacteria in silica and silicate mineralization
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
Fig. 7. Transmission electron micrograph of a stained, thin-sectioned cyanobacterium from a saline
alkaline lake. The cell is surrounded by a sheath (white arrow) that is encased in a layer of small clay minerals
(black arrow). Bar ⫽ 2 m.
is to concentrate Fe and Al through adsorption and/or precipitation reactions
(Warren and Ferris, 1998; Konhauser and others, 1998). Bacteria serve as bases or
perhaps templates, for Fe and Al precipitation, and it is these oxide mineral surfaces
(and perhaps other metal oxide surfaces as well) that are reactive with aqueous Si,
forming surface complexes that are the precursors to the formation of silica and
silicate minerals.
The mechanism of silica-microbe interaction was further probed by a series of
detailed studies using the cyanobacterium, Calothrix, a common constituent of biofilms
in hydrothermal environments (Jones and others, 1998). This is a freshwater species
that grows as a chain of cells within a thick polysaccharide sheath (fig. 8). The detailed
structure of this type of cyanobacterium was described by Douglas (1998). The strain
used in the silicification studies was isolated from a microbial community growing in a
hot spring sinter, where the filaments showed a preferred vertical orientation and
produced a distinct silicate fabric as they directed the depositional pattern of the
amorphous silica from the hot spring water (Konhauser and others, 1999).
Cyanobacteria interact actively with a polymerizing silica solution, and this interaction can be monitored and quantified. Once the initial silica sorption stage is
complete, the precipitation of amorphous silica will occur via an autocatalytic, abiogenic growth process, thus permitting the formation of silica-encrusted microorganisms as observed in many hot spring environments (fig. 9). Using a synchrotron-based
structural and chemical technique, Benning and others (2004) showed that the
reaction between live Calothrix cells and aqueous silica occurred predominantly on the
surface of the sheath although the cell wall itself is considered by far the most reactive
surface (that is, the sheath contains only ⬃15 percent of the total reactive functional
groups on the surface of Calothrix and most functional groups are located upon the cell
wall; Phoenix and others, 2002). In both whole cells and purified sheath, an increase in
spectral intensity of the silica and carbohydrate bands was interpreted as a combination of increase in EPS sheath thickness followed by the silicification of the bacterial
of Microbial Life
Fig. 8. The filamentous cyanobacterium, Calothrix. The upper image shows a light micrograph of these
organisms. A single rounded heterocyst (special nitrogen-fixing cell) occupies the widest end of the tapering
filament and is approximately 5 m in diameter (Bar ⫽ 20 m). The lower image shows a stained TEM thin
section across a Calothrix filament. A white electron-translucent zone separates the cell wall and cell from the
sheath. In this image the sheath appears as a concentric, fibrous layer forming the outermost structural layer
of this organism. Bar ⫽ 2 m.
filaments in response to the amorphous silica precipitation. These results corroborate
the findings by Phoenix and others (2000), who suggested that the sheath may be
necessary to provide the means for photosynthetically active cyanobacteria to survive
mineralization. The sheath acts as the mineral deposition site, thus providing a
physical barrier against colloidal silica deposition and preventing cell wall and/or
cytoplasmic mineralization. This may also explain why the observed silicification of the
sheath dominates over cell silicification.
Yee and others (2003) studied the actual mechanism of silica biomineralization
with Calothrix for neutral pH experiments and Thiobacillus for low pH studies. The
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
Fig. 9. A series of TEM images of unstained thin sections showing the progressive mineralization of a
sheathed, filamentous organism from a natural hot spring microbial mat. The mineral is silica and is
deposited in spherical, colloidal form until, eventually, in the bottom right image, only the sheath remains as
a recognizable microbial feature. For all images, Bar⫽ 2 m.
effect of time, Si concentrations, temperature and ferrihydrite concentration was also
investigated. In solutions supersaturated with respect to amorphous silica, direct
binding of silicate anions and formation of silica aggregates by bacteria was most
significant at low pH, when polymerization of monosilicic acid (H4SiO4) is slow and
kinetic activation energy barriers inhibit silica nucleation (Fortin and others, 1996).
They demonstrated that the presence of Thiobacillus promoted rapid formation of
amorphous silica at low pH values, while an abiotic system with the same chemical
conditions did not allow silica precipitation. Therefore in acidic conditions, bacteria
act as a reactive interface that facilitates heterogeneous nucleation and enhances the
precipitation kinetics.
of Microbial Life
At pH 7.0, monomeric Si can polymerize to form silica colloids (1–100 nm in
diameter) and the polymerization reaction rapidly decreases the concentration of
soluble Si in solution (Rinehart, 1980). At the same pH, the Calothrix cell surface
contains both protonated and deprotonated carboxyl, phosphoryl, and amine functional groups (Phoenix and others, 2002). Yee and others (2003) showed that the
interaction between Si and these surface functional groups is weak. At under saturated
conditions the stability of a silicic acid-Calothrix surface complex is very low. This is
consistent with the findings by Fein and others (2002) who demonstrated that dilute
concentrations of aqueous Si do not readily sorb onto bacterial cell walls. However,
silica precipitation experiments conducted with ferrihydrite-coated cyanobacteria
indicated that the presence of ferrihydrite surfaces significantly increased the rate and
extent of Si removal from solution (Yee and others, 2003). Increasing the amount of
ferrihydrite coating on the cell surface increased the rate and amount of silica sorbed
from solution.
