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Researchers from University of Helsinki are working on intelligent, open-source requirements management platform with decisionsupport capabilities. This poster presents the planned research approach and expected deliverables.
The high number of unsuccessful IT projects, due to the inconsistent and ambiguous requirements specifications, justifies the proposal of new socio-technical approaches to overcome these software quality issues. To address these problems it is required a platform that simultaneously fosters stakeholders' involvement to capture their tacit knowledge, but also to enforce Requirements Engineering best practices. In this paper, we present our approach for enhancing the quality and rigor of requirements specifications by combining emergent Web 2.0 concepts with CASE tools for requirements specification and validation. This approach provides a flexible platform for collaborative Requirements Engineering: non-technical stakeholders are assisted during the elicitation process and requirements engineers benefit from the seamlessly integration with a broader CASE tool.
Requirements Engineering, 2001
The system requirements specification (SRS) is a highly dynamic document that grows and evolves throughout a software development project, and it is critical that it be carefully engineered and managed. Because the SRS fulfils many roles and is of interest to a diversity of stakeholders, its management should be a collaborative process supported by an automated tool. Commercial requirements management tools are at present insufficiently versatile to support collaboration between a multidisciplinary and potentially distributed team of stakeholders. The requirements for such a collaborative tool are herein presented, alongside the design of a prototype and the findings of its application in a case study.
Abstract Managing requirements is a significant effort in software development, particularly on large projects. Factors contributing to the difficulty of requirements refinement and analysis include the need to support numerous stakeholders, monitor requirements evolution, maintain accurate traceability, and represent a wide variety of interrelated requirements. As a result, tool support is a necessity.
This paper attempts to identify prospects for existing requirements management tools. The paper is based on considerable experience of building and using requirements management tools, advising organizations on the selection of tools, and knowledge of ongoing research work in the area. The work of the principal author in this area was originally inspired by Prof. Roland Traunmüller who drew his attention to the gap in our understanding of the processes involved in the early stages of software development. Prof.
International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2012
Nowadays, lots of open source communities adopt forum to acquire scattered stakeholders' requirements. But the requirements collection process always suffers from the unformatted description and unfocused discussions. In this paper, we establish a framework ReqForum to define the metamodel of the requirement elicitation forum. Based on it, we propose a lightweight forum-based requirements elicitation process which includes six steps: template-based requirements creation, opinions collection, requirements collection, requirements management, capability identification and the incentive mechanism. According to the proposed process, the prototype SKLSEForum is established by composing the Discuz and its existed pulg-ins. The implementation indicates that the process is feasible and the cost is economic.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
Background: Requirement engineering is often considered a critical activity in system development projects. The increasing complexity of software as well as number and heterogeneity of stakeholders motivate the development of methods and tools for improving largescale requirement engineering. Aims: The empirical study presented in this paper aim to identify and understand the characteristics and challenges of a platform, as desired by experts, to support requirement engineering for individual stakeholders, based on the current pain-points of their organizations when dealing with a large number requirements. Method: We conducted a multiple case study with three companies in different domains. We collected data through ten semi-structured interviews with experts from these companies. Results: The main pain-point for stakeholders is handling the vast amount of data from different sources. The foreseen platform should leverage such data to manage changes in requirements according to customers' and users' preferences. It should also offer stakeholders an estimation of how long a requirements engineering task will take to complete, along with an easier requirements dependency identification and requirements reuse strategy. Conclusions: The findings provide empirical evidence about how practitioners wish to improve their requirement engineering processes and tools. The insights are a starting point for in-depth investigations into the problems and solutions presented. Practitioners can use the results to improve existing or design new practices and tools. CCS Concepts: • Software and its engineering → Requirements analysis;
