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2013, Intercom - Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XX Prêmio Expocom 2013 -Exposição da Pesquisa Experimental em Comunicação
6 pages
1 file
Blog é uma ferramenta que permite a exposição de ideias e pensamentos a serem compartilhados com o público que usa a web. A partir deste conceito percebe-se a necessidade de expor opiniões e trabalhos científicos de maneira pública para que através das postagens sejam ampliados os horizontes dos leitores a visualizarem o contexto que as cercam. Nesse espaço são expostos conhecimentos aprendidos em sala de aula.
Front Learning Research, 2017
ABSTRAK Data transaksi yang banyak sangat bermanfaat untuk pengembangan perusahaan, dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan ramalan masa depan dan atau untuk mempelajari masa lalu mengenai peluang dan tantangan bisnis. Penggunaan teknologi Business Intelligence (BI) dapat membantu melakukan analisa pada data dalam jumlah yang besar, selain itu, BI adalah alat yang ampuh untuk analisis kualitas dan analisis perusahaan. Penelitian ini akan merancang sistem informasi menggunakan pendekatan BI untuk melakukan analisis terhadap data transaksi. Fokus penelitian pada data laporan klinik ke Dinas kesehatan mengenai penggunaan obat dan pola penyakit. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode OLAP untuk menggambarkan visulisasi data. Penelitian ini memberikan manfaat dan keunggulan kompetitif pada Dinas Kesehatan khususnya Gudang Farmasi Kabupaten Mamasa. Sistem ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas keputusan yang diambil dalam menyelesaikan masalah pemenuhan kebutuhan obat klinik, memantau kegiatan operasional, memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dan manajemen data yang efektif. Kata Kunci : OLAP, Business Intelligence, Instalasi Farmasi. ABSTRACT A massive transaction data is very helpful in company's development; it can be used to describe future prediction and to study about the past about business chances and challenges. The application of Business Intelligence (BI) technology could help analyze massive data. Furthermore, BI is also a powerful tool to do quality analysis and company analysis. This research will design an information system using BI approach to do analysis towards transaction data. The focus of this research is in the clinic's report data to Public Health Office about the usage of medicine and disease pattern. This research will be using OLAP method to describe data visualization. This research will provide benefits and competitive advantage to Public Health Office especially Mamasa Regency Pharmaceutical Warehouse. This system will improve decision taken quality in fulfilling medicine in clinic, monitoring operational activities, and fulfilling the information necessity and effective data management.
La construcción de nuevas masculinidades a partir de las redes sociales virtuales. El caso del Conservatorio de Castella. , 2023
Resumen ejecutivo La presente investigación sociológica expone el análisis crítico respecto a la construcción de nuevas masculinidades a partir de las redes sociales virtuales, siendo estas WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook Spotify e Instagram, ya que son las más usadas y prioritarias para las personas participantes. Para lo anterior, se trabajó específicamente con hombres adolescentes que cursaron noveno año en el 2019. En el marco de esta investigación, se define como nuevas masculinidades la reconstrucción o deconstrucción de la masculinidad hegemónica, a partir de cuestionamientos acerca del rol de género socialmente asignado, así como los comportamientos que generen rupturas con el modelo tradicional de masculinidad, o bien adaptaciones de este. Entendiéndolas también como plurales, dando apertura a cualquiera. A nivel metodológico, esta investigación se enmarca con enfoque mixto orientado bajo la perspectiva metodológica del constructivismo social como parte de la participación activa de los hombres adolescentes; además, la naturaleza de la investigación es descriptiva y explicativa. Respecto al abordaje teórico del objeto sociológico, se encuadra desde la teoría de la performatividad, la teoría de la construcción social de la realidad y el interaccionismo simbólico. La ruta y proceso investigativo lo guiaron el objetivo general, este veló por analizar la construcción de nuevas masculinidades, a partir de las redes sociales virtuales en los adolescentes hombres de noveno año del Conservatorio de Castella, durante el primer semestre del 2019. Para lo anterior fue necesario, en primer lugar, identificar elementos de las redes sociales virtuales que forman parte de la construcción de las nuevas masculinidades, así como describir el rol que cumplen dichas redes, finalizando con la comprensión de las interacciones entre los adolescentes de noveno que se dan con las redes en mención. Algunas conclusiones refieren la pluralidad de las nuevas masculinidades y como algunas se construyen desde lo disruptivo, así como otras desde una adaptabilidad del modelo hegemónico, igualmente como en estos procesos de construcción adoptan elementos de las redes sociales virtuales, como lo son los memes, fotografías o imágenes de mujeres, el contenido enfocado a videojuegos, y los comentarios provenientes de estas. Palabras clave: Nuevas masculinidades, redes sociales virtuales, elementos, rol, interacciones, hombres adolescentes, Conservatorio de Castella.