Silicified Microbial Mats in Natural Environments: Wrinkle Structures
Sedimentary structures mediated by microbes are well known from carbonate
depositional settings yet, relatively little is known about microbial sedimentary structures that are produced in siliciclastic sedimentary environments. This section highlights the recently begun investigations of microbially created and mediated siliciclastic sedimentary structures. Like ancient stromatolites, these structures are perhaps best
preserved before the Phanerozoic advent of extensive bioturbation. Like stromatolites,
they are also common in stressed Phanerozoic and modern marine environments.
Wrinkle structures are a type of microbially mediated sedimentary structure found
preserved in siliciclastic deposits (Hagadorn and Bottjer, 1997). The formation of
these structures has been attributed to the stabilization of the substrate by microbial
mats (Hagadorn and Bottjer, 1997, 1999; Noffke and Krumbein, 1999; Noffke, 2000;
Noffke and others, 2001, 2002, 2003). Gerdes and others (1985) used the term Petee
structure for biogneic wrinkles and table cloth folds in contrast to the inorganic mud
crack systems named Tepee structures. They are common sedimentary features in
Proterozoic-Cambrian strata (for example, Hagadorn and Bottjer, 1997) although
their record has been found to extend back to the Middle Archaean (Noffke and
others, 2003). Wrinkle structures were originally interpreted as sedimentary structures
produced by physical current waning, wind-induced shear, mud cracking and sediment loading (for example, Allen, 1985) but are now known to be the preserved
remains of a microbial mat community (Hagadorn and Bottjer, 1997). The fact that
almost any sedimentary surface today, even the bottom of rain puddles, is soon
colonized by an overlying, cohesive “skin” of microorganisms, implies that such
formations should also have been present in some form or other in Earth’s past history
(Noffke and others, 2003). A time period to focus on for finding microbial matinduced structures would be prior to the advent of metazoans and their bioturbation
activities (that is, Cambrian and pre-Cambrian times).
Microbial mats in modern siliciclastic environments consist of a variety of microbial cell types and extracellular polymeric substances. Due to the combined presence
of filamentous microorganisms (mainly cyanobacteria and/or sulfide oxidizing bacteria) and EPS, well formed microbial mats have a very robust and cohesive structure;
significant force is required to pull them apart. Wave and current interaction with
these structures is recorded as microbially induced sedimentary structures (Noffke and
others, 2001). A number of key morphological characteristics have been defined by
Gerdes and Krumbein (1987) and Schieber (1999) to allow identification of lithified
(ancient) versions of these structures in the field. Among these, the most easily
recognizable are irregular, wrinkled bedding plane surfaces, laminae with mica
enrichment, and ripple patches on bedding planes in sedimentary rocks.
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
Another clue to the former presence of microbial mats is that they produce sharp
geochemical boundaries in sediments and thus sharp mineralogical boundaries in
sedimentary rocks such as sandstone (Bauld, 1981). Due to anaerobic decay of mat
microorganisms chemical conditions beneath modern mats in sandy sediments tend to
be strongly reducing (Bauld, 1981; Gerdes and others, 1985). In fact, conditions can go
from highly oxic (due to photosynthetic activity) to completely anoxic within millimeters. This may lead to formation of “anoxic” indicator minerals beneath the mat (for
example, pyrite, siderite, ferroan dolomite), although the mat surface itself is in
contact with oxygen-bearing waters (Gerdes and others, 1985). The cementation of
sand grains by these minerals can be considered a “mat-decay mineralization.” Welldefined, thin layers of these minerals in a shallow-water sandstone may be a clue to the
former presence of microbial mats (Gerdes and others, 1985; Garlick, 1988).
The culmination of the interaction of microorganisms with metals and minerals is
the formation of “mineral casts” or replicas of the microbial structure (that is,
microfossils). This is where the line between geology and biology really becomes
blurred (see fig. 9). Often, structures reported to be microfossils have been proven
later to be attributable to geological, abiotic formative mechanisms. However, their
true nature remained in doubt. Why should we care about microfossils? Because they
represent one of the earliest evidences for life from a time (billions of years ago) when
microorganisms were the only life forms on the planet. Given their profound effect on
modern day geochemistry, ecology, and their ubiquitous presence, it is reasonable to
assume that, at a time when microorganisms were the only life form present on the
planet, they must have had a great impact on the shaping of the biosphere.
