Vol. 29: 23–33, 2015
doi: 10.3354/esr00697
Endang Species Res
Published online November 4
First satellite tracks of the Endangered
black-capped petrel
Patrick G. R. Jodice1,*, Robert A. Ronconi2, Ernst Rupp3, George E. Wallace4,
Yvan Satgé5
US Geological Survey, South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, G27 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson University,
Clemson, South Carolina 29634, USA
Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, 1355 Oxford Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2, Canada
Grupo Jaragua, El Vergel 33, Santo Domingo 10107, Dominican Republic
American Bird Conservancy, 4249 Loudoun Avenue, The Plains, Virginia 20198, USA
Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, G27 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson University, Clemson,
South Carolina 29634, USA
ABSTRACT: The black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata is an endangered seabird with fewer
than 2000 breeding pairs restricted to a few breeding sites in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
To date, use areas at sea have been determined entirely from vessel-based surveys and opportunistic sightings and, as such, spatial and temporal gaps in our understanding of the species’
marine range are likely. To enhance our understanding of marine use areas, we deployed satellite
tags on 3 black-capped petrels breeding on Hispaniola, representing the first tracking study for
this species and one of the first published tracking studies for any breeding seabird in the Caribbean. During chick rearing, petrels primarily used marine habitats in the southern Caribbean Sea
(ca. 18.0° to 11.5° N, 70.0° to 75.5° W) between the breeding site and the coasts of Venezuela and
Colombia. Maximum distance from the breeding sites ranged from ca. 500 to 1500 km during the
chick-rearing period. During the post-breeding period, each bird dispersed north and used waters
west of the Gulf Stream offshore of the mid- and southern Atlantic coasts of the USA as well as
Gulf Stream waters and deeper pelagic waters east of the Gulf Stream. Maximum distance from
the breeding sites ranged from ca. 2000 to 2200 km among birds during the nonbreeding period.
Petrels used waters located within 14 different exclusive economic zones, suggesting that international collaboration will benefit the development of management strategies for this species.
KEY WORDS: Black-capped petrel · Pterodroma hasitata · Satellite telemetry · Migration ·
Caribbean Sea · Western North Atlantic Ocean
One of the most effective means to inform assessment of threats to seabirds away from breeding sites
is to define their spatial and temporal use areas at
sea. In the western North Atlantic, marine spatial
data for Procellariiformes, as well as most other seabirds, have been obtained primarily through shipbased surveys, particularly south of ca. 35° N (O’Connell et al. 2009). At-sea surveys have the advantage
*Corresponding author: pjodice@clemson.edu
of targeting all species and age classes of seabirds for
specific locations at specific times and can be particularly effective at obtaining repeated measures from
a site of interest. However, such surveys tend not to
cover all areas of the ocean; often cannot distinguish
age, sex, or breeding status; and fail to explicitly link
breeding sites to marine locations. In the western
North Atlantic, this has resulted in gaps in our understanding of at-sea use of seabirds particularly in the
South Atlantic Bight and the Caribbean, where ship© The authors 2015. Open Access under Creative Commons by
Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are unrestricted. Authors and original publication must be credited.
Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com
Endang Species Res 29: 23–33, 2015
based surveys have been less common (O’Connell et
al. 2009, Jodice et al. 2013).
The western North Atlantic historically supported 3
breeding species of gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp.
The Jamaican petrel Pterodroma caribbaea is likely
extinct, last observed in 1879 (Douglas 2000). The
cahow P. cahow, also known as the Bermuda petrel,
is limited to ca. 100 pairs breeding on 4 small islets
around Bermuda (Madeiros 2012). The black-capped
petrel P. hasitata, also known as the diablotín, is estimated to have < 2000 breeding pairs and is listed as
Endangered on the IUCN Red List (BirdLife International 2015). The species is confirmed to breed at
Macaya, Massif de la Selle, and Sierra de Bahoruco
on Hispaniola Island and is suspected to breed at 2
additional sites in the Dominican Republic and 1 site
in Cuba (Simons et al. 2013), and radar surveys in
2015 in Dominica resulted in hundreds of detections
of black-capped petrels (A. Brown unpubl. data). Our
understanding of marine habitat use for both the
cahow and black-capped petrel has primarily been
limited to data gathered from surveys and opportunistic observations at sea, which are not balanced
in time or space. Recently, geolocators have been
used to investigate use areas and movement patterns
of the cahow (Madeiros 2012). Here, we report on the
first tracking efforts for the black-capped petrel. Our
study sought to obtain novel data on movement patterns between breeding and foraging sites, foraging
trip duration during the breeding season, and migration routes and wintering use areas. A more thorough and complex habitat modeling approach will
ca. 25 by 25 cm) from fine mesh wire with a 1-way
door. Solar-powered satellite tags weighing 9.5 g
(North Star Science and Technology) were attached
to birds along the upper back, central to the birds’
body mass, using 4 subcutaneous sutures (Ethicon
Prolene, 45 cm length, 2-0, FS reverse cutting, 26 mm
3/8 cm) and a small amount of glue (Loctite 422).
