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17 pages
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Tool design is a specialized area of manufacturing engineering comprising the analysis, planning, design, construction, and application of tools, methods, and procedures necessary to increase manufacturing productivity. To carry out these responsibilities, today's tool designer must have a working knowledge of machine shop practices, toolmaking procedures, machine tool design, manufacturing procedures and methods, as well as the more conventional engineering disciplines of planning, designing, engineering graphics and drawing, and cost analysis.
To face challenges industries needs to increase their production rate with good quality product, achieving production in time. This project is proposed method to design modified angle jig for the drilling holes on given component. Thus the time required for the production of component should be decreased to as small as possible with the help of these jig. The marking time, loading and unloading time can be get minimise with reduction in rejection, and cost effectiveness tool. In this paper we starts from basic conseptual design of jig and comes up with this model which can satisfy theoretical concepts of jig design.The 3D model design done on Solidworks & 2D drafting carried on using AutoCAD.
The paper gave a detailed definition of jigs and fixtures, and also identified the numerous advantages that are associated with the use of jigs and fixtures in manufacturing to include: production increase, cost reduction, interchangeability and high accuracy of parts, reduction of the need for inspection and quality control expenses, reduction of accident as safety is improved, automation of machine tool to an appreciable extent, easy machining of complex and heavy components, as well as low variability in dimension which leads to consistent quality of manufactured products. The work also explained that since the design is dependent on numerous factors which are analyzed to achieve an optimum output, that jigs and fixtures should be made of rigid light materials to facilitate easy handling. For adequate strength and rigidity, a mild steel with 16 millimeters diameter was chosen for the design of a sample jig and fixture. Mild steel which contain about 0.29% of carbon are very cheap, and because of their easy availability are often the choicest material for the making of jigs of fixtures.With 1.5 as the material factor ‘k’ for mild steel, a feed rate of 0.17 millimeter per revolution, and a drill diameter of 16 millimeters, the Thrust/Drilling force was calculated as 3094.2 N. The Force acting on each of the lips was calculated as 1700 N, the Torque (M) was gotten as 1360N-mm, while the value of the Clamping Force was also calculated as 4080N. The calculated values confirmed that a 16 millimeter diameter mild will lead to the construction of a rigid and strong jigs and fixtures that will guarantee high machining accuracy, consistent quality of products, and interchangeability. Finall, the paper advocated that jigs and fixtures must be provided with adequate clearance which should allow for variations in size of components especially during forging, milling, and casting operations.
A novel approach to avoid the knowledge gap between the design and the manufacture is presented in this paper. The main idea is to build the system in the form of computer program, which core is the manufacturing expert system, to be used by the product designer. The system reveals critical features of the newly designed product from the manufacturing point of view and points them out to the product designer. According to critical features of the product design, the product designer can decide wheatear to change the critical part of the product or not-he is the only one who may make changes in the design of the product. The system presented in this paper is prepared for the toolmaking industry, where a lot of relatively cheap products are made by one relatively expensive tool. Since the shape of the cavity in the tool is the negative shape of the product, small changes in the product design can significantly reduce the manufacturing costs of the tool. A design adaptation system for machining in toolmaking (DASMT) reveals features, which are critical for machining and makes suggestions to the product designer to alter the features by keeping the overall functionality of the product.
Standard machine tools can be converted into speciality machine tools with the help of jigs and fixtures. Jigs and fixtures continue to be employed, either alone or in conjunction with other technologies, despite the general trend toward higher quality production. Although several writers have provided valuable details on some aspects of fixture design, there is still a need for a unified approach to creating jigs and fixtures. This paper examines the fundamentals of fixture and jig design. These principles of location, clamping, and automation in fixture design form the heart of effective jigs and fixture design, which evolves irrespective of the rapid evolution of machine tools and manufacturing technologies. The ideal fixture would solve the workpiece distortion brought on by clamping and cutting force, in addition to the high productivity and machining repeatability it would otherwise provide.
Computer-Aided Design of Traditional Jigs and Fixtures, 2021
Conventional design of jigs and fixtures has become unsuitable given the requirements of modern technology and complexity and diversity in the production with the rapid update of products. Computer-aided design (CAD) of jigs and fixtures is an effective solution in this direction. The current paper focuses on a computer-aided design of the traditional jigs and fixtures and developed a system containing tailor-made software, created using the Visual Basic programming language and installed on it the viewer screen to show the part. The developed system has been built by connecting Visual Basic programming language to the SolidWorks software on which the part is drawn and saved as STEP AP-203 file format, and the system reads and extracts the data from the STEP AP-203 file. Heuristic rules of feature recognition are pre-prepared for checking the extracted geometric data and deciding which data shape will represent the machining feature; then, the system provides the optimum design of the traditional jigs and fixtures for a group of hollow cylindrical parts that contain a group of cross-holes on the cylinder body, whether perpendicular or offset from the cylinder’s axis, (inclined or inclined offset, or blind or through, by applying pre-prepared heuristic rules for the design of traditional jigs and fixtures.
Production Engineering, 2011
Serving individual customer needs at reasonable prices can be a profitable target market in high-wage countries. The dilemma between scale and scope-oriented production is one major research topic within the Cluster of Excellence ''Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries'' at the RWTH Aachen University. One main objective of this project is to bridge the existing gap between individual manufacturing and mass production. Modularization is a widely accepted approach in tool-based manufacturing processes. In this paper, we propose a flexible design methodology for modular tools and dies. The methodology will assist the design engineer in setting up a series of modularized tools in a conceptually closed manner. The described methodology covers modularization in a broad sense, i.e. it includes hardware modularization as well as modularization of the construction process. The methodology consists of three phases: initiation, analysis and design phase.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2013
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Ética Capitalista
Los estudios tradicionales sobre el derecho natural y la justicia se han visto eclipsados por el desarrollo de una concepción de la ciencia económica que, de manera torpe y mecanicista, ha pretendido aplicar al campo de las ciencias sociales una metodología que inicialmente se formó para las ciencias naturales y el mundo de la física. Según esta concepción, la característica diferenciadora” de la teoría económica consistiría en la aplicación sistemática de un estrecho criterio de “racionalidad”, de manera que tanto la acción humana individual como la política económica a nivel general se considerarían determinadas por cálculos y valoraciones de costes y beneficios a través de un criterio de maximización que se suponía hacía posible “optimizar” la consecución de los fines perseguidos a partir de medios dados. De acuerdo con este enfoque, parecía evidente que las consideraciones relativas a los principios éticos como guías del comportamiento humano perdían relevancia y protagonismo. En efecto, parecía que se había logrado encontrar una guía universal del comportamiento humano que, en sus distintos niveles (individual y social), podría llevarse a cabo aplicando un simple criterio maximizador de las consecuencias beneficiosas derivadas de cada acción, sin necesidad, por lo tanto, de tener que adaptar comportamiento alguno a unas normas éticas prefijadas. La ciencia habría logrado de esta forma arrumbar y hacer obsoletas las consideraciones relacionadas con la justicia.
Work, Aging and Retirement, 2018
Visigothic Symposia, 2019
Comunicación y sociedad (Guadalajara), 2021
Cuerpos experienciales. Corporalidades en resistencia y arte latinoamericano insumiso, 2018
African Diaspora, 2022
Precambrian Research, 2012
Computers & Structures, 1988
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2015
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2002
When the Movies Mattered, 2019
Revista de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais, 2009