What is a microfossil? How do we recognize it? A combination of chemistry,
morphology, and geological provenance must together give evidence supporting the
presence of a biological structure. With the advent of new techniques it is possible to
overcome some of the difficulties inherent in the study and identification of microfossils as bona fide biological structures. The ability to link biogenic signals to individual
microfossil structures will help unambiguously assess the biological nature of ancient
microfossils. Modern examples of microbial deposition of amorphous silica (opal)
exist, pointing to possible mechanisms for microfossil formation. Opal may replace
microbial structures (Schultze-Lam and others, 1995), leaving behind a mineral cast of
the former organism. It may also be deposited in layered microbial communities so
that opal stromatolite may be formed (Gorbushina and others, 2001).
One of the most effective methods developed to examine microbial communities,
living and fossilized, plus all the stages in between in the context of its geological
surroundings is electron microscopy in combination with the microanalytical technique of energy dispersive xray spectroscopy(EDS). Ascaso and Wierzchos (1994) were
the first to pioneer the combination of backscattered electron imaging and EDS on
embedded and polished samples in order to ascertain not only the presence of
microbial communities and associated minerals, but even the internal ultrastructure of
the cells. This was a breakthrough in our ability to understand the inter-relationship of
microorganisms and minerals in natural environments. Through studies of endolithic
microbial communities from the Antarctic Dry Valleys, it was ascertained that the
layered fungalphotobiont protolichen communities that inhabit these rocks (quartzite, granite, or marble) promoted the deposition of pericellular minerals (Fe, Al-rich
clays, iron oxides, and jarosite) and eventually were preserved as mineral replicas
(Wierzchos and Ascaso, 2001, 2002; Wierzchos and others, 2003, 2004).
New approaches to microfossil studies; examination of individual microorganisms.—In
order to understand some of the processes involved in the formation of microfossils,
new techniques allowing the chemical examination of indiviual microbial cells or
of Microbial Life
filaments offer new insight, providing complementary information to the study of
microbial communities as discussed above. Synchrotron based and PIXE (protoninduced X-ray emission) techniques allow high resolution and nondestructive chemical imaging of micron scale objects embedded in complex geological matrices (Philippot and others, 2000, 2001; Menez and others, 2002; Foriel and others, 2003). The
results obtained by SXRF (sunchrotron based xray fine structure) and PIXE demonstrate, first, that these techniques are suitable for determining the trace element
distribution on the scale of an individual microbial filament, and, second, that an
internal element signal remains in the silicified fossils that can be reasonably attributed
to a microbially derived origin and not to contamination, as indicated by the differential distribution of transition metals in the fossil core. Foriel and others (2003)
examined both live microbial filaments and microfosssil filaments on a single filament
basis in order to determine what elemental content and distribution differences may
exist between the two. The distribution of Fe, Cu, and Zn in the internal area of the
opal structure once occupied by a bacterial filament suggested that it contained these
elements and/or induced their precipitation on its cell surface (Fortin and others,
1997) either during its lifetime or during the fossilization process. Fe, Cu, and Zn can
be used as cofactors by living cells, and Fe-based microbial metabolisms are important
in hydrothermal regions. For example, several deep-sea vent species are able to reduce
Fe(III), while others can oxidize Fe(II), forming iron oxide crusts (Emerson and
Moyer, 2002). Therefore it is reasonable to find these elements in the internal regions
of the filament and they were also present in the living filament used in this study. A
more sensitive technique, SXRF (synchrotron x-ray micorfluorescence), was able to
provide further information on trace element distribution in individual bacterial
filaments and microfossils (Foriel and others, 2003, 2004). In both the living bacterial
filaments and the microfossil this technique revealed the presence of S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn,
Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Br, and Sr. However, elements attributable to contamination by sea
water (S, Cl, Ca, Br, Sr) were present only in the outer (sheath) layers of the living
filament and the microfossil.
A third technique, micro-XANES (micro-x-ray absorption near-edge structure)
conducted as part of the same study, represented the first chemical imaging of sulfur
oxidation states in microbial filaments, revealing the distribution of sulfur in a range of
redox states (Foriel, 2003; Foriel and others, 2004). In the same filaments studied by
the previously described techniques, the organic sulfur signal overlapped signals for
N-H and C-H groups, furthering the notion that the sulfur was biogenic as it was clearly
covalently bonded to organic molecules. Overall, recognition that the C-H groups
(and amide) for the bacterial filament maps overlay sulfur distribution of the living
bacterial filament further supports the interpretation that the sulfur signal is of
biogenic origin. The sulfur redox distribution coupled with the C-H group signal are
not limited to the bacterial filament but are also found in the filamentous microfossils.
These observations demonstrated that filamentous Fe-bearing microstructures embedded in silica from an inactive hydrothermal chimney are of biogenic origin.
concluding remarks
This paper has barely scraped the surface of the knowledge available regarding
microbiological involvement in shaping geology. However, it has hopefully given a
flavor of the breadth and diversity of microbe-mineral interactions.
All figures were from the author’s laboratory based on research funded by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
I would like to thank W. E. Krumbein, C. Vasconcelos, and J. Wierzchos for the
time they spent to provide very thorough reviews of this paper. Their comments helped
Susanne Douglas—Mineralogical Footprints
me make immeasurable improvements. I would also like to thank Dr. Pamela Conrad
for her continued encouragement and support as we delve into the world of microbes
and minerals together.
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