Satellite tags had suture channels running across the
width of the tag base to facilitate attachment. This
attachment technique has been used successfully
with other gadfly petrels and shearwaters (MacLeod
et al. 2008, Ronconi et al. 2010, Reid et al. 2014). The
duty cycle of the tags was 8 h on, 24 h off. We measured standard morphometrics and body mass of
adults. Chicks were left undisturbed. The handling
process lasted 20 min, and birds were then returned
to the burrow. Prior to leaving the nest site, we also
80° W
United States
Atlantic Ocean
We deployed 3 satellite tags on breeding petrels at
Loma del Toro on the Sierra de Bahoruco ridge
where nesting has been confirmed (Fig. 1). The site is
ca. 22 km inland and 1900 to 2300 m in elevation and
is characterized by steep slopes and ridges with
forests of Hispaniolan pine Pinus occidentalis and
pockets of mesic broadleaf. Since 2010, ca. 45 nest
burrows have been discovered sparsely distributed
across 7 km of this ridge. The nesting area is under
pressure from timber harvest, charcoal making, agricultural encroachment, and forest fires. Lighted cell
phone towers atop the ridge attract petrels and may
cause light-induced mortality (Le Corre et al. 2002).
Traps were set prior to sunset in burrows with evidence of nesting activity and checked at first light.
We constructed traps (ca. 0.5 m long with an opening
Dominican Republic
2 !
Caribbean Sea
Colombia L M
Fig. 1. Pterodroma hasitata. Study area. Circles with numbers indicate breeding colonies (grey: suspected breeding;
white: confirmed breeding; black: study colony). 1: Sierra
Maestra, Cuba; 2: Pic Macaya, Haiti; 3: Pic La Visite, Haiti; 4:
Morne Vincent, Haiti; 5: Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic. Letters indicate geographic and oceanographic features. A: Chesapeake Bay; B: Cape Hatteras; C: Charleston
Bump; D: Blake Spur; E: Windward Passage; F: Cayman
Ridge; G: Mona Passage; H: Albatross Bank; I: Nicaragua
Rise; J: Beata Ridge; K: Aruba Gap; L: Guajira Peninsula; M:
Gulf of Venezuela. Dashed line estimates the western edge
of the Gulf Stream for April to October 2014. Solid lines indicate bathymetry: 200 m (white) and 2000 m (grey). Dashed
area indicates the South Atlantic Bight
Jodice et al.: Petrel satellite tracking
placed a trail camera (Reconyx PC 800) at each
entrance (settings: movement detection = high sensitivity, 10 pictures per trigger, rapid fire, no delay).
All Argos locations were run through a Bayesian
state space model (package bsam, Jonsen et al. 2013)
to improve the accuracy of location estimates and
evenness of the sampling interval (Reid et al. 2014).
All Argos location classes were used as model inputs.
Nest visits by tagged birds (n = 9, confirmed by timestamped image on trail camera of arrival [n = 2],
departure [n = 5], or both arrival and departure [n =
2] from nest) were included as fixed locations and
anchored some trips to the breeding site during the
nesting season. The modeling approach uses a
Markov chain Monte Carlo method and ran 20 000
iterations (thinned by every 20th record) after a burnin of 80 000 iterations to eliminate the effects of initial
values. The model provided hourly locations for each
individual, but due to long ‘off’ periods of 24 h, it is
unrealistic to assume an even accuracy of location
estimates between these periods. We therefore filtered the modeled locations to include only those that
occurred within 2 h of any Argos location, hence
eliminating data with high uncertainty during ‘off’
periods but retaining an even sampling of higheraccuracy locations during ‘on’ periods. We classified
all locations as breeding or nonbreeding using the
camera data to support classifications (i.e. images of
parents entering or leaving the nest were used to
indicate breeding activity and initiation of nonbreeding activity). During breeding, we segmented each
track into separate foraging trips based on visual
assessment of the data and images from trail
Four adult petrels (1 incubating, 3 chick-rearing)
were trapped on 8 and 9 April 2014 (Table 1). Feather
status of chicks, data from nest checks, and ultimate
fate of nests suggested chicks were 1 to 3 wk post
hatch. Satellite tags were deployed on the 3 chickrearing birds. Body mass ranged from 375 to 425 g for
the 3 tagged birds, and hence satellite tags ranged
from 2.2 to 2.5% of body mass. Birds were tracked for
136 to 208 d, resulting in 488 bird-tracking days
(Table 2). Among all birds, 45% of locations were
accurate to <1500 m, and 90% were obtained with 4
satellite messages (Table 2). The mean and SD latitude for locations with 4 messages was 23.1 ± 8.5°
and for locations with < 4 messages it was 25.3 ± 7.7°.