"Sou só um sertanejo, nessas altas ideias navego mal. Sou muito pobre coitado. Inveja minha pura é de uns conforme o senhor, com toda leitura e suma doutoração. Bem, o senhor ouviu, o que ouviu sabe, o que sabe me entende... Guimarães Rosa, Grande sertão: veredas, 2021, p. 19 e 27" [...] Em seguida, nosso autor passa para a historiografia culturalista da filosofia brasileira, com a intenção de compreender seus pressupostos teóricos e avaliar sua contribuição para o tema. Lúcio Marques apresenta em detalhes as principais ideias de autores como Tobias Barreto, Sílvio Romero, Cruz Costa, Washington Vita, Miguel Reale, Antônio Paim e Jorge Jaime. Nem todos eles são culturalistas, mas a exposição e discussão das ideias dos mesmos permite que Lúcio Marques chegue à conclusão de que os culturalistas enfatizam os conceitos universais de filosofia e de ser humano, produzindo uma literatura da filosofia brasileira que vai da Escola do Recife à constatação da falta de originalidade da mesma. Isso lhe permite sugerir a possibilidade de pensarmos outras formas de historiografia da filosofia brasileira, incluindo características não perceptíveis pelos conceitos universalistas mencionados, que tendem a nos colocar dentro dos limites da filosofia europeia. Passando em seguida para a nova historiografia da filosofia brasileira, termo utilizado para diferenciá-la da historiografia culturalista, Lúcio Marques discute as ideias de autores como Leonel Franca, Stalislavs Ladusãns, Cruz Costa, Marcos Nobre & José Márcio Rego, Antônio Joaquim Severino e Paulo Margutti. Nosso autor pensa que o ponto em comum entre esses autores é a questão sobre a brasilidade da filosofia. E conclui que, graças à nova historiografia, a filosofia brasileira se tornou visível em virtude de uma análise historiográfica crítica das obras que a constituíram, apontando na direção da possibilidade de descolonizar a epistemologia filosófica em voga no país. Por fim, no que diz respeito à última abordagem do primeiro grupo, Lúcio Marques divide os autores de ensaios de caráter filosófico em três subgrupos. O primeiro deles é representado por Júlio Cabrera, Ronie Silveira, Rafael Haddock-Lobo e João de Fernandes Teixeira. Esses autores produziram textos críticos sobre a filosofia brasileira. O segundo subgrupo inclui Roberto Gomes, Gerd Bornheim e Ricardo Timm de Souza, que produziram textos envolvendo alguma ironia sobre a filosofia brasileira. O terceiro subgrupo inclui Bento Prado Júnior, Paulo Arantes e Ivan Domingues. Esse subgrupo produziu ensaios de grande relevância para a filosofia brasileira. Depois de apresentar as ideias ligadas a cada um desses subgrupos, Lúcio Marques faz um balanço crítico das mesmas, formulando suas próprias conclusões, que revelam um olhar crítico sobre a prática da filosofia entre nós. [...]
2 Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is the most widespread occupational-related illness in the EU. However, despite this prevalence, there have been few efforts to estimate the overall costs of the illness. Statistics on MSDs tend to underestimate the extent while failing to take the national situation and changing work context into account. Researchers agree that nowadays MSDs which are directly linked to strenuous working conditions are on the decline, while those related to stress and work overload are increasing. Organisational problems can be at the root of MSDs, and a participatory approach to prevention policies has found to be effective.
We will lay out the line of the American civil war that ran for over four years from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865. As we know, this was a pivotal period both in American history and in the rise of the Seventh day Adventist Church. Ellen White had three visions about the war. The first occurred on January 12, 1861 , ninety days before the beginning of the war, on April 12, 1861. Her second vision, which we will address first, was on August 3, 1861 , one hundred and thirteen days after the start of the war, and exactly twenty nine weeks after her first vision. Her third and final vision occurred fifty one weeks after her first vision on January 4, 1862.
approved: Dr. Robert S. Yeats The oldest sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks exposed in the Himalayan foothills of Pakistan record a gradual transition seaward from the evaporites of the Salt Range Formation to pelitic sediments deposited in deeper water to the north. The Upper Proterozoic Tanawal Formation was derived from erosion of a northern highland produced during the early stages of Late Proterozoic to early Ordovician tectonism. Early Paleozoic tectonism is indicated by an angular unconformity at the base of the Paleozoic section, the intrusion of the Mansehra Granite, and the local removal of Cambrian strata. Paleozoic shallow-marine strata are preserved in half-grabens created during extensional tectonism that began during the Carboniferous and climaxed with rifting during the Permian. Paleozoic rocks were largely or completely eroded from northwest-trending highlands on the landward side of the rift shoulder. Thermal subsidence of the rifted margin resulted in transgression of the highlands and deposition of a Mesozoic section dominated by carbonates. Compressional tectonism related
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