Nigerian Journal of Management Studies, 27(1), 168-181, 2016
The global financial crisis in the banking sector centred on range of issues connected with risk and its management. In effect, many banks were seen as being excessively focused on the potential rewards of high-hazard activities; but focused less on the negative consequences of those activities. The study also identified insurance policies suitable for managing banking risks, and articulated the need for banks to use appropriate insurance policies to manage their risks. Using data collected through questionnaire from 1050 participants selected through stratified sampling technique; the study analysed the use of insurance in the Nigerian banking sector. The study was based on the theoretical aspects of insurance practice. The findings suggest that: banks have insurance company or subsidiary firm, banks purchase insurance through insurance brokers/intermediaries; banks are statutorily required to purchase insurance, and centralisation of insurance and risk management practices are paramount risk management practices among banks in Nigeria. Generally, the study indicated that banks should clearly articulate risk management policies in order to promote organisation-wide effort and effective management of risks across organisational spectrum; thereby, integrating risk management into banks' philosophy, practices and business plans. The implication for practice is that insurance is a risk management tool, suitable for managing banking risks.
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 1996
On the average, radiopharmacists spend about 17.2% of their time in clinical activities if their practice setting is in an institution, and about 8.5% of their time if their practice setting is in a centralized nuclear pharmacy. A recent survey of radiopharmacists was conducted to determine: (1) the percentage of time they spend engaged in selected activities, and (2) the specific clinical activities in which they are involved. A few radiopharmacists spend as much as 50% of their time in clinical activities, but most spend only 5% to 20% of their time. Some of the clinical activities involve direct interactions with patients, such as explaining the reasons for administering the radioactive materiel or actually administering the dose. Other clinical activities are indirect, such as reviewing charts before or after studies and making recommendations to other health care professionals. About half of the pharmacists surveyed see a need for increasing their clinical activities. The need to maximize the time involved in providing pharmaceutical care is discussed and several patient-care activities/responsibilities are proposed.
La empresa San marcos S.A. comercializa computadoras, en el mes ha realizado las siguientes compras: DEBE HABER 69 COSTO DE VENTAS 300 20 MERCADERIAS 300 DEBE HABER 61 VARIACIÓN DE EXISTENCIAS 300 79 CARGAS IMP. A COSTOS 300
in M. Reuchamps and Y. Welp (Eds.), Deliberative Constitution-Making: Opportunities and Challenges, Routledge., 2023
The significance of citizen participation is increasingly being acknowledged in the context of constitutional change. The chapter will focus on deliberation – in particular in the guise of citizens’ assemblies - in relation to constitutional reforms. Various processes of constitutional amendment and constitution-making – or more broadly relating to issues of quasi-constitutional standing – have included forms of citizen deliberation. Deliberative democratic practices are situated within the bigger picture of citizen participation in constitutional reforms, and the basics of deliberation introduced, to subsequently examine a number of selected cases of citizen deliberation in processes of constitutional change, regarding exponents, forms of participant selection, site of deliberation, types of deliberation, outcomes and manifestations of participation in the process. The final section discusses a number of critical issues, including the ad hoc nature of deliberative processes, the issue of how to connect micro-level to macro-level deliberation and issues regarding representation, legitimacy, and empowerment.
Teotlalco. Gacetilla del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades de la UNAM, vol. 9 (Agosto/Septiembre), D.F. México. Págs.: 3-5 y 10, 2015
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2022
Journal of Economic Studies, 1998
Italian Americana, 2013
… actuales de la historiografía lingüística: actas …, 2006
Computational Geosciences, 2021
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2009
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 2010
The European health psychologist, 2015