Table 1. Morphometrics and nest status of 4 black-capped petrels Pterodroma hasitata captured at Sierra de Bahoruco,
Dominican Republic, 8 and 9 April 2014. na = not applicable
Wing chord
length (mm)
length (mm)
Head + bill
length (mm)
length (mm)
depth (mm)
Due to burrow collapse
Table 2. Total count and accuracy of satellite tag locations based on Argos location classes (LC) of 3 black-capped petrels
Pterodroma hasitata. LC 0, 1, 2, and 3 indicate the location was obtained with 4 (or more) messages and provides accuracy estimates of better than 250 m (LC 3), better than 500 m (LC 2), better than 1500 m (LC 1), and >1500 m (LC 0). LC A/B indicates
the location was obtained with 3 or 2 messages, respectively, and hence no accuracy estimates are available. Birds were
tagged on 8 and 9 April 2014
Bird ID
No. of days
at liberty
Total no.
of locations
LC 3
LC 2
LC 1
LC 0
30 Aug 2014
25 Aug 2014
4 Nov 2014
Endang Species Res 29: 23–33, 2015
Breeding season
Fig. 2. Movement patterns of satellite-tagged black-capped petrels
Pterodroma hasitata. (A) Seven trips made by Bird 175 while chick rearing, 8 April to 11 July 2014 (trip no. 1 = green, 2 = orange, 3 = purple, 4 =
blue, 5 = yellow, 6 = pink, 7 = red). (B) Five trips by Bird 176 while chick
rearing, 10 April to 28 June 2014 (trip no. 1 = green, 2 = orange, 3 = purple, 4 = blue, 5 = yellow). (C) One trip by Bird 177 while possibly chick
rearing, 9 April to 13 May 2014. Tracks may not form complete circuits
based on timing of location data. Black dots indicate breeding colony
Trail cameras captured 2 complete visits
(time-stamped image of bird arriving and
departing) from tagged birds (Birds 175 and
176), 5 complete visits from mates of tagged
birds (mate of 175, n = 3; mate of 176, n = 2),
7 incomplete visits (time-stamped image of
bird arriving or departing but not both) from
tagged birds (Birds 175 and 176), and 24
incomplete visits from mates of tagged birds
(mates from all 3 pairs, n ≥ 2 visits recorded
for each). Arrival times of tagged birds and
mates ranged from 22:13 to 04:08 h local
time (n = 9), and departure times ranged
from 22:04 to 04:17 h local time (n = 36).
Time at nest averaged 30.7 ± 8.9 min
(pooled among tagged birds and mates, n =
7). Based strictly on images from trail cameras, the mate of Bird 175 was recorded at
the nest on 15 occasions (4.8 ± 2.3 d
between visits), the mate of Bird 176 on 12
occasions (6.0 ± 3.7 d between visits), and
the mate of Bird 177 on 2 occasions (10 and
17 April 2014 but not thereafter).
For Bird 175, we defined 7 trips (Fig. 2A,
Table 3; 11.7 ± 3.2 d between visits). During
all 7 trips, Bird 175 travelled south across
the Caribbean Sea in 1 to 2 d and then spent
several days along the northern coast of
South America offshore of the Gulf of
Venezuela and Guajira Peninsula before
returning north across the Caribbean Sea to
the nest site in 1 to 2 d. Bird 175 sustained a
maximum average speed of 23.3 km h−1
during the third trip (no. 175.3) while flying
210 km in 9 h.
