RENTAL AGREEMENT THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT is made and executed on this the 05th day of February2012(05.02.2012) by and between: Mr.MOHAMMED SUHAIL, S/o.Mohammed Syed, Residing at:No.93,4th Cross, 5th Main,Madeena Nagar, 7th Sector road,HSR Layout, Bommanahalli, Bangalore-560068. Hereinafter called the “OWNER/LESSOR” of the One part, and in favour of:- Mrs.NAJEEBA SADIA, W/o. Wajid Pasha, Residing at:No.897, Jamiya masjid street, Gargeshwari,T.N.Pura Taluk, Mysore-571110 Number of members staying 6: Wajid Pasha, Najeeba Sadia, Shahid zafar, Shakiba Anjum. Sharooq Khamar and Shahab Azhar Hereinafter called the “LESSEE/TENANT” of the other part:- Whereas the terms Lessor and lessee shall mean and include their respective,heirs,Legal representatives,administrators, and assigns etc. And Whereas the Lessor the sole and absolute owner of the house situated at No.93,4th Cross, 5th Main, Madeena Nagar, 7th Sector Road, HSR Layout, Bommanahalli, Bangalore – 560068, whereas the lessee has approached the lessor to let-out the schedule premiseson rental basis, and the lessor agrees to let-out the same under the following terms and conditions. The lessor agrees to let out the schedule premises for a monthly rent of Rs.6000/- (Rupees Six Thousand Only)per month, thus the lessee hereby agrees to pay the same on every month. Whereas the lessee shall agrees to pay the monthly rent by on or before 5th day of every English calender month. Whereas the lessee use the schedue premises for RESIDENTIAL PURPOSE only and should not use for any illegal or immoral purpose. The lessee will be a period 22(TWENTY TWO) months from the date of THIS AGREEMENT, but it can be extended by mutual consent. Whereas the lessee should not sublet or under let the schedule premises to any other persons without written consent from the lessor. The lesse shall keep the schedule premises in good and tenantable condition without any damage, if any damages caused by the lessee the mutual amount can be deducted from the security deposit. Whereas the lessee has this day paid sum of Rs. 5,00,000/-(Rupees Five Lakhs Only)by way of cash towards security deposit. Thus the lessor has received and acknowledges the receipt of the same. This amount shall not carry any interest and the same shall be refundable to the lessee at the time of vacating the schedule premises. The lesse shall vacate the premises on a TWO(2) months notice from the lessor.Similarly the lessee can vacate the premises after giving TWO(2) months notice to the lessor. At the time of Vacating the schedule House Premises the lessor have right to deduct sum of Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only) towards painting charges from security deposit. S C H E D U LE The Premises Situated at No.93, 4Th Cross, 5th Main, Madeena Nagar, 7th Sector Road, HSR Layout, Bommanahalli, Bangalore –560068, Accommodation consisting of :One Hall,One Kitchen, Triple Bedrooms,Three Attached Bathroom and Toilet, with Electricity and Water Facility RCC Roofed, Second Floor House. Fittings And Fixtures: 5Nos. Fans, 2 Nos Geyser, Wardrobes in 2 Bedrooms, Tube lights And Light Fittings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the above named lessor and the lessee has fixes their respective Signatures to the agreement On the day, Months and year fisrt above written. WITNESS:- “LESSOR/OWNER” 02. “LESSEE /TENANT”