For Bird 176, we defined 5 trips (Fig. 2B,
Table 3; 14.8 ± 4.2 d between visits). On the
first trip away from the nest (no. 176.1), Bird
176 traveled north through the Windward
Passage to the continental shelf east of the
Gulf Stream. During trip nos. 176.2 through
176.5, Bird 176 remained in the Caribbean
Sea and occupied waters west of the Guajira Peninsula, off the eastern tip of Jamaica,
and over the Beata Ridge and Beata Plateau.
Bird 176 sustained a maximum average
speed of 25.0 km h−1 during trip no. 176.1
while flying 225 km in 9 h.
Foraging trips were unclear for Bird 177,
which was in the Caribbean Sea through
mid-May and near the nest site on 11 May
Jodice et al.: Petrel satellite tracking
Table 3. Characteristics of trips made by satellite-tagged black-capped petrels Pterodroma hasitata during chick rearing at
Sierra de Bahoruco National Park, Dominican Republic. Trip start and end dates were estimated based on a combination of
location data from satellite tags and images obtained from trail cameras placed at nest entrances
Bird ID.
Trip no.
duration (d)
distance (km)
distance (km)
but not thereafter (Fig. 2C, Table 3). On 13 May, Bird
177 departed the Caribbean Sea. During this postbreeding time, Bird 177 sustained a maximum average speed of 21.9 km h−1 while flying 153 km in 7 h.
Nonbreeding season
Nonbreeding tracks and use areas were defined to
occur after birds no longer returned to nest sites
(Fig. 3). Post-breeding dispersal began on 13 May
2014 for Bird 177, on 25 June 2014 for Bird 176, and
on 11 July 2014 for Bird 175.
Bird 175 exited the Caribbean Sea through the
Windward Passage and then travelled north over the
next 3 to 4 d before paralleling the Bahamas in the
vicinity of the Antilles Current (Fig. 3A). Until transmissions ceased on 30 August, Bird 175 occupied
waters over the continental shelf near the Blake
Plateau and Charleston Bump (Fig. 3A,C; 25 July to
10 August) and then east of the shelf near Pamlico
Canyon, Hatteras Canyon, and Hatteras Ridge
(Fig. 3B; 12 to 28 August). The final days of transmission from 26 to 30 August were from the South
Atlantic Bight near the Blake Spur. Maximum longitude reached was 69.8° W, and maximum latitude
reached was 35.5° N. During the nonbreeding season, Bird 175 sustained a maximum average speed of
15.3 km h−1 while flying 46 km in 3 h.
Bird 176 exited the Caribbean Sea through the
Windward Passage before paralleling the Bahamas
in the vicinity of the Antilles Current (Fig. 3A). Bird
176 occupied waters east of the shelf (3 July to 10
August; Fig. 3A,B) and east and north of the Blake
Dates and destinations
8−19 April; offshore Venezuela, Colombia
21 April−2 May; offshore Colombia
3−14 May; offshore Venezuela, Colombia
15−26 May; offshore Venezuela, Colombia
27 May−14 June; offshore Venezuela, Colombia, Aruba
15−22 June; offshore Colombia
24−30 June; Caribbean Sea (missing data)
10−24 April; Caribbean Sea to Windward Passage to
northeast of Bahamas to Mona Passage
25 April−5 May; Caribbean Sea, offshore Colombia
6−27 May; Caribbean Sea, offshore Colombia
28 May−11 June; Caribbean Sea
12−24 June; Caribbean Sea, Aruba Gap
Spur (11 to 24 August, Fig. 3A,C). Maximum longitude reached was 67.2° W, and maximum latitude
reached was 35.5° N. During the nonbreeding season, Bird 176 sustained a maximum average speed of
19.7 km h−1 while flying 79 km in 4 h.
Bird 177 exited the Caribbean Sea ca. 13 May
through the Windward Passage (Fig. 3A). Bird 177
also approached the South Atlantic Bight via the
Antilles Current. Bird 177 remained over the central
and eastern shelf in the South Atlantic Bight from ca.
18 May until 6 June. From ca. 7 June to 25 August,
Bird 177 was located primarily in pelagic waters east
of the shelf and within ca. 250 km of the Blake Spur
(Fig. 3C). Bird 177 then crossed back into shelf waters
north of Jacksonville Canyon ca. 25 August, approached to within 40 km of the Florida coast, then
traveled northeast and occupied waters over the shelf
in the South Atlantic Bight until ca. 1 September.
From early September through ca. 22 October, Bird
177 occupied waters primarily east of the shelf break
between ca. 31.25° and 38° N. Between 31 October
and 2 November, Bird 177 traveled ca. 900 km to the
southeast, crossing south over Gentry Bank towards
Hispaniola and ultimately arriving at or very near the
breeding site on 4 November 2014, the final day of
signal transmission (Fig. 3A). During the nonbreeding
season, Bird 177 sustained a maximum average
speed of 23.1 km h−1 while flying 207 km in 9 h.
Extent of at-sea range
The Atlantic Seabird Compendium includes ca.
5000 observations of black-capped petrels at sea
Endang Species Res 29: 23–33, 2015
100 200
100 200
Fig. 3. Movement patterns during the nonbreeding season of satellite-tagged black-capped petrels Pterodroma hasitata. (A)
Bird 175 (blue), 11 July to 30 August 2014; Bird 176 (purple), 28 June to 25 August; Bird 177 (yellow), 13 May to 4 November
2014. Birds 175 and 176 fledged chicks prior to departure of nesting area. (B) Detail of movements off Cape Hatteras, North
Carolina, USA. (C) Detail of movements around the Blake Spur. Black dot indicates breeding colony. Stars show locations of
last transmissions
from 1976 to 2006 (O’Connell et al. 2009, Simons et
al. 2013). The core of the marine range based on
these data is the western edge of the Gulf Stream off
Cape Hatteras, centered on ca. 35° N, 75° W, and is
ca. 50 km offshore. A second, less dense cluster of
observations also occurs within the South Atlantic
Bight, between ca. 30° and 33° N, 80° and 78° W, and
is 100 to 150 km offshore. Location data derived from
satellite tags suggest a similar but more spatially
expansive range (Fig. 4), including regular occurrence in the Caribbean Sea between Hispaniola and
South America and regular occurrence east of the
Gulf Stream and to the north, east, and south of the
Fig. 4. Overlap of location data from satellite-tagged blackcapped petrels Pterodroma hasitata (n = 1642 locations,
April to November 2014, blue) and observation data
archived in the Atlantic Seabird Compendium (O’Connell et
al. 2009, yellow). Compendium data are described in detail
in Simons et al. (2013). White polygons indicate boundaries
of exclusive economic zones (EEZ: VLIZ 2014). Black dot
indicates breeding site
Jodice et al.: Petrel satellite tracking
Blake Spur. Locations in the Caribbean Sea were
derived primarily from Birds 175 and 176 during trips
between nest visits, while locations in and east of the
Gulf Stream were derived during the post-breeding
season from all 3 birds.
Satellite-tagged petrels occurred, were located
within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (VLIZ 2014)
of 14 different countries plus international waters.
The highest number of locations (22%) occurred, and
days (21%) were spent, in international waters. This
was followed by waters designated as US (19% of
both locations and days), Colombian (12.5% of both
locations and days), and Bahaman (12% of both
locations and days; Table 4). Use of Panamanian and
Venezuelan waters adds 2 new countries to the range
for the species.
Marine locations: breeding and
nonbreeding seasons
Our results are the first to document individual
movements of black-capped petrels, among the first
to describe individual movement patterns for seabirds in the Caribbean, and one of only a few studies
to track Pterodroma species. Two of the 3 tagged
birds fledged a chick, while the third failed due to
burrow collapse, indicating that tagged birds did not
abandon chicks. During the breeding season, satellite-tagged black-capped petrels frequented waters
Table 4. Use of exclusive economic zones (EEZs, as defined
by VLIZ 2014) by satellite-tagged black-capped petrels
Pterodroma hasitata, April to November 2014
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
Turks and Caicos
International waters
No. of days
with ≥1 location
No. of locations
of the Caribbean Sea south and southwest of the
breeding site on Hispaniola. Because petrels are
commonly observed along the western edge of the
Gulf Stream and over the continental shelf offshore
of the USA during spring and summer months, it has
often been suspected that breeding birds commute
there from nest sites (Haney 1987, Simons et al.
2013). Only 1 of the 3 birds we tracked commuted to
this region while rearing a chick, although we have
no tracking data during incubation and our sample
size was small.
Both of the birds that fledged chicks made repeated foraging trips within the Caribbean Sea during chick rearing. Eleven of 12 trips recorded from
Birds 175 and 176 occurred in waters offshore of the
Gulf of Venezuela, the Guajira Peninsula, and the
embayment southwest of the Guajira Peninsula.
High fidelity to foraging sites in seabirds occurs
when prey availability is predictable (Weimerskirch
2007). Habitat features such as shelf breaks or eddies
may promote such consistency, although the temporal and spatial scale at which mechanisms operate
may vary. For example, black-browed albatrosses
Thalassarche melanophrys from the Kerguelen
Islands consistently forage at the same sites over
shelf breaks during the breeding season, but the
same species, when breeding at Campbell Island and
foraging at frontal zones which can vary in location
and strength, demonstrates less fidelity to feeding
sites among trips (Weimerskirch et al. 1997, Croxall
et al. 1997, Weimerskirch 2007). In our study area,
oceanographic data suggest that primary productivity may be relatively high within a narrow band of
water offshore of the coasts of Venezuela and Colombia, at least during spring and summer months
(NASA Aqua MODIS, accessed on 10 April 2015 via
BloomWatch 360 at www.coastwatch.pfel.noaa.gov).
Further, Andrade & Barton (2005) describe a consistent upwelling feature off the Guajira Peninsula
which can extend ca. 250 km offshore to the northwest, which can be present but variable in strength
year-round, and which appears to concentrate forage
fish (Paramo et al. 2003). Upwelling zones, shelf
breaks, and areas of high primary productivity serve
as high-quality habitats for foraging seabirds in other
oceanic regions, although comparative data within
the gadfly petrels are sparse (Phillips et al. 2006,
Rodriguez et al. 2013).
Trip length for tagged black-capped petrels
appeared to be relatively high compared to other
species in the order Procellariiformes and similar to
other species in the genus Pterodroma. Adams &
Flora (2010) report a 19 d trip for a breeding (unde-
Endang Species Res 29: 23–33, 2015
fined as incubating or chick rearing) Hawaiian petrel
Pterodroma sanwichensis. Simons (1985) found that
feeding intervals in Hawaiian petrels increased as
chick age increased and that during the 30 d prior to
fledging, chicks were fed on average once every
10 d. Pollet et al. (2014b) report maximum foraging
ranges, during incubation periods, for 25 species of
Procellariiformes (range from ca. 250 km in diving
petrels to ca. 3800 km in great shearwaters Puffinus
gravis) and a range:mass index (range from 0.12 in
black-browed albatrosses to 24.13 in Leach’s stormpetrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa). During our study,
foraging trip length of tagged birds during chick
rearing averaged 2200 km, and the range:mass ratio
averaged 5.5. Our average range:mass ratio is within
the range reported for 3 other gadfly petrels (Chatham
petrel Pterodroma axillaris = 10.47, Barau’s petrel
Pterodroma baraui = 6.23, grey-faced petrel Pterodroma macroptera = 3.86), although data may not be
directly comparable due to potential differences in
foraging behavior between incubation (Pollet et al.
2014b) and chick rearing (our study). For example,
foraging ranges of many procellariiform species tend
to be smaller during chick rearing compared to incubation phases (Rayner et al. 2012), and differences in
characteristics of foraging trips may also occur between sexes. Thus, our small sample may not include
an accurate description of the variability that likely
occurs in the characteristics of foraging trips for the
black-capped petrel.
Time at nest during provisioning was brief (<45 min).
All arrivals and departures occurred between 22:00
and 04:00 h local time. Comparative data from other
Pterodroma species are sparse, although nest visits
for blue petrels Halobaena caerulea were also brief
(< 65 min) and occurred during the night (Chaurand
& Weimerskirch 1994). Trip duration during our
study ranged from 8 to 22 d for tagged birds but,
based solely on images captured on trail cameras,
appeared to be shorter for mates of tagged birds.
Tagged birds may therefore be experiencing a
potential tag effect, although fledging success did
not appear to be affected. Villard et al. (2011) found
that Cory’s shearwaters equipped with satellite tags
provisioned lighter meals to chicks but that fledging
success was not affected. Continued miniaturization
in transmitter design has decreased the mass of solarpowered satellite tags to ca. 5 g (compared to the
9.5 g tags we used) and could allow for future tag
packages to weigh < 2% of body mass in this species.
Haney (1987) suggested that black-capped petrels
were likely to migrate to wintering areas in the South
Atlantic Bight along the Antilles Current north and
east of the Bahamas. Our tracking data confirm that
path. All 3 tagged birds exited the Caribbean Sea via
the Windward Passage and then travelled north and
west in the range of the Antilles Current. The shelf
waters west of the Gulf Stream offshore of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and within the South Atlantic
Bight supported most of the nonbreeding locations
for petrels in our study, and both of these areas also
support most of the existing observations of petrels
(Haney 1987, O’Connell et al. 2009, Simons et al.
2013). Tagged petrels, however, also occurred east of
the Gulf Stream more frequently than documented
by previous reports (Haney 1987, O’Connell et al.
2009, Simons et al. 2013). During our study, petrel
use was common near the Blake Spur, an area on the
eastern edge of the Gulf Stream that has received little attention in terms of seabird or oceanographic
surveys but that appears to support strong currents
and high densities of benthic fauna (Genin et al.
1992). Larval fish may also be concentrated in
regions such as the Blake Spur where currents are
strong or where they mesh, or where eddies or rings
form (Knights 2003).
Comparable and published tracking data are
sparse for gadfly petrels in the western North
Atlantic. Originating from breeding sites along the
coast of Portugal, the nonbreeding distribution of the
Bugio petrel Pterodroma deserta (commonly known
as Desertas petrel) includes the Gulf Stream and
South Atlantic Bight (Ramirez et al. 2013). Bugio
petrels may use these areas due to lower sea surface
temperatures and higher chl a concentrations (an
indication of higher primary productivity). Madeiros
(2012) also documented use of waters east of the Gulf
Stream by cahow during their breeding season but
did not address potential underlying mechanisms.
Data quality and tagging
Tag retention during our study (136 to 208 d) was
sufficient to allow us to track birds through chick
rearing and into the nonbreeding season, and in one
case to track a bird back to the breeding site at the
start of the subsequent breeding season. The same
attachment method has resulted in shorter average
tracking durations with grey-faced petrels Pterodroma macroptera gouldi (mean ± SE = 51 ± 5 d, n =
32; MacLeod et al. 2008), although these tags
weighed ~5% of the birds’ body mass and had an
expected battery life of only 60 d. Other species
tracked with battery-powered platform transmitter
terminals attached using the same methods we used
Jodice et al.: Petrel satellite tracking
showed tracking durations similar to ours (spectacled
petrels Procellaria conspicillata [mean ± SD = 130 ±
53 d, n = 8; Reid et al. 2014], shearwaters Puffinus
spp. [mean ± SD = 162 ± 78, n = 50; R. A. Ronconi
unpubl. data]). Ultimately, the fates of 2 of our 3
tagged birds (Birds 175 and 176) remain unknown.
Sutures may have failed, tags may have detached for
some other reason, or birds may have perished prior
to the initiation of the 2015 breeding season. We did
document, however, that the burrows from which
Birds 175 and 176 were captured were occupied at
the start of the 2015 breeding season. While not confirmatory, this observation does suggest those 2 birds
may have returned to breed given the low breeding
and burrow density for this species and the relatively
high fidelity to nest sites observed in petrels and
shearwaters, particularly when pairs breed successfully (Warham 1990).
Approximately 90% of all locations were estimated
from 4 satellite messages and hence included an
accuracy estimate, suggesting that satellite tags at
lower latitudes in this region were not prone to poor
accuracy levels. Approximately 71% of locations,
however, were estimated with an accuracy > 500 m,
which is adequate for mapping migratory routes,
determining ranges during breeding and nonbreeding, and even determining presence at a breeding
site. More careful consideration needs to be given,
however, if data from satellite tags are to be used to
relate bird locations to local conservation threats. For
example, if the accuracy of the location estimate was
> 500 m then we could determine if a bird was in the
vicinity of a potential threat such as a pollution
source (i.e. macroscale exposure, Burger et al. 2011).
This level of accuracy would not, however, readily
permit us to determine whether a bird was so close to
a potential threat that an interaction would likely
occur (i.e., meso- or microscale exposure, Burger et
al. 2011). GPS-level accuracy would allow for such
assessments, and such technology is becoming
increasingly available on lighter-weight tags. The
temporal resolution of the data also needs to be considered for conservation purposes. Smaller satellite
tags often collect data less frequently, in our case for
8 of every 32 h. Seabirds, particularly petrels, can
cover a substantial distance during these nontransmission periods. For example, birds in our study were
located 300 to 600 km from previous locations after a
24 h nontransmission period. Therefore, a substantial
gap in locations can occur, which may affect the reliability of threat assessment or habitat use for conservation planning. Increased sample sizes may help
offset these concerns.
Use of EEZs
Seabirds regularly cross political boundaries, and
tracking data provide an effective tool to detail such
movements and therefore provide an ecological link
among countries (Gonzalez-Solis et al. 2007, Jodice &
Suryan 2010, Pollet et al. 2014a). For example,
Suryan et al. (2007) documented the use of 6 EEZs by
short-tailed albatrosses Phoebastria albatrus along
the rim of the north Pacific and assessed by-catch risk
in each. The Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and
waters adjacent to the southern Gulf Stream, as well
as international waters, contain ca. 25 EEZs. Birds in
our study occupied 56% of the EEZs available in this
broad area during a period of 4 to 6 mo. Therefore,
although conservation actions targeted at breeding
sites of black-capped petrels can focus on a limited
number of nations, those targeted at marine use
areas must consider a large number of countries with
a diverse array of laws, policies, environmental
attributes, and resource use. For example, areas in
the South Atlantic Bight that appear to support
petrels are under consideration for development of
oil and gas leasing (Goetz et al. 2012, Bureau of
Ocean Energy Management 2015), while concern
exists about potential risks to petrels from development of offshore wind facilities in the Caribbean
(Goetz et al. 2012). Furthermore, while the species is
afforded some legal protection in each country in
which it is known to or suspected to breed, protection
in nations where the species does not breed but
where it uses marine habitats is far more difficult to
assess (Goetz et al. 2012). Some international plans
such as The Protocol Concerning Specially Protected
Areas and Wildlife, however, may afford some protection in countries where the species uses marine
habitats. As additional movement data are collected
for the species and as a more complete picture of EEZ
use throughout the entire annual cycle becomes
available, a more thorough investigation of legal
protection and policies can be undertaken.
In summary, our results document movement patterns and use areas of individual black-capped
petrels during both breeding and nonbreeding
phases. Prior to our tracking efforts, the marine range
of the black-capped petrel was based solely on at-sea
observations from surveys and opportunistic sightings (Haney 1987, O’Connell et al. 2009, Simons et al.
2013). During the breeding season, we observed regular use of the Caribbean Sea during chick rearing,
while post-breeding birds used waters of the South
Atlantic Bight, offshore of Cape Hatteras, and waters
east of the Gulf Stream. Although not a species that
Endang Species Res 29: 23–33, 2015
breeds in the USA, our data suggest that the species ➤ Burger J, Gordon C, Lawrence J, Newman J, Forcey G, Vlietstra L (2011) Risk evaluation for federally listed
spends as much time in US waters as in any other
(roseate tern, piping plover) or candidate (red knot) bird
individual country. Our research demonstrated the
species in offshore waters: a first step for managing the
feasibility of tracking this endangered species, but
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Atlantic outer continental shelf. Renew Energy 36:
our limited sample size prohibits detailed habitat
modeling or risk assessment. Additional tracking
Chaurand T, Weimerskirch H (1994) The regular alternation
studies conducted throughout the annual cycle
of short and long foraging trips in the blue petrel
would benefit such efforts and better inform conserHalobaena caerulea: a previously undescribed strategy
vation plans for the species.
of food provisioning in a pelagic seabird. J Anim Ecol 63:
Acknowledgements. Support for this research was provided
by the American Bird Conservancy, Mohamed bin Zayed
Species Conservation Fund, Cary and David Paynter
through the H. Smith Richardson Jr. Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, Jeff Rusinow, The Nature Conservancy (special
thanks to Dave Mehlman), the US Fish and Wildlife Service,
Stuart and Lynn White, US Geological Survey Cooperative
Research Units, and Clemson University. In addition to the
institutions of the authors, the Instituto Tecnologico de Santo
Domingo was a collaborator on the project through their
affiliation with Grupo Jaragua. The Ministerio de Medio
Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la República Dominicana
and the Ministère de l’Environnement de la République
d’Haïti provided valuable assistance and support. Field
assistance was provided by Jairo Isaa Matos, Gerson Feliz,
Esteban Garrido, José Luis Castillo, René Jeune, and Victor
Renozier. James E. Goetz provided long-term support to
Grupo Jaragua. Ted Simons provided helpful comments on
a draft version of this manuscript, as did 2 anonymous reviewers and the responsible editor. Jen Wheeler provided
valuable insight on conservation efforts for black-capped
petrels. The South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
Research Unit is supported by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Clemson University, the US Fish
and Wildlife Service, and the US Geological Survey. Any use
of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes
only and does not imply endorsement by the US government. Permits for this research were provided by El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la
República Dominicana.
This paper is dedicated to our friend and colleague Dave
Lee, who pioneered at-sea research on seabirds in the
northwestern Atlantic and advocated tirelessly for enhanced
conservation of black-capped petrels and all seabirds breeding throughout the Caribbean.
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Submitted: April 21, 2015; Accepted: August 24, 2015
Proofs received from author(s): October 14, 2015